Ideas for autumn decoration of kindergarten and school. Ideas for decorating a hall for the autumn holiday Decorating a hall for the autumn holiday in dou

The most interesting part begins in kindergartens: the design of groups and the hall where the holiday will take place. Educators and parents, of course, want it to be beautiful, original and inexpensive. And garlands in similar decorations kindergarten always were, are and will be in first place.

For autumn garlands, choose interesting materials and combinations, as well as colors that correspond to autumn: yellow, orange, red, burgundy. So if you are planning to organize a children's autumn party very soon for the autumn holiday, or maybe you just want to, make any garland from our selection with your own hands. Better yet, involve your child in creativity. The result will please everyone.

DIY autumn garlands made of paper

The simplest, but at the same time the most versatile option to decorate a kindergarten for the autumn holiday, New Year or any other event. Even children can make such garlands with their own hands by cutting out leaves from multi-colored cardboard or colored paper.

They require perseverance and patience, but if the child likes it, you can easily make an original garland with your own hands from multi-colored paper autumn leaves.

Don’t forget about it, because if you change your approach and be smart, you’ll get modern and very stylish wall decor.

And, by the way, about the walls. They also require decorations. If you hang autumn ones vertically, you will get an excellent photo zone, where everyone can take a photo after the autumn holiday. Yes, and it’s just very beautiful!

Garlands for the autumn holiday made from leaves and other natural materials

Cones, berries, acorns and even vegetables can be excellent material for unusual garlands to decorate a festive hall with them. autumn theme, because sketches and stories about the gifts of autumn are always present in the holiday scenario for preschoolers. And, of course, dried leaves or leaves, which can be applied with paints, crayons or markers.

Elegant autumn garlands for kindergarten made of felt

Do you want to make autumn garlands for more than one year? Then choose felt as a material for your crafts. Such felt decorations for kindergarten will be stored for a long time and will serve more than one generation of kindergarteners.

DIY festive garlands on the theme “Autumn” made of thread, wool and fabric

If crafts are your forte, you know, and turning them into whimsical crafts and you never run out of yarn and fabric supplies, these festive fall garland options are for kindergarten just for you. And yes, such garlands can also be used repeatedly.

We hope that our options for autumn garlands, which you can make with your children with your own hands, will inspire you to create an original and elegant design for your kindergarten for the autumn holiday, and will give you the atmosphere of the most wonderful time of the year.

One of the most mysterious and unpredictable times of the year is autumn. So much has been written about it by famous poets and writers... But they are not the only ones who love and idolize this time.

All schools and preschools host various events dedicated to the golden time, the last glow of warmth and joy of summer.

Our script is for Autumn ball at school for high school students, but it is perfectly adaptable for holding events in the middle classes of a secondary school.
The script contains an interesting literary skit, competitions, games and amateur performances.

The children participating in the performance will be able to show their talents, discover and demonstrate their artistic abilities to their peers and teachers.

Ball decoration

Musical accompaniment of the holiday

1. Screensavers for competitions: children's laughter (club), Chuck Berry – Roll Over Beethoven, Paul Pritchard – Amazing Butterflies.

2. Music dance screensaver: Interface – Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

3. Recording of "Viennese Waltz".

It is necessary to prepare several dance numbers in advance. The very first – the opening of the Autumn Ball – is a composition from the “Viennese Waltz”, which turns into Interface – Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

Prepare several amateur performances. These could be songs about autumn, magic tricks, sports numbers, acrobatic sketches, and so on. The guys must think up a mini-concert for the “Autumn Ball” themselves.

For Queens And King of Autumn Signed ribbons and crowns will be needed.

Props and scenery

The autumn ball is traditionally held either in the school assembly hall or in the sports hall. The room must be decorated in the colors and motifs of the autumn theme.

Garlands of flowers and colorful leaves are hung along the walls and backdrop of the stage. In a swirl of yellow maple leaves there is a poster “Autumn mood!”

On the sides there are candelabra, the legs of which are also entwined with multi-colored garlands of flowers, interspersed with bunches of rowan berries.


1. Presenter. The girl is wearing a light top and dark bottom.

2. Leading. The boy is wearing dark trousers and a light shirt.

3. A.S. Pushkin. Dressed in a tailcoat. There is a cylinder on the head. Whiskers.

4. A. Tolstoy. Dressed in a traditional costume with a bow tie. Smoking pipe in hand.

5. S.Ya. Marshak. Round glasses on the nose. Hairstyle with a straight parting.

6. A. Tvardovsky. Dressed in military uniform from the Great Patriotic War and a sword belt.

7. N. Nekrasov. Long jacket. Butterfly with pointed ends. Characteristic elongated beard.

8. M.Yu. Lermontov. Dressed in the uniform of an officer of the tsarist army.

9. F. Tyutchev. Dressed in a tailcoat. Instead of a tie - a dark bow. There are glasses on his nose.

10. S. Yesenin. Dressed in a gray suit. The shirt is unbuttoned a couple of buttons. On the head is a checkered cap or hat.

