Download mod for minecraft 1.7 10 balls. Mod striped balloon

The Hot Air Balloon mod for Minecraft PE will delight players with an interesting innovation - it’s a hot air balloon with which you can fly to any distance. After installing this add-on, a huge number of possibilities will arise that will make the gameplay simple, comfortable and easy, and the flight itself will give you a lot of pleasure and pleasant emotions. You will be able to overcome various obstacles and obstacles that would take much longer to complete on foot. And now, by air, you can fly to the desired point in a matter of minutes - it is very convenient to travel and fly for resources, fill a full inventory and return home.

As for appearance, the Hot Air Balloon mod for Minecraft PE presents to our attention a small, neat ball. Capacity: one person, has red and white stripes.

Our new air vehicle is a replacement for Ifrit, and as we know, Ifrits are found on the surface of the Lower World, and therefore going down there every time is not an option. We'll make it simpler: activate creative mode, use the spawn egg and get our aircraft instantly.

Next, after spawning, hold it until the word `Ride` appears, press it to sit down - this method works for Android and iOS users. If you play MCPE on the Windows 10 platform, then just click on the right mouse button.

The Hot Air Baloon mod for MCPE is a unique, very simple control in which we need two elements at once - an egg and a fishing rod with carrots. In order to take off, you need to throw eggs, then the ball will slowly rise into the air, and to give it the necessary direction, use a fishing rod with carrots. And if your ship begins to lose altitude, then again use any eggs, since by breaking them on the balloon, it begins to gain altitude.

1. Download the mod from our website
2. Unpack the archive according to the instructions
3. Then find the files and run them, thereby importing them into the game
4. Open the game and go to world settings
5. In the `Resource Sets` and `Add-on Sets` sections, select the imported resource packs (addon)
6. Restart Minecraft PE game

Archimedes' Ships Mod A great mod that everyone should install. The mod adds several blocks; these blocks will allow you to “revive” a ship and airship of any size. You will be able to travel by ship and airship throughout the vast world of minecraft, isn't that what you dreamed of?



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Main block (marker)— the main block for creating ships.
Click right click mouse over the block and create a ship from interconnected blocks and mount it.

Measuring devices— the compass always points north, the speedometer shows the speed of the ship. A whole circle is equal to 80 km/h.

Aircraft measuring instruments- show altitude and speed.

Floater is a light block; the more such blocks you have in your ship, the higher it will be on the water.

Balloon— in order for your airship to fly, you need more than 40% of these blocks.

Passenger seat- any player can network at this place by right-clicking on it.

The block does not interact with the ship.

To create a ship, simply build it like you build other structures in Minecraft, place the main block on the ship and right-click on the block, the graphical interface will open.

Ships Mod Management

W,A,S,D - standard control
X - up (airship)
Z - down (airship)
C - stop
K - open GUI

This mod gives you the ability to build sea and air ships. With this mod you can easily fly in your own hot air balloon and ride on the sea on a ship. Traveling in the world of Minecraft will become even more interesting.

Crafting recipes:

Ship Marker is the main basis for your ship. Also used as a steering wheel.

Measurement Guides - instrument equipped with speedometer and compass. Can be installed on Ship Marker

The same instrument, but in addition to the speedometer and compass, there is a device for measuring altitude. Placed on an airship

Floater- Very light block. Serves as a float. Gives your boat the ability to float higher above the water.

Air Ballon - the material from which the balloon is made. In order for your airship to take off, you need more than 40% of these blocks.

Passenger Seat - passenger seat for sitting. You can install it on your ship for your friends.

Shore Buffer- a useless block that does not interact with the ship.


W,A,S,D - standard control
X - up (airship)
Z - down (airship)
C - stop
K - open GUI

List of commands:
/as or /ashelp or /as - list of ships and airships
/asinfo - shows information about the ship
/asdismount [rewrite] - recreate the ship
/asalign - aligns ships to a grid, useful for parking
/asdestroy [range] - destroys the nearest ship

1. Unpack the archive
2. Copy the file from the archive to .minecraft/mods
The mod requires Minecraft Forge

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ViesCraft is easy to use mod for Minecraft, which brings very interesting innovations new to minecraft. With this mod you can create full-fledged spaceship games The best part is that they actually have functionality instead of existing solely for visual purposes. Vashdushny Ball mod for Minecraft was released quite recently, but has become one of the most popular minecraft mods out there within a few months, and it is certainly deserved, because the functions and capabilities it implements are on a whole new level compared to what we usually see from most launches -of-mill fashion.

ViesCraft basically implements a full-fledged system through which you can make large-scale airships in Minecraft and, once they are created, you can board them airships and fly around the game world to look at it from a completely new point of view. Airships do not require fuel For function and fuel, this particular mod uses coal or charcoal. Each unit of fuel will give you minutes of flight time, so a whole pen will give you just an hour, which is quite efficient, but suitable since the entire airship is energized, after all.

IN ViesCraft mod has many settings as well. Each airship comes with an expansion module slot, and through this slot, you can increase the functionality of your airship according to your preferences. On the top there is a connector for expansion modules. You will also be able to configure appearance your airship by fine-tuning its color to suit your preferences. All said and done, ViesCraft is an amazing mod that allows players to make huge airships and then fly them. This mod is definitely one of a kind and we highly recommend giving it a try.

The Bouncing Balls or Jumping Balls mod for Minecraft will add 24 different balls to the game that will allow you to jump to different heights. If you've been playing Minecraft for a while, then you've probably had your fair share of experiences with bugs that cause you to fall from a relatively high structure and lose quite a hefty chunk of your health bar because the height of the fall was quite massive . You'll probably also run into a lot of cases in which you wanted to scale a structure, but couldn't do so because a normal jump simply doesn't go far enough. Bouncing Ball was built keeping in mind these two common problems that players encounter when playing Minecraft and does an excellent job of solving them.

Bouncing balls basically implements a whole bunch of different balls which you can get your hands on. Producing these balls is quite easy, as they do not require recipes and once you have finally created them you can use them by equipping them in one of your hands. Balls will allow you to get to higher places by increasing how much you can jump, and they will also prevent you from taking damage when you fall from greater heights. It is important to remember that the effects of these balls only happen when you have them so simply keeping them in your inventory will not be enough to make them work.

Bouncing Balls Mod can be painted, and so, you can change their default colors to another color of your choice. As it is now, there were no serious problems with the mod, but from time to time the increased feature spikes do not stop functioning, but fortunately this does not happen nearly often enough to be considered a serious problem. The mod works with minecraft 1.11 1.10.2 1.9.4 1.7.10 1.8.9 and so before you install it, you must make sure that you are on the correct version of minecraft.