How to choose hair dye to suit your face. How to choose your hairstyle and the right hair color

All women know the rule: “If you want to change your life or just cheer yourself up, change hair color" Of course, fighters for naturalness often claim that a natural shade is most suitable for a woman. Nature is by no means stupid, and, lovingly creating a person, thinks through all the details in his appearance. But practice shows that the right hair color can significantly change your appearance. better side. How to choose a hair color to suit your face, read below.

Determining your color type

Stylists gave conventional names to certain ones depending on the shades of the face, hair and eyes. As a matter of fact, there are only four options: Spring, Summer, Winter and Autumn. Each color type is suitable only for a certain set of hair tones. If you make a mistake, you can cross out all the advantages of your appearance. So stand in front of the mirror and look carefully at your reflection. If you have already experimented with hair, then it is better to find your childhood photographs to build on natural shades. How to choose suitable color hair depending on your type?

Spring women - warm color type

Distinctive features: In most cases, a spring woman has hazel, green or golden colors. The skin also has a warm peach or yellowish tint. Natural hair color varies from light brown to brown.

Wrong hair color: Spring beauties are not recommended to choose ashen light red and blue-black colors. All these tones will make your appearance nondescript, and your eyes will completely fade.

How to choose hair color to suit your face? If you are one of them, feel free to dye your hair brown, chocolate or red. We do not recommend choosing these for those with thin skin and slight blush, as they will only emphasize the vascular network on the cheeks.

summer girls?

Appearance features: Sunny beauties have light eyes (blue, gray, dark blue) and snow-white, almost transparent skin. The hair is also usually a very light tone ranging from blond to light brown. Often summer women are unhappy with the natural color of their hair, which some call “mouse.”

Errors in choosing colors: Black, dark brown and red hair can drown out the natural tones of your appearance. Too light eyes in combination with dark hair become completely colorless. But red curls sometimes give the skin of summer beauties an unhealthy blush or yellowness.

Which color should I choose? We recommend dyeing your hair blonde with a slightly golden tint. If you want to slightly darken your hair, then opt for a color reminiscent of milk chocolate. Any light chestnut shades will also suit you.

How to choose hair dye colorwinter girl?

Appearance features: The colors in the appearance of winter women are very contrasting. You can easily find a combination of black hair. However, most often they are brunettes with brown eyes.

Which paint should you not choose? Snow-white curls, red curls or cold chestnut tones are unlikely to suit you. This is especially true for those with very fair skin.

What hair color will you look great with? Deep and dark chocolate color is perfect for winter women. If you want to make your image even brighter, then opt for black shades. To add a playful touch, we recommend adding a few red strands.

How to choose hair color to suit your faceautumn beauty?

Distinctive features: Eye color varies from light green to dark brown. However, the color of the iris is always warm, sometimes with golden flecks. Natural hair color can be either light brown or brown. But the skin usually has a golden, yellow or dark tone.

Wrong color: Blonde rarely suits this color type. Typically, too light a hair tone can contrast with dark skin.

Which paint to choose: All chestnut, chocolate and red shades are your option. Also suitable for autumn women are the tones of mahogany and copper. Hollywood stars sometimes choose a fairly light blonde, but dilute it with brown strands.

There are many reasons why women dye their hair. Some people don’t like their native color, and some ladies want to commemorate the changes that have taken place in their lives. Someone is looking for theirs new image, and some simply have gray hairs. A correctly chosen new hair color greatly refreshes a woman’s image, makes her complexion smoother and her eyes brighter. Let's consider several program options in which you can easily choose your hair color online.

What are the different shades of hair?

Hair color is determined by the content of light and dark pigments: pheomelanin (red or yellow) and eumelanin (brown or black). In addition, the hair contains tiny air bubbles. The ratio of these pigments, as well as the number of air bubbles, determines the color of the hair.

Color type

The natural palette includes 5 primary colors:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • blond;
  • light brown;
  • ginger.

Each color is divided into many natural shades of different saturation.


The features of your appearance - eye color, skin tone, natural hair color - determine the color type of each girl.

Spring Woman

Spring color type is warm, non-contrasting. Such women are usually light-eyed and have fair skin. Natural hair color ranges from blond to brown, and the skin is a very warm, golden yellow hue. A spring girl can safely dye her hair dark red, become light brown-haired or golden blonde. But she should avoid light red to avoid looking overly pale. If you don’t like being blonde, well, you can choose one with a chocolate undertone and highlight it with golden strands. In this case, platinum, ash or light blonde, as well as radical black, will not work.

