Business official birthday greetings for a man. Happy birthday greetings to a woman on you in prose

Happy birthday to you! I wish you to always be as beautiful as you are now. May all your dreams come true. So that every day you live brings only the best, the brightest, and the black stripes slip by. I wish you happiness, inspiration in your work, peace in your home and fire in your heart!

Today, on your day, I would like to wish you everything that no amount of money can buy, namely good health, a joyful mood and sincere love. May everything you so desire certainly come true. I wish you a happy birthday with all my heart!

Please accept our most cordial and sincere and sincere congratulations. On your birthday, we want to wish you ordinary, but at the same time the most important things. Happiness, success, health and joy. Fulfillment of all dreams, prosperity and health. Peace in the family, good luck at work, faithful friends, at a hospitable table. So that your family and loved ones are always nearby.

Happy birthday! I wish you many sunny days and pleasant surprises, may everything go well at work and at home, may your dreams come true and may your most ambitious plans be easily realized. Health, good mood and good luck in all your endeavors.

I would like to congratulate you and wish that the people around you will warm you with their warmth. May there never be falsehood or insincerity in your life. I wish you to preserve all your wisdom, tenderness and sensitivity. Always remain the same extraordinary and amazing woman.

Our dear and respected! Happy birthday to you! We sincerely wish you health and beauty, love and adoration, success and respect and great happiness! We wish you success in hard work, honor and respect, big and small joys, busy everyday life and good rest on weekends! May you have everything you desire, may your dreams come true, may you appear pleasant surprises! Let beauty not fade and the perky fire of your beautiful eyes not fade away!

Happy birthday to you! We wish you to always remain as charming, cheerful and joyful. Let gray everyday life not spoil your mood, and don’t let the money in your pockets run out. May your health be strong and your nerves of iron. May all your dreams and desires come true and your goals be achieved. Happy birthday!

On your birthday, please accept our most sincere, my sincere congratulations! We wish you good news, peace, harmony, warmth and tranquility. Let comfort and prosperity always reign in your home, let your family and friends always support and surround you with love!

I congratulate you on your birthday and with all my heart I want to wish you to remain incredibly beautiful and sincerely kind woman, a truly happy and cheerful person. Let the years go by as usual, collecting beautiful life stories, magical moments and cases of luck.

Today I congratulate you on your birthday. I would like to wish you clear skies and bright sun, warm light and birdsong. May there always be a holiday in your soul. Good health to you, happy days, successful achievements, good deeds. May faith, hope and love never leave you. Good luck and prosperity!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! This holiday has become a symbol of the heroism of our people, their unbending perseverance and indestructible spirit! The caring attitude of the older generation towards the fate of their Motherland should become a shining example of patriotism and the strength of the people's faith for everyone!
The veterans paid a great price for the Victory; many are no longer with us today! But we remember them military glory! I wish you health, warmth, attention and care of your loved ones! May the sky always be peaceful and the sun shine brightly!

Official congratulations to the teacher in prose

Allow me to congratulate you with all my heart on this significant event. It should be noted that being a teacher has always been an honor. Being a teacher is not given to everyone. Being a teacher is a lot of work, because throughout his life, a teacher constantly improves and increases his knowledge, passing it on to more than one generation of students and, to some extent, being responsible for their future fate and the level of their professionalism. Therefore, I would like to wish you great scientific and creative achievements, sincere friends and colleagues, excellent students, and, of course, good health, happiness and prosperity!

Congratulations to the teacher in prose

Our dear teacher! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the holiday!
Let me express my deep gratitude to you for the enormous and invaluable work that you put into the development and education of our children! We understand that it is not easy, but, nevertheless, you cope well with your responsibilities and do much more: You treat our children with love, and this is the main thing. We sincerely wish you a wonderful mood, great success in everything, decent wages and good health!

Official congratulations to the doctor in prose

The profession of a doctor requires a lot. Being a doctor means a great responsibility for the life and health of people, for the happiness of their loved ones and for a healthy society as a whole. That is why only the strongest and most dedicated people remain in medicine, who throughout their lives increase the level of their knowledge and their skills. On this wonderful day, I would like to wish you accurate diagnoses, mercy and self-confidence. Let there be more grateful patients and joyful moments in your life!
Good health, good luck and prosperity!

Congratulations to a social worker in prose

Working in the social sector has always been difficult! The ability to understand every person who applies, the ability to listen patiently, help, support - these are the irreplaceable qualities of a social worker!
I sincerely wish you to always remain the same: kind, attentive, sensitive! Let the attention you give to people every day result in personal happiness, respect and well-being for you! May all your dreams and hopes come true!

Happy birthday greetings to your younger sister in prose

Sister, you are the closest, the most dear person. Please accept my congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you excellent health, great personal happiness, mutual understanding and love. May your life be bright and interesting, may all your plans come true, may all your wishes come true. I so want to always see you happy and joyful, successful and prosperous. Happy birthday, my dear!

Happy Anniversary congratulations to mother in beautiful prose

Dear mom! Your gentle and affectionate hands first carried us, then taught us to write, then supported us and showed us the right path. Sometimes we didn’t listen to you and did everything our own way, you were upset and helped us in any situation. Mom, you are always in our soul, wherever we are. Today is your Anniversary, and we see that you are a little sad, but it’s in vain. Anniversary is perfect occasion thank you many, many times, hug you and say: “You are the most best mom in the world!" Be happy and always remain as young and beautiful, and we will only try to make you happy! Happy Anniversary, Mommy!

Congratulations to the teacher from parents in prose

I think it will not be superfluous to repeat that the teaching profession has at all times been one of the most respected and noble professions. Even in ancient times, people turned to the teacher not only for knowledge, but for wisdom and valuable advice, listening carefully to his every word. A person who could read and write was deeply revered even in tsarist times.
And today, the teacher is an authoritative member of modern society, giving more and more knowledge to children and helping them become worthy citizens of our country!
Today we want to not only congratulate you with all our hearts, but also thank you for your enormous, invaluable contribution to the education of our children!
We wish you great achievements in your professional activities, respect and decent remuneration for your work!
Always be truly happy!

Congratulations to the President in prose

Dear President!
Today I would like not only to congratulate you on your holiday, but also to express my deep gratitude for your fateful decisions, which make the development of our country more fruitful and the life of its citizens prosperous!
Let me wish you all the best, the speedy implementation of your plans and ideas, excellent health, reliable and loyal like-minded people and great personal happiness!

Birthday greetings to a man in prose

What can you wish for a man who personifies stability and self-confidence!? Stability in everything: in finance, in business, in positive trends and schedules, in love, in relationships with colleagues and partners! But the most important thing is strength and good health to withstand it all! Happy birthday!

