Strong runes for wealth and fulfillment of desires. Runes of wealth and luck How to apply to become a rich patron

By becoming a “Rich Patron” - with its help you can find a rich patron, or simply a partner who will be ready to pour his finances into your joint business.
It also becomes suitable for greedy gentlemen to buy gifts for their girls. This stav contains the Laguz rune, which will help you find the “key” to a person.

Theiwaz- search for a protector, patron.

Mannaz- the person himself + we establish bonds with the person.

Laguz- we find the “key” to the person + successful negotiations.

Inguz- the ground for good relationships + prepares the climate for them.

Eihwaz- protects + makes it possible to achieve what you want.

Fehu- money channel.

Black and white version:


Option one:

“By the power of this runic stave and the power of the Gods, the man (the man’s name or his full name) gives me gifts (or a gift, and you name what you want to receive from the man),
I activate this runic becoming... (instead of dots, you must say that you activate either with saliva, or with breath, or in the way you are used to activating). This runic becoming “Rich Patron” works without harm to my physical and mental health. health. The runic becoming I deactivate “Rich Patron”... (instead of dots, say by burning, or as you are used to deactivating). Let it be so!"

If you use the first option, be sure to bring gifts to the Gods according to all the rules.

Option two:

"By the power of this runic stave, a man (name or full name) will give me a gift (state the name of the gift that you want to receive). I will activate this runic stav... (instead of dots, you must say that you activate either with saliva, or with breath, or so , as I’m used to activating). This runic becoming “Rich Patron” works without harm to my physical and mental health. . Let it be so!"


Became tested on a girl and her boyfriend.

The man is married, and the girl is his mistress. Krol constantly complained that there was not enough money, that his wife demanded that he bring home every penny of money, and that he was all so poor and unhappy.

After applying the stav, the man himself offered a choice of what the girl wanted: Golden ring, gold bracelet or gold chain(I didn’t say anything about earrings).

In the end, he bought the girl a gold bracelet, since she herself told him that she wanted a gold bracelet from the list listed. Plus I went and bought flowers (three roses).

It begins to take effect from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. Lays down softly without harming anyone. The only thing is that the rabbit may complain that he is a little tired, but the fatigue will pass during the evening or during the day.

Side effects:

The rabbit is tired, but the girl will not be to blame for his fatigue.

Your stav, opened it, I’m sitting looking at it on the monitor, not really straining, not thinking about anything, I mentally disassemble it into its components, in general I read the stav, I’m surprised at how simply and wonderfully it’s composed, the state is absolutely relaxed, I don’t think about anything - something else - I just became very good, I like it, I admire it. From the beginning of my gawking at the station until the call, 10 minutes passed. Then, when my friend arrived, I asked what was the reason for his generosity. He explained that he was walking down the street, saw a jewelry store, just walked in, saw a beautiful ring and remembered how good and wonderful I was, how many times I had helped him out, and New Year, so I bought it as gratitude.

I was surprised, it turns out that when I looked at him, he was walking down the street... I didn’t expect it at all, I didn’t think about him, I always perceived him as just a good acquaintance, even an enemy. Now it turns out that the less you strain, the better. Most of my bets take a long time to spin up, probably the “zhdanka” does not turn off, but here once - that’s all.


Magic is magic, sorcery, rituals associated with a person’s ability to influence other people, animals, the forces of nature, as well as spirits and gods. Magic is, first of all, faith.

Belief in the supernatural connection of man with higher powers and the world around him. There are a lot of tools for magical work. Runes are one of them. The goal of runic magic is to change the surrounding reality through the use of runes - the ancient alphabet of the peoples of Northern Europe.

Runes of wealth and luck

You can achieve a lot with them. You can not only influence the behavior of others, but also significantly help yourself in any area of ​​life. What worries modern people most? Of course it's money! Runes for wealth and luck will help us make changes in this area of ​​life and solve many life problems.

The most money rune is considered to be the Fehu rune. This is the first rune of the ancient magical alphabet that opens the Elder Futhark.

(from left to right) Fehu, Yera, Otala, Dagaz

It symbolizes birth, the beginning of new projects. This is the rune of a happy turn in life, as well as a rune for attracting good luck and money. In ancient times, this symbol was associated with two deities: the Scandinavian god of fertility named Frey and the patron goddess of all lovers, Freya. Therefore, Fehu is responsible for wealth and success, both material and spiritual. But you shouldn't rely on it as magic wand. You need to make an effort, and Fehu’s energy will guide you where you need to go. Therefore, the rune will work for those people who are aimed at positive result and are ready to act to achieve it, and not sit idly by. The Fehu rune can be used for magical purposes on its own or as part of runic formulas.