Spring is a low-contrast type, and it should not stray far from the natural hair color.


These include a low-contrast cold color type with gray or blue eyes, hair color ranging from light to brown and skin tone of cool blue or pink. Women of the summer color type suit all varieties of light, cool, light colors: ash, ash-blond, platinum. Summer, like spring, is not suitable for almost all dark colors.

Ash brown color


This color type is contrasting, with eye color from black to blue, and hair color from brunette to brown-haired. Skin color is bright, with a slight golden tint. The ideal color for autumn beauties is rich, radical and very bright: black, brown, chocolate, warm chestnut. If a lady prefers brightness, then it will look good with red or light brown hair in golden and copper shades. But an autumn woman should not become blonde.


Winter color type is contrasting and cold. Women of this type can have any eye and skin color. The best choice for them – dark blond colors of cold ashy shades. No warm, golden or any shades of blonde are strictly recommended for them. But only a winter woman can afford the black color of a raven wing.

Cool black shade

What paint to choose

Today you can buy many chemical hair dyes from different manufacturers. During their use, chemical interaction of the oxidation products of the coloring composition with the keratin of the hair occurs.

When lightening hair, the oxygen released from hydrogen peroxide reacts with the pigment, turning it into a colorless substance. When dyeing hair, the same oxygen, oxidizing the base of the dye, transforms it from a colorless soluble state into a substance of a certain color that is poorly soluble in water, which is hair dye.

Hydrogen peroxide, opening the surface scales and destroying the pigment, allows the dye to penetrate into the hair and fill all the voids in the hair. As a result, the strands are dyed. This is the principle of operation of all chemical paints.


If necessary, protect clothing and neck from contact with the skin of the chemical composition. On the forehead, temples, and neck along the hairline, the skin is lubricated with Vaseline or fatty cream.

Chemical dyes

Hair begins to color from the back of the head. Having made a vertical parting in the middle, paint the hair on both sides. The composition is first applied to areas of the hair closer to the roots, and then distributed along the entire length. Stepping back half a centimeter from the dyed parting, make a new parting parallel to it with a comb. The hair is combed and a new layer of dye is applied. This sequence ensures an even distribution of dye on the hair.

After applying the dye, the hair is combed, lifting it up. The dye should be applied evenly along the entire length of the hair. It is not necessary to cover your head. After 25-35 minutes, wash your hair thoroughly with warm water and soap, and then rinse with acidified water.

Natural dyes

- this is henna and basma, Walnut, onion peel, tea, coffee, chamomile, etc. Among hairdressers, natural compositions are called group IV dyes.

These dyes are recommended for use on natural hair where there are no traces perm or any chemical coloring. Natural dyes do not cause any harm to the hair, but, on the contrary, give the natural hair color shine, silkiness and various shades.

The main advantage of natural formulations is that they keep hair healthy. The downside is their lack of durability, since every time after the next hair wash, part of the coloring pigment is washed off. The exception is henna and basma, their color lasts longer.

All natural dyes are applied to clean and damp hair using a sponge, brush or cotton swab.

Natural dyes

In order to obtain uniform coloring with natural compounds, one should take into account the percentage of gray hair, the original natural color and individual characteristics hair. Thin and rare hair They are painted faster with natural dyes and require less paint. Thick, thick, long hair requires longer exposure and more natural dye.

Home hair coloring is always somewhat of a gamble, since it is impossible to predict in advance how the hair will react. It’s better to play it safe first by dyeing one small strand first.

How to change appearance in Photoshop

If you want to change your hair color, but don't know which one to choose, you can use Photoshop.

Changing hair shade

Stages of working with Photoshop:

  1. Open your photo in Photoshop. Using the quick mask mode (Q), select the hair with a brush. To accurately highlight hair, you can change the size of the brush.
  2. After that, turn off the mask mode and select the hair, and everything in the photo will be selected except the hair. To copy the hair layer, press Ctrl+J. After this, a separate layer with hair will be created.
  3. Next, you can start changing the hair color in Photoshop. To do this, use adjustment layers and select levels.
  4. When you create a Levels adjustment layer, a window with their properties will open.
  5. Next, you can use another “Hue/Saturation” adjustment layer. Apply this adjustment layer to the photo and change the brightness of the hair.

