Letter of gratitude to a young family. Samples of thank you letters for help

Examples of thank you letter texts for participation in the event. A total of 10 samples are offered.

All names of organizations, first and last names in the texts are fictitious and used solely for convenience of presentation - do not forget to replace them with your own.

Sample texts for active participants are also available on the website.

Option #1

St. Petersburg city public organization for propaganda healthy image life “Eco Life” and the All-Russian Movement “For Saving Health”

To the preschool teacher in St. Petersburg " Kindergarten No. 1050" (St. Petersburg)

Petrova Isabella Ivanovna

We express our deep gratitude to you for your active participation in the educational campaign “Health Wagon” and holding joint events. We look forward to further cooperation.

Head of the action:

Skorodumov P. P.

Option No. 2

The Murzilka Inc. company expresses gratitude to the team of the Zvezdopad Group of Companies for their participation in the preparation and implementation of measures to maintain order on the territory of the facility entrusted for protection - the residential complex "Seventh Element" at the address: Moscow st. Stepnaya, 215. And also, for assistance in apprehending offenders.

We believe in maintaining established business and friendly relations We hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation.


Director of LLC "Murzilka Inc"

I. I. Ivanov

Option #3

Dear Sidor Albertovich!

The Office of the Federal Postal Service of Krasnodar - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" expresses gratitude to GBOU College No. 19 for its active participation in the All-Russian social campaign for Mother's Day "Mom, you are the best!"

Thanks to your support, the event aroused great interest among schoolchildren, who on this day were able to express kind, warm words of love and tenderness, respect and gratitude to the closest person in their life - Mom.

We thank you for your high professionalism, hard work and dedication, we hope for further cooperation and mutual understanding.

Director of the Federal PS of Krasnodar -

Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post"

Chapaev S. S.

Option No. 4

Administration of the urban settlement of Kuzemkino

Kuzemkinsky municipal district of the Republic of Karelia expresses sincere gratitude to the staff of the municipal budgetary institution additional education"House children's creativity"for active participation in the plasticine sculpture competition dedicated to the celebration of Kuzemkino City Day.

Thanks to you, people with an active lifestyle and a positive attitude, it was possible to organize and hold such a wonderful event. The beautiful sculptures you created, amazing in their beauty, gave vivid impressions to the residents and guests of the city of Kuzemkino.

Sincerely, Head of Administration

urban settlement Kuzemkino

I. I. Tverdolobov

Option #5

Municipal Autonomous Institution ZATO Murinsk

"Education Resource Center"


Sidorova Marianna Ilyinichna,

teacher-speech therapist of preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 145”,

for fruitful cooperation with MAU ZATO Murinsk "RCO"

and active participation in the organization of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference “Formation of an open educational space in working with young children”,

Director of UIA

ZATO Murinsk "RCO"

I. Zh. Petrov

Option #6

St. Petersburg Technological Institute (branch) of Moscow State Technological University

named after Kovalevskaya S.

expresses gratitude to the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity (CYIT) of the Planet group of companies

for fruitful cooperation, assistance in organizing and conducting a youth career guidance event at the district level “Student Government Day” at the institute.

We wish the management and staff of CMIT professional and creative success, prosperity and dynamic development!


M. I. Ermakova

Option No. 7

To the director of MBOU Youth Sports School No. 19

Zavarykin S.I.

Dear Sidor Pavlovich!

The Culture Committee of the Uralsk city administration thanks you for your active participation in the cultural events held on Culture Day for the city population.

Your inexhaustible energy and creative determination contribute to the preservation and enhancement of the cultural traditions of the city of Uralsk!

We hope for further development and strengthening of fruitful cooperation based on mutual understanding.

We wish you good health, longevity, optimism, successful and fruitful activities, and prosperity.

Chairman of the Culture Committee

Administration of Uralsk

D. O. Pterodactyl

Option No. 8

Special thanks to

Holmes Company for hosting an interesting and entertaining event

dedicated to the release from primary school.

Parents and students of grade 3 "A"

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 194

Option No. 9

Director of the concert program

Ivanova Lucia Albertovna

I express my gratitude to you for your high professionalism in preparing and organizing the gala concert of the VII festival of creative groups of fraternities, which promotes the development of friendly relations, supports socio-cultural ties of Moscow fraternities with the regions, promotes the culture and traditions of the regions and love for their small homeland.

With all my heart I wish you unshakable health, creative energy, prosperity and prosperity!

