Matinee in dhow modern new year. Scenarios for New Year's morning performances in kindergarten: themes, heroes, ideas and implementation

Every New Year for children is a fairy tale. A time when dreams come true and all sorts of miracles happen. Preschool teachers try to support this mood of the children, so the scripts for matinees are always distinguished by memorable ideas and interesting surprises. We bring to your attention a collection of just such scenarios in this section of the MAAM portal. Here you can find traditional plots and characters for such events. Or, on the contrary, original theatrical productions, with unexpected and intriguing twists; scenarios of "fairy tales in a new way". Of course, much attention is paid to the notorious "surprise moment".


Concrete ideas for preparing the main matinee of the year.

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • "The Snow Queen". Scenarios of holidays based on the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen
  • Santa's mitten. Scenarios for New Year's holidays, matinees
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Showing posts 1-10 out of 14291 .
All sections | Scenarios for New Year's parties, holidays

Scenario of the holiday "New Year's holiday with brownie Kuzenka" Target: to create joyful in children, festive mood; evoke an emotional response; form ideas about traditions new year celebrations, to bring up the desire to please friends and loved ones with songs, poems, dances Tasks: * Cultivate aesthetic perception, encourage ...

Target: create conditions for development creativity children in preparation for New Year's holiday. Tasks: Educational: to teach children to read poetry expressively, to move to the beat of music, to sing songs, to teach them to perform in group dances. Educational: develop...

Scenarios of New Year's morning performances, holidays - Scenario of sports entertainment "To the New Year's fire" with children and parents of the middle group

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MAAM Pictures Library

Scenario of the New Year's holiday "How the Snowman lost Santa Claus' chest" in the younger group MKDOA AGO "Achitsky kindergarten" Smile "- branch" Ufa kindergarten "Rainbow" New Year's holiday "How the Snowman lost Santa Claus' chest" Younger group Compiled by: Vaganova L.L. 2019 New Year's holiday "Chest...

The scenario of the New Year's holiday "The Snow Queen" for the preparatory group Scenario for New Year's Eve preparatory groupThe Snow Queen” . Goals and objectives: 1. Create a joyful mood in the child. cause an emotional upsurge. 2. Development of the child's singing and rhythmic abilities. 3. Development of communication skills. four....

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Scenarios of New Year's morning performances, holidays - Scenario of the New Year's holiday "Let's take a selfie" for older preschool children with disabilities

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New Year's holiday for children 2 junior group. Actors Adults: Host. Father Frost. Snow Maiden. Bear. Leading. Guys, look how our Christmas tree is dressed up. What beautiful toys hang on it. What kind of tree came to us, So fluffy and slender? All in toys...

The scenario of the New Year's party in the age group "How the guys with the Snow Maiden re-educated Baba Yaga" Scenario of the New Year's party “How the guys with the Snow Maiden re-educated Baba Yaga” (Children enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree to cheerful music. Presenter: A wonderful day is coming, The New Year is coming to us. A holiday of laughter and inventions, A fairy tale holiday for children! Child 1 : We've been waiting for this...

Scenario of the New Year's party "New Year's teremok" Scenario of the New Year's party "New Year's teremok" Children: Bear, hare, mouse, fox. Adults: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, presenter. To cheerful music, children enter and stand around the Christmas tree. Leading: We entered the hall, and saw everything - the Christmas tree is in New Year's beauty! Everything is silver, magnificent ...

The idea for the scenario of the New Year's holiday can be found everywhere: in fairy tales, in cartoons, in distant countries, in children's toys. The most unimaginable characters come to the holiday for preschool children, but two of them are obligatory guests.

Did you know that the inseparable couple of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden first appeared together in 1937? Since then, they have not left New Year's mornings and evenings, becoming popularly beloved heroes.

By the way, Father Frost's birthday is celebrated on November 18th. In Russia, he already has three houses: in Arkhangelsk, in the Chunozero estate, in Veliky Ustyug. And for the first time, the mention of the “master of the New Year” as Santa Claus refers to the “Tales of Grandfather Iriney” by the Russian writer V.F. Odoevsky.

The Snow Maiden became popular thanks to the fairy tale by A. Ostrovsky, although her name as an ice mermaid had been met before. Interestingly, at the beginning of the Soviet period, the Snow Maiden was forbidden to appear on New Year's holidays - this ban was lifted only in 1935. At first she was the daughter of the main character, and then she "retrained" as a granddaughter.