Using adjustment layers and mask mode, you can select and change the color of hair in Photoshop. You can experiment with other adjustment layers and dye your hair in Photoshop any other color.

Review of the best online programs

Thanks to modern mobile technologies, you can experiment with the color of your strands without harming your hair. If you are in search, then programs and mobile applications for selecting hairstyles will easily help you with this. We offer 10 of the best applications with which you can easily choose not only a new shade, but also a haircut, length, and hair style. You just need to download any of these applications and substitute your photo under the images. This way you will understand what color of strands suits you, and you will also be able to print the picture you like or save it in your phone.

Insta Hair Style Salon

Insta Hair Style Salon is one of the best free applications for iPhone and iPad developed by Shenzhen Bigger LLC. If you want to look and choose an unusual bright hair color and are in search of new stylish solutions, then this program is ideal for you. With help, you can digitally change your hair color to the color you've always dreamed of, as well as choose a new fashionable hairstyle.

Insta Hair Style Salon

Just take a selfie or upload a photo of yourself from your phone and try on different styles. different shades and hairstyles. The interface language is English, but the application is easy to use. To change your hair color, you just need to click on the shade you like. We have a huge range of realistic and creative hairstyles all the colors of the rainbow.

Hair Style Changer app

This application has large collection both women's and men's hairstyles and haircuts. The application will help you find best hairstyle and hair color that perfectly suits your face type. Upload your photo from your phone or take a selfie and try on different looks.

Celebrity Hairstyle Salon

This is another great app developed by Modiface that allows you to virtually see and try on a variety of hairstyles and hair colors. You can see how you would look with Jennifer Aniston's cascade or Rihanna's hair color.

Here you can try on over 20 realistic hair colors to find the shade that suits you perfectly.

Ultimate Hairstyle Try On

This application opens up a wide field for experimentation. You can choose different options and change hair colors in a range of more than 20 shades. In addition, you can complement the look with accessories, such as earrings or a hat. There is an option to compare before and after images, as well as switch between two different modes. All options for transferring photographs to social media and by email.

This latest mobile application is developed by Mary Kay and is adapted for many countries. With it, you can try an endless number of combinations of makeup, hair color and hairstyles. Just upload your photo and start choosing templates. Options such as length, hair color, highlighting, and selection of accessories are available.

Virtual makeup from Mary Kay

Facial Hair Changer for Men and Women

With this application you can see yourself with a different hairstyle and hair color. The program works on the same principle as the others: you need to upload a photo and select hairstyles and hair shades from the proposed cliches. After uploading the photo, indicate the user’s gender, haircut length, select hair color and set other parameters.

Hairstyle Mirror

This application will turn your mobile phone in the mirror and allow you to try out different hairstyles in real time. All you need to do is just look at the screen of your phone or tablet, and hairstyles will pop up and form your new look. There are more than 100 women's hairstyles and many color options available to choose from.

Choose your favorite hair color, adjust the position of the hair on your head with your fingers and give the photo the desired brightness. The application, like other similar ones, has a connection with the Internet and social networks.

Hairstyle Makeover

This is another great iOS app for selecting men's and women's hairstyles. The easy-to-use interface offers a wealth of fashionable haircuts and hairstyles, thanks to which you can easily choose a new image and conduct bold experiments with color.

The application has additional editing tools: you can cut your hair, change the parting line and hair shade, adjust the width and height of the hairstyle so that it fits perfectly to your face shape and looks natural.


For more details on changing hair color online, watch the video


All of the above apps for choosing hairstyles and hair colors can easily replace a consultation with a stylist and will help. To decide which application is the simplest and most convenient, you need to try to work with them all. Good luck choosing your hair color online!

Human skin and hair are colored using the same substance - the pigment melanin. Therefore, skin tone and natural hair color match naturally: As a rule, blondes have light skin, brown-haired women have a honey tint, and brunettes have an olive tint. In order not to disturb this natural balance, the ideal hair dye should be the same color as the natural strands, but 1-2 shades darker or lighter.


Usually dark color chosen by those to whom nature has given grayish, ashen, popularly “mouse” hair color, as well as those with dark skin. It’s risky to take the first paint that comes to hand with a photo of a girl with black curls. Sometimes we stare at beautiful picture, we forget that this model has a different skin color and appearance type that is not similar to ours. It's better to start with a shade that is one or two shades darker than yours.

