Does Santa Claus exist? Does Santa Claus exist? What to answer the child? That Santa Claus exists.

In the cycle of New Year's Eve events and bustle, many really want to understand whether Santa Claus really exists. And what, nevertheless, of all those met over the past few days, is the Real Santa Claus.

Not recently, by the way. Not so recently. One very good man told me:

- It's time for our girl to carefully explain the truth about Santa Claus ... And then, after all, what happens ?! What are we deceiving the child! In addition, half of her class already does not believe in Santa Claus!

And I thought deeply about the many questions that arise in such a situation. Such, for example, as “is it worth telling?” , “who needs the truth and why?”, “what is the truth?”, “is it possible, with full confidence, to say that parents are lying?” and “are they lying?” and so on and so forth.

As a result, I had an auxiliary version for parents who are faced with the need to answer the child's question

"Does Santa Claus really exist?"

and don't know what to do. But I want to do it so that I don’t turn out to be vile deceivers, and at the same time I don’t spoil the child’s magical holiday.

Hope it's useful to someone!

Yes, for those who urgently need a recipe, but they can’t read so much - look for the magic recipe at the end. The teacher reveals it to the children. Vera Sergeevna. 🙂

Happy reading!

The real Santa Claus, or does Santa Claus really exist

— Ha-ha-ha!

- That's stupid!

— Oh, I can't!

- Oh, yes, scream!

- Our Sveta is small!

- Kindergarten! Pants with straps! resounded from all sides.

Half the class, and maybe more, gathered around Svetka's desk.

Surrounded, densely so, from all sides.

Someone pretended to burst with laughter, grabbed his stomach and head, Vadimka, taking out a paper handkerchief, wiped away the tears that supposedly happened to him from laughter, Irka puffed out her cheeks and pretended to suck on a nipple. And those who did not come up with anything more interesting simply pointed their finger at Svetkin and laughed theatrically.

They laughed at her. Above Light.

There were, however, those who looked silently and with obvious sympathy.

But everyone, every one who heard the conversation and gathered around, stared at Svetka with all their eyes.

And Svetka was sitting in the very center of such, not very pleasant, attention, and by no means could she evaporate anywhere. Which she sincerely regretted.

There is also Tanka Shchipacheva - as always she got in. She peeled off Prostakov Pashka, whom she had so obstinately courted for the last few days, despite all his sluggish protests ...

I did hear! Ran up, pushed everyone aside quickly. No questions, no apologies.

And no one objected. Who will argue with Tanka Shchipacheva!? Yourself is dearer!

She is always like this, this Schipacheva. Tanka. And why is not clear. She looks like the most ordinary girl. Neither tall nor short, with a black braid down to her shoulder blades and a couple of loose curls on her forehead.

Nobody, probably, even thought about it. We have already got used to the fact that Tanya is like that. The most important. Upstart. Authority. And no one contacted her especially, without unnecessary need.

True, Svetka used to discuss this issue with Mike. By secret. In the dressing room by the window, or in the toilet. But, alas. So far, they have not come up with anything worthwhile on this score.

In general, Tanka jumped up to Svetka's desk and, resolutely looking into the eyes of Svetka, who was about to roar, she spoke loudly and clearly, in syllables:

- REMEMBER! Svetkina-candy! You are already an adult! AND FATHER FROST DOES NOT EXIST!

And Svetka... She secretly was only going to roar. And so - no. She knew a trick. She turned her lips inward, right behind her teeth and pressed them tightly with her teeth. She tried not to blink her eyes.

Of course, she could not object in such a state. And, to be honest, now she somehow got it all mixed up in her head. Therefore, there was nothing special to object to.

And so Svetka sat, biting her lips, twisting the chestnut strands of her square around her fingers so that her face could be seen less and her hair more.

She sat and looked enviously out the window. On pigeons nestled next to each other on a wire.

- They're good! she thought distractedly. - They are there. And no one laughs at them.

I watched, imagined myself side by side on the wire and how surprised everyone here would be if Sveta took it and disappeared. And appeared there.

Forget about this conversation. They would run to the window and begin to point and shout with their fingers:

— Look! There is Light!

"Look where you've gone!"

- In gives!

And all this with respect! Not like now. Not everyone, you know, can sit on the wires with pigeons. For this, anyone is respected. Even the one who still believes in Santa Claus.

From time to time Svetka listened to her discordant thoughts:

- I knew it! - one thought muttered in Svetka's grumpy voice, - Valka shouldn't have talked about Santa Claus! It was not necessary! And by letter, and about the request ...

- Not really! I didn't know anything! answered the other, loudly. The one that is always for justice.

- I just didn't think so. And I had to think. But I didn’t think ... - the third one justified herself, sighing modestly and sadly.

- As always! And now, now - I got it! - Joyfully picked up the first - grumpy.

From these very thoughts, Svetka wanted to get to the pigeons even more.

And then, as often happened, her faithful friend Mike came to the aid of Svetka. She, having heard what was happening around Svetka's desk, immediately abandoned the decisive battle on the lines with Slavka Fedotov and rushed into the thick of things like a whirlwind.