Other runes for attracting money and good luck in the Scandinavian tradition are Jera, Otala, Dagaz.

Runes to attract money and good luck


This symbol traditionally means harvest. We can say that Yera is a fair reward for the efforts made. When using this rune to attract good luck in work and financial matters, it is worth trying, because it will only help if you take active action, as well as deliberate movement towards your goal.


This is the rune of property. It symbolizes real estate, land, in general, everything that can be purchased for oneself with money. By turning to the magic of this sign, you can enlist the support of an influential patron - make sure that influential people are attracted into your life. Odal also not only helps to preserve one’s roots, but also works to increase wealth.


This rune signifies an increase in wealth. It is used to attract prosperity, success, positive events. The energy of the Dagaz rune is positive and bright. The use of this rune will speed up the successful completion of any business.

Slavic runes to attract money and good luck

Knowledgeable magicians also use ancient, incredibly powerful ancient Slavic runes to attract money and good luck. The runes of the Slavs - Dazhdbog, Bereginya, Perun - carry the energy of wealth and prosperity.


This rune has a very powerful force, so you can count on its help in good deeds and good intentions. A person who is under the protection of the Dazhdbog rune is cleansed of the vanity of life and embarks on the path of spiritual development. We can say that the symbol of Dazhdbog stands next to such concepts as good, kindness, gift.


This ancient Slavic rune helps to attract changes and new acquaintances to a person, changes the course of his life for the better, and moves protracted affairs from a dead point. Perun is the protective talisman of a Warrior who goes to fight for his opinion and his Motherland. This rune is always associated with victory at any cost, the power of the elements, and violence.


Bereginya is the maternal principle. The patroness of this rune is considered to be goddess Makosh, managing destinies and crafts. The main meaning of Beregini is fertility, which means a constant transformation that helps a person survive and leads him to happiness and material prosperity. Without fertility there would be no life on earth. Bereginya is responsible for a prosperous fate, as opposed to evil fate.

All these runes, which bring good luck and wealth, can be used either individually, as amulets, or as part of runic formulas consisting of several signs, where each symbol complements and enhances the effect of the other. The most effective runic staves are compiled individually. They take into account the goals and needs of the specific person for whom the formula is being drawn up. But if you are not strong in runic magic and do not know how to compose runescripts yourself, then you can use simple universal formulas to attract wealth and good luck.

Universal formulas for attracting wealth and good luck

Three Fehu

This is the most popular magic formula for attracting financial well-being. The Fehu rune, both single and triple, has very powerful energy. As a money talisman, this formula will help direct financial flows in the direction you want, as well as achieve progress in all areas of life.

Otala + Fehu + Yera

Formula for increasing profits and property. This runic formula can contribute to a significant increase in already accumulated capital. It helps protect your savings from unreasonable spending, theft, and also teaches you how to properly manage money, invest it wisely, thereby increasing your wealth.

This runic combination is used for stable financial growth and improvement financial situation. It is recommended to draw the formula directly on a bank card or carry it in your wallet; the main thing is to put into it a clear intention to increase your capital.

Becoming a "Rich Patron"

To more complex runic staves can be attributed to becoming a "Rich Patron".

This formula works to attract a wealthy patron, partner or sponsor into your life who is ready to invest money in your business. Also, this becoming will help to promote a greedy gentleman for gifts for his passion.

  • Teyvaz: This is a search for a protector and patron
  • Mannaz: Represents a person, establishes a connection with a person.
  • Laguz: Allows you to find the “key” to a person in order to conduct successful negotiations.
  • Inguz: Prepares the ground for profitable relationships.
  • Eyvaz: Protects a person, helps him achieve what he wants.
  • Fehu: Symbolizes the money channel, receiving money and gifts.

Formula "Gift Certificate"

Another version of the formula is called “Gift Certificate”.

What makes it unusual is the use of European glyphs and symbols of acquiring wealth. It is used when they want to receive a lot of gifts.

Gift - symbolizes receiving a gift.

Opening opportunities - destroys obstacles, opens up new opportunities for a person.

The present moves the situation from a dead point, harmonizes and supports it.

Concentration of forces - enhances the magical effect of the stave.

Signs - contribute to enrichment and material profit.

All of the above formulas are applied to wooden dies, accessories, bank cards, banknotes, clothes, or simply on a piece of paper that is carried with you. And placed in a wallet, these runic formulas will become the strongest magnet for attracting money.

