How to get dark brown hair color when dyeing with cold and warm shades: recommended hair dyes, folk dyeing recipes, shade palette. Who suits dark brown hair? Dark brown hair color: makes you look young or makes you look old? Hello

Do you want to become a brown-haired woman? Then remember the main thing - brown hair color must be combined with the skin, as well as the shade of the eyes. Only in this case can you count on amazing results.

Who is brown hair suitable for?

Brown hair color is ideal for women with hazel, brown, green and blue eyes. If your original color is ashy and dark brown (the so-called mouse), you won’t have to lighten it. If your hair is darker, you can't do without it. Otherwise, you will be wasting your time and money. We advise you to take a closer look at any chestnut tones, 2 shades darker.

For girls with olive or dark skin and dark eyes, we recommend choosing warm brown tones with a honey or golden tint. Brown hair with red, caramel and bronze notes will look no less beautiful. But for those with a fair face and light eyes, the ideal option would be a cool brown color – both light and dark.

Advice! Women with very light eyebrows and eyelashes need to very carefully select the shade of their strands. After dyeing your hair a dark color, they may visually disappear completely. To prevent this from happening, paint your eyebrows and eyelashes with special paint.

Fashionable shades of brown hair

Incredibly beautiful and noble shades of brown open up a lot of stylistic possibilities for women. You have a lot of options - from dark to golden.

Light brown

Light brown tones are ideal for ladies with dark eyes, but it is strictly contraindicated for light-eyed girls. As for the skin, its color does not matter at all. Light brown hair goes well with both porcelain and dark complexions.

Dark brown

Dark brown shades are an excellent choice for women with dark and tanned skin, as well as brown, green and blue eyes. It looks natural and perfectly emphasizes the overall image. Dark brown hair perfectly harmonizes with both long and short hair, giving it volume, liveliness and beautiful shine. But the most unusual duet will be the combination of dark hair color with light skin and dark eyes. Thanks to such a sharp contrast, the image will be elegant, sophisticated, noble.

Ash brown

Of course, we cannot call it natural, but we can easily call it insanely beautiful! Despite the fact that this complex shade adds a couple of years, modern beauties simply fell in love with it. Ash brown color combines both warm and cool tones, so it is suitable for both light and dark skin. Eye color can be any, the main thing is not green.

Purple brown

Brown hair with pinkish and purple undertones is a real squeak! It looks simply chic, expensive and noble. That is why it is often chosen by many Hollywood stars.

Golden brown

The golden shade of brown hair will create a bright look for girls with very dark or very light skin, as well as brown eyes.


The red-brown hair color looks rich and bright. This is the same red tone, but with a brown tint. It will be an amazing solution for all women of a warm color type. If you have light brown or green eyes and slightly dark skin, be sure to try it on yourself.

Light brown

Another beautiful color that breaks all popularity records. It is common in nature, but looks a bit boring. That is why many women prefer to refresh their natural hair tone with appropriate dye. The result of this coloring will be shining hair that shimmers in the sun.

Copper brown

Almost the main trend of the season! The copper-brown shade looks incredibly attractive - you just won't be able to take your eyes off it. Take into account only the skin tone (it must be light), as well as the eye color (preferably brown).


This is perhaps the darkest and sexiest color. It is also called glasse or dark chocolate. After dyeing, the hair becomes almost black and glows with light chocolate notes. The black-brown shade will add variety to the style of burning brunettes and add femininity to them.


The red-brown shade often becomes the choice of extraordinary and courageous individuals. It has no age restrictions and looks great on both young girls and mature ladies. Brown hair with a red undertone will perfectly highlight fair skin and make you divinely beautiful.

Cool brown

The cold brown-haired man intertwined smoky, ash, light brown, bronze and black into one ball. This is an excellent option for those with brown, blue and gray eyes, as well as delicate porcelain skin.

Warm brown

Warm brown tones (cognac, amber, caramel) will be a win-win choice for the “spring”/“autumn” color type. These are girls with dark or tanned skin and green or light brown eyes.

Chocolate brown

Chocolate brown hair color is one of the most popular in the entire brown hair palette. Feminine and very delicate, it will definitely erase a couple of years. For those with a cool color type, chocolate with a gray or black undertone is ideal. Watch carefully to ensure that at least a little red notes do not appear there. Leave them to girls of autumn color type.

How to dye your hair brown?

There are several ways to get a beautiful color at home.