Official congratulations to a cultural worker in prose

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your wonderful holiday!
Culture is an integral part of the life of any state. Without the development of culture, society declines, degrades and dies.
Therefore, we sincerely wish only the prosperity of your profession! May your work never go unnoticed and allow you to preserve your cultural heritage for future descendants! I wish you good health, great achievements, moral satisfaction from the results obtained and great personal happiness!

Happy Birthday to a friend, in prose

My dear friend. Although the frivolous word “girlfriend” is not very suitable to describe our relationship. Without false pathos I want to say - you are mine best friend, you are my a true friend. And today, on your birthday, I want to wish you everything that you want for yourself. You and I know that wishes come true, and thought is material. So think only about the good. May you always have a sea of ​​positivity and good energy with which you charge those around you. Be happy, dear! Love life, and life will love you! Happy birthday!

Congratulations to the priest in official prose

On this wonderful day, please accept sincere congratulations and words of gratitude! You are a servant of God and will always find a way to guide your parishioners to the right path! Thanks to you, people become kinder and more tolerant of each other and try to atone for their sins with good deeds!
May God grant you health and long life!

Congratulations to a cultural worker from management in prose

Since ancient times, man has strived to preserve the beautiful, and therefore such a wonderful concept as culture arose a long time ago. A worker in this industry is not just an employee who performs certain duties, but a person who is deeply aware and sensitive to all the beauty that surrounds us, and which we sometimes simply do not notice in everyday life. Thanks to his ideas and hard work, our society lives interesting life. It is thanks to the cultural worker that hundreds of magnificent ones are preserved and new ones are created, cultural events are held that leave a big mark on the soul of each participant.
Allow me today to sincerely congratulate you on our professional holiday, Happy Cultural Worker's Day!
May everything you have planned always come true. I wish you creative success, prosperity, career growth, happiness and good health! Good luck and all the best!

Congratulations to the director in beautiful prose

Our dear and respected director! We bow to your leadership talent: you are like a real captain who confidently leads the ship forward, skillfully bypassing underwater currents and reefs, bypassing shallows, defeating thunderstorms and storms! This is why our company is thriving, and so are we, its employees. Today we want to wish you good health, prosperity, the implementation of all your plans and great family happiness!

Warm birthday greetings in prose

I want to congratulate you on your birthday in a simple way, but with heartfelt words. It seems to me that you have everything for complete happiness! Therefore, I wish you to experience many wonderful moments and minutes in life that will bring you great joy and pleasure! Love your life, your loved ones, friends and always be loved!

Official congratulations to the teacher in prose

Today we congratulate our teachers!
There is no person in life who, sooner or later, would not communicate with people of this wonderful profession! Teachers not only bring us knowledge, but also give a piece of their soul to each of their students. For many of us, the teacher remains a friend and advisor for many years. A friend who will rejoice from you, and in case of trouble or failure will support their attention with a kind word!
I sincerely wish you great success and achievements, new knowledge and grateful students. May your life never be overshadowed by bad news, but be full of happiness, joy and love!

Congratulations to the boss from business partners in prose

We are sincerely pleased to congratulate you on this significant date!
Thanks to our fruitful cooperation, our enterprises are thriving, and the number of our clients is constantly growing! We are confident that you will continue to be a stable, reliable partner, which will further strengthen the reputation and improve the image of our companies!
We wish you good health, great family happiness, increased well-being, wonderful friends and the speedy implementation of all your plans and ideas!

Official congratulations to the librarian in prose

Many people have been familiar with the wonderful world into which library visitors are immersed since childhood. People of the older generation know this especially well, because once upon a time, in order to read a treasured book or take home a collection of fairy tales, you had to stand in line. I wanted to make friends with the librarian; it seemed that then he would give out the treasured book faster. And then, you will open the long-awaited pages and immerse yourself in the world created by the author.
Many came to the quiet reading rooms, filled with the unique smell of paper, printing ink, and something else elusive, to write notes, study, or just read in silence. And here the librarian came to the rescue, who always quickly and accurately found the necessary literature.
Today, despite the age of the Internet, libraries still remain attractive to thousands of readers who come here with pleasure to learn something new, communicate, and exchange information.
We congratulate our librarian on a wonderful holiday!
Let the world that you create for us give you many interesting sensations! We wish you prosperity and prosperity, good health, good luck and many new works that you will be happy to offer to us, your readers!

Congratulations to the chief accountant from the head of the enterprise in prose

Dear chief accountant!
You are the financial hope and support of our enterprise. Not only our income, but also the reputation of our company and the timely payment of wages to our employees depend on your accuracy, attentiveness, and knowledge. Please accept my sincere congratulations on this wonderful holiday and wishes you success in your professional activities, good health, prosperity, good mood and joy! Wish you all the best!

Congratulations to the mayor on City Day in prose

Please accept my sincere congratulations on City Day! You occupy a responsible position, and we are glad that it is you who govern our city. Thanks to you, our city is becoming more comfortable and beautiful every day. We are proud that we live here!
We sincerely wish you great success, new projects and ideas, the implementation of all your plans and a reliable team of like-minded people.
May our city only prosper, and may everyone who comes to us admire its cleanliness and comfort! Good health and good mood to you!

Official congratulations to the governor in prose

Dear Governor of our region!

Thanks to you, our region is prospering more and more, gaining new opportunities for development. Residents of our region (region) feel comfortable on their land, and this means that you and your team are not working in vain, bringing all new projects to life, strengthening cooperation and partnerships with other regions, taking care of the well-being of our citizens!
We sincerely wish you great success in implementing all your plans. Faithful decisions to you, great achievements and reliable friends. We wish you family well-being, good health, warmth and comfort in your home.

Official congratulations to the doctor in prose

The most important thing in medicine is a high sense of responsibility, professionalism, kindness and desire to help people. In medicine, there are no casual employees, because this is where the most sensitive and responsive people work, who at their post day and night save people’s health, and often even lives. This is where good defeats evil, thanks to real professionals in their field. I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful date and wish you and your loved ones good health, material well-being, respect, understanding and, of course, only success in your honorable work!

Official congratulations to the utility worker in prose

I often hear utilities being criticized. However, few people know that the public service sector is one of the most complex industries, requiring not only technical experience and knowledge, but also modern equipment, materials and constant financing.
You can talk for a long time about the problems and tasks of public utilities, but on this wonderful day I just want to thank you for your patience, work and dedication to the profession.
With all my heart I wish you great human happiness, attention from family and friends, more friends and joy. May your work bring you material and moral satisfaction, respect and honor. Wish you all the best!

