New Year's cartoons from the good old days. The most complete list of the best New Year's domestic films and cartoons (29 photos) The best New Year's cartoon

When the holidays come, it's time to find cartoons about New Year and Christmas. Soviet cartoons about winter and Santa Claus are ideal for children 2–3 years old and older. A collection of Soviet cartoons is a New Year's selection for those whose children's feet are already stomping around their house. But even if you are an adult and respectable person, nothing prevents you from plunging into the world of a fairy tale and truly relaxing. 😉

Last Year's Snow Was Falling (1983)

Kinopoisk: 8.7 IMDb: 8.5 +12

This incredibly kind Soviet plasticine cartoon tells about a peasant who goes in search of a New Year's tree on the very eve of the holiday. The remarks of all the characters are simple, full of light absurd humor, which causes laughter among all generations of people, and many quotes have turned into popular sayings.

The Night Before Christmas (1951)

Kinopoisk: 7.9 IMDb: 7.4 +6

A mysterious and bewitching animated film, filled with controversial characters and colorfully showing the national flavor. The plot is familiar to everyone - the young blacksmith Vakula fell in love with the first girl in the village Oksana. But in order to win the beauty’s favor, you will have to saddle the devil and ride on horseback to the capital Petrograd to the empress herself.

The Nutcracker (1973)

Kinopoisk: 7.8 IMDb: 7.7 +6

An immortal combination of the famous fairy tale by Hoffmann and the unique music of Tchaikovsky. This story is about a maid girl who, while cleaning, finds an unusual toy - a Nutcracker for nuts. Pity for the abandoned toy revives the Nutcracker, and he tells her about the terrible mouse queen and the story of his curse.

Santa Claus and Summer (1969)

Kinopoisk: 7.9 IMDb: 7.5 +0

A hand-drawn fairy tale film about how children showed Santa Claus summer for the first time. In winter he is a majestic old man, and in summer he is a good-natured, sweet old man, with childish spontaneity, rejoicing in the beautiful things that he has never seen in his life: the sun, the river, green grass.

Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf (1978)

Kinopoisk: 8.0 IMDb: 7.5 +6

A New Year's story telling how Santa Claus, the Snowman and all the inhabitants of the winter forest help naive bunnies escape from the clutches of the treacherous Wolf and Crow, receive long-awaited gifts and celebrate the New Year with their family at the big Christmas tree.

Twelve Months (1956)

Kinopoisk: 8.0 IMDb: 7.6 +6

On a cold January evening, the evil stepmother, at the whim of the Queen, sends her stepdaughter into the forest so that she can collect a full basket of snowdrops, otherwise the New Year will not come. In a clearing by the fire, the girl meets 12 brothers-months, who fulfill her request, and the month of April even gives her a ring, which you just need to throw, say the magic words, and the months will come to the rescue again.

The Snow Queen (1957)

Kinopoisk: 7.9 IMDb: 7.8 +0

The boy Kai and the girl Gerda are inseparable, they spend their days together, play, and grow roses. But suddenly, on a cold winter evening, a mysterious woman - the Snow Queen - took the boy on a sleigh to the icy kingdom, turning Kai's kind heart into a cold piece of ice. But faithful Gerda will never leave him in trouble and will try to save him from the terrible snow captivity.

When the Christmas Trees Light Up (1950)

Kinopoisk: 7.9 IMDb: 7.8 +6

Leaving the snowy domain, Santa Claus and the Snowman go to the kindergarten for the Christmas tree, taking a large bag of gifts. Due to a small hole in the bag, the cotton bunny and the teddy bear fall out along the road and remain in the forest. They will have to go through many tests in order to get to their little owners, Vanya and Lyusa, in time.

Winter in Prostokvashino (1984)

Kinopoisk: 8.7 IMDb: 8.4 +6

The dog Sharik and the cat Matroskin live in Prostokvashino, but they quarreled and now they don’t speak, they only send letters through Pechkin. The boy Uncle Fyodor and his father are going to Prostokvashino for the New Year. Unfortunately, mom won’t be able to go with them; she has a performance at the Blue Light. While everyone was pushing the old Cossack made of snow, the friends made peace. But what is New Year without mom? Or will she still make it in time for the holiday?