Method 1. Coloring with tint balms

Tinted shampoos or balms are great for those who have not yet made their final choice - they will easily be washed off from your hair after a while.

Method 2. Intensive toning

This method of coloring guarantees a more lasting result than the previous one. It allows you to change your hair color by 2-3 tones. The color will wash off after about 20-25 washes.

Method 3. Permanent coloring

Permanent hair dye is the most radical way to change the color of your hair. But you can use it only after you have completely decided on the choice of shade. Permanent dyes do not wash off during washing and cover gray hair well.

Important! Don't forget to regularly touch up your growing roots, otherwise your hairstyle won't look too neat.

Method 4: Home Remedies

You can get a very deep and rich brown hair color using folk recipes. Remember, natural dyes can only be used on hair that has not been pre-curled or dyed with chemicals.

Recipe 1 – Onion peels

  • Water – 200 ml;
  • Onion peel - 0.5 cups;
  • Glycerin – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Fill the husk with water.
  2. Cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Strain through a sieve.
  4. Pour glycerin into the liquid.
  5. Soak your strands in this product daily using a cotton sponge. Repeat until they reach the desired color.

Recipe 2 – Linden blossom

  • Linden color – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Water – 1.5 cups.


  1. Fill the linden color with water.
  2. Cook over very low heat, stirring constantly.
  3. Wait for the liquid to evaporate by 2/3.
  4. Cool and apply to strands.
  5. There is no need to rinse off this mixture.

Recipe 3 – Coffee

  • Natural coffee – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Henna – 1 package;
  • Water – 200 ml.


  1. Pour water over coffee and cook for 5 minutes.
  2. Cool to 90 degrees.
  3. Pour this coffee over henna.
  4. Stir well.
  5. Apply the mask to your hair.
  6. Place a shower cap on top.
  7. Keep for 35 minutes. Do not over-expose the mixture, otherwise your hair will turn black and blue.

Today, golden-brown hair shades are becoming increasingly popular among the fairer sex. And this is completely justified. After all, this color and its palette are ideal for almost every lady. It matches perfectly with any skin tone and eye color. It is generally accepted that those with golden hair are by nature very soft, sophisticated and feminine. And their field of activity is often related to creativity or publicity. Such people, for the most part, have an easy-going and calm character; they are gentle and generous by nature.

Who is the fashionable shade suitable for?

As a rule, these are girls with a spring look. They may have a natural flush to their cheeks or peach-toned skin. Their lips are light in color and their eyes are blue, turquoise or a soft greenish color. The natural color of these girls' strands is usually light brown. Most of them come in honey, caramel or golden-red shades.

And if your skin type is more cold, then in this case it is better to experiment with warm beige, copper or creamy shades. If the natural color of your hair is natural blonde, then it is better to use tinting shampoos with a golden tint. Thus, the curls will become more attractive, thanks to their sparkling shine in the sun.

For brunettes, stylists recommend doing a few bleached strands, so the look will be more romantic and delicate. Or, by lightening all the strands several times, you can get a beautiful and even golden-brown shade of all your hair. But it is advisable to carry out all these procedures in a beauty salon, so as not to harm your hair and be satisfied with the result.

Golden tone palette

To create their own unique image, stylists today offer girls a variety of gold and brown colors.

In cosmetics stores you can see a wide variety of color palettes. Relatively recently, a tone interspersed with rose gold appeared. Thanks to the combination of colors, you can get unusual hair highlights with a play of golden, red, apricot and honey shades at once. The photo shows fashionable shades of golden brown hair on girls' hair.

For natural blondes, color schemes with golden tones are very popular. The palette can vary from dark golden brown to light. To give an ashen tone, beige colors are often used.
Another new addition to the palette of golden brown colors is a delicate creamy shade. It is ideal for brown-eyed women.

There is a wide variety of bronze shades. This palette includes chocolate and caramel tones, brown, light and dark. You can dye several individual strands in bright colors, this image will become even more expressive and attractive.

  • For fair-skinned beauties, a light red shade will certainly suit you.
  • In order for blonde hair to retain its durability and color for a long time after dyeing, it needs to be properly cared for daily. It is recommended to carry out nourishing and moisturizing masks twice a week. Since when highlighting or washing it is half a tone or tone lighter, the curls become thinner. Therefore, they need constant care and nutrition.
  • To maintain golden charm, it is enough to regularly use tinted shampoos or balms. So, the hair will be less damaged, and the color will be bright and rich, as if only after dyeing.

