Thematic project for “Mother’s Day” in the preparatory group. Summary of a thematic conversation on Mother's Day in the senior group Lexical topic on Mother's Day in the preparatory group

Abstract of OOD in preparatory group in educational field " Speech development" Topic: “The image of the mother in works of art”

Description of material: I offer you a summary of the organized educational activities on the topic “The image of the mother in works of art.” This material will be useful to teachers of preparatory groups. The presented educational activities belong to the educational field “Speech Development”, but also integrates other educational areas.

Program content:
Educational objectives:

- expand and enrich children’s knowledge about the holiday Mother’s Day, about the image of a mother through familiarization with works of art;
- teach children to tell stories in a coherent, complete and expressive manner, clearly building the composition of the story;
- exercise the ability to compose sentences with given words, correctly combine them according to their meaning;
- fix the names of women's professions.
Developmental tasks:
- to develop in children the ability to correctly perceive, feel the mood reflected by an artist in a painting, a poet in a poem, and convey it in words;
- develop the ability to understand the meaning of proverbs;
- practice regulating speech tempo and voice strength.
Educational tasks:
- cultivate a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards mother;
- cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings.
Integration educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.
Vocabulary work: a selfless heart, eyes overflowing with tenderness and spiritual purity, affectionate and caring hands, a piece of sun, a ray of hope, a dear mother.
Preliminary work: Making souvenirs, greeting cards; reading and learning poems about mother and grandmother; singing songs; individual conversations about a family with children, give them the task of observing what their mother does at home, find out where the mother works, what her profession is; looking at illustrations on the topic.
Material: paintings - illustrations by artists Boris Kustodiev “Morning”, Mary Cassatt “Mother and Sarah Admired the Child”, Adolphe William Bouguereau “Maternal Happiness”, Ivan Silych Goryushkin-Sorokopudov “Mother with Child”, Frederic Leighton “Mother and Child”, K.E. . Makovsky “Family Portrait”, O.G. Yablonskaya "Motherhood".

Adolphe William Bouguereau "Mother's Happiness"

Ivan Silych Goryushkin-Sorokopudov “Mother with Child.”

Frederic Leighton "Mother and Child".

K.E. Makovsky "Family Portrait".

O.G. Yablonskaya "Motherhood".

- What are these pictures about?
- What can you say about the mothers depicted in these paintings?
- What kind of mothers did the artists depict?
- What feelings do you get when looking at these pictures?
Children make up stories based on the pictures (chosen by the children). Stories from 3-4 children deserve to be told.
The teacher summarizes the children’s answers, drawing conclusions:

- Great artists of all times and peoples sought in their works to show the image of a woman - a mother. The image of a mother among all peoples living on earth is always the same - this is a woman with a kind, selfless heart, who knows how to love, understand and forgive, with eyes overflowing with tenderness and spiritual purity, with gentle and caring hands.
- The poet Konstantin Ibryaev also loved his mother very much and in honor of her he wrote a poem called “Mom”:
White, black - different mothers,
It's very difficult for them sometimes.
Sometimes their lips are compressed stubbornly,
But there is always a smile in kind eyes.
This is a piece of sunshine for their children,
This may be a ray of hope...
Mother! Mother! With this name
I'd like to go up in a rocket
Above the highest clouds.
I would take flowers - a billion bouquets -
And would scatter them over the planet,
Moms will receive them, smile -
And immediately summer will come everywhere.
-What is this poem about?
- What does the author say about mom’s smile?
- What would your son like to do for his mother?
- Why does my mother’s smile make summer come? (Children's answers)
- Guys, what do you need to do to make your mothers and grandmothers happy? (Children's answers.) That's right, you don't need to wait for miracles. It is enough for you to take care of mothers and grandmothers, help them with household chores, speak kindly to them, good words.
Physical education lesson “Let’s help mom together.”
Together we help mom -
We wipe away dust everywhere.
We are now washing clothes,
Rinse, wring out.
Sweeping everything around
And run for milk.
We meet mom in the evening,
We open the doors wide,
We hug mom tightly.
Children perform imitative movements based on the text.
The teacher offers
game "Make a proposal".
- Now come up with sentences with the words mother, gift, love, holiday. For example, “Mom’s holiday is coming soon.”
Children come up with sentences using given words.
- Well done, you came up with so many good and beautiful proposals.
- Mom not only takes care of the family, but also works. I suggest you play. Now I will throw the ball into your hands, you catch it, whoever has the ball names his mother’s profession and tells what she does at work.
- You see how much people need their mother’s work: she teaches children at school, treats people, sells things, food, etc.
- There are many proverbs about mother. They were invented by the people. How do you understand them?
“It’s warm in the sun, but good in mother’s presence.”
“A mother feeds her children like the earth does people.”
“There is no better friend than your own mother.”
At least three children are called to answer.
- What did we talk about today?
- What pictures did you look at?
- Which game did you like best?
- What was interesting to you? What new did you learn?
- Guys, never forget that there is no one dearer and dearer on earth than your mothers. Appreciate, love and respect your mothers.

