Entertainment "Kolyada has come" lesson plan (middle group) on the topic. Scenario for the preparatory group “a carol has come to visit” Scenario of small carols for children of the middle group


  • introduce children to folk traditions associated with winter calendar holidays: Christmas, New Year; introduce new words into the vocabulary of preschoolers: Christmastide, carols;
  • continue to foster respect for family and family values;
  • create a festive atmosphere that brings children and adults together;
  • improve the acting skills of preschoolers.

Characters: the hostess of the holiday (teacher in folk costume), parents and children in folk costumes, Kolyada, Baba Yaga

Decor: silhouettes of houses, behind which the adults playing the role of owners are hidden for the time being; in the background there is a sky with blinking stars; snowdrifts, silhouettes of houses, snow-covered fir trees, stars illuminated with a blue garland.

Musical accompaniment:

Sounds of bells.

Song " New Year's round dance» Words: N. Solovyova music: G. Struve

Christmas Carol

Game “Cap” (Program “Music with Mom” by Ekaterina and Sergei Zheleznov)

Recording of the song “My Family” . Words and music by Alexander Ermolov, performed by Larisa Grigorieva.

The hostess invites the children:

Hello kids, come closer to me! Glad to see you healthy and rosy! For what occasion did everyone get together and dress up? Yes, they didn’t come alone, they brought their parents and grandmothers!

Children's answers:

Celebrate Christmas

Celebrate New Year


Of course, Christmas and New Year are the most fun and family holidays. Relatives and friends gather together, give each other gifts, sing songs, and dance in circles.

Let's sing a song about the New Year.

Children join hands, stand in a circle, and perform the “New Year’s Round Dance”

Children sit around the Hostess:

Did you know that a long time ago our ancestors celebrated first Christmas, then New Year, and then Epiphany?


Christmas is so joyful holiday. People rejoiced and rejoiced when they learned about the birth of the divine baby Jesus Christ.


The birth of a wonderful baby in Bethlehem was announced by a star shining in the sky. Since then, the star has been a symbol of Christmas. (Shows a star)

Both before and now, every family prepares in advance for the Christmas holiday.

The chime of bells is heard.


What it is? Blizzard? Snow Eh?


Neither the snow nor the blizzard crumbles,

Christmas is coming to us, approaching,

With games and dancing,

With Christmas tales.


Today is not an easy day

The holiday has come to us, the saint

Christmas has come

Let's start the celebration.

Christmas Carol


Do you, children, know what “Yuletide” is?


This holiday is the longest

It's fun and vintage.

Our ancestors drank, ate,

We had fun for two weeks.


From Christmas to Epiphany,

Having prepared a treat,

Various carols were sung,

We walked around the courtyards on Christmastide.


Dressed up and joked

The holiday was awaited and loved.

So let's do it now

We will meet him here.


On the night before Christmas, children and youth, dressed up in sheepskin coats turned inside out, wearing masks of a bear, a bull, a ram, a fox, Baba Yaga, the devil, walked from house to house, stopped under the windows and praised the owners, wished them well in songs and poems and prosperity. These songs were called carols. It's time for us to invite Kolyada to our place.


Come, Kolyada, on the eve of Christmas

Enter Kolyada(male parent in national costume):

Who called, called, shouted Kolyada?

Children They say hello and invite you to celebrate Christmas with them.


For a long time in Rus', children sang carols. There were New Year's ones, there were also Christmas ones. Do you know carols?

Children: Yes!!! Certainly!

Kolyada: Well then, dress up and let’s go around the yards to celebrate!

Children put on masks, take a star and go with Kolyada to the first house .


I, Kolyada, am coming to you, I lead carolers.

A star shines on our way,

We need to go around every house!


And the owners are waiting - they can’t wait for the carolers to come. After all, this is a good omen: it means the year will be rich and successful.


Guys, how are we going to sing carols?


Usually they first praise the house they came to, then promise good luck in the new year and ask for gifts.


What if the owner is greedy and won’t give you food?


No, there are no greedy people among us, everyone is waiting for us, everyone is happy to sing carols. And before leaving home, shower the owners with grains of oats - a wish for a good harvest. Did everyone take a handful of grains?

Children: Yes!

