Light brown discharge when taking utrozhestan. Discharge from morning-after pills during pregnancy

The hormone progesterone is essential female body during pregnancy. Its deficiency can cause miscarriage or not proper development fetus This is why doctors prescribe appropriate medications to increase progesterone levels, for example Utrozhestan. But often women are frightened by the discharge from Utrozhestan during pregnancy, which becomes more abundant or slightly changes its color.

Here it is important to know what normal leucorrhoea looks like, and what vaginal secretion is considered pathological and is not associated with taking a hormonal drug.

When should you contact a gynecologist?

  • Indications for urgent contact with a gynecologist are:
  • blood in secretion;
  • black or brown discharge; strong pain
  • lower abdomen;

nagging pain in the lower back. The doctor will conduct an examination, take a smear for bacterial culture, and also check the reproductive system for inflammatory processes.

  • It is worth noting that brown or other from Utrozhestan may be associated with the following factors:
  • incorrect dose of the drug;

individual intolerance and other contraindications.

rupture of amniotic fluid.

It is also worth paying attention to the treatment of pathologies that cause a sharp increase, as well as changes in the nature of vaginal secretion. Doctors often prescribe Terzhinan along with Utrozhestan to eliminate harmful bacteria and fungi. But this drug is contraindicated in the first trimester, and its use is allowed only from the second trimester under strict medical supervision. Find out more about the consequences of taking the drug and about it from the article at the link.

What color and what kind of discharge is it after morning after pregnancy? This question arises for almost all women, since the drug significantly affects the color and consistency of secretions, which causes a lot of concern.

General information - utrogestan and discharge

Vaginal secretions that are white or transparent and odorless are considered normal. Moreover, the quantity and quality may vary depending on the period of gestation and under the influence of hormonal changes.

On early stages, immediately after conception, the woman’s body tries to maintain the pregnancy; for this purpose, progesterone is produced. Under the influence of the hormone, secretions become viscous and dense, in contrast to later periods, when estrogen becomes dominant.

Utrogestan is used for a lack of progesterone, which at the stage of gestation, after fertilization of the egg, reduces the tone of the uterus, promotes the attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls and is responsible for the normal development of the baby. Lack of the hormone causes placental insufficiency, increasing the risk premature birth, there is a threat of miscarriage.

The composition of the drug is quite simple (progesterone, peanut oil, soy lecithin, gelatin), which allows it to be combined with other medications. The medicine is made from natural ingredients based on phytoprogesterone. During pregnancy, it is often prescribed twice a day in the form of vaginal tablets, thus allowing it to be better absorbed.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge after morning pregnancy

Heavy discharge after morning pregnancy during pregnancy is the norm, since progesterone affects secretory function in this way. The situation is explained by the following aspects:
  • suppositories for the mucous membrane are a foreign object, therefore, through strong secretions, the body tries to bring them out;
  • after use, the capsule dissolves in the vagina, which leads to an abundance of secretions;
  • peanut butter, one of the ingredients of the drug, somewhat thins vaginal mucus.
Utrozhestan and discharge during pregnancy should not cause discomfort. Itching, burning, a radical change in the color of vaginal secretions and the appearance of a specific odor indicate the development of pathology.

What color and what kind of discharge after morning pregnancy during pregnancy

Discharge from utrozhestan can be liquid in structure and consistency, often like water. A variant of the norm is creamy, beige or yellow vaginal secretions. The texture and colors may vary depending on the general health of the pregnant woman.

If the discharge becomes green, has an unpleasant odor, or is too white with a cheesy consistency, then the condition indicates the presence of a pathological disease. You should consult a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Bloody or brown secretions are associated with a lack of functioning of the placenta; excessive bleeding leads to immediate hospitalization of the patient.

Side effects the medicine has practically no symptoms, dizziness or confusion is extremely rare. At diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases, utrozhestan is prescribed only under the supervision of medical specialists, with extreme caution. If there is a lack of functioning of the liver and biliary tract, then taking Utrozhestan should be discontinued.

It is not recommended to stop taking the drug on your own, since after abrupt withdrawal of utrozhestan, the risk of miscarriage or premature birth increases. The doctor will independently begin to gradually reduce the dosage, starting from 600-800 mg.

The hormone progesterone regulates the menstrual cycle, promotes the maturation of the egg and the attachment of the fetus to the wall of the uterus. In the future, it maintains pregnancy throughout its entire duration. Therefore, today various drugs based on this hormone are used to cure some pathologies of the female genital area, relieve infertility and maintain pregnancy. But patients are concerned about various phenomena during treatment. Today we will talk about brown discharge when taking Utrozhestan, a medicine containing a natural analogue of progesterone.

What is Utrozhestan?