How a hedgehog and a bear cub celebrated the New Year (1975)

Kinopoisk: 7.2 IMDb: 7.1 +12

This is a wonderful New Year's story about how two inseparable friends - Hedgehog and Little Bear - decided to celebrate the New Year according to all traditions, with the main attribute - a big Christmas tree. But here’s the problem: there wasn’t a single tree around. Then the Hedgehog himself decides to become a Christmas tree, because he is very similar, and there is somewhere to hang toys.

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These cartoons are imbued with all the delights of a light, bright and homely holiday. And it’s no secret that it is in childhood that he is most dear to every person. Because it is then that the New Year is not just an opportunity to gather with loved ones, it is a time of gifts, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, a beautiful Christmas tree and hope for a New Year's miracle.

website invites you to return a little to childhood and plunge into a magical atmosphere, for which you have collected these 15 Soviet New Year's cartoons - the most wonderful and kind. To create a unique mood and the feeling that a fairy tale is somewhere nearby.

Christmas story

Let this Christmas tree make us happy with every needle!

When you decorate the Christmas tree, you just want to hum this cute song from the cartoon under your breath. A tale about the Snow Monster, which guards the forest from noise, from din, from any dashing. The Monster is not allowed to sleep either by bullfinches, or by little animals, or by the boys who came to pick up the Christmas tree. Everyone was driven away by the Snowy One, and only the girl managed to make friends with him and bring a Christmas tree to school to celebrate the New Year. Incredibly kind and wonderful mood from watching.

Last year's snow fell

What kind of New Year is it without a Christmas tree?!

“I wanted to film Last Year’s Snow, but they told me that I needed to film something about pioneers collecting scrap metal. The scandal lasted four days. And on the fifth I came and said: “Okay. I want to make a cartoon about Lenin.” Then they tensed up: “What kind of cartoon is this?” “Well,” I say, “Lenin was a very cheerful person.” If I make a funny movie about Lenin, everyone will laugh.” They asked: “Can we not talk about Lenin?” - “I’m a famous director, I want about Lenin.” For two weeks I went and demanded: I want about Lenin! And he achieved what he wanted: do what you want - just not about Lenin! And I made “Last Year’s Snow.” (A. Tatarsky, director).

New Year's episode “Well, just wait!”

My best gift is you!

"Wait for it!" - an attribute of the childhood of all Russians. These are sweet memories, this is an indispensable pure bursting laughter, a sea of ​​kindness and a lot of good, positive emotions. "Wait for it!" can safely be called a legend of Soviet animation. “The Song of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden” was written especially for this issue, which each of us knows by heart - after all, such creativity, into which we put our whole soul and spirit, is impossible to forget.


This cartoon is just a gift for children and adults. A stunning combination of magical music by Tchaikovsky and the famous fairy tale by Hoffmann. The sincere warmth with which the cartoon was created gives the same magic that comes from childhood, making you once again admire the amazing fate of the toothy knight and marvel at the beauty of New Year's Eve. It's impossible to tear yourself away.

Santa Claus and summer

Santa Claus in the summer?! Who allowed it?!

One day, Grandfather Frost wanted to know what summer was, and went to the children to look at this miracle of nature. Why, one might ask, does grandpa need such a test? And the whole point is that, while distributing New Year's gifts to the children, he kept hearing from them how nice it was in the summer and how soon it would come. The result is a cheerful children's cartoon accompanied by a playful song with a very unchildish irony.

Winter in Prostokvashino

If the form is congratulatory, you must first congratulate the recipient! - Well, okay, okay... Congratulations to you, Sharik, you idiot!

Due to the cold weather and different views on winter shoes, Sharik and Matroskin stopped talking. Postman Pechkin is trying to reconcile them, but this is a difficult and expensive matter. Dad and Uncle Fyodor are going to Prostokvashino for the New Year. But mom has completely different plans: “Blue Light” will not wait. It’s amazing how in 15 minutes Vladimir Popov was able to put so much meaning, irony and incendiary jokes, which were immediately taken away for quotes.

When the Christmas trees are lit

They say on New Year's Eve that whatever you wish will always happen, everything will always come true!