Kolyada: Well, shall we go?

knocking on the window:

Kolyada has come to you

On the eve of Christmas.

Open the doors wider.

Meet the carolers!


Master and mistress, get off the stove,

open the chests,

Get your heels out!

Parents of the 1st house meet children:

Hello, dear and welcome guests!

Children say hello and congratulate the owners on the holiday.


The carol has arrived

On the eve of Christmas.

Give me the cow

I'm oiling the head!

And God forbid that

Who's in this house?


Kolyada, Kolyada,

Give us some pie

Who will give me some pie?

That's cattle, belly!


Be born, little wheat, in the field - in haystacks,

There are pies on the table!

Happiness will be your mountain,

The harvest is great!

Owners of 1 house:

Thank you, guys, for the carols, for the good wishes! (Give gifts to children)

Here you are, dear guests,

Gingerbread cookies and sweets,

Yes, warm pie,

Yes to butter, cottage cheese.


You are good owners, we wish you happiness in your home!

The children are all together, scattering grains:


Thanks to this house, and we will go to another!

They go to the second house. They knock on the window.


Kolyada has arrived - open the gates!


Good auntie,

Give me a piece of sweets,

Don't cut, don't break,

Better give it all.

If you drop a little one -

You can't escort us out of the yard!

Where the pancakes are, there we are,

Where are the pancakes - that’s okay,

Where is the pie with cereal -

There we are with our hand.

The owners come out.

Hello, hello, we've been waiting for you for a long time, we've prepared a treat


1. Hello, master and hostess!

Congratulations on your holiday,

We wish your home happiness and wealth!

2. God bless whoever is in this house.

His rye is thick and skinny,

3. He gets octopus from the ear,

From the grain he has a carpet,

Half-grain pie.

Children all together:

scattering grains:

We sow, we weed, we sow, we wish you happiness and joy!

The owners, seeing off the carolers:

Thank you, thank you, here is your reward:

Cookies, buns - whoever needs what!

Kolyada: Thank you! Let's go to another house!

They knock on the window of the third house. The owners come out and say hello:

Children congratulate their owners on the holiday:

1. Master, hostess, be cordial to us.

Whatever you have in the house, give it to us.

Pie and porridge, and on top - a cookie,

And under the bottom - a penny, a coin.

2. Who will give the pie?

For this reason the barn is full of cattle,

Barn with oats, stallion with a tail.

3. A good man will give birth to good rye:

The spikelet is thick, the straw is empty.

4. Sow, be born, live and wheat,

Barley, oats, buckwheat, peas, lentils.

Be healthy, be happy.

Live without troubles for many, many years

The owners give their children gifts:

Eat pancakes, pancakes, guys.

Crack nuts, share candies


How many stumps there are in the forest - so many bright days for you!

Happiness, love, and advice for a long time.

All: We sow, we weed, we sow, we wish you happiness and joy! (bow)

Children all together:

Kolyada, Kolyada, cheerful and rich!

scattering grains:

We sow, we weed, we sow, we wish you happiness and joy!

Go to the fourth house:


Kolyada, Kolyada, the young one has arrived.


We were looking for carols in Ivan's yard.

How the frost freezes your nose outside,

He doesn’t order us to stand for long, he orders us to serve quickly:

Or a warm pie, or butter - cottage cheese,

Or money with a spear, or a ruble in silver.

All: Auntie, dear one, give me something nice:

A donut, a flatbread, and a pork leg!

From the window:

Go home

I won't give you anything!


1. Ivan had a very greedy wife!

Her fur coat is not sewn up and her shirt is not washed,

2. And the husband is not strong, lazy, clumsy!


Enough, stop begging

Go to another yard!


Kolyada, Kolyada, long beard,

If anyone doesn't give you a leg, I'll split the window!

Whoever doesn’t give me bread, I’ll take my grandfather away!

If anyone doesn't give me ham, I'll split the cast iron!

From the window:

What are you, what are you, stay

Help yourself to whatever you want!

Here's a treat for you: cheese and cookies,

Gingerbread cookies, sweets, eat, kids! ( He holds out his hand with a treat.)

Kolyada : No, this is Baba Yaga, the bone leg decided to joke with us. I’ll ask her now!

