How to understand that a guy is in love. How to tell if a guy likes you He spends more time on his phone than with you

10 signs that a man truly loves?

    1. A thoughtful look.
    2. He listens more than he speaks, the feeling that he is ready to listen all his life.
    3. Tries to be as close to you as possible.
    4. Sees off.
    5. Carries your bag.
    6. Sings songs, reads poetry.
    7. Interested in everything related to you.
    8. Holds your hand.
    9. He invites him to visit when his mother is at home, introduces him to relatives.
    10. Gives gifts.
  • 10 signs that a man loves you:

    1. he is generous
    2. he tries to look good
    3. he talks about you to other people
    4. he doesn't pay attention to other girls
    5. he tries to get closer to you
    6. he compliments you
    7. he gives you flowers
    8. he's embarrassed
    9. he doesn't want to let you go after the date
    10. he is interested in your affairs.
  • The signs of true love on the part of a man are as follows:

    1. such a man pays a lot of attention to you,
    2. he doesn’t demand anything from you: look like this or that, behave like this or that, and so on,
    3. he spares nothing for you, he is ready to give everything in the world,
    4. he is ready to sacrifice a lot: not only his time and effort, but also his habits, principles,
    5. he doesn't care whether you love him or not,
    6. he will never offend with humiliation or insult,
    7. It may seem to you that he understands you without words,
    8. even if he is rude, he will try to smooth out his rudeness, be softer, treat his beloved like a crystal jug,
    9. he will want to be more often,
    10. he will also look for ways to help you.
  • A man loves if he shows sexual interest in you but does not show sexual interest in other women, stands up for you and supports you in any situation, helps you, respects and listens to your opinion, demonstrates in every possible way that he is interested in you as a life partner and easily agrees to marriage and most importantly, he is happy when you pay attention to him and take care of him.

    1. a man who wants to live only with this woman loves her
    2. he wants many children from her and right now
    3. forgives her everything and not even nonsense
    4. always looks at her with a special look
    5. She will tear up anyone for her who even says a bad word about her or thinks out loud
    6. always take care of her, about her health ( warm hat in cold weather, etc.)
    7. often spends his free time with her (damn, more often than with friends)
    8. respects her opinion, and even if she doesn’t accept it, she will definitely listen
    9. definitely wants to marry her
    10. gives her compliments and shows signs of attention (gifts, flowers, nice little things)
  • The surest sign of falling in love is one: a man takes photographs of the object of his adoration everywhere. He, as if subconsciously, wants to keep you in his memory for a long time. And all the signs that were listed can be imitated, if you want to achieve sexual intimacy or marry for convenience.

    I can highlight the following ten signs of a man's true love:

    1) The man makes concessions;

    2) A man pays for you everywhere;

    3) The man himself calls you first;

    4) A man gives you gifts;

    5) The man in front of you is embarrassed in some situations;

    6) A man is obedient and can be controlled;

    7) A man showers you with admiring glances;

    8) A man begins to dress better and take care of himself;

    9) the man gives a lot of compliments;

    10) A man constantly strives to be alone with you.

  • Everyone loves in their own way and expresses their love in the same way. Let's try to find general signs love from a man.

    1. Diligently and persistently seeks the object of desire
    2. Tries to introduce the woman to his friends, parents
    3. Diligently crams in to visit her parents
    4. Builds relationships with your lover’s child (if any)
    5. Tries to spend as much time as possible with his beloved
    6. Tries to make pleasant surprises
    7. Looks at the object of adoration with his mouth open
    8. Supports and helps in all endeavors
    9. Thoughtful. Sighs often
    10. For some time I even abandoned my friends and hockey
    1. If your lover proudly talks about your, even very insignificant, achievements to friends and relatives, you can be sure that the man loves you madly. He can talk about how you are the best housewife, it can be career achievements, or maybe you know how to cook the most delicious soup in the whole city.
    2. A beloved woman is almost always a desired woman. He wants sex with you anytime, anywhere. A man in love simply won’t attach much importance to excess weight or unwashed hair.
    3. A man who truly cares about you will never leave you in trouble or illness.
    4. The financial side can also tell a lot. If a man is too stingy, you should think about his true feelings. It's your birthday, did you receive a toothbrush as a gift from your husband? Hmmm, I doubt that he particularly values ​​you.
    5. A man who truly loves you will never cheat.
    6. He is trying to get rid of bad habits - a good sign. If a man, at your request, tries to stop drinking and come home on time, it means he is ready to make concessions for the sake of you, his beloved.
    7. He is often jealous of other men. You should rejoice, dear women!
    8. A man who fulfills your whims, even if sometimes completely inexplicable for them, certainly has feelings for you.
    9. Sometimes, you notice his intent and gentle glance furtively. Loving man always looks at his woman.
    10. Are you the best for him, despite all the hysterics, lack of makeup and vicious past? Be sure that he loves you!

