Graduation in dow scenario the appearance of a blot. Circus performance "Starfall" for children of senior preschool age

Scenario for the graduation party “Preschool Ball”

Leading: They're already coming summer days,
The birds sing more cheerfully
We are glad to see in kindergarten,
Faithful and good friends.
Tears of joy in our eyes
And at this solemn hour,
The heart will freeze and then pound
Each of us is worried.
But the music bursts into the hall like a whirlwind,
Why say a lot of words?
Let there be smiles on faces again
Meet the graduates!
(To the song “Preschool Waltz” (phonogram), children enter the hall in pairs and stand in a checkerboard pattern)
The dance “Preschool Waltz” is performed - movements at the discretion of the music director.
(After the dance, children line up in a semicircle near the central wall and read poetry).
1 child: The sun is a cheerful ray
He happily knocks on the windows,
And we are proud today
An important word – student!
2nd child: There are different holidays in the garden
And today is our holiday,
Soon we will become first graders
We say goodbye to the garden now!
3 child: Parents came to our holiday
And they look at us with excitement.
It's like everyone saw it for the first time
The children have grown up now.
4 child: We'll be leaving kindergarten soon
It's time for us to go to school.
We know that we need to study a lot,
To become real people.
5 child: Our kindergarten hic is depressed
And we're just a little sad
The farewell day has come
And a long road awaits us.
The song “Goodbye kindergarten” is performed
music by R. Gutsulyuk, lyrics by N. Solovyova.
6 child: In the morning the sun rises,
Calls us to the street
I leave the house:
"Hello, my street"!
7 child: I sing, and in silence,
The birds sing along to me
The herbs whisper to me on the way:
"You're a friend, grow up faster"
8 Child: I answer to herbs,
I answer the winds
I answer the sun
Hello, my Motherland!
The song “Motherland” is performed, music and lyrics by N. Orlova.
9 child: Leaving a piece of childhood here,
We are leaving for the first school grade,
But we'll be next door to you
And we will remember you again and again.
10 child: More than once we will remember how we played,
And how many things were there here,
How to draw in the evenings
And the forest, and the mother, and the Brook!
11th child: We will remember the group and the toys,
And the bedrooms are tender comfort,
And forget friends, girlfriends,
Who have you been friends with here for so many years?
12 child: Summer will fly by quickly,
With games and fun.
Autumn will knock on the door
School housewarming.
13th child: Let's tell our grandmothers:
“First class is no joke!”
We don't sit idle
Not for a single minute.
14 child: We will come to lessons
WITH bright colors,
And we'll bring high fives
We are to our beloved mother.
The song “Goodbye kindergarten” is performed
muses and lyrics Yu. Mikhailenko.
(Children sit on chairs)
Leading: Attention! I hear the sound of hooves! Guests are starting to arrive at our preschool ball.
(The Fairy of Poetry comes out with a book in her hands.)

Presenter: Come on in! You are the first guest at our ball.
Fairy of Poetry: I am the Fairy of Poems, I am the Fairy of Poems1
I am created from magic words.
Poetry is airy and light,
Like a ray of sunshine, like drops,
I believe you are not too lazy to read.
Presenter: Let's read a fairy tale now!
Fairy tale "Combination lock"
1 Presenter: There was a tower in a field, it was neither low nor high,
And on the door of the little house there was a combination lock.
To get into that mansion, to quickly enter it
Whatever you say, you need to know numbers up to ten.
Here is a Mouse running across the field...
(The Mouse runs out, runs up to the tower, examines it)

Mouse: Wonderful little house!
I will live in a mansion,
Bake pancakes and cook cabbage soup.
2 Presenter: The mouse studied at school and she was not confused,
He presses the buttons smartly - one, two, three!
The mouse enters the little house.
A frog jumps across the field...
(Frog jumps out and approaches the tower)
Mice are an old friend. Knocked on the door...
Frog: Open quickly1
Mouse: And you dial the numbers - one, two, three!
1 Presenter: As soon as the Frog found out the code, she quickly pressed the buttons.
I found myself in a little mansion, the doors were locked again.
The Hare gallops along the path - jump and hop, his legs are tired
He sees a mansion in a field with a lock hanging on the door.
(The Hare runs out and runs up to the tower).

Hare: Don't languish at the door,
Give me the code quickly!
A fox is following the trail,
Let me hide in the mansion.
Mouse: Quickly dial the numbers - one, two, three!

1 Presenter: As soon as the Bunny found out the code, he quickly pressed the buttons.
I found myself in a little mansion, the doors were locked again.
Here the Fox comes to the door,
The animals have become silent in the mansion
She is fussing at the door and wants to open the lock.
(The Fox runs out and inspects the mansion and the castle).

Fox: Ah, dear friends,
I came to visit you!
Let me into the little mansion,
Open the door quickly!
Hare: You are a very cunning cheat,
We know your tricks
It's better for us not to know each other,
To remain whole.
Frog: Without going to school, the beast will not open this beast.
Mouse: However, the code is one, two, three!
Fox: (trying to press numbers, shrugs)
It's a shame I didn't go to school
I didn’t learn letters and numbers,
Where is one, where is two, where is three!
I don't understand, even if I die.
(Bear approaches the tower)

Fox: Hello, Mishenka the Bear!
Can you help me unlock the door?
Bear: What can't be opened with a key?
I open it with my shoulder!
(Tries to open the door, pushes the tower with his shoulder).

2 Presenter: No matter how hard Mishka tried,
But the castle did not budge.

Bear: It's time for us, godfather, to go to school
Get smart there!

2 Presenter: Both the Bear and the Fox will benefit from learning.
Get ready for first class
We will take you with us!
(All the fairy tale characters come out to bow).