Advantages: a brunette can wear bright, bold makeup not only for a festive evening event, but even during the day in a cafe or for a walk. In addition, the dark shade of the hair makes the hair visually much fuller and thicker. And remember that a dark color emphasizes green or brown eyes better than a light one.

Difficulties: If you wait to re-color it, the roots will look terribly ugly. However, this definition can be applied to both blondes and redheads. IN in this case light regrown roots will create the effect of a bald spot or simply sparse hair.

Do you really want to become a brunette? First, decide on the tone level so that it matches your color type, that is, it is not too dark, and also choose a shade: warm (with red) or cold. Those who have blonde hair and who would like to return to their natural hair color should remember that the dye is washed off from blonde hair faster than from natural hair, so they will still need to be tinted in about 2-3 weeks.


Who can choose a light color for themselves: now if not every second, then every third woman wants to become blonde. Blonde hair has its own inexplicable magic, thanks to which men go crazy about blond beauties. If you are a real blonde from birth, then the easiest thing for you is to just choose the right shade. You choose it depending on your own hair color or the color of the last dye you used for dyeing. But if you have nothing to do with blondes, it will be quite difficult to get the color you need. The main thing is not to damage your hair, and this is very difficult to do at home.

Advantages: increased attention from the opposite sex is one of the most important advantages. Be mentally prepared for it.

Difficulties: When dyeing hair light, problems most often arise with the result. Sometimes it is completely unpredictable and like a disaster. The most common troubles that happen to future blondes are greenish and reddish hair tints, which are incredibly difficult to get rid of. If you have brown hair and suddenly feel a call within yourself to become a blonde, choose a tone that is not too light, or even better, highlights. Otherwise, you might just end up colorless.

Those who want to become blonde also need to think very carefully and consult with the specialist who will dye you: how will your hair react to the fact that it becomes 4-5 tones lighter (if you have a fairly dark hair color), what kind of coloring will be the structure of your hair so that it does not look like it is burnt and unkempt, this is also very important!!! Blonde hair requires more care, as after dyeing it becomes drier and more susceptible to harmful effects from outside. It is necessary to use cosmetics for colored hair, as well as moisturizing masks and ampoules specifically for blonde hair, for example, Z-one ampoules from the Milk Shake series. They have the ability to penetrate deeper into the hair structure than masks or shampoos. After all, the beauty of our hair is not only in its color, but, above all, in whether it is healthy and well-groomed...


Who can choose a light color for themselves: red suits almost everyone, because its shade palette is incredibly rich. It is especially suitable for women with pinkish skin color.

Benefits: Women love red hair, it seems to bring some magic to the look. Men are often wary of red-haired beasts. The most important detail is that the owner of orange/garnet/copper hair will have to get used to increased attention, because such bright hair often attracts glances, both enthusiastic and surprised. However, this is exactly what extravagant women seek - attention!

Difficulties: Experts in the field of hairdressing always warn that dyeing in red shades is exactly the case when you should think a hundred times and cut it off once. Dyed red hair is the most unpredictable. Because if you later want to become a blonde or a brunette again, it will be difficult to predict the result after changing your hair color again. By the way, red hair quickly loses its intensity, so coloring procedures are carried out much more often.

Those who want to become a redhead first need to think carefully about whether it’s worth it... Since if you have a naturally cold coloring, then most likely red hair color will not only not make you brighter and better, but rather the opposite: you may look tired, bruises will appear under the eyes - all this is just because the hair color is chosen incorrectly. But this does not apply to those whose style can still dye their hair red, despite the cold natural color.

Those who decide to dye their hair red must also decide on the choice of tone and its saturation. So, if you naturally have a fairly contrasting appearance, I would advise not to choose too light shades, but to make them as close as possible to the level of your natural hair color. And vice versa, do not choose a very dark tone if you naturally have a fairly calm (pastel) appearance.


Before applying dye to your hair, you must carefully select it. The wrong hair color can age you, highlight skin imperfections, and turn a pleasant face into a plain, too simple or gloomy one. Check out these hair color tips to help you avoid the most common mistakes.

Advice one. The main rule that must be followed when choosing hair color is adherence to the principle of compatibility of skin and hair according to the scheme “warm skin tone - warm hair tone” or “cool skin tone - cool hair tone”. Shades like ash blonde, Scandinavian light blonde, ice chestnut, eggplant and blue-black are combined with cool skin tones. With warm - colors with a copper, honey or reddish tint. At the same time, almost all shades of red suit white and pink-skinned women very well.