The drug is available in the form of vaginal and oral tablets. The active substance is a plant counterpart of progesterone. With the help of this medicine, infertility is treated, pregnancy is maintained, a woman is prepared for the IVF procedure, and also relieves hormone-dependent pathologies.

The dosage is selected individually based on an analysis of hormone levels and the situation for which Utrozhestan is used. The method of application also depends on various factors, vaginal administration is often chosen. The advantages of this method are better absorption, longer and higher concentrations in the blood and less load on the liver.

During pregnancy, Utrozhestan can be prescribed from the planning stage or at a later date, when there is a threat of miscarriage. However, it is worth remembering that sudden withdrawal or reduction of the dose can lead to premature birth, placental abruption, and fetal death.

The main difference between Utrozhestan and other drugs with progesterone is that it prepares the uterus for pregnancy during 1 cycle naturally or with the help of IVF.

Take as standard 200-300 mg 2 times a day or, if necessary, 600-800 mg. During pregnancy up to 12-16 weeks, but sometimes throughout the entire gestation period. Utrozhestan increases the amount of vaginal discharge, with vaginal tablets being greater than oral tablets.

Side effects are more common when taken through the gastrointestinal tract. These are drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, bloating.

The synthetic analogue, Duphaston, is considered stronger and more studied, so the drugs are interchangeable in case of individual intolerance. For example, it causes chest pain in some patients, which is not observed when using Utrozhestan.

Attention! By itself, Utrozhestan is harmless to the body, as it replenishes a woman’s natural hormone reserves, but improper use leads to various problems.

Normal discharge during treatment with Utrozhestan

As a hormonal drug, the drug naturally causes some changes in the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system, which is reflected primarily in vaginal secretion. Therefore, there are several options for acceptable discharge after using Utrozhestan:

  1. An increase in the amount of normal mucus due to a foreign object in the vagina in the form of a suppository.
  2. The leakage of a melted candle when returning to a vertical position. Only the active substance is absorbed, the remaining peanut butter base with natural secretions comes out. Therefore, you can notice a rich, fatty fluid.
  3. When pregnancy occurs, due to hormonal changes, the amount of vaginal secretion also increases, which is necessary for cleansing so that pathogenic bacteria do not pass through the cervix to the fetus.

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Expert opinion

Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

Doctor, expert

Attention! Normal discharge is quite thick and thin, but does not have the consistency of water. Rather, it is an oily mucus, transparent or with a white tint, without odor, itching or other unpleasant sensations.

Brown discharge when using Utrozhestan

Exist different variants situations in which leucorrhoea of ​​this shade may appear:

  1. During pregnancy, brown spotting is sometimes a sign of a low placenta, its abruption, and therefore a threat of miscarriage. This phenomenon has nothing to do with the use of Utrozhestan. Urgent medical assistance is needed to maintain pregnancy in a hospital setting. If a symptom occurs after spotting in the first days of taking Utrozhestan, then these may be residual effects that will disappear under the influence of progesterone. If brown spotting occurs when the dose of the drug is reduced, then it is necessary to return to the previous amount.
  2. Menstruating women notice brown discharge on their periods, as well as changes in their cycle. This is acceptable during treatment with Utrozhestan if there is no pain. Therefore, on the days when natural bleeding should begin, it is permissible to change it to brown.
  3. The color of dried blood may indicate uterine polyps, including decidual polyps during pregnancy. To refute their presence, you need to undergo an ultrasound.
  4. Cervical erosion responds to any irritants with brown or red discharge. They come out in small quantities. Pathology is diagnosed by examination using a mirror.
  5. Heavy brown or red discharge accompanied by pain is a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy.
  6. The passage of dried, old blood may be a sign various pathologies female genitalia, so careful diagnosis is required.

Attention! The use of certain medications may color the secretions Brown color. For example, discharge after Betadine, which contains iodine.

Other types of pathological discharge

Let's consider other options for changing vaginal secretions when using Utrozhestan based on their color and consistency.

If dense masses come out in color and structure, reminiscent of cottage cheese with a sour smell, then most likely the woman has thrush. This disease often occurs in pregnant women due to a change in the environment towards the alkaline side. The discharge is accompanied by vivid negative sensations - severe itching inside and outside, burning, swelling of the vaginal tissues with redness. Subsequently, advanced candidiasis leads to erosion of the mucous membrane, and consequently to microbleeding. Therefore, latent thrush can lead to thick masses with brown or red streaks.

Attention! Sometimes white discharge is a sign of normality, then there are no other symptoms described above.

Abundant mucus of the same color as green, with an unpleasant odor and itching is a sign bacterial infection. What kind of microorganism caused the inflammation will be determined by tests. The symptom has nothing to do with the use of Utrozhestan.

Sometimes on later During pregnancy, the natural secretion takes on a yellowish tint. This phenomenon cannot be ruled out in cases of indolent thrush.