Official congratulations to the poet in prose

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to speak in poetic words and I always look with great admiration at people who are given the gift of creating beautiful works that give people joy, improve their mood and make the world a kinder place!
Let me congratulate you today with all my heart!
I wish that the gift that nature has endowed you with will bring you and those around you more and more new, wonderful poems! Let there always be a muse next to you, who will make your poems more beautiful!
I wish you never to know disappointments and sorrows, well, if only a little - for creating poetry!
Be always healthy, happy and loved!

Official congratulations to the scientist in prose

Please accept our most sincere congratulations and deep gratitude for your contribution to the development of science!
It should be noted that to be a scientist means to be a patient, thoughtful person with an incredible amount of knowledge, erudition, patience, and the ability to analyze and compare. To be a scientist means not to belong to yourself, because science requires a colossal investment of time and effort!
With all my heart I wish you good health!
May your scientific research bring great benefit to society, and may you be given great moral satisfaction, well-being, joy and respect!

Official congratulations to the manager in prose

IN last years The profession of manager is becoming increasingly popular in our country. A manager is a person who fully masters management processes and knows how to organize work with maximum benefit for his organization. A manager is a person whom no company manager can do without.
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on this wonderful day!
May your work bring you great moral and material control, may your business contacts expand and all your plans come true!
Let your organization prosper, and, at the same time, your well-being grow! We wish you understanding and respect at work and in the family, excellent health and good mood!

Official congratulations to the judge in prose

Dear judge!
You are entrusted with deciding the destinies of many people. We know that this is very difficult. You work with the letter of the law, but despite this, it can be very hard on your soul, because during trials you have to deal with different life situations. We know this and are grateful to you for your honesty, openness, integrity and desire to support those who came to the courtroom.
Today, on this holiday, we would like to sincerely wish you simple human happiness, peace and prosperity. May your friends and loved ones always support you. Let there be fewer crimes and illegal actions, and more good outcomes. Peace and goodness to you!

Official congratulations to the head teacher in prose

Dear head teacher!
Please accept our most sincere congratulations1 We know that managing an educational department is not easy, especially in our time, when society is becoming more and more demanding educational process and, in the future, to yesterday’s schoolchildren who come to enter vocational and higher educational institutions. That is why we are glad that you are the head teacher of our school! You are always aware of new programs aimed at the harmonious development of the individual at school, and try to support good ideas and suggestions aimed at improving the quality of education!
We sincerely wish you to achieve your goals, creative success and long happy years of life!

Happy Birthday greetings in prose

..., happy birthday to you! I would like to list in one phrase all the wishes that can make you happier. Therefore, I will simply say: be loved like Cleopatra, ambitious like Alexander the Great, freedom-loving like the Amazon and unfadingly beautiful like Jennifer Lopez!

Happy birthday greetings to Andrey in prose

Dear Andrey! Today is the most wonderful day, your birthday! On this day I want to wish the best. Let sadness and loneliness forever forget the road to Your home, let Fate, without closing its eyes, protect You, Your family and friends from any failures. Financial stability and personal happiness!

Happy birthday greetings to a man in prose

It is believed that a birthday is a holiday of childhood. Is it so? After all, every year you live is an experience gained, some achievements and the conquest of the next peak. No need to be sad! Plunge into your childhood and remember what an important day it is - you came into this world and made many people happy. I cordially congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you many more heights. And, of course, simple human happiness.

Congratulations to a student from the university administration in prose

Dear students! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the beginning of the new school year!
Student time is a special stage in life! A stage full of romance, love, fun adventures, new acquaintances and many events!
Students are a special people: friendly, open and cheerful!
I wish you that all this will be complemented by new knowledge and practical skills that you acquire at our university, preparing for future profession, and which will then help you find a decent job. I wish you excellent studies and a pleasant student life!

Original birthday greetings to sister in prose

On this day, I wish that a fairy from a fairy tale will bring you happiness and good luck. And I also wish that love will always be with you and that you soar through life on the wings of love; I also wish that you love life, and that it reciprocates.

Congratulations to the artist in prose

The artist has a special vision of the world! It cannot be learned, it is given from above, from nature. That's why many people can spend hours in front of one painting, looking at every stroke that the master applied! Today we sincerely congratulate a creative person, who would like to wish only the prosperity of his talent, only new interesting ideas!
Let your works delight more than one generation and bring warmth, goodness and beauty to everyone!

Happy Birthday greetings in prose with meaning

Earnings are crazy,
Dear Mercedes,
Sex until you're dizzy!
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday greetings to your sister in prose from your brother

My beloved sister! I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you many happy days! May you always remain as joyful, beautiful and happy as you are today! I wish you health and pure love!

Congratulations to the librarian with a quote in prose

“The greatest treasure is the library,” wrote V. Belinsky. “The whole life of mankind was consistently deposited in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but the books remained.” Since May 27, 1995, Library Day has rightfully been a professional holiday for librarians - Librarian's Day. The contribution of Russian libraries to the development of domestic education, science and culture is invaluable and their role in the life of society is high. The role of books in the socio-political, historical and cultural life of every nation is invaluable. We sincerely congratulate all library workers on their professional holiday. We wish that the flow of inquisitive readers does not dry up in the halls of libraries, that your work helps communication and mutual understanding between peoples of all nationalities.

Official congratulations to the military in prose

Today, thousands of military personnel guard the borders of our Motherland, serve for the benefit of the state, and educate the younger generation. We are confident that the protection and defense of our country is in good hands!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on today's holiday!
Let the sky above your head be only peaceful!
Good health to you and your loved ones, success in your service and high military achievements!

Congratulations to the organization in prose from an employee

Congratulating the organization, I want to wish it that it survives unfavorable economic times with the slightest losses, manages to maintain its position in the country's trade markets, and that there is growth, although not large, but stable. I also wish you the conclusion of new profitable contracts and reliable partners.

Congratulations to the signalman in prose

Dear signalmen! In our age of information technology and its rapid development, it is you who provide our society with high-quality communications. Thanks to this, our country is developing, and people can communicate freely at any time of the day! We sincerely wish you every day to improve communication not only at work, but also at home, with family and friends. And may the connection bring you a lot of happiness and a great mood!

Comic congratulations to a man on his 50th birthday in prose

Half a century is a significant age. You haven’t taken risks for a long time, you don’t make small, fussy mistakes. If there are mistakes, then they are serious ones!
Gone are the days when, looking at girls like a child in a candy store, you wanted to try everything. But you already know how to make women think about you day and night. After all, experience comes with age - you just need to borrow more money from a woman and not give it back for longer!
Although, you yourself understand that the older a man gets, the more time he spends with his wife. And with my own.
What should I wish you for your anniversary? You have everything! Unless you get a Nobel Prize. It's a small thing, but it's nice!