Prefect of the South-West

administrative district of Moscow

S. T. Tyrannosaurus

Option No. 10

To the director

Information Center for

innovation in the city of Kaliningrad

K. S. Sidorova

Dear Kamilla Sidorovna!

Administration and staff of the Kaliningrad City Children's Library named after. A.I. Ivanova express their deep gratitude to you for your cooperation with the library, holding interesting and meaningful events for children that popularize the achievements of science and technology.


Director of GB "Kaliningradskaya"

city ​​children's library

them. A. I. Ivanova"

  • The entire proposed text of the letter is written only after the header (at the very top) of the sheet with the words “ Letter of thanks"(these words should be centered on the page in all cases)
  • Remember that a thank you letter for participating in something is a business letter and the style of presenting the essence in it is appropriate
  • Such a letter can be made “warmer” by diluting the formal style of presentation with a more with heartfelt words(wishes, words of admiration, etc.)
  • When you print it, know that the text layout is usually chosen - in the center (as shown in the examples above)
  • Choose an off-center layout only if there is no other way to format the letter according to the standard
  • The signature of the person (on whose behalf the letter is written) and his name are located at the bottom right of the letter (see examples above).
  • The last words of the letter “With respect” and the position of the person on whose behalf the letter was written are placed at the bottom left (see examples above). However, they can also be placed in the center (at the bottom of the page)
  • The very last line of the letter is the date. It can be indicated in full (day, month, year) or only the year.

The regional government hosted a solemn ceremony of awarding the honorary badge of the Irkutsk region “Motherly Glory” and presenting governor’s awards to the best guardians living in the Angara region. Among the recipients are five women from the Ust-Orda Buryat District.

This year, 12 mothers of large families in the Irkutsk region became the owners of the honorary badge “Maternal Glory” and a prize of 150 thousand rubles. Eight were awarded the Governor's Prize for raising adopted children who achieved special success in school, sports, creativity and social life.

– It has become a good tradition in November, when a wonderful holiday is celebrated – Mother’s Day, to present awards the best women“those who give their warmth, all their spiritual strength to children and family,” the minister noted before the start of the ceremony social development, guardianship and trusteeship Vladimir Rodionov.

The “Mother’s Glory” sign was established in the Angara region six years ago. It is awarded to mothers who have given birth and raised five or more children. They choose the most worthy, because it is very important that peace and harmony, hard work and mutual assistance, respect for elders, attention and care for children reign in the family. Each of the women present at the ceremony fully corresponds to these qualities. These mothers with many children can rightfully be proud of their children.

Sofia Barannikova from the village of Khokhorsk, Bokhansky district, raised seven children. The four eldest have received higher education, the youngest are still in school.

“My husband and I both come from large families,” says Sofia Eremeevna. – My parents have ten children, my husband has eight brothers and sisters. I also always dreamed of friendly family. Some may think that seven children is something incredible. But they are all desired and loved, my greatest happiness. Our children study very well, are fond of sports, everyone plays chess - both girls and boys. They are winners of district and regional chess tournaments: all have youth and adult categories. Having a large number of children has not hindered my career at all - I work as an economist. I actively participate in the life of the village, I am the chairman of the school-wide parent committee.

A mother of many children admits that she would like her children to become parents of many children:

– We have one granddaughter so far. Now, it seems to me, it is much easier to raise children. Maternity capital is paid, land is given for free, and various competitions are held for families with many children. The happiness of motherhood is the best thing a woman can experience.

The opinion of Sofia Barannikova is fully shared by Lyubov Shurko from the village of Turgenevka, Bayandaevsky district. She is the mother of eight children.

“I’m a mother by profession,” the pretty, fragile woman introduces herself with a smile. – When I was young, I worked as a crane operator at a construction site. My husband and I also come from large families. My mother had 12 children, my husband’s family had ten... It was always a lot of fun in our house - so many young people! I always knew that when I had my own family, there would definitely be a lot of children!

The main thing in education, Lyubov Dmitrievna believes, is to instill honesty in children. She and her husband are raising their children based on eternal values. They try to ensure that, no matter what, the children are always kind to people, respectful and polite to their elders. All children from Lyubov Shurko study well. They have numerous awards for victories at various Olympiads, and they all play musical instruments.

“Our family is musical,” explains mother of many children. – Guitar, piano, accordion – we have a whole house orchestra! Everyone participates in competitions and music festivals.

