What's included in a survival kit? A set for shellac with a lamp for home use, what is included in it, how to choose. What is included in the set for.

There is no more important Christian sacrament than Baptism. It is thanks to this ritual that a person gains heavenly protection and spiritual patrons. In the old days, the rite of baptism was given enormous importance. Neither a peasant nor a nobleman would have thought of ignoring such an important event. Today, when the era of militant atheism is a thing of the past, the rite of baptism is again gaining significance and power in the hearts of believers.

When to baptize?

According to the instructions of the Russian Church, it should be carried out as early as possible, but after the umbilical wound has healed, that is, from the 7th day. But as practice shows, it is unlikely that a one-week-old baby will be baptized, but from 2 months onwards it is already quite acceptable. There are no strict rules; the ceremony can be performed at any age, even adults. But any Orthodox person tries to provide his child with protection from infancy. And the sooner the better.

Briefly about godparents

Choosing godparents is perhaps the most crucial moment. Often parents and grandmothers discuss it long before the baby is born. These must be baptized believers who are not married to each other. Most often these are close friends. Who will you entrust your child to? Who will you entrust such an important mission to? Godparents are second parents who will lead your child along the spiritual path. Sometimes baptism is performed without godparents, this is acceptable. Then the priest who performed the ceremony takes on the role of spiritual mentor.

Baptism set

Baptism is a solemn event. And it must be celebrated in beautiful attire, but without any pretentiousness. Therefore, a set for the baptism of a child should be chosen that emphasizes solemnity and, at the same time, it should not be pompous and flashy.

What's included in the christening kit?

  • Pectoral cross. Most often, the godfather chooses and buys it. It is better to purchase it in a church shop - they are already consecrated there. If you prefer a jewelry store, then before the ceremony the cross must be consecrated. What material the pectoral cross should be made of is of no fundamental importance - wood, silver, gold. The main thing is that it is smooth, without roughness or sharp corners, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the baby.
  • Kryzhma. This is the name of the towel that the godparents keep ready when receiving the baby after bathing. Sometimes it is made with a hood to cover the baby's head. The godmother buys the entire set of clothes.
  • Christening shirt- the first robe in which the baby will be dressed after the sacred ceremony. It should be free and not restrict movement.
  • Headdress- a cap or scarf.
  • Booties(or rag shoes) and panties– a beautiful addition to the outfit, but nothing more.

For girls, a headscarf or a girl's cap with frills is a must. According to tradition, all women are required to cover their heads in the temple, even if the woman is three months old. As for boys, only the little ones cover their heads. Older boys are left without a headdress.

How to choose a baptism kit?

There are no strict canons. The main rules are exactly the same as when choosing regular clothes for newborns. Fabrics are only natural: thin linen or cotton, seams facing out. The color is preferable to white. But any delicate colors in light shades are quite acceptable - pink for girls, blue for boys, pale yellow, soft green. The main rule is no bright flashy colors. This is inappropriate in a church.

About decorations on the baptismal robe

All kinds of lace, ruffles, frills are quite appropriate. Especially for girls. It is very good if an Orthodox cross or any thematic embroidery is embroidered on the kryzhma or shirt. Avoid shirts with secular designs - airplanes, boats, bunnies, bears. It's better to practice moderation.

It’s great if among your relatives someone knows how to sew, embroider or knit. No best gift than a hand-sewn baptism kit. Then the child will be protected not only by higher powers, but also by the love of the one who created the first Orthodox robe for him. For a craftswoman, sewing a shirt, knitting a cap or crocheting a baptismal towel will not be difficult. And any girl who didn’t skip technology classes at school will be able to navigate the patterns and sew a beautiful baptismal set, decorating it with ruffles, ribbons and frills.

What to do with the robe after the ceremony

The most important elements of baptismal attire are the shirt and kryzhma. They cannot be washed. It is customary to keep them and pass them on by inheritance. It is believed that they will protect the baby and become a kind of talisman in his earthly life. In Rus', a very ill child was covered with kryzhma and his baptismal shirt was laid out next to him. Together with their parents' blessing, they were given on long journeys and hikes. It was believed that there is no better amulet than clothing from a sacred ceremony.