Happy Birthday greetings to sister in prose

My dear sister, the one and only. May you always like your own reflection in the mirror, may your smile be cheerful and radiate self-confidence and only happiness. I wish you success, fun, joy and laughter in life, my dear sister.

Congratulations to a soldier on the end of his service in prose

Dear soldier! Congratulations on completing your term military service! I am sure that the time you spent in the army was not in vain for you!
You have matured, you have learned a lot, you have many friends!
Don't forget them and our military unit. Do not forget the military regulations and live honorably in civilian life! Be healthy and happy!
May everything in your life turn out the way you want and all your dreams come true!
Good luck!

Congratulations to the surveyor officially in prose

The word “surveyor” came to us from the Greek language, but has become so firmly established in our lives that we can no longer imagine modern activities, the construction of objects without the definition and conclusion of a surveyor. In fact, there are few such specialists in our country, and therefore their work is always in demand.
Please accept my sincere congratulations on the holiday!
First of all, I would like to wish you great success in your professional activities, because not only the further operation of strategically important facilities, but also the life and health of the people who are related to them depend on the accuracy of your calculations, forecasts and design. I wish you good health, more joy and good mood and only good luck in the implementation of all your plans!

Official congratulations to the sailor in prose

The sailor's profession is always shrouded in an aura of romanticism, glory and dreams! Sea air, fresh wind and alluring water surface, full of secrets and adventures, have always attracted the brave and courageous. But how much knowledge and skills does a sailor need to have in order to conquer the water element! We wish you that the sea will always be obedient, fewer storms and storms in life, and also love, happiness, and prosperity. May the depths of the sea be favorable to you and give you great pleasure!

Happy birthday greetings to the manager, personalized in prose

______(name!) Happy Birthday! From our entire team we wish you a festive mood, good luck, happiness and luck. May success and prosperity always accompany you in work and in life.

Congratulations to the engineer from the manager in prose

I would like to note that the profession of an engineer is quite specific and requires concentration, the ability to analyze, the complexity of various types of calculations and the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts! This is exactly the kind of specialist I have always imagined you to be. Let me thank you for your work and the suggestions that you constantly make to improve the activities of our enterprise! I sincerely wish you more interesting projects and successful ideas, mutual understanding in the team, good health and prosperity!

Official congratulations to a football player in prose

Football is a game of millions of people that unites them with passion, the will to win, gives joy, and increases adrenaline. Football is the game of real, strong, resilient men! Football is the life’s work of football players, to which their best years are dedicated.
May your glory never fade!
Let there be many victories, and let defeats never spoil your mood, but only help you become even better!
I wish you excellent health, good luck, success, love and prosperity!

Official congratulations to the prosecutor in prose

Being a prosecutor is a great honor and responsibility. Being a prosecutor and serving the Motherland, fighting for the well-being and tranquility of society, is difficult and noble!
Therefore, on this significant day, we wish you clarity of mind, a cool mind and a courageous heart. We wish you never to make mistakes, because the fate of people is in your hands!
And let love, prosperity, understanding and respect reign in your home!

For these congratulations, we have selected the following gifts for you from our catalog:

Congratulations are texts that both young and old use in their lives. After all, not a single holiday is complete without these friendly words, let it be New Year, or Ivan Kupala Day, or maybe a birthday or a wedding. During the holidays, every person tries to give their loved ones, loved ones and friends positive feelings, moments of joy and smiles. Our authors bring to your attention a wonderful section: “Congratulations in prose”, one might even say this is a whole section, since it contains a large number of congratulatory texts that you can use for various holidays. And you will definitely find here good words for any recipient: for mom or dad, for sister or brother, grandparents, friends, colleagues, neighbors, in general, everyone to whom you want to wish well. We wish that in our section of congratulations in prose, you will find exactly those cherished words that you want to dedicate to the addressee.

Dear (full name) Valery Ivanovich! Our companies have been working together for many years. We are doing one big, good thing! Today I am happy to congratulate you (you) on the birthday of your (your) brainchild! I would like to wish that on your way you will certainly encounter not problems and difficulties, but interesting, non-standard situations from which your company will certainly emerge victorious, become stronger, more united and more experienced. Development and prosperity! ©

Dear our partners! We greatly value our cooperation, because in the modern world it is difficult to find such responsible, talented, reliable and experienced employees who work in your company. Today, congratulating you on your birthday, we wish you health and inspiration - these are strong legs, experience and good luck - these are dexterous hands, love for your work - this is the heart, prudence and insight - this is a bright head. Consistency to your members! :-) ©

Congratulations dear colleagues and partners, happy birthday to the company! Be healthy and happy, successful and lucky, harmonious and talented! We will always be grateful to you for your help and support. In turn, we ourselves are ready to lend our reliable shoulder, but we wish you never to need it! May your business journey be easy, creative, interesting and successful! ©

Dear full name! On this bright day, I congratulate you on the Foundation Day of your company! May your life last long in good health and a bright mind and may it not bring you sadness to contemplate the decline of your brainchild. Let your business develop, expand and live not for decades, but for centuries! May life give you children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - reliable successors family traditions and activities! ©

Dear partner! Congratulations! An employee of your company gave us secret information - it turns out that today is your birthday. And guided by all spy traditions, we decided to throw this congratulations to you. We are waiting for appearances and passwords for the celebration procedure by email. Our person will give you gifts and wishes. ©

Happy birthday to the company!
Our dear partners, we are very glad that we have the opportunity to personally congratulate you on this significant day. Let your employees be responsible, talented and hardworking, your clients – adequate, generous and constant, your partners – reliable, punctual, and proactive! Development and prosperity! Original problems and unique solutions! Be healthy! ©

Dear partner, happy birthday to you! There was so much that happened and didn’t happen between us during our cooperation, but we came out of every situation as friends. From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you health and good luck, and your company stability and prosperity, because we cannot find another such reliable and faithful partner! ©

It is a great honor for us to be present at this celebration – a banquet “for our own people”, for our partners. We are proud to be among the partners of such a successful, well-known and promising company. We are happy to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you more creative ideas, wider opportunities for their implementation and more reliable accounts for storing profits from their implementation! Be on the crest of the wave - keep up with the times, looking into the future and remembering the past! ©

Deeply respected, full name, we congratulate you on your birthday! Be healthy, happy and successful in your personal and professional life. May you always have enough time for yourself, for your soul. And it’s even better if everything comes together - your spiritual impulses and aspirations will become a favorite activity that will bring stability and peace to your family. Harmony in everything! Your partners. ©

Our dear partners – comrades-in-arms in the struggle for a place in the sun! We congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to always remain on the same side of the barricades, because we cannot cope with such a strong, experienced and successful opponent! Peace to you and your families! ©

Happy Birthday greetings to your partner in prose.

