Poems for the little ones for massage. Poems for massage

Massage is useful at any age: it improves blood circulation in the skin, relieves muscle tension, and normalizes the activity of the central nervous system. During the massage, the child receives pleasure and calmness. What if you turn a massage into fun game, then the child will receive double joy. Play massage promotes the socialization of children, develops their attention, patience and sense of humor.



Play massage for preschoolers

Poems and songs for play massage are very popular with children; they provide fun communication, relieve tension, and teach children to trust others and empathize. In families or parent-child groups, play massage can be performed from 12 months
Play massage provides sensory development the smallest ones.

Children perceive the intonation of the voice, the content of the text, musical timbres and noises, the tempo and rhythms of music, etc. Children also evaluate cold and warmth, pressure force, the nature of the touch, direction of movement, smoothness or roughness of the material, etc. In group classes, children from 3 -4 years old not only perform massages themselves, but also watch other children perform massages with great interest.
When performing a massage, children perform a variety of movements with their fingers and hands, which develops large and fine motor skills well.
Play massage relieves tension in children. Blood supply to the skin improves, muscle tension decreases, breathing and heart rate slow down. The child calms down and relaxes. Game massage has a positive effect on the central nervous system.
Play massage promotes the socialization of children, builds trust and attention in children to each other, develops patience and a sense of humor.
Play massage contributes to the development of children’s imagination: a spider running through a tree and rain dripping on its back, a ball jumping on the floor and a bear walking through the forest are equally vivid, although they are presented differently to children giving and “receiving” play massage
Play massage also promotes speech development. Children quickly memorize poems and songs, and movements illustrating the text contribute to expressive performance.


1. Exercise “Rooster family”

Petya, Petya is a cockerel,(Children shake their heads left and right)

Raised the red comb(Press palms to each other,

spreading your fingers and putting them to your head - “comb”).

He screamed loudly,(Stroke the left hand from the hand to

He called the chicken to his shoulder, then his right hand).

Pied hens(Pat the right hand in the same

Petya was heard , direction with your left palm, then

Petya was heard , left hand with right palm)

They came running quickly.

And behind them are the chickens(“Run” along the right hand

They ran without looking back.fingers of the left hand, then along the left hand

right fingers.)

They began to peck the grains:(They tap the right hand with their fingers

Kluk-kluk-kluk... left,then on the left hand with your fingers


Pluck juicy grass:(Pinch your right hand with your fingers

Pinch-pinch-pinch... left, then left hand with the fingers of the right.)

And then let's dance:(Stroke the right hand with the left,

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la...then the left hand with the right.)

2. Exercise “Pancakes”

Oh, okay! Oh, okay!(Children clap from above on the left)

We baked pancakes!(and then on the right hand.)

Let's give the first one to the bunny,(Massage the thumb.)

Jumping bunny.

And the second fox,

Red-haired sister.

We'll give the third one to the bear,(Massage the middle finger.)

Brown brother.

Damn the fourth - to the cat,(Massage the index finger.)

A cat with a mustache,

Let's fry the fifth pancake(Massage the little finger.)

And we'll eat it ourselves!

3. Exercise “Building a house”

All day long, here and there,(Children pat their hands with their palms from

brushes to the shoulder, first along the left and then along the right hand.)

The hammers are knocking(Punches with fist first on

left, and then along the right hand from hand to shoulder.)

We are building a house for bunnies.

The hammers are knocking(Punches with the fist of the left hand on

We are building a house for baby squirrels.fist of the right hand or vice versa.)

This house is for squirrels(Rub the right hand with the fist of the left hand.)

This house is for bunnies(Rub with the fist of the right hand

left hand.)

This house is for girls

shoulder on the left hand.)

This house is for boys(Run" fingers from hand to

shoulder on the right hand.)

This is such a nice house(Stroke the left hand with the palm

arm from hand to shoulder.)

How gloriously we will live!(Stroke the right hand with the palm

arm from hand to shoulder.)

Let's sing songs(“Skeet” is a type of dance

movements imitating the sliding movements of orchestral

plates: the right hand swings from top to bottom, the left hand -

down up.)

4. Exercise “Wash song”.

Worse than punishment - (Children shake their heads left and right.)

Live without washing

All the baby faces(Use gentle movements

They love to wash themselves. fingers across the face.)

No water, no soap(Rub your nose with your palms.)

Everyone would be covered in dirt.

Wonderful, wonderful - (Rub their ears.)

It's not difficult to wash yourself!

Honestly -(Rub their palms together.)

It's wonderful to be clean.

Now my nose is clean(The index finger touches


Now your mouth is clean(Point to mouth.)

And the chin is clean,(Touch the chin.)

And the eyes sparkle(Touch the outer corners of the eyes.)

They look fun! (Extend palms forward.)

5. Exercise “Winter warm-up”

If your hands are cold,(The children slowly rub one

We start rubbing them.palm against the other.)

We will quickly manage our hands,

Just like on a stove, heat it up.

Palms first (They rub them faster and faster.)

Just like ice,

Then like frogs,

Then like pillows.

But little by little

Palms warmed up.

They really burn

And not for fun.

I'm burning like fire(Pull the open ones forward

Here, touch me! palms.)


1. Exercise “Vegetables”

We have grown garlic,(Children rub the phalanx

Pepper, tomato, zucchini.index finger from nail to


Onions and a little peas,(Rub the phalanx of the middle

Pumpkin, cabbage, potatoes.finger from the nail to the base.)

We collected vegetables(They rub the phalanx of the nameless

They treated friends to them. finger.)

