Summary of an integrated speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Sounds in a spring meadow. Integrated speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group on the topic “Travel to Africa Integrated speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group

Complex speech therapy session for children in the pre-school group. The lesson can be used as a final lesson on the topic “Dishes”. The lesson uses various tasks to reinforce the lexical topic and correct grammatical side speech. The lesson includes tasks on phonemics.



A comprehensive speech therapy session on speech development in a pre-school group on the topic: “Let’s help Grandma Fedora”

Correctional educational goals:

1. Clarification and expansion of ideas about tableware, its purpose, and the materials from which it is made. Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Dishes”.

2. Enrichment of the dictionary with antonyms and complex words.

3. Improvement grammatical structure speech (formation of relative adjectives, word formation).

4. Improve the skills of syllabic and sound analysis and word synthesis.

Corrective and developmental goals:

Visual development And mania and perception, speech hearing and phonemic reproduction And numeracy, memory, fine and gross motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals:

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, self O worthiness, initiative, responsibility.

Equipment: ball, object pictures depicting dishes, multi-colored circles.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Organizing time. The cheerful ball jumped up and invited the children to play. Guys, what game should we play?...
  • A phone call from Grandma Fedora. Conversation about a fairy tale. Why did the dishes run away?
  1. Game "Opposites".

Clean - dirty deep - shallow full - empty old - new whole - broken heavy - light dull - shiny take - put pour - pour out drop - lift carefully - carelessly.

  1. Well, guys, let's help Grandma Fedora return the dishes? First you need to find out which dishes escaped.Guess the riddles. (Children guess riddles and receive pictures depicting the answers.)

Small sword on a board
Everything is shredded into pieces.

Cuts, cuts everything:
Fruits, vegetables, salad.
It looks a little like a saw.
Be careful, sharp...

It's made of glass
Designed for juice,

Water, milk.

Teapot girlfriend,
Has two ears
He cooks porridge and soup for Yulia.
And her name is...

To eat soup - it's big. And there is one for porridge. A little less tea. What is this? Certainly …..

It can be deep.
It can be small.
However, this is not a river. This …

I'm puffing, puffing,
I don't want to get warm anymore.
The lid rang loudly:
“Drink tea, the water has boiled!”

  1. Guys, I suggest you do sound analysis of these words. Show how you made a diagram on the board of how many syllables are in this word.
  2. Security Conversation. Which of these items is dangerous? How is it dangerous? What other dangerous utensils can you name?
  3. Listen to an excerpt from the poem:

And behind them are saucers, saucers - They rush along the street - On the glasses - ding! - they bump into each other, and the glasses - ding! - break.

Conversation about breakable and non-breakable dishes.

  1. Approach the screen. Mom brought a bag of groceries from the store. Helpput the food in its place:

sugar in a sugar bowl salt in a salt shaker bread in a bread bowl butter in a butter dish candy in a candy bowl crackers in a cracker bowl Answer in a complete sentence.

  1. Select 1 envelope each. The syllables are there.You need to make a word out of syllables. Sit at the table.
  2. The next task is on the board. You need cross out 2 identical letters , from the remaining letters make up a word . You have numbers written on the envelopes, find them. Now we will throw the dice and determine who will go to the board first. Children take turns completing the task.
  3. Look, there are pictures in front of you. You need to identify the first letter in the word and write it down. The result is the word DISHES.
  4. Guys, I propose to give Grandma Fedora a gift, one that will become an assistant for her. Pictures of household appliances appear one by one and the children, naming them, explain their purpose.


Irina Grigoryan

State budgetary educational institution

kindergarten No. 1067 combined type

Integrated lesson

teacher - psychologist and teacher - speech therapist

V preparatory school

speech therapy group

Subject: Travel to Africa

Grigoryan Irina Alexandrovna,

teacher - psychologist,

Dogueva Daria Viktorovna,

teacher - speech therapist


Goals classes: generalization of the topic "Animals of hot countries", development of the emotional and personal sphere, disclosure of creative potential.