Owners of a bright palette should pay special attention to makeup. Give preference to light and delicate makeup. Use warm colors. It is better to take blush in light pink or peach tones. Shadows can be beige and terracotta, green and olive. It is better to paint your eyelashes with natural mascara. Also try to paint your lips in soft pastel colors; bright makeup can ruin the whole look and turn you off.

Hair dye “Golden chestnut”

Today, manufacturers of cosmetics and hair dyes offer a wide range. If you are trying to give preference to a gentle coloring method, then you need to pay attention to tinting agents. The most affordable and popular coloring balm today is Tonic. This shampoo is available in a wide color palette, including golden brown shades. The only drawback to using it is that periodic touch-ups will have to be done at least once every two weeks.

Among the paints, it is worth noting the popularity of the brands Garnier and L’Oreal. They are easy to use and dyeing your hair with them is not difficult even at home. There is a large color palette of golden browns available, ranging from beige or pink blonde to hot and fiery chocolate.

The paints from these companies provide excellent, long-lasting color. Provides 100% gray coverage. Nourishes and protects hair both during and after coloring. A huge variety of chocolate shades, brown and chestnut. Fair-haired ladies can easily choose a color for themselves from a palette of golden brown and light chestnut shades. For hot brunettes, the shade “Deep Chestnut”, “Chocolate Truffle” or .
The paints of these companies are widely represented on the shelves of cosmetic stores and at affordable prices. Do you want to change your image? Become brighter and more irresistible? Then it's time to visit a beauty salon and choose one of the shades of golden brown hair color.

Every woman is unique and unrepeatable. Everyone wants to be beautiful and well-groomed, find new outfits and change their image beyond recognition. Sometimes change is simply vital for a woman, like a breath of fresh air. New hairstyle, new makeup and, of course, new hair color!

In this article we will look at shades and methods of dyeing hair dark brown.

All girls and women tend to want to change their appearance, including experimenting with the color of their curls. One of the most popular colors is dark brown, because it gives its owner’s curls natural shine and beauty.

Who suits dark brown hair?

We all initially have our own natural hair color and this color, as a rule, suits everyone almost perfectly. However, over time, many begin to experiment with coloring and accordingly look for their color. Choosing the right paint color for dyeing your curls is not so easy, but knowing a few secrets, this process will be quick and easy.

So, dark brown curls should be given preference to the following girls:

  • Almost all ladies who have their natural hair color 1-2 shades lighter than dark brown. As a rule, such coloring will be successful and will favorably emphasize the features of your appearance.
  • Based on skin color types, this color for curls is suitable for young ladies with a winter type of appearance
  • If we talk about eye color, then, in principle, it can be completely different, however, dark brown hair looks most advantageous with green and brown eyes
  • For those ladies who have fair skin and blue eyes, you can try dyeing your curls dark brown using a technique called highlighting. In this case, light strands will highlight the dark color favorably
  • Women whose skin is pale should not experiment with this color, as the color difference will not work in their favor.
  • The most correct and beautiful combination would be dark skin, brown eyes and dark brown hair.

Dark brown hair color: makes you look young or makes you look old?

Probably all women have heard more than once that color makes you look old or, on the contrary, makes you look younger and, based on this, they made their choice in favor of some color for curls. However, in principle, color itself does not age or make you look younger if it is chosen correctly and suits its owner.

  • If you follow the generally accepted classification of colors and their characteristics, then all dark, cold colors and shades age. Light and natural ones make you look younger accordingly. Dark brown color, as you know, is considered cold, so, from this point of view, it can add extra years to its owner.
  • However, if we talk about color types, then dark brown color will rejuvenate representatives of the autumn type. In this case, you can pay attention to this color, as well as chocolate shades of brown.
  • Owners of dark skin and brown eyes will definitely rejuvenate with the help of this color; moreover, it will advantageously emphasize their appearance at any age.
  • Also, dark brown color is suitable for women who have fair skin and bright blue eyes. In this case, it is necessary to give preference to a pure dark brown color, without any tints.
  • This color will definitely age those ladies who are naturally endowed with pale skin and light curls.

Beautiful shades of dark brown hair color: palette

The dark brown color can be varied with its various shades, and the curls will look much more interesting and beautiful.