- Tanka! Maya immediately realized what was the matter. - It's all a lie! Lies and show off! Santa Claus came to us last New Year for sure! - she declared to Tanka with a challenge.

At the same time, her appearance was such that Sveta opened her mouth - she was not lying! And that means salvation is near!

- Yes, where did you get it? - Tanya bleated in a nasty voice, trying to tease Mike.

- And from that it took! - Mike answered her in the same nasty voice.

- You're lying! - Tanka resolutely cut her off, - Is there any evidence? – in a voice it was felt confidence that – is not present. There is no and cannot be evidence that Santa Claus exists! Because any truly adult person will say “No!”, and that's it!

- Lying! - Zhenya Zhukov supported Tanka with obvious pleasure. And in order to stretch the intrigue longer, he first blew a huge bubble of chewing gum, burst it with a loud bang, and only then continued, - I've heard advertising a hundred times on the radio in the car, - then his voice became funny and thin, - And you Have you figured out what to put under the Christmas tree with your family?! the class laughed. - What do you think?! Would such advertising be played if Santa Claus existed? Zhenya looked around the class victoriously.

Tanka vigorously nodded her head as a sign of complete agreement with Zhenya's words.

Svetka drooped again from all this and tightly pressed her lips together. She saw how those who still had timid doubts about Santa Claus, having heard Zhenya's reasonable words, made the final decision and took the side of Tanka.

Some even did it for real. Moved forward, that is. Closer to Tanya.

Sveta looked hopefully at Mike. And she was glad - Mike was clearly not upset by the news about the advertisement. She was even going to say something, but her faithful friend and neighbor on the desk, Slavka, outstripped her.

- My dad says: "If you want to hear enough nonsense - listen to commercials!" - Slavka smiled so sweetly! Svetka involuntarily let go of her lips and smiled too. She suddenly became calm.

- And yet he is! she thought to herself.

Zhenya frowned as he pondered the answer. And Mike finally continued:

- Exactly! And I have proof! She held her hand just above her eyebrows. This meant that there was as much evidence as needed. And even a little more.

- We were at the cottage. - Maya began her story, - Big one. Just huge! Or not giving. I don’t know for sure… And there were a lot of us there. Moms, dads, kids. Many families. Everyone lived in their own room. And we are in ours. Me and Taika. My little sister.

Maya was interesting to listen to. She spoke from the heart, and it was clear from her burning eyes that mentally she was not here now. And there - in the last New Year. At the same cottage. Or somewhere else... The class fell silent and froze in an effort not to miss a word. Everyone understood that now is significant - everyone.

Maya continued:

And so we woke up in the morning. Right after New Years. They wanted, of course, to run away - to see what Santa Claus put under the Christmas tree for us. We get up and look! And with us ... - Maika made her eyes so big, well, just huge, she took her cheeks, pretending surprise, sighed deeply, deeply and blurted out in such a voice that they tell only a real secret:

- And on our window it is written: “Hello Maya and Taya from Santa Claus! Happy New Year!". And it’s not written with some kind of paint, or even with something human. Written by MO-RO-ZOM!

Maika looked around at everyone with an air of victory. And not in vain. All mouths were opened! All. Up to one. Even Tanya did not immediately catch on. Then, however, it closed. And quickly realized:

“Is that like MO-RO-ZOM?! - she repeated sarcastically after Mike, pretending to be a great detective and smiling slyly. Now it was written on her face: “Now I would-s-quickly bring her to clean water!”.

- Yes, it's simple. Frost and all. How frost draws on glass. Don't you know what?! Mike asked nonchalantly.

— Yes, what a frost?! Baby! Tanya laughed, clutching her head. - Yes, this is your dad or mom wrote with a finger. In a mitten. That's all the frost for you.

Everyone laughed after Tanya. It became clear that Mikey's evidence was fake. Tankin's camp was slowly growing and getting stronger.

Sveta sighed hopelessly, but still looked at Mike with hope, expecting a miracle. Now! Now Mike will say the most important thing!

And the miracle did happen! Maika spoke in a calm and emotionless voice. Like in the movies:

- And this is IS-KEY-CH-NO. - And mysteriously fell silent.

Everyone stared at her in anticipation. Finally, Pavlik Obramkin could not stand it and says:

- Well?! Speak already?! You see, people are worried.

Mike nodded in agreement.

— It was the THIRD FLOOR! she blurted out in a loud whisper.

What started here! The girls made huge eyes, covered their mouths, Irka Belyaeva "fainted", Vika "brought her to her senses" - she fanned herself with all her might with an album for drawing, and the boys ...

Someone showed a thumb, sticking it up and curling the rest of the fingers into a fist. This meant something like “proof of what is needed”, someone rushed around and yelled “ola-lu-lu-lu” to give the atmosphere an even more spectacular look and sound, someone was silent in shock, who shook his head and Slavka galloped on one on one leg and sang:

- Long live, long live Santa Claus!

Only Tanya still did not give up. Through the screams of her classmates, who suddenly lost confidence in her so quickly, she yelled:

- Ladder! They put up a ladder! And in general - there are no three-story cottages!