Baba Yaga :

Do not be offended at me! When else but on Christmastide? evil spirits frolic. Children, play with me

Game with Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:

Well, I had fun with you, it’s time to go home to the thick forest! Before new meeting next year.


And it's time for me to say goodbye to you.

Hostess: How so, Kolyada? We walked around the yards together, praised the owners, but were left without refreshments? I boiled the tea, set the table, everyone is invited! We will drink tea with you and praise the holiday!

Kolyada: Well then, you guys, get your gifts!

General tea drinking, reflection.

Hostess: Did you have a good time together? I am pleased and so are your parents! After all, a person’s happiness does not lie in wealth! There is no need for treasure if there is harmony in the family! And today we are like one big and Friendly family. When everyone is healthy, everyone in the family is together - and the soul is in place!


May love and goodness

They live next to us.

Feel it friends

The warmth of your hands.

Everyone joins hands, the song “My family»

Anna Kovaleva
"Christmas carols." Entertainment scenario for middle group children

« Christmas carols»

entertainment scenario for middle group children

In the project's boundaries "Russian hut".

Target: preserve Russian folk traditions and customs; cultivate love and interest in folk holidays.


introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture;

meet children with new games, fun;

improve execution carols, ditties that accompany winter Christmastide;

cultivate a respectful attitude towards the traditions and customs of the Russian people.

Equipment: audio recordings (song « Kolyada» , funny songs for games, a bag of cereal for games "Who will you be?", felt boots for playing "Valenok".

Progress of the event:

There is a village house and a bench near the central wall. Grandfather and Baba sit on a bench and remember.

Woman: Do you remember, Grandfather, how fun it used to be? We walked through the huts, carols sang, they called the owners, Did you celebrate Christmastide?

Grandfather: Do you remember, Baba, how much there was caroling among the mummers?

Woman: Oh, Grandfather! Do you remember how they used to tell fortunes and want to know their fate? They looked into the mirror, into the saucer, into the cup. And what songs they sang!

Grandfather and Baba sing: Oh, Ovsen, Ovsen,

In the forest, in the yard,

The pine trees stood

Green, curly...

Grandfather: Stop remembering your youth, you can take a walk in your old age!

Woman: I'll go put the dough on. Suddenly guests will drop by, I’ll bake some pancakes.

Grandfather: That's right, Baba, “The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies”.

(Noise and songs are heard, children come in with a star on a pole.)

Children: Kolyada, Kolyada,

Give me some pie

Or a loaf of bread,

Or half a buck,

Or a chicken with a crest,

Cockerel with a comb,

Or a turkey, or a bunch of hay,

Or pitchforks to the side!

(Grandfather and Baba bring treats and put them in bags).

Children: We walked, we walked

According to Holy Rus'.

They congratulated and praised.

We wished everyone well and happiness.

Woman: Kolyada has arrived,

Brought fun to everyone.

Don't sit, don't be bored,

Get up to the game quickly.

A game "Valenok".

The presenter throws a felt boot over his shoulder. Whoever the felt boot sock points at dances or sings.

Grandfather: Trendy brandy, balalaika,

Have fun playing.

Woman: Or don’t we have singers?

Or are there no good guys?

Who can sing ditties?

Come out quickly.


We are ditties on carols

Let's sing cheerfully,

Treat us sweeter,

Otherwise we’ll be offended and leave!

Kolyada is coming to your house,

And he carries bags of goods,

Who will give us the most?

Great success awaits him!

Here comes mother - winter has come,

Open the gate!

Christmas time has arrived!

Came carol!

We walked through the village

They took bags and sacks,

Fine caroled,

It's a pity we didn't take backpacks!

An angel came down to us from heaven,

And said Jesus was born.

We came to glorify him

And congratulate you on the holiday.

Woman: We sang and played,

But they haven’t told their fortunes yet.

After all, fortune telling was very popular in Rus'.

Divination "Who will you be?"

Small toys with different professions are placed in a bag of cereal. The child puts his hand into the bag and pulls out a toy with a handful of grain. Whatever toy he gets, that’s what he will become.

Grandfather: Tara-bars! Tara-bars!

We invite you to the samovar.

Woman: From time immemorial there has been a custom in Rus' old: greet guests at the samovar. Today I am treating everyone to hot Russian tea.

