How to make shuriken from paper: step-by-step diagram with illustrations. How to make shuriken out of paper

2. Cut a sheet of paper into two equal parts. If you want your shuriken to be made from two different colors, then you can initially take two sheets of paper that have the same size but different colors.

3. You need to fold each piece of paper in half, resulting in 2 rectangles. The corners of each rectangle should be folded - one to the bottom edge, and the other to the top (as shown in the figure).

4. You need to fold the resulting figures again, along lines that are symmetrical to the previously laid triangles.

5. The resulting two modules paper crafts must be similar and mirror symmetrical to each other. That is, the right module should be turned over to the other side and aligned with the left module.

6. The stage of assembling our paper star begins. Assemble the shuriken by pushing the right and left triangles of the module located below under the central edges (gaps) of the main triangles located at the top (do not forget to look at the pictures, which clearly show everything what to do).

7. At the first stage of assembly, a figure is obtained that looks like a disconnected star.

8. The second and final stage of assembling a paper star - you need to turn the figure over and thread the remaining previously unused corners into the gaps, as shown in the figure.

Now all the stages of creating shuriken have been completed and the star is ready!

You can also look at other drawings on creating shuriken - a ninja throwing star.

Shuriken, made using the origami technique, is one of the most common paper crafts. There are several ways to make it, the simplest option will take very little time. If you follow the step-by-step instructions, making paper shuriken with your own hands is not difficult.

What is shuriken?

Shuriken is a star used by ninjas and samurai. This concept comes from Japan, translated it means “blade hidden in the hand.” Shuriken was used as a throwing weapon, which always came to the rescue in the most exciting moments of battle. It was made from thin strips of metal, and sharp rays were necessarily provided. Shurikens differed in appearance. They consisted of eight, four or five corners. A special hole was provided in the center of the weapon, which improved its aerodynamic properties.

Today, shuriken is a famous paper craft that children enjoy playing with in the yard, imagining that they are fearless ninja warriors.

Shuriken diagram

There are several technologies for making shuriken, as can be seen in the diagrams below.

Despite the differences in the steps involved in making shuriken, all versions use the same materials and tools.

To make a craft using the origami technique as in the diagrams, you will need:

  • paper – it is advisable to use double-sided colored paper, if this is not available, you can take regular A4 sheets;
  • scissors (can be replaced with a stationery knife);
  • ruler;
  • pen;
  • decorations as desired.

Diagrams with step by step photos.

Step-by-step instructions for making shuriken

Below are step-by-step instructions with photos that will help even a child make paper shuriken.

Thus, you get a simple paper shuriken that can be thrown. If you show your imagination and use paper of different colors, the craft can turn out even more attractive.

Video: how to make shuriken from paper with your own hands

For beginners, it is better to first use the simple option of making shuriken from paper, since without experience you can get confused. The video below shows how to make a regular four-pointed origami craft with your own hands.

The following video provides more complex step-by-step instructions for making an octagonal transforming shuriken from paper. Its peculiarity is that it can take two forms.

Shuriken is a Japanese throwing weapon used by ninjas. It is a small star with sharply sharpened corners. Children can watch the use of these weapons in their favorite cartoons; they were used to arm Batman, Naruto, Raf, as well as anime characters.

To imitate their favorite heroes, boys make these weapons with their own hands from construction toys, paper or other available materials. But you can make origami from shuriken paper, and the craft will fly just as well as a real weapon, but will not harm the enemy.

Not every parent has any idea what shuriken is. In Japan, many types of throwing weapons were invented, among which small stars occupied a special place. They were made of metal. There were two types of such weapons:

  • small peaks with a point at the end;
  • four-pointed stars, each corner of which represented a sharpened blade.

It is believed that they gave one of the ninja schools an advantage over their rivals. Now these throwing weapons are sold in some stores in Japan and Europe and are kept in collections. Various hieroglyphs and mystical signs were often applied to their blades, which, according to the Japanese, brought good luck to their owners. Today, such signs are copied from ancient weapons, but are applied only to collectible items.