  • Dark brown with an ashy tint. This color is considered natural and natural. Most women who choose it note that it makes their appearance somewhat older, so you need to be careful with it. However, this shade also has advantages - it suits absolutely any skin and eye color.
  • Dark brown with a purple tint. This color is very interesting and rich, although it is not particularly bright. Curls dyed this color will shimmer with a beautiful purple hue in the sun.
  • Dark brown with a golden tint. Due to the golden notes, this color will be somewhat lighter than just dark brown. This color is perfect for ladies with fair skin and green eyes.
  • Dark brown with a bright red tint. The color is very bold and does not suit all women, however, those who can afford it always look chic. Girls with light, but not pale skin can experiment with this shade.

  • Dark brown with a light brown tint. This shade of dark brown is one of the most popular. This is the color of curls that most women who naturally have dark hair have. Thanks to dyeing in this shade, the curls will look brighter and the color will become richer.
  • Dark brown with a black tint. This color is distinguished by its saturation and is very close to black. Dyeing this color is suitable for ladies with fair skin and blue eyes, as well as dark-skinned women with brown eyes.
  • Dark brown with a red tint. This shade is suitable for everyone who loves experiments and dark curl colors, but wants them to look bright. The color itself is slightly lighter than the usual dark brown, however, thanks to the red notes, it is more saturated.

How to Get Dark Brown Hair Color with Cool Undertone Dyeing: Recommended Hair Dyes

Dark brown with cool undertones is in great demand as it suits many women. At the same time, it does not age the appearance and favorably emphasizes the features of the appearance. The easiest way to obtain it is to dye it in a salon or hairdresser. In this case, the specialist will determine your natural curl color and, according to this, select the most suitable paint with the desired color.

If you plan to paint it yourself, you can get this color by choosing the following paints:

  • Dark brown with an ashy tint. In this case, you can choose any paint that suits you in terms of cost and shade. The most common ones are Rowan and L'Oreal.
  • Dark brown with a purple tint. You can also find similar paint in a specialty store. If you couldn’t find the desired shade, you can try dyeing your curls with a mixture of 2 colors, dark brown and eggplant color. The most accessible paints are Rowan and Garnier.
  • Paris deep chestnut, dark chestnut Brazil. These shades belong to L'OREAL Recital Preference paint. They look great on curls, giving them a natural and healthy look.
  • Often, to get a cool dark brown color, you need to mix 2 colors, for example, dark brown/brown/chestnut and ash. This procedure at home is not always successful. Therefore, if you decide to please yourself with a similar color of curls, it is better to have it dyed in a salon or invite a specialist to your home.

How to Get Dark Brown Hair Color with Warm Undertones: Recommended Hair Dyes

Some women mistakenly think that it is impossible to get a dark color with a warm shade, because they attribute warm shades exclusively to a light palette of colors. However, even dark brown can be warm.

Achieving warm brown shades is not too difficult; by the way, they look most advantageous on representatives of the spring and autumn color types. So, if you want to get a dark brown color with a warm tint, then give preference to these paint colors:

  • Brown with a caramel tint. This shade adds warmth and light, sunny notes with golden tints to the dark brown color.
  • Brown with an amber tint. Dark brown and brown colors with this shade look very summery, as curls dyed this color acquire shine and shine.
  • Cognac color of curls. This color is a combination of brown, gold, red and copper. Thanks to this combination of colors, we get a rich and beautiful color that is ideal for dark-skinned and brown-eyed women. By the way, this color is better to choose for older ladies. Girls under 30 should choose the color with care and only if it suits them completely.
  • Brown with a copper tint. This color is perfect for almost all ladies, as it goes well with any skin and eye color. At the same time, this color looks really “warm”.
  • All of the above colors and shades can be found from different paint manufacturers. The most popular and well-proven paints are from L’oreal, Estel, Garnier.
  • However, it is important to understand that in order to achieve a beautiful shade, you must not only choose the right paint colors, but also mix them correctly. That is why we recommend painting in special establishments, and buying paint in specialized stores where there is a consultant who can give you advice if necessary.

How to achieve dark brown hair color by mixing dyes?

Mixing paints is a very risky business, since it is very difficult to choose the right colors and mix them in the right proportions. Moreover, dark brown color is very popular and popular, so it is sold in various shades and there is no need to mix paints to get it.