Note: If it’s difficult to find clothes for poets, you can simply make either badges or attach inscriptions to the costumes explaining who is who.

Scene #1

Dance and musical composition “Autumn Waltz”. The recording of “Viennese Waltz” and Interface – Chi Mai (Remix Original Version) is playing.

Presenter: Dear Guys! Today we are at a real Autumn Ball of the last century, where, believe me, you will be very interested!

Leading: And as you know, it was in those very times that all our great poets lived. Well, not all, of course, but many!

Presenter: And so, we decided to gather at our ball everyone who gave us, their descendants, the most beautiful poems dedicated to this amazing time of year - Golden Autumn!

Leading: Let's imagine, guys, while our teachers in different classes are selecting poems for us to learn, what kind of dispute can take place between the great poets who wrote them!

Sketch “Poetry battles of great poets about autumn!”

Appearing on stage in turn: A.S. Pushkin, A. Tolstoy, S.Ya. Marshak, A. Tvardovsky, N. Nekrasov, M.Yu. Lermontov, F. Tyutchev, S. Yesenin.

Poets prove to each other who is the best at writing about autumn.

A.S. Pushkin:

“The sky was already breathing in autumn...”

I'm here alone! One by right!

I have never seen competition!

In Russian literature I am a Star!

A. Tolstoy:

"Autumn. The whole poor garden is crumbling..."

Sorry, my friend, but it's not my fault!

What about this time,

I will give all poets a head start!

It’s better not to write about autumn!

I am a Star - no need to make things up!

S.Ya. Marshak:

"In October, in October!"

I wrote it on the table!

And about the leaves falling,

I'm always happy to compose!

So, fellow writers,

You are not leaders at all!

I wrote about the rain -

I became a Star a long time ago!

A. Tvardovsky:

“Blueness appeared between the thinning tops!”

These are all my poems! Come to your senses, you guys!

N. Nekrasov:

My syllable will stop you

I will say the opposite.

"The mournful wind drives

The clouds are flocking to the edge of heaven!

F. Tyutchev:

Stop arguing immediately, friends!

I write better about golden autumn!

And you should all be in harmony, in unison,

To say briefly: BYE!

“There is in the primordial autumn,

A short but wonderful time!

A. Tvardovsky:

"The webs are floating

Above the sleepy stubble..."

Go away guys

We're alive for now!

M.Yu. Lermontov:

“The leaves in the field have turned yellow!

And they spin and fly!”

Children at school from all the poems,

Only mine want to teach!

S. Yesenin:

“The golden foliage began to spin,

In the pinkish water of the pond..."

Well, why swear like that? Don't know…

I still can’t find better lines!

Indignant screams are heard behind the stage. Knock on the door.

Pushkin: And this, in fact, who else wants to get into our already very “friendly” and large company?

Lermontov: So these are other poets who also wrote about autumn! Oh, so many of them!

(The musical theme “Amazing Butterflies” plays. The poets all get scared, grab their heads, someone gets into a boxing stance. They freeze in such poses, then bow and leave.
This is followed by amateur performance numbers).

Scene #3

Presenter: Our Autumn Ball is in full swing! It's time to play!

Leading: Are you ready to show your wits, speed and sense of humor if needed?

All in unison: Yes!

Presenter: Well, then let's start! Our first competition is called...

Competition No. 1 “Mixed leaves”

For the competition you need real leaf shapes or cut out from multi-colored paper: oak, birch, poplar, apple and willow. These leaves are scattered chaotically on the floor of the hall.

1. 10 people are divided into teams of 2 participants.

2. Each team is given the name of a tree whose leaves they need to collect.

3. The team that collects all its leaves correctly and quickly wins.

Prizes in all competitions can be autumn items and things: umbrellas, raincoats, hats, scarves.

Competition No. 2 “Autumn Gifts”

1. 3 desks are placed in a row, with 6 chairs next to them.

2. 6 participants sit on chairs at their desks. The guys are blindfolded.

3. On the table, in front of each player, is placed autumn gift(vegetables, fruits, nuts, pine cones, etc.).

(For example: distribute to the participants (1 item each) a potato, onion, pine cone, mushroom, pear, apple. In the next round, swap them or replace them with other autumn gifts).

4. The task of each player is to determine by touch what he got.

5. The one who correctly guesses the object time after time wins.

Competition No. 3 “Ballroom autumn outfits”

This is a massive competition. It will fit perfectly into the scenario if the holiday is celebrated together in all classes at once. You will need a lot of colorful leaves, threads, cones, twigs and other autumn attributes.

Each class chooses its Queen and its King of Autumn. The task of each class is to create outfits for them from prepared autumn materials. For example, boys from their classmates dress up the king, and girls dress up as the queen. Allowed time for preparation: 15-20 minutes.

At the end of the time, a competition is held between all pairs of kings and queens for the best outfits.
The winner is chosen based on audience applause and comments.
The winners are awarded ribbons and crowns.