They fermented, ate, salted,(Rub the phalanx of the little finger.)

They took me home from the dacha.

2. Exercise “Ten birds - a flock”

Sing along, sing along:(Children squeeze and unclench

Ten birds are a flock. fingers.)

This is a nightingale bird,(Massage the little finger of the left hand.)

This is a sparrow bird(Massage the ring finger

left hand.)

This is an owl bird(Massage the middle finger of the left

Sleepy little head. hands.)

This is a crake bird,

left hand.)

This is a waxwing bird,(Massage the thumb with the left


This is a starling bird,(Massage the little finger of the right hand.)

Gray feather.

This is a finch (Massage the ring finger

right hand.)

This is a swift (Massage the middle finger

right hand.)

This is a cheerful siskin.(Massage the index finger

right hand.)

Well, this is an evil eagle!(Massage your thumb

right hand.)

Birds, birds, go home!(Hide fingers behind the back of the right


3. Exercise “The bear walked.”

The bear was walking towards his den(Children take turns massaging

Yes, I tripped on the road.fingers of the left hand.)

“Apparently, there is very little strength(The fingers of one hand hold

I saved up for the winter" -finger of the other hand, pressing from above.)

I thought so and went

He's looking for wild bees.(Massage your fingers one by one

All bears have a sweet tooth, right hand.)

They like to eat honey without haste.

And having eaten, without worry,

They snort in their den until spring.

4. Exercise "Magpie".

Magpie - white-sided(Children move their index finger

I cooked porridge. on the palm.)

She fed the kids.

I jumped on the threshold,

She was waiting for guests.

Gave this one, ( Massage your fingers one by one,

Gave this one starting with the little finger.)

Gave this one

Gave this one

But she didn’t give it to this! (They slide their fingers together.)

He didn't carry wood

He didn't light the stove

He didn't cook porridge.

Here's an empty pot for you!(Clench the fingers of one hand into a fist.)

Go to the corner and wait!

5. Exercise “Sparrows”

Five sparrows were sitting on the fence,(Children show five fingers

left hand.)

One flew away, and the others began to sing.(Massage the thumb.)

And they sang until they were tired,(Bend the thumb.)

One flew away, but three remained.(Massage the index finger.)

The three of us sat and were a little bored,(Bend the index finger.)

One flew away, but two remained.(Massage the middle finger.)

We sat together and got bored again,(Bend the middle finger.)

One flew away and was left alone.(Massage the ring finger.)

One sat... He took it and flew away!(Massage the little finger.)

(At the end, all fingers are clenched into a fist.)


1. Exercise “Woodpecker”.

(Children stand one after another like a train and perform a massage.)

The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,(Children clap their palms

The oak chiseled like a chisel. on the back.)

Knock-Knock! Knock-Knock!(They tap on the back with their fingers.)

A woodpecker is hammering a strong branch.

With his beak, with his beak he knocks,

The woodpecker is already hammering the trunk.

The woodpecker keeps knocking and knocking on the oak tree,(Tap on the back with the ribs of the palms.)

The oak tree creaks: “What’s that knocking? »

The woodpecker knocked with his beak,

He knocked and fell silent,

Because he's tired!

2. Exercise “Who is grazing in the meadow? »

Far, far away (Children stand up like a train,

put their hands on the shoulders and pat the shoulders of the person in front.)

Ko... are grazing in the meadow.(Bend the thumb on the right hand and draw a “snake” with four fingers along the spine.)

Goats? (Tilt their head forward.)

No, not goats! (They shake their head left and right.)

Far, far away ( Rotates 180 degrees and

Cots are grazing in the meadow...repeat the movements.)

Horses? No, not horses!

Far, far away (Rotate 180 degrees again

Cots are grazing in the meadow...and repeat the movements.)


That's right, cows!(Turn 90 degrees, shake their head, hands on their belt.)

Drink milk, children,(Gradually slowly squat,

You will be healthy! on the last syllable they quickly stand up and raise their hands up.)

3. Exercise “Rain”

Rain, rain all day(Children pat on the back

Drumming on the glass. palms.)

All the earth, all the earth

Got wet from the water.

Howling, howling outside the window(Rub their backs with their fists

Displeased windin a circular motion.)

He wants to tear down the doors

From creaky hinges.

Wind, wind, don't knock(They tap on the back with their fists.)

Into the locked hallway!

Let them burn in our oven

Hot logs!

Hands reach out for warmth(Stroke your back with your palms.)

The glass is fogged up,

On the wall and on the floor

The shadows danced.

Play massage for children 2-3 years old

Massage is useful at any age: it improves blood circulation in the skin, relieves muscle tension, and normalizes the activity of the central nervous system. If a mother herself gives her baby a simple massage, then this becomes an additional reason for emotional and physical communication between mother and child, helping to strengthen a sense of trust and mutual understanding. During the massage, the child receives pleasure and calmness. And if the massage is turned into a fun game, the child will receive double joy.

Play massage promotes the socialization of children, develops their attention, patience and sense of humor. Massage can be done with your hands, a brush, cotton wool, etc.

"The car was driving"

Place two fingers over the bridge of the baby's nose and make light massaging movements:

The car was driving

I drove, I drove,

She slid down the slide - (massaging her fingers, moving apart, going down and stroking the skin rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - under the eyes)

It’s slipping, slipping, (we massage it around the wings of the nose longer)

I went again, (we go down to the lip under the holes)

She went into the tunnel. (we massage the holes a little from the inside)

Fun massage

Stroke the named parts of the body and face:

There’s a forest here (he strokes the baby’s bangs with his finger)

There is a clearing here, (on the forehead)

There's a bump here (nose)

And here is a hole, (mouth)

Here's the chest

There's a belly here

And here the heart lives.


