Benedict Cumberbatch wedding. Benedict Cumberbatch got married! (photo)

With wife Sophie Hunter, London. Last November, the couple placed an announcement of their engagement in the appropriate section of an old British newspaper - this is what gentlemen have done since time immemorial, notifying the public about important event Photo: LMK/All Over Press

“A woman should not show off everything she has in order to appear sexy. A woman should use her mind to make me feel smart - and then she will be sexy,” is Cumberbatch’s answer to the question of what he would like his partner to be like. And such a woman was finally found.

Four months ago, the 38-year-old British actor announced his engagement to 36-year-old Sophie Hunter. It soon became clear that the bride of perhaps the most famous actor in the world today, a star who had soared high in the Hollywood sky, was expecting a child. Blow after blow brought Cumberbatch's many fans literally into despair. But it never occurred to anyone that the actor would arrange a wedding with the same speed. Recently, in Hollywood, engagements last for years, and wedding ceremonies are held five years after the birth of a child. We didn’t expect such agility from Cumberbatch also because lately the actor has only had time to move from one ceremony to another - the awards season is in full swing.

Benedict was also nominated for an Oscar for his role in the film “The Imitation Game” - he played in it another genius, the English mathematician Alan Turing, who managed to crack German codes during the Second World War and created, in fact, the first semblance of a computer (at the time The signing ceremony for this material has not yet taken place). In addition, the actor recently began filming the next episodes of the fourth season of the series “Sherlock”. It seemed like he had no time to even breathe, let alone plan a wedding. And Cumberbatch himself said in January, after announcing his fiancée’s pregnancy: “What are you, what are you, what a wedding, everything should go as usual.” But marriage for him turned out to be more important than all the awards and ceremonies, and even his beloved Sherlock. As well as the desire to be in no way like their star colleagues. Which of them, for example, would have come up with the old-fashioned idea of ​​publishing an engagement announcement in the appropriate section of the ancient British newspaper The Times? "Benedict, son of Wanda and Timothy Cumberbatch of London, and Sophie, daughter of Catherine Hunter of Edinburgh and Charles Hunter of London, announce their engagement." Benedict said that he “would have done the same thing even if he were not famous. Because there is such a tradition, that’s all.”

On Saturday, the road to the estate was blocked by security, allowing only guests of the ceremony to pass. By three o'clock the bride and groom arrived at the church. Sophie was in a white dress, and her hair was covered with a veil - nothing else could be seen, since the guards unanimously covered the bride with huge umbrellas, and it had just started to rain heavily. The ceremony lasted forty minutes.

English actor Benedict Cumberbatch, who won the hearts of millions of fans thanks to his role as the shrewd Sherlock Holmes, has long kept fans and especially female fans in the dark about the details of his personal life.

One of the most enviable and mysterious star bachelors stubbornly hid the name of his chosen one. And everything was revealed in a very English way: in November 2014, a modest announcement about the engagement of Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter appeared in the Times newspaper. A couple of newspaper lines broke countless women’s hearts around the world and further aroused the curiosity of the public: who is she, the mysterious chosen one of the most popular British actor of our time?

Sophie Hunter, who was 36 years old at the time of her engagement, has long earned recognition in British artistic circles for her highly varied career. The Oxford graduate, fluent in several European languages, managed to star in such successful TV series as Torchwood and All English Murders. IN last years Sophie was mainly involved in music: staging operas in Britain and the USA, singing and playing the piano. Like her fiancé, Sophie comes from a very noble family: her grandfather, Sir James Michael Gow, was even the commander-in-chief of the British army.

Considering Sophie's background, education and highly successful career, we can say that Benedict Cumberbatch has found the perfect match for himself. Answering a question about what kind of women he likes, the actor noted:

“A woman who can carry on a conversation in a way that makes you feel smart is also sexy in her own way. A sense of humor is very important. And I think the ability to work with others is sexy too.”