How to baptize an adult child

Baptismal shirts are also provided for older children and teenagers. Ordinary clothing is also allowed, but some rules must be followed, the main one of which is no pomp. You should not dress a girl in a luxurious dress that looks like a prom or wedding dress. And, of course, you can’t open her shoulders or expose her knees. An elegant but modest dress, scarf or scarf. A boy in a tuxedo or three-piece suit in church will look ridiculous. Leave the luxury to others important events, and baptism requires restraint and modesty. But if you decide to undergo the ritual, it would still be better to buy special clothes.

Comment on the article "What is included in a baby's baptism kit"

What should you buy for a child's baptism? We will baptize our daughter. What should we buy, what should godparents buy? How is the sacrament of baptism performed now?

baptismal set. Christening. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Was godmother of the girl, I didn’t buy a baptismal set, only a kryzhma and a cross in the Baptism store. But before baptism you definitely need...

What's included in a baby's christening kit? Useful materials: What to give for baptism or christening How long does baptism last? Should I immediately dress the child in a christening outfit or can I do without it? after that they put on a shirt, I gave him a special one...

I heard here that if younger children are baptized in the shirt in which the older ones were baptized, then the children will be very friendly. I tried on Yana here. What is included in the baby baptism kit. The baptismal shirt is the first robe that the baby will be dressed in after the sacred ceremony.

Christening. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition I think it is necessary to celebrate. Christening is a big holiday, like a birthday.

Christening. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition Girls, I really need information. A child in the maternity hospital in intensive care. Has anyone had something like this...

What's included in a baby's christening kit? Baptism set. Baptism is a solemn event. And you need to spend it in a beautiful attire. Booties (or rag shoes) and pants are a beautiful addition to the outfit...

What's included in a baby's christening kit? Christening. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. I’m telling you how this happened with our eldest (baptized at 2 months), the youngest was baptized the other day...

Child baptism. Children. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placing children in families, raising adopted children, interaction with guardianship, schooling...

What's included in a baby's christening kit? For a craftswoman, sewing a shirt, knitting a cap or crocheting a baptismal towel will not be difficult. Girls, tell me what to take with you to a christening, how to dress a child and who must be present?

Section: -- gatherings (baptism of a child aged 1 year). Who baptized a child at the age of 1.5 years. We weren’t planning on baptizing the child until he was 1.5 years old. We want to do this in the near future.

Many try to baptize a child in infancy. Usually the ceremony is carried out after 40 days have passed since birth, but for sick or weak babies the church makes an exception and allows them to be baptized at any time that is included in the child’s baptism kit.

christening at 4.5 years old. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visits kindergarten and relationships with teachers...

Crosses for baptism. Christening. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. What's included in the baptismal kit? Pectoral cross. Most often he chooses and buys it Contents We took with us: a baptism kit...

What to take to a christening? ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 1 to 3. Education Girls, tell me what to take with you to the christening, how to dress the child and who. Take with you a baptismal set, a towel, some water to drink, buy a cross and candles there...

To those who baptized the child. Christening. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development.

We baptized Vanka at 40 days old, and we also struggled with finding little shirts, and as a result, we found in a baby store what is included in the baby’s baptism kit. Therefore, christening sets for babies should be chosen that emphasize Avoid shirts with...

Christening. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year old: food and you can call there, and in general I always organize everything myself, christenings are also fate...

Child christening. Parental experience. A child from birth to one year. In general, infants began to be baptized only in the 3rd century AD; there is nothing in the Gospel about the baptism of newborns...

Baptism. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. A child from birth to one year. Baptism. Hello to all mothers and babies! I hope you will accept me and my Zhenechka into your warm...

Many manufacturers and companies, domestic and foreign, delight needlewomen today wide range embroidery kits. Depending on the type of embroidery and the complexity of its implementation, brands offer a variety of embroidery kits. It happens that the embroidery design is the same, but the embroidery kits are equipped differently - it depends on what type of embroidery the kit is intended for (full or printed cross stitch, or satin stitch, or ribbons, etc.). That is, depending on the embroidery technique, the set is also completed. In such cases, the needlewoman has a choice: to embroider the design she likes with a cross, or with beads, for example, or using mixed techniques.

In order to find and buy the one that suits you among the many sets, it is very important to know and take into account their differences. We will tell you about the most common types of embroidery and the configuration of embroidery kits in this article.

Counted Cross Stitch

Counted cross stitch kits usually include:

  • symbolic black and white or color scheme for embroidery
  • white or colored plain (sometimes tinted) canvas
  • instructions
  • paper organizer with strings
  • a needle or several needles
  • As a rule, a high-quality set contains, in addition to a needle with a blunt tip, an additional needle with a sharp tip, if the pattern provides for backstitch embroidery.