If you still want to make the paint yourself, then use the following tips:

  • Mix paint from only one manufacturer.
  • Immediately decide on the end result. If you want a richer dark color, add more dark, black paint. If you want a dark brown that is lighter, then you should add more brown.
  • The easiest way to get this color is to mix rich black and light brown. In this case, add black in small portions, since if you overdo it, you will get a too dark color.
  • If you want a dark brown with an ash tint, use dark brown and ash paint. Mix in approximately equal proportions.
  • If you add a little red or purple to brown paint, you end up with a dark brown with purple and red tints.

How to get a beautiful dark brown natural hair color with a shade of light brown when dyeing: tips, recommendations for choosing paints

Both dark brown and light brown are very popular colors among women as these colors make curls look more natural and natural. By choosing the right paint color, as well as by mixing palettes, you can get a brown color with a light brown tint or a dark light brown color. It is important to understand that it is impossible to get dark brown with a noticeable light brown tint, since brown is much darker than light brown.

  • To get a natural dark brown color, you need to take pure paint, that is, without any admixture of any shades.
  • It is best to take a lighter brown color.
  • By mixing brown and simple light brown, we get a brown color with a light brown tint. Be careful about the proportions; the more brown, the less the tint color will be visible.
  • By the way, it is the light brown color of curls that is most common in its natural existence, however, due to its inconspicuousness, ladies try to repaint this color to a more saturated one.
  • You can add brightness and mystery to this color by mixing it with caramel-colored or cocoa-colored paint.

How to get a beautiful dark golden brown hair color when dyeing: tips, recommendations for choosing paints

Most often, a golden hue can be seen in a palette of light and red colors, however, there are those who prefer to have this shade on dark hair. And it’s not in vain - this color can be considered universal, because it suits almost all young ladies, regardless of age and skin type.

  • Naturally dark-haired girls can get a similar color by lightening their curls. At the same time, you can lighten all your hair and get an even and sexy golden brown color, or you can lighten just a few strands, in which case the look will be more delicate. Please note that you should lighten your hair only in a salon or hairdresser, since an incorrect procedure can seriously damage your curls.

  • You can also get a dark golden brown color by highlighting brown curls using various gold and copper shades.
  • You can also try mixing brown with golden blond and dyeing your curls in the resulting color. However, it is important to know that young ladies with naturally dark brown and black hair will initially have to lighten their curls somewhat and only after this procedure begin coloring.

How to get a beautiful dark brown hair color with an ashy tint when dyeing: tips, recommendations for choosing paints

This color of curls does not exist in nature, however, women like it so much that they are happy to choose it for themselves. It must be said right away that this color is one of those that ages, but if you choose the right paint and image, there will be no problems.

This color is preferred not only by women of advanced age, as many might think, the color is also popular among young girls.

  • Achieving this color is not very easy, so it is best to dye your curls with the help of professionals.
  • The whole point is that you need to choose the right proportions of brown and ashy, otherwise you can end up with a too dull and dirty color, which will not only age you, but also give you a sickly appearance, emphasizing skin imperfections.
  • You can get a similar color using the highlighting technique. In this case, strands of steel ash color are made. This option will look great on those with dark brown and chocolate hair.
  • You can also get this color by mixing dark brown, chocolate, chestnut color with ash and its shades, for example, light brown.
  • The easiest way out of the situation in this case would be to choose a suitable paint, without the need to mix colors. The manufacturer L’Oreal has a fairly wide selection of similar colors and shades. For example, you can choose a shade called “Frosty Glace.”

How to get a beautiful dark brown hair color with a chocolate tint when dyeing: tips, recommendations for choosing paints

Chocolate hair color, as well as chocolate shade, are in great demand among women of all ages. The thing is that this color practically does not age women, if it is chosen correctly. Moreover, it makes women look younger, giving their curls natural shine and charm.

  • These colors are considered natural, which is why the demand for them is so great. Based on this, you can dye your curls a similar color in several ways, including folk remedies.
  • A natural chocolate shade can be obtained by using the well-known henna. This dye is very gentle on curls, without changing their structure or making them dry and brittle.

  • You can also achieve a chocolate shade by mixing henna and instant coffee. In this case, you need to add 3.5 tbsp to 300 ml of water. specified coffee and boil for 7 minutes. After this, the liquid must be left to cool to 50 degrees. When the temperature of the coffee is exactly this. Add 1 packet of henna and mix the contents of the container. This composition is applied to clean curls and left for about 1.5 hours, having previously wrapped the curls under film.
  • If you don’t want to bother yourself for a long time looking for folk remedies, but want to quickly carry out the coloring procedure, but still get the desired result, then you can simply choose the appropriate paint color. An excellent option would be paint in the color of dark brown chocolate, milk chocolate, or Irish chocolate.