Tip two. Do not forget that those with copper or olive skin and initially brown hair are not suitable for very light hair - it looks unnatural, however, coloring using different shades with a spread of 3-4 tones will look very impressive. For light, transparent eyes, a darker hair color that creates contrast is preferable to a light one. When combining hair and eyes, you should also follow the rule “warm to warm, cold to cold” - brown, hazel, green eyes Golden and honey-chestnut shades are suitable, blue and gray shades are ash-brown, platinum blonde.

Tip three. If you want to wear very dark or very light hair, pay special attention to the condition of your skin. A radical hair color will highlight everything that you might want to hide - imperfections, post-acne, dark circles under the eyes. Of course, hunting is worse than captivity, and what is far from ideal can always be disguised with the help of cosmetics, but think carefully about whether you need such dependence on foundation, concealer and powder, especially in summer?

Tip four. If possible, aiming for darker or more blonde hair, don’t transform yourself at once - it’s not only harmful to your hair (and mental health loved ones), but will also create difficult-to-solve problems in case of failure. Change your hair color gradually, 1-2 tones at a time.

Tip five. When choosing a new hair color, look not at the smiling models on the paint packages, but at the palettes with sample strands or the names of the tones. Many manufacturers indicate whether the paint has a warm or cool tint. If you want to cover up a lot of gray hair, it is better to lean towards a lighter solution: dark looks less natural, especially as the roots grow out. A light ash or wheat shade will softly replace gray hair color. Do not forget that hair dye reaches its maximum effectiveness on gray hair, so it is better to avoid red and red tones, unless, of course, you are striving for a photographic resemblance to Vivienne Westwood.

Tip six. Hair dyes with different degrees of durability open up different possibilities - depending on the degree of their washability, you can “try on” a new tone with different consequences and prospects.

A temporary dye or tinting agent will not completely change the appearance, but will allow you to make the hair color deeper or give blonde hair an interesting shade. The instability, which is its advantage, can also become a disadvantage - such products are washed off in the rain, staining bed linen and towels.


Semipermanent dyes act on the surface of the hair without penetrating into its structure. They are gentle on the hair and scalp, but do not always bring the expected results. But they wash off after about six weeks.

Tone-on-tone products- a transitional link between semi-permanent and permanent paints. Their formula with low content ammonia or without it at all does not lighten the hair, but makes the natural color richer and brighter. When choosing between two shades of tone-on-tone dye, choose the lighter one - usually the result of using ammonia-free dyes is somewhat darker than expected.

Permanent hair dyes are products that contain ammonia, which lifts the hair cuticle so that the pigment penetrates under the scales. They provide long-lasting results, but negatively affect the hair structure. The use of permanent dyes must be combined with care treatments for hair and scalp.


Dyeing gray hair is sometimes more difficult than just going blonde. This is due to their structure. However general rule Yes: the older we get, the lighter we choose hair dye. Dye in copper and red, eggplant and blackberry shades should be left on for a little less than the time indicated on the package, otherwise there is a high probability of acquiring a too bright, exotic hair shade. If you have less than a third gray hair, it is best to use a non-permanent paint that is a tone lighter than the natural one or that matches the natural tone.

You have time to think whether it’s worth starting coloring now or maybe wait for the first signs of gray hair. Sometimes we do not notice the beauty of our native color. Ask your loved ones for their opinions, because the main thing is that the changes benefit you.

Creation individual image requires certain knowledge. Mesmerizing deep color can decorate your appearance. If you do not take into account the specifics of color type, style, age, it is easy to spoil even impeccable data. Not many people have access to a consultation with a professional stylist, but it is important for every young lady to know how to choose a hair color. , emphasizing its originality and unique beauty.

Should I change my hair color?

Nature is recognized as the best stylist. She optimally selects the best combinations of skin tone, eyes and curls. But it’s so difficult for girls to give up experiments.

Each, regardless of temperament, type of activity and type of appearance, is an actress who wants to try on different roles. A fatal beauty, a romantic student, a purposeful businesswoman - the images change like gloves.

Hair color will be an excellent assistant for radical transformations. Even adherents of natural, natural shades find it difficult to resist adding light accents. Highlighting, toning, use modern techniques Highlighting individual strands allows you to preserve the color while adding a touch of personality.