We invite you to visit other sections of the site that will help you decorate the kindergarten and organize an unforgettable New Year's Eve in kindergarten.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of the second younger group
Scenario New Year for children of the preparatory group
Scenario New Year for senior and preparatory groups
Scenario "Winter's Tale"
Scenario "New Year's journey through the fairy kingdom"
Ball on Christmas night
Dwarf's Adventure Scenario
New Year's performance for kids
Scenario matinee for kids
Journey to Santa Claus
New Year's adventures
Scenario "Christmas Tree" (Jr. gr.)
New Year's party

Scenario New Year's party (kindergarten).

Happy New Year!
Both hosts and guests
Good luck to all, I wish you well
And fine, clear days.
And there is also congratulations -
AT kindergarten his
Healthier and rosier
Become every day!

Song "December"

White, white in December, in December
Christmas trees, Christmas trees in the yard, in the yard.

Slippery, slippery in December, in December
Hills, hills in the yard, in the yard
Spinning and spinning and singing and singing
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

Voiced, voiced in December, in December,
Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard.
Spinning and spinning and singing and singing
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

1 child:
- Hello, tree, how happy we are
that you came to us again
And in green needles
The freshness of the forest has brought!

2 child:
- On the branches of your toys
And the lanterns are on
colorful crackers,
Beads are burning!

3 child:
- You are the freshness of the forest dawn
Brought light into our room,
Straightened resinous needles
Light up sparkling lights!

The song "New Year has come to us"

green, fluffy,
In a snow coat
Christmas tree came to the holiday
Frosty winter.

That's how good
The New Year has come to us
That's how good
New Year has come.

Snowflakes silvery
and the branches are shining
And ice floes like bells
They call a little.

We drive near the Christmas tree
merry dance,
And together with dreams a Christmas tree
Celebrates the New Year!

4 child:
- Make the circle wider
Get into a round dance
Friendly, joyfully we lived
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance "New Year is coming to us"

It's good that every year
New Year is coming to us
Lights up our Christmas tree
And starts a round dance.

If the dance is not enough
The dance has a twist
We'll dance all over again
And then vice versa!

We dance under the Christmas tree
We can do three hours
And we won't get tired
What miracles!

If the dance is not enough
The dance has a twist
We'll dance all over again
And then vice versa!

- Let's have some fun today
Let the faces shine with happiness
Snowflakes-sisters have arrived,
Circle all around the blizzard.

Dance of the Snowflakes.
A magpie girl runs out from behind the Christmas tree and reads a telegram from Santa Claus:
-Telegram, telegram:
"I was in such a hurry that it became hot,
Let the gifts fall apart
Caught on a knot
And my bag broke.
I'm still collecting them
I am sending the Snow Maiden to you.
Just look, darlings
take care of my granddaughter.

- We will greet the Snow Maiden, we will meet her with the orchestra.

Children play musical instruments. Enter Baba Yaga. dressed up as a snowman.

Baba Yaga:
And here I am, and here I am.

Who are you?

Baba Yaga:
Like who? Granddaughter.

Oh, so you're the granddaughter of Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:
Well, yes. . . Meet your granddaughter and be healthy.

So you became a Snow Maiden. And why Santa Claus did not come?

Baba Yaga:
He was in such a hurry that it became hot and the roasts crumbled.

What other roasts?

Baba Yaga:
Yes, of course: the roasts crumbled and my knot broke.

Well, here's what. You are not the granddaughter of Santa Claus. So get out of here in a good, healthy way, and we will continue the holiday.

Baba Yaga:
But Santa Claus said: "Only, dear, look, take care of my granddaughter."

Guys, maybe she really is a Snow Maiden?

Children in chorus:

And who is she?

Children in chorus:
Baba Yaga!

- I also think that Baba Yaga. Let's tease her, the liar.

Game "Grandma-Ezhka, bone leg".

Baba Yaga:
But, but, think, tease. And I have your Snow Maiden, but I won’t let her go.

Wait, where are you, let our Snow Maiden go!

Baba Yaga:
No, I’d better make her heat a bath for me.

What to do? After all, our snow maiden will melt in the bathhouse. Baba Yaga, ask what you want, just let the Snow Maiden go.