  • There may also be various decorations for decoration provided in the design (sequins, beads, ribbons, metallized thread, etc.).

Embroidery in such kits is done with cotton threads - floss - according to the pattern included in the kit. There must be a key to the diagram, which indicates how many threads the work is performed in, whether there are mixed colors (blends), what types of stitches are used.

Counted cross stitch is the most popular among embroiderers, and we will take a closer look at one of these sets - "Holiday Village" from the well-known manufacturer Dimensions.

The set is equipped with instructions, gray-blue Aida canvas, a color symbol scheme, branded cotton threads on a paper organizer, two needles - with a blunt tip for basic embroidery and a sharp tip for backstitch embroidery, a bag of sequins for finishing. On the cover of the set there is a photo of the finished work.

And as an example, one more set, but much simpler both in design and configuration: "Pink tandem" from "Rainbow Thread". Here the kit includes instructions, a color symbol chart, white canvas, floss, and a needle.

No Count Cross Stitch

Kits for embroidery using the Uncounted Cross technique include a canvas on which the outlines of the design are already printed in fragments. The embroiderer can only check with the diagram what color, how many threads and what type of stitch needs to be filled in this or that fragment of the design, embroidering it inside the given outline.

On such sets there is sometimes the word “Gallery”, which means that the fabric in the set is printed with a full-color background pattern.

Stamped Cross Stitch

For printed cross stitch, the entire design in the form of crosses or squares is printed on the base fabric with a uniform weave, each cross is marked with the required color and designated as “x”.

All the needlewoman needs to do is embroider crosses on top of the printed template.

Printed Fabric or Preprinted fabric

In sets labeled Printed Fabric, the fabric is also printed with a full-color pattern, but only the main plot is embroidered here, and the background remains factory-colored and unsewn, shading and complementing the finished embroidery.

In some designs, parts of the human body are not embroidered.

In addition to fabric, the kits contain floss threads with a needle and a diagram indicating all types of stitches provided for in the work.

Needlepoint/Tapestry stitch

Such kits include a hard canvas (usually stramine), on which a full-color embroidery pattern is applied, wool, cotton or viscose threads, as well as a needle.

If the design is large and complex in execution, then the set must be supplemented with a detailed diagram.

Longstitch / Long stitch

Kits for embroidery using the Long Stitch technique are equipped with a special rigid canvas on which a full-color design is applied, woolen embroidery threads and a corresponding needle.

The instruction diagram indicates the color and direction of embroidery stitches in design fragments.

Work embroidered using Longstitch technique

Embellished Cross Stitch / Partial Embroidery

Embellished Cross Stitch literally translates as “decoration with a cross,” but this embroidery technique usually contains, in addition to the cross, other types of stitches, as well as various accessories for finishing.

Such kits include embroidery fabric, the design has already been completely applied, but only individual sections are embroidered according to the pattern, also included in the kit.

Crewel / Surface

For satin stitch embroidery, the kits are equipped with a base fabric of uniform weave, the contours of the fragments for embroidery are printed on it, and the direction of the stitches is indicated in each fragment; The kit contains the necessary threads, a needle with a sharp tip and instructions. Threads for satin stitch embroidery are often woolen, and for satin fabric- silk.

In these sets you can also find the word Gallery, indicating the presence of fabric with a full-color background pattern.

Ribbon Embroidery / Ribbon embroidery

Another type of embroidery kit is for ribbon embroidery.

In such designs, embroidery can be done entirely with ribbons of various widths (usually 2-9 mm) and texture, or several can be combined different techniques embroidery: ribbons and cross stitches, ribbons and satin stitch, etc. The kits contain fabric, a pattern, ribbons for embroidery and threads, if the work involves several types of embroidery, needles for ribbons and floss.

We have introduced you to the most common types of embroidery today, but, without a doubt, the range of embroidery kits is much larger and more varied. You can also note the kits for embroidery on plastic canvas, with beads, on monocanvas, embroidery on Stramin, embroidery with diamond mosaic, in carpet techniques, etc.

Knowing how the sets differ depending on the type of embroidery, it will be much easier for you to make a choice. However, there are still some nuances that you should know.

