Military pensions from August 1. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

From the latest news it follows that in 2017 there will be no indexation of military pensions. Apparently, the authorities were unable to free up funds to carry out new indexing pensions for military pensioners.

At the same time, military pensioners complain that they can take advantage of only a small part of the benefits that they are entitled to by law. Thus, a lot of questions remain for the authorities of our country.

To be honest, comparing military pensions with civilian ones is not entirely appropriate. It will be much more relevant to draw parallels between civil pensions and pensions for civil servants. Here there is a striking gap not in favor of ordinary Russians.

It should be clarified that this year, Russians’ pensions were already indexed in February, when the increase was four percent, despite the promised 5.4%. Working pensioners were excluded from the list of citizens eligible for indexation. They should not expect any increase in their pension for the foreseeable future until they quit their job.

Previous indexation of military pensions took place in February and April 2017. The increases turned out to be not very impressive, which caused dissatisfaction on the part of this category of needy citizens.

Indexation of military pensions in 2017, when will it happen: latest news about increasing pensions for the military

Military pensions in 2017: when will there be an increase, news about the indexation of pensions for the military

Military pensions in 2017: when will there be an increase, news about the indexation of pensions for the military Military pensions in 2017: when will there be an increase, news about the indexation of pensions for the military»>It is customary to talk about raising pensions in our country in a low voice, since often no one, not even High-ranking officials do not know with certainty when and by how much pensions will be indexed in Russia.

What will happen to military pensions in 2017: news about increasing pensions for military pensioners

Indexation of military pensions in 2017 remains one of the most important areas in the government’s activities. After all this category pensioners have earned increased attention to their problems through their work. For this reason, the pension benefits of military pensioners are usually higher than other citizens who receive pensions from the state. After a small indexation of military pensions in the winter of 2017, their size turned out to be slightly larger.

Military pensions in 2017: when will the next increase in military pensions take place?

A huge layer of pensioners, classified as military pensioners, are asking quite reasonable questions that are related to the further indexation of their pensions. After all, many people know that the economic crisis is still a sensitive moment in Russia. If anyone has the impression that military pensions are something fantastic in terms of financial terms, then we need to immediately clarify this. Actually this is not true.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017: latest news on indexation, when there will be an increase and by how much

The previous increase in military pensions took place in February 2017. Despite the announced increase of 5.4 percent, military retirees indicated a four percent increase. Why such a discrepancy occurred is difficult to say now. The authorities remain silent on this matter. From February 1, 2017, military pensioners began to receive a pension of just large sizes. This has to do with indexing. pension payments, which the Russian authorities carry out on a regular basis, namely several times throughout the year.

From August 2017, working pensioners for whom policyholders (employers) paid insurance premiums in 2016 will receive an increased pension. This increase is due to the size pension provision, while it will affect only recipients of insurance pensions and.

This recalculation is carried out undeclared, i.e. To implement it, you do not need to contact the Pension Fund branches. The recalculated (increased) amount will be accrued from August.

However, the maximum increase, which occurs in August, limited to only 3 points(pension coefficients) converted into cash equivalent. As of August 1, 2017, the cost of 1 coefficient is 78 rubles 58 kopecks, hence the increase Pensioners will not receive more than 235 rubles 74 kopecks.

At the same time, for citizens who continue to work and those who have stopped labor activity, price pension point is different - this is explained by the lack of indexation (adjustment) of the insurance pension for working pensioners since 2016. Here we can highlight several categories of pension recipients, which is used for recalculation:

  • For pensioners who have retired until February 1, 2016 the cost of 1 point is 71.41 rubles, respectively, the maximum increase for such citizens was 214.23 rubles.
  • Those who left after 1.02.2016 one coefficient costs 74.27 rubles, while their maximum provision will increase by 222.81 rubles.
  • Accordingly, if a citizen retired after 1.02.2017, then his pension provision will increase by no more than 235.74 rubles, with a point cost of 78.58 rubles.

Separately, it is worth highlighting those Russians who form together with the insurance company - their pension payments may be increased no more than 1.875 points.

Many experts talk about the injustice of the legislation in relation to working pensioners, because when recalculating their pension payments increase by a little more than 200 rubles - such an increase is called “mocking” (considering), arguing that this category of the population loses the incentive to work legally.

Will there be an increase for non-working pensioners?

For non-working pensioners, the increase in insurance pensions traditionally occurs on February 1, but in some cases they have the right to an additional increase in August. This can only happen due to the presence of an amount in an individual personal account, not taken into account in the previous recalculation, or not taken into account when assigning a pension, or in other situations described in clause 3, part 2, art. 18 of the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ.