New vocabulary

Nouns: gift, flowers, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, son, daughter, granddaughter, brother, sister, nephew, uncle, aunt.


care, love, respect, try, help, cook, clean, wash, wash, work, wipe, wipe, care, raise.


dear, beloved, caring, adult, little, affectionate, kind, hardworking, strict, polite, obedient.

Finger gymnastics


Mom will enter the house and gasp: (They walk with their fingers both hands on the table.)

What does our apartment smell like? (They shrug.)

A lot of things - (Alternately strike fist on fist and palm on palm.)

Let's answer mom. -

Once - with burnt pancakes, (Alternately extend the fingers, starting with the thumb, on both hands simultaneously for each count.)

Two - broken spirits,

Three - pants in fish oil...

Mom will say:

And four -

Smells like laundry and cleaning.

And also - a good spanking!

I. Shevchuk

Coordination of speech with movement


How easy it is to make lunch!

There is nothing difficult about this,

It's as easy as shelling pears:

This time - and you're done!

(If mom is cooking dinner!)

But it happens that mom has no time

And we cook our own lunch,

And then

(I don’t understand what the secret is!) -

It's very difficult to cook dinner!

B. Zakhoder

(Left hand in front of “holds a pan”, right

hand clenched into a fist "stirs the soup.")

(Make clear shuffling movements of palms in front

by yourself - 4 times.)

(Spread their arms to the sides.)

(Hands down, shrug.)

(Press palms to breasts.)

(Hands down, shrug.)

(Carry out the back side of the palm on the forehead)

(“wiping away the sweat”).

A game “What does mom do?”

Goals: to form grammatical structure speech.

PROGRESS of the game.

The teacher invites the children to complete the sentences.

My mother teaches children, she... (teacher).

My mother sews clothes, she... (seamstress, dressmaker).

My mother prepares food, she... (cook).

My mother plays sports, she... (athlete).

My mother gives massage, she... (massage).

My mother sells clothes, she... (saleswoman).

My mother sings, she... (singer).

My mother paints pictures, she... (an artist).

My mother writes books, she... (writer).

Game “Name it kindly”

Goals: to form the grammatical structure of speech, to teach form nouns with diminutive

affectionate suffixes, introduce full female and male names.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to think about how You can affectionately call a person with one name or another.

For example:

Nastya - Nastenka

Dasha - ...

Lida - ... Ira - ...

Olya - ... Sveta - ...

Masha - ... Tanya - ...

Then the children call each other affectionately, passing them around in a circle. ball.

Game "Gifts for Mom"

Goals: develop phonemic processes, teach selection words with a given sound, develop creative imagination,

improve fine motor skills.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to draw gifts for mothers, gift names contain the sound [ts]

(the teacher can suggest any other sound).

Poems for reading and memorizing


Mom brings me

Toys, candies,

But I love my mother

Not for that at all.

Funny songs

She hums

We're bored together

Never happens.

I open it for her

All your secrets.

But I love my mother

Not only for this.

I love my mom

I'll tell you straight

Well, just for that

That she is my mother!

L. Davydova


Me with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She is in all activities

At the same time with me.

I don't know boredom with her,

And I love everything about her.

But grandma's hands

I love everything more than anything.

Oh, how many are these hands?

They are doing wonderful things!

They fly, knit, tag,

Everyone is making something...

The night light will be lit for bed

And then they suddenly fall silent.

There is no smarter person in the world And

there are no kinder hands.

L . Kvitko


The apple has become tasteless.

The cheerful thing became sad.

Sugar is not sweet.

Salt is not salty.

Rain is not wet.

The grass is not green.

Thunder grumbles at someone from the sky...

Mom doesn't want to talk to me.

Mom is silent.