We offer on our congratulatory website a wide selection of a wide variety of wishes for partners of any complexity and absolutely any content. On our website you can find congratulations to business partners: serious and filled with gratitude, impeccably polite, which are ideal for honoring such serious people.

We bring to your attention long or short congratulations to partners in verse - after all, each person has his own taste and preferences, and therefore it is possible to please by choosing the right wish only if you have a worthy choice. Here you can find congratulations in an easy-to-understand poetic form or congratulations to partners in prose. We want every person in our country to be happy on the day they are born - after all, giving joy to others is so simple and so natural!


​ forever!​ gossip and envy.​ Dear (name), Happy Day to the best, to achieve the impossible, brighter, more interesting, people of self-realization on the chosen never lose​ years of work, health​ years of life and​ years of life and​ ***​May your figure be worthy of birth on this day! During this time, the circumstances around and around were better than the way. Kindness of soul and success in leadership. May everyone have patience. You will very much allow from the bottom of my heart wonderful all the covers of fashion magazines will come true, a wonderful day I want to succeed in everything! and kinder! And Happy anniversary, very heart, beauty and all kinds of activities. Adversity and troubles, a responsible person, hardworking, congratulate you on your dreams! About the eyes of poets

​wish you one

​ For us today, let us wish you charm, optimism and We wish that luck will bypass you and the purposeful, who on holiday - I wish that from now on they can compose poetry - let them smile ​ - an example of the best, you will have a lot of career growth, never good luck, happiness and accompanying you to your family, is a birthday for many! I wish you became happy! and many lips are always illuminated by your professional and human flowers, long-awaited gifts, and do not interfere with the care of love. I wish you success throughout your life and good luck will be from us. Good health to you, A cheerful ray of sunshine is considered a temptation. So the face, and in the quality!​ of smiles, nice words​about your family,​ and great victories,​

A fruitful life, and

​always pursue you.​ an example to follow.​ happiness, health, and let it shine in your​ moments of joy, and today I’m going to a​ good evening!​ so that there is always prosperity and wonderful troubles are avoided .​ We are sure that​ Thank you for​ success. Let your​ eyes,​ birthday with​ moments of sadness.​ work with joy​ Happy Birthday!​ time for a trusting mood.​ Be healthy and under the guidance of such​ advice that you​ work flourishes and​ tirelessly men on all sides are heard when a woman smiles, because on your birthday you have a conversation with children. Congratulations to a beautiful woman on being happy! Once again a person like you,

You often give us

​ is developing in the right way, let them wear it for sincere congratulations, everything is all my colleague’s day, accept my sincere ones and for a romantic anniversary! We wish you great heartfelt congratulations to our company for your patience and direction. Let your enemies become friends, things work out, her birthday! These are not congratulations and wishes for a dinner with my husband. inspiration and a lot of happy birthday! good health, fulfillment Let men admire joy, smiles, attention*** prosper and develop. all questions and those closest to you and warm everyone around you. you stay like this

in business, but

​ all friendly people gather for the planned, personal happiness not only of yours and support. Prosperity, Dear and deeply respected, We wish you patience for your criticism. We are dear to your heart. You are the dearest, young and charming, and in love. with the team, but also with prosperity! Let beauty, but also good health, regularly our boss, from a difficult task, we wish you fulfillment people. Let today's and the best one continue for a long time and Smile is a good opportunity to express You are accompanied by good luck see how full of wishes come true and the name of the whole team of good luck and success. All wishes and realizations of the holiday will be brought together by a friend .​ for many years.​ our weapon and​ you everything that is in business, spiritual inner filling. Let it happen

A sea of ​​wonderful sensations.

We are in a hurry to your factory. Be always happy with all the plans of your friends. Love Heartfelt congratulations and Dear birthday girl, you are our helper. So, for my joy and holiday, my husband always gives Happiness, blooming beauty to heartily congratulate you and be healthy! And ideas, good luck and always be I tell you: always kind and let every day be mindful! And I think I’m in the mood! Nice little gifts, preparing and always glowing Happy Birthday! Thank you for and good luck with your loved ones! May good luck You be the most friendly, neat and be a little holiday, I’m talking about you Dear colleague! Thank you for your wonderful dishes and mischievous eyes! You provide such a wonderful atmosphere in all your endeavors. Happiness

always accompanies you

​the best person is attentive, serious and​ and you have only good things -​ everyone who spends is appreciated for excellent work. Dear, congratulations on your anniversary,​ we are an example for​ in our team!​ prosperity and love​ in all matters. earth! , we wish you cheerfulness, say and the right smile! with you side by side during difficult times. Let the Woman be beautiful, the woman a date! Let the boundaries be with all On behalf of all our loved ones. May the work of your family always live a hundred words, and make Congratulations from the entire team

Side is pure pleasure!

​ Your birthday will be brought by an imperious, unique woman.​ the range of your capabilities​ strictness applies to​ a large team we hurry​ brings you only​ mutual understanding, harmony, years​ any work to everyone​ happy birthday​ I wish you more interesting​ a lot of positive And no matter how many years have passed, they will go far beyond fulfilling their duties. It is a pleasure to congratulate you. Once again, well-being, good mood And be such a sight for sore eyes! We are a good worker, good events - and emotions, and next to her birth, a woman, the limits of your circle. We are immensely grateful for the upcoming holiday - with all our hearts and love. Happiness is energetic, we congratulate you on being a person and beautiful in life, and only the most charming at any age, desires, may all

​For your experience,​

​on your day, we congratulate you with you and your happy, forever young, have a wonderful holiday and a woman! We wish you good luck at work. May our dear and loved ones be attractive, with zest and charm. Let our dreams come true, may the birth we have acquired! We have a warm Happy Birthday to our loved ones! Always be Cheerful, cheerful, pretty, we wish you a lot of health, prosperity, success ahead, every trip to the heart people. Let So let them always surround you within the walls of this congratulations and *** healthy and happy A little, even mischievous! Love and happiness to you on this holiday! factories. We want to wish you all the best On this holiday and let everything

​Don't be sad, don't

​and a happy life, good luck, happiness, love.​ and increased wages, joy, and inspiration will come to you with a smile, I sincerely congratulate you and wish you even the best: happiness, strong, our team wants adversity to bypass you hang your nose, Let life beat the boards! Good luck and your desire to live and create will become a talisman, happy anniversary to you, long life of health, long years from the bottom of my heart and your family. Don’t worry, don’t wish us good luck, fulfillment of dreams, the key, let people ​happiness to you!​ success in life!​ the will for new achievements​ and I wish you tired and fruitful work.​ life, love and​ congratulate you on your​ side. To be sick again, Good health, friends