Santa Claus with gifts hurries to the city to visit the children - to congratulate them on the New Year. But along the way, two gifts are lost: a bunny for the girl Lucy and a teddy bear for Vanya. But children who have behaved well all year and have been preparing for the holiday by learning songs cannot be left without gifts! Because when, if not on the New Year, miracles should happen and cherished wishes come true.

Christmas Eve

Those who have the devil behind their shoulders don’t have to go far.

Not everyone is so lucky to ride the Devil and appear at the palace of the Queen herself. But the blacksmith Vakula was lucky. He saw a lot of witchcraft and miracles on Christmas night! And all this in order to earn the love of a capricious beauty. Fabulous Gogol's Ukraine, inky skies and heavy snowy winter. Nikolai Gogol knew how to create a real fairy tale - it is not surprising that the cartoon, based on the work of the same name, turned out to be magical.

Winter's Tale

You've been saying all winter that you're a snowflake. I was so afraid that you would melt by spring...

The Winter's Tale is an old but timeless story about the Little Bear, who is helped by the Hedgehog, about winter and mutual assistance. In the cartoon world, everything is simple: if it’s winter, it’s cold and bad, if you’re sick, then friends come, and if someone helps, then everything will certainly get better. Isn’t it this simplicity and confidence that we so often lack in our everyday bustle?

The Snow Queen

There is nothing stronger than a devoted heart!

A cartoon based on Andersen's fairy tale about endlessly devoted love, ready to conquer any elements and overcome any distance. It turned out to be so wonderful that it earned wide recognition abroad, and the famous Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki called it one of his favorite films. Even though all this is fabulous, it is incredibly true and close to the soul, because this is probably what love should be like.

Snowman postman

Where is this? Well, what's his name?

Tomorrow is New Year, but the children don’t have a Christmas tree. The guys decided to ask Santa Claus for a Christmas tree. To do this, they sculpted a Snowman and gave him a letter with a request. The Snowman will have to overcome many difficulties, but kids can’t do without magic! The film was made in traditional Soviet animation quality. The musical accompaniment was written by the outstanding composer Nikita Bogoslovsky, and the best actors in the country voiced the characters.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 11 minutes


Cartoons from the Soviet period are still popular among Russian (and not only) viewers. The secret of success is simple - Soviet cartoons bring up in children that very “bright, kind, eternal” thing that is missing in modern animation and in the modern world as a whole.

New Year's fireworks will burst out very soon, and in order to be 100% prepared for the holidays, we invite you to remember cartoons from the USSR about the New Year and simply about a winter fairy tale.

After all, the New Year is, first of all, a children's holiday.

Year of release: 1984.

Everyone's favorite, familiar characters - Sharik, Matroskin and Uncle Fyodor celebrate the New Year in Prostokvashino. And even with dad! And maybe with mom, if she still manages to visit them in the village from the New Year's light.

It’s just a pity that the TV in Prostokvashino doesn’t work...

One of the kindest cartoons of the USSR, which both adults and children enjoy watching.

Year of release: 1969.

Touching, sweet old man Santa Claus lives alone at the North Pole, making gifts and dreaming of looking at the summer.

This is what Soviet animators helped him with, sending Grandfather into the summer to the song “About Summer,” which instantly became a hit.

Year of release: 1981.

Fantastic New Year's animated film by Ivan Aksenchuk.

The slacker Malasha plays the fool all day long, her sister, the needlewoman Dunyasha, works tirelessly. One day their grandmother is overcome by illness, and the entire household falls entirely on Dunyasha’s fragile shoulders.

Malasha would have been idle if it weren’t for Moroz Ivanovich peering through the window...

Year of release: 1966.

Are New Year holidays possible without a Christmas tree? Of course not!

So little Timoshka decided the same thing, after which he boldly rushed, in the company of his faithful puppy, into the forest behind the New Year’s tree...

Year of release: 1956.

Another wonderful (puppet) story about two sisters - lazy and hardworking.

One day, the sisters' bucket falls into the well. What to do - you’ll have to go down after him straight to the kingdom of Santa Claus...

Year of release: 1955.

One of the most amazing cartoons about the New Year from Soviet animators.