Baba Yaga:
I want to stay at your party.

Well guys, let's stay? stay and bring the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga leaves, and the children dance the dance "Grandma Yaga" Baba Yaga returns and brings a pirate wrapped in white clothes.

Baba Yaga:
Here is your Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden, why are you so wrapped up, and your voice is something hoarse?

It was me who caught a cold during the storm. . . Ouch! Do you want a riddle, kids?

In the thicket of the forest there is such
Incomprehensible, big
Like a chicken has two legs
There are doors, but no window,
A friend lives there
What kind of house is this?
Children in chorus: Hut!

That's right, kids.

Something strange. Do you have. Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga's girlfriend?

Pirate (closing his mouth):
Ouch! No, of course not. . . Let's all sleep together.

Children with the Pirate and Baba Yaga dance the Ledka-Yenka dance. The pirate is so excited that he throws off his white clothes and thereby betrays himself. The music stops.

Children, look, this is not a Snow Maiden, but a Pirate. Let's connect them with Baba Yaga.

The children tie the Pirate and Babu Yaga, they resist and shout:
This is unfair. . . Have mercy, don't drown. . .

Yep, scared! Say where the Snow Maiden is!

Baba Yaga:
Now, now let's bring it.

They are untied and they leave.

Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden so that she knows that we are waiting for her here.

Children in chorus:
Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden enters, sad.

Snow Maiden (sadly):
Happy New Year. . .

What's wrong with you, Snow Maiden? Why are you so sad? You don't smile. Oh-oh-oh. She must have been bewitched. What to do? Guys, maybe we will disenchant her with cheerful poems and dances, and she will have fun. You sit down, Snow Maiden, and look at our songs and dances.

The girls are dancing the Gypsy dance. The boys are dancing the dance "Musketeers".

Snow Maiden (fun):
Thank you, friends.
I became the same again.
The Snow Maiden will guide you
to the New Year's dance!

Guys, Santa Claus is coming! Let's call him so that he does not go astray. Let's all say together: "Santa Claus, come quickly! It will be more fun together!"

The children are called Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song, says congratulations.

Father Frost:
Oh, that's where my Christmas tree is. She ran away from the frost, she appeared in the garden herself.

Santa Claus, the lights do not burn on it, you light the Christmas tree for us.

Father Frost:
One, two, three, help the staff, light the Christmas tree for us. (knocks three times with staff).

The Christmas tree lights up, the children sing the song "Magic Christmas Tree".

When the New Year lights up
Colored lights on the tree
Everyone remembers their childhood
Happy children's days.

About wizards and animals.

Someone thinks desire
And whisper to Santa Claus
He will fulfill all promises
And in the New Year will bring.

Tell us, Christmas tree, a fairy tale,
A magical dream for us, Christmas tree, nave.
About palaces, about forests and sleighs,
About wizards and animals.

Father Frost:
Happy New Year!
With new happiness!
Santa Claus did not forget you,
And for the New Year's holiday
I brought a new song.
Get up in the round dance
Sing along!

Children dance and sing the song "Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus."

Oh what a good
Good Santa Claus!
Christmas tree for our holiday
Brought from the forest.

The lights are sparkling
Red, blue,
Good for us, tree,
Have fun with you!

We removed the tree
In festive attire.
Lights on branches
They burn merrily.

Everyone let the Christmas tree
Dancing and singing
We have fun together
Let's meet the New Year!

Father Frost:
Well, thank you guys, you sang a song with me. And tell me, guys, do you have fun in winter?

Snow Maiden and children:
We don't care about the cold! Not afraid of the cold.

Father Frost:
Are you afraid of frost?
Beware, beware
Come on, show me your hands
Yes, put it behind your back
Who will I touch
I'll freeze those jokes.

Freeze game.

- Good Santa Claus! And also play the game "Guess" with us!

Dear Santa Claus,
Look at us
Guess Santa Claus
What are we doing now?
(play violin)

Father Frost:
You brush your beard.

No, we play the violin.

Dear Santa Claus,
Look at us
Guess Santa Claus
What are we doing now?
(play the flute)

Father Frost:
You drink milk.

No, we play the flute.

Dear Santa Claus,
Look at us
Guess Santa Claus
What are we doing now?
(play piano)

Father Frost:
You sort out the grits.