Those guys who were not far from Tanka stopped their erratic movement and screams, stopped and listened to see what Mike would say.

Maya was still calm and reasonable. She slightly nodded her head in agreement with something and said this:

- Well, in general - yes. There was no third floor.

— Oh, I can't! I'm lying! - Tanka tried to interrupt her, but Mike looked at her sternly and continued.

“There were two floors and such a oh-so-very big roof. There were also rooms under this roof. It happens. I just don't remember what it's called. Well, have you seen it? She looked at the boys closely.

Here Sevka made a very smart and businesslike look and nodded briefly, here Olga Perepelkina waved her hand somewhere and said carelessly “Yes-ah, it’s exactly the same with us!” After her, Ulya shrugged her shoulders and remarked with surprise but I didn’t see it ... ”And quickly spread through the class a general agreement with such a third floor under the roof.

Then Maika nodded with a smile and continued the story:

This is the room we lived in. Under our window there was a roof like that ... Like a snow hill. There are two more floors under the roof.

- Yes-ah-ah ... - Tolik Knots drawled with knowledge of the matter. - What kind of fool will climb there on New Year's Eve? Yes, and you will fall immediately. There will be a roar ... Only Santa Claus could ...

- What are you, really! Not the fourth class "A", but some kind of kindergarten! - Tanya slapped her hand on the desk. They put up a ladder! And all things.

“We thought so too,” Mike nodded, smiling and looking boldly at Tanya. “You think you’re the only one so quick-witted?” Boots and jackets put on and on the street! They didn't even go under the tree!

- And what? - Impatient Pavlik kept rushing things.

- And nothing! Mike proudly announced. - No trace. No stairs. All around climbed. Looked in all the doors! They didn't find anything. That's why, - Maika shrugged her shoulders, - now I can say for sure - there is Santa Claus!

— Advertising for durra-a-achko-o-s! Slavka sang cheerfully and very beautifully. In general, he sang very beautifully. Therefore, he sang always and wherever he could. Sometimes he flew in for the fact that he sang even where it was out of place, or out of time.

And then Vera Sergeevna floated into the class. Art teacher. Drawings that is. She always did. Didn't enter or run. That's right - she swam.

She was thin, even fragile. Many, at times, thought that she was about to break.

And - extraordinarily beautiful. Everyone in the class thought so. All without exception. Even Tanya.

Her hair has always been collected in a mysterious hairstyle that does not have an official name. A few curls always stuck out randomly from it.

- Well, just, well - VERY! Chic! Real lady! - That's what the girls in the class used to say and tried to repeat such a masterpiece on their heads. Such attempts ended for the girls with the fact that one of the teachers was always interested in:

- And what is it with us today Olya Vederkina and Yulia Shakhova came so shaggy?!

Vera Sergeevna's face was...

Probably, if the guys from the fourth grade "A" were asked to write an essay on the topic, "What does the face of Vera Sergeevna look like," everyone would enthusiastically rush to write! The topic is - oh, what an interesting one!

But, having thought a little, most likely, no one would have written anything more meaningful than "beautiful, kind and with a smile."

And it really was. Vera Sergeevna, she was all kind of beautiful, kind and with a smile. As for the rest of the details, they always remained somewhere behind beauty, kindness and a smile. Therefore, no one noticed them and, having closed their eyes, most likely, they would not even remember.

Sometimes, then to one or another student it suddenly began to seem that she, Vera Sergeevna, herself, too ... Painted! Such a translucent light watercolor. As well as the charming works of her hand on numerous album sheets or drawing paper.

The kids enjoyed working with her. Everyone. Even those who considered themselves an absolute inept in matters of drawing. And - Vera Sergeevna never forgot to point out to such children that this is not even so at all. That they just need to want and believe in their abilities.

And so. That same Vera Sergeevna swam into the classroom with her unchanging smile.

And she proclaimed, enveloping everyone with her magical watercolor look:

- Greetings!

She did it, as always, very joyfully and solemnly, and, at the same time, somehow very comradely.

Everyone was happy to answer her. Who is into what.

Hello, Vera Sergeevna! some said.

- Greetings! others echoed.

— Good afternoon, Vera Sergeevna! - shouted the third.

And some even gave out something unusual, for example:

- Happy New Year to you, Vera Sergeevna! - or, -

You are always welcome, Vera Sergeevna!

And Vera Sergeevna, without stopping smiling, quickly looked around the 4th “A” class again, and, of course, not surprising anyone at all, she asked:

- And what are we arguing about, if not a secret? However, she never stopped smiling. She must have smiled even in her sleep. To this question “Does Vera Sergeevna smile in a dream or not?” very often the boys of the fourth grade "A" tried to find the answer.

And maybe not only boys, and not only this class. The question was extremely interesting. And he didn't have a definitive answer. Just guesswork, that's all.

Tanya sighed and, suddenly, to the surprise of the rest of her classmates, looked down and said nothing. For Tanka Shchipacheva, this was simply unheard of! In fact, out of habit, everyone was sure that now it was she who would tell Vera Sergeevna what the dispute was about.