On the eve of the holiday, the boys make a snowman and send him to the forest with a letter to Grandfather Frost - the guys really want a Christmas tree and gifts.

The snowman boldly goes into the forest in the company of a dog named Druzhok. Interesting adventures and dangers await him, which he can easily cope with...

The traditional quality of Soviet animation, excellent musical accompaniment, the voices of the characters performed by your favorite actors - a great New Year's fairy tale for children of all ages.

Year of release: 1978.

Remake of the 1937 cartoon.

In this fairy tale, children will find Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, as well as their funny retinue. Together they will save the bunnies from the evil wolf and the cunning crow, and will not forget about the New Year tree.

A kind, fabulous cartoon that will certainly make you smile.

Year of release: 1959.

The boy Kolya is very worried that his father, a polar explorer, whiling away his days in Antarctica, will be left without a New Year's tree on the holiday. Falling asleep, Kolya goes on a trip - dad will have a Christmas tree, and that’s it!

But the dream ends, and with it the magic...

The animators did their best: this beautiful cartoon for the whole family has been included in the lists of the best New Year's stories for children for many years.

Year of release: 1956.

A frosty and snowy winter has covered the entire country. But while everyone is wrapping themselves in blankets and listening to the crackling of logs in the stoves, the evil stepmother pushes her stepdaughter out the door, demanding snowdrops for the holiday...

This fairy tale story is familiar to everyone from early childhood. And among the many film adaptations of it, this one is one of the best.

Classics of the genre!

Year of release: 1970.

A festive series from a short series of stories about the bear cub Umka.

A curious bear cub comes to the polar explorers' station to find his friend. In search of a boy, Umka, who ran away from his mother, studies the life of polar explorers, dances near the Christmas tree, eats cakes and finds himself in various comical situations.

Year of release: 1973.

A New Year's fairy tale-lesson about a nut cracking toy that comes to life and goes to war with the mouse king.

A beautiful cartoon with careful drawing of details and characters: an immortal story with classical music and unobtrusive instructions for young viewers.

A real gift for the New Year that will teach a child courage and kindness.

Year of release: 1951.

Vakula is deeply in love with the beautiful Oksana. His love is so strong that he is ready to fulfill any of her wishes - even to ride the devil himself in order to get to the Russian Empress, and to beg slippers from her for his beloved Oksana...

A high-quality, atmospheric, amazing cartoon based on Gogol's story of the same name - for older children and adults.

Year of release: 1948.

A wonderful Soviet cartoon about Santa Claus, who on the eve of the holiday was looking for a Christmas tree for the kids.

A cartoon in which the characters speak beautiful, pure Russian, which is so important for modern children, “learning on the Internet” from the cradle...

Year of release: 1975.

The face of every child who watches this cartoon invariably lights up with a smile. A simple, but such a wonderful, sweet and kind story about a bear cub and a hedgehog celebrating a holiday together.

They failed to find the Christmas tree, and the Hedgehog decided that he himself would become the Christmas tree...

Year of release: 1950.

Little Lucy asks Grandfather Frost for a bunny, and her brother asks for a bear cub. The Snow Maiden and Grandfather Frost are in a hurry to get to the children, but the evil wolves mix up all the plans.

The bunny and teddy bear who fell out of the bag are forced to get to the children on their own...

One of the favorite cartoons for many generations - the real magic of Soviet animation.

Year of release: 1957.

Everyone knows Andersen's story about the Snow Queen, Kaya and Gerda. This cartoon is one of the best adaptations of a wonderful fairy tale about the rescue of a boy from icy captivity, about Gerda’s loyalty, about the fact that kindness can melt even the iciest heart.

A marvelous, beautifully drawn story that Andersen himself would probably have liked.

A small masterpiece of animation, which is highly recommended for viewing for modern children.

Year of release: 1972.

In this charming puppet cartoon, little Grisha meets the Snowy Beast in the forest, which only favors polite children...

Year of release: 1952.

Another masterpiece of animation, which successfully combined opera and the artistic talent of the creators.

The heart of the Snow Maiden, who became the fruit of the love of Spring and Father Frost, does not know love - it is covered with ice, and human feelings are not familiar to it.

