Nursery rhymes for babies bathing. For washing and bathing - nursery rhymes

Every single day you do the same thing with your child. You feed him, change him, bathe him... In one wonderful moment, your beloved child may get bored with this because of the monotony.

But there is a way out. Such a simple hygiene procedure as bathing can be turned into a whole theatrical performance! You can take all kinds of ducks, plastic robots and other similar toys with you and play with your child, while saying suitable nursery rhymes from this section.

Turley pigs
Each other's backs,
Washed the hooked ponytails,
Washed your heels!
Steamed with a broom
We steamed with birch trees,
Flew out of the steam room
A pink cloud,
Pink clouds -
Three ruddy spots.
And how they poured from the tubs,
There's no rush anymore:
Settled in the senets,
In terry towels,
After the heat
Near the samovar,
Blowing on the saucers -
Admiring each other:
Such darlings
After the bath, pigs!

Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo,
On a green meadow,
On the green in the meadow
A cup worth of cottage cheese.
Two grouse arrived
They pecked and flew away.
How they flew
We looked at them.

Vanechka, Vanyusha,
Eat all the porridge.
Hit the spoon
Stomp your foot.
Clap your hands
And pet the cat.

Squish-squish with your hands,
The basin is full of soap.
Don't touch Lenochka,
Soap pen eyes.
And the water gurgles,
And the water is foaming.
Helen will wash herself,
He combs his hair and gets dressed.

Tops, tops,
For some water, lads,
Palm clapping
Yes, bare feet!

Water off a duck's back,
From a baby - thinness
Roll away, all of you.

Swim to me, little fish,
I'll catch you with my palm.
Where did you go?
Slippery like soap?
And the little fish was swimming
And it fell into my hands!

Oh, who's naked?
Who went swimming?
Who found some water?

Who will koop - kup,

Pat it with your palm on the water:
Is there a squelch or a squelch in the water?
To the bath quickly - jump, jump?
In the bathroom, my leg is kicking, kicking!

While soaping your baby, chant:
The soap will foam
And the dirt will go somewhere.

Ay, okay, okay,
We are not afraid of water
We wash ourselves clean,
We smile at the baby.
The water is flowing,
Growing child
Water off a duck's back -
The child is thin.
Water downwards
And the child is up.
Silver bottom,
Golden Coast,
Drive the shavings across the waves!
Light boat
Golden bottom
Silver merry,
mousey tree,
Green trawls.
Sail away, little boat!

Wash your ears with soap
Wash your feet with soap
Oh, how nice
Ladushki - palms.
We cooked porridge,
Stir with a spoon
Oh, how nice
Ladushki - palms.
We made palms
House for matryoshka.
Oh, how nice
Ladushki - palms.
Palms lay down
Rest a little.
Oh, how nice
Ladushki - palms.

Ay, okay, okay,
We are not afraid of water
We wash ourselves clean,
We smile at mom.
The water is flowing,
Growing child
Water off a duck's back -
The child is thin.
Water downwards
And the child is up.

Glug, glug, glug, crucian carp.
We wash in a basin.
There are frogs, fish and ducklings nearby.

Turley pigs
Each other's backs,
Washed the hooked ponytails,
Washed your heels!
Steamed with a broom
We steamed with birch trees,
Flew out of the steam room
A pink cloud,
Pink clouds -
Three ruddy spots.
And how they poured from the tubs,
There's no rush anymore:
Settled in the senets,
In terry towels,
After the heat
Near the samovar,
Blowing on the saucers -
Admiring each other:
Such darlings
After the bath, pigs!

We woke up, stretched out,
They smiled tenderly at mom,
We sat on the potty in the morning.
It's time for us to wash ourselves!

Magic water
On a pink face
A stream from a fairy tale
On the nose and eyes,
Splashes from the tub
On the cheeks and ears,
Rain from a watering can
On the forehead and neck.

Rain from a warm cloud
For little hands.
What a neat guy!
(Clean girl!)
Kiss me, mommy!

Squish-squish with your hands

Squish-squish with your hands,
The basin is full of soap.
Don't touch Lenochka,
Soap pen eyes.
And the water gurgles,
And the water is foaming.
Helen will wash herself,
He combs his hair and gets dressed.

To my daughter

We'll go swimming and splash in the water,
Sveta will splash, frolic, and wash herself.
We will wash our sweet baby's feet,
Let's wash little Svetlana's hands,
Back and tummy, face and mouth -
What a pure dear daughter!

We came to wash ourselves!

We know, we know - yes, yes, yes!
There is water hiding in the tap!
Come out, water!
We came to wash ourselves!
Leisure a little
Right in the palm of your hand!
The soap will foam
And the dirt will go somewhere!