Reasons why you should change your hair color:

  • hair is thin, porous, looks lifeless, lacking dynamics and volume;
  • the first signs of aging require correction of hair tone; the right color will help refresh and visually make a woman younger;
  • facial features are inexpressive, lost against the general background, the image as a whole is gray and uninteresting.

Changing color to correct external data does not mean choosing rich, bright shades, classic blonde or dark chocolate. Often the most successful color will be one close to natural, no more than 2-3 tones lighter or darker in intensity. Therefore, you should not be afraid of experiments; a new image will allow you to see yourself in a new light.

How to choose hair color to suit your face

Often girls follow the lead of fashion, choosing current, seasonal shades. Following trends can play a cruel joke - instead of a radical transformation, it can spoil your external data. Therefore, stylists evaluate and analyze the features of appearance, selecting a unique palette for each client. A systematic approach to finding a successful image will help you avoid common mistakes.

Tips from image makers on how to choose hair color to match your face and eyes:

  • owners blue eyes It is worth paying attention to the cool shades of blonde and ash chocolate. Dark curls will make your look expressive, emphasizing the impeccable radiance of the heavenly color. Blondes can opt for silvery Nordic options. Light brown tones will also be successful, provided there are no golden or wheat motifs;

  • grey eyes may have a greenish tint or cool blue; the universal rule is to choose intermediate shades. Bright blonde, red, red or blue-black should be avoided. Highlight Gray-green eyes sandy, nutty, chestnut with notes of gold, interesting strawberry motifs. For gray-blue, it is better to choose ashy shades, from light brown to dark chocolate;

  • brown-eyed young ladies You shouldn’t duplicate the brown color; the caramel-chocolate palette will be the best. For a warm color type, hair dye in shades of milk chocolate and cognac tones is suitable. For owners of transparent milky-porcelain skin, you can choose dark brown, black with silver highlights;

  • for green eyes A multifaceted palette of gold, ocher, copper, and cappuccino is ideal. The luxurious depth of color can be emphasized with warm shades of blond, red without scarlet inclusions and deep chestnut.

  • With age, it is more difficult to maintain an impeccable skin tone, pigmentation, wrinkles appear, the complexion becomes uneven, after 30 years it is recommended to avoid contrasting blonde, red, red, black. This hair color visually makes a woman look older, and also draws attention to skin imperfections;
  • young ladies can experiment with bright rainbow shades. A fresh, even complexion will harmoniously combine with silver, strawberry, and emerald. You don't have to limit your ideas for self-expression;
  • girls with pale skin are better off avoiding basic blonde; stylists recommend using tinting in sand, platinum, ash shades, otherwise the border of the oval will merge with the bleached strands of the face;
  • beauties with dark skin should choose a palette of caramel, chestnut, the main rule is that the color of the curls is 2-3 tones lighter or darker than the skin tone.

How to choose hair color based on your appearance color type

There are 4 color types, named according to the time of year. Everyone can learn how to choose the right hair color. The basis of the technology is the external data that nature has awarded.

Appearance color types: summer, winter, spring and autumn

  • Spring belongs to the warm color type, it can be recognized by its delicate peach skin, and a scattering of freckles is often observed. Eyes range from gray-green to tea-colored, eyebrows and eyelashes often match the color of the hair. Hair is naturally straight or with slight curls, sometimes thin, porous, but light and manageable. It is rare to see girls with naturally dark hair; often it is medium brown and copper chestnut. For those who want to turn into blondes, it is better to choose sand and wheat tones. Splashes of gold will highlight the warm tone of the skin and the depth of eye color.

  • Summer easy to recognize by transparent milky-porcelain skin with a pink undertone, gray, blue eyes. Eyebrows and eyelashes often have an ashy tint, and natural hair color ranges from basic blonde to dark brown. Girls of the summer color type should protect their skin from the sun's rays; instead of a beautiful bronze tan, you can get redness and burns of the skin. To highlight transparent matte skin, you should focus on light and medium-intensity tones. Red, red, cinnamon and dark chocolate will be losers. Ash blond, pearl blond, cappuccino are suitable. Alder, hazelnut, and milk chocolate will help make your look more expressive.