No, we play the piano.

Santa Claus, you didn’t guess anything, dance and make us laugh.

Santa Claus is dancing.

Father Frost:
Oh, and it's hot here with you, now I'll melt. Granddaughter, bring some cold water to cool off.

The Snow Maiden brings a large mug filled with 1/3 of confetti. Santa Claus pretends to drink, and he suddenly "poureds" confetti from a mug on his parents.

Father Frost:
Celebrate the New Year with a song
Celebrate the New Year with a dance
And who knows the poems about the holiday?
Let him read them now.

Children go out and read poems under the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:
And now it's time for us all to play together again.

Game "Bridge", "Snowballs". During the game, Baba Yaga appears and slowly takes away the staff of Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus, have you forgotten about the gifts?

Father Frost:
Now I'll take my magic staff. Where is he? Children, have you seen? (Baba Yaga walks behind Santa Claus).

Santa Claus turns around, takes away the staff and says:
Again for the old took. You only do bad things. Now I'll freeze you!

Knocks three times with a staff, Baba Yaga shouts:
Oh, don't, oh, don't want to, oh. . . (and freezes in a funny pose).

Pirate comes running and takes pity on her:
Oh, you are my Yagusenka, how can I be without you? Father Frost! Father Frost! Come on, I'll show you a trick, if you like it, then you'll unfreeze Baba Yaga.

Pirate shows tricks.

Father Frost:
Okay, I'll unfreeze Baba Yaga and believe her for the last time. One, two, three, die!

Baba Yaga:
Oh what happened to me? I seem to have become better and want to do a good deed.

Father Frost:
And what?

Baba Yaga:
I want to give gifts to children. (Whistles. Hut enters with a creak and dances).

Baba Yaga! Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga:
Who is screaming at me? Who lives in a hut? Who's calling grandma? Hey, talker hut, don't be lazy, turn your front to me, back to the Christmas tree!

And where is Santa Claus?
He brought gifts to children,
Good Santa Claus.
I found his bag in the forest
And rather brought to you
So that the snow does not moisten them,
I hid them in a hut,
You knock on the window
And get a gift.

Santa Claus and Baba Yaga knock on the window, a gift flies out.

Father Frost:
Thank you, Hut, but where are the rest of the gifts?

Rake snow under the tree
And find gifts there.
And now it's time for me to go to the forest,
Goodbye, kids. (leaves)

Santa Claus takes out a bag from under the Christmas tree and distributes gifts to children.

Father Frost:
And now it's time for me
To you for a holiday in a year
Santa Claus will come again
Goodbye, guys,
Dear preschoolers!

The Snow Maiden approaches Santa Claus:
We don't want to say goodbye
We will all miss you
What a pity that we have to part
Let's all dance the farewell waltz.

Everyone dances a waltz to the music "Ah, carnival." Children hold hands and sing the song "Goodbye, Santa Claus."

Goodbye, goodbye
Dear Santa Claus,
You kept your promises
Brought so much joy.

We promise, we promise
That as soon as we grow up,
Visit again, visit again
Let's go to this tree.

We will remember, we will remember
Our wonderful dance
Our songs, our dances,
Our wonderful New Year!

Goodbye, goodbye
Dear Santa Claus.
You kept your promises
Brought so much joy.

Who do you think is waiting for the New Year holidays the most? Of course, children! They make wishes and write letters to Santa Claus, waiting for gifts, a decorated Christmas tree and fabulous surprises. And so I want to justify their expectations! Therefore, it is very important to choose interesting scenario New Year's party in kindergarten and arrange a real holiday.

When choosing a scenario, remember that it is better to take into account the desires and hobbies of children. Someone likes the adventures of Emelya and Baba Yaga, and someone dreams of seeing Superman or Batman as their guest. Perhaps you will spend a little more time preparing a New Year's party in kindergarten, but how can this compare with the enthusiastic eyes of a child during a performance? A favorite hero can become both a part of a fairy tale and a leader who will play, read poetry and call the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus along with the kids. The scenario of the New Year's party should not only entertain, but also involve children in magic game.

Having redone the script for kids, do not forget about the funny ones, beautiful decoration hall and parade of costumes. May this holiday be unforgettable!

A universal scenario for a New Year's party in kindergarten: "New Year's Tale".