(The carolers go into the group, where tea drinking takes place.)


1. Petrov V. M., Grishina G. N., Korotkova L. D. Winter holidays, games and fun. – M.: Sfera, 1999.

2. "Preschool education"No. 12, 2011

Website “Mom can do anything!” collected the best short carols for Christmas for children and adults. Traditionally, on the night of January 6-7, it is time for carols. Children and young people dress up and go home, recite poems and sing songs. In return they receive treats and money. Now is the time to prepare for the holiday and choose carols.

Merry Christmas to you, people!
May you have peace and harmony,
So that you don't know grief
And they were rich!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes there is a carol
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

Kolyada comes - it's a fairy tale
Happiness, snow, skates, sleds!
Lights on the Christmas tree and children's laughter!
And general joy for everyone!
And now for our congratulations,
Rely on candy and cookies!

Christ the Savior
Born at midnight.
In a poor den
He settled.
Here above the nativity scene
The star is shining.
Christ the Master,
On your birthday
Give it to all the people
World of enlightenment!

And God forbid that
Who's in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Dinner rye!
He's like an ear of octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you
And living and being,
And wealth!

We sow, we blow, we flutter,
Merry Christmas!
You glorify Christ,
Give us some treats!

Give you, Lord,
In the field of nature,
Threshed on the threshing floor,
Kvashni thickening,
There is sporin on the table,
Thicker sour cream
The cows are milked!

An angel came down from heaven to you
And he said: “Christ was born!”
We came to glorify Christ,
And congratulate you on the holiday.

We're going caroling
Let's congratulate everyone!
Read short poems
And receive candy!

Kolyada has arrived
On the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house
We wish all people well.
Gold, silver,
Lush pies,
Soft pancakes.
Good health,
Cow butter.

Kolyada, Kolyada, Kolyada!
The breadth of radiant smiles!
This is joy, this is children's laughter,
Turn your pockets out for everyone!
We wish you happiness
We look forward to treating ourselves!

Good evening to good people!
May the holiday be merry.
Merry Christmas to you.
We wish you happiness and joy!
Generous evening, good evening!
Good health to good people!

The sparrow flies
Twirls his tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Happy Christmas!

Congratulations people!
The day of general fun has arrived!
Short, medium, long,
Young, young, old!
We bring congratulations to everyone,
Looking forward to a treat for this!

I help my mother.
I carol until the morning.
Have pity baby
Give me some candy!

Joy without boundaries has come,
Let's celebrate in the morning!
God bless you
We wish you a year!
We sow, we sow in your house,
We are waiting for a cup of treats!

Like Christmas
Rolled under the window
Nikanorov's yard
On seven pillars.
Turned pillars,
Gold plated.
Our carol
Neither small nor large.
She sews under the window,
Serves pies.
Here in the master's house

I'll go into any house
And there I will sing carols!
There will be day and there will be night,
All sorrows will go away!
Happiness to everyone, health to you,
We are waiting for a hundred grams of candy!

We carol, we carol,
We alternate songs and dances!
And squatted, and around,
Treat yourself to some pie!

Well, good hostess,
Hurry up and give us some candy!
We bring happiness and joy to the house,
We're still waiting for the pies!
There will be day and there will be food,
Kolyada will not forget you!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Who won't give me the pie?
We take the cow by the horns
Who won't give donuts,
We hit him in the face,
Who won't give a penny?
That's a neck on the side.

Let us congratulate you in verse, friends,
I came to you to sing carols!
Baba cook the pies,
Hot, hot, out of the oven!
And some candy to boot,
For good luck, for good luck!

Kolyada, you are my Kolyada!
Open the gates quickly!
Today I bring happiness to your home,
Give me sweets, friends!

Give us some coins
Candy for the children
We don't bring harm to people.
We cannot be denied!

Kolyada, you are my Kolyada!
Happy holiday to everyone!
The pies on the tables are glowing with heat,
Everyone hears congratulations from me!

Koleda - moleda,
White beard
The nose is flat,
The head is like a basket,
Hands like sabers,
Legs - rakes,
Come New Year's Eve
Celebrate honest people!

Open the doors wider
And hand out candy!
There is a carol on the threshold,
Come running here everyone!
We wish you good health,
And we take the candy!