While reciting the words of the poem, gently tap your baby’s foot:

"Hey, the blacksmith is great,

My stallion limped.

Shoe him again! "

"Why not shoe it?

Here's a nail

Here's a horseshoe

One, two -

And you're done!"

"Rails - rails"

We put the baby on his tummy and give him a back massage:

Rails, rails, (draw one, then another line along the spine)

Sleepers, sleepers. (draw transverse lines)

The train was late. (“we ride” with our palm on the back)

From the last carriage

Suddenly peas fell out. (knock on the back with the fingers of both hands)

The chickens came and pecked. (knock with index fingers)

The geese came and nibbled. (pinching the back)

An elephant passed, (“we walk” along the back with the backs of our fists)

The elephant passed by (“let’s go” with our fists, but with less effort)

A little elephant passed by (“let’s go” with three fingers folded into a pinch)

The store director came, (“we walk” along the back with two fingers)

I smoothed everything out, cleared everything out. (stroke your back with your palms up and down)

I placed the table (we depict the table with a fist - we place it on one of the shoulder blades)

Chair, (we depict a chair with a pinch - we put it on the other shoulder blade)

Typewriter. (typewriter - finger)

Began to type: (“we type” on the back with our fingers)

“To my wife and daughter. -

Ding - period. - (with these words, each time we gently tickle the side)

I’m sending you stockings.” -

Ding - period.

Read it (move your finger as if reading)

Wrinkled, smoothed, (pinching and then stroking the back)

I read it

Wrinkled it, smoothed it out,




In the clearing, on the lawn

The bunnies were jumping around all day (we lightly tap our fingers on the baby’s back)

And rolled on the grass

From the tail to the head (we “roll” our palms from the butt to the neck)

The hares galloped like this for a long time, (we lightly tap our fingers on the baby’s back)

But, having jumped, we got tired. (we place our palms on the baby’s back)

Snakes crawled past

“Good morning!” they were told. (make wave-like movements with palms on the back)

I began to stroke and caress

All bunnies have a mother hare. (we stroke the baby's back)

"Creepy Hedgehog"

This massage can be done with a rubber ball with “spikes”:

Sly weird hedgehog

I sewed a funny jacket: (the child rolls a hedgehog ball between his palms)

A hundred needles on the chest (mother rolls a hedgehog ball on the baby’s chest)

A hundred pins behind. (mother rolls a hedgehog ball on the baby’s back)

A hedgehog walks on the grass in the forest,

Sticks to pins (mom rolls a hedgehog ball along the top of the baby’s legs)

Pear, plum

- every fruit

What will he find under the tree? (mother rolls the ball along the baby’s feet)

And with a gift to the rich (mother rolls a hedgehog ball between the baby’s two feet)

Returns to the guys. (mother rolls a hedgehog ball from the baby’s feet to his neck)

"Chuh - chuh"

Chug-chug, puff, puff, grumble, (we run our palms along the baby’s back)

I don't want to stand still!

Chug-chug, puff, puff, grumble.

I don't want to stand still!

I knock and knock with the wheels (we carefully tap on the baby’s back)

I'm knocking my wheels, I'm knocking,

I'm knocking my wheels, I'm knocking,

Sit down quickly, I'll give you a ride! (smooth the baby's back)

Chu, chu, chu!


The rain runs on the roof -

Bom! Bom! Bom! (gently run your fingers along the baby’s back)

Along the cheerful ringing roof -

Bom! Bom! Bom!

At home, sit at home, (tap your fingers on the baby’s back)

Bom! Bom! Bom!

Don’t go out anywhere (tap your fists on the baby’s back)

Bom! Bom! Bom!

Read, play (stroke with your palms)

Bom! Bom! Bom!

And if I leave, then go for a walk

Bom! Bom! Bom!

The rain runs on the roof -

Bom! Bom! Bom!

Along the cheerful ringing roof -

Bom! Bom! Bom!

Massage is very beneficial for children. And it brings joy not only to the child, but also to the mother who makes it. True, sometimes this procedure is slightly painful or frightening for children. In order to calm or captivate the baby at this moment, the mother can read him children's poems for massage.

Poems accompanying children's massage rails-rails

This nursery rhyme has been familiar to many of you since childhood. Here is a step-by-step or line-by-line instruction with which you can use these children's poems for massage:

This baby massage with words in verse will help you easily cope with the task and relax the muscles of your newborn without screams and hysterics. After all, with the help of these poems, children’s least favorite procedure can turn into a fun game.

Other nursery rhymes for baby massage

Children in the first year of life, especially under the age of five months, often have stomach pain. Caring mothers, in order to calm the attacks, as a rule, immediately run to the pharmacy and buy all the necessary and not so necessary drugs there. Lightly stroking your baby's tummy and sides will help you survive colic less painfully. warm hands. In this case, you can use poetry for massaging newborns. Undress the baby and place him on his back. Smile at the baby and say in an even and calm voice:

Children's massage with verses can also be done using the following words and movements:

  • How two magpies flew to our Varya,
  • Yes, they jumped on the back (knock on the back with your fingertips),
  • Yes, they robbed our Varya, robbed us (light pinches with palms),
  • They also pecked Varya’s cheats and plucked them (knock with your fingertips, imitating the beaks of magpies).
  • Our Varya is lying there crying and shedding a river of tears (with smooth movements of your fingers along the spine you depict a river).
  • Then a kind, kind red cat comes to take pity on her.
  • He will wipe away Varya’s tears, stroke her with his paw, and ward off forty (pat the baby’s back, completing the massage).