Here comes the New Year!
It's snowing outside the window!
People celebrate this holiday
And buy gifts!
We are with you today
Let's make our own gifts!
We will sing, we will dance,
Let's decorate the tree!
So let the New Year come
After all, people are waiting for him!
The host calls all the children to the center of the hall.
What is New Year?
This is a friendly dance!
Children hold hands
Around the Christmas tree and curl,
Chasing away the evil blizzard
Dispelling sadness and boredom
Inviting jokes, laughter,
Round dance is now for everyone!

Children dance around the Christmas tree, singing the song "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree", "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", "An elegant Christmas tree - a lot of lights" and other songs learned in advance.


Round dance - well, just lovely!
Do you hear the rustle of needles?
This Christmas tree is tired
She told us all to rest!
Come on, kids, let's sit in a circle,
And let's take a look around!
Our Christmas tree is shining
Why is she sad?
She doesn't have enough toys.
And she knows about it!
We will help her now -
We have an idea too!

Presenter: Guys, let's dress up our Green Beauty! Oh, where are our balls? Where have they gone?

The light flickers, the Villain appears.

The villain: Basta, karapuziki, your songs have run out! I stole your balloons! The Christmas tree will stand sad, very sad! And I'll take the colored lights for my collection! (The lights on the Christmas tree go out). I'm exhausted, I'm going to take a nap.

The villain leaves.

Presenter: What are we to do, how to be? Is our holiday gone? Who can help us?

Children shout out the names of different heroes, knights and heroes, but everyone has flown away somewhere and cannot help. Here comes the Hero.

Hero: Hey! Forgotten about me? They left me in charge here, now I follow the order.
Presenter: You follow badly, my dear. Look, the villain stole our holiday!
Hero: It can't be! Well, I'll show him, the prankster! I just need your help! Can you help me kids? We will find the lights, cheer up our Christmas tree and return the holiday!

Maybe paint
Hiding in fairy tales?
In the thickets of the forest
And the flowers of the field?
In old huts
In red freckles
Those who, on the stars
Looking, not sleeping?
In warm windows
In elegant nesting dolls
Brush and palette to help along the way
Find paints for a festive tree.
Fox appears:
I am a good fox
The very simplicity...
orange paint
At the tip of the tail.

The fox leaves an orange circle for the Hero and runs away, wagging its tail.
Snowflakes appear, dance and give the Hero a blue circle.

Hero: Something became dark to us. Hey, sister Luna, show yourself, light the way for us!

The moon appears, dances and gives the children a yellow circle.


Thank you Luna
You know one
Where should we go
Where can you find paint?


Light away.
Your path is not far
Help on the way
You moonhorse.
The horse leads everyone to the fire.


Red cheeks burn in the cold.
Red poppies and red roses.
Red sparks in the field sparkle,
The red fire warms the traveler
I will give you this sparkle.
Its color can color the dawn,
Red feathers of bullfinch birds ...
A holiday with me is always more fun!

Fire gives the Hero a multi-colored spark that shimmers in several colors.


Look guys, how many colors are on the palette. I think the intrigues of the Villain are no longer afraid of us. It's time to disenchant the sad Christmas tree! (Screaming "Christmas tree burn"). The lights don't turn on! Let's call the Snow Maiden! (The name is).
The Snow Maiden comes and sings:
magic wand his
I will light a thousand fires.
My wand, spin
Christmas tree, quickly light up.
The lights on the tree light up.


May every light on this tree
Fulfill your best dreams.
You will make friends with a fairy tale for a long time,
When you know how to believe in miracles!

The Villain Appears: Look you! The lights are back! Songs are sung, the old man is not allowed to sleep! Take your balls, Snowstorm covered them with white, I don't need them anymore!
Presenter: What about balls?
Hero: Are there colors? There is! Snow Maiden, bring a shiny snowball! Gotta decorate! We will color the balls for the Christmas tree!

The presenter herself shows what can be drawn on the ball, and then invites the guys to try their hand at drawing. To the cheerful music, children paint balls and decorate the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Oh yes, Elochka, oh beauty! Here comes the holiday! Time to call my grandfather! Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus appears. The children read poems to him.

There is a lot of light in every house
The New Year is coming!
snow white carriage
Santa Claus will bring.
Exactly at midnight will flash brightly
In the sky garlands of stars.
Doesn't come without gifts
This holiday Santa Claus!
Will gather near the Christmas tree

Cheerful round dance:

Foxes, hares, squirrels, wolves -
Everyone welcomes the New Year.