Although throwing stars often played a decisive role in battles, they were not used as the main weapon, which were the katanas and yari spears. Shurikens were only an addition to equipment that played an important tactical role.

What is required to make the model?

If you urgently need to make shuriken, then prepare several rectangular sheets. To make a semblance of Naruto's shuriken, you will need black sheets. When making crafts to complement the ninja costume, use paper that matches the color of the gloves or the robe itself.

Since we propose using the origami technique to make crafts, you don’t need anything other than a few thick sheets of paper. The modules are attached to one another using paper flaps.

Making crafts will take no more than 10 minutes, which, if necessary, will allow you to quickly create new items.

Shuriken translates to a blade in the hand, so make small models. The smaller the size, the tougher and more realistic the craft will be.

Four-pointed throwing star

There are several schemes for making shurikens. They are all based on the same principle, which is used to form a four-pointed star. This basic model is suitable for beginners. Traditionally, square sheets are used for origami. It takes two squares to make one model.

In more detail, step-by-step instructions tell you how to make origami from shuriken paper:

  1. Fold the two opposite edges of each square toward the center. Repeat the remaining points for each detail.
  2. Fold the resulting rectangle in half.
  3. Bend the diametrically located corners. On the second rectangle, make a fold at the other corners so that you get a piece that is a mirror copy of the first.
  4. Bend the workpiece diagonally on both sides. You got two halves with corners pointing in different directions.
  5. Fold the pieces one on top of the other perpendicularly so that you can connect the corners with the gaps.
  6. Insert the corners into the gaps first on one side and then on the other. Evaluate the final result.

You have received a paper shuriken, which can be made from contrasting shades of paper to make it even more attractive. This is a transformable craft that can be used to make others; for example, it can be turned into a spinner or a bright pinwheel to decorate a holiday table.

The children are very inventive: using four-pointed shuriken, they came up with the idea of ​​assembling a more complex weapon - a bunch of stars. She looks impressive, has big sizes through the use of 4 to 8 standard shuriken. Such models are most often used by the most avid origami lovers, who have understood the essence of this art and learned to modernize the basic models to suit their needs.

Eight-pointed complex design

One of the models that was obtained by modifying the basic modules is the eight-pointed throwing star. It is called transformative. By appearance it bears little resemblance to Japanese throwing weapons, but is still loved by children. Many boys believe that a star with eight sharp corners is “more dangerous” than the standard one, so they often make this model for games.

There are several options for folding such a craft. They can only be mastered by those who are fluent in the art of origami. Let's give step by step instructions to one way.

Make 8 modules from square blanks of the same size:

  1. Place the sheet at an angle facing you. If you took colored paper, then the white side should be facing up. You should not take the double-sided option, since the unpainted part will help you during assembly of the structure.
  2. Fold it diagonally and unfold it.
  3. Raise the lower corners to the marked line in the middle of the sheet.
  4. Bend the top sharp corner down.
  5. Fold the bottom corner in the same way.
  6. If you did it correctly, the tip will be flush with the tip of the valve assembled earlier.
  7. Fold the module in half vertically.
  8. Make 7 more elements to assemble a circle of modules.

The model folds very simply: the lower left corners of each module need to be placed in the white pockets of the other.

Using this pattern, assemble the entire eight-pointed star. After the circle closes, you will get paper origami “Eight-pointed Shuriken”.

The described elements can be used to create other crafts, it is only important to use your imagination and understand the basics of fixing them without using glue.

How to throw shuriken?

Paper is used to make a type of Japanese weapon, the hira-shuriken. It can be thrown from different positions, positioned horizontally or vertically to the target. To throw, the craft is held between the fingers of one hand, and then a throwing motion is made with the hand, pushing the figurine out.

During the flight, the figure must rotate around its axis 360 degrees.