With the help of these simple verses, you can turn an ordinary massage into a unique ritual that children will look forward to.


Massage is useful at any age; it is not only useful, but also brings pleasure. When a mother gives her baby a massage, both mother and child are happy. And if you read poems during a massage, you will have twice as much pleasure, joy and smiles!

Songs and poems for massage should be selected taking into account the age of the child.
Only if the baby is interested in them will a play massage become a joyful event for him.

The exercises suggested for back massage can be carried out when the child is lying on his stomach, or sitting on a chair, leaning on a table. The child can also sit on the floor, stand on all fours or lie on the lap of an adult.

Before starting a massage, you should first read poetry to the child or say a few introductory phrases so that the baby can imagine the adult’s subsequent actions.

An adult should take short breaks for massage while reading poetry.

The songs and poems suggested for back massage can also be used to massage the arms or legs below the knee.

Children can be given a choice of massage positions, massage toys and movements when performing massages on each other. Massage performed by children must be supervised by an adult.

Movements to music should be performed rhythmically and avoiding strong pressure or patting.

It is advisable for an adult to sing along, and later sing to a negative soundtrack.

Play massage can be performed over a shirt or T-shirt, and also, at the request of the baby, on the bare back.

At first, it is better to carry out a massage using appropriate objects - a brush, a rubber hedgehog, a foam sponge, a toy car, pieces of cotton wool,
paper leaves, etc., as well as Stuffed Toys according to the lyrics of the songs. Massage with toys is fun for babies and does not require as much trust as massage with hands.

Adults with long nails When performing a massage, you need to be very careful and use, if possible, toys and objects that correspond to the text of the songs.

(1) Your palm is a pond,
Boats sail along it.
(2) Your palm is like a meadow
And a snowball is falling from above.
(3) Your palm is like a notebook
You can draw in a notebook
(4) Your palm is like a window
It's high time to wash it.
(5) Your palm is like a path
And cats walk along the path.

1 - slowly move your bent index finger over your palm
2 - touch your palm with your fingertips
3 - use your index finger to “draw” a sun, etc.
4 - rub your palm with your fingers clenched into a fist
5 - carefully step with the fingers of both hands

2. OAK
(1) A woodpecker sits on an oak tree and knocks, knocks, knocks,
(2) Looks for bugs and edible worms under the bark.
(3) Well, if thunder strikes, and then it rains,
(4) The woodpecker will hide in a hollow, it will be dry and warm.

1 - place your palm on the back and tap with your index finger
2 - lightly pinch
3 - for the word “thunder”, slap the back and then drum with your fingers
4 - try to put your hand behind your collar or armpit

(1) The round ball jumps and jumps along the path without hesitation
Often, often, low, low from the hand to the ground so close

Jump and jump and jump and jump, don’t jump to the ceiling,
Jump and jump and knock and knock, you won’t escape our hands.

1 - lightly and rhythmically pat along the back

(1) The painter paints fences, doesn’t like to rest,
We also took brushes and will help!
(2) Our janitor waves a broom, doesn’t like to rest,
Let's take a broom, guys, and we'll help!
(3) The tailor sews everything with a needle, does not like to rest,
Let's quickly take the needles and help!
(4) The cook interferes with the soup, he doesn’t like to rest,
We also took spoons and will stir the soup!
(5) Here is a carpenter sawing boards, he doesn’t like to rest,
Let's take the saw, guys, and we'll help!
(6) The mower mows with a scythe, does not like to rest,
We also took braids and will help!
(7) But the pianist plays and doesn’t like to rest
And we decided to play the piano!

1 - rhythmically move relaxed fingers up and down the back
2 - for the words: “broom”, “loves”, “broom”, “we will” - “sweep” the back from top to bottom,
like a broom, palm and fingers
3 - press with the index finger - “prick”
4 - circular movements along the back
5 - rubbing with the edge of the palm - “sawing”
6 - sliding movements with the edge of the palm - “mow”
7 - tap the rhythm of the melody with your fingers

(1) Let's start our massage now,
Let's rub each finger:
This one is the most beautiful of all,
This one is the laziest of all,
This finger is the longest
This finger is smarter than everyone else
(2) Together - these are five friends
(3) I want to stretch my fingers,
I'll twist each finger,
This one is the most beautiful of all,
This one is the laziest of all, etc.
(4) We will take each finger
And squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.

(5) We will take each finger,
Let's press the pad
This one is the most beautiful of all, etc.

1 - rub each finger, starting with the little finger, from the base of the finger to the tip
2 - stroke all the fingers at once
3 - taking your finger by the tip and lifting it, carefully rotate
4 - squeeze your fingers one by one in your fist
5 - press the tip of the index finger on the tip of the baby’s finger near the nail

(1) We clean the cabbage, we clean it, we clean the cabbage, we clean it

(2) We chop the cabbage, chop it, we chop the cabbage, chop it,
We ask everyone not to yawn and help a little.
(3) We crush the cabbage, press it, we crush the cabbage, press it
We ask everyone not to yawn and help a little.
(4) We salt the cabbage, salt it, we salt the cabbage, salt it,
We ask everyone not to yawn and help a little.