L. Nikolaenko

Texts for retelling


Tanya woke up early and looked at the calendar. On The calendar had a red number: March 8.

Tanya took out her gifts from the toy box - two pretty cups - and ran to see if she had woken up

grandmother. Grandma has already woken up; she baked a delicious pie. Tanya washed all the dishes, swept the floor, and laid them on the table

clean tablecloth... And put down your cups... The phone rang in the hall and woke up my mother. She lay and listened to Tanya with someone

Was talking on the phone.

Hush, hush... - Tanya said. - Don't wake up mom... Today we have a triple holiday! Mom's, grandma's and mine! We all

There are women here, except dad! And today is our Women's Day.

V. Oseeva


What gifts did Tanya prepare for her mother and grandmother?

What did grandma bake for the holiday?

How did Tanya help grandma?

How did Tanya treat her mother? Why do you think so?


The best word in the world is “mom”. The best mother in the world is mine.

I can't do without my mom, and she can't do without me. That's why she doesn't let me go far

and when we go to kindergarten, holds your hand.

Today is a day off, mom didn’t go to work. We are in Park. Everything around is green and there are many flowers. There are also a lot of children.

Mom sits on a bench and talks to another mother, and we We make Easter cakes. Real ones - made of sand.

Mom looks at me and laughs. And the flowers laugh. Mother very kind when she smiles. And I smile at her.

D. Gabe

Questions :

What's the best word in the world?

Whose mom is the best?

Why didn't mom go to work?

What were mothers and children doing in the park?

We present to your attention materials on the lexical topic “ Mom's holiday" This topic is an integral part of the joint educational activities of the thematic week dedicated to International Women's Day.

Preschool age is the age when children learn the world, make new discoveries for themselves every day. I noticed that the information that we give to children during the learning process is absorbed by children more successfully if it is given not only in verbal form, but is also supported by the opportunity to practically act.

A Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, give me a try and I will understand.” Therefore in joint activities With children, I try to give the children the opportunity to act on their own.

My task is to support children’s interest in close relatives - mother, grandmother, to create a desire to please them, take care of them, and rejoice in the fact that they can make holiday gifts for them themselves.

The goal of the joint activity is to summarize children’s knowledge about mother, grandmother, and their importance in children’s lives.

1. Educational: to form children’s ideas about mother and grandmother as significant and beloved people in the child’s environment, about the holiday of March 8, to enrich children’s vocabulary (dear, dear, loving, only, caring).

2. Developmental: develop fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination of actions in the “eye-hand” system through the making of crafts.

3. Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards mothers and grandmothers through the desire to thank them for their love, through the desire to make gifts with their own hands.

Expected result: generalization of knowledge about loved ones who are significant in the child’s life, about women’s holiday, making gifts.



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NOD activity-entertainment for Mother's Day "There is no dearer friend than your own mother" for older children preschool age preschool educational institution

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention an entertainment activity held last year on Mother’s Day in the senior speech therapy group with children with general underdevelopment speeches. The entertainment took place in a warm atmosphere, with mothers and grandmothers, very family-like. I will be glad to receive your feedback.

GCD in the senior speech therapy group on the topic:
“There is no sweeter friend than your own mother,” dedicated to the holiday Mother's Day.

Target: to cultivate a feeling of love, devotion, affection for the closest person - mother, as well as for relatives and close people in the family.
Develop mental processes in children: memory, attention, thinking;
Learn to answer questions;
Strengthen children’s ability to express love and respect for their mothers (choose adjectives);
Develop coherent loud speech and motor skills;
Strengthen the ability to enter into dialogue;
Foster a sense of respect and love for parents;
Skill development interpersonal communication;
Development creativity children;
Preliminary work:
Reading poems about mom (E. Blaginina “Mom is sleeping, she’s tired”, S. Mikhalkova);
Watching cartoons about mom (“Mother for a Baby Mammoth”, “Northern Tale”);
Conversation “What is your mother like?”

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time. The speech therapist invites children to join the group to the tune of a song about their mother.