But no matter what formula you choose, before applying it, you need to perform a certain magical action, that is, charge the runes that bring good luck and wealth with energy, revive them and put a program into the formula - what you want to get as a result.

Runic ritual to attract wealth

To turn an ordinary wallet into a real money magnet, you need to perform a simple ritual. What is needed to perform this ritual.

  1. Buy a new wallet. It is better if the wallet is red, since it is most associated with magic. Purchase must be made on Thursday or Saturday
  2. Having brought your wallet home, you need to mentally imagine how the flow of funds moves towards it, filling it. Hold it in your hands for a while, visualizing a picture of cash flow
  3. Then draw the Fehu rune on the inside of the wallet or put a piece of paper with a pre-drawn rune in it. For greater effect, you can drip money aromatic oil onto the rune. These oils include patchouli, orange, cinnamon

All. Your magic money wallet is charged, you can use it for its intended purpose.

Amulets and talismans of wealth and good luck

Today, runes of wealth and good luck are most often used in the form of talismans. Such talismans can be found in specialized stores. But it is better if the amulet is made with your own hands - this way its effect will become more powerful.

The most suitable materials for creating a runic amulet are natural materials. For these purposes, wooden dies, stones, minerals, leather, clay, bones, copper, gold, and silver are used. If you have decided on the material, you can begin applying the runic formula. Application methods may also vary. Runes can be cut sharp knife, can be engraved, painted or scented. Runes must be handled with respect and care.

The result will depend on how you program the formula. Therefore, the activation of the formula is an important point during the activation of the runic talisman. There are many options for activating runic formulas. From activation by breathing after a slander to activation by the elements with the calling of the gods and the obligatory offering of gifts to the gods for their help. Everyone can choose any option that suits them best.

In conclusion, we can say the following: in order for runes to attract money and good luck to work, it is not enough to simply apply them - it is important to work with your consciousness. It should be on the same wavelength with the runes, support them, and not contradict them. There should be no blocks or restrictions in your head that interfere successful work with runes, otherwise you will not get results.

Believe in luck, believe in yourself. And then everything will work out!

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about the magic of runes, and will pay attention to the runes of prosperity and wealth. To attract money into your life, it’s not enough to just want it. There is a set of magical rituals to quickly attract energy and prosperity, and this is what will change your life and open the way to big money. You will be able not only to attract money, but also to hold it so that it does not flow away like water, but works for you. To do this, you need to make the energy of wealth rotate, not stagnate, not dry up.

Powerful runes of wealth will make you attractive to the money egregor, and he will come into contact with you more often and more willingly. For this purpose, positive runes are used, which also bring prosperity. Statues and formulas consisting of such runes, and having an exact program set by the magician, will help you solve your problems in different areas of life. But today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk specifically about money, and will consider examples of runic staves.

Which rune attracts money - becoming a rich patron

With its help, you can find a sponsor and philanthropist, or a reliable business partner who will be ready to invest their money in a joint business. If you read a plot for a specific person, say, a partner not in the business sphere, but in love, then your greedy man will become more liberated and generous. The Laguz rune, present in the magic stave, will help you find the key to a person.

So, becoming consists of the following runes: Teyvaz, Manaz, Laguz, Inguz, Eyvaz, Fehu. All these are strong runes, where the runes of money and wealth are present.

  1. Teyvaz: search for a sponsor and patron.
  2. Manaz: directly the person who is influenced, in addition, through this rune a connection is established with this person.
  3. Laguz: searching for the key to a person and finding it, successful completion of negotiations
  4. Inguz: creates a suitable climate for good and fruitful relationships. This is a rune that attracts money to a person, its sacred meaning: potential, abundance, movement, exit from a confined space.
  5. Eyvaz: this rune helps you achieve what you want.
  6. Fehu: opens a money channel; This is the correct rune of wealth and prosperity, popular with many who surround themselves with runic money amulets and talismans for well-being.

Now is the time to find out how to properly negotiate this becoming from runes for good luck and wealth. He gives an individual task to the staves that the magician activates. This is the meaning of the conspiracy: to form a clear program within which the runes will operate to solve a specific problem. The correct plot is clear, without allowing vague, unclear formulations, where the runes are verbally given a specific instruction to attract money, supported by intention and visualization.

In order for the runes of wealth and success to help you attract both into your life, give them a clear direction, exclude emotions during the ritual, speak so that the runes work harmoniously, without harm and do not interfere with the work of other staves you have activated. Then let go of your intention and desire, do not interfere with the magic of attracting money to happen. We also remember the indestructible power of faith. It is she, the belief in her rightness and the power of money magic, that creates the canvas of reality, giving it the features that you need. Next, I will give examples of a conspiracy to the rune stave Rich Patron.