But, quite unexpectedly, instead everyone heard Maikin's voice:

— Vera Sergeevna! Do you think that Santa Claus exists? - Maika slightly tilted her head to the side, shook her chestnut square and continued. - Here - Zhenya Zhukov heard in an advertisement that Santa Claus does not put gifts under the Christmas tree. And you are adults.

Vera Sergeevna looked around the class with her magical gaze, in a completely incomprehensible way, while managing to smile even more strongly than before.

Then, as it seemed to some, she quietly, like a small bell, giggled, walked back and forth along her table. Then - to the window and back.

At the same time, she lifted her nose to the ceiling, and as if she was reading something there, some formulas, or numbers, or - the answer to this difficult question for the fourth grade "A".

Only after all this mysterious ceremony did Vera Sergeevna begin to speak.

Or rather, to ring with your even more joyful than before, and which has become some kind of crystal voice.

Vera Sergeevna again walked back and forth, now along the board. She waved her finger, made two holey stripes in a little man drawn by someone. Now it turned out that the little man in a skirt and a fashionable hat.

After doing this trick of quickly transforming a human-boy into a human-girl, she finally continued:

- Yes, it's very simple, guys! Haven't you figured it out yet!? Vera Sergeevna shook her shoulders in surprise. And she fell silent again, looking around at everyone with a questioning expression on her face. Like - how is it! My talented, my unique students and students could not guess!

The pupils and pupils were silent in agitated silence. Someone shrugged his shoulders in surprise, someone scratched the back of his head. Others just pretended not to understand. But all, without exception, had expressions of impatience and curiosity. Everyone was waiting and looking at Vera Sergeevna with all their eyes.

A secret flew through the class. She giggled softly in everyone's ear and slipped away. She rang with her mysterious little voice, whispered something unintelligible, rustled past, leaving behind only a slight breeze.

Everyone was waiting: - Well, when ?! When will the sorceress and today, perhaps, the real Snegurochka Vera Sergeevna finally catch this secret shamelessly teasing everyone ?! After all, then she, the secret, nothing can be done, she will still have to open up.

Vera Sergeevna lowered her eyes, sighed deeply and, once again examining all the guys, inquiringly, they say, “well, no one guessed?” and “is everyone ready to know the real secret?”, said:

- Santa Claus, - my children, comes only to those who believe in him. So everything is simple! She shrugged her shoulders and nodded.

There was an uproar in the class. Some digested the news in silence. Simply by bulging your eyes, or by opening your mouth wide. Someone grabbed his head, someone for his cheeks, which suddenly became too pink. And, of course, there were those who proudly and joyfully stretched their mouths in a victorious smile. And maybe even turned up his nose a little.

Here, it suddenly turned out that Vera Sergeevna did not finish. Everyone heard her suddenly become very quiet voice-bell:

“But, after all, it happens like this,” Vera Sergeevna’s eyes were filled with sadness for one completely imperceptible moment, and her voice became somehow dull, “that a person suddenly stops believing.

She looked sympathetically at Tanya, went up to her and carefully put her hand on her shoulder. Tanya shuddered, but did not turn around ...

Stops believing in Santa Claus. And then, relatives have to buy gifts themselves and put them under the Christmas tree. Instead of Santa Claus. - The voice of Vera Sergeevna was again sonorous and cheerful. That's why advertising. She spread her hands.

Something incredible was going on in the classroom. The news was amazing. Therefore, everyone forgot for a while about the sorceress and the Snow Maiden Vera Sergeevna and tried somehow with her, with the news, to cope and get along, digest it and understand how to live now. Everyone's faces were focused and very puzzled.

Someone asked a neighbor if he believes in Santa Claus or not. He listened and hesitantly gave his version in response. Someone, joyfully waving his hands, said that now it is clear why Santa Claus always brings him gifts.

Someone, holding on to their cheeks, crimson from experiences, was worried about their mother, since it may very well be that mother no longer believes in Santa Claus for a long time. And this means that her relatives urgently need to prepare a gift for her. Who is her next of kin?

Yes Yes! And time is running out for the New Year!

Someone just whispered anxiously, not wanting to be heard by those around them.

And only Mike and Svetka, and even with Slavka Fedotova to boot, lazily looked around at all this confusion and smiled contentedly. Like cats, full of sour cream.

- What did you want to ask, Zhenya? - meanwhile, Vera Sergeevna asked, looking at Zhenya Zhukov, who continued to stretch his hand, as in a lesson.

— Vera Sergeevna! - he began and lowered his eyes sadly ... He continued quietly, in the hope that, perhaps, someone would not hear him. But, as luck would have it, everyone quieted down and carefully listened, - And if you stopped believing, and then started again? What then? Does it count? Zhenya asked worriedly.

- Then? Vera Sergeevna asked thoughtfully and looked lovingly at her students.

“And then, I hope everything will be fine!” And Santa Claus will be able to find out about this and understand everything. He is a good grandfather. And understanding. Is it true? In general, I suggest everyone to believe that everything will be fine. For example, I already really hope that Santa Claus will definitely visit me this New Year! She happily looked around at the guys, and gave them some more of her crystal laughter. - And now, on this unusually joyful note, I propose to begin our today's lesson. Who do you think we will draw today?