Leading: You can hear the sound of hooves! Another guest came to us.
(The Dancing Fairy enters).
Dance Fairy: I am the Dance Fairy, I am subject to
Tandu, batmans, balance.
I am polonaises, polkas, waltzes,
I will present it to you in all its glory.
The flash mob dance “Ay, it will be cool” is performed.
(After the dance, the Fairy goes to the middle of the hall).

Dance fairy: In the art of dance,
I wish you success
And at the wizard's ball,
I'm giving up my place.
(The Mage of Mathematical Sciences enters).

Mage mat. Sciences: I am a math wizard
And at school they immediately recognize me.
Because math is important
And everyone needs it.
From distant lands I came here,
I have met many, gentlemen.
Friends are sending you tasks!
Here I am giving you the envelope.
(Gives the envelope with mathematical problems to the presenter, she opens the envelope, takes out the problems and reads).
1 task: A rooster flew up onto the fence,
I met two more there,
How many roosters are there?
Who has the answer ready?

Task 2: The hedgehog brought three apples from the garden,
Gave the most rosy thing to the squirrel,
The squirrel happily received the gift,
Count the apples on the hedgehog's plate!

Task 3: The mother brought toys and gave them to the children;
Gave Masha a balloon, and Tanyusha a samovar,
Son Vanya has a drum, and Artem has a truck crane.
How many toys of toys did you get?
Mage mat. Sciences: I will tell everyone in the world,
You managed to solve them!

Presenter: Thank you magician, stay at our ball.
Who is our next guest?

Disturbing music sounds - E. Grieg's “In the Cave of the Mountain King” - “Blots” in black glasses run out into the hall. They are holding blots made of cardboard in their hands (“blots” can be made of cardboard, with black paper pasted on one side and bright colored paper on the other - red, yellow, etc.). The blots scatter around the hall and scatter cardboard blots on the floor, black side up, then line up and hiss.

Presenter: Who came to us? Our entire floor was dirty!

1 Blot: We are blots from notebooks
Always angry
They only give us a two,
Never a top five!

2 blots: But we do not lose heart
It's impossible without us
We're waiting for the sluts
Like best friends.

3 blots: Well, I’m another blot,
I am blacker than shoe polish.
I'm cunning and harmful
Power over twos is given!

Presenter: Guys, do we need Blobs?

Children: No!

Presenter: Leave our holiday! You don't belong here!

4 Blot: Ha ha ha! Let's daydream!
We won't leave! Let's put things in order here!

The “Blot” dance is performed (movements at the discretion of the music director).
After the dance, the Blobs gather in the corner of the hall and look angrily at everyone.

Presenter: Guys! What do we do? Who will help now?...
I think I know! This is the Fine Arts Magician. Let's call him.
Children call Maga Fine Arts. The Magician enters to the music of P. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”.

Mage Iz. Is.: Hello, guys! What happened to you?

Presenter: Help us, Mage! We were overcome by blots.

Mage: Ah, that's the thing! Well, now they will leave on their own. And multi-colored paints will help us with this (calls for paints).
You colored paints, help us.
Pink and yellow will be glad to see you!
Blues and greens are nice colors
There will be no Black Blots
Never again!
To the music of “Waltz of the Flowers,” the Colors run out, each holding two multi-colored satin ribbons.

The Dance of Colors is performed.
During the dance, the Paints turn the cardboard blots over with the other, colored side, run up to the Blots, take off their black glasses, and give them satin ribbon and involve them in your dance.
Then they line up near the central wall. The Magician of Fine Arts is like them.

Magician Image IS: The blot spots have disappeared
And never again
And for nothing in the world,
They won't come here!

Presenter: Well then, magic colors did a good job, there are more bright colors in the world.

The song “Planet Kalya-Malya” is performed; lyrics and music by Z. Root.

Presenter: I hear the sound of hooves again! It looks like we have a guest again!
The Music Fairy enters.

Fairy of Music: I, Fairy of Music, friends.
Of course you recognized me
All these years, day after day,
I appear in this room.
Today I came here
To have fun with you
After all, day after day the years go by,
And we have to study at school.
Young musicians
Are you ready to continue the ball?
There are no empty seats in the hall,
When our orchestra plays!

Russian folk song performed with noise orchestra
“Where was Ivanushka?”

1 child: The bell called us all,
It's time to say goodbye.
Oh, how I don’t want to friends
We have to leave the garden!

2nd child: We are our educators
We consider the second one to be mother
We were with you sometimes
Capricious and stubborn.

3rd child: Sorry if something is wrong
How a mother forgives her children.
We will remember you for a long time,
We promise everything together!

4th child: Together with Elena Ivanovna,
We sang sonorous songs,
We had fun, danced,
They didn’t give laziness free rein!

5th child: Beautiful, well-kept kindergarten,
The sites are clean,
Irina Yuryevna is caring, kind,
I gave my whole heart to the children!

Presenter: This song is performed for all teachers.

The song “Educators” is performed

6th child: The groups are clean and beautiful,
All the toys are in their places,
Natalya Nikolaevna,
Thank you very much!

7th child: We were walking on the street
Worked up an appetite
The chefs cook delicious food
You will be healthy and fed!

8th child: White napkin, clean sheet,
The apron and scarf shine white.
To keep it clean, simply top class,
Nadezhda Valentinovna took care of us!

9th child: Our supply manager and storekeeper
I'm not used to sitting idle,
Knows everything inside out
Glory and honor to him!

10th child: To everyone who worried about us every minute,
We will bow now! (all children bow)

Presenter: This dance is dedicated to all kindergarten workers.

The dance is performed at the discretion of the music director.

11th child: So that we grow up brave,
Kind, skillful,
We know you all loved us
And they taught me good things.

12th child: Today they see us off,
To the land of wonders and knowledge,
And we go to first grade,
Thank you bye!

The song “Goodbye, kindergarten” is performed
(from Morozova’s repertoire).