Meeting Benedict and Sophie

The story of how Mr. and Mrs. Cumberbatch met is shrouded in fog, as is everything connected with the personal life of modern Sherlock. It is believed that the couple met back in 2009 on the set of a drama with the intriguing title “Burlesque Tales”, in which they were both involved. True, at that time Benedict was in a relationship with actress Olivia Poulet. Olivia had been his companion since college. He separated from her in 2011 and after that began dating artist Anna James.

Even less is known about Sophie Hunter's premarital personal life; the only information leaked to the press is her affair with artist Conrad Shawcross, which ended in 2005. After filming Burlesque Tales, Sophie took part in the Great Performances series and also staged several theater plays.

It is most likely to assume that the relationship between Benedict and Sophie began as friendship, but at what point did friendship develop into a more serious feeling. Rumor has it that they actually started dating back in 2013, as evidenced by photos of them together at the Hay Festival. The official version says that their romance began in June 2014. Soon after, Sophie even accompanied Benedict to the wedding of his longtime friend James Rhodes.


Be that as it may, in November 2014, the whole world learned about the upcoming engagement through an announcement in The Times newspaper.

The wedding took place on Valentine's Day. A modest wedding ceremony took place in the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul on the Isle of Wight, and Martin Freeman, who played the role of Dr. Watson in Sherlock, acted as a witness on the part of the groom.

Benedict Cumberbatch's children

In his interviews, Benedict often mentioned that he dreams of big family:

“I was quite happy being an only child, but I always wanted to be part of a big family. I would really like to have children. I can't wait to talk about my baby during interviews."

This happy day came in June 2015, when the couple announced the birth of their first child, whom rumor immediately dubbed “Cumberbaby.” The public learned the real name of the star child only three months after his birth - Christopher Carlton Cumberbatch.

Carlton is a Cumberbatch family name that has been passed down from generation to generation: both Benedict himself and his father have it.

“I think a child changes life for the better, not slows it down. Children do not limit you, they give you inspiration and a depth of understanding of humanity, the meaning of life on this planet, our purpose. This is much more than what an actor without a family and children could hope for,” Benedict said.

The actor is determined to do everything possible to ensure that his child grows up in a “normal” family.

“I want to normalize this part of our lives,” he shared.

Benedict’s worldwide fame, of course, does not leave his family alone, but, according to the actor himself, his wife copes flawlessly with this influx of adoration:

“She's proud of my work, she's proud of me, and she loves me. This is the most important thing, isn't it? This is one of the reasons why we are such a good fit for each other. It could have been a lot more complicated, but she's handling it all very well."

Sophie truly shows extraordinary self-control and restraint. She does not speculate on her husband’s fame and in her few interviews prefers to talk more about work than about her personal life. However, the success of their marriage can be judged by one of her statements:

“When two people meet and fit together, everything immediately falls into place.”

The first photographs of the couple with their son appeared only in April 2016:

In September 2016, the couple announced that they were expecting their second child. It was difficult to hide this, since at the premiere of the film “Doctor Strange” in Los Angeles, where the actor played the main role, his wife appeared with a noticeably rounded tummy.

After advertising such good news, friends of the star couple shared their assumptions about Benedict’s paternal abilities:

“If he dedicates as much time, effort and love to his children as he does to his work, he will be the greatest father of all time,” Allene Leach said.

Their second son, Hal Oden, named after Prince Hal, was born in March 2017 at Portland Private Hospital in London.

Cumberbatch regularly speaks out about his greatest achievement - being a father:

“A child is work that turns out to be unexpectedly difficult. Suddenly I understood my parents much more than before.”

The talented couple is a rare guest at social events, where they immediately become the center of attention of the paparazzi. The couple does not hide their feelings, instilling in fans only deeper and deeper sympathy for themselves.

The famous actor believes that children are an inspiration, that they instill life in their parents, despite how much strength they demand from them in return. Benedict does not hide his love and affection for his family, expressing this by his desire to star in family films so that his children can also see his work.

In 2018, it became known that the couple was expecting their third child. Rumors appeared after the couple appeared at the Venice Film Festival and at the Emmy ceremony:

Sophie began to wear exclusively voluminous clothes, but even these did not hide her pregnancy.