Water, water, wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks blush,
So that your mouth laughs,
So that the tooth bites.

Cheeks? - Washed.

Cheeks? Washed.
Nose? Washed?
What about the eyes? Forgot.

Ay, okay, okay...

Ay, okay, okay,
We are not afraid of water
We wash ourselves clean,
We smile at mom.

Who will swim?

Who will be there koop-kup,
Is there a squelch-squelch in the water?
To the bath quickly - jump, jump,
In the bathtub with your foot - jump, jump!
The soap will foam
And the dirt will go somewhere.

Tap, open!

Tap, open! Nose, wash your face!
Wash both eyes at once!
Wash your ears, wash your neck!
Neck, wash yourself thoroughly!
Wash, wash, shower!
Dirt, wash away! Dirt, wash away!

We wash in a basin

Glug, glug, glug,
We wash in a basin.
There are little frogs nearby,
Fish and ducklings.


Silver bottom,
Golden Coast,
Drive the shavings across the waves!
Light boat
Golden bottom
Silver merry,
mousey tree,
Green trawls.
Sail away, little boat!


Water, water,
Wash Nastya's face,
Nastya was eating porridge,
Got my face dirty.
So that there is a girl
Always the cleanest
Help, water,
Wash Nastya's face.


The hedgehog washed his ears in the bathhouse,
neck, belly skin
, and the hedgehog asked the raccoon:
“Will you rub my back?”

Every young mother sooner or later gets acquainted with amazing nursery rhymes and tells them to her beloved baby at every opportunity. Today I offer to help a young parent the best nursery rhymes for bathing and washing a child. Such interesting nursery rhymes will certainly help accustom a little reluctant child to washing and bathing.

Nursery rhymes for bathing and washing

Water off a duck's back,
Water from the swan
From my child -
All the thinness
To an empty forest
To the big water
Under the rotten deck!

* * *

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks blush,
So that your mouth laughs,
So that the tooth bites!

* * *

Who will be there koop-kup? Squelch-squish in the water?
Jump-jump into the bath! In the bathtub my leg is kicking and jerking!
If the soap foams, the dirt will go somewhere


The bear came to the ford and splashed into the water.
He's already wet there, he's already a pussy there,
Soaked, soured, climbed out, dried out,
I stood on the deck and fell into the water


From some water, from some water
Everything sparkles with smiles!
From some water, from some water
More cheerful flowers and birds!
Danya washes herself,
The sun smiles!


We'll go swimming
And splash in the water,
Splash, frolic,
Ksyusha will take a bath.
We'll wash your feet
To our sweet baby,
Let's wash our hands
Little Ksyushonka,
Back and tummy
Face and mouth -
How clean
Dear daughter!


Why does water flow
from our baby?
We were taken out of the pond,
give me a towel!


Everything was washed.
And now we're clean
Fluffy bunnies.


Nose, nose!
Where are you, little nose?
Mouth, mouth!
Where are you, little mouth?
Cheek, cheek!
Where are you, cheek?
It will be clean


The sea is agitated - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is worried - three,
Marine figure, freeze!


The ships sailed and sailed,
It took a long time to reach the ground,
We swam for a long time
We swam for a long time
And they sailed -
How could they?


The boat is sailing, sailing,
Golden ship
Lucky, lucky gifts,
Gifts for you and me.
Sailors on deck
They whistle, scurry, hurry,
Sailors on deck -
Fourteen little mice.
The boat is sailing, sailing
To the west, to the east,
Ropes - cobwebs,
And the sail is a petal.
Straw oars
For little rowers.
Lucky, lucky boat
Half a pound of candy.
A duck is leading the boat,
Experienced sailor.
- Earth! - said the duck.


The bunny began to wash himself
Apparently he was going to visit
Wash my mouth
Washed my nose
Washed my ear
It's dry

* * *

Cleaning, cleaning the chimney sweep
- clean clean, clean clean
There will be a chimney sweep
clean clean clean clean.

* * *

Oh, who's naked?
Who went swimming?
Who found some water?

Oh, the water is good!
Good water!
Let's give the baby a bath
May your face shine!

* * *

Open up!

Wash yourself!

Take a bath!

Give up!


Like through a meadow, meadow,
Along the green meadow
The water was spilling
The grass spread out
The grass spread out
Silk grass.


The water is flowing,
Growing child
Water off a duck's back,
You're too thin
Water downwards
And the child is up.


Water, water,
Wash my face
So that the eyes can look
To make your cheeks blush,
So that your mouth laughs,
So that the tooth bites!


When the baby sits in the bathtub during bathing, teach him to hit the water with his hands and splash:

Rain! Rain! We need
Go home!

Thunder! Thunder! Like from cannons.
Today is a holiday for frogs.