Japanese ninjas threw shurikens so that they broke through flimsy fences and got stuck in a tree. Forbid your child from throwing crafts at animals and people in advance. Give him a target similar to the one used in darts. Even paper can cause harm severe pain, if you get it in the eye or solar plexus. Throwing a toy at a target is even more useful; this activity will develop your hand and eye.


Making shuriken from available material is not difficult. They are cut out of cardboard, folded from construction sets, but a more gentle version of the toy would be paper. The art of origami, like this throwing weapon, came from the East. Therefore, it is very symbolic to use it for making shuriken models.

You won’t have to spend money on materials for the craft, which will allow you not to worry if your child loses it while out for a walk. It is also important that making a replacement will take no more than 10 minutes.

Karina is a regular expert on the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about games, pregnancy, parenting and learning, child care and the health of mother and child.

Articles written

Shuriken is a type of concealed throwing weapon that was used by Japanese ninja warriors. Despite the fact that shuriken blades may have various shapes, the star is the most famous - it is the star that is most often cited as an example when illustrating this type of weapon.

At the same time, the shuriken star is one of the most beautiful and popular figures in origami - the Japanese art of folding figures from sheets of paper.

The possibilities for using origami stars are enormous:

  • they can be used in children's games (without fear that children will hurt each other or break something);
  • they can be used as themed props for cosplay and theatrical performances with ninja characters;
  • they can serve as an excellent decoration for the New Year tree and home interior.

In addition, the process of folding paper figures is very useful for developing the motor skills of children’s hands and imagination, so children of all ages can and should be involved in making origami.

What is needed to make it using the origami technique?

In order to make origami shuriken, you need to take several sheets of paper. It is better that the paper is more or less thick (not cardboard!) and of different colors - this way the resulting star will look more elegant and, when thrown, will be able to fly a much greater distance.

Also, to make a figurine with your own hands, you will need scissors (in order to give the sheet of paper a square shape), a little time and patience.

Performing four-pointed shuriken

The four-pointed origami shuriken is performed in stages: first you need to make two paper modules, and then combine them into a “flying star”.

Instructions for creating and assembling elements:

  1. Make a square from a sheet of paper by bending the sheet as shown in the picture and cutting off the unnecessary part.

  1. Fold the resulting square in half and cut it in half.

  1. Bend both resulting pieces in half again.

  1. Fold the corners on each piece. Be sure to pay attention to ensure that the flowing folds are mirrored.

  1. Once again bend the modules along lines symmetrical to the resulting triangles (as in the figure).

  1. To assemble the two resulting parts into a single figure, we turn one of the modules over to the opposite side. After this, we combine it with the first, tucking its free ends into the improvised “pockets” of the other as shown in the figure.

  1. Next, we turn the figure over and tuck the free ends of the first part into the “pockets” of the second.

The four-pointed paper shuriken is ready!

The following video will help to show the process of making shuriken even more clearly:

Please note that the shuriken folding pattern used in the video is slightly different. The basis of the figure is not one large square, but two, each of which is folded four times, which ultimately gives the paper star greater density.

Multi-module compositions from 4-pointed origami stars

Using four-pointed paper stars made according to the previous master class, you can assemble larger origami figures. For example, by combining two of them, you will get a double or eight-pointed paper shuriken.

Examples of even larger-scale compositions are presented in the pictures below:

Making an 8-pointed shuriken

The process of making an eight-pointed star using the origami technique is generally similar to creating a four-pointed shuriken. In order to make a paper shuriken with eight ends, you will need to make eight blanks. Moreover, they can be either the same color or multi-colored.

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. As a basis for each module we take square sheet paper and bend it twice diagonally.

  1. Then fold the square as shown in the figure.

  1. We fold the workpiece along the line marked with a dotted line and wrap the part located above the dotted line back (as shown in the picture).