In the summer of 2019, the couple had a boy named Finn. Considering the family’s conspiracy theories, we will have to wait a long time for a photo of the child.

Looking at this married couple, you can’t help but wonder if a wedding on the most romantic day of the year is the key to a happy family life?

After 2010, thanks to his leading role in the TV series Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch became known as an amazing actor not only in his native Great Britain, but throughout the world. Now Hollywood welcomed him with open arms. It would seem that with such a rapidly developing career, social events and prestigious awards, there is no time left for personal life. But unfortunately, for millions of fans, his heart was taken.

Benedict Cumberbatch's marital status

The public learned about the upcoming wedding in a rather unusual way. The news of the actor's engagement to his beloved, according to the old British tradition, was published in The Times newspaper. A little later it became known that Benedict Cumberbatch's future wife Sophie Hunter was pregnant. But even after this news, many doubted that the wedding would take place. After all, most celebrity couples have been in the status of brides and grooms for years. And even after the birth of children, they can register a marriage several years later. But to everyone's surprise, the actor found time in his busy schedule to plan the wedding.

The ceremony was secret and organized in the best British traditions. The 12th century Isle of Wight was chosen as the venue. It was there that the wedding ceremony took place. But the main celebration took place at the Montistoun estate, which is almost a thousand years old.

The invited guests were no more than 40 people, including close relatives and friends of the newlyweds. By the way, it is worth noting that the date chosen was Valentine's Day (02/14/2015). Everything went well top level: unusually beautiful, romantic, adhering to ancient aristocratic traditions.

On the second day, the groom invited everyone to lunch at a local pub that is at least 600 years old. Without pathos, extra eyes and inappropriate PR - quietly, decorously, nobly! The only tradition that was broken was that the honeymoon did not take place. The lovers soon had to fly to Los Angeles to prepare for the Oscar ceremony.

Why did Benedict Cumberbatch marry Sophie Hunter?

When it became known who Benedict Cumberbatch is married to, many asked the question: “What’s so special about her?” And absolutely not in vain! Our main character has a very complex character. He is not interested in young models, he respects the family charter and is extremely demanding of his chosen one. Therefore, the companion must be unusually smart, interesting, patient, caring and love him very much. Sophie seems to have all these qualities. Looking at her, we can safely say that she is in complete control of the situation.

Sophie, like Benedict, is an actress. At one time, she graduated from Oxford and starred in several successful television series. Later she became interested in directing and music. Nowadays she is staging operas in the UK and the USA, and has released her music album in French, which she recorded with musician Robbie Williams. Hunter is a very versatile and interesting person, so it is not at all surprising that she became Cumberbatch’s wife.

The first-born of the star couple was born 4 months after the wedding. For a long time, Benedict Cumberbatch and his wife did not show their child and avoided journalists. The first photos of Christopher, which is exactly what the baby was named, appeared online only in April of this year. They walked quite calmly in one of the areas of New York, not trying to hide the baby in the stroller.

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The actor always dreamed of a big family. Benedict Cumberbatch and his wife look very happy with their son. Perhaps in the near future the couple will decide to have another child. Time will show!

On Saturday, February 14, the wedding of the popular British actor Benedict Cumberbatch and theater director Sophie Hunter took place on the Isle of Wight in the south of England. According to TheSun newspaper, the couple wanted to keep the event secret.

The wedding ceremony was attended by 40 guests - only relatives and close friends of the bride and groom. The wedding took place in the ancient church of St. Peter and St. Paul, built in the 12th century.

Among the guests was actor Andrew Scott, who plays Professor Moriarty in the cult series Sherlock, in which the famous detective is played by Cumberbatch. Keira Knightley, Benedict's co-star in the film The Imitation Game, for which they were both nominated for an Oscar, was also expected to attend the wedding, but the famous actress was seen on Saturday in Los Angeles.

