The best facial toners: Lunifera's choice. Korean care systems (classic) Toner for dry and especially

Greetings, dear readers!

In previous articles, I have already discussed skin cleansing using the Korean skin care system. Now it's time for the next step - toning. To do this, in the Land of Morning Freshness they use a facial toner, which is applied immediately after washing with foam.

Speaking in Russian, this is tonic. Although European toners and Asian toners are used for the same purpose, they also have noticeable differences.

Using toner is an important step in facial skin care, and Korean girls try not to skip it. Therefore, in this article I will try to explain what Korean toner is, why it is needed, how it is used and what components it contains.

Korean toner is a cosmetic product designed for skin care after washing. His main goal is to quickly filling the epidermis with life-giving moisture. Also toners are excellent:

  1. prepare the skin for further application of products;
  2. restore the PH balance of the skin;
  3. remove residual cleaning agents.

Just starting to study the Korean cosmetics market, I came across many names for the same product, which caused a little confusion. But in general, everything is not so difficult.

Depending on the consistency distinguish:

  • Toner is the thickest, it not only tones, but also moisturizes and nourishes;
  • Skin is more liquid, its functions are to moisturize and soothe the skin;
  • Freshner is weightless and light, it tones and refreshes the skin.

Toners can be selected for any facial skin:

  1. oily and problematic types should choose a product that is lighter, with a more liquid texture that does not leave a film and is quickly absorbed;
  2. for the combined and normal types, you can choose a thicker product, such as starter;
  3. dry and dehydrated skin should give preference to more gel and viscous consistencies.

Korean cosmetics manufacturers are trying to produce universal products, the effect of which is not limited to one single point. Therefore, now it is not at all difficult to find a toner that would meet the different needs of the skin. And the effect of these products is truly multifaceted:

  • nutrition;
  • whitening;
  • shine;
  • lightening;
  • cleansing;
  • detoxification;
  • hydration;
  • exfoliation;
  • matting;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • softening, etc.

Therefore, together with other products, Korean toners can cope with the appearance of blackheads, redness, peeling, acne, wrinkles, age spots and enlarged pores.

How to use the product correctly?

You should apply a toner immediately after cleansing your skin. There is an opinion that it needs to be applied before 3 seconds, otherwise the aging process will start in the skin. Although this statement can be called controversial.

Indeed, in Korean cosmetics there is a product called 3-second starter (not literally), which calls for immediate action, but all other toners, as the instructions say, must be applied after washing.

I usually try not to rush, but to do everything thoroughly. But no delays!

I usually apply toner with my hands immediately after use and after shaking off large drops of water. I don’t use face towels, because it is damp skin with open pores that can absorb all the benefits from such products.

Manufacturers of famous Korean brands claim that regular use of toners promotes deep penetration of subsequent moisturizers into the skin, thanks to which the effect of the cream is enhanced by 40%.

Korean women sometimes use paper towels, quickly drying their face with them and immediately trying to apply toner. In their opinion, stretching the skin during use is not acceptable; all movements should be neat, smooth and gentle.

The use of toner will depend on its textures:

  1. Liquid toners should be applied using a cotton pad;
  2. thick - it is better to use your own fingers.

Once I ordered a toner for the summer, which turned out to be very liquid, because it was intended for oily skin, which even contained alcohol. As a result, I had to apply it first to a cotton pad and then wipe it over my face, but only in the T-zone.

I tried not to use it on my cheeks, as it had a drying effect, which could lead to dehydration and redness of the skin. I have always applied my other toners only with my fingers.

She squeezed a few drops of the product into the palm of her hand, rubbed it between the two and applied it to her face with patting movements. Then, literally one minute later, I continued my care, applying the rest of the skincare products.

Toner - connecting link between cleansing and moisturizing the skin, so skipping this step is not recommended. Toner is used daily in facial skin care, so you need to use it twice a day: morning and evening. Don’t forget about the skin of your neck, because it also needs its application, just like the rest of your face.

also in winter time even oily and combination epidermis require more nutrition, so in the cold season I try to take thicker products, and in the summer I again switch to lighter and more refreshing products.