Joy and happiness come to the house,
After New Year's Eve
Christmas is coming
The kids are going caroling!
Reads short poems
Congratulations to everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Waiting for cookies and sweets,
Greetings from your family!

A star is shining in the sky,
Kolyada comes to the house!
Children go home
Prepare a hundred grams of sweets!
If you don't pamper the children,
You'll definitely feel sad today!

Kolyada, Kolyada
Open the gates
Get out the chests
Serve the snouts.
Even a ruble
Even a nickel
Let's not leave home like that!
Give us some candy
Or maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
It's Christmas Eve!

To be in the bins,
So that happiness can be found in homes
Get your treats out
May good luck be with you!
We are the messengers of the holy day,
We wish you peace, loving!

Kolyada comes to visit,
Throw away all your affairs!
There will be joy, there will be a feast
There will be peace in every home!

So that the rye is thick,
To prevent the butter from melting,
So that there would be money,
So that the guys are full!
We need to treat you to us,
We came to carol!

I'm called Mekhonoshey,
And I'm not afraid of frost!
I'm coming to see you,
And I'm carrying a big bag!

Mother winter has come.
Open the gates!
Christmas time has come!
The carols have arrived!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!

Everything was sown, scattered everywhere,
And they showered you with well-fed grain!
They came to you to sing carols.
Happiness. A joy to offer!
And in return we want sweets,
May we have a lot of joy!

Storchak Nadezhda

To the hall to the music "Good evening people" children enter - "mummers". A boy walks ahead of everyone and carries « Christmas star» .

Children: Arrived carol, open the gate!

Open the gates and receive guests!

As we entered, we found a nice house.

Hello, owners!

Generous day, good afternoon!

Presenter: Good afternoon to good people

Let happy holiday will

Happy holiday to everyone

I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!

Presenter:The first month of winter has begun - January. A week passed after the New Year and in Russia they began to celebrate the merry time of Christmastide, every day people walked in the evenings near their villages, sang songs, dressed up in outlandish costumes. And these days it was customary to beg under the windows while singing special songs called carols.

1 child: Just like ours carol

Neither small nor large.

She's coming to your door

Yes, he sends his regards to everyone!

2 children: I'm a little boy

I play the pipe

Amusing you all.

And you people know

Give me some candy.

3 child: Shchedriks - buckets, give me dumplings!

There are not enough dumplings, give me some lard,

Ham, sausages, a spoonful of porridge.

If you don't give me a pie, we'll grab the cow by the horns!

4child: Kolyad, carols, Kolyadin,

I'm alone with my father.

Short skin

Give me a pie, mistress!

5 child: I'm a little boy

Climbed into the closet

Put on the red cap

Welcome to the patch.

Presenter: Thank you darlings carolers for coming to us with congratulations (Places treats in the children’s basket). – Now try to guess a few riddles about winter.

1. The old man at the gate stole all the heat. (Freezing)

2. The girl Belyan came, the whole clearing turned white. (Snow)

3. The tablecloth was white and covered the whole world. (Snow)

4. It flowed and flowed and lay under the glass. (River)

5. An old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, paved a bridge across the river, without hands, without an ax, without a wedge. (Freezing)

6. A cheerful horse is running around our village. (Snowstorm)

Presenter: Our winter - although winter is frosty, it’s fun.

A staging of a Russian folk song is being performed

“Like thin ice”.

Coming out "mummers"-children leading a goat (child wearing a goat mask).

All: We are not walking ourselves, we are leading the goat!

1 child: Where a goat walks, there will be wheat!

2 child: Where there is a goat's tail, there is life in the bush!

3 child: Where a goat has a horn, there is a haystack!

The Goat enters, she first bows, then dances to the clapping of the audience and the sound of dance music, and then suddenly pretends to stumble and fall. Presenter: And what happened? Why did the Goat fall?

1 child: Our Goat asks for a treat. Then she will get up and dance some more.

2 child: Our Goat is mute necessary: a bucket of buckwheat for baking.

3 child: A sieve of oats, sausage on top, and three pieces of lard so that the Goat stands up.

The goat is given a treat, after which it continues its dance, and then bows and leaves.

Presenter: We will continue the holiday, we will play games!