- Santa Claus, of course! – smiled Tanka Shchipacheva. She finally left her beloved window alone and turned to the class.

There were no pigeons or wires outside the window, but only thick and fluffy, slow and very New Year's snow. He seemed to fill the whole street with himself, as well as all the gaps and ambiguities that still remained with someone in the class. The snow brought peace and clarity to the classroom.

Imperceptibly squishing her nose, Tanya Shchipacheva conciliatory and somehow unusual for her kindly looked at the children and at her beloved teacher.

- Right! You guessed it, Tanya! Vera Sergeevna nodded in agreement with her unchanging smile. - Draw Santa Claus! Well, sit down, guys, and - for the cause! Let's start our new lesson!

Here is a recipe. I hope now, having heard from my child the question “Does Santa Claus really exist?” you will be fully equipped.

I wish you a happy holiday season! And, of course, so that the Real Santa Claus would definitely look at you!

All young children believe in Santa Claus. And all adults know that it does not exist, but at the same time they ask children what they would like to receive as a gift from Santa Claus, supporting the children's faith in the myth. Is it good? Maybe to the question of the children: “Does Santa Claus exist”, it is necessary to explain to the child once and for all that this is a myth and there are no miracles in the world?

The role of Santa Claus in the life of a child

The figure of Santa Claus occupies a special place in the lives of children and adults. Behind it lies the faith of our ancestors in an ancient deity who brings gifts for the New Year, and with them - the hope for a new harvest and a new life. Even a modern person, far from archaic beliefs, feels the need to celebrate the New Year. What can we say about a child for whom Santa Claus is absolutely real?

This is a character who will definitely come at the appointed time and bring everything you want. This is a kind of "collective" parent, on which children project their ideas about the ideal adult.

The expectation of a fairy tale, the feeling that desires are being fulfilled, and, finally, ordinary greed (the more they give, the more they want) - all these feelings live for the time being in every child. During this period, children, reflecting on the question of whether Santa Claus exists, are looking for evidence of this fact in the first place. After all, playing Santa Claus helps him realize that even not very correct feelings have the right to exist. Having satisfied his fantasies, his greed, the growing man learns to control this instinctive force.

The question of the child about the existence of Santa Claus should not be taken by surprise

In the life of every child, there comes a moment when he, trustingly looking into the eyes of his parents, sadly asks: “Does Santa Claus really exist?” In this case, it is better for an adult to have a pre-prepared answer. Here are some options that parents often use:

  • Santa Claus comes only to little kids;
  • Santa Claus gives gifts only to those who believe in him, the rest are given by parents;
  • Santa Claus exists, but parents give gifts on his behalf (and having coordinated everything with him) - since he alone is not able to give to everyone everywhere.

Children do not see any problems in the fact that this fairy-tale hero often appears before us in the form of living people. They are ready to accept that they are just men dressed as Santa Claus. They know very well that the person who showed up at school with a bag of gifts lives at the end of the street and plays the role of Santa Claus, because all adults do this.

Until what age can a child believe in Santa Claus?

As long as the child wants to believe in Santa Claus, support this game. It doesn't matter how old he is: 4, 8 or 11. Step over your realism and still organize a holiday.

Playing Santa Claus is necessary for the development of a child's imagination, symbolic perception of the world, and creative thinking.

How to give correct answers?

If he asks very specific questions: “How does Santa Claus manage to come to all the children at once? Why does he look like dad or uncle Seryozha? How does he still look like? ”, Offer your version suitable for this age.

For example, explain to the kid that Santa Claus is alone, and there are many children, and therefore he has assistants who perform all the tasks of the wizard.

An older child, talking about the existence of Santa Claus, can mention a distant northern country, deer and a small ice hut littered with children's letters. Coming up with an interesting answer does not mean lying.

If you are very worried that the child may be offended by you for cheating, you can start all the stories about Santa Claus with the words: “I heard” or “there are rumors that Santa Claus” ...

If you are pressed against the wall and demand an honest answer to the question of whether there is a real Santa Claus, you can say: “I wanted your life to also have the same fairy tale as I once had.”

In the end, any question of a son or daughter about belief in miracles is an opportunity for an adult to think: “What do I believe in myself? Does Santa Claus really exist for me? Treat the child's question as an opportunity to talk and hear each other.

The contact that arises between you and the work that takes place in your soul when answering a question is a very valuable gift. It is this contact that represents the moment of meeting a person with himself. And in this situation, there is no wrong answer to the children's question.

Should I say yes to magic?

When you say yes to the incredible magic of Santa Claus, you are saying yes to hope and faith. In the end, there are few adults who would like to be told the truth about Santa Claus as a child.

Everyone wants a little fairy tale in life. Having saved it, regardless of whether it is true that Santa Claus exists or not, we grow up, but the feeling of expecting a miracle, a premonition of something bright on New Year's Eve continues to live in our memory.

Inventing magical stories, decorating the Christmas tree, furtively putting gifts under it, anxiously waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus with our children, we seem to plunge into those childhood emotions again, reliving that happy expectation of a fairy tale and a miracle. We need it no less than our kids, and maybe even more, because we miss magic in our lives.