Reads the poem: “The Riddle about Mom”
I'll tell you a riddle,
And you guess it.
Who puts a patch on his heel,
Who irons and mends laundry?
Who cleans the house in the morning?
Who makes the big samovar?
Who plays with his little sister
And takes her to kindergarten?
Whom I love and regret
Who did you write poems about?
The speech therapist leads the children to the topic of the lesson and invites them to their seats.
Main part.
Warm-up “Questions about Mom”
Who is your mother?
Who was your mother as a child?
What is the name of a flower whose name contains both its natural and stepmother?
What was the name of the bear cub who lost his mother?
What kind of mother carries her baby in a bag?
Mom had 8 children, half of them were boys, how many were the rest?
(Photo with mothers in front of children)
Speech therapist: Guys, who wants to talk about their mother?
Children's stories ( homework)

Assignment: “Compositions.”
The speech therapist recites lines from the poem, and the children must add the word to the rhyme.
Lu-lu-lu - mom, I love you... (love)
Ryu-ryu-ryu - I give you flowers... (I give)
Ayu-ay-ay - I’m happy... (melting)
Willow-willow-willow - always be... (happy)
Yes, yes, yes - don’t get sick... (never)
Oh-oh-oh - mom, I'm proud... (of you)
Who cooks dinner and sews? (children walk in place)
Who sings us a song? (tilts left and right)
Who kisses us, caresses us? (turns left and right?)
Does he scold you for pranks?
(children shake their left and right index fingers)
Who bakes a jam pie? (children walk in place)
Early Sunday morning?
(children rise on their toes, arms up)
Who gives us gifts? (children clap their palms to the left)
It's mom! Everyone knows! (children clap their palms to the right)
Speech therapist:
Forests grow as a family in the mountains,
Seagulls fly in flocks
Schools of fish in the seas,
Clouds in a flock in the sky.
It's very difficult to live alone,
Everyone needs a family
I feel bad without my mom and dad,
Mom and dad without me.
Speech therapist: Children, what heavenly body can the sun be compared to?
Children: Sunny is mom. (a picture of the sun appears on the board)
The sun shines during the day, like a mother who never knows rest. She is always worried.
Speech therapist: What can you compare dad with?
Children: happy month. (picture of the month)
Speech therapist: A month on guard at night. He can be compared to the man of the family, the father, because he is not afraid of the dark.
Speech therapist: Who are the children?
Children: These are stars. (we place the stars between the sun and the month)
Speech therapist: The stars are their children, who sometimes burn brightly, pleasing their parents with good deeds, and sometimes they will fade, like those children who upset their parents with their behavior.

- Children, loving your family - what does it mean? Who's to say?
Children: Respect everyone, obey, help, put your toys in their place...
Speech therapist: Well done, guys! You correctly understand respect and love for your family.
Dad and mom are two hot suns,
They give children comfort and warmth.
Dad and mom, you are childish destinies,
If you are at home, the house is light.
Speech therapist: What proverbs do we know about mom?
1. When the sun is warm, when mother is good.
2. There is no better friend than your own mother.
3. The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about the mother.
4. The mother feeds her children like the earth does people.
5. Where the mother goes, the child goes.
6. Mother's affection knows no end.
All children:
Mom is heaven!
Mom is the light!
Mom is happiness!
There is no better mom!
Speech therapist: The children have prepared an interesting fairy tale - a parable, we ask for your attention, dear mothers.
Scene "Birches"
(Only children’s actions are performed in accordance with the words of the author.)
A birch tree grew in an open field. The branches swayed in the wind, the leaves rustled. In the summer I basked in the sun. In the fall it shed its leaves. In winter it shivered in the cold, and in spring it blossomed with sticky leaves. A few years later, three little birch daughters appeared near the birch tree.

They loved their mother birch and she answered them in kind. They hugged her with their branches and whispered to her in the wind. One day an evil wind blew in, bringing with it clouds and lightning. The birch tree covered its daughters with branches from bad weather. And lightning struck straight into the snow-white trunk of the mother birch. The trunk broke... Since then, there has been a stump with flowers in the field, and three weeping birch trees are bending over it...
Children must answer the question: what does this fairy tale teach us?
At the end of the lesson, the children delighted their mothers with their performances, showing their success in drawing, dancing, gymnastics, and vocals.

It all ended with tea with mothers, grandmothers and guests in the group.


Expanding children's vocabulary:

titles:family, parents, relatives, children, work, care, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, son, daughter, sister, brother, grandson, granddaughter, morning, day, evening, baby, niece, aunt, uncle, gift, surprise, holiday, spring, March, flowers, mimosa, tulip;

signs:dear, beloved, caring, adults, small, big, older, younger, young, old, affectionate, slender, smart, beautiful, attentive, serious;

actions:live, care, grow, love, respect, try, help, cook, wash, clean, iron, read, relax, study, have breakfast, lunch, dinner, regret, congratulate, give, craft, sew, knit, embroider.