Pink and red

Blood in the discharge during pregnancy, as well as brown leucorrhoea, is a sign of placental abruption, polyp, or erosion. In other cases, menstruation may begin or uterine pathologies may become more active. Such discharge cannot be left unattended; diagnostics is required.

Grey, brown, beige

A dirty tint occurs when there is an infection. But in the case of a clean smear, we can talk about individual characteristics. Inflammation is confirmed by itching, the smell of fish or rot.

How to diagnose and solve the problem?

If you have brown or other abnormal vaginal discharge, any patient, whether pregnant or not, should report the symptom to their healthcare provider. If a threat of miscarriage is suspected, an urgent ultrasound is performed. If an infection is suspected, a smear is taken to determine the composition of the flora. Sometimes treatment is prescribed after a visual examination if there are signs of infection. For this purpose, complex preparations of antibacterial action in suppositories are used, for example, Terzhinan.

Discharge does not always occur due to the use of candles. Only a doctor can cancel them, reduce the dosage and select additional drugs for treatment, especially during pregnancy. If the brown secretion appears due to a lack of progesterone, they can increase the amount of medication or change it to Duphaston. Hormone levels are monitored through a special blood test.

Fact! If there is a lack of Progesterone, it is preferable to insert Utrozhestan vaginally rather than drink it. This ensures greater concentration.

If problems occur in a pregnant woman’s body, the child is also negatively affected. With pathology, substances harmful to the fetus are produced and the amount of substances necessary for its growth and development decreases.

Progesterone is one of the hormones that ensures proper development of the fetus. With insufficient production of the hormone, the risk of involuntary abortion or improper formation of fetal organs and tissues increases. In this case, the pregnant woman may be prescribed the drug Utrozhestan, which increases the level of progesterone in the body.

Utrozhestan is safe for mother and child, but women are often frightened by the changes in the nature of vaginal discharge that are observed after taking the drug. They become too abundant or change color. How can you tell if these changes are normal or pathological?

Why is Utrozhestan prescribed during pregnancy?

Utrozhestan is one of the best drugs to replenish progesterone levels in the body. Indications for prescribing the drug to a pregnant woman may be:

  • Inferiority of the corpus luteum. Congenital or acquired pathologies of this organ lead to hormonal imbalance in the body, which is dangerous not only during pregnancy, but also at any other period of a person’s life. After discovering diseases of the corpus luteum, Utrozhestan can be prescribed even before visible problems and failures appear.
  • The reason for prescribing the drug may be the risk of miscarriage caused by a lack of progesterone in the body. In this case, the woman is hospitalized and prescribed additional medications to maintain the pregnancy.
  • If there is a high probability of premature birth, prescribing Utrozhestan to a pregnant woman - The best way get out of a dangerous situation. The drug maintains a favorable environment for the full development and preservation of the fetus until the day of birth.

Utrozhestan is produced in the form of capsules coated with a gelatin shell. They can be taken orally, like tablets, or vaginally, like suppositories. The duration of use and dosage of the medication are prescribed by the doctor and depend on the goals of treatment and the patient’s medical history.

How does the drug affect discharge?

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Utrozhestan is one of those drugs that can affect the abundance, consistency, and color of vaginal secretion. The greatest changes occur with vaginal use of capsules, which is due to several reasons:

  • When dissolved, the capsule shell may slightly stain the leucorrhoea.
  • Another component of the drug that affects the color of secretion is peanut oil, which is included in the composition. It may make the discharge yellowish or light brown tint.
  • The capsule can be perceived by the body as a foreign body, which sometimes makes secretion more abundant than before taking the drug. In addition, the discharge may become thinner.
  • The nature of the discharge may change due to a sharp increase in the level of progesterone in the body.

When taking the drug orally, changes in discharge are less noticeable than when used vaginally. The secretion may become thinner or more abundant. If the discharge has returned to normal, it will have a color ranging from transparent to whitish and a medium thick consistency.

What is normal discharge?

What discharge is considered normal when taking Utrozhestan? If there are no pathologies or malfunctions in the body, leucorrhoea may acquire the following characteristics when taking the drug:

  • White, yellowish, beige color secretion. Discharge that has a pink or brown tint is also considered normal, but the color should not be saturated (see also:).
  • The consistency of the discharge varies and can be slimy, thick, thin or watery. Extremes are considered pathology: too thick, cheesy vaginal fluid or a very thin secretion that resembles water should alert a woman.

