Preparation of individual speech therapy notebooks for children. Speech at MO Topic “Maintaining individual speech therapy notebooks as an important condition for successful correctional work” consultation on speech therapy (senior group) on the topic

Notebooks with speech therapist homework for parents

How to prepare notebooks for a speech therapist’s homework? Each child should have his own notebook where the content of speech therapy work is recorded. Parents are explained how to design this notebook and are given examples of homework (sketching objects, sticking decals, writing down poems, stories, etc.).

The speech therapist’s tasks for parents include the main sections: Articulatory gymnastics, which includes exercises that prepare the articulatory structure for producing missing sounds. In further work, automation exercises are added (correct pronunciation of given sounds in syllables, words, phrasal and independent speech of the child). These exercises should be performed at home daily 3 to 5 times a day. Exercises are performed in front of a mirror (so that the child can control himself). It is necessary to achieve clear, precise, smooth execution of movements.

A task for the development of phonemic perception and education of the fundamentals of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis. A series of lexical and grammatical tasks is aimed at enriching the passive vocabulary, and most importantly at stimulating and using the acquired knowledge in the child’s active speech, through exercises on word formation, changes in gender, number and cases, on the coordination of adjectives and numerals with nouns; inflection using prefixes, suffixes, combining stems; selection of related, generalizing and clarifying words. Tasks for the development of coherent speech: this is the construction of simple and complex common sentences with and without prepositions (according to the scheme); These are descriptive stories according to plan and scheme; by a series of plot pictures and one plot picture, based on subject pictures and by presentation, using supporting words; retellings and independent creative stories of children; memorizing poems selected for the child. Development tasks fine motor skills and preparing the hand for writing: tracing along the contour, completing the elements, shading in various directions different ways according to the model; working with stencils and templates; cutting and pasting pictures; drawings, applications, graphic dictations; typing letters, syllables, words and sentences and small connected texts.

Parents are given recommendations on the inside of the front cover. homework with baby. For example: “It is better to perform each task in 2-3 steps lasting no more than 15 – 20 minutes in the proposed sequence.”

Memo from a speech therapist to parents (rules for studying with a child at home).

Work with your child at home every day. Conduct classes in a calm, friendly environment. Class time is 10-15 minutes. Praise the child for every, even small, achievement. Perform articulation exercises in front of a mirror so that the child can control himself. All tasks (except graphic ones) are completed orally, and the adult enters the child’s answer. The child completes graphic tasks independently under the mandatory supervision of an adult. It is very important to ensure that tasks are completed accurately. Do only what is required in the task.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Speech therapist homework for parents

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Abstract: In the presented article, the author proposes the idea of ​​​​creating an individual speech therapy manual “Logodomik” for the purpose of correcting the sound-pronunciation side of speech, reviews the advantages of creating and using such a manual in the process of speech therapy work compared to using ready-made manuals and notebooks. The creation of this manual is carried out in the context project activities, since, in fact, “Logodomik” is the product of a full-fledged project, implemented within the framework of cooperation of all participants in the correction process - speech therapist, child and parent with the aim of correcting sound pronunciation. The author has formulated specific goals and objectives that are set for all participants in the correctional process, describes the process of accumulating the necessary visual and didactic material, its diversity, as well as the basic principles of material selection.


"Logodomik", individual speech therapy benefit, project activities, sound pronunciation correction, gaming methods and techniques.

"Logodomik" - an alternative to an individual speech therapy notebook

Correction of the sound-pronunciation aspect of speech is one of the main and relevant areas of speech therapy work.

Tasks this direction are the formation of correct speech exhalation, normalization of the tone of the articulatory muscles, the development of motor skills of the speech apparatus and phonemic perception, and the development of clear diction.

Considering the features modern preschoolers, in the course of speech therapy work it is not always possible to achieve good, sustainable results. To increase the effectiveness of classes for correcting sound pronunciation, the speech therapist is constantly looking for interesting techniques, new technologies and modern techniques.

In modern conditions, a wide selection of speech therapy aids and techniques is available to a specialist. A huge number of speech therapy aids and educational literature for children are available in stores and on the Internet. All these manuals are modern, very bright, interesting, some of them are interactive. They are presented in different pricing policies - from free to very expensive.

Despite this, it is not possible to choose one benefit that is completely suitable for a particular child. In my practice, there has not been a single case when I used a ready-made manual from start to finish.

Since modern speech therapy work implies the need for an individual approach to each student, then I created individual speech therapy manual “Logodomik”. It is a modern laptop.

Nowadays there are a huge number of lapbooks on all sorts of topics on the Internet. “Lapbook” (lap – knees, book – book) – a book on the knees. The purpose of a lapbook is to combine material on a specific topic. In my case, this is the systematization of material for the correction of only those sounds whose pronunciation is impaired in the child.

