How to fold a napkin into a heart shape. How to make a heart out of napkins for a holiday table Fold a napkin into a heart shape

Alena Larina

Master Class"heart" (from paper napkins) .

How many different valentines

Spinning in snowy February.

One of them is mine for you.

Dear Colleagues! I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming Valentine's Day! And offer yours Master Class.

As the main material, I decided to use ordinary paper napkins. After all, working with this material is a pleasure. It is very pleasant to the touch, the color range is not limited, it can be found in any store and its cost is not high. Wrapped out napkins many balls, Can make very beautiful, bright and original things.

So, let's begin.

For the manufacture of " Heart"we will need the following materials:

1. Colored cardboard (I used red and pink shades);

2. Paper napkins, single-layer (white and red);

3. Scissors;

4. PVA glue;

5. Pencil;

6. Brush for applying glue;

7. Hole puncher;

8. Satin ribbon, braid or ribbon for flowers.

Bend a sheet of cardboard in half and draw heart or trace according to the template, then cut it out.

Napkin cut into small squares, the size of a matchbox.

Use a hole punch to make a hole for the tape (optional).

On the back side of the product, in the center, we draw smaller heart.

From roll napkins into balls(lumps, but not too tight (the ball should not open, but at the same time be slightly “disheveled”).

Along the inner contour apply glue to hearts.

We begin to lay out white lumps along the contour.

Laying out the outline heart– fill everything with lumps heart. We try to place the lumps close to each other.

We start gluing the red lumps from the edge heart, gradually moving towards the center. We glue the lumps as close to each other as possible so that there are no gaps left.

And so is ours the heart is ready.

If desired, you can thread a ribbon through the hole and use heart like a pendant.

Is our heart – the work is not difficult, but extremely painstaking, it requires perseverance and accuracy. It will not only be a wonderful gift, but also a source of pride for children, and will also serve as a source of inspiration, motivating them to create new masterpieces.

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It only takes 5-10 minutes to fold a heart-shaped napkin for a romantic dinner or Valentine's Day. A napkin folded in such a cute way can literally transform your table!

To fold a napkin into a heart shape you will need:

Two red paper napkins;

Sleight of hand

Instructions for folding a napkin into a heart shape:

First, take a napkin and unfold it into an open book shape (photo 2). Fold the upper corners towards the middle (the folds need to be pressed firmly with your finger), then turn them back to their original position (photo 3).

The same thing needs to be done with the lower corners - fold them to the middle, press the folds, turn them away. The folds will be visible on the napkin, along which the napkin will be further folded (photo 4). Next, you need to form a square from the rectangle along the fold lines: first fold left side napkins, after which - the right one (photo 5). After folding the napkin accordingly, you will get something like photo 6.

Then you need to bend the upper corners of the napkin diagonally (photo 7). Then straighten the bent corners, press them onto the napkin - you will get four diamonds (photo 8). Each of the diamonds needs to be folded on two sides, as in photo 9. Each side needs to be straightened out and pressed against the napkin. As a result, you will get something like a “scarlet flower” - also nice idea for a romantic evening (photo 10).

But if you decide to fold the napkin in the shape of a heart, then continue the wonderful transformations and fold another corner of the napkin (photo 11). And in the end you will get a real heart! The middle can be decorated with any elements - bows, beads or flower buds.

27 January 2016

After New Year's holidays We are starting to prepare for Valentine's Day. It is considered a must-have gift to loved ones. valentine as a sign of attention and appreciation of feelings. Couples in love arrange a romantic evening by candlelight (using decoupage technique). An original surprise for Valentine's Day we will be making a napkin holder in the form of heart for this master class.

To work you will need square sheet paper and PVA glue.

Fold the sheet in half.

Unfold and fold it in half again in the other direction.

Having unfolded the square, we fold its edges towards the central one. horizontal line.

We repeat the same folds after unfolding the sheet in a different direction.

Having unfolded the square, we pay attention to its corners - due to the existing folds, small squares have formed in these places. You need to bend the corners of the squares, focusing on the boundaries of these small squares.