Santa Claus carries toys
And garlands and crackers.
Good gifts
The holiday will be bright!

Walks the street
Santa Claus,
Hoarfrost scatters
On the branches of birches;
Walks with a beard
White shakes,
stomping foot,
There is only crackling.

Father Frost: Thanks for making grandpa happy! And what a beautiful, elegant, cheerful Christmas tree you have!

I wanted to give you gifts
But I can't lift the bag!
But I know who will help.
I'm ready to take assistants.
The hero and the little animals help bring a bag of gifts. Santa Claus congratulates children.

Father Frost:

Well, now I'll tell you
See you again, my friends!
We'll be back in a year
And the Snow Maiden and me.

Together: Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Music plays, the party ends.

Such a scenario children's matinee Your kids will definitely like it, because they will not only watch the performance, but also take part in it themselves. You can choose the name for the Hero and the Villain, decide who will be the leader and what other colors the kids can find at the holiday. And even more New Year's advice, funny contests, pranks and ideas for the rest of your children and friends you will find in our section !

They start preparing for the New Year's party in the kindergarten long before X hour. The script is memorized, roles are given out, dance songs are rehearsed almost every day. After all, the kids really want their moms and dads to applaud them, and the teachers want to make every holiday memorable! And parents themselves are so pleased to see the happy face of their baby!
I propose New Year's script morning for kindergarten. If it helps someone, I'll be glad!
Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Old man Hottabych.
Children need the role of a fairy, a wizard, gnomes and snowflakes.
Start. The song "Russian Santa Claus" sounds. The children enter the hall holding hands. WINTER comes first.

Winter, winter-winter
I have come to visit you all.
Get skis, sleds,
I will celebrate with you!
And so as not to freeze us now
Let's dance together!
Let's get up in a friendly round dance
To welcome the New Year.
Children become in a round dance, sing the song "Christmas tree".

Outside the window snowflakes are circling,
And we have a carnival here.
New Year's main holiday
Gathered us here today.

Our tree is high
Reaches the ceiling.
And toys hang on it,
And garlands and crackers.

Children love the New Year
He brings gifts to everyone.
All the people rejoice
And dancing and singing!

And now, children, run, sit down in places.
And now they come to me
Two assistants.

We are here!

I'm a magician, I'm good.
Even if you go around half the world,
But nowhere, nowhere
How can I not find a magician!

And I'm a fairy even where
And a star burns in the forehead.
There is a magic wand.
I can fly like a butterfly.

Well, let's start the party.
And who will we call?
Beard and red nose.
Who is this - Santa Claus
The children are called Santa Claus. The cook enters with a ladle in her hand.

Good afternoon to you guys.
Both girls and boys.
Heard they call me
So I came to you, friends!
You must be tired here.
The poor are hungry
Nanny is already carrying borscht,
And the second and compote!

No, we didn't call you.
Santa Claus is invited!

Oh sorry, I'm leaving!

Let me take you.

Children call Santa Claus again. A nurse enters with a large thermometer.

Good day to you guys
Both girls and boys
I know you called me
I'll put the thermometer on.
Come on race
Show languages.
My diagnosis is ready
Everything is fine, everyone is healthy!

No, we didn't call you.
Santa Claus is invited!

Oh sorry, I'm leaving!

Let me take you.

Children, where is Santa Claus?
Maybe he froze in the forest?
And let's now
Let's shout out loud again!

Children call Santa Claus again.

I flew, I learned
Santa Claus in the dense forest
Lost, fell into the snow.
Can't find your home.

You are a magpie - white-sided, you fly, and give an answer -
We will help as much as we can.
Say hello for us.
Yes, take a card.
But don't get lost along the way!

Two children are selected, they are given two pictures with the rebus "Find the right way." Whoever decides faster - that card is given to the magpie. Magpie leaves.

Well, while we are flying forty, we will play the game "who is faster." We are divided into two teams - a wizard team and a fairy team. Two bouncing balls are distributed. The task is who will quickly reach the fairy and the wizard and return back.

We played to the fullest.
Quiet, children, silence.
Someone is coming to us.
I hear - a song sings.