We, adults, should not forget that Santa Claus will exist as long as we want and believe it ... And along with the chimes, magic will definitely happen!

We will reveal to you a secret: where the New Year's wizard lives. And we will even tell you what to say to the children if they begin to doubt its existence (having seen, for example, on the street a pretty tipsy artist in a red sheepskin coat and with a white beard). “This is an assistant,” a modern child will say, but he will still be waiting for a gift under the Christmas tree! And, by the way, ask parents "puzzling" questions, one of which is - where does Santa Claus live?

So, let's start with the most important thing. Is there life in the snow, that is, does the fairy-tale New Year's wizard really exist?

Who grants wishes and is Santa Claus really?

"Of course not!" - such serious, experienced adults will exclaim. - “But – shh! We won't tell our kids about this yet! Let them believe for up to ten years, and then they themselves will understand. Are you right, adult comrades? Yes, it is unlikely that we will get, by making a wish, a foreign car under the window, tied with a huge gift ribbon or a ticket to the Maldives, without having a rich sponsor or without earning and accumulating a certain amount of money.

But some take and make wishes, and what is most interesting - they come true! For example, a few years ago, a man who believed in miracles asked Santa Claus for a million. True, Russian rubles, but still, the amount is rather big. I wrote a letter, sent it, consider it, “to my grandfather’s village”, without indicating the exact address and coordinates. Then a couple of days later I bought a lottery ticket and won exactly a million! Having become the happy owner of a bag of money, he now makes wishes every year and does not stop believing in the good Santa Claus, although he still does not know where Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden live.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden - where do they still live?

Regardless of what these fairy-tale heroes come on - on a "gelik" or "Kruzak", a sleigh pulled by horses, deer, dogs, or even get on foot, do they come from somewhere? And the child will certainly ask - where do they still live? And all of a sudden, we, too, having cast aside all doubts and mentally said goodbye to failures, want to write a letter to the fabulous grandfather, but just where to write?

Today, it just so happened, there are two most important residences of Santa Claus - in Lapland, among the eternal snows (Finland) and in Veliky Ustyug (Russia, Vologda region). This is where letters go in an endless stream, and on holidays games, festivities, round dances, and excursions are held. Finnish Santa Claus is called Santa Claus, his name is Joulupukki, and he has his own village on the line of the Arctic Circle, it is called Rovaniemi.

Seeing the Russian and Finnish Santa Clauses, even adults begin to believe that they have real New Year's wizards in front of them!

If you tell in more detail about Veliky Ustyug, where Santa Claus lives, it turns out like this. His possessions are located not far from Veliky Ustyug, and he is waiting for guests all year round, even in summer. The carved gates open and the Magic begins. Fairy-tale heroes and the Snow Maiden greet each guest as if they were dearest, escorting them to a magnificent patterned tower. There is also a fabulous throne in the tower, on which they sit down and make a wish. And, mind you, no one will drive away and swear! They will also show this whole wonderful house with its rooms, and even a bedroom with a huge bed and downy feather beds can be seen. And the air, what air! Pine trees surround the residence of Santa Claus, decorating the landscape and creating an already fabulous atmosphere.

There are buses from Kirov, Kotlas, Vologda, Uren and Arkhangelsk to the residence (usually they go to Kotlas by train). Children's tourist trains run from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Vologda and Cherepovets in winter and spring.

The official postal address where the Russian Father Frost lives: 162390, Russia, Vologda region, the city of Veliky Ustyug, the house of Father Frost.

Finnish Santa Claus - he is also real!

Youlupukki. This is Finnish Santa Claus. He does not have a beautiful granddaughter - the Snow Maiden, but he has a wife, elves and deer. That's it, to each his own. The translation of his name is a little funny, Joulupukki - "Christmas goat". And this is not because someone once did not get a gift, he got angry and called Grandfather a goat, but such a tradition, even back in the 19th century he was depicted with horns and in goat skins. Yes, our Santa Claus is somehow prettier and dearer, but Finnish is also considered the most real!

His residence is located on Mount Korvatunturi, and the dwarfs-helpers live in the caves of Echo, help him before Christmas in all his festive affairs - read letters, prepare gifts ... This place, located on the border with Russia, resembles the shape of an animal's ears ( hare or dog, still not figured out). Here is such a Big Ear in order to hear the desires of children and adults from all over the world.

Santa Park - the residence of the Finnish Father Frost is very different from the patrimony of our Russian New Year's magician. There is no magnificent tower or palace here, and Joulupukki's dwelling is not available for public viewing. But there is a workshop - a log building, where you can meet him and the gnomes, chat, get an autograph, make crafts or learn to be a gnome (even a certificate will be issued). Watch a wonderful show in the cafe-chu, admire ice sculptures, buy gifts for relatives (souvenirs from deer antlers and skins) in the shopping alley.

Now you know where the Finnish Santa Claus lives and you can also write a letter to him at: SANTACLAUS, ARCTICCIRCLE, 96930, ROVANIEMI, FINLAND. You can write in Russian - this is a New Year's wizard, he will understand!

Are there any more Santas?