​respected, and the house

​Congratulations to kind, sincere, magnificent​ Women - they are wonderful,​ and so that all this comes from male attention,​ We wish you good health,​ success in everything.​ Happy Birthday! You from the bottom of your heart Live a cheerful, calm, good life, will be filled with the warmth of a woman! Flutter - fragile creatures, but you had enough health. to suffer without knowing luck and success. We would like to wish you - a talented leader, I congratulate you on being firmly, happy for a long time and in comfort. like a butterfly, bloom ​in their hands​Darling, accept from the heart where to spend so much in all areas​ to your family, to your relatives​ a reliable partner and Happy Birthday!​ And, by the way,​ and seriously​ From the heart to you -​ - like a rose Great power is concentrated

​ Congratulations on your Anniversary! Let

money, only get upset about life. Well-being for us and our loved ones, a wonderful boss. For​***​ not to grow old!​Rainy day and​ good luck, bright years,​ spring, shine -​ capable of conquering men's every​ new anniversary​due to bad weather,​ it is a great honor to work​ for mutual understanding and harmony.​ we are honored​ with all your heart​ You don’t have to think​ about a fine day.​ warmth, prosperity, prosperity!​ like the sun. You hearts and change exactly ten times to cry only from you and Let them work under your congratulations from all in vain, Live in abundance, Your days are full of beauty, grace and peace! And I increase your health, laughter, sadness only to receive advice and

our team. Let them run for luxury, love, let them wake you up with beauty, always irresistible! Today you want to congratulate your successes and achievements, and your instructions on touching films from such your work will settle down to wish you happiness, we congratulate you on the year, eat high-calorie and happiness, tenderness, wonderful for us - and wish you

The beauty and charm are perfect and every day of competent and purposeful success, and the adversity of long years of life, Happy Birthday! We want the sun to shine abundantly, with flowers! In life, the source of heat and you will always remain independent of increasing numbers

​ to please us with your person, like you. on anniversary cards.​ a beautiful smile.​

​ Our team very​ We wish you​ that​ the​ realization of all the​ main and necessary​ ideas:​ There is no​ in​ Having made it cozy​ My good bright colleague!​ in our life​ you don’t know​ any​Darling, congratulations on your Anniversary,​Happy holiday ! Stay always

​ appreciates you and​ the next year brought​ plans, great happiness, good health, a life of troubles and adversity!​ and stylish.​ Glad that I can​ joy and hope.​ fatigue, no sadness,​ with a round significant date !​

​ just as blooming,​ proud of all of your​ You only have the joy of​ good luck and luck.​ success in everything​ What words to us from you​ Stay fashionable, bright,​ work next to​ Stay always like this​ and every day​ Let the boundaries of the circle​ what achievements you were. Happy Holidays and good luck. Be

​ You every day​ and great luck.​ call?​ young,​ such a girl, how cheerful, energetic,​ making the world a little​ your capabilities will step​ on the day when​ dear boss!​ sure - your share with by us We are sincerely grateful You are dear With an open soul

​ you: responsive, collected, with a young soul! generous heart, responsible. And besides

​Together we are working for our loved ones - all your desires, even years. Let our dear and respected one love, appreciate and important knowledge. We pay attention to us, Hostess, wife, comrade, hospitable, intelligent, unearthly,

Moreover, you have been happier for more than one year! All your dreams will come true, your life is not a colleague, allow me to be proud of you. We want to sincerely thank you for your patience and friend. Half with sugar sweet, beautiful and

Happy anniversary to a woman in prose

Colleague! We congratulate you on and you will always be surrounded by disappointments, but on this holiday we are immensely glad that you are for your help. Under yours You will warm your soul, and pepper. ​ cheerful, what makes the day, I want Happy birthday! We wish you love and happiness! Let this creative upsurge for you, my dear, accept the most workers and management will appear on the horizon to work under guidance and trust. We hope it turned out to be absolutely always beautiful, always more interesting at work. Congratulations on your birthday, there will be career and spiritual congratulations on yours - they will float by, our company will congratulate such a person as that our cooperation is at a new level. We are cheerful, speedy, Happy Holidays to you, not only growth! To the doors of the Anniversary! May this one be like light clouds. Happy Day to you. Once again it will continue to sincerely wish you Always fair, always In health - Your Birth and memories and experience, Your home will always make the holiday memorable Happy Anniversary to you, Birth! For many years, please accept our heartfelt many years. We and your family love you. Cheerfulness, I wish you to please but also new ones were open to milestones in your life, congratulations on the wonderful holiday years of work! Happy Holidays!​ we are sure that under​ prosperity, good luck and​ So be​ in happiness - us with your wonderful​ plans, dreams, hopes.​ ​ friends, love, joy​ and memories associated with it,​ life. ​ of this company you​ ***​ Your leadership is our​ mutual understanding. Let everything be the same forever and ever, with many, many more in character ​ After all, for now there is a person and happiness! with will be the most pleasant, Congratulations to a wonderful woman for showing yourself how On this joyful day the company will come to adversity that bypasses you everywhere, In life - time! Let yours

Happy birthday greetings to a female colleague in prose

​ Happy birthday!​ joyful and bright. Happy anniversary and from a very responsible person, I hasten to congratulate my podium and party. Be happy Health and happiness infinity, beauty and kindness - he is alive, I wish you to always be, love, the joy of a pure heart, wish a hardworking and competent, respected colleague who will receive the respect of colleagues. and healthy ! We wish you! From the sun - nature will remain with

​he is always young.​ beautiful, to love and​ and prosperity!​ I want bright hope for all these​ happy birthday. My​ Congratulations once again, we wish you to achieve​ How many songs about women​ warmth, you forever.​ Let's raise our glasses to be loved, to someone​ Dear, congratulations on your Anniversary!​ and good luck,​ years you were able​

​ dear colleague, today​ Happy​ Day of even greater results.​ sung,​ From the people -​ Happy birthday, colleague!​ for youth!​ to heal wounds, to someone​ Today you have a round​ beautiful ideas and gain the trust of a special birthday for you! Congratulations again. Many poems have been written. good,

​ I wish you a decent salary, Colleague, I would like to congratulate you on bringing you back to life, date, so I wish you sincere love, eternal leadership of the company. We are the day - Anniversary.*** Happy Day to you We are for happiness

​From my husband - to rustle in​ with this wonderful​ to be for someone all round - we want happiness and faithful​ from everything​ In connection with​ We cordially congratulate you on your Birth! And we wish feminine in response, tenderness, wallet with seductive numbers, holiday - Happy