  1. We fold the top layer of paper along the red line, aligning points C and B, as well as the sides marked with green lines with each other. We compare the intermediate result with the picture.

  1. We turn the workpiece over to the other side and fold the right side along the line marked in red so that the green lines are aligned with each other.

  1. Next, we bend the corner along the line marked with a dotted line, and the first blank of the future 8-pointed shuriken is ready!

  1. We repeat the previous sequence of actions 7 times and get eight blanks for the future star. You can start assembling!

  1. We open the right “half” of the first (purple) blank and place the left corner of the second component of the future shuriken (pink blank) in the “pocket” of the left “half” as shown in the figure.

  1. We tuck the right bent “half” of the purple workpiece into the “back pocket” of the pink one along the arrow marked in the figure.

  1. Intermediate results from the front and back sides should be as follows:

  1. Similarly, we connect all eight elements of shuriken:

  1. We compare the resulting results from the front and back sides with the picture:

  1. We connect the first and last blanks of the figure with each other: the scheme is the same as when combining elements with each other. To do this, raise the free edge of the last eighth (blue in the picture) of the workpiece to the top layer of the figure.

  1. We turn the figure over to the other side and tuck the free edge of the first (purple) piece into the “floor” of the last (blue) piece in the same way as we connected the pieces together.

The 8-pointed shuriken is ready! We admire the result!

You will learn another interesting variation of making a spectacular transforming eight-pointed star made of paper by watching the video:

Many boys like to make throwing weapons such as shuriken from paper. It can be used in games and entertainment. These four-pointed stars are origami, which is quite easy to make with your own hands.

To create such a throwing weapon, you do not need complex drawings or a template, just dexterous fingers and a sheet of paper. If you don’t want a fight with such shurikens to end in self-harm, or even death, do not use iron in the manufacture; the most you can make this throwing projectile from is cardboard. This is not a treasure sword. And diagrams with descriptions and pictures will help you fold it out of paper, which will clearly demonstrate exactly how you need to bend and fold a sheet of paper to make a shuriken and not a machine gun. What a shuriken looks like in the original will help you imagine a photo or drawing on the Internet.

Many boys like to make throwing weapons such as shuriken from paper

To create ninja shuriken, you need to create a transforming blank. IN in this case A diagram will be described that will help create an 8-pointed star.

  1. You need to prepare the paper. Each module needs its own paper sheet. It is best to do this type of work using paper of different colors.
  2. The sheet is bent diagonally. Then it bends again.
  3. The bottom left edge should be folded into the center of the paper.
  4. Then the upper right corner is also folded into the center of the sheet.
  5. The top paper layer is folded from top to bottom.
  6. The workpiece is turned over. The triangle at the top needs to be lowered down by pulling its upper corner.
  7. The corner formed at the bottom is bent into the middle. This is the final stage of creating a transformer blank.
  8. Now you need to repeat the above steps to make 7 more of the same blanks.
  9. You can start assembling the shuriken. To do this, the right corner of the triangle is turned away from one workpiece. You need to insert the left corner of another workpiece into the formed “pocket”. This must continue until the end.

The 8-pointed shuriken looks very beautiful, especially if it is multi-colored. They can decorate the interior.

Gallery: paper shuriken (25 photos)

Flying paper shuriken (video)

DIY 4-pointed paper shuriken: diagram

A boy who wants to pretend that he is a samurai or a ninja should definitely make such a craft.

Master Class:

  1. You need to take a square-shaped sheet. You can tear out a piece of paper and make it square.
  2. Then this leaf is resolved in half. You get 2 rectangles. Alternatively, you can use paper of 2 different colors, so the craft will be much more beautiful.
  3. After this, each rectangle is folded in half lengthwise. You should get 2 new rectangles, but thinner ones.
  4. Now you need to fold the corners of the shapes. One corner bends up and the other corner bends down.
  5. Now the rectangle needs to be folded along the lines. They were symmetrically laid out in a triangle earlier.
  6. Symmetry should be checked at this stage. Two figures are placed side by side. If any of them is larger or smaller, you need to redo the workpiece. The correct shuriken can only be made if both parts are equal.
  7. To connect the parts, the right figure is turned over and carefully attached to the left figure.
  8. The modules are attached to the “pocket” formed at the bottom of the triangle.