Pathological discharge

The following detected abnormalities may be indicators of a developing disease:

  • Excessive discharge.
  • Curdled discharge is a sign of the presence of colonies of Candida fungi, which provoke candidiasis and require immediate treatment. They cause significant inconvenience, are accompanied by itching and redness of the genitals and can be dangerous for the child’s fragile immunity.
  • A greenish tint and purulent impurities are a sign of a progressive infection in the mother’s body. Hidden infections and viruses pose the greatest danger to a child, since they have no external manifestations and cannot be detected without the help of special laboratory tests.
  • Saturated yellow discharge indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the genital organs (more details in the article:). Often such discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  • A pinkish tint is usually a sign of treatment failure, as it indicates a lack of progesterone. This option is possible if the duration of treatment is short or the instructions for use are not followed correctly. If you have discharge of this color, you should consult a doctor to adjust the dosage of the drug. Sometimes a pinkish color can indicate much more serious disorders: detachment of the ovum or ectopic pregnancy.
  • Bright red or brown discharge. Indicate a threat of miscarriage and require an immediate call for an ambulance.

Thus, normally, after taking Utrozhestan, the total amount of discharge increases and their color changes slightly. In this case, the woman should not experience discomfort (itching, swelling of the genitals). If there is any doubt that changes in discharge are caused only by taking the drug, you should consult your doctor.

To guarantee the prevention of miscarriage and to safely carry the fetus to term, the doctor will use long-term treatment regimens, including the vaginal administration of progesterone capsules. Discharge after Utrozhestan during pregnancy can frighten or disrupt the comfort of life, but there is no need to be afraid - there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Most often, the reasons for the appearance of vaginal leucorrhoea will be harmless events occurring inside the vagina and associated with the introduction of capsules. There is no need to try to get rid of discharge during pregnancy using douching or any other manipulation. If questions or doubts arise, it is better to consult a doctor rather than attempt treatment on your own.

Why do pregnant women have more discharge?

During pregnancy, all women experience an increase in the amount of vaginal leucorrhoea. And the longer the pregnancy, the greater the amount of discharge that will bother the woman. Usually, when taking smears and bacterial cultures, the doctor will assess the presence or absence of inflammation. If there is no infection, then there is no need to worry. Normally, normal white discharge during pregnancy occurs due to:

  • increased formation of vaginal secretions;
  • more fluid entering from the vessels.

During pregnancy there is always more discharge, even in situations where there are no problems and no treatment methods are used. The main thing that should not happen is inflammatory manifestations (burning, itching, redness) associated with leucorrhoea.

Why is there more discharge when administering capsules?

Utrozhestan is a biosoluble capsule containing natural progesterone in peanut oil. No synthetics, because the hormone is obtained from plant materials (diogenine from the American Yam plant).

When using Utrozhestan capsules for medicinal purposes, a woman must inject a certain dose of the drug into the vagina once or twice a day. During treatment, the amount of vaginal leucorrhoea may increase significantly. The reasons for this will be the following factors:

  • reaction of the vaginal mucosa to the introduction of a foreign object;
  • getting into the vaginal secretion of a disintegrating capsule shell;
  • dilution of secretions peanut butter, which is contained inside the capsule.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. It should be understood that the active substance of Utrozhestan is almost completely absorbed through the vaginal wall into the bloodstream, providing an excellent preserving effect for pregnancy.

Vaginal discharge during treatment

During pregnancy, while using Utrozhestan capsules, there may be different discharge. Possible options are:

  • white thick or liquid;
  • slimy and watery;
  • yellow or brown.

In each case, it is necessary to carefully evaluate appearance what comes out of the vagina. If there are no signs of inflammation, then you don’t have to worry, but sometimes it’s better to play it safe and see a doctor. You need to check for the following discharge:

  • very thick and similar to cottage cheese (this could be thrush, which often occurs during pregnancy);
  • deep yellow, which may indicate a small amount of blood entering the vaginal secretion;
  • brown, which can be when there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • abundant and liquid, like water (this may be a sign of untimely rupture of amniotic fluid).

When using Utrozhestan at any stage of pregnancy, an increase in the amount of vaginal secretion is possible, but usually the woman sees that the total amount has increased, but there are no longer any complaints.

If a problem arises in the form of an exacerbation of candidal inflammation or the entry of a small amount of blood, then it is necessary to detect the deterioration of the situation in time. This is especially important when there is a threat of miscarriage, when the dose of Utrozhestan is small, and it is necessary to change the treatment regimen.

For the purpose of prevention, the doctor will prescribe 200 mg of Utrozhestan (1 capsule) once at night. If everything is normal, then the woman in the morning may notice a slight increase in leucorrhoea. And there will be no more troubles.
For therapeutic purposes, significantly larger dosages are used (600-800 mg), when it is necessary to insert Utrozhestan capsules into the vagina 2-3 times a day. It is in this case that the amount of vaginal discharge will be significantly greater, creating a lot of unpleasant sensations in the woman. A typical rule for local treatment with Utrozhestan is to always use pads.

This is the least of the troubles that should be endured when carrying a fetus against the background of the threat of miscarriage or with habitual miscarriage.

During pregnancy, vaginal discharge increases. There is no need to be afraid of this, especially if during the initial examination the doctor did not find chronic infections or thrush.