Competition game No. 4 “Autumn Associations”

The presenter names the words, and the guys must name the autumn association for this word.

Examples of words that the presenter asks one by one:

1. Tree.

4. Vegetable garden.

Possible responses of the children to the words of the presenter:

1. Leaves.

2. Rain or puddles.

3. Day of knowledge or study.

4. Harvest.

5. Rye, wheat.

7. Red, yellow.

8. Wet.

9. Leaf fall.

10. Halloween.

Scene #4

The chosen King and Queen of Autumn are opening an Autumn disco!

Students dance and communicate in a free style.

The disco should not exceed 2 hours in time.

At the discretion of the school management, you can arrange a “sweet table” with tea.

A few words about costumes

Kids are delighted with costumed events, these can be both balls and masquerades, as this is a great opportunity to show their new image. In addition, during such celebrations, various competitions are held in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

Autumn holidays are also organized in the form of a masquerade, which requires the creation of an appropriate costume: elegant, bright, unusual and memorable.

For the most simple outfit In autumn, it is permissible to take an ordinary dress, and then complement it with voluminous appliqués, a suitable headdress, and an apron.
To decorate the accessories accompanying the costume, you will need bright autumn leaves, images of autumn flowers - chrysanthemums and asters, and, of course, rhinestones and sparkles.

But you can not take a ready-made base, but start making a costume for the Autumn Ball with your own hands.

1. The fabric for the outfit must be chosen correctly; the main shades are “autumn” (yellow, sand, lemon, orange, red). The result should be a suit that has a warm, sunny color.

2. An Autumn outfit can take the form of a dress or loose cape. It’s simple, especially since it will later serve as the basis for another costume, for example, if you want to transform into a fox, a squirrel, a bright butterfly or fire. It is important that the fabric is light and airy.

3. For the dress you will definitely need a headdress - a hat or a crown, which should contain autumn motifs, that is, images of yellowed leaves and various gifts of autumn. The material for creating jewelry will be fabric or cardboard, and thin wire will be needed to make the base.
Instead of a crown, you can use a hat decorated with beads, bright organza, ribbons and lace.

4. Of course, real autumn leaves will look quite original, but it’s better to do without them: such decorations will not last long due to their fragility! It is better to use cardboard, from which a leaf layout is cut out, and then autumn leaves are created using starched fabric in bright colors. Look for ready-made autumn leaves in stores that sell handicraft supplies.

5. We complement the autumn ball gown with a wide belt of red or orange color, onto which beads, sequins, ribbons, and sparkles are sewn. Elements of openwork embroidery and applique will also look great.

Autumn fairy tale in kindergarten

I bring to your attention some ideas for decorating a room for the autumn holidays. The material will be useful to teachers and music directors in kindergarten.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere.
Tasks: prepare the premises for the autumn holidays, evoke an emotional response in children and their parents.

Our kindergarten does not have a large music hall, and we spend matinees in a group. We hang curtains in accordance with the theme of the holiday and decorate them. This creates a central wall.

Bright autumn
The rain is quietly knocking on the room.
Autumn has come to my house again,
Like a bright wonderful bird
He waves his motley wing at me.

There, outside the windows, is a miracle palette,
Yellow-red colors are burning.
Autumn played a tricky trick,
Throwing an outfit on the trees.

Maples in incredibly bright dresses,
There is a golden outfit on the aspen trees,
And the birches are dressed like a king,
Poplars - in sundresses with a border.

The rain cleans clothes diligently,
Bringing the whole world clean.
Everything sparkles in the generous autumn,
And the soul finds a dream.
Tatiana Lavrova

So that autumn comes to our makeshift hall, we hang maple leaves, the sun and clouds with raindrops on the curtains. In one corner we place a birch tree with yellow leaves from corrugated paper and a green Christmas tree with pine cones. Near the Christmas tree, a large mushroom is hidden under a scarf, containing treats for the children. In the other corner there is a rowan bush with red berries made of foam rubber. In the center there are mushrooms and a bed with carrots for outdoor games. We add animals: on the birch tree there is a squirrel, under the tree there is a hedgehog, in the garden there is a bunny. So the autumn decoration is ready. The holiday can begin!

Autumn festival in the garden –
Both light and fun!
These are the decorations
Autumn is here!

For kids, you can use a small screen and show a puppet show.

And the kids will find a treat in a large raspberry.

Well, if it rains, then we will all wait out the bad weather together under an umbrella.

At the festival, children dance with maple leaves.

Participate in skits.
“How animals collected mushrooms”

Bunny, don't feed the bunnies, all the guys say:
Bunnies don't eat mushrooms!


Look, at the edge
Girlfriends are dancing merrily.
Who are they? The name of?
Maybe they can sing for us?

“Once upon a time I lived with my grandmother...”

That's a carrot, that's a carrot!
You handled it cleverly!
But carrots are not simple!
There's something inside her...
Treat for the guys!
Look at how many of them there are!