Dehydrated skin suffers from lack of moisture. Therefore, using 7 layers of toner will help return it to its previous state. It is necessary to apply this cosmetic product to the skin of the face 7 times, but with a break of one minute. Then you can use a light moisturizer. Toner should be chosen with a light consistency.

What components predominate in the composition?

Korean toners cope with all tasks due to the presence of various components in their composition. One product can contain quite a lot of ingredients.

These may be substances that are completely unfamiliar to us, extracts and extracts of plant and animal origin, but with enviable frequency they are present in toners:

This is where I will end my story; I think I have covered the most important points. For me, Korean toners have become a godsend that I cannot refuse. After all, they are the ones who allow the facial skin to effectively accept the layer cake of cosmetic products, which brings it closer to its ideal condition.

Good mood to you all! See you!

Hi all!

It's been a while since we talked about such a product as tonic. And we know that many would really, really like to learn more and choose a good tonic for themselves. In this article, we will briefly recall what a facial tonic is and how Korean tonics differ from European ones, and we will also select the 5 best and most popular tonics on our site. Let's get started!

Let's start with the main thing: what is a tonic and why are some tonics on the site called toner, some fresher, and some starter?

The most important difference is in the functionality, composition and texture of the product. Asian care is aimed at moisturizing the skin, and European care is aimed at cleansing. Tonic differs from toner in that toner is a means of toning and moisturizing the skin, while tonic cleanses and often dries out the skin. And often tonics contain a significantly higher amount of alcohol.

They wipe the face with toner - apply it to a cotton pad and wipe the skin; it is more appropriate to apply the toner with your hands using soft patting movements. Then why are such different means often called the same?

Since the use of both tonic and toner is the 2nd step after the cleansing foam, both products are called the same out of habit and for the convenience of customers. Although products with toner functionality in English may have a completely different name. T oner, starter, fresher, softner, cleansing water- all this is the name of the same product in Asian care, which, however, can vary in its texture and composition. Detailed differences can be found in our large article on Korean toners here.

Now let's get down to the main thing: which 5 toners on our site can be called the best?

A real salvation for problem skin! Excellent effect even after the first use! Acne goes away literally after 2-3 times of use; acne spots lighten; skin tone becomes uniform, uniform, more uniform; Pores are perfectly tightened and blackheads disappear. The tonic has a slightly strange “medicinal” aroma due to the content of pine, ivy and schizandra extract. It also contains hyaluronic acid, lemon extract and allantoin.

Multifunctional tonic 10 in 1! A real find for combination and oily skin. What this handsome guy doesn't do, except make coffee: It deeply cleanses the pores, cooling the skin. controls excess sebum production, maintains optimal pH balance of the skin throughout the day, reduces the appearance of pores on the skin, evens out skin tone, prevents re-clogging of pores, prevents the appearance of skin rashes, maintains the elasticity of pores and skin, ensures smooth skin texture, removes dead skin skin cell particles. And with all this – 6-free formula! The composition includes sleep grass, chrysanthemum and cypress, which deeply cleanses and moisturizes the skin. The product also has a volume of 250 ml for the same price as similar products.

For a long time we didn’t know which tonic Secret Key give second prize - the entire series of organic tonics has excellent reviews, they are regularly purchased, and their affordable price and variability make them a real must-have. There are only 5 toners, each of which performs different functionality, for different types skin.
Pink(rose extract) helps moisturize and nourish the skin;
Dark green(tea tree oil) helps fight skin imperfections;
Green(aloe) – has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect, promotes skin renewal;
Yellow(witch hazel extract) – controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps reduce pore size, tone the skin;
Blue(milk proteins) – softens, helps maintain the skin’s water balance, and remove dead cells.

Various products are used for skin care: creams, lotions, toners. Each of them has its own purpose. You just need to apply cosmetics correctly to improve the condition of your face toner - as described in the article.


What is a facial toner? It is called a cosmetic product that has a consistency ranging from light to gel-like. Its main function is considered to be moisturizing, cleansing and preparing for other procedures after makeup removal.