Nina Kondratyeva from the village of Alar can rightfully be proud of her children. She raised six sons!

“I raised it alone,” Nina Osipovna admits. – My husband died tragically when the eldest was ten years old, and the youngest was seven months old. The children are now adults. The eldest is forty years old. The sons connected their lives with law enforcement - two work in the police. I don’t even know how I managed it. Of course, I had to do it in different ways, but my boys always helped me in everything. They can do everything for me. And carpentry, and building, and even cooking! They boil, fry, cook. Now the daughters-in-law are thanking: “Mom, thank you for such husbands! They cook so deliciously - we can’t do that!”

Lyubov Oskina from the village of Otonkhoy, Ekhirit-Bulagat district, is in a hurry to boast about her six children:

– I have three sons and three daughters. The eldest daughter graduated from a medical university with honors and works as a cardiologist in the central regional hospital. The son is from the Faculty of Informatics of BSUEP, another is from the Agricultural Academy. The younger ones are still at school.

Both Lyubov Viktorovna herself and her husband graduated from the Agricultural Institute. Both worked for many years as livestock specialists at the Oloysky state farm. Now the large family keeps a large farmstead.

– We have both a farm and a vegetable garden. You can’t live in the village without this,” explains Lyubov Viktorovna. “We never wanted to move to the city.” On the contrary, they tried to teach children to live on earth. Our kids are all hard-working, hard-working. Accustomed to everything. In the village now you can live no worse than in the city. He built a well-equipped house - here are your conveniences. Both nature and air, which cannot be found in any city! Now we are thinking about organizing a farm. Children support our dreams.

– Our dear women! On behalf of Governor Sergei Eroshchenko, allow me to thank you for your great spiritual work. Your decision to devote yourself to children is a real feat,” First Deputy Governor of the Irkutsk Region Nikolai Slobodchikov addresses those present. – With all my heart I wish you health and happiness, patience and hope, prosperity and prosperity. Let your loved ones surround you with care and attention not only on holidays, but also on weekdays!

On behalf of the Legislative Assembly, the Chairman of the Committee on Social and Cultural Legislation, Irina Sintsova, greets those gathered:

– Dear women! I am sure that today will certainly go down in the history of your family. And, of course, it will become special in your life. Because today you are listening to words of appreciation and gratitude for your work as a mother. This work consists of many components, and its tasks are one of the most difficult - to educate people who would inherit the best traditions, grow up kind, hardworking - so that our great country is proud of them. On behalf of the deputy corps, I say huge words of gratitude to you for existing.

Irina Makarina, a mother of many children from the village of Bokhan, addresses the region’s leaders in response:

– Of course, it is very difficult to choose the best. But nevertheless, I would like to wish: may all mothers who put their souls into raising children receive well-deserved awards and recognition!


The “Mother’s Glory” sign was established in the Angara region six years ago. It is awarded to mothers who have given birth and raised five or more children. This year, 12 mothers of large families in the Irkutsk region became the owners of the honorary badge “Maternal Glory” and a prize of 150 thousand rubles.

Here are examples of texts (completely ready for use) for a letter of gratitude to parents for their active participation in the life of the class and school. All texts are written in prose (not verse). All names, names of organizations and localities are used only for convenience of presentation; they must be changed to the ones you need.

All samples are designed as they should look in reality; if you still have questions, you will find design recommendations at the end of the page.

Option #1

We express our deep gratitude

for responsiveness, understanding, active participation in the life of our school

Gorkina Evelina Maksimovna,

Leonidova Evgenia Timlevel,

for preparing the class for the new academic year.

Dvorkina Raisa Genadievna,

for assistance in landscaping the courtyard area.

Ruslana Borisovna Nikanorova,

for help in decorating the music class.

We hope that your undying enthusiasm will serve to further develop the abilities of your wonderful children.

We wish prosperity, health, implementation of all ideas and peace to your families!

Director of secondary school No. 12

G. Sh. Delovarova

Deputy Directors for SD

S. I. Antoshkina

Neftegorsk, 2018

Option No. 2


state budgetary institution

secondary school No. 262

Leninsky district of Smolensk


Georgy Valentinovich Dolgov,

Arthur Ivanovich Veretyolkin

for active participation in the life of the school,

assistance in equipping a developmental environment in classrooms,

cooperation with secondary school employees,

attention, responsiveness, optimism and support!

We wish you and your families good health,

prosperity, happiness!