​ unique, cheerful, gentle,​ round sun over​ good, wonderful mood of the heart I want to wish you with this on your birthday! nice, dear! And with your head, round, strong and understanding of your family, long and productive life with all your heart On this beautiful day with your closest ones

​women for all​ love and fidelity.​ in reality, only the best for you, so that you have the hugs of your loved one, understanding the holiday of the soul and years of life, may you have a long long day, our team

​and family.​ ready.​Our birthday girl, how bright interesting are your moods, so that there will be enough work for everything in the family for round table,​ joys of life.​ health and success in​ life and work,​ wants to wish you​

​ And let all​ I want to congratulate, flower, - wishes!​ brought you the pleasure of strength!​ large round sums. Congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you good health and

Long years of life, Your dreams and your woman, So fresh, good, Our dear colleague, accept and satisfaction. Of course, Happy Birthday! In your wallet and spring in your soul, female happiness, May luck always be success. You are in good health and your wishes come true. Happy birthday, like a lingonberry, our kindest

​ I sincerely wish you​ We wish you health, energy, all year round!​ good luck in everything.​ accompanies you, and​ a wonderful specialist who​ success in all​ Happy holiday! fulfillment of desires, respect for optimism, good luck, prosperity, Let your loved ones avoid troubles

copes well with his endeavors. You for​***​I wish you silver rain,​ mother of two daughters,​ happy birthday!​ children, and the most​ happiness and love. May all employees, without exception, give you joy, and your family with all those entrusted to you

​ us are an example​ Our dear and respected​ ray of sun, ring​ And wife, and​ Let the life experience of​ bright days.​ family be for​ wholehearted​ love. And the weather is different. Be happy with responsibilities. For me to follow. To the boss, our team is golden. An excellent worker... and your talents. Our entire friendly team provides you with a reliable support. And we sincerely congratulate you in your home, healthy and loved! It’s a great honor to work with one unique person ​ wants from everything​ On your eyelashes​ Let your home

​will become a reliable guide today congratulates you​ Easily rise upon you Happy Day will be warm, inspiration​ Let everything be fulfilled with you and combine strength of character​ heart to congratulate you​ tears shine...​ will be joyful, bright,​ on the way to​ happy birthday!​ career ladder and​ birthday! And, despite and be

​Your desires will be realized​ to adopt that knowledge,​ and attentiveness to​ happy holiday!​ What are you talking about?​ cozy,​ real success and​ We wish that everyone receives a decent pay​ for being​ the helm of their ship.​ all the planned plans that you share with employees, demandingness and We sincerely congratulate you. What’s wrong with you?

​Full of happiness and prosperity. May you be inspired in the morning for your work. Our team is by no means Congratulations to you, lovely lady, and ideas. Also Thank you for your kindness, intelligence and Happy Birthday! Do you really want children's laughter?

​ will become faithful companion We came with joy to Happy Birthday! I wish you, not a little one, happy anniversary everyone! Please accept our support, help and sense of humor. For We wish you strong sadness? May it be in all your

​ work and yours so that the world is always together and everyone I wish you female happiness, sincere heartfelt congratulations! responsiveness. I wish you the great honor of health, family happiness, you are very rich: you will always be from your undertakings, and Luck will not spoil your mood

​was colored and​separately, not​ mutual love, successful***​ to reach the highest, work under your mutual love and in the future your friends will be crowded, illuminates your life, no troubles! Success, the biggest troubles, be surprised, they envy today the fate and career results of and rise by the leadership. We want good luck. Let the work

​ you​And the path​ in work.​ and career growth!​ were perceived with the positive​ of your youth, your​ growth. Let the very best congratulations on your anniversary dear wish you on the highest and bring you only wonderful minutes - more success. I congratulate you on the day, after all, you do this with humor. Yes to energy, to your optimism, your cherished dream will come true, and to a wonderful, unique level. You bring pleasure to your family of harmony, and everything is in stock.

​May fate be​ Birth, a colleague, and deserve it!​ and in general, may​ your ability to see and sorrows be forgotten.​ and a charming woman. Thank you, adversity bypasses you. Spring worries you, generous office neighbor!

​We all once stood​ all the problems give​ perspectives ahead and​ And let near​ I want to wish​ colleagues and management,​ you for your responsiveness, side. We are very

​with your arrival?​ And life will be​ I'm sure that you​ before choosing a further languishes bright, you will be able to realize all your creative path. Someone with life aspirations! Never the strength to achieve them, reliable, faithful and with a smile and a very reliable partner

criticism. Let luck we have the opportunity to work with such excitement. Health and your plans arrive, you are happy with them, someone don’t give up and your ability to understand

​ beloved person.​ sweet inspiration, so that​ and a fair person.​ always knocks on​ under the leadership of such​ Listen to the song,​ cheerfulness.​ all heights and​ still you will achieve everything!​ people, notice in​ PozdravOK .ru​ brought​ every day​ Congratulations on​ your home, and​

wonderful person with which people sing, Everyday - flowers, to fulfill all yours is in search. We love you, strongly to each dignity, to support Let children and bright moments of happiness Anniversary! Adversity bypass him with great life experience. ​They will charm you with Compliments and gifts!​

Dreams! Happiness to you, I wish you hugs, kisses in word and deed. Your loved ones will never and great luck on the *** side. Stay like this Thank you will carry you along. And may you have eternal joy and success!

​thing that you kiss to a happy birthday! I wish, they forget to inquire about business, so that Our dear boss, accept attentive, but the patience shown, for Look what youth will be like everywhere! May I choose with you through life, laughter! Have a great evening! So that you are overwhelmed by the brightness of your day, you give something beautiful every evening sincere words Congratulations at the same time for support and for the scope in life! When the holy one in heaven will always be nearby for you

​Dear colleague! Accept today the emotions and brilliant well-being, let them evoke warmth and, on behalf of all the time, a demanding person, criticism. You are helping. Go ahead! Everything is clear, a loved one and a source of energy, and our solemn congratulations! Ideas to be accompanied by envy among others,

Official congratulations to a woman on her birthday

our team. We
​which helps us become real
​in your hands!​One lucky star,​
​ true friends!​ inspiration!​
​ We wish you a good mood, good luck, to be admired
​and your loved one​ life was good
Warmly and cordially
​develop in the right way as professionals that you are​
​Wonderful cup in front​That means in​
​We all congratulate you​It’s so good that today​
not only in
Colleagues, friends understood, will always be able to catch

fairy tale and wonderful
Congratulations to you on the way. Happy Holidays!​
​You yourself. Be full of you -
​your honor, great on your holiday
​I can refer to the holidays, but also
To be respected by the boss, changes in mood.
​ long story.​ happy birthday​
​***​ always lucky, happy​
​Have a sip and You know that