How to get a beautiful dark brown hair color with a copper tint when dyeing: tips, recommendations for choosing paints

Today, copper color is becoming more and more popular, and all because it has many different shades. Here you can find darker shades, and vice versa, light ones with a bright golden tint.

Copper color, like its shades, is considered quite bold because it attracts the attention of others due to its effectiveness. However, with the right combination of colors, you can get an unusually sexy color and shade.

  • By mixing light brown, brown, chestnut color with a dark copper shade, you will get dark brown curls with red, copper and red tints.
  • If you mix dark brown dye with a copper-golden tint, the curls dyed this color will take on a beautiful rich brown color with hints of gold and copper. Such hair looks very beautiful in the sun, because in this case it will “play” and shimmer in different shades of brown and copper.

  • You can also resort to using copper-brown paint, in which case the curls will have a fairly rich and bright color. If you want to get a darker brown, then you need to add a little chestnut or chocolate color to this paint.
  • At the same time, remember that you only need to mix paints from one manufacturer. You should also understand that sometimes when mixing colors you can get a completely unsuitable color for hair dyeing.

How to get a beautiful dark brown hair color with a red tint when dyeing: tips, recommendations for choosing dyes

The red color itself is not very popular or in demand. The thing is that the color is too bright, provocative and unusual. That is why this color is more often used for coloring curls using highlighting, ombre, etc. techniques.

It is no less popular to use various paints with a red tint, and this shade is popular not only in a dark color palette, but also in a light one.

  • It is important to know that the color red has many shades, they are all different from each other and, accordingly, will give a different shade on brown hair. The most common are copper red, cherry red and mahogany.
  • You can achieve a red tint on your curls by mixing colors. In this case, choose the most suitable color of brown paint, you can take chestnut or chocolate color. Then decide whether you want a clean, bright red or a dark red, and choose your red paint accordingly. Next, mix the paints in the required proportions - the lighter the brown, the brighter the tint color, the more red, the more visible the shade. After this, color your curls according to the instructions.
  • If you are the owner of brown or chestnut curls, take a red dye with a suitable shade and dye your curls - they will acquire a beautiful tint of the desired color.
  • If desired, you can dye it using the ombre technique. By resorting to this coloring, you will get curls of brown, brown with a red tint and red. However, it is better to do this in a salon or hairdresser.

How to get a beautiful dark brown hair color with a purple tint when dyeing: tips, recommendations for choosing dyes

Purple hair shades have been in fashion for a long time. Despite this, not every woman can afford to wear this color or at least its shade. And the point is not at all that purple suits few people, but that the color is considered bright and stands out among the rest.

Today, in principle, there is no need to mix colors yourself in order to get a dark brown with a hint of purple. Almost all paint manufacturers produce them in a similar palette.

  • As a rule, brown curls dyed eggplant color turn out dark brown with a purple tint. At the same time, the purple tint and the play of colors are clearly visible in the sun; the rest of the time the shade will not attract too much attention.
  • You can also use paint with the shade “Currant Cocktail”. By dyeing your brown or chestnut curls this shade, you will get a purple tint.

  • Female representatives who have light curls can dye them with brown-violet dye. To do this, you need to mix the selected color of brown with purple or eggplant. In this case, you need to adhere to the correct proportions. If you add more purple dye, the color will turn out “screaming” and by dyeing your light curls in this shade, you will not get brown with a purple tint, but a rich purple.
  • If you naturally have dark curls, then adding a purple tint is easy. If you are a blonde or have light brown curls, it is better to do a similar procedure in a salon.

How to get a beautiful black-brown hair color when dyeing: tips, recommendations for choosing dyes

The black-brown shade is transitional. As a rule, those girls and women who want to dye their curls bright black in the future and those who love dark hair, but bright black does not suit them, experiment with such colors.

This color gives its owner charm and elegance, while emphasizing femininity. Despite the advantages of this color, you need to remember about its disadvantages - sometimes this color makes you look old.