R. D. Ivashkova


Option #3

The administration of GBOU Secondary School No. 11 expresses its heartfelt gratitude to the entire team of parents of class 2 “A” for purchasing flower seedlings, organizing and conducting an event for landscaping and landscaping the school grounds on a charitable basis.

Institutional staff and students appreciate and respect your thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness.

We hope for further cooperation and mutual understanding.


Director of secondary school No. 11

L. T. Vorobyova

Nizhny Tagil

Option No. 4

Administration of school No. 3214 and class teacher of grade 3 “B”

thank you

Chusikov Vadim Fedorovich

and Darina Afanasyevna

for help and active participation in the life of the school and class.

Principal of school No. 3214

T. O. Ushakova

Primary school head teacher

E. Zh. Oreshkina

Cl. supervisor

D. Yu. Shirokova


Option #5

The staff of GBOU Secondary School No. 721

expresses sincere gratitude

Alevtina Solomonovna Tuchkina

for participation in the educational process of primary school students,

for conducting interesting creative activities at a high professional level,

for an active life position.

We sincerely wish you good health, the realization of all your plans, patience and optimism, and success on your professional path!

Administration of secondary school No. 721

represented by Deputy Directors for SD

K. Z. Perova


Option #6

Dear parents!

Secondary school No. 30

Thanks you

for active participation in the social life of the class and school.

Throughout the year you have provided significant assistance and shown

initiative in all school matters.

Thank you for your attention, support, warmth and understanding!

Director of secondary school No. 30

E. Kh. Khvostova

Head of SD

Z. P. Melnikova


Option No. 7

Dear parents!

Please accept our deep gratitude

  • for caring about the problems of the school;
  • for not standing aside and helping, to the extent possible, to resolve school issues and the needs of the educational institution;
  • for unselfishly donating a lot of their free (and unfree) time for the development of the school environment;
  • for showing a wonderful example of mutual assistance and responsibility to other parents, their children and us, the team of employees;

We wish you all good health, longevity, professional and personal success, peace and prosperity!

The staff of secondary school No. 442

Administration of the secondary school represented by the director

G. L. Bulochkina

Novy Oskol

Option No. 8

We express our gratitude

Kulebyakin Rodion Maksimovich

and Faina Lvovna Kulebyakina

for your attention, help and care about the school,

conscientious attitude towards parental responsibilities.


Municipal educational institution "General education

primary school No. 1"

V. O. Solntseva

Classroom teacher

Z. Yu. Rechkina

Volodarsk, 2018

Option No. 9

Dear Makar Leonidovich!

For children, school is a second home,

Therefore, we especially appreciate that you are attentive to her condition.

We express our deep gratitude to you for the repairs made.

in the premises of an elementary school.

Now students are even more excited to study music and physical education in the renovated halls!

Thank you very much from the school staff and parents of class 3 “A”, the beautiful school cities!

Director of GBOU Secondary School No. 8

L. R. Rouletkina

Parents' Committee represented by the Chairman

P. D. Teodorova


Option No. 10

express sincere gratitude

to a group of parents of 5th grade "B".

Your help is very important to the school and its teachers. Therefore, we appreciate your every contribution to the development and prosperity of the school environment. You put a lot of effort into transforming the appearance of the school, please accept our gratitude for your participation and the good you have done!

Director of secondary school No. 70

Z. Ya. Bryantseva

Head teacher for education

P. I. Rokotova


Option No. 11

State budgetary institution

"Average educational school No. 910" Boksitogorsk

Expresses gratitude

parents of 7th grade "B" students

for participating in solving school problems, for preparing for the new school year,

and for assistance in the design of biology, literature and fine arts classes.

Thank you for your sensitive attitude, active life position and responsible attitude towards the environment in which your children develop.

We wish you and your families prosperity, fruitful activity, happiness and prosperity! We hope to continue cooperation and develop good, strong and productive relationships.

Director of GBOU Secondary School No. 910

A. T. Petrushina

Option No. 12

State educational school No. 316, Bronnitsy

expresses heartfelt gratitude

for active participation in decorating the school interior for the New Year holidays

parents of 2nd grade students

Kantemirova Anzhelika Samuilovna

Kapitonova Elena Emmanuilovna

Korobova Adelaide Olegova

We wish you creative success, the implementation of all your plans and plans, inexhaustible vital energy and health! We look forward to our cooperation in the future!