  • Autumn It has a bright, contrasting appearance and belongs to the warm color type. Eye color ranges from marsh green to light brown with golden veins. They have a luxurious skin tone - soft peach, bronze, but always with a warm undertone. The structure of the hair also differs; in the autumn color type, girls with wavy, curly locks are more common; a mop of hard, unruly strands requires careful care. The best palette for representatives of the autumn color type is caramel, chocolate, and copper. Young girls can experiment with red, fiery shades. For mature young ladies, sandy-blond and strawberry blonde will help them look stylish. Dark chocolate and cognac are suitable for brunettes; also choose golden chestnut. Radically black will make you look older.

  • Representatives Winters have a contrasting, memorable appearance. Dark brown, transparent blue, emerald eyes attract attention. Skin - from transparent milky with streaks of blue veins, to dark, olive with a bronze tint. Natural hair color ranges from black to dark brown; you can easily recognize the color type by the pronounced thick eyelashes and eyebrows. The image of fatal beauties, for whom they were specially created bright colors. In youth, it is recommended to use bright blond, fiery red, and also blue black. After 30 years, it is better to focus on calmer shades of spicy espresso, frosty chestnut, and dark chocolate. It is better not to use blond for mature young ladies; bleached strands will emphasize the first wrinkles and draw attention to skin imperfections.

Photo: what color hair will do Winter color type

It is important to know not only how to choose a hair color based on your appearance color type, but also how to change shades in one palette. You can regularly experiment within the boundaries of the ideal tone.

Who suits red color

Golden, fiery red, copper-chestnut are suitable for owners of thick, straight, curly and curly hair. Emphasizes the depth of brown, green eyes, shades lightly tanned skin.

Features of choice:

  • with pink undertone skin, you can experiment with light and dark tones of red, red, chestnut;
  • for olive, you should choose dark chocolate and cinnamon with splashes of gold;
  • For tanned, dark-skinned beauties, juicy red, fiery shades are suitable.

Who is suitable to be a blonde?

Photo: light hair color suits women of any age, with the exception of girls with a contrasting type of appearance

The saturation of hair color is affected not only by skin tone, but also by age. Young girls can use contrasting cold blonde with silver shades. After 30 years, stylists recommend giving preference to light hair. natural shades, bleached strands make you look older.

Who suits being blonde:

  • platinum blonde is the prerogative of young ladies with impeccable appearance; it looks great with bright and nude makeup;
  • strawberry, sand, pearl blonde can be chosen by girls with natural light brown curls; it is worth remembering that shimmering cold shades require careful care;
  • The golden-wheat palette suits almost all types of appearance, the only thing is that it should be avoided by fatal beauties with a contrasting appearance.

Practical light brown and chestnut colors

These colors are suitable for both warm and cold color types of appearance. For those with fair skin and light eyes, you should choose golden brown shades.

A selection of the best tones:

  • honey suits girls with peach skin, tea-colored and green-brown eyes, it looks great on long wavy curls;
  • hazelnut is suitable for owners of gray and blue eyes; it fits beautifully on straight, thin strands; to give a unique shine, it is recommended to use it with frosty highlights;
  • red chestnut shades pale skin with a pink undertone, highlights blue, green eyes, suits natural brunettes and brown-haired women;
  • graphite chestnut emphasizes snow-white porcelain skin and gray-blue eyes, emphasizes straight, flowing strands, and adds volume due to its cold shimmer.

Black hair color

This complex color looks good only on young girls. The black palette shows signs of lack of sleep, fatigue, and makes you look older. More often it is used to create a grotesque, somewhat theatrical image. For mature women who want to remain brunettes, the best options would be dark chestnut, ripe blueberries, and hot chocolate. Dark shades require regular nutrition and hydration. They look good on thick straight and curly strands; on sparse curls they will emphasize the lack of volume.

Online hair color selection programs

Today there are no frames or restrictions on the path to perfection. Knowing how to choose your hair color, You can work on your image yourself by choosing the optimal tone.