  • You can get a black-brown shade by mixing black and chocolate paint. In this case, of course, there should be less black. You can also take dark brown and chestnut color for mixing.
  • You can simply buy ready-made paint, of which there is now a huge amount.
  • Suitable paint for this color is “Dark Chocolate Mix”, as well as “Black-Chestnut”. Thanks to these colors, curls look bright and rich.
  • Black with a chocolate undertone, or rich chocolate would look good. The darkest color will look like a black paint with a chocolate tint.
  • It is not recommended to experiment on your own with such a rich color, especially if you are blonde.
  • If you really want to change the color of your light curls to black-brown, then contact a specialist.

Folk recipes for dyeing hair dark brown

In addition to professional and ordinary dye for curls, you can use folk remedies and recipes from them to color them. Such products, of course, are less durable and the effect of them will not be so noticeable, however, they are more gentle and less harmful to curls.

  • Onion peel. It would seem that onion skins and dyeing curls are incompatible things, however, this is not so. You can get dark brown hair with this product. So, first make a decoction of the husks. It should be very concentrated, so there is no need to skimp on the husks. Next, wipe your curls daily with a sponge dipped in the broth. The method is suitable for light curls, however, you can also paint over gray hair in this way.
  • To get a beautiful brown color with a chestnut tint, you can use walnuts, or rather the peel from them. Take a certain amount of nut peels and, after chopping them, mix with water. The consistency should be like homemade sour cream. Next, apply the product to your curls and wait 15 minutes, then rinse your hair with water.

  • You can also dye your blonde or gray hair a dark brown color using black tea. Make a strong brew and rinse your curls with it, or apply it to your curls and, after waiting half an hour, rinse. The richer the color you want, the stronger the brew. For gray hair you will need at least 4 tsp. tea and 4 tsp. coffee, dissolve in 150 ml of boiling water.

Dark brown curls are the standard of naturalness and naturalness. That is why this color and its shades are in great demand. Before you dye your curls a similar color, determine the shade you need and purchase a good dye. We do not advise you to experiment with curls on your own, especially if you have not had such experience before, because in this case you may get a completely unexpected coloring result.

Video: Hair coloring in dark brown and chocolate shades

The brown shade is very popular among women today. The reason is that it is natural and goes well with the color of the eyes and skin. Shades of brown are presented in a wide variety. What to do if nature did not give your hair a rich and bright brown color? Everything is very simple: you need to choose the appropriate shade of paint and dye your hair. Let’s look at which one will allow you to make your dream come true further.

Cool brown shades of hair dyes

Matrix Colorinsider Palette

Today, this cosmetic product has become in great demand and is increasing every day. Moreover, they began to use paint not only at home, but also in salons. Its main feature is that it does not contain ammonia, but at the same time effectively colors the strands.

The palette of brown shades here is diverse. All of them are saturated and cover gray strands 100%.

When using Matrix, you can be absolutely sure that you will get the shade specified by the manufacturer. This line of cosmetics preserves the integrity of the hair, allowing you to obtain a uniform and rich color.
For those who want to dye their strands brown, you need to use the following palette:

  • brown-haired with an ash tint;
  • brown-haired brown-copper;
  • brown-haired brown-red;
  • brown-haired with a golden tint;
  • brown-haired red-brown;
  • brown-haired red-violet.

Igora Royal

This paint comes in the form of a cream. Belongs to the category of professional. Despite the fact that its composition contains ammonia, it does not have a strong odor and takes care of the hair during coloring. The main advantage is its consistency, thanks to which it flows and is easy to apply.

Price – about 400 rubles

This quality made it possible to use it at home when painting it yourself. For those who want to give their strands a brown tint, you can use the following palette:

  • dark blond;
  • chocolate;
  • dark brown with golden, purple and beige shades.

Natural Reem Gold

This composition perfectly covers gray strands, cares for and protects them, giving them natural beauty. This is a natural dye, based on henna.

Thanks to her, the hair gets shine, and its condition noticeably improves. There are no chemical components in the composition. Can be used for any hair type. The palette contains natural brown shades and golden brown tones.

You can find out about the Coleston hair dye palette.

Wella Professionals Color Touch Plus

Using this paint, you get semi-permanent, intense toning with shine. It is possible to cover up to 70% of gray hair. It is presented in a cream format, which contains the TriSpectra caring formula. It improves the hair structure and gives it rich color from roots to ends.

Its delicate composition allows it to be used not only for coloring tinted and natural strands, but also those that have been permed. The brown color lasts up to 24 washes.

Thanks to the special emulsin Color Touch Plus 4% with a low content of hydrogen peroxide in combination with TriSpectra Color cream-gel, it is possible to obtain deep color and more intense coloring. Hair dye from Vella is a great opportunity to make your hair shiny and silky.

