Christmas game for children. Folk games for Christmas

How to organize Christmas for children so that it brings joy and is remembered for a long time? In this article we will look at interesting scenarios holiday.

Every parent wants to organize Christmas holidays for their children in a way that brings joy and is memorable for a long time. Let's look at two average children's parties held on their own at home.

Option one. About a week before the wonderful event, mom begins to create a menu, buy balloons and call guests. A rich table is set with chops, salads, cake and wine. Before 2-3 toasts, they still remember what they gathered for and admire happy holiday and also clean, cheerful children. After this, the little guests are usually left to their own devices (as a rule, these are children of different ages of invited relatives and friends, sometimes even unfamiliar with each other).

Option two. Having firmly decided to organize a holiday more for children than for adults, the mother sets a separate festive table for them and throughout the entire event tries to somehow channel the destructive energy of youth in the right direction.

Have you had a similar experience? Then let's try to organize a holiday according to the third option.

Scenario for the Nativity of Christ

From Christmas morning to welcoming guests

New Year, Christmas and Birthday are the most fabulous holidays of childhood. Remember how impatiently you went to bed, waiting for the onset of a little fairy tale in the morning.

Preparing for Christmas begins long before the holiday itself: children are told about, with older children you can teach it (“Christ is born, praise!”). We'll arrange it in a few days. At night or in the morning - in the temple.

On the day of the holiday, let's surprise the child as soon as he opens his sleepy eyes.

Balls are banal, I don’t argue. But how amazing it is to wake up and see a multi-colored garland above you! And sitting down in your crib, be surprised by the blanket covered in confetti and streamers? Make a surprise - create the mood of a fairy tale.

It often happens that some of the guests invited to the celebrations have already arrived, while others have not yet arrived. The children who came are awkwardly bored, not knowing what to do with themselves. I suggest this way to pass the time: instead of a beautiful starched tablecloth, we put a disposable light paper tablecloth on the table and give the children felt-tip pens - let them draw a funny drawing themselves. Or we’ll hand out album sheets asking them to write (or draw, if the children are still small) a funny Christmas card. Or maybe ask the children to tell what kind of holiday it is today.

You can put various squiggles and bizarre incomprehensible shapes on blank sheets of paper with a marker and invite children to show their imagination and add something to them so that these squiggles turn into understandable drawings: turn something into a mysterious animal, something into a fairy-tale creature, exotic plant.

I would recommend that for children from 4 years old (and 10-year-olds enjoy this kind of entertainment) cut out each Christmas Star from white cardboard, cut small stars, diamonds, flowers from colored foil, cut pieces of tinsel, sprinkle confetti and invite everyone to decorate the cardboard blank . If you can give older children - from 6 years old - glue in a cup and brushes, then for kids it is better to prepare the base in advance by applying double-sided tape to the star.

Treats for

You won’t surprise your child’s guests with a snow-white tablecloth and crystal. Anything that is a shame to get dirty and broken is out of sight. Let's look at our children with common eyes: will they be happy with meat and salads? Rarely will parents answer in the affirmative. What about fruits and sweets? Well, what a stupid question, you might say. Let's pamper our guests with different delicacies. There should be a lot of juices on the table - at least a liter per child, preferably more - something, and children, excited about the holiday, drink a lot. Fruits should be divided into convenient parts: grapes (without seeds, if you don’t want to collect them all over the house) cut into branches of 3-4 berries, citrus fruits are peeled and disassembled into slices, apples... well, almost nothing ever eats them, like and bananas, traces of which leave stains on clothes. In general, avoid fruit that gets dirty; one persimmon is tantamount to a small nuclear explosion.

You can arrange a little surprise: put a piece of paper with Christmas wishes under the plates!

If you really want to feed your children substantial food, make sandwiches, canapes with meat, sausage, fish, cheese, decorate them more interestingly, serve a cocktail (you can beat milk, banana and a little sugar in a blender) - a very satisfying and nutritious meal. But should you stick to the standard cake? I recommend making this original dessert: buy waffle cakes, ice cream, a can of cream, and various fruits. 10 minutes before serving, place a 3 cm thick layer of ice cream on a waffle sheet, cake layer, more ice cream, cake layer, ice cream, now a mixture of chopped fruits, pour in whipped cream and stick in candles - the cake is ready! Let's call it, for example: "Christmas delicacy."

...By the way, as one of the entertaining entertainments, you can invite guests to prepare and eat canapés themselves (using plates with chopped products) and decorate their cocktails with chocolate chips, colored sugar dragees and straws.