Tasks classes:

1. Activation and updating of children’s knowledge about animals of hot countries.

2. Consolidating children’s ability to compose sentences of different structures.

3. Exercise children in inflecting nouns (dative plural, agreeing them with the verb.

4. Development of targeted inhalation and exhalation.

5. Shape logical thinking, develop the ability to analyze on several grounds, establish patterns, develop mental activity.

6. Form voluntary attention, develop stability and concentration, speed of switching, expand volume auditory attention and memory.

7. Development of cooperation skills and friendly attitude in children.

8. Development of tactile sensitivity.

9. Development of fine motor skills.

10. Development of object-game activities.

11. Reduction of psychophysical stress.

Methods that provide effectiveness: exercises, games aimed at speech development, the child’s communication sphere, the development of fine and gross motor skills, exercises for imagination and relaxation. Methods created based on fairy tale materials, sand therapy, cartoon.

Materials and equipment: sandbox, toys - animals of hot countries, pictures depicting animals of hot countries, skittles, recording "Animal Sounds" Africa» , cartoon "38 parrots", computer.

Terms of sale classes: speech therapy group.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment

Children together with the teacher - speech therapist and teacher-psychologist stand in a circle. The teacher-psychologist welcomes children:

Hello guys! A new day has come! I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other and guests. Bring smiles to those around you. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate. Let's convey these feelings with handshakes (Children shake hands in a circle).

Guys, tell me, who have we been talking about all week? (about animals of hot, warm countries). Now tell me the hot countries that you know.

2. Travel to Africa

The teacher continues psychologist:

And today we will go to Africa! What do you think is possible? travel? (Children list vehicles) What is all this called in one word? (transport). And you and I will sail across the sea-ocean on a steamship. Children line up one after another.

Teacher - speech therapist:

People are waving from the pier,

The ship is sailing!

The ship is sailing,

The whistle is singing over the water!

loud: wow!

Teacher - psychologist:

And suddenly a storm began on the sea-ocean (Relaxation "Pitching")

The deck began to rock,

Press your foot to the deck,

We press our legs tighter,

And let’s relax the other one!

Inhale-exhale (2-3 times).

Wow, it's hot! Looks like we're approaching the shores Africa! (Children wipe sweat from their faces and fan themselves with their hands). Listen! How many wild animals live here! (recording sounds "Zoo")

3. Exercise "What do you hear"

Close your eyes and try to guess. Whoever guessed right silently raises his hand. (Children listen to a recording of animal sounds Africa: lion, elephant, tiger, rhinoceros, monkey).

4. Didactic game « Africa»

Guys, come to the sandbox, let's "Say hello to the sand". (exercise "Hello, sand!")

1. Touch the sand alternately with the fingers of your right hand, then with your left, then with all your fingers at the same time.

2. Now clench your fists with sand, then slowly pour it into the sandbox.

3. Touch the sand with your entire palm - the inside, then the back.

Tell us about your feelings: warm-cold, pleasant-unpleasant, etc.

And now we will turn into little wizards and create a small Africa. (children take animal toys, plants and place them in the sandbox).

5. Didactic game "Herbivore - carnivore" (the speech therapist continues the lesson)

Now let's play a game "Carnivore - herbivore" (there are red and green skittles on the floor). I give everyone pictures of one animal. Is our rule: if the animal is a herbivore, then you stand behind the green pin, if the animal is a carnivore, you stand behind the red one. Children look carefully at their pictures and take the appropriate places. Further speech therapist asks everyone child: “Why did you stand behind the green pin?” Answers children: “I stood on the green pin because the zebra is a herbivore,” etc.