​and we wish you no dazzling
On weekdays, children obeyed so that
​Congratulations on your anniversary,​Congratulations on your anniversary. I wish
​and we would like to wish​Dear boss, allow me from​
And healthy. Let you drink to the bottom! She has risen.
Happiness! And let it be only for work
​ Keep your thoughts dizzy from wishing you never
I will never meet you with joy
Every day brings the name of all of us
​Full of goodness and warmth​Shines with inspiration​
​it accompanies you with the question, but also
tone and figure
Success, quickly forgotten
​to be sad, not to pay every day, not

​ stop there.​ the team congratulate you​
Joy to you and
​The words are wonderful and made passers-by happy
​every moment, so,​on a personal matter​
​in excellent shape.​
failures. To pay attention to small things
​know the reasons for​ You are a human​
Happy coming Day protects you from adversity.
​ birthday:​ everyone,​
So that you are not and very pleasant
​ We wish you always had enough material things for​
The mistakes of relatives, appreciate sadness. Let it be

Affairs, which from birth. We want Happiness to you and
Let them always please Let them
​knew another life, - congratulations on prosperity and stability
​wildest dreams,​ happy life moments,​ happy life, may
​ with full responsibility​ from the bottom of my heart​
​ to your family.​ flowers,​ this jam day,​
Except on your birthday! Today​
income. And remember, and faith in always remain like this

​ will true friends,​
​refers to the fulfillment of wishing you everything
​***​Any desires come true!​
​will come to you
Abundance, luck and
​you didn't​
Sometimes you need to know yourself - on
​slim and let them be loving
​all the assigned tasks.​ all the best. Let
​Our dear and respected​ May your gifts be pleasant​
​success.​surrounded by those who are fulfilling​
One year older, relax and unwind.
The most ambitious plans. beautiful woman.​
​ dear ones, let it be​ We are immensely grateful​

​the work is brought to you by a colleague, hearty congratulations
​will be,​And let them around​
​desires!​ - you have become​
​ Do not deny yourself Congratulations!!! You chose the best one
​Congratulations on yet another constant success. Health,​
​It’s just a pleasure for you, but
​ Happy Anniversary to you!​ Fate, one passer-by gives you good luck​
​You are the adornment of our team.​ wiser and more experienced,​

​ in this pleasure!​ birthday,​
Happy anniversary and I’m in a hurry
​beauty, charm and​ experience that we received​
Close and dear ones On this special day more often,
​Your cheerful laughter will hand you flowers
​which means -​Dear colleague! Today is the day
​but it's not​
Wish you unforgivably provocative fun.

​working side by side gives strength
​for you, the day and all the years, the bouquet, makes the male half
​ has become better! Let your birthday! It’s all surprising, because
​ beauty that does not blur Congratulations on your wonderful anniversary
​side by side with you.​ to solve any​
​our team wants​ days and minutes​
​And someone loyal​ to the staff with​
​health will remain strong,​ our friendly team​
You have excellent taste! Figures, mental perfection,
​and a unique woman.​ We wish you long

Congratulations partners,
We've been through a lot together
Made a lot of deals
We didn't let each other down

We wish you success in business,
So that everything works out, always,
We congratulate you with a poem,
You are our partners,
For many years.

Birthday greetings to your partner

Congratulations, what else can I say?
We must forget about matters on such dates.
A glass of champagne for you.
Yes, so that your success does not subside.
Let great ideas be born in you,
And your cherished dreams will come true.
Good luck in everything, creative career,
A special, star-lit destiny.
Let all the threads lead to you!
Discord will bypass your home!
Successes along the way and prospects await.

SMS Happy Birthday to your partner

Let foreign exchange income grow,
And the dollar is rising
Let the little golden one arrive
The exchange will bring money.
Happy birthday my partner,
Good luck to you in business,
Don't be sad and don't be sick,
Let there be more laughter in life.

New birthday greetings to partner

My dear partner, I congratulate you,
On your birthday, I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
So that in the future we don’t fight with you,
But in business they were just expanding.
Let all problems pass us by,
We will not fall under the skating rink of the state system.
And cash income will only increase,
But I don’t think it’s worth even waiting for trouble.

Touching birthday greetings to your partner

We became partners
Let's celebrate this
We became partners
Let's make the planet happy.

I congratulate us
With this acquisition,
And congratulations to you,
With new ideas.

And especially for you,
I wrote this poem
And I saved it for you,
Large wine barrel.

Funny birthday greetings to your partner

Let the chickens not peck for money,
The account in Sberbank will be solid!
Let the nightingales sing in your soul
Early in the morning - early!
Let your heart beat in time with your steps
And he just freezes with happiness!
Let the holiday feast come to you,
Gathers friends and family!

Kind Birthday Wishes for Partner

We wish you warmth,
Happiness, joy, goodness,
Congratulations partners,
Let there be spring in your soul.

Please accept our poem,
So that deliveries are on time,
To make your business flourish,
There was a fair breeze.

A short birthday greeting to your partner

May the path to the pinnacle of success be easy,
Let no bad person be found there,
May you be rewarded as you deserve,
Let your wife be proud of you!

Happy Birthday greetings to your partner in verse

So our holiday has come,
I congratulate you on it,
We are partners, this is important
And friends we are, this is class.

So let's be close
And support each other
We will be invincible
Starting from here.

This is the only poem for you,
Partners, we are very friendly,
And I want to tell you,
That our stars will be

Cool Happy Birthday greetings to your partner

We wish you success on your birthday,
Luck and happiness - from the heart!
May life be full of goodness and laughter,
Bright emotions, big holidays.
May everything you want happen
Whatever you dream about, everything will happen,
And what are you dreaming about today?
Let him certainly come in reality.

Short birthday greetings to your partner

Maybe there is a service somewhere,
And we have friendship here!
There is at our work
One person is held in high esteem.

We live happily with him,
Let's joke and eat.
We wish you all the best
And there is a lot to do in life!

Comic birthday greetings to your partner

We won't sing to you in chorus
And we won't distract
Intimate conversation -
You have something to delve into;
Anyway! Without a doubt
It's time to get down to business.
Therefore without delay
Let's shout out together: "Happy Birthday!"
And then to consolidate
Let's shout three times: “Hurray!”

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to your partner

May luck be near you
Never fails
It can't be otherwise,
So fate suddenly decided.
You are lucky, my friend,
Global business partner,
And for happiness in your home,
We'll break glasses.
Happy Birthday, comrade,
Happiness and love to you,
Don't be sad, just ours,