1 - light sliding movements of all fingers, as if tearing grass
2 - alternate tapping with the ribs of both palms
3 - press carefully with the palm of your hand with slight rotation
4 - lightly tap with relaxed fingertips

(1) The rain waters the grass,
(2) The wind shakes the tree
(3) The leaves are hanging, hanging
(4) And they fly down quietly.
(5) Children run out to kindergarten
(6) And the leaves are collected
(7) They carry them to their home
(And they put it in a box.

1 - lightly tap on the back with the tips of relaxed fingers
2 - placing your hands on your shoulders, rock them slightly
3 - quietly touch your shoulders with your fingertips
4 - slowly stroke with your fingertips along the spine
5 - run the index and middle fingers of both hands along the back
6 - lightly pinch
7 - walk the index and middle fingers of both hands along the back
8 - place paper leaves or fingertips on the baby’s palm
and close his fingers into a fist.

(1) So we take some rags and go wash the windows.
(2) This dirty (narrow/round) window is long overdue for cleaning.

1 - pass the index and middle fingers of both hands along the back
2 - rub your baby’s palm (handle/ear) with your palm

(1) The prickly hedgehog is rolling,
There is no head or legs,
It's running down my toes (up my leg/up my back)
And puffs, puffs, puffs.

Runs here and there
I'm ticklish, yes, yes, yes!
Go away, prickly hedgehog,
To the dark forest where you live!

1 - roll a special rubber “hedgehog” for massage or gently tap with your nails

10. RAIN

(1) Look, the rain poured down, the sparrow got wet. (2 times)
(2) He flies to his home, completely damp. (2 times)
(1) Look, the rain poured down, the frog got wet. (2 times)
(3) Jumps to his home, completely damp. (2 times)
(1) Look, the rain poured down, the foal got wet. (2 times)
(4) He gallops to his home, completely raw. (2 times)

(1) Look, the rain poured down and the duckling got wet. (2 times)
(5) He goes to his home, completely damp. (2 times)

(1) Look, the rain poured down, the teddy bear got wet. (2 times)
(6) The bear stomps home, completely damp. (2 times)

1 - tap your fingers on your shoulders and back
2 - tap quickly with your fingertips

4 - alternately tap with your hands (with the bones of your bent fingers)
5 - “walk” with the palms of both hands
6 - clap alternately with cupped palms

11. SLED
(1) Sweep away the brooms, the yard is cleaner
(2) We scraped it with a spatula, and the yard became smooth.
(3) The snow was collected in a pile, they made a steep slope,
(4) And the sleds rolled up the steep slope on their own.
(5) The children ran soon, soon
(6) They dragged the sled up the mountain.
(7) We drove down the steep slope, drove into a heap,
(And they dragged the sleigh up the hill themselves.
(1) Swept away the brooms, the yard became cleaner, etc.

1 - “sweep” from top to bottom along the back with the palm and fingers
2 - “scrape” with the edge of your palm
3 - with one movement along the back from bottom to top, “move the snow away”
and to the words “made a twist” - 2 claps on the back to the music
4 - move the edges of your palms up along the back
5 - pass the index and middle fingers of both hands along the back from bottom to top
6 - run the edges of your palms along the back from bottom to top
7 - run the edges of your palms along the back from top to bottom
8 - pass the index and middle fingers of both hands along the back from bottom to top

(1) There is a narrow bridge over the river, there is no other way,
Our animals decided to cross the bridge.
(2) First, the cat deftly walked across the bridge,
(3) The snake crawled quietly behind her on its belly.
The snake crawled quietly behind her on its belly.

(4) The rooster marched behind her, as if in a parade...
(5) Then the horned goat galloped twice, galloped twice.
(6) The last duck, quacked, waddled past,
(7) Then the old woman came, took everyone home, took everyone home.

1 - stroke the back from bottom to top
2 - step the index and middle fingers of both hands along the back from bottom to top
3 - wavy movement of the palm placed on the edge along the back from bottom to top
4 - step to the music, leaning on your fingertips
5 - tap with your fists on each syllable on the back from bottom to top, back and up again
6 - “walk” with the palms of both hands
7 - “walk” with the index and middle fingers, at the end of the song - tickle.

13. FLAX
Flax is green when it’s mountainous, when it’s steep.
(1) I have already sowed, sowed flax,
I have already sowed, sowed flax,
As I was sowing, I was saying,
She pinned it down with her boots.

*(2) laid it (3) dried it (4) I crumpled it (5) carded it (6) I spun it

1 - lightly tap the baby’s head with the tips of relaxed fingers
2 - stroke the head
3 - we blow on the head, neck, and if we sing to the “backing track”, then we replace the word “sushila”
to the word “ruffled” and lightly ruffle your hair with your fingertips
4 - “creasing” hairs
5 - comb your hair with your fingertips
6 - “spinning” the hair

(1) In summer, the sun's rays became very hot.
Yes, yes, all the rays, yes, yes, are hot,
(2) Even the old sparrow began to jump more cheerfully
Chiv, chiv, sparrow, chiv, chiv, more fun.
(3) The long-legged frog hops and hops along the path,
Kva, qua, long-legged, qua, qua, skok and skok.
(4) A fat and mustachioed beetle flew in and sat on a branch
Zhu, zhu; A fat beetle, buzzing, sat on a branch.
(5) The breeze rustles in the branches of the birches and oaks,
Oof, oof, on the birches, oof, oof, on the oak trees.