Developed by music director Galina Leonidovna Popova, MBDOU of Kurgan “Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 45”, DOLPHIN.

At the matinee, children will have to surprise Grandfather Frost and act as circus performers. The cheerful clowns Bim and Bom will help them with this.

Script for New Year's party CIRCUS PERFORMANCE

Children enter the hall to the music and stand around the Christmas tree (magazine “Child in the kindergarten” No. 6 2008, p. 74).

Leading: - Will Grandfather Frost really be left without a gift? Let's come up with something! What can you give to Santa Claus?

Children's suggestions.

Snow Maiden:

— Grandfather has a lot of toys and sweets.
He has sleds, skates, skis, and even a snowmobile.
Most of all he loves to be
Among joyful and cheerful people.

Leading: - Think about where Grandfather Frost can see something fun and interesting?

Children: - At the circus.

Leading: — It’s been decided: we’ll arrange a circus performance for Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden:

- We’ve just been waiting for a long time for Grandfather,
Maybe we can call out loud?
Oh, I'm seriously worried
Where are you, Grandfather Frost?

The children call Santa Claus. To the music of A. Varlamov “Russian Father Frost”, Father Frost enters the hall.

Father Frost:

- Hello, dear guests!
Hello my little friends!
Finally I got to you.
I hope I'm not late?

Leading: - No, Santa Claus, I’m not late. We are very glad to see you.

Father Frost:

“And I’m glad to meet you.”
Happy New Year!
I wish you all great happiness.
Let this one New Year
It will bring joy to all of you!
Let's all stand in a round dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Children sing the song "New Year's Dreams" (magazine " Musical director", No. 7 for 2008, p. 65).


“You’ve found yourself in our circle, stay here.”
You won’t escape, Frost, no matter how hard you try!

The game “We won’t let you out” is being played.

Father Frost:

- As soon as I blow, I’ll whistle
Let me bring in the frost,
I'll freeze everyone.
One, two, three, (Knocks with staff.)
Snowy figure, freeze!

Children freeze in various positions. Santa Claus guesses what they wanted to depict.

Father Frost:

- One, two, three, four, five, (Knocks with a staff.)
We can dance again.


“The children have forgotten how to dance.” Remind them, Santa Claus!
Dance for us, show your prowess.

Santa Claus dances to the tune of a Russian folk dance.

Snow Maiden: - How merrily you danced!

Santa Claus: - I'm tired, tired.

Leading: - Sit down, relax, and listen to poetry.

Children read poetry.

Father Frost:

— You know a lot of poems and read them well.
And I stayed with you, it’s time to know the honor.
I’ll give you gifts, and I’ll go to my icy mansion..

The children, sitting in their seats, whisper to each other, the lights on the tree go out.

Father Frost:

-What are you guys whispering?
What's your secret there?


- We want to arrange a surprise,
Nothing more surprising!

Leading: — The children have prepared a gift for you - a circus performance.

Father Frost:

- Circus? And what is it? Fine.
Granddaughter, let's sit and look at this miracle.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden sit down with the children.

Leading: — Our New Year’s circus program will be hosted by clowns Bom and Bim. Let's welcome them.

To the music, clowns run into the hall, run around the Christmas tree and stop in the center of the hall.


- Circus! Circus! Circus!
The circus is great! It's festive and bright everywhere!


- Cheerful laughter rings here!
Acrobats and jugglers,
Trainers, dancers
Everyone is invited to visit!

Bim and Bom: - Welcome! The circus lights up!

The lights on the Christmas tree are lit.


- Circus performance!
The fun begins
It's also New Year at the circus,
So get up in a round dance.

Children sing the song "New Year's Wish."


— Ballerinas on the ropes,
Like light snowflakes
And they dance and twirl,
And at the same time they are not afraid!

Girls show an acrobatic sketch.


— Figure skating in fashion
And revered by the people.
Today we have countless “stars”,
So, there is a proposal:
Let's start the competition now
Figure skating!

Bom: - And Santa Claus is on our jury, so look carefully.

Children in pairs pretend to be figure skaters. Father Frost and Snow Maiden give grades.

Father Frost:

- “6.0” to everyone, everyone, without exception!
We do not hide our admiration!


- For the first time and only now
Strongmen are in the arena with us!

The boys show an acrobatic sketch.

Father Frost:

- Oh, how fun you are! Don't sit still
I also want to perform, only with you.

Snow Maiden:

“You can’t tumble like that.”
Your back will hurt
Maybe I’ll remain in the audience...

Father Frost:

- No, you, granddaughter, are wrong.
Guys, I'm an old grandfather,
I'm many, many years old
But I come to a holiday,
I'll start the games right away
Who wants to play?
Let's go roll a snowball?

He chooses two children who roll two balls covered with white cloth around the tree in different directions. The game is played at speed.

Father Frost:

- Now everyone come out,
Show your prowess.

Snow Maiden:

- Stand around the Christmas tree,
Play with my grandfather.

The game “You, frost!” is played. At the end of the game, Santa Claus catches up with the children, and they run away to their chairs.

Father Frost:

- Somehow my parents are bored,
Apparently, we haven’t played with children for a long time,
Guys, sort out the snowballs,
Let's play with the adults.

There is a snowball fight. Children throw snowballs at their parents, and they throw snowballs at them. After the game, Santa Claus asks the children to collect snowballs in a basket.

Father Frost:

- Oh, I’m a little tired, I guess
I'll sit with the people again.

Sits down in the auditorium.


— The children dressed up brightly,
They began to spin quickly in the dance.

Children perform couples dance to the music of A. Varlamov “Round Dance”.


- The show is over,
It's time for us to say goodbye.
Spectators, clap
Happy circus performers!

The clowns leave to the music.

Father Frost: - You showed a wonderful performance - this is for me best gift, I even took part myself. And he clapped so much that it even became hot. I think I'm starting to melt...