  • When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the fact that all manufacturers indicate the composition of the kits on their packaging.
  • The sets are completed everyone necessary materials provided in the work, and sometimes the kit even includes a disk with basic embroidery techniques and explanations for the kit.
  • You should estimate the size of the work and the level of difficulty of completion (this information is usually placed on the cover of the set and its description).
  • If possible, before purchasing a set, carefully consider its contents and only then decide whether it is suitable for you.
  • Someone, for example, does not like to embroider with woolen threads, so even a design you like will not brighten up the process of working with these threads. And for some it is difficult to embroider in black and white, in which case look for sets with a color scheme.

  • There are other useful ones in the video we found for you. practical advice, which will help you choose the right embroidery kit.

The article was prepared based on material from the magazine “Friday”


In 2010, the global beauty industry learned about the existence of the first gel polish.
at his official presentation, which turned ideas about high-quality and practical manicure upside down. It was an American CND manufacturer with a Shellac set. Since then
every year this brand gained momentum, becoming a household name for any gel polish. Now shellac is the prerogative of not only expensive beauty salons, but also lovers of home manicures.

Many manufacturing companies present a starter kit for their clients who want to master the gel coating technique at home. Both well-known organizations CND and Kodi, as well as lesser-known sellers who have yet to gain the client’s favor, are trying to win the hearts of customers.

These include:

  • Lamp for manicure (led or ultraviolet);
  • Base coat;
  • Finish coating;
  • 2 or 3 colored gel polishes;

Together, such a package will cost several times less than purchasing each component separately. For this reason, it is only gaining popularity every year. After all, the kit is inexpensive, but every beginner can handle it.

The video presents a set for beginners.

What's included in the basic shellac kit?

The basic package is wider than the starter package, but is also aimed at beginners. In this kit you can find a wider range of tools for performing gel coating at home. This determines a higher price, which ensures the full volume of required products.

The basic set for shellac with lamp includes:

  • LED or ultraviolet lamp;
  • 1-3 colored gel polishes (most often white and beige for french manicure+ red, sometimes they offer to choose at the discretion of the buyer);
  • Varnish base (base coat);
  • Liquid for fixing, also called top coat;
  • Liquid for removing the sticky layer;
  • Gel polish remover;
  • File 150/180 grid;
  • Lint-free wipes;
  • Disposable wooden sticks(orange).

The video presents a starter kit for gel polish - its short description.

How to choose a gel polish kit with a lamp - useful recommendations

Particular attention should be paid to the lamp that will be included in the set. Lamps are needed to ensure that all layers of varnish and other components dry thoroughly.

LED lamps dry faster, but they do not dry all types of materials well.

Ultraviolet ones are suitable for home use; they dry absolutely all types of materials, but for quite a long time.

Hybrid lamps are usually used by professional salons or professionals with extensive experience, as they combine all the positive qualities of Ice and UV lamps. Price starter kit for gel polish it can be significantly more expensive if the set includes a hybrid lamp.

When choosing a set, you also need to pay attention to the presence of a base, top, and a means for removing the sticky layer - since without these tools it will not be possible to create a gel polish manicure. It is advisable that the base and top are from the same company, then you will be sure that there will be no rejection of any of the products with a different component. Most manufacturers make products that can be combined with other brands, but at the initial stage we recommend not to take risks.

Check out the gel polish remover included in the kit. Choose something that is gentle for your nails, as it will determine how good or bad your nails feel after removing the gel polish.

It will be a plus if the kit contains a primer, as it affects the adhesion of the base to nail plate. Despite the importance of this product in the process of creating a gel polish manicure, a primer is not required in starter kits.

Very often, when purchasing a starter kit, you are offered to choose the colors of gel polish at your discretion. We recommend choosing colors first: red, white, beige. However, this is only our recommendation; you are free to choose any color that you like. The volume of the bottle varies. The most optimal volume is 7.3 ml. If the varnish you need is not in the set, you can always buy it in addition.

Prices for sets, what you need to pay attention to when purchasing

First of all, you should decide for what purpose you are purchasing the set.

If for the first attempts you apply gel polish yourself, then you should not chase the high price and power of the equipment. Enough and ultraviolet lamp power of nine watts and the total cost of the set is no more than three thousand rubles.

If the set is purchased for professional purposes, then it is worth taking a closer look at a higher quality product, backed by a higher price (from four thousand rubles onwards).

The price will also vary greatly on behalf of the manufacturer, because for professional gel varnish often has to pay a significant amount.

You should pay attention to the equipment, the characteristics of the lamp, the chemical composition of the gel polish (should not be too liquid or too thick), varnish brushes, additional tools, and quality guarantee.