1 - place your palms on the baby’s shoulders
2 - use your index and middle fingers to jump on the back to the music
3 - light slaps on rhymed words, after the slap - the palm is pressed
4 - move your index finger in the air and touch the baby’s hand
5 - blow on the baby’s neck and arms

(1) A hedgehog walks without paths through the forest, through the forest
And with its thorns it pricks and pricks.
(2) And I’ll show the hedgehog that path,
(3) Where mice roll little cones.

1 - quietly walk your nails along the back
2 - move the pad of your index finger to the barrel
3 - tickle the child a little

(1) Rain, rain, pour, pour, pour, on me and on people,
A spoonful for people, a crumb for me,
(2) If it rains harder, the grass will be greener.

Rain, rain, pour, pour, pour, on me and on people,
(3) Water our garden all year round.

1 - tap the shoulders and back with your index finger
2 - quietly drum with all fingers on the shoulders and back
3 - try to drum on the sides where it is ticklish

17. WE SAW
(1) We are sawing, sawing boards for a new table,
The steel teeth are sharp, the saw moves easily.
Dzinda, dzinda, dzinda, dzinda
Dzinda, dzinda, dzinda, dzinda, dza.

(2) The plane slides, slides obediently along the board
And it will become smooth, pleasant to the hand.
Squeeze - so, squeez - so, squeeze - so, squeez - so.
Squeeze - so, squeez - so, squeez - so, squeez - so, squeez.

(3) Come on, let’s hit it with a hammer more fun,
We'll hammer the carnations harder, harder.
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock,
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.

1 - move the edge of your palm across the back to the music, like a saw
2 - move up the back with the edge of the palm, back down - lightly stroking
3 - tap lightly and rhythmically with your fist

(1) Here is a horse running, made of cotton wool,
She doesn’t eat porridge, doesn’t drink milk,
Just jumping back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

1 - quickly tap with all fingers of one hand - “run to the music”
along the back and arms of the child

19. Bunny
(1) One, two, three, four, five,
The bunny went out for a walk.
(2) Suddenly the hunter runs out,
Shoots straight at the bunny:
(3) Bang! Pow! Missed,
(4) The bunny quickly galloped away

1 - “march” with two fingers of your left hand along the baby’s side from bottom to top
and stop
2 - “run” two fingers of your right hand along the other side of the baby
3 - to the words “Bang! Pow!” clap your hands twice
4 - use all fingers of your left hand to hop away like a bunny

20. DRUM
(1) I will knock on you like someone beats on a drum,
And I’ll knock on the back as much as I want
(2) I gallop, I gallop, I knock, I knock with a slap,
I drum here and there in the mornings and evenings.
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.
(3) The cat doesn’t like the drum and crawls under the sofa.

(*And on the arm, and on the leg, and on the heels)
1 - pat the back (arm/leg/heels) with one hand
2 - clap with both hands
3 - hitch a ride by stepping with the fingers of one hand and climbing by the collar or
in the baby's bosom

(1) Come, mice, and do not be afraid of the cat,
Here is a platform for you on my palm.
(2) Here's a carousel for you - you can spin around,
You hold on tight so as not to fall.

(3) There is a swing hanging, you can swing
You won't fall, there's nothing to be afraid of.
(4) There is also a slide, free for mice,
Ride the mice, it's so nice!

(5) There is sand for you, you can dig around,
You can let the mice lie on the sand.
(6) And when you go home, I’ll say goodbye to you
I wave my hand: goodbye mice!

1 - wave the baby's hand
2 - “draw” a circle on the baby’s palm with your index finger
3 - bend towards the palm and straighten the fingers
4 - stroke the baby’s hand from the palm to the bend of the elbow
5 - tickle your palm
6 - wave the baby's hand

(1) Look, look what I brought!
Look what feather I found
It crawls quietly along the palm
First in a circle, and then forward.

It crawls along the handle to the shoulder,
And it caresses your neck very gently.
Where it will fly is an interesting question.
A feather landed on a small nose!

Then the feather wants to stroke these ears,
One and the other tickle a little
But now the feather needs to rest,
It flies into your pocket to lie down.

1 - in accordance with the lyrics of the song, touch the baby cut out of paper
with a painted feather

(1) And I’ll sit down and go under the neighbor’s window:
Stop sleeping, get up, neighbor, get your bike.
We'll ride to the barns, scare the pigeons,
From the barns turn, there will be races to the gate.
We will drive along the fence to the corner to the traffic light.
(2) Well, quickly give me the answer: will you go or not?

1 - use your index finger to trace the “contour” of a baby lying on his stomach or standing
2 - clap on the back the rhythm of the words “will you go or not”


We massage the legs (the mother moves with light pinching movements from the tips of her fingers up to the little one’s tummy, and at the end of the poem she always strokes his head).

This little bug is walking on the grass,
He finds juicy grass and bites it.
This little bug is walking through the bushes,
He finds a sweet leaf and plucks it.
This little bug is walking along the branches.
This little bug climbs higher.
He won't bite us (pat us on the head),
He wants to get some sleep!!!

Or this (same movements):

Ladybug, scarlet back,
The insect grabbed a blade of grass tightly.
Up, slowly crawling along the stem,
To the honey-smelling, sweet flower!!! (stroking!)

Poems about frogs.

(Under them, the baby sits with his back to his mother, his legs are bent at the knees (similar to the “lotus” position), and the mother takes his legs (feet) and quickly either connects them together or separates them for the first 2 counts, and spreads his legs wide for the next to the sides. At the end of the rhyme, a ball is placed in front of the child, which makes him stretch forward for it.