He never said he loved you, but you assume it because he looks at you THAT way. He never called you his girlfriend, but you assume you are because he never told you about another one.

2. You twist everything when you talk about him.

Your friends think he loves you very much, but that's only because you only tell them pieces taken out of the context of your relationship. You only share pleasant moments, but don’t remember how he disappears for weeks and doesn’t even write to you.

3. You only pay attention to the good.

He often writes to you “S Good morning" He says how beautiful you are. He even admits that he has feelings. And you only focus on that, ignoring everything he did that was bad and wrong. It's easier this way...

4. You make excuses for his behavior.

When he only responds to your text at the end of the day, you tell yourself that he’s probably busy, that his phone is dead, that there must be a reason why he’s not around - it can’t be that he’s just doesn't appreciate you.

5. You pay more attention to his words rather than his actions.

You believe him when he says that you are the only one he has, that he only wants you, that he will never leave - even though he went out with other girls the day before and came home late, so there was an obvious betrayal. You blindly believe what he says, although it does not correspond to his actions.

6. You take warning signs as compliments.

He makes a jealous scene when you're out with your friend and you're happy that he's jealous. He begs you to send him nude photos of you, and you feel good that he wants you. What should offend you makes you happy.

7. You only think about the past.

You remember your first meeting, the first months of the relationship, when everything was wonderful. You dwell on it, avoiding thoughts of how things have changed and how badly he treats you now. You forget that feelings can change.

8. You assume that he thinks like you.

You think that kiss meant something. That he wouldn't have dated you for so long if he didn't want to Serious relationships. You think he thinks the same way as you.

9. You picture him completely different in your head.

The person you imagine in your head is not the same as the one standing in front of you. In your head he is kind, sweet and sensitive. But in reality everything is completely different.

10. You really want to be with him.

You like him so much that you twist everything he says and does, trying to see something good in it. You think he loves you because you want him to love you. You see what you want to see and ignore reality.

Even the happiest relationships can come to an end. If you begin to notice that your boyfriend’s attitude towards you has changed, although this manifests itself only in small things, then you should not deceive yourself, trust your reason and intuition. Psychology is designed in such a way that you will deny the obvious to the end, just to avoid hearing the disappointing truth from your partner. We have collected 10 proofs for you that you are no longer loved as before, so that you can accept correct solution regarding your relationship.

1. He doesn't answer your calls or messages.

A classic sign that yours is being ignored. He may be busy all day or his phone is dying too quickly, but his reluctance to answer your inboxes means that he is no longer enjoying communication. The best decision is to talk to your boyfriend in person, and in the meantime stop imposing your attention on him, because if he didn’t find a couple of minutes to answer you or write to you first, then it’s time for eloquent silence on your part.

2. He answers in monosyllables

Have you noticed that when asked “How are you?” or does any interest in his person receive a monosyllabic answer on your part that does not imply mutual curiosity? If yes, then you have problems. In the absence of conflicts and fresh quarrels, such behavior can mean one thing: he does not want to talk to you and, instead of immediately showing his cards, he thinks that you are either so stupid that you will take his taciturnity for communication, or you will guess that he I don't care about you.

3. He cancels plans

You agreed to go to the movies, but he has sudden things to do, like meeting friends or plans that he doesn’t openly talk about with you. You invited him to visit, but he didn’t even show up, without warnings or subsequent explanations. Does he always have excuses that prevent you from spending time together? He just doesn't want it, but he can't tell you directly.