"Fly agaric boys"

In a clearing near a tree stump
Two funny boys
In red caps askew
They chant all day long:
“We are not angry guys,
Although poisonous.
There are polka dots on the cap,
And the skirt has legs.”
Two mushrooms stood like this
At the rotten stump.
And under this under the stump
The flies had a cozy home.
Flies have settled there,
Cheerful girlfriends.
And each with one eye
I was watching for fungus.

Well, and, of course, they meet fairy-tale characters.
Grandfather Grapes



Swamp kikimora

Baba Yaga, Leshy and the sorceress Autumn herself

The holiday ends, leaving wonderful memories and a great mood.

Autumn, autumn, we ask:
Come see us in a year.
Bring your gifts
The people are waiting for the harvest.
So that we have berries and fruits on the table,
So that people on earth are well-fed and happy!

Good afternoon, we continue the theme of wedding decoration... and today I will show and tell you how you can arrange a wedding in AUTUMN style - with your own decorating efforts.

I made a photo selection of design ideas AVAILABLE complexity. That is, here you will find ideas that are SIMPLE and CHEAP to implement with your own hands.

I'll show you how to carve a pumpkin... and make fall decorations compositions for hall decoration. I'll show you how stylish it can be arrange an autumn wedding in nature. You will see beautiful ideas For wedding photo shoot in the fall... and much more.

So let's get started.

Ideas for autumn wedding PHOTOS...

Autumn kiss against the background of yellow dry leaves... Photography angles can be very different

You can just throw the leaves up... You can kiss in the rays of the low sun breaking through the lacy crown of autumn trees... Or dance around the background of fallen leaves in a shot taken from above.

The angle from above is also good for photographing the bride with her head thrown back... piercing gaze blue eyes and the contrasting yellowness of autumn leaves.

Or it could be a September photo shoot against the backdrop of ripe apple branches... Wedding photos taken THROUGH the autumn foliage look beautiful.

Bridesmaids look beautiful in autumn style - orange-ocher dresses, with bouquets of autumn leaves...

Autumn itself will tell you how to take a beautiful photo... how to organize a space for a photo shoot... The main thing is to open your eyes, look around and an idea will come...

AUTUMN BOUQUET of the bride – from leaves of herbs and flowers.

A bouquet for a bride in autumn should be made of autumn flowers and leaves. Forget about the ever-fresh floristry imported from the greenhouses of Holland.

Leaves and flowers are classics of the genre... and there is nothing new here. Here's an idea to make a BOUQUET FROM DRY BRANCHES, CONES - this is already something original. The cones are woven into the bouquet using a drill and wire. A through hole is drilled at the base of the cone - a wire is threaded there - and on the wire, like on a stem, the cone enters the bouquet.

Autumn BRIDE HAIRSTYLE – with flowers and leaves

The bride's hair can also be decorated in an autumn style - make a wreath or ekibana from autumn flowers and leaves.

Or carefully weave single flowers into the curls and curves of your wedding hairstyle.

For guests you can too prepare wreaths or hoops with an autumn ekibana tied to them. All invited girls will like such floral hair decorations... besides, it will look beautiful at a photo shoot.

DECORATION for the bride - for an autumn wedding.

The bride's autumn look is incomplete without decoration in the neckline - there should be decoration in autumn colors too.
You can look for a unique and exclusive necklace in stores... or order it from beaded needlewomen.

This (photo below) is gorgeous Olier using the BEAD EMBROIDERY technique I found it on the Internet (on any beading site you will find a girl in one evening who will gladly agree to make you such a necklace for your wedding... (they like to make to order... when I was interested in beadwork, I regretted that I didn’t have anyone in mind with wedding... I really wanted to weave something for the special occasion... so that everyone would gasp... Such work will not cost as much as you think...

You can try to make a necklace yourself from irregular large rhinestones - simply sewing them onto a thick felt base... or fastening them with special fastening hooks (everything needed for the job is sold in hand-made stores).

But look what another idea pendant made of leaves and epoxy resin A small autumn leaf is filled with EPOXY RESIN... and preserved inside resin like inside glass. Very beautiful - and very simple.

Epoxy resin (or epoxy glue) is sold in any hardware department - it's usually a set of 2 jars - one contains powder, the other liquid... you put it together, you get this resin. You can put anything inside it (beads, leaves, flowers) and everything will be as if it were alive.

Here are the ideas felt or fleece jewelry beautiful jewelry... Also for an autumn wedding... for the bride or for the witness... And you can do a lot - for the guests...

So... we decorated the bride for the autumn wedding, now let's improve the territory...

Ideas for WEDDING DEVELOPMENT - in the courtyard.

If the event is planned to be held partially outdoors– then you need to figure out how to decorate the yard for the wedding. I have a special article for this” - you will find many ideas there

And here I will show additional thoughts. Look what an interesting composition you can make from an ordinary pergola-gazebo... and two old doors...