The game is being played "Tambourine".

Children stand in a circle and pass the tambourine to each other to the music. When the music stops, the one with the tambourine goes to the center of the circle and dances.

The game is being played "Tug of War".

Several people hold on to one end of the rope, and several to the other. Whoever pulls the most rope wins.

The game is being played "Stream".

Children stand in pairs one after another, raising their joined hands up. Every couple must go under this "bridge", gradually lining up in front of the other couple.

Presenter: That's how fun our Christmas holiday turned out to be!

Tasks: Introduce the ritual of caroling; to form children’s knowledge about the calendar and ritual holiday; cultivate love for Russian folk art, good feelings; promote the development of positive emotions.

Progress of the lesson:
Children enter the hall. A song is performed in a round dance.
Song to the music “Like ours at the gate” (playing musical instruments between verses)
It's arrived Christmas- We waited for him for a long time.

People celebrate Christmastide: having fun and singing.
Guys, the Christmas holidays are here. Come on over, guys!
Will Ovsen and Kolyada be with us? Yes?

Children: Yes!

M.R: What is Kolyada?

Haven't you heard, guys? Well, we’ll have to tell and, of course, show.
Days from Christmas before Epiphany are called yuletide - holy days. These days it is customary to joke, sing funny songs, play, give gifts, and go to visit.
What is it Christmastide?

This holiday is the longest,

It's fun and vintage.

Our ancestors drank, ate,

We had fun for two weeks.

They dressed up and joked.

So let's meet him here now!

M.R: We invite everyone to our Christmastide!
Games and riddles await you.
Fortune telling, dancing and laughter await!
There are enough jokes for everyone here!
You don't want to play with the goat.
Game “The Goat Went Through the Forest” Holding hands, children stand in a circle and walk counterclockwise. The goat moves clockwise inside the round dance, choosing a princess for itself. Then, together with the princess, they perform movements according to the lyrics of the song:
The goat went through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,
Look for a princess, a princess, a princess.
Come on, goat, let's jump, jump, jump.
And we kick our legs, we kick, we kick.
And let's clap our hands, clap our hands, clap our hands.
And we stomp our feet, stomp, stomp.
Let's shake our heads and start again.

M.R: What have you played enough of? Should I ask you some riddles?
1. The old man at the gate stole all the heat. (Freezing)
2. It flowed and flowed and lay under the glass. (The river is frozen)
3. A cheerful horse is running around our village. (Snowstorm)
4. The tablecloth was white and covered the whole world. (Snow)
5. Old basket, new tire. (Frozen lake)
6. The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem. (Ice hole on the river)
Children stand in a circle and sing the song “Sleigh”
M.R: Tai, Tai, come play a game with me, you, play.
Folk game "Burners"

Children walk in a circle in one direction, leading the circle in the other direction, and say the words:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out

Look at the sky

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing

The driver with a handkerchief touches two players standing nearby, after which

One, two, three run! - they run around the circle in opposite directions, their task is to take the scarf first.
M.R: Without guessing, what kind of Christmastide is this, let's tell fortunes, guys (bag with an object)

You should be a cheerful singer (microphone)
2. To be beautiful for you too (mirror)
3. Learn to read (book)
4. You will be good at drawing (felt pens)
5. You will be an athlete (ball)
6. You will be beautiful (comb)
7. There will be a good appetite (spoon)
8. You will be a master (tool)
9. You will be fast (car)
10. Be slim (dumbbells)
11. You will be a musician (pipe)
12. You will be rich (cabbage)
M.R: Oh, guys, it's Christmas time!
Should we start caroling? (children go out to sing a song)
Song “Kolyadka” Russian folk song
1 child:
The geese and swans were flying!
We are little ones, carolers,
We came to glorify
Honor the owners!

2nd child: Give the kids a nickel
And we are a bag of happiness for you!

3rd child: Give us a kilo of candy
You can live a whole year without troubles
4th child: For any treat
There will be joy and fun!

Carols, carols, the kids have gathered!
We went around the village, found a grandma carol,
Our grandmother Kolyada called all the guys.
She called all the guys and gave gifts to everyone.
Happy holiday to everyone,
WITH Merry Christmas!
Now it's time to give the kids Christmas treats!