Maybe it’s worth buying a lamp and products separately - tips

Most main advice on this issue, rely on your own experience. If you already have experience working with gel polishes and you know exactly what products, liquids and tools you need, then it makes sense to buy everything separately based on your own preferences. However, it is worth remembering that individually each component may cost more.

For newbies best choice There will be a starter or basic set, during the formation of which the manufacturing company has already taken care of all the necessary components. And what you need as the work progresses can be purchased as the need arises. This is how an ideal workplace will be formed using only the most popular tools.

How can you replace individual components of a shellac kit at home?

If you want to save money, then you can buy individual components at a lower price than the manufacturer of standard sets can provide:

  1. To keep your nails well-groomed, the sets include a special tool for sanding. However, you can use an ordinary soft file instead.
  2. The degreaser can be replaced with nail polish remover or regular alcohol.
  3. A professional LED lamp can be easily replaced with a UV one.
  4. Cuticle oil can be replaced with regular oil nourishing cream for hands.

However, under no circumstances should you replace the base coat, top coat, and shellac itself with regular analogues, otherwise the coating will not last the promised two or three weeks. It is also recommended to use natural lint-free wipes included in the kits.

Professional set for shellac in salons

This set actually contains everything you need to work in the salon. With such components, the risks of harming the nails and the procedure time are reduced, and the shellac itself is incredibly durable and of high quality.

Components of the sets:

  • High power hybrid lamp;
  • From ten types of gel polish;
  • Primer;
  • Base;
  • Sticky layer remover;
  • Gel polish remover;
  • Cuticle oil;
  • Remover;
  • Gel for nail extension;
  • Wooden sticks (orange);
  • Lint-free wipes;
  • Apparatus for manicure and pedicure with attachments;
  • Set of brushes for manicure;
  • Several files with different formations from 120 to 220 grid;
  • Manicure tools (scissors, pusher, clothespins for removing gel polish);

The video presents a professional set for gel polishes in salons.

This option is undoubtedly more convenient and reliable than all of the above. It is purchased by beauty salons, nail studios and professionals working at home.

Beginners do not need to choose such a set, since the minimum set is sufficient for the training stage, and when you reach the required level of experience, you can easily buy the missing components later.

To summarize, a set of shellac in any configuration can become an indispensable tool both in the professional activities of the master and for girls mastering this technique at home for personal use or part-time work.

Many anglers visit distant rivers and reservoirs for several days or weeks. There are no special problems if there are populated areas nearby. But when unreliable mobile communications are aggravated by the absence of people nearby, then the life and health of fishermen depends on their readiness to survive in extreme conditions.

Therefore, when going fishing in remote places for several days, you need to equip your duffel bag with a survival kit. In addition, you need a supply of food, warm clothing, bedding, dishes, personal hygiene items and various important small items.

What's included in your long-distance travel must-haves?

A survival kit occupies a special place on the list of must-have items when preparing for a long trip. The items included in it are designed to preserve the life and health of the traveler if difficulties arise.

The kit should be stored in a small airtight tin container. The inner surface of the container must be perfectly clean, empty cavities are filled with cotton wool, and for complete tightness, the joints are sealed with adhesive tape.

The kit must be periodically checked and updated, and must not be left open on the ground. This container should always be close to the owner.

Sample list of items for a survival kit

  1. Matches. Match heads must be dipped in molten paraffin to achieve a water-repellent effect. Separately, you should seal a small piece of grater with polyethylene for ignition.
  2. Candle. To save space, it is better to make the candle shape rectangular. In extreme situations, fat candles can be used in food or frying food on it.
  3. Flint or steel. The set should contain processed flint, as well as a chair made from a hacksaw blade.
  4. Needle and thread. It is advisable to have several needles, one or two of them should have a large eye. It is better to wrap each needle with a thread of appropriate thickness.
  5. Magnifying glass. Used for making fire in sunny weather.
  6. Fishing equipment. The set includes hooks (3-5 pcs.), fishing line (more than 3 m), lead weights (3 pcs.).
  7. Compass. It is preferable to have a liquid type device in which the arrowheads glow in the dark. It is imperative to check its functionality and the ease of rotation of the arrow.
  8. Silok. A device made of copper wire 60-90 cm long is suitable.
  9. Whistle or rattle to scare away wild animals.
  10. Fluorescent light source. May be needed to view the map and when fishing in the dark.
  11. Saw-string. The flexible hacksaw blade should be lubricated before placing it in the container. To use, you will need long wooden handles.
  12. First aid kit. Each type of medicine is placed together with a piece of cotton wool in airtight bags. A label should be included in the package indicating the expiration date and dosage.
    The list of fixed assets should include:
    • painkillers to relieve moderate pain;
    • stomach medications intended to eliminate diarrhea (diarrhea);
    • general antibiotics (the medicine should be enough for the course of treatment);
    • antihistamines, which eliminate allergic reactions and alleviate the human condition after insect bites;
    • pantocides - tablets that sterilize suspicious water;
    • potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate is used as an antiseptic, as well as in the treatment of fungal diseases;
    • antimalarial drugs are taken if there is a possibility of such a disease;
    • scalpel blades (2 pieces of different sizes);
    • adhesive plaster of different sizes with a waterproof effect;
    • surgical butterfly clamps are useful for tightening the edges of the wound;
    • In addition to its intended purpose, the condom can be used as a container for water.