But what is the point of life if there is no love in it?

Year of release: 1979.

One day, forest animals invited a baby elephant from Africa to visit them for the New Year holiday.

Everyone is really looking forward to him, except for the bully wolf, who managed not only to offend everyone, but also to steal the gifts the baby elephant brought...

Year of release: 1981.

Not a single New Year can do without this cartoon. Tatarsky’s plasticine masterpiece is adored by both children and adults.

A humorous, surreal winter tale about a man whose wife sent him to pick up the Christmas tree on the eve of the holiday. A truly folk cartoon – atmospheric and instructive.

What New Year cartoons do you like and watch? We look forward to your feedback and advice!

02.12.2014 Viktoria Soldatova

Soviet New Year's cartoons have no analogues. The animated world is the same fairy tale for a child as a book, but in addition to the book, the cartoon is also visual. I hope that your children will like my selection, enjoy it with them, it’s so nice to feel like a child again.

I answer the question

Greetings to all readers of my blog. Today I will take the opportunity to answer a question that moms often ask me:

How and how many cartoons my son watches.

I am one of those parents who do not leave their child near the TV to watch cartoons. Advertising, the inability to choose – all this is not for us. My son Alexander watches cartoons every day. In the morning after breakfast - one cartoon, then we go to kindergarten. In the evening – 1-2 cartoons, depending on their size. If it's long, then one. Evening viewing depends on the foreign language class. If we are studying English, then the cartoon will be accordingly, if we are studying French - . With dad in “boy days”, watching videos in Spanish. There is information about our family’s traditions and dad’s participation in them.

I download all the cartoons except the Spanish ones (we have them on disks). If you use Mozilla Firefox, then download on Youtube appears automatically under the screen, and downloading your favorite video to your computer is not difficult. After which I distribute the downloaded materials into folders, depending on the language. Thus, finding the one you need is not difficult. But I recommend watching via a computer or tablet without downloading via Google Chrome. There are fewer lags on this browser.

In general, as for young children, we parents must give them the opportunity to concentrate as much as possible on watching. Sometimes the owners of video channels forget who educational videos and cartoons are intended for. And mom only has time to close pop-up windows, advertisements and the like. I'll give you a simple solution:

  1. Click on the “settings” wheel at the bottom of the video.
  2. A window will pop up, you need to select “Annotations” and move the circle to the left side. The red color will disappear.
  3. Click on the “big screen” and you and your baby can safely enjoy it.

I’ll start with a cartoon for older children, because they also need to create a pre-holiday mood.

Snow Maiden

“Spring Tale” by Ostrovsky to music by Rimsky-Korsakov. This 1952 cartoon is suitable for older children, as it talks about love, devotion and fidelity. In this fairy tale, the Snow Maiden breaks hearts and couples; all the young men in the area are in love with her. And she dies not from jumping over a fire, but from the spring sun. Beautiful operatic voices are combined with Russian folk songs.

Snow Maiden

And this is exactly the fairy tale from 1969, where the Snow Maiden jumps over the fire and melts. It can be watched with younger children.

The right remedy

A good winter cartoon from 1982 about a bear cub who couldn’t sleep. His friends, forest musicians, helped him do this.

A Christmas tree was born in the forest (1972)

The boy creates his own film about the Christmas tree and shows it to his toys. Of course, they sing a song of the same name, which is interrupted by... Grandfather Frost.

Gray neck

I think that no one needs to present this story from 1948. We have it on disk and we watch it not only in winter; every time Alexander worries about the duckling as if for the first time. But as we all know, good triumphs.

Grandfather and grandson

A wonderful Soviet cartoon from 1950 about a bear cub who lived with his grandfather bear and decided to learn to skate when he needed to sleep. At first, the grandfather did not approve of his grandson’s initiative, but when he came to the skating rink and saw the children’s festive performance, he himself wanted to skate.

Come to the skating rink

The 1981 cartoon will be of interest to all children from the age of two, especially those who are starting to take up figure skating, hockey, or just learning to skate. A cartoon with almost no words, where the activities at or near the skating rink are very clear. Yesterday Alexander and I read a book that mentioned winter swimming. The child did not yet know what it was and I had to explain. Then I found this cartoon and it all clicked into my head on this issue.