Snow Maiden:

“I’ll help you, grandpa, and turn all the girls into snowflakes.”
Girls, spin three times and turn into snowflakes.

Girls dance the snowflake dance.

Father Frost:

- Now it’s a different matter, everything immediately froze...
But it’s time for us, granddaughter, to get ready and hit the road!

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, have you forgotten anything? The children gave you a gift, and have you prepared anything for them?

Father Frost:

- Here I am old, my head has a hole,
I forgot about the gifts, granddaughter,
My bag was here somewhere!
Here under the tree, or in a snowdrift,
Or in the circus, in the wardrobe?
Well, my magic lace
Find the bag easily:
It’s like I’m throwing a fishing rod,
I'll find a few good words.
Where it needs to fall,
Everything I need will be found for me!

Unties a long shiny cord from his belt.

Father Frost:

- You fly, twisted cord,
My magical, golden,
Straighten up, lengthen up,
Try to find my bag!

Throws the cord into open door, slowly pulls back. He pulls the pan into the room, looking angrily at the cord.

Father Frost:

- What are you doing, you naughty little lace?
Have you decided to make a joke for the holiday?
You fly in search,
Don't joke with your grandfather anymore!

He throws the cord back, pulls his felt boots into the hall, and gets angry.

Father Frost:

- Are you joking again, mischief maker?
I'm not used to this!
If you can't find gifts,
You won't go with me anymore!

They throw the cord again, and together with the Snow Maiden, they pull the bag into the hall. Gives gifts to children.

Father Frost:

“It’s time for my granddaughter and I to hit the road.” Farewell,
Both adults and kids!
Celebrate the New Year with joy,
Congratulations to everyone!

To the music, Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave.

Leading. Little Red Riding Hood, so are you ready to go to school?

Little Red Riding Hood. Yes, I'm ready!

Presenters y. Well, how did you prepare?

Little Red Riding Hood. What to cook here: I have a dress, my grandmother sewed a hat, I’ll put the A’s in the basket.

Leading. To the basket? Guys, is this right? (not in briefcase)

Red. the briefcase? What should I do? Where can I get it? I urgently need a briefcase!!! (walks around and notices the briefcase) So I’ll go to 1st grade with it! What do we have there? (tries to open the briefcase)

Leading.: Wait, don't open it. Now we’ll play as kids, and you’ll see what grades you need to get at school.

(game “collect fives”)

Red. cap: He opens his briefcase and blots spill out. Oh, what have I done?

(a blot comes out to the music)

Blot: Oh, well, I'm finally free. Thank you, girl!

Little Red Riding Hood. And who are you?

Blot: Am I that? Don't you see? I am a Blob of the highest category! But what is your name and dignification?

Little Red Riding Hood.: I, Little Red Riding Hood!

Blot: Yes Yes i remember. Are you from this fairy tale... What's it called - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", right? Cr. Sh. What are you talking about? I'm from someone else. The fairy tale is called "Little Red Riding Hood"

Blot: OK. Just think, I forgot.

Leading. Guys, let's play a game about fairy tales. The blot will remember them and will never confuse them again.

(Game “Name the Fairy Tale”)

Blot: Well done! Now I will never confuse fairy tales.

Blot: addresses Little Red Riding Hood) -Little Red Riding Hood, are you getting ready for school?

Little Red Riding Hood.: Yes, I’m already 7 years old, it’s time to study. I already have a briefcase, I know what to put in it. But what to do next?

Blot: So I'll teach you. Take me with you to school, I won’t take up much space. I’ll get into your notebook or diary, I can even live in a book. With me, you know how fun and interesting it will be.

Little Red Riding Hood:Really, you're not cheating?

Blot: Honestly.

Leading: Well, what are you saying? What are you teaching? Is it really possible to put inkblots in notebooks and diaries? Children, do you agree with the blot?

Blot: Yes, if you take me, you will have the best profession: “Blotter” or “Blotter”.

Ved. There are no such professions.

Blot: How is it not. What are you trying to say that I am unemployed? I've been working as a Blob for a long time. And in general, who will you be at school? Unclear!!!

Leading. Well, why is not clear. Our children will be first-graders

(song “Now we are first-graders”)

So autumn has come,

It's time to get ready

To a huge house that is called a school.

Ended yesterday

Game in kindergarten.

It's all gone and won't come back.

Ended yesterday

Game in kindergarten.

It's all gone and won't come back.

Earrings and Natasha,

Now we are first-graders

And we look down on our friends of yesterday.

They stayed in the kindergarten:

Marina, Sasha, Vadika.

They haven't heard the school bell yet.

They don't sleep in class,

Only the hands squeak

Above the notebook on penmanship.

We just write it like this:

Everything is wrong.

We just write it like this:

Everything is wrong.

Well, why do we have to suffer so much!?

How to do experiments in chemistry.

After all, learn from you

We came to first grade.

After all, learn from you

We came to first grade.

We can congratulate each other on this.

Blot: Well, look what beautiful blots you can have in your notebooks!

Little Red Riding Hood. Oh, really, how beautiful they are. Maybe we can take her to school with us?

Leading. Are you Little Red Riding Hood? This Blob at school will ruin everything for you! Here and now we'll have a little fun with her blots! Let's take one Blot and look at it (takes the Blot and reads poetry, then puts it aside)

It’s interesting that you’ll go to school,

Will you take the dolls with you from the garden?

Well, I suggest you take the dolls

And dance with them goodbye.

(dance with dolls)

Little Red Riding Hood.: Oh, how beautiful your girls are! And who will collect them for school? How about doing your hair?

Ved. Like who? Moms! They will braid their hair. And now our mothers will practice 9 picks up the second blot and puts it away)

(game “Braid your hair”)

Blot: I do not understand anything? (picks up the inkblot and examines it)

A blot like a blot, nothing is visible on it. What do you see on them?