You shouldn’t expect attention from such a guy, because he gives you clear signals.

4. He doesn't care about the guys you hang out with.

Relationships are built on trust, and manipulating a guy's feelings by trying to make him jealous is disrespectful and low. But, on the other hand, jealousy or at least surprise on your boyfriend's face if you accidentally mentioned someone else is a natural reaction for someone who has feelings.

If you understand that your partner is not interested in who you communicate with, and not at all for reasons of deep trust, then it means that he no longer has the same feelings for you. In some cases, he may be happy with this situation: if you receive attention from the outside, it will be easier for him to leave, using the situation as an excuse or cover.

5. He doesn't keep you updated.

In a relationship, it’s natural to share your experiences of the day and let your partner know if you have big plans for your life. If you feel that your partner is closing himself off from you, while you have not been noticed inattentiveness and passivity, then this means that he does not want to commit himself, and this most often leads to separation.

6. He spends more time on his phone than with you.

We spend a lot of time on phones and browsing social networks, but if we are talking about a loved one, then there shouldn’t be a choice between you. Often going on the phone means that the guy is bored around you or doesn’t want to pay attention to you. This is not a reason to break up, but you should definitely talk to him about his detachment.

7. He talks about other women

If your boyfriend discusses other girls in your presence, whether with friends or specifically with you, then you have every moral right to feel outraged. Especially if it's about someone you don't know. Let's say he tells you about how a girl came up to meet him, or there are several employees at work who show him signs of attention. This situation has two explanations: a) he is trying to make you jealous, and this is manipulation; b) he hints to you that the light has not converged on your person, and this is real disgusting.

8. Physical contact leaves much to be desired.

If before you hugged, kissed and surprised each other in bed, now you barely touch each other, and often without his desire. This indicates that you are in a crisis. If you don't doubt your feelings, then start paying attention to the hints your boyfriend leaves. Not wanting physical intimacy may indicate that he no longer wants it with you or is already having it with someone else.

9. He treats you like a friend.

If your relationship status has suddenly changed, then there is no longer any reason to doubt - he is no longer interested in you as much as before. No flirting, romance, love and physical intimacy - . For long-term relationships, this process is not so natural, since over time the passion may subside, and love will manifest itself differently.

But if you have been dating not so long ago, and you already feel like just a friend, decide for yourself whether to be friends or close the door in front of him.

10. He gets angry for no reason

Irritation without special reasons- this is a sign that your boyfriend is not satisfied with you. And this doesn’t mean that you should go out of your way to please him - on the contrary, pay attention to what exactly makes your boyfriend angry. What didn't annoy him before now drives him crazy, leaving you with doubts and guesses about what you did wrong. The most difficult thing is that it is very difficult to talk constructively with an embittered person, because he himself may not understand why he reacts this way to familiar things.

When a relationship is just beginning, it’s too early to talk about love. But girls are impatient people, they want to quickly find out how a man feels. This is indicated by subtle hints, nonverbal signals, and unusual behavior. One scientific study found that many people find it very difficult to determine the favorability of a potential partner. This is all due to our personal prejudices and experiences. They can interfere with how we interpret another person's words, actions, or romantic intentions. We can either overestimate or underestimate someone's interest. The good news is that love usually doesn't hide itself. Based on these signs, you will guess that the man is not indifferent to you.

Facial expression

When two people interested in dating communicate, the first thing they pay attention to is facial expression and facial expressions. For example, dilated pupils clearly indicate emotional excitement and interest in your person. Look a man in the eyes, in them you will find the main answer to your question. If, in addition to this, your gentleman raises his eyebrows, nervously licks his lips or smiles with all 32 teeth, then you receive new confirmation of his sympathy. In addition, scientists have found that increased testosterone levels increase saliva production.