Most often you can find cosmetics from Korea. Its advantages include:

  1. Affordable price and high quality. Thanks to this, every woman will choose the right product.
  2. Natural ingredients. Thanks to modern scientific developments, the maximum is extracted beneficial properties from plant extracts and other natural substances.
  3. Excellent result. The effect of using cosmetics will be noticeable to yourself and others.


Korean facial toners are considered the same effective means, as essences, serums. Cosmetics are designed to solve various skin problems.

Toners from Korea do not contain dyes, mineral oils, parabens or fragrances. They do not leave a sticky film on the face, and they are suitable for different skin types. Korean cosmetics are similar to lotions that do not contain alcohol, so they do not dry the skin, but, on the contrary, take care of it.

The gel-like texture allows you to soften, moisturize, and tone the skin. It is necessary to apply toner after washing, when the pores are better open and the toner effect will be excellent. You can purchase cosmetics through the online store.


Yes, Korean cosmetics have been in demand lately. The products are of high quality, reasonable cost and unique components. Facial toner has also become a popular product. What these cosmetics are was mentioned above.

The two terms “toner” and “tonic” should not be confused. The last remedy is considered “intermediate” in facial care: cleansing, toning, moisturizing. Thanks to it, water hardness is neutralized and the pH of the skin is normalized. After the tonic, the rest of the cosmetics apply better and more evenly.

What is a facial toner compared to the previous product? These are cosmetics for the care of the epidermis. It comes in alcoholic and non-alcoholic types. Why are toners needed? They are required for quality care. Compared to European cosmetics, Korean cosmetics include about 7 stages of improving skin condition. This treatment is ideal for morning preparation of the epidermis. In the evening you need to go through more stages. Not all women can devote time to this. Therefore, you can use a toner that is suitable for use after cleansing and removing makeup.

After cleansing, the skin is unprotected and therefore susceptible to environmental factors. She needs help in the form of nutritional components. They can be obtained from toner. After restoring the primary water balance in the skin, you can perform other, more active procedures, apply concentrated creams, essences and serums.

Types of funds

All facial toners contain many ingredients. Quite difficult to choose suitable remedy. They are conventionally divided into:

  1. Alcohol. They contain alcohol, which has an astringent effect on the epidermis. If there is a little of it in the product, then it is safe. If there is alcohol in large quantities, the product will not have the best effect. Toner forms free radicals, reduces the function of the epidermis for self-healing and collagen production. A high-quality toner should protect against the appearance of free radicals and prevent skin aging.
  2. Water-glycerin. These are facial toners with fragrances. Such products do not have a noticeable cosmetic effect. They perform the function of perfume. In addition, scented cosmetics can irritate the epidermis.
  3. Aquatic. They contain purified structured or thermal water. They also include useful substances: antioxidants, niacinamides, vitamins. This is a popular facial care product. Toners contain minerals, collagen, panthenol, oils, herbal and fruit concentrates. Some products contain more than 50 active substances.

Each representative of the fair sex has the opportunity to choose the appropriate toner for herself, depending on her skin type. Each of the presented tools performs gentle care, allowing you to improve the appearance of your face.


Now presented big choice types of facial toners. You can purchase products on specialized Korean websites. To make it easier to make a choice, you should pay attention to the following types of products:

  1. Dr. Clear Magic Toner. According to reviews, the facial toner is an excellent moisturizer from The Skin House. It normalizes sebum production, refreshes and soothes the epidermis. It has a convenient spray form.
  2. Moistfull Collagen Facial Toner. The drug is produced by the Etude House trademark. The composition contains hydrolyzed collagen, which increases the elasticity and density of the epidermis. The product includes minerals, vitamins, amino acids. Among the original substances are betaine and baobab concentrate, which nourish and moisturize the skin.
  3. Skin and AC Mild Clear Toner. Manufactured by Holika Holika. The product is intended to even out skin texture and normalize pH. Cosmetics protect against excessive sebum production.
  4. Super Aqua Ice Tear Toner. The manufacturer is considered to be Missha. The cosmetics contain sea and mineral water, Damask rose extract. The product perfectly cleanses, moisturizes the epidermis, and saturates it with macro- and microelements.
  5. Skin Clearing Toner Moist. Cosmetics are produced by Skin79. The drug has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. It retains useful water in the cells. The product restores sebum production and improves skin.
  6. Apieu Aqua Peeling Facial Toner. The product includes AHA acids and lime, it perfectly cleanses the skin, removes dead skin cells, renews cells, improves cell respiration, and stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin fibers. According to reviews, Apieu Aqua Peeling facial toner helps to moisturize and soften the skin, lighten pigmentation, and even out color. Due to the excellent cleansing of the skin, the penetration of valuable substances is enhanced.