On this moment V preschool education According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the project activity method is widely used. This allows you to effectively implement a system-activity approach to learning. The individual speech therapy manual “Logodomik” is the result (product) of project activities. In the process of creating "Logodomik" there is a gradual achievement of the goal and monitoring of the achieved results. Creating a “Logodomik” is a rather long and labor-intensive process, but the result is worth the effort!

The main goal of creating “Logodomik” is to increase the effectiveness of sound pronunciation correction.

Using "Logodomik" on individual lessons, a speech therapist solves many problems.

1. Increases motivation for speech therapy sessions.

2. Develops the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

3. Develops phonemic processes.

4. Forms a stable skill of correct sound pronunciation.

5. Creates favorable conditions for interaction between parent and child.

An integral part of creating Logodomic is working with parents. The interest and activity of the parent largely depends on the specialist. Pre-establishment of cooperation with the parent plays an important role. Parents should pay attention to the child’s pronunciation defects, conduct consultations, seminars, parent meetings on current topics.

What are the advantages of Logodomik?

  1. Firstly, the child treats his house with increased interest (as property). He can decorate it with his favorite characters and choose a color scheme to his liking. With a great desire to demonstrate the accumulated material to friends and family.
  2. Secondly, by involving parents (mainly the mother), the child “reads” the information that this is important not only for him and the speech therapist, but also very important for the parent (an authoritative opinion in preschool age).
  3. Thirdly, repeated use of selected material allows you to develop a stable sound pronunciation skill. In the course of working with the “logodomic”, it becomes understandable to the child, “native” and loved one.
  4. Fourthly, the big advantage of “Logodomik” is the variability of classes. The child can independently determine the theme and sequence.

Principles for creating a “Speech Therapy House”:

- Individuality. The material is selected taking into account the individual defects and characteristics of the child. Based on the examination results, the speech therapist builds a sequence correctional work, relying on the psychophysiological capabilities of the child. Takes into account his interests and hobbies.

- Dynamism. In the process of work, the “logohouse” is replenished with new material. Cards are consistently changed in accordance with the relevance of the lesson. The structure may also change (additional pockets or an entire field appear). At each lesson, the child takes out, lays out, rearranges, and colors pictures - cards.

- Aesthetics. All material is done in a certain format, preferably on thick paper. Accuracy appearance generally supported by specialist and parents.

“Logodomik” may differ in volume, depending on the number of disorders the child has. But if the number of disrupted sounds is more than five, then it is better to divide the material into groups (whistling, hissing, sonorant). In this case, there will be either several houses or one, but at a certain stage the entire contents of the house will change.

Following the methodology, the “logodomic” is built on the basis of three stages of sound pronunciation correction:

  • preparation of the articulatory apparatus;
  • sound production;
  • automation and sound differentiation.

From the first lessons with a child, the process of accumulating material begins.

1. Starting to learn articulation exercises, the child, together with his mother, prepares cards-symbols of the exercises. The speech therapist prepares the basis for the future house, conducts master classes and consultations with parents. At this stage, the pocket for additional tasks becomes active. There we place the text finger gymnastics, individual sound profile, recommendations for parents.

2. When the sound is delivered, the sound symbol and letter are added. You can imagine a diagram of the main features of sound (articulatory position, tactile sensations, characteristic by sonority - dullness, hardness - softness.)

3. At the initial stage of sound automation, we use various tracks (graphic tasks, strings, beads, etc.). To consolidate the sound in syllables, we add vowels.

We fix the sound in the words, relying on the pictures that the child and his mother pick up at home. You can use accordions and coloring books. For further automation in sentences we use various phrases in pictures, story pictures coloring books, etc.

4. In a separate pocket we add games and exercises for the development of phonemic perception and lexical-grammatical structure. There may be the following games: “Remember and repeat”, “Say the word”, “Identify the first or last sound”, “Rhymes”, “Count”, “Tell me how many”, “What’s missing?”, “4 -th extra”, “Guess”, “Call me affectionately”, etc.

In order to stimulate the child and maintain his interest in activities with the “logodomic”, it is necessary to keep a “diary”. This could be an insert or the back side of the “house”, where you can stick “five” stickers, put stamps or encouragement marks.

Throughout the entire training period, the material is consolidated and accumulated. The child receives the product literally in the first lessons. Thus, a dry, oral speech therapy session turns into productive activity. And for any child this is always more interesting. It is also worth noting the involvement of the parent in the correction process, he sees the work of the speech therapist, which is quite important! The introduction of this form of work is justified and fully meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. A speech therapy lapbook can be used both in an institution and in the private practice of a speech therapist. In part, “Logodom” can become an alternative to the traditional speech therapy notebook.