For example, if in the previous year a citizen earned more than 3 points, and during the August recalculation only three were taken into account, then the rest will be taken into account in August of the next year.

This year, 2017, television screens are filled with stories of military operations in Syria and military exercises in Russia itself - and it seems to every citizen that a military man is a very highly paid profession and a military pensioner, having served the Motherland for more than 20 years - very wealthy and in nothing not a needy person. What other opinion can be formed after the ceremonial stories of the media?

But people who serve in the RF Armed Forces or have retired due to length of service know very well that not everything is so safe and good. These problems exist, but for some reason they are not discussed on the screens of state channels. Anything is discussed - there can be discussions about Trump and Poroshenko, refugees in the European Union for a whole month, but the real problems within the country are taboo. Meanwhile, even in such a seemingly prosperous Russian army there are problems.

In this article we will not voice them in full, we will only say that the law on monetary support (allowances) for military personnel adopted in 2011 is not being implemented - or rather, its effect was simply suspended. Just like that, the simply established annual indexation of military pay was canceled and has not been applied successfully for 5 years. But we will touch upon the problems of military pensioners in more detail.

According to official statistics, as of 2017, there were 2,500,000 military pensioners in Russia. That is, citizens discharged from military service into the reserve, who are subject to the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016) “On the status of military personnel.”

All these citizens, or as they often call themselves “military pensions,” are entitled to a long-service pension. To acquire such a right, a serviceman must have a duration of continuous experience military service for at least 20 years.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017

Now, regarding military pensions in 2017. Again, officials at all levels in the Ministry of Defense itself and in the Defense Commission of the State Duma assure the Russian population that a military pensioner is the wealthiest of all pensioners. And he gets so much money that he doesn’t have time to travel around the world. But the military pensions themselves know that this is far from the case.

Retired privates and sergeants with 20 years of service have a pension of about 8,000 rubles. This can also be calculated using a regular military pension calculator. And all those girls and women military personnel who come under shelling in Syria, having served 20 years, will receive the same 8,000 rubles. That's all the gratitude of our native state. And this woman will go on her well-deserved military pension not on a trip around the world - but will go and get any job for 8,000 rubles a month, because after serving in the army, no one really needs him and no one is waiting for him anywhere. A good places distributed a long time ago. And therefore, the main source of income will still remain a military pension. But the state did not fail here either.

A reduction factor of 0.54 was introduced into the law on pension provision for persons discharged from military service. Perhaps, such a “fair decision” of the state in the history of Russia and Soviet Union It hasn't happened yet. We don’t talk about other states at all. Moreover, this coefficient was introduced only for military pensioners.

This rule does not apply to judges of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court Russian Federation and military courts, prosecutors (including military personnel of the military prosecutor’s office) and employees Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (including military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation), pensioners from among these persons and members of their families.

Another “hiccup” in calculating a military pension is that for an ordinary state civil servant, the pension is calculated from the entire amount of earnings, including bonuses and additional payments, and for a military pensioner only from the amount of salary - salary according to position, salary according to military rank and a percentage bonus for length of service.

Indexation of military pensions

Since the salaries of military personnel have not been increased for 5 years, there has accordingly been no increase in military pensions in this regard. There was still hope for a fair indexation of military pensions. But it was not there. Since 2014, the provisions of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 604 have not been fully implemented.

That is, the total under-indexation over 5 years was more than 27%. And this is very decent money for military pensioners.

According to the general opinion of military pensioners, the incomplete implementation of Decree No. 604 actually discredits the state-guaranteed level of pension provision for military personnel, at which military pensioners could count on recalculation of pension payments above inflation.

Indexation of military pensions in 2017

On the indexation of military pensions in 2017. One indexation is planned and it has already taken place. In February 2017, military pensions were indexed (by only 4%) compared to civilian pensioners (5.4%). This is extremely low and offensive indexing. A huge number of appeals from military pensioners on this issue have been written to various authorities:

President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief V. Putin;
Chairman of the Government D. Medvedev;
Assistant to the President - Head of the State Legal Department of the President of the Russian Federation;
Chairmen of the State Duma and Federation Council;
Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yu. Chaika;
Minister of Defense S. Shoigu;
To the Chairmen of the State Duma Defense Committee V. Komoyedov (former) and V. Shamanov (current);
Commissioner for Human Rights under the President;
Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;
The head of the Presidential Administration and many other officials and government bodies.