For those who want to get a brown tint, you should use this palette:

  • saffron;
  • cinnamon;
  • curry;
  • ginger;
  • tourmaline;
  • cypress;
  • olive;
  • sycamore.


In the video, brown shades of hair dyes:

Is it possible for pregnant women to dye their hair with Estelle dye?

Various shades of luxurious brown hair color are very fashionable today. Just a few years ago, girls dreamed of having a head of blonde hair, but today they dye their natural hair and learn the names of the different colors of popular brown shades.

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Before you decide how to achieve a new shade, and how to properly dye your hair, you need to decide which tone is suitable for your appearance. For example, judging by the photo, brown hair, like blond, looks good with blue, green, brown, and hazel eyes.

Those with dark or olive skin should choose warm tones with a golden or copper tint. For fair-skinned people, an icy tone without redness will be ideal. Let's take a closer look at the shades of brown hair, decide who suits it and how to get a cold or warmer tone.

Only brown-haired people

Today there are so many different shades of brown that you can get confused with the name. If you decide to change the natural tone of your hair, you will choose from the following shades:

  • light brown-haired. Ideally combined with dark eyes, dark or porcelain complexions. Contraindicated for girls with light eyes;
  • dark brown rich hair color looks natural. In photos in magazines you can often see models with this shade. It is for ladies with tanned skin, blue, brown or green eyes;
  • the ash brown color may add a couple of years. Despite this, he is very popular. Ash hair tone is suitable for any skin because it combines cold and warm tones;
  • The brownish-violet color is often confused with burgundy. But the photo shows that this is a completely different shade of hair. It incorporates pink and purple undertones;
  • golden brown hair looks good with brown eyes and very light or very dark skin;
  • Red-brown tones are always bright and rich. They are suitable for girls of a warm color type;
  • The black-brown bright color is also called “dark chocolate”. After dyeing, the hair becomes almost black with translucent chocolate tones;
  • Red-brown tones are often chosen by brave girls. It perfectly shades fair skin and makes the image extraordinary and bright. Ideal for green or brown eyes.
  • cold brown-haired combines many shades. Among them are black, bronze, light brown, ash, smoky. This option is good for gray, blue and brown eyes.
  • warm brown tones are a win-win for the spring/autumn color type. Caramel, amber, cognac tones are suitable for girls with light brown, green eyes and tanned skin.
  • chocolate-cinnamon color without a hint of red is the most popular in this color scheme. The photo shows that it looks good on girls of a cold color type.

Also find out how it happens.

If you are hesitant to change the shade of your hair, then think about the benefits of dyeing. Different shades of brown hair have several advantages:

  • add femininity;
  • emphasize eyes and skin;
  • make the image more vivid;
  • a large palette allows you to experiment;
  • hides skin imperfections and highlights its yellowness.

Of course, there are also a few disadvantages. Among them are the following points:

  • incorrectly selected paint can add several years;
  • The paint fades after a while.

Step-by-step instruction

If you want to go brown without using products with ammonia, you should learn how to dye your hair using henna and basma. These are natural dyes that not only color the hair in a variety of shades, but also saturate it with useful substances. To get the right tone, it is important to choose the right proportions. You will need:

  • henna, basma;
  • ground coffee;
  • glass bowl, brush;
  • shower cap.

If you are interested in how you can make brown hair from bright black hair, then you need to take henna and basma in proportions of 1:3. For lighter hair, for example, light brown, the proportion should be 1:2.

  1. Make coffee from ground beans.
  2. Mix henna with basma, pour in coffee, stir well, cool.
  3. Apply the mixture to your head and put on a shower cap. On black hair, the composition should be kept for about four hours. For lighter hair, an hour is enough.

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Supports saturation and shine

It is not enough to understand how to make a beautiful brown shade from black or light brown hair. You also need to properly care for it. First of all, you should buy special shampoos that retain the shade. Tinted balms will not be superfluous, allowing you to create stunning shine.

Dark curls reflect light well. It doesn’t matter what tone of brown hair color is – copper or without red.

To maintain the richness of the tone as long as possible, you need to monitor the health of your hair. Trim split ends and use treatment masks regularly.

Brown hair needs UV protection. The most durable hair dye will fade due to prolonged exposure to the sun. In summer, don't forget to wear a hat if you have long walks under the scorching sun.

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