Snow paths

From the previous series about “different” children. The cartoon does a good job of showing the good and the bad. Good, of course, wins.

New year's night

When describing Soviet New Year’s cartoons, I couldn’t pass by this one – “New Year’s Eve” of 1948. As a child I watched it with my parents, and now with my son. Alexander liked the cartoon for its unusualness, and indeed, it is not at all similar to today's videos.

Plot: it was not easy to get Santa Claus the most beautiful Christmas tree, but of course he coped with the task. New Year's Eve here is a young boy flying on a plane - Santa Claus is his grandfather. There is also Leshy, who does not want to give up the Christmas tree.

When the Christmas trees are lit

One of our favorite cartoons (1950). How many generations have grown up with it, and it still remains a favorite among kids.

Twelve months

Last year, my son and I read the fairy tale “The Twelve Months.” But at three years old she was still a little difficult for a child. And this year he took it well. I am sure that the 1956 cartoon of the same name will complement Alexander’s impressions.

Christmas story

“New Year's Tale” 1972, many of us saw this cartoon in childhood. He talks about how the children “melted” Leshy’s heart. This good story teaches that if you want something, you need to ask. And if you are kind to others, they are unlikely to refuse you.

Brave fawn

Winter in Prostokvashino

“Your mother is being handed over here and there. How far has technology come!”

I won’t comment, everyone knows this New Year’s story.

Winter's Tale

A cartoon based on Kozlov's work about a bear cub who ate too many snowflakes and was sick until spring.

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    December 3, 2014 at 03:04


    December 5, 2014 at 07:27


    December 15, 2014 at 03:18


    February 8, 2016 at 10:43 am


New Year's holidays are loved by both big and small. But to be honest, during this magical time we, adults, become children again and, like our kids, expect a miracle.

And if so, why not watch children’s New Year’s cartoons with your children to get even more into the spirit of the upcoming holiday!

In our selection - watch the best New Year's cartoons, the list is below!

Cartoon New Year's fairy tale

The cartoon “New Year's Tale”, familiar to us from childhood, is still interesting to children today! Remember: “Christmas tree, forest scent...”? This cartoon creates a great holiday mood, and also teaches that you can hardly achieve anything with force and rudeness, but with friendly behavior and kind words it’s easy!

"Winter in Prostokvashino"

Hit of the New Year's season!!! Do you agree?

Cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer"

“Santa Claus and Summer” is also a suitable option. A good, funny Soviet cartoon about how Santa Claus dreamed of seeing summer... and with the help of the kids he succeeded! May you succeed in your plans in the New Year, even if at first it seems difficult.

"Last year's snow fell"

Do you like to watch the cartoon “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling” on the eve of the New Year?

New Year's episode “Well, just wait!”

Or you can again watch the eighth, “New Year’s” episode of the popular Soviet animated series “Well, Just Wait!”, beloved by modern children. about the cheerful adventures of a hare and a wolf at the holiday, while singing along to the cheerful song of the big-eared “Santa Claus” and the toothy “Snow Maiden”!

Speaking about our Hare and Wolf, how can one not remember their “overseas brothers” - Tom and Jerry! In their series of adventures that are not always safe for the cat’s health, there is a wonderful Christmas cartoon.

Look how on Christmas evening the cat and the mouse - these eternal opponents - took pity on each other and almost became friends!

Masha and the Bear - New Year

And among modern cartoons - simply wonderful for watching with the whole family, “One, Two, Three! Shine Christmas tree!" (who doesn’t know yet... although it’s unlikely that there will be such comrades! - this is the third episode of the wonderful series “Masha and the Bear”). You can not only laugh until you drop, but also understand that giving gifts is just as great as receiving them!

And here is the second New Year with Masha and the Bear. It's great when you celebrate the New Year in a friendly company!

Watch good, cheerful cartoons with the whole family, and let them make parents and children even better friends, help both kids and adults feel the New Year's anticipation of a miracle... and believe that this miracle will definitely happen!

P.S. Who knows what children's New Year's cartoon the video for this wonderful one is from? We don’t know this, we will be very glad if you tell us!

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