Powerful runes for wealth and money - how to become a wealthy patron

“By the power of this rune stave, the man (man’s name) gives me gifts (gift such and such, if you want to receive something specific from the man). I activate this rune (tell me exactly how you activate it: with saliva, breathing, or otherwise, the way you are used to doing it). This rune, becoming a Rich Patron, works without harm to my physical and mental health, as well as for the physical and mental health of my loved ones and blood relatives, my home and property. When this rune has completed its work, I will deactivate it (tell me exactly how: by burning, or in another way, the way you are used to deactivating runes that have completed their task). Let it be so".

If during magical ritual If you turn to the gods, be sure to bring gifts according to all the rules. Here is the second option on how to read a runic plot for the task of a Rich Patron, real runes for wealth and fulfillment of desires.

“By the power of this rune stave, the man (woman) (name) supports me in business (such and such) and is ready to invest finances in the development of this business. Everything happens to mutual joy and agreement, I receive financial support from the man (woman) (name) easily, without problems and without harm. I activate this rune (tell me exactly how you activate it: with saliva, breathing, or otherwise, the way you are used to doing it), and it will begin its work here and now, immediately after activation. This runic becoming a Rich Patron works without harm to my physical and mental health, as well as without harm to the physical and mental health of my loved ones and blood relatives, my home and property. When this rune has completed its work, I will deactivate it (tell me exactly how: by burning, or in another way, the way you are used to deactivating runes that have completed their task). Let it be so".

This strong rune has been tested and shown good results, and can be used at home both to attract clients and to make a profit, develop a business, or to stir up a greedy lover, to remind him that greed is not the best advertisement for a man.

On their own, money runes for obtaining wealth, arranged in becoming a Rich Patron, begin their action quickly, from about 30 to 60 minutes. The magical effect falls on the object gently, without harming anyone. Sometimes there are side effects– fatigue and weakness of the victim. This may be due to blocks or the negativity of the object on which you made a rune at home to attract money and good luck. Usually, if fatigue occurs, it goes away within a day.

The effect of signs of wealth - becoming a Gift Certificate

In staves, practicing magicians use not only Scandinavian and Slavic runes of happiness and wealth. Many real magicians practice the solution specific tasks using European glyphs. For example, becoming called a Gift Certificate, it consists entirely of European glyphs and symbols for acquiring wealth. This stave is intended for receiving gifts. You can stipulate certain gifts from certain people.

These are the signs for obtaining wealth that are used in this “Gift Certificate” article.

If desired, you can wear this stave as a runic amulet to attract wealthy clients:

  • Glyph Gift - used to receive material benefits and gifts; creates and maintains a fruitful basis for pure beginnings and acquisitions.
  • Glyph Opening of opportunities - helps in removing obstacles, opens up new opportunities, supports new favorable situations for a person.
  • Glyph Present - harmonizes the situation as a whole, moves it from a dead point, and supports the process of positive transformations in the present time.
  • Glyph Concentration of Forces - used to concentrate and enhance the effect of the spell.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Ancient strong runes for health, wealth and luck

Whatever sign of wealth or combination of these signs you choose for your well-being, you need to take into account that the effect of the runes will only come true if they are used consciously and correctly.

Runa Fehu is a strong runic talisman, authentic symbol of wealth and prosperity. But this is not the only rune of good. Let's consider the most famous and successful runic combinations of money amulets that are placed in a wallet to attract money. These strong runes of wealth can be used individually, or they can be combined, combining into magical formulas and staves. To compose correctly rune becoming a symbol of good luck and prosperity, you must remember the condition of three elements: LOOK AT THE OFFICIAL SITE...

These runes are used for harmonious and proven money talismans. Such formulas are applied to your photos, on pieces of paper, banknotes or plastic bank cards, and carried in your wallet as a money magnet. To such proven money magnets refers to rune talisman Mill for raising money. In general, there are a lot of varieties of Money Mills; These stavs contain different runes, but Fehu is certainly present in the combination of runic signs.

They also make amulets that are more time-resistant on wood and natural stones. Inscriptions of magical runes to attract money into your life can be applied to personal accessories and jewelry, and to items of clothing. And, of course, on the body. Many people today wear runic tattoos using the runes of success and prosperity.

It's very good if you make talisman of prosperity with my own hands . However, if you are not engaged and are not confident in your abilities, you can always buy a runic talisman for wealth in esoteric stores, or order magic goods from online stores, and then customize them yourself.