The song "Song of Hottabych" sounds. The old man Hottabych enters the hall.

Oh, my carpet, the plane
Didn't fly there
Oh dear, tell me
What do you have waiting for me here?
I see a palm tree - not a palm tree.
Yes, and summer is not the same here.
Poor old man Hottabych.
Nobody is waiting for me here!

Dear Old Man Hottabych,
Here they celebrate the New Year.
If you want, stay!
Santa Claus is coming soon!

Oh honey, thank you
But I didn't fly here.
Happy New Year.
It's just time for me!
Well, happy New Year to you! He conjures and leaves.

I hasten to you with good news -
Santa Claus has found your home.
And he's almost there
Let's call together!

The children are called Santa Claus.
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter.

Oh-ho-ho, hurry up guys
Your map helped us.
Finally got to you.
Oh, what a palace you have!
Yes, and the tree is just a miracle,
So elegant, so pretty!
All I see is that it doesn't light up.
I'll fix this look!
One two Three,
Come on, Christmas tree, burn!
Who screams so barely?
What did you eat little cereal?
Come on together, come on together
You all need to shout loudly!

One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!

The tree lights up.

Now that's another matter!
Everyone run to me boldly!
We don't sit still
We want to dance with you.

Children stand in a round dance, sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

And now I ask you?
Are you not afraid of me?
Because freeze
I can you all, joking!

Freeze game.

Oh, Santa Claus!
Don't freeze the kids!
Our children you yourself
They're throwing snowballs!

Children are given snowballs from cotton wool, the game "Throw Santa Claus",

Phew, what a nice game
So even a little tired.
Snow Maiden.
Well, then sit on a chair
And smile guys.

Children read poetry.

Thanks for making grandpa happy!

Something is getting cold!
Snowflakes are eager to dance!

The dance of the snowflakes.

I wanted to give you gifts
But I can't lift the bag!
But I know who will help.
I'm ready to take assistants.

Gnomes come out with small bags, they dance the dance of the gnomes. After that, gifts are distributed along with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Well, now I'll tell you
See you again, my friends!
We'll be back in a year
And the Snow Maiden and me.

Goodbye, Grandfather Frost, Goodbye, Snow Maiden! We are waiting for you in a year!

New Year's script for preschool educational institution.

New Year's holiday in kindergarten "Visiting Santa Claus" (for children of older and preparatory groups)

Children run into the hall to cheerful music, stand around the Christmas tree in a round dance.


A wonderful day is coming

The New Year is coming to us!

Feast of laughter and fun

Fairy tale holiday for children!


How beautiful in our hall,

We called our friends

Our people are having fun.

All. We are celebrating the New Year!


Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance,

With beads, crackers,

With new toys!


Congratulations to everyone in the world

We all sincerely wish:

To clap your hands

For feet to stomp

To make children smile

They had fun and laughed.

Child. Hold hands tight

Stand in a wide circle

We will sing and dance

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Children lead a round dance "The New Year is coming to us", music. V. Gerchik, sl. 3. Petrova.


new year, new year,

And Santa Claus is not coming.

He got stuck on his way...

Child. Maybe go to the forest to him?


Only a long way, friends,

Aren't you afraid, kids?

Children. Not!


Then we sit in the sleigh,

We rush along the snowy road!

Children sing the song "Sanochki", music. A. Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina. Then the lights go out, they take out a table, a chair, a bag of toys. The light is on.

Leading. Well, it looks like they've arrived!


Ah, what a wonderful forest -

It's full of wonders!


Here is a clearing, and here is a tree,

Needles smell like needles.

Look like this

And inhale the aroma! (Breathe.)


Oh guys, take a look:

Kulkov, a whole load of toys.

Oh, my heart feels, my heart feels:

Here somewhere near Santa Claus.

Well, to whom, what a gift

Bring our Santa Claus -

Guys, here's the question.

Children sing the song "What is hidden under the tree", music. N. Peskova, sl. P. Sinyavsky. There is a sound of sticks and footsteps.


Oh, be quiet, someone is coming, let's hide quickly.

It looks like Santa Claus.

Children sit on chairs. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come out.

Father Frost.

In the morning we woke up early

We did exercises at the sofa (stretches).

After all, soon, soon the New Year ...

Snow Maiden. Did you miss the guys, Santa Claus?

Santa Claus sits at the table.