6. Physical exercise

Mots - mots - mots - hippopotamuses appeared,

(take long steps)

Afa - afa - afa - giraffes chew leaves,

(hands raised, reaching up on tiptoes)

We - we - we - the elephants splashed water,

(inflate and deflate cheeks)

Yans - yans - yans - monkeys are jumping on the branches

(pretend to be monkeys).

7. Didactic game "Dr. Aibolit"

Teacher - speech therapist with the children again approaches the sandbox, draws attention to the fact that there are many animals and they are sick. Only Doctor Aibolit, who also sailed to Africa by boat.

Animals will get better if children answer questions correctly speech therapist:

Who will Aibolit help? (giraffes, elephants, etc.)

8. Returning home (continues the teacher-psychologist)

Now it's time for us to return home. We board our ship again and sail away.

Teacher - speech therapist:

People are waving from the pier,

The ship is sailing!

The ship is sailing,

The whistle is singing over the water!

We put our left hand on our stomach, and as we exhale we hum quietly - ooh, we don’t raise our shoulders, once again - loud: wow!

Teacher - psychologist:

And suddenly a storm arose on the sea-ocean (Relaxation "Pitching")

To avoid falling, press your feet to the floor, spread them wider, and clasp your hands behind your back.

The deck began to rock,

Press your foot to the deck,

We press our legs tighter,

And let’s relax the other one!

Inhale-exhale (2-3 times).

Well, here we are at home. Now we will show you a cartoon called "38 parrots". I want you to pay attention to the character of the characters in this cartoon.

9. View and discuss the cartoon.

10. Summary classes.

Svetlana Nikulina
Summary of integrated speech therapy classes in preparatory group"Sounds in a spring meadow"

Branch No. 1 "Cheburashka" MDOU kindergarten "Spring"

village Turochak.

Summary of an integrated speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group

on the topic: « Sounds in a spring meadow»

Teacher - speech therapist

Nikulina Svetlana Vasilievna

Target: Create conditions for automation sounds [r], [l], [s], [sh] in words

and in sentences.

Priority educational region: Speech development.

Integration educational regions: cognitive development, physical development, social and communicative development.


Correctional and developmental:

Correct pronunciation sounds;

Correct and develop dialogic speech through the formation of an answer in a complete sentence;

Correct and develop auditory perception;

Adjust and develop fine motor skills hands (development of rhythm);

Develop gross motor skills, the ability to coordinate speech with movement;

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking;

Correct and develop personal qualities, emotional-volitional sphere (skill of self-control, perseverance).


Clarify and expand your vocabulary lexical topic "Spring";

Strengthen the ability to highlight sound at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word;

Reinforce the concept of vowels and consonants sounds.


Bring up interest in classes;


Plan the volume of material taking into account the increased fatigue of children;

Ensure that children are seated correctly;

Contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate;

Follow the vision protection regime;

Alternate static and dynamic tasks.

Progress of the lesson:

One, two, three, four, five - stand in a circle to play!

What a wonderful day it is today. I smile at you, and you smile at me and at each other. It's so good that we are all together today! We are calm and kind, we are friendly and sweet. We are healthy! Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in the freshness, kindness and beauty of this day! And breathe out all the grievances and disappointments through your mouth.

Blow on your right shoulder, blow on your left shoulder, blow on the ceiling, blow on your tummy, blow on your nose, blow on your chin. Well done!

Children, so that you can pronounce all the difficult ones speech sounds clearly, right and beautiful we must good prepare.