Language of the body

Nonverbal cues are also very telling. It's time to pay attention to your companion's feet. When a man spreads his knees wide apart while sitting on a chair, this indicates his genuine interest in you. This is evidenced by any other open position of the body, for example, wide gestures with the hands. This is how a person, with the help of unconscious gestures, shows his openness and availability. Broad hand gestures are also usually associated with an attempt to seduce the interlocutor. This is how a man demonstrates his power, strength and ambition. During your interactions, pay attention to your foot placement. Are your feet pointed in your direction all the time? This is a clear sign of interest.


Another clear hallmark of sensual interest is the desire to get closer to you all the time. This manifests itself in a particular tilt of the head or staring during a conversation. The power of eye contact cannot be overstated. Thus, scientists have proven that holding a gaze between people of the opposite sex forms mutual sympathy. Therefore, it is not in vain that a man tries to drill into you with his eyes. His efforts will be rewarded if he accidentally touches your hand.

Desire to listen

When a gentleman is interested in you, he will listen to your monologue rapturously, without being distracted, and certainly not yawning. His willingness to listen is the main way he will win your affection. A man is trying with all his might to show you how dear you are to him. This is also indicated by his phenomenal ability to remember everything that you told him about earlier. He listened to you and retained in his memory the smallest details of the conversation, he reacted vividly to your remarks and appreciated everything you said. All these tiny episodes that a man keeps like the apple of his eye indicate his feelings.


There are compliments that are routine and those that come from the heart. When a man is in love with you, he looks for more opportunities to say pleasant words. Compliments and praise are the ideal affordable option for a veiled declaration of love.

He asks you personal questions

In addition to facial expressions, gestures and non-verbal signals, a man shows his sympathy frequently asked questions of a personal nature, addressed to someone he cares about. Questions directed towards your person allow him not only to get to know you better, but also to form an invisible connection with you. In addition, this way of conducting dialogue is a proven option that relieves stress and awkwardness hanging in the air.

He makes plans together

A clear sign that a man likes you is the desire to build with you joint plans. He invites you to visit relatives for the weekend or plans to go to a hockey game. Now he can’t imagine his usual activities without you. In addition, your partner is interested in your opinion regarding each proposed idea and is sure to take it into account. He will not insist if you are against hockey or are not yet ready to meet his relatives. But the fact remains: you are already a part of his life. However, in this case there is one caveat. A recent scientific study found that a man who makes plans for the near future (for example, for the evening) views you as an easy target. If the event is planned in advance, then he has more than just sexual interest in you. Calling or texting times that are not too early or too late are also a good sign.

Meeting friends and family members

Our next fact on this list is perhaps too obvious. A man will never introduce his beloved to family members or friends if he does not consider this connection with a view to the future. If he invites you to his house, it means that he strives to fully open up to you, to show himself from the most unexpected side. But if he introduces you to his family, it means that you have managed to get on the same level as his loved ones. Now, in order to move forward, you need to demonstrate social communication skills and be able to please those around you. If a good relationship your relationship with his relatives and friends will not work out that way, you risk losing this man.


Another clear sign of sympathy is hidden under caring. Your gentleman is polite, courteous, he does you favors and literally blows away the specks of dust from you. He hates it when you are cold or uncomfortable. Which means coffee in bed life together you will be provided. He will give in to you when you want to watch a melodrama rather than a football match. Men are ready to make concessions to ladies only out of the goodness of their hearts, and not because etiquette rules or social stereotypes oblige them to do so.

He says cute things

For many people, the words “I love you” sound too pathetic. Your boyfriend may show his feelings in a different way. He will tell you how much he missed you, how much he likes you, and how much you mean to him. In addition, he will be concerned about your safety.

What feelings does your loved one have towards you: love or simple sympathy? Is he sincere in his manifestations or skillfully hides his real emotions?

Such questions most often arise among the fair sex, because women tend to look for confirmation of love in every action of their beloved man, think about the sincerity of his feelings and doubt everything that concerns a serious relationship.

Of course, there is nothing funny or funny in these torments, because it is important for every person to know that they are loved and not deceived behind their back. So, how to do this?

How to make sure the sincerity of your loved one’s feelings?

This is the main difficulty for women, because if you ask your partner about this directly, he may lie or not answer the question at all due to his character.