In addition to the towers in Veliky Ustyug and Lapland, Father Frost's residences are located all over the world. For example, entire villages have been built in America (the town of Torrington, Connecticut and Wilmington, New York). However, you don’t have to go far - in almost every city (usually on the outskirts or not far beyond) palaces or houses of New Year’s wizards have been built, where you can go with your child on holidays, receive gifts, participate in games, dance in round dances, chat with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Therefore, it is very easy to find out where Santa Claus lives in Russia - the information service of your city probably has a residence not far from you. Not everyone can go to Veliky Ustyug, but the child wants to give a New Year's holiday! (There is an address for letters to the Moscow residence: 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, to Grandfather Frost).

What to say to a child?

Modern children may not believe in the existence of the New Year's Grandfather, saying that it is all his "helpers" walking the streets. Then the mothers report: “The real Santa Claus arrives with gifts on New Year's Eve. I can't tell you his secret yet, because then he might disappear." And yet, does it come? Then we take a map and look - where Santa Claus lives in Russia. Again, here it is - Veliky Ustyug, with a fairy-tale castle, ice sculptures and animated characters from cartoons and fairy tales.

There is even a winter garden for those who do not like the cold. New Year's performances, excursions, master classes, skiing - no one gets bored!

A real fairy tale, Russian or Finnish, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that it exists and that there are such wonderful New Year's wizards who will grant wishes, give wonderful gifts and give Magic to children and adults!

    The feeling that Santa Claus exists, I even now lay in the subconscious of my children, because this is a fairy tale, a New Year's fairy tale. But we are adults, and if I write a letter now that I want a big block of ice cream and send it under the pillow, as in childhood, I won’t have it under the tree. It’s just that parents won’t pick up the envelope and give the desired gift. I seem to have behaved well all year, and the elves followed me. The main thing is to believe in a miracle and it will come. After all, making wishes in childhood, it came true, and now we wish everyone health and they, desires, come true.

    There are things that only exist when you believe in them. Santa Claus exists for those who believe in them. But, in fact, there is no single Santa Claus. Someone always dresses up in it, there are a lot of Santa Clauses, and if you take off their makeup, these are ordinary people. A real Santa Claus does not exist, like many fairy-tale heroes and cartoon characters. I also believed in Cheburashka as a child, but Cheburashka does not exist, although it existed for me.

    I want to believe that Santa Claus exists. otherwise there will be no fairy tale and fabulous gifts. I am not a child, but all the same, before the clock strikes on the night of December 31 to January 1, everything seems that a miracle will happen. But it doesn't come. So, until the time is right, we must wait.

    The question of whether Santa Claus exists cannot have an answer, as well as the question of whether God exists, since in both cases it is a matter of faith. For example, there is a widespread belief that gods exist as long as they are believed in, and that in fact the first gods were created by man himself and empowered them with his faith. But Santa Claus must also exist, in whom millions of people believe and arrange annual New Year's ceremonies for him with luxurious table offerings decorated with Christmas trees. If faith supports the power of God, then faith in Santa Claus should make him the greatest wizard. And for those who believe in him, he undoubtedly exists and is capable of miracles.

    It all depends on the person. One believes in Santa Claus, the other categorically denies his existence, and the third never thought about it at all. Most often, of course, children believe in this fairy-tale character. But in any case, the modern Santa Claus came to us from mythology. Whether this is true or not is not up to us to decide, because our ancestors passed on beliefs from generation to generation.

    And everyone decides for himself. If you believe in his existence, then Santa Claus exists. Or rather, on the contrary, Santa Claus exists as long as you believe in him. Unfortunately, when the child becomes older, Santa Claus goes to very young children who still believe in him.

    I remember that until the age of 6 I sincerely believed and waited for Santa Claus. The feeling of a holiday, a fairy tale was, as never before, strong, bright and rich. It’s a pity that over time we stop believing in a miracle, maybe somewhere in the depths of our souls we still hope ... And this is good, because you don’t have to lose those kind, magical emotions that you experienced in childhood.

    Now I have a little son, for whom I will make that New Year's fairy tale, which I used to wait for myself. I hope his faith in Santa Claus will last as long as possible.

    Let everyone decide for himself whether or not this kind and sweet grandfather exists. The main thing is that our children believe. After all, this festive and magical feeling is so beautiful and unforgettable.

    Each person decides this question for himself. If you want to believe in a winter fairy tale, Santa Claus will definitely come.

    My eight-year-old daughter still believes in Santa Claus, and I do not dissuade her. Before the New Year, I ordered her a parcel and a letter from Santa Claus. Together with her, we went to the post office to receive a parcel, she saw her name and surname on the box. She was happy.

    And then a friend came to her and began to say that there was no Santa Claus, that it was her parents who put gifts under the Christmas tree. The daughter took out a letter from Santa Claus and showed it to her friend. Before my eyes, the girlfriend was convinced and I saw that she also wanted to receive a letter, and that the real Santa Claus would come to her house.

    Do we, adults, need to deprive children of fairy tales? I don't think so. They still have time to learn everything, to be disappointed in life, in scarlet sails and princes on a white horse.