It is convenient to choose your hair color from a photo using online applications. We have collected the most popular online programs below:

  1. Movavi Photo Editor is a multifunctional editor with data correction properties. The free online program allows you to not only apply template haircuts and change hair color, it is a full-fledged Photoshop with unlimited possibilities. Any amateur can simulate a haircut and choose the desired tone.
  2. 3000 hairstyles is a device for finding an individual style. In addition to hair color, it is possible to try on a haircut from the templates provided. Also, makeup and accessories are selected based on the photo. With the help of the program you can see yourself in new style directions. It is easy to change the color, hair structure, and adjust the length.
  3. Hair Pro also works with portraits; an unlimited number of haircut templates and color palettes will help you choose more than one successful look. There are settings for coloring and curl length, and you will be pleased with the unlimited base for applying makeup.
  4. Salon Styler Pro— the program has a user-friendly interface. It is possible to experiment with hairstyle and color. The system can recommend makeup based on your appearance type and face shape. The parameters are adjusted individually, the three-dimensional image will allow you to evaluate the work done.
  5. Virtual HairStyler— program for photo processing. Using convenient settings, it's easy to experiment in virtual mode. There are ready-made templates for hairstyles, hair shades, and it is possible to work with individual elements of appearance.

The desire for perfection forces you to regularly experiment with hair length, structure and, of course, hair color. Find good shade The secrets of color types and online programs for choosing hair color will help. Harmonious combinations will create unsurpassed, unique images.

In order to successfully choose a hair color, emphasize all expressive features or muffle imperfections, you need to determine your color type of appearance. Each color type has a specific palette, with which you can even select the colors of your wardrobe.

1. Spring

Girls of this color type are distinguished by tenderness, warmth and romance. Therefore, shades must be selected based on these qualities.


  • Leather: light, with a warm golden tint. Often tans poorly and has a slight blush on the cheeks.
  • Eyes: blue, light blue, light green, gray and turquoise.
  • Hair: light brown, honey, light chestnut, red with a golden tint. Very often there are light curls and strands that are lighter than the rest of the hair.

What's suitable?

For the spring type of appearance, light, golden, red and caramel shades are ideal, as well as feminine haircuts and hairstyles. You can lighten individual strands or do highlighting.

What doesn't work?

Avoid cold and ashy tones, which will only make your face look extra pale.

2. Summer

The main difference between the summer color type of appearance is its cold features. Dominant colors include ash, silver and cool blue.


  • Leather: different shades (often olive), tans well, red or pink blush.
  • Eyes: all shades of gray, as well as light brown and rarely dark green.
  • Hair: light brown without yellowness, chestnut and dark brown, often fade in the sun and split ends.

What's suitable?

If your hair color is lighter, choose wheat and pearl shades or light brown. Ash brown shades with hints of reddish highlights are ideal for dark hair.

What doesn't work?

Avoid bright red, red, yellow and black tones that will visually add extra years to your appearance.

3. Autumn

The autumn color type is associated with a bright and warm image in a red palette. Most Slavic women have an autumn color type appearance.


  • Leather: peach color, often with red freckles, even complexion without blush. It does not tan well and is prone to burns and redness from exposure to the sun.
  • Eyes: green, olive, amber, light brown. Often very expressive and bright.
  • Hair: red, chestnut with a red tint.

What's suitable?

The whole palette is perfect Brown: chocolate, nut, burgundy, cappuccino and red shades. A fiery red color can compensate for the lack of blush. Light brown shades also work well.

What doesn't work?

Avoid golden tones and wheat blonde shades.

4. Winter

The main characteristic is the sharp contrast between complexion and hair color. Your appearance is naturally very impressive, so it will be very difficult to change anything.


  • Leather: light, porcelain, pale with a blue tint, pale pink. If there is no contrast, the skin may be dark, olive or tinged with yellow.
  • Eyes: gray, cold blue, brown, dark brown, olive brown.
  • Hair: black, chocolate-cognac, straight and thick, rarely curly.

What's suitable?

Blue-black, as well as eggplant or ash tones will look perfect. The richness of black color makes the winter appearance unique and inimitable.

What doesn't work?

Give up golden shades and a wheat blonde palette.

To successfully choose a hair color based on your color type, you need to correctly determine it and follow all the advice.

In the picture below you can see a short overview of the shades that are characteristic of each color type.

How to choose hair color to match your face, eye and skin color?

When choosing a paint based on your skin color, you need to remember that “platinum blonde” and “scorching black” clearly highlight all the imperfections. Therefore, for such shades you need flawless skin without a single flaw.

If you tend to blush, avoid bright red tones, which, together with your habit of blushing, will only emphasize and highlight it even more.

Choose paint based on the tone of your face: if your skin is warm, choose warm colors; if your skin is cold, choose cool colors. This will help avoid additional paleness or yellowness.