In fact, in order to find out the truth, you don’t need any knowledge of psychology, since there are several signs that a man really loves you, which you can independently identify and notice.

Observation and patience are the only things you need to get the answer to one of the most important questions in life.

“A man’s actions are the best interpreters of his thoughts” J. Locke

The love of a man and a woman can manifest itself in different ways, but nothing will testify to it more than the actions of a person. Therefore, if you want to make sure of the sincerity of your partner’s feelings, the first thing you should pay attention to is his actions and attitude towards you.

At the same time, do not forget that women and men perceive the world individually, based on their own and long-established beliefs in society.

Therefore, try to evaluate the actions of your beloved man from his position, and not how you would act in this situation if you were in his place. Perhaps your man does not take the decisive actions that you lack in a relationship, considering them a manifestation of his weakness.

Imagine the situation, you call your loved one during working hours

He picks up the phone and answers you, and you feel the coldness on his part. A woman’s first thoughts in this situation will be: “Why is he so rude and reluctant to talk to me?”, “He’s probably tired of me, and he’s lost interest in me...”.

Women's logic is simple and understandable, and the conclusions suggest themselves, but think about it, what if your man behaves this way only because he is at work and does not want his colleagues to overhear your conversation.

Remember, earlier he probably mentioned how his colleagues make fun of him, accidentally overhearing your sweet conversations with him. Now think about whether it’s worth getting upset and worried about such little things, while there are several universal signs that a man really loves you.

If a man really loves you, then...

1. He will make future plans for life together with you.

Thoughts about a future together are the clearest sign that your loved one is serious about you and intends to spend the rest of their life with you.

Therefore, if a man shares with you his dreams about the future, imagines what it will be like when you have children, be sure that this man really loves you.

If there is no talk about a common future, then perhaps you won’t have one or the right moment for such a conversation has not yet arrived.

Advice. Don’t be afraid to initiate a conversation about the future; perhaps your partner also dreams of living side by side with you for the rest of his life, but doesn’t know how to tell you about it.

2. He will introduce you to everyone as his beloved woman.

Another proof of a man’s love is that he recognizes you as his soulmate. If your partner really loves you, then of course he will position your relationship as serious and will introduce you as his beloved woman to all his friends.

If your loved one behaves differently when alone with you and among friends, as if changing masks, then most likely he has not yet decided on his feelings and intentions.

Advice. Of course, it’s unpleasant to say the word “I love” and not hear it in response, to see how your loved one moves away from you when friends or acquaintances meet.

Seeing this behavior of a man, do not be upset; most likely, he needs a little more time to realize what is happening between you.

Talk to him, if he is indifferent to you or is satisfied with everything in such a “relationship” - let him go. Such a person is unlikely to make you happy.

3. He will introduce you to his family.

Meeting your parents is a very important step, which a man decides to take only if he is sure that there are mutual and serious feelings between you. Therefore, take your lover’s offer to meet his family as another proof of love.

If your relationship has been going on for a long time, but your partner is in no hurry to introduce you to his close relatives and does not even tell them about you, then there is unlikely to be anything sincere and real between you.

Advice. Your partner must have a good reason for not introducing you to his parents. Maybe he is already married, but is hiding his official relationship from you?

Perhaps the whole point is that you yourself are in no hurry to introduce yourself to your parents, and this fact worries him just as much as it worries you. Take the first step - introduce your loved one to your family.

If after this your man continues to behave as before, then leave him, because such hidden relationships will never bring you happiness and confidence in your partner.

When you are in love, the whole world plays with bright colors and your heart fills with happiness...

When you love, you experience more mixed feelings, because falling in love is a moment, but love is a whole life. This is probably why it is so important for us to see manifestations and evidence of the love of our soulmate every day.

If you doubt the sincerity of your man’s feelings and are afraid that love has long grown into a habit, talk to him about your fears.

Tell your loved one how much you love him and don't want to lose him, take your loved one's hand and look into his eyes. What you feel at this moment will help you understand what is happening without words and answer your question. Take care of love and do not be afraid of the truth!

Anastasia Vasilyeva specially
for the project “Psychology of Relationships”