Head of SD

R. B. Ivanchenko

December, 2018

Option No. 13

Dear parents of 8th grade!

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your help, energy and optimism, thanks to which the creative ideas of the class staff and teachers were realized in the school event “Looking for Talents”. Thank you very much for your wise advice, your time and demonstrating a wonderful example of parental support, which is important not only for children, but also for our school.

Director of secondary school No. 44

G. N. Nitochkina

O. T. Shelestova

Cl. supervisor

Yu. P. Repeykina


Option No. 14

Dear Augusta Bogdanovna!

Administration and teaching staff of “Secondary School No. 802”, Vladikavkaz

thanks you

for your attention to school problems, for their activity in solving these problems and for their fruitful work as part of the parent committee from 2011 to 2018. Thank you for the fact that over the years we have felt your care and support!

Head teacher

R. D. Rakushkina

Classroom teacher

P. N. Sushkina

May, 2018

Option No. 15

Dear parents of 11th grade “F”!

Administration and teaching staff

GBOU Secondary School No. 56, Volgorechensk

We express our deep gratitude to you for your close cooperation

with the teaching staff,

for understanding the difficult work of a teacher, for attentive attitude towards others and cordiality in communication. Thank you for your significant contribution to the improvement of the school and school grounds, and for your active participation in class affairs.

We wish you all the best, warmth for your family, peace of mind and optimism, success in further raising your children!

Head teacher

M. E. Kudryashova

Classroom teacher

U. A. Emelkina

June, 2018

Option No. 16

To the Parents Committee of Primary School No. 6, Volchansk

represented by Chairman Demyan Filippovich Gromov.

Administration of Volchanskaya secondary school No. 6

Thank you for supporting children's creativity,

for understanding and active participation in the life of the younger generation in general and elementary school in particular.

We sincerely hope that our cooperation will strengthen and develop.


Director of secondary school No. 6

E. F. Bityukova


Option No. 17

Administration and teachers of gymnasium No. 194 of the Central district of St. Petersburg

express gratitude

Shershneva Marina Larionovna

Malinkina Galina Eduardovna

Usikov Petr Arturovich

for active participation in the preparation and implementation educational projects, school socially significant events, creative competitions and decoration of festive classroom interiors throughout all years (from 2010 to 2019).

We wish you to continue to set a great example of responsiveness, creative energy and determination to everyone. May entrepreneurship, optimism and creativity forever be faithful companions, bring only joy and satisfaction. Peace and warmth to your families, new successes in raising children.

Director of the gymnasium

V. A. Manishkina

Head according to SD

Z. Sh. Tsvetkova

Saint Petersburg

Option No. 18

Dear Praskovya Ilyinichna!

Please accept my gratitude for your active participation

in the development of our educational institution and its material and technical base.

Such active and selfless people support not only schools, but the world as a whole! May all the good you have done return to you multiplied many times over. I wish you that your activities bring you only joy, satisfaction and meetings with many wonderful people, as well as health, longevity and simple human happiness!

Director of GBOU Secondary School No. 1

K. I. Veretelkina

Vorkuta, 2018

Option No. 19

Dear Poletaev Andrey Maratovich!

Teaching staff, parents and students of school No. 54

We express our endless gratitude to you for your help in glazing and renovating the school.

We wish you longevity, joy and further prosperity.

Class teacher 7 "E" class

N. R. Pechkina

Chairman of the parent committee of grade 7 "E"

A. L. Vitkova


November, 2018

Option No. 20

For work in parent committee School No. 16 Gvardeysk

Administration and teaching staff

express endless gratitude

Sotnikova Paulina Efimovna

and Diana Nikolaevna Glotova.

Thank you for your tireless work in the 2018-2019 academic year,

for a creative approach to solving class and school problems, for responsiveness and cordiality, for a great contribution to the improvement appearance and image of the educational institution.

May good luck always accompany you in personal, professional and social affairs, may all your ideas come true, and may your children delight you with new successes. I wish you happiness, love and self-realization.