Military pensions in 2017 last news

The main issues in these appeals are issues of injustice currently affecting military pensioners. In many replies and statements by high government officials, there is a concealment of the true state of affairs with the indexation of military pensions, and sometimes a direct distortion of the existing situation.

You can often read or hear that “... the legislative and executive authorities are working to increase the level of military pensions and prevent a decrease in the level of real incomes of military pensioners. So, in the period from 2013 to 2016. pensions for military pensioners increased by 28.6 percent, including by 4 percent in 2016.”

Are there really officials in all government agencies who do not know that it is necessary to take into account not only the indexation of military pensions, but also inflation for the same period? And inflation from 2013 to 2016 exceeded 40%. It turns out that the real size of military pensions decreased over this period. Therefore, the statement “about preventing a decrease in the level of real incomes of military pensioners” - this is misleading public opinion.

Increase in military pensions 2017

The only indexation of military pensions planned in the 2017 budget took place. From February 1, military pensions were increased by 4%. This small indexation failed to reverse the steady downward trend in real military pensions since 2014. As a result, today (March 2017) military retirees can buy 6% fewer goods and services with their pensions than on January 1, 2012.

From April 1, 2017, social pensions will be indexed (old-age, disability and survivors' pensions). Social pensions will increase by 1.5%, which in monetary terms will be approximately from 65 to 180 rubles (depending on the disability group), as a result, the average pension amount will be equal to 8,774 rubles.

Thus, as a result of indexing, the average size social pension will increase by approximately 129 rubles, social pensions for disabled children - by 450 rubles, disability pensions for conscripted military personnel - by 181 rubles, survivor pensions - by 155 rubles.

All the best to you, dear military veterans! And hang in there - good health to you.


The economic situation in the country has worsened, and this immediately affected pensioners, who continue to hope that the state will raise their pensions in the near future.

A military pension is awarded to citizens who have a certain length of service in military units. Military pensions may increase from October 1, 2017 due to changes in salaries for this group of citizens.

Calculation of military pay based on length of service is made as a percentage of salary, which depends on position, rank, qualifications, length of service, performance of tasks under special conditions and other indicators.

with a service duration of 20 years - 50% of the amount of salary, and for each additional year of service an increase of 3% of the specified amount is made;

with a mixed work experience of more than 25 years, and 12.5 years takes military service– 50% of the amount of allowance, and for each year over 25 years – 1% of this amount.

Upon confirmation of a military injury, disabled people of groups 1 and 2 are assigned 85% of the allowance, and disabled people of group 3 - 50%. If disability is caused by a disease, then the amount of support will be 75% for groups 1 and 2 and 40% for group 3.

There is no information yet about an increase in military support. According to preliminary data, the indexation of military pensions from October 2017 may be 2%. There has been no official confirmation of this.

Previously, there was a law establishing the indexation of military pensions according to the inflation rate, to which an additional 2% was added. However, due to the economic crisis, this law was suspended.

There have already been two indexations in 2017. Pensions were indexed in February (+5.4%) and March (+0.38%). But military pensioners complain that their pensions have not increased significantly. Now military pensioners are looking forward to the fall, since they previously had +2% added to their pensions by the end of the year.

Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets said that the government is working to increase pensions to two subsistence minimums. On this moment this is 16.4 thousand rubles. And in the future, according to her, pension payments will reach 2.5 subsistence minimums.

So far, apparently, the government has not yet made a decision regarding increasing military pensions from October 1, 2017. The financial sector of the government believes that the budget will not be able to withstand the additional load.

A huge layer of pensioners, classified as military pensioners, are asking quite reasonable questions that are related to the further indexation of their pensions. After all, many people know that the economic crisis is still a sensitive moment in Russia. If anyone has the impression that military pensions are something fantastic in terms of financial terms, then we need to immediately clarify this. Actually this is not true.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017: latest news on indexation, when there will be an increase and by how much

The previous increase in military pensions took place in February 2017. Despite the announced increase of 5.4 percent, military retirees indicated a four percent increase. Why such a discrepancy occurred is difficult to say now. The authorities remain silent on this matter. From February 1, 2017, military pensioners began to receive slightly larger pensions. This is due to the indexation of pension payments, which the Russian authorities carry out on a regular basis, namely several times during the year.

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Material support for former military personnel and employees of other law enforcement agencies is carried out on the basis of Russian Federation Law No. 4468-I dated February 12, 1993 (as amended on July 1, 2017). According to the standard, the recalculation of payments to such citizens occurs at the time of an increase in the official salary or an increase in the adjustment coefficient.