Grammatical structure of speech

Education possessive adjectives“Tell me whose?”

Mom - (so, whose are you? Whose?) mother’s (a),

dad - daddy,

grandmother - grandmother(s),

grandfather - grandfather(s),

uncle - uncle(s),

aunt - auntie (a).

Formation of simple participles and adjectives “Name which one?”

Live - living,

grow - growing,

love - beloved,

respect - respected,

iron - ironed,

try - diligent,

take care - caring,

to rest - resting.

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes “Call it affectionately”

Children - children - children;

family - little family;

mother - mummy, mummy, mother;

daddy - daddy, daddy, daddy;

son - son, son, son;

grandpa - grandpa;

grandmother - granny;

daughter - daughter - daughter, little daughter;

grandson - granddaughter, granddaughter;

granddaughter - granddaughter;

sister - little sister, little sister;

brother - brother.

Formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases “One - many”

Family - families - many families,

child - children - children,

work - work - a lot of work (work),

mom - moms - moms,

dad - dads - dads,

grandfather - grandfathers - grandfathers,

grandmother - grandmothers - grandmothers,

son - sons (sons) - sons (sons),

daughter - daughters - daughters,

sister - sisters - sisters,

brother - brothers - brothers,

grandson - grandchildren - grandchildren,

baby - babies - babies,

flower - flowers - flowers,

gift - gifts - gifts,

holiday - holidays - holidays.

Declension of the noun "Complete the sentences"

Every baby has... (Mother). Every person loves his... (mother). It is very difficult to live in the world without... (mothers). On March 8th we give gifts and flowers... (to mom). I love walking with my... (by mom). I'm very proud of my... (by mom).

Lexical structure of speech

Search for relevant concepts “Describe which (which) does what?”

Mom is cheerful, beloved, caring, affectionate, hardworking, strict, beautiful, slim, smart, works, cares, helps, reads, cooks, washes, cleans, irons, sews, washes;

grandmother - ... ;

grandfather - ... ;

dad - ... ;

Brother - ... ;

sister - ....

Construction of the monologue “Tell about your family according to plan” (children over 6 years old):

how many people are in the family;

who does the child live with (if it’s a single-parent family);

What are the parents' names (first name, patronymic);

what do the parents work for?

how old is the brother (sister);

what grade does your brother (sister) study in?

what kind of family do you have (friendly, kind, hardworking...).

Search for the corresponding concept “Conversation about the family” (children from 6 years old)

What are the names of your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather? Who are you to mom? (Son daughter.) Who are you to grandma? (Grandson, granddaughter.) Who is older: mother or grandmother? Who is younger: dad or grandpa? What are the names of the family members?

In the first month of spring, the Eighth of March, the whole world celebrates Women's Day (the holiday of mothers and grandmothers). The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.


“Who is who?”

Grandma, grandma, whose daughter am I?

You are Fedya’s daughter, my son.

My dad is big, but not a son at all.

Son. My daughters brother.
Do you remember when we visited the eldest, Avdotya?

But were we at my daughter’s? My aunt has!

I rocked your aunt in the cradle...

Grandma, wait, explain first,
Who are Natasha and her two brothers to me?

Okay, let's try to figure it out:
Their mother, husband's nieces, sister,
Oh, she was little and nimble!

And you get to... It's a tricky thing...

Grandma, something is burnt!

Ugh, while I was thinking,
All the milk ran out of the pan.

Y. Akim

For Mom

Dad told me: - Mila,

Have you forgotten?

Mom's holiday! -

I know! I embroider a handkerchief

With a border, with flowers,

To my beloved mother.

G. Boyko


The third month at the gate -

This is a turn towards the sun.

Winter Watchman Snowman

He shudders and becomes gloomy.

Old, used to the cold,

He loses weight in the warmth.

Willow outside my window

The buds have blossomed -

Before anyone else in our native land

I decided to bloom.

I'll bring the branch into the house

And I'll put it on the table.

Happy Women's Day tomorrow morning

I congratulate my mother.

Yu. Korinets

Mother's day

I keep walking, I keep thinking, I look:

“What will I give my mother tomorrow?

Maybe a doll? Maybe some sweets?

No! Here's to you, dear, on your day

Scarlet flower-light!