To make it clearer, here is a view from above - and we see that the path to the gazebo lies via WEDDING PORTAL. As you can see, the doors don't fall down due to the fact that they there is a board lying. By the way, the board is better nail to the end of the door leaf– I wouldn’t want it to fall on the head of a guest who was playing tricks.

We decorate the top board of our portal with flowers and leaves. If you don’t want these ekibans to cost you a pretty penny, you can make an analog decoration from dry leaves – a GARLAND – and put it on the top board of the wedding portal.

(It's easy to make a garland from dry leaves - if... Tie the tails of the leaves with threads (or wire) to a long rope. We lay this rope on the top board. The rope is not visible from below, but the pile of dry leaves lies beautifully and is not blown away by the wind - which is what we need. with

You can come up with other wedding portals in autumn style... If you already have a pergola on your site, then you will need fabric and floral material - long branches and flowers...

Here's another one low budget outdoor wedding decoration idea.

Tapes can be bought immediately in reels on the market (this is much cheaper than buying by the meter in a store)

Beautiful wedding COMPOSITIONS for an autumn photo shoot can be designed in different ways.

It could be a retro car decorated with autumn flowers and leaves

These could be bales of straw... a tablecloth thrown over them, candlesticks placed and pumpkins laid out and a mirror with a congratulatory inscription...

By the way, you can collect more of these bales to seat all the guests.

We decorate a wedding in AUTUMN STYLE with CANDLES...

And of course, candles look very beautiful at weddings... and in this theme, you also need to come up with a design in the autumn style.

Fall colors are yellow and red, so a great option to put in jars LENGTHS OF YELLOW CANDLES(cut a long candle into short pieces) and all this on red Ribbons(we tie the rim of the can tightly with wire - and attach a ribbon to it).

Or we find a ROUND FRAME(a barrel rim entangled with wire... or a bicycle wheel) - hang it all on a HOOK - cover it with leaves and dried flowers... arrange cups with candles.

You can put candles in jars not on the bottom... but bury them in a decorative FILLING made of natural material...for example, acorns, chestnuts, leaves, peas, beans, flower heads, rowan umbrellas (left photo below).

You can also ALTERNAT hanging candle jars with hanging jar vases with fresh flowers (as in the right photo below)

You can DECORATE glasses with candles - in an autumn theme. Tie dry or bright leaves, herbs, bunches of flowers around them...

You can also use FLOATING CANDLES - immerse them in wide bowls... and decorate the containers themselves with shrubs, berry branches, etc...

Compositions where several candles are placed TOGETHER look beautiful and rich... This way they provide more light - this is important for photographing the bride and groom without flash in soft candle light.

DIY candlesticks for wedding decoration.

You can also make wedding flowers out of candles and flowers. MULTI-TIER compositions. Like in the photo below and to the left... where are the small ones? jars with candles hang from the branches of a wide bouquet... and between them they still hang crystal pendants... and all this shimmers and shimmers in the reflections of the fire... just as the very surface of the crystal vase sparkles.

Or you can make it with fewer colors (as in the photo below to the right) - where it was made TOWER OF GLASSES AND MIRRORS… You can make it with your own hands very cheaply... such round mirrors can be ordered at glass cutting centers - bring a large mirror to them (buy it in a store for 7 USD)... - they will cut 2 circles out of it for you... And then you put it on a large one a circle of three inverted glasses (with flowers) ... on top is a smaller disk of a mirror ... and on top of it is another inverted glass with a flower inside ... and a candle on the stem of the inverted glass. Oops, you have a very beautiful (plus very cheap and easy to implement) WEDDING COMPOSITION with candles... Do you see how easy it is to do everything yourself?

Here's another idea for lighting - WEDDING PUMPKIN LAMPS in autumn style.

We will make our own pumpkin lights. It's very simple. Cut off the bottom (lower part) of the pumpkin and take out the pulp...
And then we punch FIGURED HOLES in the side of the pumpkin... for this we need sharp iron tubes... or iron cookie cutters.

If there are no molds, then pieces of metal tubes are suitable for cutting round holes... or iron shot glasses... We sneak a round cut to the pumpkin - knock with a hammer (or press) and punch a hole in our future pumpkin wedding lantern. To improve piercing, you can first apply scratches along the pressed mold with a sharp knife (or awl) - this way, through the scratches, it will be easier for it to pierce the pumpkin.

HOW to decorate a WEDDING HALL - in autumn style...

Colored fans are a great idea for wedding decorations. If you make them from paper in autumn colors - yellow, orange, red, brown... it will turn out very beautiful. In the photo below we see purchased Japanese fans... But why spend money - if you can make it yourself...

Here in the photo below we see an example of how weddings are made FANS FROM PLAIN PAPER with your own hands...
The secret of the round shape lies in the fact that in one such round piece two semicircular fans are glued together.

The secret of openwork holes is... that when the fan was folded, one slot was cut through the entire accordion of the fan - through all the folds at the same time (as when cutting out a snowflake).