Essential items are packed in a special bag

The kit includes the following items:

  1. Bag. It should be spacious and waterproof, the clasp should not unfasten itself, and a strong loop allows it to be worn on a belt.
  2. Bowler hat. Aluminum container for cooking.
  3. Fuel. Matches, hermetically sealed, and solid fuel tablets packed in an alcohol lamp will be an excellent fuse for a fire.
  4. Mini flashlight. The best option is a headlamp model with LEDs, equipped with new batteries, or a flashlight that charges by shaking.
  5. Tip set. Sugar, brewing tea.
  6. Food. Drinking water, chocolate, dehydrated meat, salt, tube of oil, etc.
  7. Survival bag. It is made of heat-insulating, lightweight, synthetic material measuring 2000x600 mm. Protects from moisture and retains heat.
  8. Knives. One of the most important items when traveling, fishing and hunting. The knife is responsible for setting up the camp, cutting up fish and game, and preparing food.
    • A pocket knife with a set of blades is needed if you can only take one option.
    • A folding knife must close securely and have a wooden handle and fastening. A sheath with a clasp and belt loop is required for storage.
    • The knife must be sharp and lubricated.
    • To sharpen the tool, you must have a whetstone made of quartz, granite or sandstone. Ideally, one side of the stone will be rough and the other smoother.

  • canned meat;
  • potato;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • various types of cereals;
  • dry soup kits;
  • dried fruits;
  • sugar;
  • salt and spices;
  • tea or coffee.

You can put in a thermal bag those products that will be consumed during the day. In hot weather, it is better to store food in a hole, which is dug in the most shady place. The pit is covered with plywood and turf.

Drinking water is taken in the maximum volume, fruit drinks and juices are drunk first.

For personal hygiene items, you need to take soap, toothbrush and pasta, towel (several pieces), shaving accessories (if desired), toilet paper, napkins, sponge for washing dishes.

Minor things you might need on a hike

Sufficient level of equipment required for long distance travel

Clothing and shoes are selected depending on the conditions of the area in which the trip will take place. It is imperative to find out about the nature of the weather at a given time of year, about night temperatures, and about the weather forecast for the coming days or weeks.

Basic requirements for clothing and footwear

  • appropriate size and comfort;
  • ease;
  • must allow the body to breathe;
  • provide protection from rain and cold, sun and heat;
  • new shoes must be worn in 2 weeks before the start of the expedition.

Approximate set of equipment

  1. Underwear— 2-3 sets.
  2. Thermal underwear— 1-2 sets.
  3. Knitted wool sweaters with collar- 2 pcs.
  4. Waterproof trousers- 1 PC.
  5. Jacket and raincoat— 1 pc.
  6. Insect-proof cap or hat- 1 PC.
  7. Knitted wool hat- 1 PC.
  8. Cotton socks- 2-3 pairs.
  9. Wool socks- 1-2 pairs.
  10. Light shoes (sneakers, sneakers, flip flops)- Two pairs.
  11. Waterproof boots- 1 pair.
  12. Warm boots or ankle boots- 1 pair.
  13. Polarized sunglasses- 1 PC.
  14. Polyethylene raincoat or overalls- 1 PC.
  15. Knitted gloves or mittens- 2 pcs.
  16. Backpack for folding things. The material of the backpack must be durable and waterproof. Be sure to have a strong and adjustable cord on the frame and a comfortable belt. Convenient side pockets with zippers will not be superfluous.