Little frogs on the pond played leapfrog
Kva, kva, kva, kva (legs wide!)
Kwa, kwa, kwa, kwa. (wide!)
Kwa, kwa, kwa, kwa. (wide!)
And dived into the depths of the pond!!! (pull your back well, bending forward)

Whose screams are there at the pond?
KVASU, KVASU is here for us!
We're tired of water!!! (for each KVA we spread the legs wide apart)

After the rain the frogs KVA, KVA, KVA!
Having fun at the edge of KVA, KVA, KVA!
What a beauty KVA, KVA, KVA!
Wet grass everywhere!!!


A spider walked along a branch,
And the children followed him.
Rain suddenly fell from the sky
The spider was washed to the ground.
The sun began to warm up,
The spider is crawling again.
And all the kids crawl after him
To walk along the branch!

Two centipedes ran along the path,
We met! Hug! They barely melted! And said goodbye!

A turtle walked across the field,
And she was shaking all over with fear!
She says - bite, bite!
I'm not afraid of anyone!!!

Now we take the hedgehog balls and roll them over the baby’s backs or tummy!

The mouse climbed up for the first time to see what time it was.
Suddenly the clock said - BOOM!
The mouse rolled head over heels!!!
The mouse climbed up a second time to see what time it was!
Suddenly the clock said - BOM, BOM!
The mouse rolled head over heels! (and so on)

A hedgehog walks without paths through the forest, through the forest.
And with its thorns it pricks and pricks.
And I’ll show the hedgehog that path
Where do mice roll fir cones!!!

Woke up in the heat in the forest
The hedgehog washes itself.
Mother hedgehog takes the basin
He rubs the little hedgehog's face.
Only the back, only the back,
You can't rub it on your own son.
Walks through the forest dew
A hedgehog with an unwashed back.
That's it, judge for yourself
This is the case with hedgehogs.
Okay guys, that's it
That none of us are hedgehogs!

An apple fell from a branch and ran across the garden!
It ran past Murka, past Murka’s friends,
Past the bug's kennel and suddenly disappeared into the grass!
How did an apple without legs escape?!
Here's the question.
It's a hedgehog, just a hedgehog
He carried him away on his back!

Rails, rails. Sleepers, sleepers. The train is coming late.

Every adult has known it since childhood!

Rails, rails.
(draw one, then another line along the spine)
Sleepers, sleepers.
(draw transverse lines)
The train was late.
(“we ride” with our palm on the back)
From the last carriage
Suddenly peas fell out.
(knock on the back with the fingers of both hands)
The chickens came and pecked.
(knock with index fingers)
The geese came and nibbled.
(pinching the back)
An elephant passed
(“we walk” along the back with the backs of our fists)
The elephant passed by
(“let’s go” with our fists, but with less effort)
A little elephant passed by.
(“let’s go” with three fingers folded into a pinch)
The store manager came
(“walk” along the back with two fingers)
I smoothed everything out, cleared everything out.
(stroke your back with your palms up and down)
I set up a table
(depict a table with a fist)
(chair - with a pinch)
(typewriter - finger)
Started typing:
(“print” on the back with fingers)
Wife and daughter
Ding dot.
(with these words we tickle the side every time)
I'm sending you stockings
Ding dot.
I read it
(move your finger as if reading)
Wrinkled it, smoothed it out,
(pinch and then stroke the back)
I read it
Wrinkled it, smoothed it out,

They beat flax, they beat
(knock on the back with our fists)
Stoked, drowned
(rubber with palms)
They pounded, they pounded
Crushed, crushed
(stretch with fingers)
They were shaking, they were shaking
(shaking shoulders)
White tablecloths were woven
(draw with the edges of the palms)
The tables were set
(stroke with palms)

We chop and chop cabbage
(cutting movements with the edges of the palms)
We are three carrots, three
(rubbing motion with knuckles)
We salt the cabbage, salt it
(spot touches with fingers)
We press cabbage, we press
(squeezing muscles with fingers)
We drink cabbage juice, we drink
(stroking movements with palms)

(rock the heel)
Kick, strike, heel!
Give me the shoe, grandma.
If you don't give me a shoe -
Let's not forge the heel.

A squirrel sits on a cart
(we stroke the heel in a circular motion)
She distributes nuts
Thick-fifted bear—
(smooth your fingers, starting with the thumb)
Bunny with a mustache -
To my little fox-sister—
sparrow - titmouse
To whom in the mouth,
(stroke the balls of your feet with your thumb)
who cares,
who cares"

(run your finger over your palm)
Here's some water for you
(make the same circle, but with the help of tingling or tingling)
Here's some crumbs for you
On my palm.

baked cheesecakes
(move your hands up and down, like a musician playing the cymbals),
They put it on the window
(hands with a certain effort are lowered onto the tummy)
Left to cool
(we wave our hands)
And the wheat pie—
He's stirred into maggots
(gently pinch and knead from tummy to shoulders)
So high-oh-okon-high!
(Handles rise to the top of the head)

In the meadow, in the meadow
(stroke the tummy clockwise)
Worth a bowl of cottage cheese
(put your palm on your tummy)
Two grouse arrived
(pinch the barrel from bottom to top)
(run two fingers over the tummy)
Flew away
(we stroke the baby)

Chushki, views, re-views
(we spin our little fingers around each other)
Timbirlim sits in a tub
(knock our fists against each other from the edges of our palms)
And we're on top of it
(we bring the baby’s hands closer to his head);
(touch the head with our fists)

(knock the child’s fists against each other)
Views, views,
Views I view,
I beat the mallets,
I'm pinning it down.