“We are not circus performers, we are not artists,


We rub our hands (rubbing palms) and warm up (claps)

And we wash our face with warmth (with warmed palms run over face from top to bottom)

We use a rake to rake away all the bad thoughts. (rake-like movements with fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples)

We rub our ears up and down quickly (rubbing the ears along the edges from bottom to top and top to bottom)

Pull down by the earlobes (pulling down by the earlobes)

And then we put our fingers on our cheeks (fingers move to cheeks)

We knead the cheeks (index, middle and ring fingers knead the cheeks in a circular motion)

And then we flow from the nose to the lips (spiral movements of the middle fingers from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth along the nasolabial folds)

And we begin to move our lips to the sides (the index fingers are placed on the lips parallel to each other and move towards each other)

We pull the chin and pinch it (kneading the chin while pulling it down: pinching of the lower jaw from the chin to the ears)

And then we run down the neck with our hands (stroking the neck with the entire palm from the lower jaw to the collarbones)

Articulation gymnastics “The Tale of the Tongue”

Once upon a time there lived a tongue in a small house. In winter, Tongue lay in his warm crib for a very long time, show me (TONGUAGE IN THE CRIB)

A spring, on a sunny day, the tongue wakes up, washes the window (TASTY JAM)

The tongue looks out of the window and hides, it’s shining very brightly spring sun ! (SNAKE)

The tongue looks up at the sun, down at the ground (SWING)

A horse gallops past (HORSE).

Well done!

Guys, can you guess the riddle?

A warm wind is blowing,

The sun is shining brighter

Winter is over,

SPRING has come to us again...

Let's play a game “What happens in the spring?”

you must answer "Yes" or "No"

Does everyone know that there is a lot of snow in the yard in the spring?

Does the birch have a yellow, festive outfit on its shoulders?

In May, lilies of the valley bloom and carry the scent of spring?

And in April New Year, will the Christmas tree come to us again?

In March, the sun is hot – does it greet the birds joyfully?

In May, did good Santa Claus bring a Christmas tree for the holiday?

Is the snow melting, streams running, black rooks walking?

Guys, spring the sun is so glad to meet you that it scattered its rays in our group. And now the sun cannot shine brighter and warm us with its warmth. Guys, can we help the sun return its rays? To return them we must complete tasks. You are ready?

Darina, take and bring the ray that lies on the windowsill.

What's on it? (stream) Which one is the first? sound in the word Brook?

How difficult is this sound! How to pronounce it correctly?

Now let’s try to “growl” (Children “growl” with a wave of their hand speech therapist) :

RRR! - the rocket bursts upward!

RRR! - the lynx growls angrily!

A ray of sunshine can return to the sunshine if you repeat correctly offers:

Tigers roared at the zoo

Fisherman caught a fish

Raya has saffron milk caps in her basket

Carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers in the basket

Well done guys, everyone completed the task, and the first ray is heading towards the sun.

Evlampius, bring it Sun Ray, who hid under a flower.

What is drawn on this ray? (puddle). Which one is the first? sound in the word puddle? How to pronounce sound[L] Evlampius will tell us.

The wide tip of the tongue rests on the teeth,

Air creeps in on the sides of the tongue.

And it will turn out - melodious, smooth, affectionate and sonorous: LLL...

Let's talk straight:

LO - LO - LO - there is a hollow in the pine tree.

LA - LA - LA - shovel and saw.

LU - LU - LU - we bought a saw.

LY - LY - LY - football goals.

ate - ate - ate - the woodpecker flew in.

YL - YL - YL - the soup has already cooled down.

AL - AL - AL - we need a pencil case.

And here is another task, take the pictures and determine where it is sound [L] in words:

swallow, bicycle, motorcycle. Look at these pictures, which one is the odd one out? Why?

Well done! Now the second ray of sunlight can return to the sun.

Akim, take the ray of sunshine that is resting on the flower. Tell me who is pictured on it? (bumblebee)

Which one is the first? sound in the word BUMBELE? Name the words with sound [sh].

Now let’s turn ordinary words into affectionate ones (car - machine, porridge - ..., cherry - ..., hat - ..., frog - ..., ball - ..., horse - ..., cat - ... mouse - ...

Well done guys, everyone completed the task and the third ray is sent to the sun.

Nastya, bring the ray of sunshine that is hidden under the chair. Tell me what is written on it? (icicle). Find a place sound[s] in the word icicle. How to pronounce sound [c]?