These are just some of the products; you can find many others in stores. Each toner is used for high-quality facial skin care.

Terms of use

The toner moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Like the rest of the multi-stage Korean system, this cosmetics must be used correctly. How to use facial toner? According to the advice of Korean cosmetologists, after cleansing the skin, no more than 3 seconds should pass before using the toner. During this time, the pores are open to absorb valuable components.

If you don't do it in time, moisturizing will not be effective. After washing, the moisture level in the skin sharply decreases. This drying causes dehydration of the epidermis, which leads to early aging of the face.

After washing with cleansing cosmetics, pat your face dry with a paper towel. Then you can apply the toner. You can avoid drying the skin and use the product on damp skin. In order not to waste time, you should keep the product near the washbasin and use it after water procedures.

Use as a facial refresher

Freshening products are called refreshers. This toner has a light texture. It contains a little alcohol, it refreshes and tones the epidermis.

The product is ideal for caring for oily and combination skin. But it is not suitable for dry type. Toner is applied. This will not only moisturize the skin, but also nourish it with valuable components, and also remove all remaining sebum.

For recharge

Other toners nourish the epidermis. They are called skins. They have a dense texture and must be applied with your fingers. This ensures maximum hydration.

The product should be applied to the fingers and distributed over the skin of the face. Everything should be done smoothly. During the procedure, it is necessary to massage the epidermis. Then the toner will penetrate deep into the skin. Do not rub your face; the product should be gently rubbed into the epidermis with your fingertips.

Mask for the face

A moisturizing facial toner can be used to make a mask. The product for these purposes must have a gel-like texture. Apply toner with your fingers. You need to leave it for 10-15 minutes. During this period, valuable components are absorbed. If after this a thin layer of product remains, you need to remove it with a cotton pad.

Who is the product not suitable for?

Since serums and creams must be used after toners, they are not suitable for everyone for several reasons:

  1. Carrying out a multi-step care system takes a lot of time. Not all women can afford this.
  2. Not all ladies can tolerate multi-layer application of cosmetics. For some, the facial skin becomes red, sweaty and greasy. In this case, you need to apply a thin layer so as not to overload.

Facial toners are becoming increasingly popular in the market. Properly selected cosmetics improve the condition of the skin, moisturize it, make it smooth and healthy. If standard products are not quite suitable, then toner will be the best choice.

How to make toner yourself?

The natural product has a cleansing and toning effect, thereby nourishing and moisturizing the skin. There are many recipes for making toner. You can use the following tips:

  1. Mint. Required pure water(1.5 cups), which must be brought to a boil and add chopped mint leaves (1 cup). Everything should sit for half an hour. Then you need to strain, after which the product must be poured into a separate container. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Basil. It is necessary to chop the leaves of the plant (1 cup), after which they are poured into hot water (1 cup). Infusion is carried out for half an hour. After filtering, you can wash your face. The product is stored in a cool place.
  3. Laurel. This product is ideal for problem skin; it is considered an antiseptic and pore cleanser. Laurel leaves should be poured with water (1 glass) and put on fire to boil. It is necessary to cook until the liquid evaporates by half. Cool and strain the broth. Apply the product every evening and morning after washing.
  4. Ginger. Cosmetics are suitable for cleansing pores and eliminating rashes. Ginger root (100 g) must be crushed and poured with hot water (1 glass). After infusion, you need to strain the product. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator.
  5. Tomato. The product has a tightening and moisturizing effect. To obtain it, you need to squeeze the juice from 1 tomato and wipe the skin with a cotton pad. After the liquid has dried, it should be washed off with cool water and treated with micellar water.
  6. Watermelon. The product has a nourishing and moisturizing effect, eliminates fine wrinkles. It is necessary to squeeze the juice out of the watermelon and strain it. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. Apply morning and evening.