Leading: We won't tell you, will we, guys?

Blot: Well, if that’s the case, then I’ll give you more of them, I don’t like that there are fewer and fewer of them!!!

Leading. Wait, let's take this one first (picks up the blot from the floor) Ooh! Yes, there are notes, which means it’s time to sing

song "Our Garden"

There are boogers living in our garden,

And also all sorts of little ones.

We don't offend them in any way

And, if necessary, we protect.

Everything blooms in our garden,

I'm going there again

And the little ones are in a hurry

To our garden.

Everything in the garden blooms in spring

And he laughs and sings!

Waiting for boys and girls

There are still butterflies flying there -

The clouds are driven away from the sun.

And the birds sing in the garden,

That they don’t let me sleep during the day.

Blot:(looks into the briefcase) Where did all my blots go?

Leading. And we turned them into sunbeams

(song “Sunny Bunnies”)

Grandparents, girls and boys,

Guess where the sunbeams live?

And they live in the country Through the Looking Glass

And they want everyone to play with them.

Sunny bunnies, bunnies, bunnies

Bouncing like balls, balls, balls

Circus is a world of smiles, fairy tales, childhood and goodness. Children especially love it - because the circus easily transforms the ordinary daily life into a bright fairy tale, develops physically, develops character and teaches you to overcome your weaknesses.

The song “Circus, circus, circus” performed by O. Popov is played.

A clown comes out (teacher in a clown costume)

Clownness. Hello, dear viewers!

Today on our program Alla Pugacheva ( claps herself and encourages the audience to applaud), Philip Kirkorov ( applause), Nikolay Baskov ( applause), Glucose (a applause) will not perform! But today you will see real circus stars!

"Parade alley"

The march from the film “Circus” by I. Dunaevsky sounds. All participants walk in front of the audience with their hand raised high and go behind the curtain.

Clownness. Today the clowns Seryoga and Shurik are in the arena all evening!

Clowns come out to cheerful music, say hello and make faces.

Clownness. Today in our program... (Seryoga approaches)

Seryoga. Hello! (shakes hands with the clown)

Clownness. Hello! Today in our program... (Shurik comes up and says hello in the same way).

Clownness. Today in our program... (Seryoga approaches).

Seryoga. Hello!

Clownness: Hello! This is the third time you’ve greeted me, better show me what you can do!

Seryoga. We can play musical instruments!

Clowns they sit on chairs and play to a soundtrack, Seryoga on a fake balalaika, Shurik on a tambourine. Shurik gets up imperceptibly, sneaks up behind Seryoga and lowers a huge spider (prop) on a fishing line in front of his face. Seryoga is yelling.

Shurik (hides the spider behind his back and asks). What's happened?

Seryoga gestures at the spider in fear (what kind of “eyes” and “legs” it has).

Shurik shakes his head that there is nothing, and he imagined it.

Seryoga sits down to play the balalaika again. Shurik puts the spider on Seryoga’s head again. Seryoga screams, showing Shurik a spider with gestures. Shurik takes a huge hammer and hits the spider on Seryoga’s head. Seryoga falls. Shurik blows Seryoga with a balalaika (when Seryoga comes to his senses) and shows that the spider is a toy. Seryoga attacks Shurik with his fists, and they run away.

Clownness. And now in our program there is trainer Polina (name of pupil) and her trained dogs.

Room "Trained" dogs"

Children's chairs stand in a semicircle. Children run out to the sound of circus music senior group. On their heads are caps with sewn ears (clean shoe insoles), and on their necks are various bows. They run around the hall barking, run like a snake around the chairs, then each one around his own chair, stopping.

Trainer. Hello! Up!

“Dogs” jump onto a chair, “paws” in front of them, breathe with their tongues sticking outand like dogs.

Trainer. Our dogs can count! ( referring to "social"achke") Ball, what number?

Shows the number 2. The ball barks 2 times.

Trainer. Well done! (G gets along).

My friend, what is 2+1? (the dog barks 3 times)

Baby, paw! (shakes hands and paws)

Another one! ( the child turns around, gives a “leg”, is healthyyes)

Well done!

Our dogs can sing!

The Russian folk melody “From Under the Oak” sounds. The trainer plays onpipe, the dogs howl.

Hello! Up! ( spinning on their chairs, wagging their tails)

Hello! Up! ( jump off)

Sit! ( squat down)

Lie! (fall onto bent elbows)

Hello! Up! ( the trainer lines up the “dogs” to bow, all okrun away and bark).

Seryoga and Shurik come out to the music of “Clownery - Strong Men”. Seryoga is dragging a huge fake “weight” (200kg) across the floor.

Shurik. Well, what are you going to pick up?

Seryoga. Easily!

P he lifts the weight, grimacing that it’s heavy, spins it around himself, and drops it on Shurik’s leg. Shurik writhes in pain, jumps on one leg, holding onto the sore leg. The child runs up and easily lifts the weight on his little finger, exposing the clowns. The clowns are running away.

Clownness. And now the strongmen will enter the arena!

Room "Strongmen"

Strong boys with dumbbells come out to the song “Heroic Strength” (in the stripein thick vests, with muscles), with a heavy gait, walk around the hall, stand facing the audience:

1 exercise with dumbbells (2-3);

2 lift a weight with one hand (each with his own),

3 interceptions in front and behind the back;

4 approach the barbells, make a jerk, spin the barbells over their heads (afterEach type of exercise involves “wiping” the sweat from the forehead). They leave.

Clownness. The next issue of our program “Predators” and their fearless tamer – Ksyusha (name of student)!

Room "Trained Tigers"

The music “Kornilovs” sounds. Trained elephants” The trainer comes out, bows, and has a wand in her hands. Slowly, stealthily, the “predators” come out and carry out the tamer’s commands.