Listen to the task, I must say complete answer:

How do you salt the soup? – THE SOUP IS SALTED WITH SALT.

Who lives in the kennel? – A DOG LIVES IN A KENNEL.

What are they sitting on? - SITTING ON A CHAIR.

When does the snow melt? – SNOW MELTS IN SPRING.

Exercise game "Sun"

(For the development of general motor skills)

I hold the little sun in my palms.

And I see the big sun from the window.

I take the little sun with my hands.

And the big sun is high above the clouds.

A little sun is shining in my palms.

And the big sun shines on the whole planet!

Another fourth ray of sunshine has returned home!

The fifth ray of sunshine rests on the carpet and letters are written on it. Let's read (A, O, U, E, I, E). These are the six main speech sounds.

Guys, let's remember what there are sounds(vowels and consonants).

Sound analysis of the word SPRING.

The last ray of sunlight “returns” to the sun.

Take 10 ray paperclips and make your own sun (The task is performed at tables accompanied by music).

We made the sun, what kind? (radiant). And what is it? (bright, cheerful, spring, warm, affectionate, beautiful).

All the sun's rays gathered around the sun, and again reminded us that... SPRING has come.

Reflection: You are so great, now you know how to pronounce all the difficult words sounds! Was it difficult? What did you like about class?

When the kids came to kindergarten

Then many couldn't tell the sounds,

We didn’t know how to whistle and hiss yet,

They didn't want to growl and crack.

Now we speak beautifully,

Thank you very much for this!

Tatiana Metzler
“We’re playing the game “Experts.” Final comprehensive speech therapy session in the preparatory group

teacher-speech therapist Metzler T.V.

Topic: “Playing the game “Experts”

Goals: To consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge acquired in speech therapy classes during school year, consolidate the ability to use them in practice

Be able to identify a sound against the background of a word, determine its position in a word;

Divide words into syllables, form words from these syllables;

Perform a complete sound-letter analysis of a word (lay out a diagram of the word, select a word to this scheme);

To consolidate knowledge about prepositions, the ability to select the right preposition for a given sentence;

Strengthening writing and reading skills;

Reinforce the concepts: words-objects, words-signs, words-actions; be able to match them to a given word;

Strengthen classification skills, be able to select generalizing words (according to lexical topics)

Strengthen the ability to compose and use complex sentences in independent speech.

To develop the ability to work in a team of peers, developing feelings of mutual assistance and tolerance.

Develop mental processes (thinking processes, memory, attention)

Equipment: a toy top, a circle with sectors, envelopes with tasks, handouts for sound analysis, cards with words, cards with sentences with missing words, felt-tip pens, toy fishing rods and object pictures on magnets, cards with syllables in the form of apples on a wooden model, tabletop -printed games “Odd Four”, “Read the Word by the First Letters” or “Rebuses”, lotto “Read It Yourself”, chips for encouragement, sticker prizes, colored pads.

1 Organizational moment

2 Division into teams

Use a fishing rod to “catch” a picture fish. Name it, determine where in the word the sound “R” is located. Go to the table on which there is a suitable diagram card (the sound at the beginning of the word is 1 table, the sound in the middle is 2 table, the sound at the end is 3 table)

3 Game "Connoisseurs"

Rules of the game (explained to children):

The speech therapist rotates the top and one of the 6 sectors appears along the arrow. The child reads the task in the sector on the card. The execution time of each task is recorded using hourglass. For correctly completing tasks, teams receive chips, the number of which is calculated at the end of the game.

Each team member will receive his own task or one for all; players can help each other.

Sector No. 1 “Make no mistake”

Assignment: “Match the diagram to the word”

The team is given a large map divided into 6 squares. Each square contains a word. You need to read the words, find the picture corresponding to the word, and then pick up a card with the sound pattern of this word.

Sector No. 2 “Magic Tree”

Task: Collect words from syllables.