Director of secondary school No. 16

N. S. Bankina

May, 2019

  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page. Individual words (names, name of organization, and others, at the discretion of the author) may be highlighted in bold or written in capital letters. However, avoid putting all text in bold or in capital letters. If the text is large enough or the centered layout is not applicable due to the specific design of the sheet, it is permissible to use the text layout along the width or along the left edge.
  • At the end of the main text, at the bottom of the page, indicate the position of the author of the letter (see as in the samples) or the person on whose behalf it is written. The job title is placed on the left edge of the page.
  • Opposite the position, on the right edge of the sheet, indicate the last name (the initial letters of the first and middle names are placed before the last name).
  • Between the title of the position and the surname, in the center of the page, the personal signature of the author and the seal of the institution are affixed.
  • The last entry on the pages will be the name of the locality and the date. They are laid out in the center of the page at the very bottom. The date can be shortened, leaving only the year the letter was written or the month and year. The name of the locality may not be written if it has already been mentioned somewhere in the main text of the letter.
  • The pronoun “you” in the text is written with a capital letter only in cases where they are addressing one person and want to give even greater respect to their address. If the text is addressed to several people at once, capitalizing the pronoun “you” (when addressing them, making wishes addressed to them, etc.) is categorically incorrect.
  • If you are not satisfied with any of the examples above, you can choose a suitable example in, which will help you express gratitude for one-time, once-provided help (for example, charity). Also, you can text in case you need to thank for participation in an event or promotion.

Ready-made texts (23 samples) of a full letter of gratitude for the assistance provided.

All names, surnames, names of organizations, cities and addresses are used solely for convenience of presentation. Don't forget to insert your data in their place.

Option #1

to CEO


Atlantis Foundation to O. I. Apkin

Dear Oleg Ilyich!

I express my heartfelt gratitude to you for the charitable assistance and support provided to the orphanage residents.

I sincerely wish the implementation of all your good plans, good health, prosperity and happiness to you, your loved ones and family.

Director of State Budgetary Institution SPDP "Skvorets"

in Altai municipal

M. I. Zueva

Option No. 2

to CEO

"Piggy Bank International"

A. S. Gorbunov

The administration of GBOU School No. 123 and preschool unit No. 3 expresses sincere gratitude to “Kopilka International” in the person of General Director A.S. Gorbunov for their assistance in purchasing children's hygiene items for the youngest kindergarten students.

Patronage in Rus' has always been considered an honorable occupation. So let your nobility and participation in the life of the preschool department return to you a hundredfold.

You don’t just give material values, you give a happy childhood to our kids.

Thanks a lot! All the best and prosperity to you!

Director of GBOU "School No. 123"

O. S. Murlykina

Option #3

Kashirin Yuri Mikhailovich!

City Duma deputy

city ​​of Lipetsk

Dear Yuri Mikhailovich!

The administration of the central district of Lipetsk expresses gratitude to you for your assistance in organizing the educational process, strengthening the material and technical base, preparing educational institutions district for the new 2018-2019 academic year and fruitful social partnership.

We wish you well-being, prosperity, health and hope for further cooperation.

Head of Administration

V. I. Goncharov

Option No. 4

Municipal educational institution

additional education for children Sukhumi Children's Art School expresses deep gratitude

Olga Sergeevna Pchelina, President of the Mera Service Corporation of Realtors for sponsorship assistance.

We wish you happiness, health, new victories, financial well-being and hope for further cooperation.


I. V. Smirnov

Option #5

Dear Maxim Yurievich!

The board of the public organization of disabled people "Zhiznelub" expresses its heartfelt gratitude to you for your attentive attitude towards us - people with limited physical and financial capabilities, for the charitable assistance provided to the organization festive event, dedicated to the Day Disabled 2020

We wish you and your team good health, energy, optimism, success in work, happiness, financial well-being and good luck in everything.


Chairman of the Board

V. V. Sleptsov

Option #6

Municipal cultural institution " Library system»

Chapaevsky district of Yelets

expresses gratitude

Goncharova Elena Viktorovna

Deputy of the City Duma of Yelets

for providing financial assistance in carrying out routine repairs of the library branch named after. M. Gorky (Troekurovskaya str. 1)

Director of MUK BS

Chapaevsky district of Yelets

T.I. Smirnov

Option No. 7

We express our sincere gratitude

Individual entrepreneur Maxim Yuryevich Popov

for the help provided to the children of the Orphanage, for the generosity and generosity of soul!

May what you give to your children today return to you tomorrow multiplied many times over.

Chief physician

I. V. Samoilova

Option No. 8


Smirnov Ilya Vladimirovich,

General Director of "Woman-guru" LLC,

for sponsorship provided to the Lebedyansk Secondary Educational School.