Trainer. Hello! Up! (“tigers” kneel and restshake hands in front of you).

Trainer. Well done! And now the stand! Up! (" tigers" negativeraise your hands from the floor and “show your paws”).

Trainer. Ay, well done! Now let's hoop! Up! (“tigers” jump through a red hoop to which pieces of paper are attached orange color simulating fire).

Trainer. Hello! Up! (the trainer goes forward and rotates the wand, the “tigers” turn over on the floor, first to the right, then to the left).

Clownness. Attention! Attention! We ask the faint of heart to leave the hall!

Deadly number! During the performance, please do not get up from your seats and do not make sudden movements!

To the beat of the drums, the “tiger” children lie on the floor on their stomachs (facing the audience). The tamer carefully lies on top of them and raises her hand, while saying: “Hello! Up!” To the applause of the audience, the tamer bows and leads the predators away

Clown music is playing. Shurik runs into the hall, he has a musical instrument in all his pockets, in his socks, under his shirt. He runs and bangs on wooden spoons.

Clownness. Wait, Shurik, you can’t make noise here! ( picks up the spoons and takes them away). Shurik teases the clown, takes out a tambourine from his bosom, runs around, rings it.

Clownness. I told you not to make noise here! ( picks up the tambourine and takes it away). Shurik takes out spare noise musical instruments from his pockets, socks, sleeves. Teasing the Clown by playing even louder. The clown runs after him, swears, takes away his instruments and takes him backstage.

Shurik. I'm out of tools, but I have ribbons!

Clownness. How are you going to make noise on them?

Shurik. I won’t make any more noise, because we have gymnasts performing on the program!

Number "G" them Nastka"

To the music of the show ballet "Todes" the girls perform sportsth dance with ribbons.

Clownness. And now the best of the season, the trained Teddy Bear Potap, will perform in front of you in the arena! Meet trainer Polina and her trained Potap.

Room “Trained Bear Potap”

To the music of “Nikulin’s Circus. Bears on bikes" on a children's motorcycleWhen a child comes out - a “bear”, a trainer with a stick walks ahead and gives commands.

Trainer. Potap, stop! (“the bear” gets off the motorcycle and somersaults).

Trainer. Come on, bear, show yourself, bow to everyone guys! (“the bear” performs the movements).

Trainer. Come on, Potap, show me how the girls get ready for the party! (“the bear” dresses up, looks in the mirror, puts on lipstick).

Oh, show me how the girls go to work (Potap goes, reluctantly, “boflies")

Oh, show me how the girls come home from work (runs merrily, jumps)

Trainer. Potap! Somersault! (“the bear” tumbles)

Trainer. Potap! Squat! (“the bear” dances in a crouch)

Well done! Spin! (follows the girl’s command)

Trainer. Well done, Potap! (gives him a bottle of milk).

The audience leaves the hall to applause.

The cheerful clown music sounds again, Sere runs into the hallha and screams loudly.

Seryoga. Oh oh oh!

Clownness. What happened to you?

Seryoga. My tooth hurts!

Clownness. Come on, open your mouth! Po-shi-re! Even wider!

(Takes pliers out of his pocket and shows the tool to the viewerholes and “pulls out” a large dummy tooth)

Seryoga. Oh, what is this?!

Clownness. It's your bad tooth!

Seryoga. My tooth?! Ooo! (falls)

Clownness. What happened to you?

Seryoga. I fainted!

Clownness. Who's talking?

Seryoga. My language!

Clownness. Well, lie down then! And I announce the next number of the program!
Attention! Attention! For the first time in the arena - acrobats!

Number “Acrobatic sketches”

Boys (6 people) line up in a column one at a timecorner and walk in a circle to the circus march “Parade Alle”, one hand raised in greeting, the other on the belt. They line up in front of the audience.

Acrobat. Figure one "Fountain" . Do it once!

(the second and third acrobats come forward and kneel on one knee,

facing each other)

Acrobat: Do - two.

(the fourth and fifth acrobats come out and stop at the side of each one kneeling)

Acrobat: Do it - three.

(the sixth acrobat kneels first, two standing acrobats stand on the sameone is holding it, the other is raised up)

Acrobat: Figure two “Cuckoo”. Do it once!

(The second and third acrobats take the third by the legs, and the fourth and fifth by the hands and begin to swing. When the third acrobat faces the guests, he shouts loudly: “Ku-ku!”)

To the applause of the audience, the acrobats line up again.

Acrobat. Figure three “Wheel” (the first acrobat performs the “wheel”) Acrobat. Figure four "Frog" ( the second acrobat performs the “frog”)

Acrobat. Figure five “Bridge” (the third acrobat performs the “bridge”).

To the applause of the audience, the acrobats line up, walk in a circle to the music and leave.

Clownness. And now in the arena you will see dashing riders!

Number "Dashing Riders"

Music "Cowboy Dance" plays. “Riders” run out - children with chairs (on the back of the chair is a horse’s head). They run around the hall, place chairs, sit with their faces to the back, like on a horse, pushing off with their feet, making the movements of a “rider”». The trainer is a girl with a whip. After each “Hello...up!” The riders change positions on the chairs, always imitating a galloping rider (“shaking”).

1 movement – ​​“just on a chair”;

2nd movement – ​​one knee on a chair, leg on the floor, hands in front (by the bridle);

3rd movement – ​​lying on your back, holding your back with one handchair ink, other hand up;

Movement 5 – lying on your stomach, arms at your sides, head facingspruce.

They run away after each other, holding the chair in front of them with both hands.

Clownness. Our next number is unusual

I would say quite exotic

Our program number features a magician fakir

While performing in the arena, he surprised the whole world!

The mysterious music “Maurice Ravel” sounds. Bolero” and the magician appears and walks around the arena.