Toner is ideal for high-quality cleansing and moisturizing. The products were created by Korean cosmetologists and are considered intermediate in complex, multi-stage care. It can be used after washing, before using moisturizer.

Every woman has facial skin care products in her makeup bag. Beauty and youth depend on the quality of these products. Korean cosmetics are now at the peak of popularity, and this is understandable: affordable price, fancy composition and excellent quality. On the boxes with products from Korean manufacturers there are charming oriental girls with perfect skin. What is their secret? They have a facial toner in stock. What is this? Need to find out urgently!

Facial toner - what is it?

So. Toner is a special product for the care of delicate facial skin. The purpose of this product is to cleanse, moisturize and prepare the skin for rest after removing tiring makeup from the face.

Toners come in different consistencies: from liquid (slightly thicker than ordinary water) to gel-like. Everything is your choice.

When choosing a product, how do you know that it is a facial toner and not a toner? There are several differences that will help you make your choice.

What is the difference between toner and facial toner?

But there is a difference. Tonic is an ideal tool for removing shine from the skin, cleansing, adding freshness and radiance. Using the tonic is simple: you need to apply a small amount of the product on a cotton pad or napkin and wipe your face well.

Alcohol is often added to the toner, and this product is mostly suitable for oily, shiny and acne-prone skin. Tonics are chosen by young people.

The toner may also contain small amounts of alcohol, but there is no need to be afraid of this, it will not dry out the skin. Why? Let's continue answering the previous question: facial toner - what is it?

This product represents a certain line between tonic and nourishing cream. The toner perfectly cleanses the skin of impurities due to its composition, which often includes beneficial herbs and a small amount of alcohol. At the same time, the product nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, giving the face a healthy and radiant appearance.

According to reviews from many women who constantly use toner, the product helps over time to get rid of the “double chin”, helps relieve tension and fatigue, and eliminate small facial wrinkles. This is no wonder, because the toner not only cleanses the skin, but also, thanks to its special application, stabilizes blood circulation in the epidermis. How to use facial toner? There's nothing complicated about it.

Toner or toner?

The European facial skin care system involves three stages:

  • cleansing (makeup removal);
  • toning (tonic is an excellent remedy);
  • moisturizing - applying cream.

After using toner cosmetical tools fit better, skin looks rested and fresh + additional cleansing. These are all the benefits of tonic. What is toner used for?

This is one of several stages of skin care. The Korean care system differs from the European one; it includes at least five stages, ideally seven.

Morning skin preparation:

  • washing with foam;
  • exposing the skin to a small amount of toner;
  • use of concentrate;
  • nutrition and hydration of the skin;
  • applying sunscreen;
  • applying makeup.

The evening procedure is more extensive and includes about ten stages. Not every woman in Europe, burdened with household chores, career and family, can afford such pleasure. This is what toner is for.

After cleansing the face, the skin becomes like the skin of a small child: it is susceptible to stress and irritating environmental factors, and requires care, care and attention. Minerals, vitamins and amino acids are so important for the epidermis.

The toner cleanses, moisturizes and nourishes the skin with essential microelements. After using the toner, you can apply any care products: masks, creams. Decorative cosmetics will harm the epidermis less if a toner was used before applying it.

It is worth noting that the toner is best applied to slightly moistened skin (after washing, do not wipe the skin dry, let it dry on its own, but slightly). You can even give an example: a dry sponge absorbs moisture worse than a slightly moistened one. The same goes for skin.


How to choose the right Korean facial toner, since there is a huge variety of them? The first thing you need to do is pay attention to their types, and then choose a manufacturer.