To save money– you can buy white office paper and paint the sheets yourself in autumn colors using gouache, watercolor or acrylic...

Separate corner of the hall– can be designed specifically for a beautiful INTERIOR PHOTO SESSION... You can put a table, throw a tablecloth... curtain the window (to remove the revealing gray light of the street) and add elements of living lighting in warm shades ( LED garland, draped over dry branches in tall, full vases + candles on the table).

Scatter leaves on the floor... put a beautiful chair... throw bright brocade or velvet on the table... Make the table itself with dishes, vases with the gifts of autumn (apples, grapes, pine cones, acorns, rose hips, leaves)...

You can get a mannequin and dress it up as “Lady Autumn” - like in the floating photo above.

ORANGE MOOD – for an autumn wedding...

The entire room (walls and lanterns) and the table itself (tablecloth, napkins, chair cushions) can be done in bright orange colors - matching the shades of autumn foliage.

Everything that has Orange color must be present in abundance... So we advise you to get more CARROT CAKES (to pile them up like this fun pyramid) ... or if you don’t want to bother with culinary pastries ... you can make this orange one a pyramid of SANDWICHES WITH ORANGE CAVIAR... but it will probably be more expensive...

Orange Balloons– it’s beautiful and autumnal. You can use cut up crumpled orange paper to make washcloths– stick sticks into them – and let them imitate orange trees (left photo below).

You can place bunches of herbs and flowers or fruits and berries in glass glasses and cups everywhere...

Or... if there are not enough dishes... Can be done convenient containers made from pumpkin crops. A large pumpkin makes a great cooler for champagne bottles... Small pumpkins make cute vases for fall flowers.

Or... scatter these JEWELRY ACORNs here and there... They are made simply - bright beads are glued to the acorn cap. It turns out very elegant. You can make a beautiful garland from these jellies if you string them on a string.

You can also turn such acorns into earrings... Or pendants... and put them in NAMED BOXES - like autumn wedding SOUVENIRS to remember the holiday.

Ideas for AUTUMN wedding table setting.

Setting the table for an autumn wedding is also an important task. And very easy to implement - fortunately, there are plenty of leaves, apples, pumpkins, rowan trees and pine needles around... Take as much as you want - and everything is free.

Ears of corn (or tufts of straw tied with a ribbon) and between them grapes... pumpkins... look beautiful.
And the candles inside the iron lantern look beautiful... and there are leaves and clusters of rowan trees around.

So…. Now we have reached yet another beauty... That without which nothing Wedding decoration can’t be avoided – and even more so in the AUTUMN...

DUMMARY CAKES for wedding decor...

Such fake cakes are made to decorate a wedding hall... And here I have selected SEVERAL WAYS to make such a cake for an autumn wedding. You will now see that a cake-like pyramid can be made from anything... from the most available materials... from boxes... from polystyrene foam... from log cuts... from plaster.

IDEA No. 1 – cake made from boxes (or foam blocks)

Let's take it several boxes of different sizes(from under shoes will do) and cover them with fabric (or cover them with paper) ... white as cream. Instead of boxes you can use pieces of foam (if you have them).

On boxes lined with paper or fabric we sew patterns (to imitate “cream layers” or confectionery glaze). Bright colors are suitable for this satin ribbons(as we see on the white and orange fake cake in the left photo below).

Can be sewn over fabric string pattern– if you choose twine Brown– you will get an imitation of “chocolate paste” patterns squeezed out of a tube.

Idea No. 2 – fake cake made from corrugated cardboard

We take regular corrugated cardboard (the kind from which boxes are made) and cut it into stripes 15 cm wide...painted chocolate brown...and these long stripes dyed roll into rolls. The lower the floor, the wider our roll should be. Secure with glue (so that the roll does not unwind). We stack rolls on top of each other- I form a pyramid... And we decorate the whole thing with berries... leaves... flowers...


Or you can make a very beautiful autumn composition - similar to real edible a wedding cake (as in the photo below).

There are also pieces of foam plastic (or cardboard boxes... or log cuts) – are placed on top of each other in a pyramid – the floors of the “pyramid” are glued together.

Then they coated with gypsum putty... They paint themselves white acrylic paint.

Then they add it to a jar with the same paint PVA glue– they fill a pastry envelope (or a paper bag with a hole in the tip) with this sticky mass – and with this acrylic-glue “cream” they make stripes on the walls of the fake cake (like smudges of sweet cream). After drying, glue autumn flowers, dry leaves and tree branches to the false cake.

Up close, this fake plaster cake looks just like the real thing...

Or you can make pyramids like this (instead of fake tiered cakes)… also very beautiful.


It's easy to do. BRICK is placed in baskets- and a smaller basket is placed on top (the brick is needed so that the baskets do not plunge into each other like nesting dolls, but are visible in full height). Along the edges of each tier of baskets we insert cones, pine branches, pumpkins, bright leaves and flowers.