Mag. I am a magician, I am a wizard, I am a sorcerer

And I can prove it to you

And right now here to the arena

I will call the Eastern princesses.

Oriental music “Tarkan” sounds. Smack” appearprecise beauties perform a dance.

Clownness. You did it cleverly

These tricks are simple.

Can you or can you not?

Color the water red?

Mag. For me this is nothing. It’s not for nothing that I’m a great magician.

Focus “Colorful water”

The mysterious music “Caravan” from the film “Well, Just Wait” sounds

The clown brings in a table, on it stands a jar of water covered with a scarf. The magician takes a jar with a tight-fitting lid (paint the inside of the lid with red watercolor paint) and shows it to the audience so that the inside of the lid is not visible. “Just like in the fairy tale, the water turns red.” With these words, the magician shakes the jar of water. The water will wash away the watercolor layer of paint and turn red.

Mag. I am a great magician! I can see through walls!
(he leaves the hall, and Clownness at this time puts one scarf in the casket (the color of the scarf is chosen by the audience): if it is red, then the casket is placed closer to the edge of the table, and if yellow, then in the middle (only the magician and Clownness know about this) The magician enters the hall and says what color the scarf is in the casket.

Clownness. And now only in our circus program is the amazing spectacle “Dancing Spider People”

Hip-hop dance

A group of boys dressed in Spider-Man costumes dance a hip-hop dance.

Clownness. This concludes our circus performance! But that is not all. You were all waiting for the “starfall”, the stars of the garden are in front of you. Meet!

The music "Magician's Fanfare" plays. All participants in the performance come out to the applause of the audience. The clown calls out the names of all the children. Children line up in four lines and sing the final song “We are little stars”

The song of the group Fidgets “We are little stars.”

Used Books:

  1. I. Kaplunova. I. Novoskoltseva “Circus! Circus! Circus!"

Scenario for graduation in kindergarten “The Naughty BLOCK”
Educator: Sinyutina Galina Viktorovna
Musical director: Chirkova Nina Valentinovna
children younger age enter the hall
Ved: The hall today cannot accommodate all the guests gathered.
We accompany our dear children to school together.
How many kids are we graduating to 1st grade now?
Those guys who are 7, look, they are also 7!
We will congratulate them, sing songs and dance.
Let the music sound loud, the fanfares thunder joyfully!
includes graduates
Issue: This holiday is unusual,
It only happens once.
Everything is so new, not familiar,
We're off to first grade!
Issue: The sun is a cheerful ray
He happily knocks on the windows,
And we are proud today
An important word – GRADUATE!
Graduation: We are at the graduation party
The whole family gathered.
Dads and moms are watching now
And they try to understand:
Our worries are over
Or are they starting?
Issue: We’re parting ways with kindergarten,
Everyone is very happy about school!
Let's smile goodbye
Don't be sad, our kindergarten!
1st child: You are leaving us, dear entertainers,
But they lived in a group together, as if in an anthill!
2nd child: You once came to kindergarten, small, like chickens.
And now, guys, we’ll see you off to 1st grade!
3rd child: You bring straight A's, behave well,
We want to be proud of you, our graduates
4th child: Don’t worry about the garden, each of the guys will say!
It’s okay that we part, we remain with the elders!
5th child: Believe me, we won’t upset the teachers,
You leave, they will have to educate us before school.
Ved: Our kindergarten is a “star factory”
Well, not stars, but let only stars.
Who will come to us completely stupid,
He will become a bright and smart child.
Song “It’s cool you ended up in kindergarten”
Issue: B kindergarten learned
We are beautiful words

They were read for the first time

Mother! Motherland! Moscow!

Issue: The sun shines kindly on us

Blue is pouring from the sky

May they always live in the world

Mother! Motherland! Moscow!

Song "Rosinochka-Russia"

(children sit on chairs, the round dance remains)

Dance "wreath"

(a blot runs in)

Klyaksa: How much did it bother you?

Instructed the blots,

You've grown up anyway.

Write and draw.

You are in a hurry to go to school,

Don't you want to take me?

Does that mean you don't need me?

But it’s not for nothing that I’m all black.

I won't let you into school

I'll turn back time.

(turns the clock back

I will spin you around, I will lead you astray

I won't tell you the way back!

Dance of the Karapuzov

Reb: And where did we end up?

They became small again.

Moms and dads loved us,

And they fed and taught,

So that we can grow up faster

Go to school, go to 1st grade.

Reb: But it all turns out in vain,

Time has turned back

It's dangerous to joke with a blot -

We're toddlers again!

Klyaksa: Only one thing Magic word in the world

It will help you come back, children!

Of course you know this word.

The letters simply read:

And I will hide the letters from the word everywhere

In the sky, in the forest, on land and in water.

To find letters for words

You must visit fairy tales.

(the blot runs away)

Reb: We need to fix everything urgently,

To place the arrows correctly

We need to find the magic word.

How can we follow fairy tales?

Artist: I have a magic pencil.

He will now draw fairy tales in his album.

This is the first fairy tale, let's get into it soon

What fairy tale will we get into?

Walking to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy.

He'll end up in school instead

In a wooden booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the boy's name?

Children: Pinocchio!

(Pinocchio runs in)

Pinocchio: Dad Carlo bought me the alphabet

I went to school.

But he did it in vain,

After all, life is wonderful even without school.

I sold the alphabet for money,

I buried them in Wonderland.

And tomorrow, early at dawn

I'll dig them double

And I’ll bury them again…..

How many were there, how many became?

How much?......A lot or a little?

What is 5+5?

Ved: You, Pinocchio, don’t be sad!

Better hurry to school

Game "count the coins"

(silver and gold coins are scattered on the floor, 2 of their children

collect and count)

Pinocchio: Thanks guys, I'll run!


Maybe I can help you with something?