Oksana Vasilievna Novikova
Memo (for parents) “How to study using a speech therapy notebook”

"HOW STUDY FROM A Speech Therapy Notebook»

1. Notebook picked up from kindergarten parents on Friday night.

2. On weekends, within 15-20 minutes, parents carry out the speech therapist’s task together with the child.

3. Exercises are performed while sitting in front of a large mirror. The child looks at himself in the mirror and watches his lips while pronouncing sounds, words, and sentences. Be sure to monitor the child’s correct posture, speech exhalation, and correct pronunciation of the automated sound.

4. It is very important to teach a child to hear his own speech, especially during classes. If a child does not listen to himself, the adult correctly corrects him.

5. Within a week parents consolidate the accumulated speech therapist and child material.

6. All tasks for the development of fine motor skills are completed with a pencil and only by the child. nkom: Coloring, shading, etc. for it is not acceptable. Let the child complete the amount of work that he can, and after a while he will finish it.

7. Teach your child to carry out tasks responsibly and to finish the job they start. This is good preparation before school!

8. Monday morning parents bring a notebook to kindergarten , they tell speech therapist or the teacher about difficulties, ask questions, express wishes.

I wish you success in your children's education. correct speech, because the main burden should be taken on by you, dear parents!

Sincerely, teacher- speech therapist Oksana Vasilievna Novikova

Publications on the topic:

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Growing plants is a very entertaining activity for preschoolers. You should grow something that grows quickly, “right before your eyes.”

    The homework book is issued on Friday and returned on Monday.

    The child completes his homework with his parents for 10–15 minutes, 2–3 times a day.

    Completion of all tasks is mandatory. This disciplines the child, organizes him and prepares him to accept the school curriculum.

    If you notice that your child has lost interest in an activity, stop it and resume it again after some time.

    Articulation gymnastics is performed in front of a mirror. You can get advice on how to do it correctly from a speech therapist.

    Your speech should be a model for the child.

    Do not focus the child’s attention on the shortcomings of his speech, however, when the sound being studied is at the stage of automation (i.e., delivered), parents need to be reminded in an unobtrusive manner of its correct pronunciation.

    Let doing homework become a game for your child.

    Remember: The joint work of the speech therapist, educators and parents will determine the overall success of correctional education.

    Teach your child to take care of the notebook and the attached cards ( cards are handed in along with the notebook!).



Work of a speech therapist teacher Working with children

1. Identification and express diagnosis of children with speech development disorders.

2. Accounting for children with speech impairments.

3. Speech therapy assistance for the correction of phonetic disorders in children aged 5 to 7 years.

4. Speech therapy assistance for the correction of phonetic-phonemic disorders in children aged 5 to 7 years.

5. The use of articulation and finger gymnastics in correctional and preventive work with children aged 4 to 5 years.

6. Speech therapy classes with children 5-7 years old according to individual programs.

7. Registration of individual speech cards.

8. Maintaining individual notebooks.

9. Making audio recordings of the pronunciation of sounds.

10. Carrying out subgroup classes(based on the similarity of sound pronunciation disorders):

Work on the formation and development of phonemic hearing;

Correction of sound perception and sound pronunciation;

Prevention and overcoming difficulties in speech development;

Communicative communication.

Work with documents

1. Planning, development and implementation of individual and subgroup speech therapy programs.

2. Drawing up protocols of medical and pedagogical commissions for the admission and release of children.

3. Work schedule for each day (working time tracking).

4. Work schedule.

5. Lists of children according to the composition of speech therapy groups (2-3 times during the year).

6. Journal - attendance records.

7. Notebook of interaction with teachers of an educational institution.

8. Participation in experimental programs.

9. Design of the folder “From work experience”.

10. Preparation of documents for certification for the highest category.

Working with educators and teachers

1. Teachers’ attendance at open classes on speech development.

2. Individual counseling for educators.

3. Educational work (seminars, open classes) on the prevention and correction of speech disorders.

4. Participation in express reviews of groups of medical, psychological and pedagogical services.







teaching practice

4 course

Specialties "Speech Therapy"


(last name, first name, patronymic of the student)

Bbasics of practice

Course supervisor of practice

Head of practice at the base institution ____________________________


Director _____________________________________________________________

Vladivostok, 2013

1 Week

General familiarization of students with educational institution, speech therapy room and organization of correctional and developmental work with students


1. Familiarization with all types of documentation of a speech therapist teacher (the procedure for admission and examination, staffing a group and subgroup of children, with speech disorders, nature and form of documentation of the teacher-speech therapist of the school speech center, Diagnostics and Consulting Center).