An increase in the salary of active military personnel automatically leads to an increase in pensions for former military personnel. The size of the change depends on the amount of the monthly salary paid according to the military rank and position held.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017 from October 1: latest news.

By general rule the time for such an increase is October. Since 2015, there has been no widespread increase in these payments to all categories of military personnel. Promotions were carried out periodically for employees of different ranks.

According to information received from unofficial sources, military pensions may be increased from October 1, 2017 due to the expected increase in salaries for positions and ranks. If this happens, the pension authorities of the Ministry of Defense will automatically recalculate the pensions paid, and from October their recipients will begin to receive benefits with an increase.

An increase in military pensions from October 1, 2017 can only occur due to an increase in official salaries. The same rule applies to payments for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the fire service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies. There is no news from the authorities about the increase, therefore, most likely, indexation will not take place.

The pension amount is reviewed once a year. The adjustment coefficient depends on the established inflation rate over time. The values ​​of other types of pensions are revised or indexed at different times: in January, February and April.

In the fall, the size of the pension according to the inflation rate does not change; accordingly, indexation of military pensions is not expected from October 2017.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017 from October 1: latest news. When will military pensions be increased? Will there be an increase in payments to former employees, who will receive increased benefits and how much will their amount be after indexation?

The monetary allowance for military pensioners increases upon the fact of an increase in the amount of salary or from the date of increase in a special indicator - a reduction factor. It is used when calculating the amount of benefits for a military or other employee.

For example, payment to a military man who has served 20 years in the army is 50% of the amount of monetary allowance provided to him during his service (basic value). The resulting size is reduced to a reduction factor (RC), which, according to the government, should eventually reach 100%.

The gradual increase in the coefficient was completed in 2015. Since that time, its size began to be established annually by a separate federal law. Before the beginning of 2016, the PC was 66.78%. From 2016 to 2017 – 69.45%. During the period 2017-2018. – 72.23%. Accordingly, with the reduction of the base value to the indicators of this criterion, the amount of actual payment increased at different times.

From the beginning of 2018, Federal Law No. 430 of December 19, 2016, establishing the value of the PC and repealing the effect of part two of Art. 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-I. Therefore, from January 2018, the size of pensions for former military personnel will be reviewed without fail. There are two options for the development of events:

The effect of the canceled part of this article has been resumed. The reduction coefficient is determined at the level of 74% (a gradual increase of 2% per year, since the coefficient in 207 is 72.23%), pensions in this case will increase slightly.

A new federal law will be adopted defining a different coefficient. Its value should be higher than the current one in 2017.

A former military man can receive a second pension. This opportunity arises if, after leaving service, a person continues to work in a civilian profession. To apply for insurance payments, there are certain criteria: you need to collect a sufficient number of pension points and work for a certain period (8 years and 11.4 IPC). If the conditions are met, a second pension is awarded. For the military, it is paid without a fixed part.

For military personnel who have received an insurance pension, such payments will be indexed in January 2018. The size of the increase is affected by the level of inflation. According to Minister Topilin M. insurance payments will be indexed by 3.7%.

For certain categories of military pensioners, the pension is increased by the amount of the increase calculated on the basis of the basic amount of the social pension (RUB 5,034.25). For example, such a disability benefit for military personnel is set at 300%.

Social payments are subject to indexation taking into account growth living wage. According to M. Topilin, in April 2018 it will be increased by 4.1%. Accordingly, some increases paid to certain categories of former military personnel will increase.

Simultaneously with the indexation of social payments, the pensions of military personnel - participants in the Second World War and citizens conscripted in the period 1941-1945 - are increased by the same amount.

Increase in civil pensions.

In October 2017, pensions for ordinary pensioners will not be increased. Re-indexing is also not expected. In 2017, two procedures have already been completed to increase payments to disabled people and citizens of retirement age:

Grew in February insurance pensions by 5.4%.

Increased in April social payments by 1.5%.

The next indexation, as already noted, will take place in January 2018 at 3.7%.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2017 from October 1: latest news. Conclusion

In October of each calendar period, military pensions are expected to increase due to an increase in official and rank-based salaries of active military personnel. Main conclusions:

An autumn indexation of payments to military pensioners is not expected. Accordingly, the pension in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will also not be increased in October 2017.

The increase in benefits is due to an increase in military salaries.

In January 2018, it is planned to increase pensions for military personnel by changing the reduction factor.

In 2017, two indexations took place: in February and April. A third similar procedure is not expected.