Reb: The blot visited us,

She scattered the word,

And this is the magic word for us

It will help us go to first grade.

We need to find the letters

If you can, help us!

Pinocchio: When I took the coins out of the hole

I found this little thing in the ground.

Look, guys, how good is she?

Reb: Yes, it’s her! Our letter “SH”!

(Pinocchio gives the letter and runs away)

Artist: Let's quickly turn the page,

So that in a new fairy tale find yourself.

I don’t walk and I don’t fly,

Try to catch up!

I can be golden

Well, look into a fairy tale!

Children: Goldfish!

Artist: Let's call the fish together

And with its help we will find the letter “K”!

All: Fish, fish, swim!

Help us find the letter!

Fish: Who calls me so boldly?

Just like that or on business?

Who broke the peace and quiet?

Reb: Have mercy, lady fish, and listen to us!

We bow to you and ask you

Help us, don’t leave us in trouble!

Fish: Only those I am ready to help,

Those who don't mind working hard.

After all, everyone has long known

That you can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty!

I want to know how you will study?

What kind of fish will you catch?

Game "Catch the Fish"

Fish: You completed the task well.

For this I will fulfill one of your wishes.

Now my fish friends will swim

And they will find your letter!

Dance of algae and fish

(at the end of the dance they give away the letter)

Artist: It’s time for us to visit the third fairy tale

Let's turn the page again.

Well, what is all the noise and commotion here?

Who started the chaos here?

Dunno: I want to become a musician

Listen to me, friends!

(plays musical instruments)

Reb: Dunno, to become a musician

Notes need to be studied.

Who didn't want to study at school?

He's not fit to be a musician!

Sit down and listen, Dunno, quickly

How wonderfully the spoon orchestra plays!

Spoon Orchestra

Dunno: While the orchestra of musicians was playing

A piece of the sun fell from the sky.

Help me understand

What could this mean?

(shows the letter O in yellow)

Reb: This is a letter! Everyone knows.

We're missing the letter "O"!

We are looking for her everywhere...

Dunno: I’ll be glad to give it to you!

And I'll take a primer, a notebook

I'll go study letters!

Artist: He penciled us the fourth page.

What fairy tale are we going to find ourselves in?

Dance of astronauts and stars

Prince: Welcome to my planet!

What brings you here, children?

Ved: It’s no coincidence that our children

We found ourselves on the planet.

Reb: We want to find you

The letter is important for us.

Haven't you met

On some planet

Or maybe on a star?

We are looking for her everywhere!

Prince: (watering the rose)

There is one flower on my planet

An unprecedented sprout appeared nearby!

I water it, but I don’t know what it is!

Reb: This is our letter “L”!

We searched for the letter for a long time,

But they didn’t know what she was here.

This is how Klyaksa joked:

She launched a letter into the sky!

Prince: I was very glad to help you,

I wouldn't mind going to school.

But I am needed here - on the planet,

It's a pity - goodbye, children!

(gives the letter and leaves)

Artist: We went through all the fairy tales with you

We didn't find the letter "A"

(Blot comes in)

Blot: Yes, yes, you won’t find it,

Which means you won’t go to school!

Well, I defeated you.

Well, let the blots dance!

Artist: The last page tells me

That the Blob is afraid of water

Dance of the Blots

(a letter is found on one of the blots)

Ved: And here is the letter “A”!

Klyaksa: You still managed to find the word,

The arrows - well, I'll turn them again.

(turns arrows)

But always be aware of my habits,

Take care of your diaries and notebooks!!!

Ved: So we watched the fairy tales, days after days flew by...

Before we knew it, our children had grown up.

Reb: The cuckoo is singing on the clock,

Says: It's time to say goodbye!

Goodbye toys

It's a pity to part with you.

Reb: Goodbye toys:

Monkey, baby elephant,

Yula and firecrackers,

And you, little bear.

Goodbye all dolls

We won't forget you.

Let's go to school

But we will remember you.

"Goodbye toys" song-dance

(The presenter holds a star in her hands and gives it to the child)

Vedas: Starfall, starfall, stars are circling across the sky.

The stars were flying across the sky, we collected those stars.

What do you children want to become?

Please answer us quickly?

Reb: I want to become a great doctor,

I will treat everyone with medicine.

Very tasty, like candy

I ate it - no disease!

Reb: I don’t like colors,

I dream of becoming an artist.

Order me a portrait

I can handle it, no doubt!

Reb: You are with me, friends, don’t argue,

I want to become the first in sports.

Scoring the puck is a trifle for me,

I play for Spartak!

Reb: I want to become a pianist

A wonderful artist.

Music has been with me since childhood

I love her with all my heart!

Reb: I dream of becoming an architect,

Build a city without corners.

I am now making my dream come true:

At home I draw from circles.

So my dream has come true!

Mom, you won’t be able to, as before, loving

Put me in a corner!

Game "Chamomile"

Reb: The years have flown by like an arrow, and the school is waiting for the children

Only a quiet round dance will glimpse our garden in the distance.

Even if we part, they won’t forget us here.

This farewell waltz remains as a memory!

"Farewell Waltz"

Reb: The preschool ball is over,

And a new day will begin,

And the kids come back to this hall

Will gather for the holiday.

It's a bit of a pity that we're already

We will only be guests here,

But you are always in our soul,

And we are with you with all our hearts!

Reb: Thank you, dear teachers,

For affection and warmth.

We were next to you

And on a gloomy day it is light.

Reb: You pitied us and loved us

And how they raised us like flowers.

It's a pity that we can't see you

Take it with you to 1st grade.

Reb: To everyone who was very dear to us,

Replaced our moms and dads

We are bouquets of fives

We'll bring it and hand it to you.

Reb: Thank you for your care and attention,

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

For loving us so much

All: We say thank you!

Song “The Stars Are Lighting Up”

A word to teachers and parents.