Father Frost.

Yes, I just sit and dream

As for the holiday, I get to them.

I collect toys for them

Candies, cookies, crackers.

Everything is put in a bag. The Snow Maiden carries a balalaika.

Snow Maiden.

Come on, grandpa, come on

Set up a better balalaika

Rehearse ditties soon

To sing them for the children!

Santa Claus plays and sings Chastushki.

You play, play yourself

My balalaika

Let's celebrate the New Year

Songs to sing and dance.

Oh winter, winter

Was snow white

How to hit with a heel -

It will immediately snow. Wow!

Santa Claus is dancing.

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather, something you broke up, forgot that the children

Waiting for you in kindergarten.

Looking forward to you

Your best friends!

Santa Claus fussed, got excited.

Father Frost.

I put toys in a bag

Yes, I'll hurry to the guys!

Spinning, gathering, wiping sweat off his face.

Father Frost. Oh, and exhausted all!

Children. And we have been here for a long time, grandfather!

Father Frost.

What happiness, how glad I am, friends,

In the fairy forest, welcome you, kids!

Snow Maiden.

Here's a surprise, wow,

We are always happy with children!

Good in the forest in winter.

The forest is fringed

Quietly the spruce sways

The old year is ending.

Father Frost.

Let the frost be silver

Let the white snow sparkle!

Children sing the song "First Snow", music. A. Filippenko, sl. A. Gorina.

Father Frost.

Hey forest animals

Squirrels, mischievous hares!

Meet the kids soon

Songs, dances begin!

Children in costumes of forest animals come out in turn, sing the song "Who Hid There in the Forest", music. D. Lvov-Companion, sl. V. Viktorova.


Let's say to all forest peoples:

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!


And here is the Christmas tree

So pretty and gorgeous!


It's time to celebrate the New Year

We need to light the tree!


Oh well, this is nonsense

Matches give me here!


What are you, Misha, is it possible

Bring matches to the tree

After all, it's easy to start a fire -

Very hard to extinguish!

Bear. Well, candles with a lighter ...


No, then trouble again

Here, guys, Santa Claus

We need magic words.

Father Frost.

Yes, for guests, for kids

I'll light the lights on the tree.

Touch the staff: one, two, three...

Tree, tree, shine!

The tree lights fires.

Snow Maiden.

Well, funny people

Get into a round dance.

Children perform in a circle near the Christmas tree a mass dance "Polka", music. N. Sizova.

Father Frost.

How friendly, all together

You made me happy with a fun song!

Children sit on chairs.


Now it's a game for everyone

Everyone will love her.

Santa Claus, come out

Hurry up and take the stick!

Only churn, friends,

I'll be at the gate!

There is a hockey game.

Father Frost.

Well, animals, well, kids,

You are the master of hockey.

Be on the lookout now -

I will read you poetry now.

I ask everyone to answer:

First, I'll ask everyone:

Who here loves songs, laughter?

All children. It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Father Frost.

Answer in unison:

Who's the hottest one here?



Well, grandpa, there is an answer:

We don't have kids like that!

Father Frost.

Who is accustomed to our order, -

Does he exercise in the morning?

Children. It's me (continue).

Father Frost.

Who does not know a toothbrush

Forget to wash?



Again, grandpa, there is an answer:

And there are no such children!

Father Frost.

And one more question:

Which of you doesn't wash your nose?


We have one answer:

There are no such guys, grandpa!

Snow Maiden.

And now I'll ask you:

Do you like, children, in the winter forest?

That you will come to us - Grandfather and I did not know,

But the forest was decorated as if for the arrival of guests:

Sparkling white snowflakes

Icicles and icicle friends are ringing.

Children in costumes of ice and icicles run behind the Christmas tree. The ringing of bells and triangles is heard.

Snow Maiden.

Hear it resounds in the forest -

This magical, bewitching ringing.

Play icicles and ice today

At our Christmas tree!

"Icicles" and "Icicles" perform "New Year's Polka" on triangles and bells, music. A. Alexandrova.

Father Frost.

In the New Year's forest, look, it spreads

Light, transparent, white blizzard.

The Blizzard girl runs out with a gas white scarf. They will perform a dance to the soundtrack.


I, a blizzard, as I notice,

I'll take all the roads.

And we are not afraid of you

Because we're having fun.