    I already know everything. But every time, on New Year's Eve, I feel a little anxious and joyful, as if Santa Claus will really come that night.

    Someone found out the truth about Santa Claus in early childhood, became disillusioned and stopped believing in fairy tales and miracles, which means that childhood is gone. And the one who left memories of miracles in his soul, who continues to believe in magic, will always believe that Santa Claus exists. Santa Claus is believed to be one of the incarnations of God, while others say that Santa Claus came from pagan mythology. But in any case, faith is the choice of each person.

    Whether or not our Santa Claus exists, we may never know until the end of time. On the one hand, this is a fairy-tale character in which children so blindly believe, and on the other hand, this is just an invention of adults, but you must admit, I really want to believe that he really is.

So the New Year's bustle began, you need to have time for everything - to find, buy, pack and hide gifts; set up a Christmas tree, think over a festive menu, etc. True, the concerns of adults and children in this regard are significantly different. And if I think mainly about the table and the program of the evening, then the daughter is worried about whether Santa Claus received her letters, whether she behaves well enough to receive the desired gifts ...

Although recently the visit of Santa Claus almost fell through - adult girlfriends told their daughter that he does not exist. It was evident that the child was seriously upset and disappointed. On the one hand, girlfriends know life more and are unlikely to deceive, but on the other hand, to whom did she write letters, who brought gifts and even forgot to close the window behind her sometimes?


At 3-4 years old, the role of Santa Claus was performed by our grandfather. To be on the safe side, in addition to his suit and beard, he even wore thick-rimmed glasses and old boots, so that they would not be recognized for sure. Then this trick passed - both granddaughters did not notice the dirty trick, but last year (the daughter was five and a half), grandfather had to admit that he just put on someone else's suit. Yes, and how can you hide it, because these costumes are now sold on every corner!

Therefore, if you want to keep children in the dark for as long as possible, ask those with whom the children are not so closely acquainted to change clothes, or call Santa Claus from special agencies.

Unlike home holidays, the daughter unconditionally believed in all Santa Clauses at kindergarten matinees and New Year's performances. Maybe this is the effect of the crowd or the abundance of New Year's paraphernalia around - “Well, all this cannot be a hoax,” the child thinks ...


It is more difficult here, and the disguised neighbor will be exposed. And the child is unlikely to believe that dad will personally send a letter to Santa Claus by special "New Year's mail".

But children 7-8 years old can still be persuaded to believe. The main thing is to carefully hide pre-purchased gifts. For example, last year we left a letter under the tree in which Santa Claus praised his daughter for good behavior. Plus, for the New Year, we give small gifts to each other personally (and not under the Christmas tree), which also reassures the child (parents, as it were, separately, and Santa Claus separately).

Does he exist?

Have you ever thought about the fact that Santa Claus really exists? After all, it is not in vain that fairy tales have been told about him for more than a dozen years, and this applies not only to the countries of the former USSR, but also to Europe and America.

Is this a vivid example of a worldwide conspiracy against gullible children? To paraphrase Walter's quote, we can say "If Santa Claus did not exist, he should have been invented."

Because all of us so lack a fairy tale in our lives, the hope that magic still exists, even though we, adults, have never been convinced of this. So let the children be convinced! Let them believe that it is Santa Claus who draws patterns on the windows (and they are not the result of boring physical phenomena), that it is he who reads children's letters, chooses gifts and miraculously manages to visit all the Christmas trees in the world overnight.

Recently, my daughter took part in the New Year's fair - she sold her crafts. As a result, she earned the most money, however, she lost money in running around. You understand how many tears there were, and my attempts to give her the same amount, I was refused. Well, I had to “find” this money, I just had to run around to find the same banknotes. Then I said that I found the money in the corner on the stairs - and immediately smile, laughter and fun.

So it is with Santa Claus: you must admit, it will be completely uninteresting if the New Year is the same birthday, with the only difference being that gifts are not given to the birthday person, but are placed under the Christmas tree.

So let Santa Claus exist, no matter how hard it is to believe in it! Find a place in life for a fairy tale, and not only in the nursery!

How many times in your childhood did you ask adults if Santa Claus exists, or maybe your children are already asking you such a question? How to answer it? What is the answer to it? Is there a Santa Claus? And if so, who is he? Not so long ago, shocking information appeared on the Internet about the studies of two American scientists who, having calculated all the data on the number of visits, the weight of the team, and much more, came to the conclusion that if Santa Claus had existed, he would have died long ago. And he would die from the weight of his own team and the speed with which it must move in order to fly around all the children on the planet in one night. But I'm willing to argue with them. Firstly, we need faith in miracles, and secondly, there is a lot that we still don’t understand and don’t know, why can’t there be Santa Claus and Santa? So, I will answer with arguments the facts of the theory of Potishman and Handy:

Fact 1:

The absence of flying deer in nature.

Argument: it's just that the human brain is so poor in its perception of reality that we sometimes do not even believe in the existence of another sun, let alone deer. Or maybe, again, out of pity for the minimum of our perception, Santa made his super technology in the form of deer, otherwise someone will see him and begin to prepare for a war with aliens, after all, we, people, are like that!