Head teacher

S. K. Stepanova

Option No. 9

Public Association Union of Veterans of St. Petersburg “Siege Soldiers”

Expresses gratitude to Anastasia Vladimirovna Vasilyeva

Director of JSC "Balance" for the humanitarian assistance provided to veterans in need.

Please accept our kindest and sincere wishes for peace, warmth, health, joy and success.

We look forward to our further cooperation and your active participation!

Chairman of the Public

Association "Blockade"

L. Yu. Belova

Option No. 10

The Agricultural Department of the Administration of the LO "Volosovsky District" thanks LLC "Pig in a Poke" for the sponsorship provided.

With your support, you make an invaluable contribution to the development of agriculture in the Volosovsky region and preserve the traditions of patronage.

Let the words of gratitude from rural workers serve as your reward for your noble deed.”

Head of Agricultural

administration department of Leningrad region

"Volosovsky district"

A. N. Udachkin

Option No. 11

Public pedagogical children's and youth movement of the Kalinin region "Enlightenment"

expresses sincere gratitude and appreciation to Antonina Pavlovna Savelova, preschool teacher“Kindergarten No. 35” in Kalinin for providing charitable assistance to children who, by the will of fate, received severe cancer.

Your active participation in the preparation of the Charity Auction helps not only to alleviate the condition of seriously ill children, but also to change their fate in better side, give the opportunity to rejoice without pain and suffering!

May your good deeds return to you with luck, success and prosperity, and may there always be health, joy and happiness in your life!

Chairman of the OD "Ozrenie"

Z. M. Belousova

Option No. 12

Dear Tatyana Innokentievna!

We express our gratitude to you and your team for the assistance provided and wish you peace of mind, heartfelt joy, achievement of all goals and good luck in all your affairs and endeavors.

Head of the Mir Society

P. A. Zarubin

Option No. 13

Chairman of the charitable

fund "Help"

Petrov Ivan Sidorovich

We express our sincere gratitude to you for the sponsorship provided in the implementation of the “Touching a Dream” project.

May your kindness and generosity be doubly rewarded.

We believe that everyone who performs acts of mercy will certainly receive a good reward in his life.



O. G. Muralov

Option No. 14

Dear Anna Vasilievna!

We express our sincere, deep gratitude to you, the staff of your school, students and their parents for the charitable assistance provided to orphans and children who find themselves in difficult life situations.

It is very nice to know that in our difficult times there are people who are ready to help and lend a helping hand.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Boarding school director

A. Yu. Zabotina

Option No. 15

To the Director of StroyFasadRemont LLC

Savelyeva I.V.

Dear Isabella Vasilievna!

We sincerely thank you for your assistance in the construction of the Church of St. Avramius of Smolensk.

Through the prayers of Saint Abramius, the Lord will bless and have mercy on you and your family, and grant peace to your home and your souls. May the hand of the giver never fail. May God's mercy always be upon you and your family.

Cleric of the temple in the name of the saint

Avramia of Smolensk,


Afanasy Ivanov

Option No. 16

Dear Egor Egorovich!

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Adygea expresses gratitude to you and your team for providing medical care to the population of the Republic of Adygea and provided sponsorship assistance in organizing a gala event dedicated to the celebration of Medical Worker Day.

We wish your team good health, interesting ideas and their implementation, great successes, reliable partners and business prosperity.

We look forward to further cooperation.


S. K Sidorov

Option No. 17

Dear Pavel Pavlovich!

On behalf of the many thousands of people in the Carriage Building District of Razmetelevo and on my own behalf, let me express my heartfelt gratitude to you for providing financial and organizational assistance in holding events to celebrate the anniversary of the district and Carriage Builder Day.

We wish the team of your enterprise health, happiness, good luck, financial well-being and hope for further mutual understanding and fruitful cooperation.


Head of Administration

K. A. Kuzmin

Option No. 18

The Kemerovo district trade union organization of workers in education and science of the Russian Federation expresses its sincere gratitude to the trade union organization of the Municipal Budgetary Institution “Secondary School No. 194 named after. N. Nekrasov" for the assistance provided to the injured trade union members following the flood in the Potemkinsky district.

We wish you success in your work and active trade union activities.

Chairman of the district

Trade union organizations

A. N. Kopeikina

Option No. 19

CT “Creativity Center” thanks Eduard Petrovich Simonov, chairman of the jury of the “Young Artists” competition, for his assistance in organizing and conducting the competition.

We wish you creative inspiration, new wonderful ideas and achievement of new heights.