A boy who wants to pretend that he is a samurai or a ninja should definitely make such a craft.

At the last stage of assembly, it is necessary to bend the edges of the fastened figures.

Paper shuriken: the simplest origami pattern

This fun activity is perfect for keeping the kids occupied. In addition, the operating scheme is as simple as possible.

  1. At the first stage of work, you need to make a square from a piece of paper. To do this, one edge of the rectangular paper should be folded towards the opposite edge. The part of the sheet that remains at the bottom must be cut off.
  2. The diagonal of the square is collapsed. In order to do this, you need to bend the upper right corner diagonally. Excess paper is cut off.
  3. Now the preparation of parts begins. The squares are folded in half. Rectangular shapes were formed.
  4. The resulting figures are cut to length with scissors. Instead of a knife, you can use a special paper knife; it is easier to work with.
  5. Now it is important to bend each piece of paper along its length. You need to align the edges of the shapes by bending the corners diagonally. In this case, one corner of the figure is bent down, and the other is bent up.
  6. Now the figures need to be compared. They should be a mirror image of each other. If the figures are not equal, it is recommended to remake one of the two blanks. Otherwise, you won't be able to make the right shuriken.
  7. Now each figure needs to form a triangular fold. To do this, the top edge is bent diagonally.
  8. At this stage you can begin assembling the shuriken. One figure turns over to the other side. One part is placed perpendicular to the other. This is how their connection should occur.
  9. The upper corner of the lower part is folded into the previously formed “pocket”. A similar action is performed with the lower corner.
  10. Now the design needs to be carefully turned over with the front side facing the needleworker.
  11. We need to keep turning all the corners.
  12. Then the final fold is made.

To make the craft last as long as possible, it is recommended to wrap it with tape. This will prevent it from falling apart.

What tools and materials do you need to prepare?

Working on shuriken is working with paper. This type of creativity, like any other, requires the master to prepare materials.

Working on shuriken is working with paper

In this case, you will need the following materials:

  • Paper sheet. This can be ordinary A4 printer paper or colored paper. The ideal option for creating shuriken would be to use special origami paper. You can find it in stationery stores.
  • Scissors or paper knife.
  • Scotch. It is not necessary to use it, but with it the shuriken will last much longer.

Warnings for Newbies

In such painstaking work, as in any other, it is important to take timely precautions.

Here are some rules to follow:

  • The ends of the shuriken are quite sharp, especially if it is wrapped with tape. That is why it is not recommended to leave this craft near small children.
  • It is important to be careful when throwing shuriken. There have been cases where people have injured themselves.
  • No need to throw it at anyone. Shuriken can hurt a person or animal. Especially do not throw the star into your eyes, as its ends are very sharp.
  • It is important to be careful when working with scissors.
  • You can seriously cut yourself on the paper, so you don’t need to run your hands and fingers over its edge.

In such painstaking work, as in any other, it is important to take timely precautions

  • To assemble the parts into a shuriken without any problems, you need to make all the folds very carefully.
  • After assembling the star has been completed, it is important to thoroughly wrinkle all the folds made earlier. This will also make the final work easier.
  • To make good folds, you need to crease them with your fingernail. But do not press too hard, otherwise the paper may tear.
  • To make the star look good, it is important to first check the symmetry of the parts. If they are not symmetrical, then the sriken will not fly.
  • All folds must be aligned when moving to the next stage of work.
  • If you use magazine paper, the shuriken will turn out as correct as possible.
  • This craft can be used as a decoration for a glass of cocktail. To do this, just stick a small stick or toothpick into the center of the star.