“Apples” are attached to the tree model - cards with syllables from which children make words. For each word they get a chip.

Sector No. 3 “Be careful”

Assignment: Read the word, lay out the sound-syllable diagram.

Each child receives a card with a word and completes a full sound analysis of the word using individual handouts. The speech therapist asks the children questions: how many syllables and sounds are in a word; name the sounds in order; describe the sound; how many vowels, consonants, etc. are in the word?

PHYSMINUTE with elements of logorhythmics “Jolly Men”

Sector No. 4 “The Word is Lost”

Assignment: read the sentence, replace the dots with the missing word (preposition).

Each child is given a card - a punched card with a missing word. The child writes in the required preposition with a felt-tip pen.

Sector No. 5 “Guess what! Explain!”

Task: a) game “Fourth wheel”

Of the four pictures on the map, you need to exclude one and explain why it is redundant, calling the remaining three with a general word. The answer should be detailed with the words “because”.

b) game "Rebuses"

Each child receives a card with objects drawn on it. Based on the first sounds of the names of the pictures, you need to collect an encrypted word.

Sector No. 6 “Come up with a word”

Children look at three visual support maps: one straight line - words-objects, two straight lines - words-actions, double wavy line - words-features.

Teams are asked to choose one subject picture on the table.

Assignment: come up with, select 5 attribute words and 5 action words for each object shown in the picture.

4 Summing up the game.

All chips received during the completion of tasks are counted. Children are rewarded with prizes - surprises in the form of funny stickers.

Self-analysis of the lesson

1 The lesson is final at the end of the school year. Completed with children educational material According to the program, the course of correctional training is completed. The form of the lesson is frontal group, the type of lesson is complex, combining program material from phonetic, lexical and grammatical classes, as well as classes on the development of coherent speech and literacy training.

2 During the lesson, correctional and developmental, educational and educational goals and objectives were set and implemented. The choice of goals is determined by the place of the lesson in the lesson system (final, its type (complex) and the form of organization (frontal group). The structure of the lesson is non-traditional, in the form of a game using social gaming technologies(dividing children into groups-teams, changing the leader, combining physical activity and changing mise-en-scène, integrating activities).

The principles of student-centered learning were implemented during the lesson:

Natural conformity (the lesson is structured taking into account the age of children in this group, speech diagnosis, and the leading type of activity of preschool children - play)

Differentiated approach (all tasks are selected taking into account individuality, variability is provided within each task)

Interactions (partnership between children and speech therapist, encouragement for communication and mutual assistance)

Freedom of choice (not absolute, but relative): the teacher encouraged children to be independent in choosing solutions and partners.

Reliance on the experience of children (the teacher addressed the individual experience of the child or group)

Problematic (all tasks contained elements of a problem, encouraging children to research activities, searching for solutions to the problem)

Openness and flexibility (during the lesson, learning was not limited to strict boundaries, but was changed according to the wishes of the children)

3 At the lesson there were 11 children with speech conclusions of PMPC: dysarthria of moderate severity, OHP level 3. The children studied with a speech therapist for 1 year.

4 This lesson carried out in an unconventional form, so there is no strict phasing and adherence to the principle “from simple to complex.” All tasks were selected at the same complexity and combined material from different sections (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, literacy) and were chosen randomly. To ensure maximum physical activity of children and a change in types of activities, each game task was carried out in different places in the group. Children had the opportunity to work sitting at tables, sit on the carpet on cushions, stand in a circle and around tables. Movable logorhythmic physical exercise was included. This helped increase the effectiveness of the lesson and prevent children from getting tired.

5 All speech and didactic material selected taking into account goals and objectives. At each stage, aesthetically designed visual, didactic and handout materials were used, which helped maintain the children’s interest throughout the lesson.

6 All stages of the lesson are strictly timed. Interest was maintained throughout the lesson. All children were active and attentive. The children showed good knowledge and demonstrated the ability to apply it in practice.