We repeat this on all corners of the large square.

Fold the sides of the workpiece towards the central vertical fold.

We turn our workpiece over to the other side.

We bend the upper part of the workpiece towards the central horizontal line.

We do the same with the lower part, bending it upward.

Triangular folds formed at the corners of the resulting square. They need to be opened a little, and then folded to form a diagonal fold.

We repeat this operation on the remaining three corners.

Now let's start forming the upper edge of our future heart. To do this, we make small bends.

After that, we straighten them, and tuck the resulting folds inward.

We repeat the same on the other side.

Bend the workpiece in half.

To form the bottom of the napkin holder, make a small fold at the bottom.

Then we straighten this fold and form the bottom.

We give the resulting heart its final look. To do this, you need to use glue and fix parts of the heart in several places.

Our napkin holder is ready.

She will become original decoration festive table for Valentine's Day.

A paper napkin heart folded in the shape of a symbol of love will definitely lift your spirits on a romantic evening. Paper heart Not only is it a table decoration, but it is also used at the end of the meal.
The master class was prepared by Mar-K for the Handicraft Lessons website.

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When Valentine's Day or a birthday comes, the desire to do something special for a loved one arises. To make your holiday lunch or dinner look truly romantic, you can make hearts out of napkins. Beautifully folded napkins have another benefit. At the start of a cocktail party or dinner, you'll have something to talk about with your guests. At the same time, you will teach them this simple and charming art.


  • paper or cloth napkin;
  • flat surface;
  • iron;
  • ironing board.

An easy way to fold a napkin

Take a napkin and place it on a flat surface. Fold it horizontally, connecting the bottom edge to the top. If the napkin is made of fabric, iron the fold. If it is paper, carefully smooth the bottom edge with your hand.

Fold the napkin in half again and horizontally. Iron or press the folded edge tightly. You will get a long narrow rectangle. Fold the napkin in half from right to left. Now lay out the napkin. There will be a vertical fold in the middle.

Using the vertical fold line as a guide, fold the left edge toward the middle so that it lies perpendicular to the right edge. There will be a corner at the base of the napkin. Now fold the right side in the same way. The napkin will resemble an inverted “house”.

Turn the napkin over to the reverse side. There will be a triangular pocket at the base of the napkin. Fold the top ends of the towers horizontally so that their edges line up with the top edge of the triangular pocket. Now straighten them out. You will mark a fold on each “tower”. Fold the left and right corner downwards at each end until it touches the fold line. Press the corners or iron them. Turn the napkin over. The heart is ready.

Before folding a fabric napkin, it should be thoroughly ironed.

The best color for a heart napkin is red or pink. Hearts in white, blue, yellow and green will also look interesting.

Place a heart-shaped napkin in the middle of the plate. On top of it you can put a wine glass, a small gift, a flower or a card with wishes for Valentine's Day.

The paper napkin is usually small and already folded in four. Before folding a paper napkin, it is better to straighten it.

A complicated way to fold a napkin

This method is suitable for fabric napkins. With this addition festive table It will look like in a restaurant.

If the napkins are large, it is more difficult to fold them so that they hold their shape. A large napkin can be made smaller by first folding it into a square. To do this, fold each end of the napkin towards the middle.

Now you can start folding the heart. To get a long rectangle, as in the first example, fold the bottom edge up, slightly short of the middle of the square. Fold the top edge in the same way. Now you can fold the napkin in half, placing the bottom part on top of the top.

After this, you can repeat all the steps from the first example. To prevent the upper edges of the heart from falling apart, it is not necessary to use an iron. You can simply put the corners of the “turrets” inside the triangular pocket. To do this, you should first bend the edges from the inside of the “towers”. You will get two more pockets inside each “tower”. You can wrap the outer edges of the napkin in them. Then it will keep its shape and will not straighten out.
To make hearts out cloth napkins kept their shape well, you can make them in advance, the day before the holiday.