  1. Alcohol products are only for young and oily skin. The fact is that such toners have an astringent effect on the skin, which promotes the production of free radicals. They interfere with the production of collagen, which promotes skin self-renewal. There is nothing wrong with the young epidermis, but in more mature women it can cause premature aging.
  2. Water-glycerin. These are scented toners that have virtually no cosmetic effect on the skin. They are suitable for freshness and giving a light aroma to the skin. Some people complain that many toners smell too strong and are annoying.
  3. Water toners are created on the basis of thermal and purified structured waters. These products contain minerals, amino acids and vitamins, niacyamides and antioxidants. These toners are more expensive, but also more recommended for skin care.

All types of toners contain minerals, panthenol, collagen, hyaluronic acid, fruit and herbal concentrates, and natural vegetable oils. Some toners boast a composition that includes more than 50 items.

Terms of use

So there you have it, a facial toner. How to use it correctly? There are a number of rules.

  1. Korean cosmetologists recommend using toner no later than three seconds after cleansing the skin. According to them, it is during this period of time that the skin is maximally moisturized, but not wet, and the pores are maximally open, which means that the epidermis is more receptive to nutrition and hydration.
  2. After washing, you need to pat your skin dry with a dry towel or paper napkin.
  3. The toner is squeezed onto the palm of your hand to warm it up. After this, apply to the face with light patting movements.
  4. The toner can also be used on a damp face - suitable for women with dry skin.

In different cases

How to use toner to give your skin freshness?

For freshness, products from the refresher series are used - light texture, may contain a little alcohol. They are suitable for combination and oily skin; they are not recommended for dry skin.

  1. After washing your face, pat your face a little with a dry towel.
  2. Apply the toner to a cotton pad and wipe the skin with it. This way the product will remove any remaining sebum and dirt.

How to use toner to nourish your skin?

Skins series tools have been developed for this mission. This is a thicker consistency.

  1. After washing, you need to massage the skin a little (you can do it while washing).
  2. Apply toner to fingertips and tap into skin.
  3. Movements should be smooth, the skin should not be rubbed - only patted.

Using toner as a mask:

Women with dry, sensitive and thin skin will like this method. Thanks to this use, the maximum amount of beneficial substances is absorbed into the epidermis.

  1. After washing, dry the skin a little (three seconds after wiping).
  2. Apply a thick layer of toner to your face and leave for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the epidermis will absorb everything it needs.
  3. As a result, a small layer of product will remain on the face; it must be removed with a cotton pad or napkin. Don't wash it off!

The best remedy

Which facial toner should you choose? Reviews from women who use these products will help you understand the variety of popular Korean products.

  1. Dr.Clear Magic Toner from The Skin House. Refreshes and soothes the skin, normalizes sebum production. I liked it for the good quality and convenient packaging in the form of a spray.
  2. Super Aqua Ice Tear Toner from Missha. Contains mineral and sea (purified) water, Damask rose extract. Nourishes, cleanses the skin, promotes regeneration and restoration, nourishes with macro- and microelements, helps remove harmful substances from the epidermis.
  3. Skin Clearing Toner Moist from Skin79. It has a pronounced rejuvenating effect, moisturizes, nourishes, relieves irritation and regenerates epidermal cells.

Is homemade better?

Which facial toner should you choose - a Korean store-bought one or a home-made one? Where to stop? Homemade skin care product faces will suit for cleansing and moisturizing only. No more. To nourish and restore the skin, you will need a product with a strong composition. Homemade toners are, for the most part, toners.

We bring to your attention one more universal remedy From the category of lotions, tonics, essences and serums - Korean facial toners. Like all Korean professional facial cosmetics, it is an excellent tool for solving all kinds of skin problems.

Facial toners from Korea do not contain dyes, mineral oils, parabens and fragrances. They do not leave a sticky film and are suitable for all skin types. Korean facial toners are unique modern analogues of lotions that do not contain alcohol, which means they do not dry out the skin and gently care for it. Due to its gel-like texture, the toner softens, moisturizes and tones the skin as much as possible. You need to apply the toner immediately after washing your face, when the pores are maximally open and the effect of the toner will be much more effective.

A Korean cosmetics store in Moscow offers buy facial toners from leading eastern manufacturers. We have firming toners with deep-acting collagen to provide a lifting effect; moisturizing toners with hyaluronic acid to combat dryness; toners with vitamin C for bright and fresh skin.