This is also very simple - you need 5 glasses, plates of three sizes, leaves and berries. Pour the berries into transparent glasses. We put a large plate on the table - put three glasses on it (we put leaves under the glasses, pour colored berries, acorns, etc. into the glasses themselves...). We place a smaller plate on top of the glasses - we also lay leaves on it, we place glasses with natural material– and we cover it all with the smallest plate... The top of the composition can be crowned with a box with a ribbon... a candle... figurines of newlyweds or lovebirds...

And here are some more ideas for wedding crafts - which you can make yourself - to decorate the hall... and the table.

CRAFTS for wedding decoration – WITH YOUR OWN HANDS.

ORANGE PEEL ROSES - and here is a master class on how you can make dry rose buds yourself - from twisted orange peel... It’s very simple (as you can see)... And how wonderful they smell... mmmm...

ELEGANT APPLES – you can make ordinary apples deliciously appetizing. To do this, we need to buy milk chocolate - melt it in a saucepan... and it is also advisable to add a spoonful of sour cream to the melted chocolate (this is so that the chocolate retains its shiny, glossy appearance after hardening).

Boil the chocolate with sour cream - and then pour it on top of the apples (first stick the twigs-tails into the apples (so that you have something to grab them by)... then you can decorate with confectionery sprinkles... and white sugar icing...

Here's another fruit craft for an autumn wedding... PEARS WITH RHINESTERES.

You need beautiful pears and adhesive rhinestones (i.e. cheap rhinestone stickers from kits for children's creativity– they are sold separately in stalls).

PUMPKIN CRAFTS - for decorating an autumn wedding. It's very easy to do. The leaves will stick better if you scald them with boiling water - then dry them (so that they are not wet) and glue them with regular PVA glue.

PUMPKIN CARVING - this is also a simple matter - we make a drawing (for example, we trace a maple leaf) - then we make incisions with a knife according to the drawing - and then we cut off the peel inside the incised area.

CANDLESTICK FROM HAY It’s very simple to do - I’ll tell you now... We make a sack out of paper - i.e. cone (like a bag for seeds, or like a hat for fairies) - we fasten the bag with glue or a stapler. And now we need hay and gray thread. We apply bundles of hay to the sack and tie them with thread. Then we wrap a regular LED garland on top of such a hay sack (I also fix it with gray threads) ... and we also wrap small portions of hay on top of the garland. Don't worry, the LED bulbs don't get hot at all when lit - and the hay won't catch fire. Then you can take out the paper bag - and the hay cone will still hold its shape.

BALLS WITH LEAVES . We often see such balloons at weddings - and they are usually covered with rosebuds. But the theme of our wedding is autumn - so we will cover them with leaves.

To make such balls with our own hands, we will need a foam blank (sold in craft stores) ... or a regular CHILDREN'S BALL ... we coat the ball with glue and stick leaves on it in a chaotic order ... or pine cones ... or acorns.

Here are some more CRAFTS ideas for an autumn wedding – a frame with leaves and flower balls on the branches... Now I’ll tell you how to do it all.

FRAME WITH LEAVES - a very simple craft. We buy a frame in a store - take out the glass and the background plug from it - drive 2 small nails into the edges of the frame - tie a ribbon to them - and tie the tails of a leaf to the ribbon with threads... (you can attach the leaves with ordinary paper clips).

A BALL OF FLOWERS is even easier to make... yes, yes ... now you will understand. For one ball, we need to make 3 ordinary bouquets - from flowers and branches with short stems (the shorter the stems, the fluffier the bouquet will be). We tie the legs of each bouquet tightly with twine (or tape. Then we put 2 bouquets together - and they form a ball by themselves - because one bouquet already looks like half a ball... and three are already a ball both on top and bottom.

If you are making such a spherical bouquet for a wedding - from LIVE flowers– then it is important for you that they do not wither. Then everything is done differently... we buy a piece of OASIS in a florist shop (this is a special sponge material for flowers). We form a ball from the oasis - we stick flowers tightly into this ball... and hang it by a thread on a tree branch and put the branch in a vase.

Or you can make a beautiful autumn bouquet...
Or an autumn composition of apples, twigs, berry umbrellas - and place it all in a cut pumpkin.

BY THE WAY... I have special articles on the topic of such compositions (there are a lot of interesting things in autumn style)...

You can wrap a vase for a bouquet with birch bark taken from a birch log - as in the photo below.

Wreaths for decorating an autumn wedding.

You can make these decorative fall wreaths to hang on the fence in the yard... on the door... on the wall in the wedding hall.

Wreaths are made in basically in two ways.

The first method is END-TO-END STRINGING. To do this, we take a steel rod bent into a round shape - we punch through holes in the apples and cones with a nail... We string the perforated apples onto a steel rod - we close the ends of the rod into a ring - we fasten the closed ends with wire and electrical tape (adhesive tape) - and close the winding area with sprigs of pine needles and textile ribbon.