Stretchers, stretchers

Across the fat girl,
And there are walkers in the legs,
(move our legs)
And in the hands there are little grabbers,

And in my ears I hear little sounds,
(show ears)
And there are peepers in the eyes,
(show eyes)
And my nose has sniffles,
(show nose)
And in the mouth - a talk,
(show mouth)
And in the head - reason!

Stretchers, stretchers
(stroke from head to toes)
Across the fat girl,
And there are walkers in the legs,
(move our legs)
And in the hands there are little grabbers,
(clench and unclench fists)
And in my ears I hear little sounds,
(show ears)
And there are peepers in the eyes,
(show eyes)
And my nose has sniffles,
(show nose)
And in the mouth - a talk,
(show mouth)
And in the head - reason!

the main task "Happy massage" give the mother’s affectionate touches to the child’s body, have fun and useful time with the baby, naturally stimulate the body’s defense points against diseases, relieve tension and fatigue, especially after writing classes or sedentary work.

“Fun massage” is a massage in a playful way - includes a massage of the back, arms, legs and fingers, both on the arms and legs. In other words, massage of large and small muscles of the body.

Massaging your feet and hands is a little different from, say, a back massage. The difference is that when massaging the small muscles of the body, not only the muscles themselves are stimulated, but the entire body has a beneficial effect. And the reason for this is the huge number of highly active points corresponding to all organs and parts of the body (in each foot, for example, there are concentrated seven thousand endings), which are responsible for the state of the body as a whole. Their stimulation has a therapeutic and preventive effect. An interesting fact is that the healers of Ancient Egypt considered the feet and hands to be one of the key “gates to the secrets of the body.” The tomb of Ankhmahor, a court physician from Saqqara (1300 BC), is decorated with images of healing arts, including reflexology of the feet and hands (massage of the feet and hands is classified as reflexology).

Hand and foot massage especially indicated for preschool and younger children school age to relieve emotional stress, normalize the functions of the autonomic nervous system, and prevent fatigue.

Massage the child’s hand more often from the little finger to the thumb and vice versa: from thumb- to the little finger. Remember: it is the extreme phalanges of the fingers that influence the development of higher cortical functions . The phalanges of the fingers are short tubular bones that make up the skeleton of the fingers of the limbs of vertebrates and humans (in humans, the hands and feet). As often as possible, irritate the phalanges different ways: rub, squeeze, press on them.

It is very good if the child periodically rubs his palms several times a day or “walks” his fingers on some rough surface - then a micro massage of the fingers is obtained.

Position your child’s foot more comfortably for him and rub the foot from the sides fast movements up and down on both sides. It relaxes joints and muscles, eliminates stagnation of blood and lymph. The heels and balls of the sole can be massaged vigorously, but the center of the foot requires gentle touches.

If your child complains of back pain, then after massaging his back and neck, do not neglect the foot massage, because this is where there is a huge concentration of points that in modern reflexology correspond to the spine.

Don’t forget about the ancient method of treating colds: remember how grandmothers rubbed their feet, and especially each toe, with vodka, after which the cold receded the next morning - the nose began to breathe more freely, the eyes stopped watering. This is because stimulating your toes has beneficial effects on your eyes, ears, teeth, gums and sinuses.

During the “Fun Massage” there is no need to strive to use medicated creams And essential oils, since “Fun Massage” is not therapeutic, but the child will enjoy using a variety of massagers. It is important that he finds the degree of pressure on his skin at which there is no feeling of pain, but is felt well.

C spruce in fun massage - to bring the body into a state of balance, internal comfort, to encourage the body's systems to work harmoniously and effectively, relying on the emotional and positive side of this method, namely, game, after all play activity- This is the main activity of a small child.

In general, massage is a pleasant action that leads to the restoration of the body’s strength as a whole. A “fun massage” should turn into an incomparable pleasure!

Give your baby a “Fun Massage” using the game texts from the collection, and don’t refuse if your child wants to repeat this massage for you, on your body. There is a massage passive when the child is massaged by another person (adult or child) and active when a child massages himself or someone else.

During active massage, (much more than passive), The baby will develop his hands, strengthening his muscles and increasing the mobility of his joints. The desire to remember and pronounce the text during massage actions will contribute to the development of the child’s speech and memory, at the same time the baby will learn to give the same affectionate touches to another person as he himself receives, correctly and consciously regulating the muscle tension of the hands.

Always remember about massage - patting. Full body tapping exercises are quite simple to perform. They are equally easy to perform for an adult on a child’s body, for a child on his own body, or on the body of someone else. Use your palms and fists to pat the child’s entire body, and he will feel deeply relaxed and full of energy.

After regular massage, movements become agile and fast, and your head feels fresh. This kind of massage is very great benefit will have exactly in an active form. It will help strengthen bones and tendons, develop muscles, both small and large at the same time, increase joint mobility, improve muscle feeling, blood circulation, and enhance work internal organs and metabolism.

It is easy to do in a variety of situations, say, even while traveling on a train. That is, it is more adaptable to circumstances and more mobile than other types of massage, economical and effective.

With a regular tool for such procedures hands serve, But Sandbags can be used to make the tapping heavier or small grains of different sizes, which means different severity and area of ​​patting.

This massage can be done through clothing, and not on the naked body. Again, the thickness of the clothing will affect the strength of the pats and their sensitivity.


You can also download a book about baby massage for free:

Name: Children's massage. Massage and gymnastics for children from birth to three years.

Publisher: St. Petersburg "CROWN" print

Year: 2000

Pages: 320 pp., illustrations

Series: Baby massage