Director of the Central Center for Creativity

R. R. Kuzina

Option No. 20

The Sports Department of the city of Tambov expresses gratitude to Galina Gennadievna Larionova, technology teacher at Lyceum No. 3 of Tambov, for her assistance in creating puppet theater for city library No. 8 “Library system of Tambov”

Head of Sports Department

city ​​of Tambov

A. K. Anisimova

Option No. 21

Dear Antonina Vyacheslavovna!

The creative team "Murzinki" from the bottom of its heart expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your help in providing the team with concert costumes for participation in competitions sports dancing“New Talents”, as well as for assistance in preparing participants for the competition.

Thank you for your responsiveness, for your kind heart, for your creativity and determination with which you helped us solve our problems. May all your dreams come true, plans be realized, goals achieved. We wish all the best to you and your loved ones.


creative team leader

R. O. Voronova

Option No. 22

Dear Ilya Borisovich!

Please accept our sincere gratitude for your help and assistance provided in purchasing plumbing equipment and repair services for boarding schools for children with disabilities. disabilities"Faith".

Thanks to you, our boarding school has been transformed, the quality of life of children has undoubtedly increased, and caring for the youngest has become significantly easier for the staff.

We sincerely wish you all the brightest that this world can offer.


Director of the boarding school "Vera"

O. L. Agibalova

Option No. 23

Dear Ivan Prokhorovich!

The director, teachers, students of school No. 1155 in Tver are sincerely grateful to the Raduga publishing house and to you personally for providing assistance in disseminating information and producing advertising posters for the campaign “Protect the animals of our yard.”

Thanks to you, a lot of people learned about the campaign, and we were able to implement our plans. The effect of the action exceeded all our expectations and we are shocked by the professionalism of your work and the creativity of your team.

We wish you to reach all the planned heights, solve all the problems, prosper and delight the residents of our city with the wonderful results of your work.

With sincere hope for further cooperation

and respect,

Director of school No. 1155, Tver

F. Z. Taburetkina

  • In the header (top of the page) of each letter, before the main text, it must be indicated - “Letter of Thanks”
  • You can make the letter more sincere by adding warm words of wishes and (health, happiness, prosperity, prosperity, success, etc.) to the text.
  • When formatting, the text of the letter is laid out in the center of the page.
  • The name of the organization and the position of the responsible person are placed at the bottom left of the page (after the text)
  • The initials and the surname itself are placed on the right edge at the bottom of the page (signature and seal are in the middle at the bottom)
  • The very last thing on the page (at the very bottom) should be: the name of the city and the date (you can leave only the year, or you can indicate the entire date)

More than 500 people from large and low-income families in the Vladimir region vacationed at the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory as part of a health campaign, which started on May 24 by the decision of Vladimir Sipyagin.

According to the press service of the AVO, letters of gratitude are being received from vacationing families for the opportunity to relax on the sea coast. Specially noted high level organization of accommodation and meals. Here are some excerpts from these letters:

“I am a mother of six children, only my 12-year-old son went with me, and I am very sorry that I did not take the kids with me! I really liked everything: animators work with the children, cartoons, discos, a swimming pool, trampolines, all sorts of bicycles, and this happens every day! My son is always busy with something, I know that he is under supervision and protection and he does not get bored here. He is very happy and has made many friends. The food is excellent, vegetables, fruits, everything is there. The staff is excellent, very cultured young people, always friendly and smiling, I never saw anyone gloomy. The rooms are amazing, clean, beautiful, the beds are snow-white. This is my first time at sea and I will have memories that will last a lifetime!” - writes E. Nikolaeva (Metallist settlement, Kolchuginsky district).

“I am the mother of three children. My kids really enjoyed it! Not one of them ever said they wanted to go home. I myself lost track of time!” - shared O. Ivut (village of Tsibeevo, Suzdal region).

“We came to the sea for the first time with children, and we were shocked in a good way! Everything you need for relaxation and comfort has been done. The beach is clean with clear sea water. The food is excellent, varied, for children - five times a day. Aerobatics!" - says G. Kudrina (Kolchugino).

“This is exactly the place where you can and should relax with children! The kids really liked everything. Thank you very, very much for the holiday!” - thanks S. Smirnov (Sudogda).

We wrote earlier that for families from the Vladimir region, boarding houses in Sochi, Tuapse and Anapa organize an extensive leisure program, including a variety of creative competitions, sports and entertainment events, excursions to historical monuments and other interesting places.