Using the same principle of stringing, you can assemble an autumn wreath FROM LEAVES - we also pierce them - alternating leaves in shape and color.

The second method is WEAVING. To do this, first we make a FRAME - that is, we form a rounded bunch of thin flexible branches - we select long branches so that when they are closed into a ring, we get a fairly wide wreath. To keep the branches together, you can tie them in a spiral with threads.

And then we wrap (tie with thread or wire) various natural materials onto this frame. We first pierce heavy objects (apples or pumpkins) with a nail - then string them onto a piece of wire - and attach them to the wreath frame with this wire.

Real sponge-cream cakes for an AUTUMN WEDDING.

In this article, we talked a lot about fake fake cakes for decorating the hall. And now you can take a look at EDIBLE confectionery masterpieces in autumn style. Basically, all these cakes are made according to the same pattern.
Three tiers of sponge cake are baked - The layers are placed on top of each other (impregnating them with creams and fillings)... Then all this is covered with layers of mastic dough... Leaves and flowers are cut out from the same mastic dough and the tiers of the cake are decorated with them.

Or you can simply coat the cake with chocolate cream... or pour chocolate glaze over it...

It’s on such a sweet note that I end my article... it’s time to run to school and pick up my first-grader Dasha...
And I wish you a happy wedding... and the happiness that follows it (in the form of little cunning children). At least for the sake of these little ones you can start family life...Children are a holiday every day...

And also...

We have other articles on the wedding topic...

Have a beautiful celebration.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

Autumn decoration of the music room in kindergarten for the holidays

Author: Nina Ivanovna Martsenkovskaya, music director.
Place of work: Children's educational institution "Kindergarten "Rodnichok", Perm.

This material is intended for music directors and kindergarten teachers.

Decorating a music room in a kindergarten for the autumn holidays.

Target. Creating a festive atmosphere and immersing children in an autumn fairy tale.
Tasks:- think over a design that matches the scenarios of the autumn holidays;
- select fabrics and attributes in accordance with the time of year and the plots of autumn dramatizations and fairy tales;
- draw on paper and cut out tree trunks and images of bushes;
- sew parts for voluminous fir trees, a cloud of fabric and synthetic padding;
- think over the general concept of the design of the entire hall, the location of all the design details, both planar and volumetric.
Of great importance for creating a festive atmosphere, immersing children and adults in an autumn fairy tale, is the design of the music hall, when each corner carries its own meaning.
Autumn is one of the brightest and most colorful times of the year. We introduce children to the image of Autumn - an artist who paints magical colors, transforming the whole the world turning it into a fairy tale.
Our hall is gradually changing. First, its walls change: a drapery made of light yellow fabric appears - a kind of “canvas” for Autumn the artist. Then trees appear, draped with multi-colored fabric, and later multi-colored leaves will appear on them. Arriving at the music room next week, the kids discover a cloud of blue fabric, which they sing about in their song. And the cloud comes to life in their imagination, they turn to it when they sing their song “Tuchka” by G. Vikhareva. Later, the “cloud will cry” with silvery raindrops, and autumn bushes made of paper will appear in the “clearing” and mushrooms will “grow”, which the little hedgehog loves to collect on his back. Children of the older group sing a song about him with pleasure (“Little Hedgehog” by M. Kartushina).
It is very difficult to describe the delight of children; you need to see how difficult it is for some of them to tear themselves away from the central wall, how carefully they peer into the “facial expressions” and teardrops of the cloud that has come to life in their imagination - how gradually they are immersed in the world of magic, fairy-tale images, creativity fantasies...

Closer to the beginning of the autumn holidays, Christmas trees made of green fabric with padding inside, which gives them shape and volume, appear in the “clearing”. And between them there appears a corner for the fox. Kids love to play with her so much ( music game"Bunnies and fox" by A. Finarovsky).

A house appears in the opposite direction, a birch tree “grows” in its yard, and later a garden “scarecrow” will appear for the outdoor game “Scarecrow”, which the children of the middle group so loved. It is from this house that Grandfather and Baba, the main characters of the autumn fairy tale, will appear at their holiday. And in senior group the sad Doctor Aibolit will appear from the house, who has not had a single patient over the summer, and only at the holiday will the characters of the autumn fairy tale “Aibolit in a new way” meet him: “sick” bunnies, bears and a hedgehog.

There is also a corner for kids who have toy animals at their holidays. They communicate with them, play, sing songs to them, recite poems. Gradually from this children's corner The “animals”, having said goodbye to the little ones, move into the forest along their “burrows”, some under a bush, some under an oak, and some under a Christmas tree: autumn has come, and winter will soon come to the “clearing”...

This is how the subject-spatial development environment of the music hall gradually changes, when the design of every corner of it becomes the decoration of a performance, a fairy tale, without which it is impossible to develop the plot, immerse children in its figurative content, and develop their creative imagination.

The festive decoration of the music hall is the creative work of the entire teaching staff under the leadership music director kindergarten, which cannot be overestimated.