It is also not yet clear how true the rumors are that the groom’s best man was actor Martin Freeman, who plays Dr. Watson in Sherlock. The paparazzi managed to take only a few photographs on the Isle of Wight, and neither the newlyweds, nor the best man, nor the bridesmaids were captured.

Little is known about Cumberbatch and Hunter's romance. In early November 2014, Benedict posted a short message about his engagement to Sophie in The Times newspaper on the classified ads page: "Mr. B. T. Cumberbatch and Miss S. I. Hunter: engagement announced between Benedict, son of Wanda and Timothy Cumberbatch of London , and Sophie, daughter of Catherine Hunter of Edinburgh and Charles Hunter of London." This is completely out of character for modern celebrities. According to Cumberbatch, he published the ad following British tradition, and would have done so even if he were not a famous actor.

Before announcing their engagement, the couple appeared in public only once - in June 2014 during the French Open. After news of their upcoming wedding, Cumberbatch and Hunter officially announced that they were expecting a child. In January, Benedict said in an interview that the wedding would not happen soon, since he intended to focus entirely on work. Now, The Sun claims, it has become clear that Cumberbatch was disingenuous - he wanted to divert the attention of the press from preparations for the upcoming celebration.

The Daily Mail writes that Benedict arrived on the Isle of Wight ahead of time. On Friday 13 February he held a party at the George Hotel in Yarmouth. 140 guests were present. Hotel and restaurant staff were strongly advised to keep their mouths shut.

Benedict Cumberbatch is 38 years old, and his charming wife Sophie Hunter is 36 years old

The 12th-century church where the popular actor and his bride were married

The limousine in which Benedict and Sophie arrived at the church

Actor Andrew Scott is Cumberbatch's main enemy in the series, but in life he is a close friend

We decided to celebrate Valentine's Day with our own wedding. The ceremony at which the couple is legally married promises to be modest and will take place on the Isle of Wight.

There will be few guests - family members of the newlyweds, close relatives and friends. Cumberbatch's Sherlock co-star will serve as best man.

Cumberbatch and Hunter announced their engagement in - the message appeared in November 2014 on a special page of this publication dedicated to life events ordinary people. True, the British tabloids wrote that they were dating back in September, and before that - back in the summer - the couple appeared at a French Open tennis match. They most likely met in 2009, on the set of the British thriller Burlesque Fairytales; At that time, however, Cumberbatch was not yet a global star and was just getting ready to work on Sherlock.

Now the 38-year-old actor’s track record includes not only the role of a great detective.

He played in War Horse, was the dragon Smaug in three parts of Peter Jackson's The Hobbit, and was the main villain in the Star Trek sequel. Now he has many offers, and in fact he has to find time (like Freeman, however) to continue working on the most famous British series of recent times.

Since November, the couple has made the front pages of newspapers several more times. They tried to find out the wedding date, and one day Cumberbatch said that this event was still very far away.

Then he and Hunter admitted that they were expecting a child, and this news again gave rise to speculation about an imminent marriage.

Cumberbatch's chosen one, 36-year-old Hunter, is a fairly well-known theater director in Britain; she staged operas, Mozart and Beethoven, plays in London and New York, she herself played in productions (for example, Ophelia in Hamlet), and acted on television.

The couple very carefully maintains the secret of their personal life. Already on Friday, during preparations for the ceremony, all roads around the place where the wedding will take place were closed to traffic to prevent the appearance of strangers. Fans (or rather, fans) of Cumberbatch are unlikely to break through security, but they have already expressed their feelings on social networks. The Mirror reports that some tweets under the hashtag #benedictcumberbatch talk about broken hearts and how life is not a very fair thing; someone is sure that Cumberbatch deliberately chose the time for his own wedding in order to ruin Valentine's day for fans.

Most, of course, simply wish the newlyweds happiness.

A week after the wedding, on February 22, Benedict Cumberbatch (possibly with his wife) will appear in Los Angeles at another, more magnificent ceremony - the Oscars. He is nominated in the best actor category for his role as a mathematician in The Imitation Game. It is possible that his co-star Keira Knightley will also be at the wedding on the Isle of Wight today.