Depending on the time of year, some things from this list may not be taken.

Setting up the camp

To set up a camp on a hike you will need the following items:

  1. A tent that will accommodate all members of the expedition. It should be light, waterproof, quickly unfold and fold, have a mosquito net, a two-way zipper, preferably a “dressing room”.
  2. Sleeping bags for every traveler. In cold weather, down models will be required; in summer, sleeping bags made of synthetic “breathable” materials are suitable.
  3. Clothesline for drying clothes.
  4. Folding table and chairs.
  5. Camping gas cylinder capacity up to 5 liters with burner for quick cooking.
  6. Ax, saw for harvesting firewood and manufacturing wooden structures.
  7. Sapper shovel for setting up a fire pit and digging a hole.

Mosquitoes. To prevent insects from interfering with your vacation, you need to take with you products that repel blood-sucking insects. These are individual creams, sprays, gels, ointments. To combat mosquitoes and midges in a tent, plates and spirals are suitable, which emit special smoke during the smoldering process.

When fishing, it is useful for every angler to have a thermos. For example, if you pour boiled water into a thermos during dinner, then in the morning you can very quickly make coffee or tea and go for the morning bite.

What is included in ready-made kits and their prices

Exist different variants survival kits available on the market.

4485 rub.

"Just in case"

The universal “Every Occasion” set is perfect for novice travelers. It's classified as non-portable, but can be carried in a car or made into a compact backpacking kit. The cost of this emergency supply is 4485 rubles. The kit includes inexpensive but practical items from Russian aircraft.

  1. Soldier's duffel bag;
  2. Aluminum pot;
  3. Pocket saw;
  4. Dry fuel;
  5. Hunting matches;
  6. The heat source is autonomous;
  7. Hermetic cover;
  8. Fuel cartridge;
  9. Metal whistle;
  10. Fitter's knife;
  11. Polyamide cord, thickness 8 mm, length 10 m, breaking force 735 kg;
  12. “Eternal” flashlight, which is charged by shaking;
  13. Combined calfskin gloves;
  14. Raincoat-tent;
  15. Individual first aid kit;
  16. Rescue blanket;
  17. Sapper shovel;
  18. Individual diet;
  19. Box made of durable plywood.

1995 r.

"SOL Origin"

The American company Adventure Medical Kits offers a compact version of the multifunctional survival kit “SOL Origin”. Its price is 1995 rubles. The set includes the following items: Heliograph or signal shock-resistant mirror.

Survival kit "SOL Origin"

  • Ignition kit;
  • Steel folding knife;
  • Compass;
  • Steel wire for making snares;
  • Fishing set;
  • Sewing needles;
  • Flashlight;
  • Whistle;
  • Nylon cord 30 m long and breaking force 68 kg;
  • 62 survival instructions;
  • Compact plastic case measuring 9.8 x 6.9 x 3.8 cm and weighing 173 g.

3100 rub.

Ultimate Kit

The well-known manufacturer of goods for hunters and fishermen, Gerber, together with survival enthusiast Bear Grylls, has developed the “Ultimate Kit”. Its price is 3100 rubles.

The kit includes:

Ultimate Kit

  • Waterproof bag;
  • Miniature multi-tool;
  • Miniature flashlight;
  • Alarm Mirror;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Flint;
  • Thermal blanket;
  • Matches are waterproof;
  • Cotton swab for ignition;
  • Wire;
  • Threads;
  • Rope;
  • Fishing set;
  • Sewing kit;
  • Whistle with strap;
  • Nylon bag with sealed zipper;
  • Survival instructions.

1550 rub.

Bear Grylls Basic Kit

A compact basic set from the same company, “Bear Grylls Basic Kit,” costs 1,550 rubles.

It consists of the following items:

Bear Grylls Basic Kit

  • Matches are waterproof;
  • Flint;
  • Cotton swab for ignition;
  • Whistle;
  • Fishing line;
  • Survival Instructions;
  • Waterproof bag.

Let's sum it up

Fishing for a long time away from people is not only associated with various difficulties, but also with health risks. Only healthy people should go on a trip, so that they can return home rested and invigorated.

In unforeseen extreme situations, a survival kit will come to the rescue. Everyone can purchase or assemble on their own the minimum that will help the expedition members overcome the problems that have arisen.

A small amount of money spent on a survival kit will help minimize the risk to life and health for all outdoor enthusiasts.