Hail! Hail! Hail is pouring down!
Everyone is under roofs!

Only my little son is in a puddle
He catches fish for our dinner.

Water off a duck's back,
Water from the swan
From my child -
All the thinness
To an empty forest
To the big water
Under the rotten deck!

* * *

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks blush,
So that your mouth laughs,
So that the tooth bites!

* * *

Who will be there koop-kup? Squelch-squish in the water?
Jump-jump into the bath! In the bathtub my leg is kicking and jerking!
If the soap foams, the dirt will go somewhere


The bear came to the ford and splashed into the water.
He's already wet there, he's already a pussy there,
Soaked, soured, climbed out, dried out,
I stood on the deck and fell into the water


From some water, from some water
Everything sparkles with smiles!
From some water, from some water
More cheerful flowers and birds!
Danya washes herself,
The sun smiles!


We'll go swimming
And splash in the water,
Splash, frolic,
Ksyusha will take a bath.
We'll wash your feet
To our sweet baby,
Let's wash our hands
Little Ksyushonka,
Back and tummy
Face and mouth -
How clean
Dear daughter!


Why does water flow
from our baby?
We were taken out of the pond,
give me a towel!


Everything was washed.
And now we're clean
Fluffy bunnies.


Nose, nose!
Where are you, little nose?
Mouth, mouth!
Where are you, little mouth?
Cheek, cheek!
Where are you, cheek?
It will be clean


The sea is worried - once,
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is worried - three,
Marine figure, freeze!


The ships sailed and sailed,
It took a long time to reach the ground,
We swam for a long time
We swam for a long time
And they sailed -
How could they?


The boat is sailing, sailing,
Golden ship
Lucky, lucky gifts,
Gifts for you and me.
Sailors on deck
They whistle, scurry, hurry,
Sailors on deck -
Fourteen little mice.
The boat is sailing, sailing
To the west, to the east,
Ropes - cobwebs,
And the sail is a petal.
Straw oars
For little rowers.
Lucky, lucky boat
Half a pound of candy.
A duck is leading the boat,
Experienced sailor.
- Earth! - said the duck.


The bunny began to wash himself
Apparently he was going to visit
Wash my mouth
Washed my nose
Washed my ear
It's dry

* * *

Cleaning, cleaning the chimney sweep
- clean clean, clean clean
There will be a chimney sweep
clean clean clean clean.

* * *

Oh, who's naked?
Who went swimming?
Who found some water?

Oh, the water is good!
Good water!
Let's give the baby a bath
May your face shine!

* * *

Open up!

Wash yourself!

Take a bath!

Give up!


Like through a meadow, meadow,
Along the green meadow
The water was spilling
The grass spread out
The grass spread out
Silk grass.


The water is flowing,
Growing child
Water off a duck's back,
You're too thin
Water downwards
And the child is up.


Water, water,
Wash my face
So that the eyes can look,
To make your cheeks blush,
So that your mouth laughs,
So that the tooth bites!


When the baby sits in the bathtub during bathing, teach him to hit the water with his hands and splash:

Rain! Rain! We need
Go home!

Thunder! Thunder! Like from cannons.
Today is a holiday for frogs.

Hail! Hail! Hail is pouring down!
Everyone is under roofs!

Only my little son is in a puddle
He catches fish for our dinner.

The baby repeats after his mother the movements described in the text of the nursery rhyme: he washes his eyes, nose, etc.

Open the tap
Wash your nose!
Wash right away
Both eyes
Wash your neck

Tap, open!
Nose, wash your face!
Eye, bathe!
Dirt, give up!

My, my chimney sweep
Clean clean, clean, clean.
There will be, there will be a chimney sweep
Clean, clean, clean, clean.

Ay, okay, okay, okay,
We are not afraid of water!
Clean water
Wash our face
Wash your palms
Wet us a little
Ay, okay, okay, okay,
We are not afraid of water!
We wash ourselves clean,
We smile at mom!

Glug, glug, glug,
We wash in a basin.
There are little frogs nearby,
Fish and ducklings.

Who will be there koop-kup,
Is the water squelch-squish? To the bath quickly - jump, jump,
In the bathtub with your foot - jerk, jerk!
The soap will foam, and the dirt will go somewhere.

Who is this naked guy?
Who went swimming?
Who found some water?
Oh, the water is good!
Good water!
Let's give the baby a bath
May your face shine!

We're going swimming
And splash in the water,
Splash, frolic
(name) will wash.
We'll wash your feet
To our sweet baby,
Let's wash our hands
To our little bunny,
Back and tummy
Face and mouth.
What a clean one
Our dear son!
(What a clean
Dear daughter!)

Published by: Mishka 07.02.2018 10:11 24.05.2019

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