2. Preparation and conduct of neuropsychological and speech therapy examinations of 5 children with speech disorders. Identification of the structure of the defect, determination of preserved functions, final speech therapy conclusion and drawing up a plan for corrective individual and group work with children for the period of practice (see Appendix 3). Create a speech card for each student.

3. Attendance at lessons taught by a speech therapist (teacher) at the school (3 lessons per day).

Exercise 1. Documentation of the speech therapy room

1. _________ Long-term work plan for the year_____________________________________________

2. _________ Individual speech therapy card_________________________________

3. _________ Cards for dispensary registration of patients__________________________________________

4. _________ Logs of children’s attendance at speech therapy classes____________________

5. _________ Individual notebooks for children_____________________________________________

6. _________ Schedule of speech therapy classes _ ___________________________________

7. _________ Lesson work plans_____________________________________________

8. _________ Individual long-term plans for children____________________

9. _____________________________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________________________

Task 2.1. Student Survey

Date of examination

F.I. student

Preliminary conclusion

OHP level 2

Sensory alalia

OHP level 2, systemic speech underdevelopment

Rhinolalia, acoustic dysgraph., dyslexia

Speech underdevelopment

Task 2.2. Speech therapy conclusion ____ class (group) with speech impairment (speech card attached)___________________________________________________________


Speech therapy conclusion ____ class (group) with speech impairment (speech card attached)_________________________________________________________________________


Speech therapy conclusion



Speech therapy conclusion ____ class (group) with speech impairment (speech card attached)_________________________________________________________________________



Speech therapy conclusion ____ class (group) with speech impairment (speech card attached)_________________________________________________________________________



Task 2. 3. Drawing up a speech card for each student being examined (in 2 copies) in accordance with the speech disorder.

Task 2.4. Drawing up a long-term work plan (see Appendix 3).

Basic with ________dysgraphia_______________________

1. ____________ formation of visual analysis and synthesis _____________________________

2. _______________ formation of spatial representations_________________________

3. _______________ developing the ability to divide sentences into words ___________________

4. _______________ formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech ____________________

5. ______________ formation of cognitive processes: correction, memory, attention ___

6. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Basic directions of correctional work with ____dyslexia___________________________


1. _______________________ a clear idea of ​​the sound structure of a syllable ______________

2. _________________________ phonemic analysis ___________________________________

3. _________________________________ generalized idea of ​​the syllable __________________________

4. ___________________ formation of phonemic perception _______________________

5. ____________________ distinguishing oppositional sounds ______________________________

6. ________ formation of spatial representations of visual analysis and synthesis ___

Task 3. Analysis of classes conducted by a speech therapist teacher:

Analysis Plan speech therapy session By

  1. Date: February 11
  2. Type of lesson Individual
  3. Lesson topic: Sound automation [C]
  4. Stage of speech therapy work:
  1. Group (class): 3 B
  1. Purpose of the lesson: sound automation [C]
  1. Tasks:

– Corrective speech:

Develop the ability to correctly pronounce the sound [s];

Give a description and correct articulation of the sound [s];

Teach to pronounce the sound [s] in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences.

–Corrective non-speech:

Develop motor skills of the articulatory apparatus, phonemic hearing;

Develop the ability to understand spoken speech;

Develop mental processes: attention, memory, thinking.

Develop gross motor skills.

–Pedagogical tasks:

Increase the child’s self-esteem and help improve his emotional well-being.

Develop self-control and responsibility

Preliminary work:

Materials: sound articulation diagram, pictures with sound [s], circles of vowel and consonant sounds, picture [owl], cotton wool, spatula, alcohol.

General conclusion about the lesson:

1. Does the structure of the lesson correspond to its goals and objectives?

The organizational structure of the lesson corresponds to the goals and tasks.

2. Is there a logical sequence and relationship between the stages of the lesson?

The stages of the lesson are consistent and logical among themselves.

3. How appropriate is the distribution of time across the stages of the lesson?

Lesson time was distributed according to methodological requirements.

4. Is the office equipment used rationally?

The classroom equipment was used rationally: musical accompaniment was used during the lesson.

5. Was there an organization of the beginning and end of the lesson?

The structure of the lesson was not violated: time was clearly delineated for all stages of the lesson.

6. How optimal was the pace of the lesson?

The pace of the lesson was calm and even.

7. Did the speech therapist have a lesson plan and what was the extent of its implementation?

The speech therapist had a lesson plan, and it was all implemented during the lesson.

8. Did the level of difficulty of the tasks correspond to the speech abilities of the patients?

The difficulty level of the tasks corresponded to the child’s speech abilities