Sequence of events

The room is decorated, the table is set, the food is ready. What should follow what so that it is not boring, but also not oversaturated? Guests began to arrive. While we are waiting for a full turnout - the children need to be occupied with quiet play - this is exactly what painting a festive tablecloth is very suitable for. Everyone is assembled - we sit down at the table. We congratulate the children and eat sandwiches with drinks and fruit. There’s no point in staying too long over the treat – as soon as the noise starts, you’ve had your fill, it’s time to play.

Games can only be organized by an adult leader, otherwise the uncontrolled little one will simply walk on his head, causing a real end of the world. Are all the planned entertainments over? Back to the table! And then - quiet games (the children were tired and overexcited). At parting, each guest should be given a small gift - this will be a very pleasant souvenir.

What about the parents of the invited children, you ask? Who will take care of them? When will I celebrate? Who will serve and clean the cutlets and Olivier? Our holiday is for children. If you can bring your child and leave – wonderful! If this is not possible, warn in advance that you will have to participate as your assistant. And while the children are eating, you will have time to eat a cake and drink a glass of wine.

Let's entertain and keep busy: competitions for Christmas

On the Internet you can find many different competitions and ready-made scripts holiday. Be careful! Fast, energetic activities (relay races, tag and other running and jumping entertainment) must be alternated with calm games (drawing games, riddles and other sedentary tasks). It is permissible to arrange several active games in a row at the very beginning of the holiday, but at the end of the holiday it is better to combine a couple of quiet ones so that the children calm down. If noisy competitions follow one after another, the children will quickly get tired, overexcited, and the rest of the evening will no longer be a joy. And on the contrary: too many sedentary activities will make active children bored and they will begin to look for exciting games on their own. It is advisable that in your holiday scenario the type of game should not be repeated: if a relay race - then only once, if a dance game - then also only once, a dexterity competition should also not be held twice.

Be sure to divide the guests into two teams; the competitive aspect adds spice to the competition. Let each team choose its own name and come up with a slogan. For every competition she wins, she will receive a point in the form of something significant. It could be a little Christmas star. There should be more of them than the number of competitions, in case of a tie.

What else can you do for little guests?

Relay races and blind man's buff are all great, of course, but it would be nice to surprise the children with entertainment that is unusual for such a holiday.

Children are completely delighted when they are offered to make something interesting themselves from... real yeast dough. You can buy it frozen at the store or make it yourself. I emphasize - the dough must be yeast! Their creations comically swell and enlarge as the finished pieces begin to fit, which is simply amazing for little guests! Each child is given a piece of parchment paper, the size of a notebook sheet, on which they must make their own pie. This is necessary so that the figurine of a man or animal made from dough is transferred to the baking sheet without deformation, and from the baking sheet in baked form back to the plate. For decoration, you can offer saucers with kernels of nuts and seeds, raisins. These baked souvenirs are given to the guests at the end of the holiday, and she happily takes them home. You can suggest making the Christmas star again, this time not from cardboard, but from dough.

I remind you that calm games must alternate with active games. If two quiet classes go in a row, more active children will lose concentration and begin to get distracted and make noise. If two energetic and noisy competitions are held without a break, the children will quickly become overtired and begin to be capricious.

I’ll tell you a relay race game that we came up with and tested first at a children’s party and then at an adult party, it turned out to be so fun and win-win funny. Blanks: two sheets of Whatman paper pinned to the wall, two markers, two containers with the same set of notes indicating body parts. Since our task was to depict a “Russian beauty,” we wrote: crown, braid, eyes, nose, mouth... boots. The main thing is not to miss a single part so that the drawing is as complete as possible. All notes are mixed and placed in a box, which is placed under each Whatman paper. With the START command, the first player runs with a marker to the wall, pulls out a piece of paper, reads what to draw, draws it on the sheet, runs away and passes the relay marker to the next participant, and he himself stands at the end of the line. The player who received the marker also runs to the wall, reads, draws and returns. IT IS VERY FUNNY! Our cameraman could not film the competition - his hands were shaking with laughter, and I, as the presenter, was unable to comment on the resulting “Beauties” - disproportionate body parts, distorted facial features... Tears flowed in a stream from laughter. We held the same competition among adults: they drew Miss Beauty - it was even more cool than at the children's party. The team whose drawing is the cutest wins.

The end of the Christmas holiday for children

Such a wonderful day has come to an end. I would like to end it in such a way that you are not sad that it is over, but feel good at heart. If you filmed the holiday on camera, you can play the video on the TV screen at the moment when the guests are eating the cake. The children are already tired, they don’t really want to talk and have fun, but this kind of viewing will amuse them. If the children are already schoolchildren and know how to write, after clearing the table, bring a huge postcard and markers purchased in advance, let everyone leave a review of the holiday and congratulations and wishes to everyone present. It would be nice to make a simple letter on the computer and hand it to each guest at parting: the most dexterous, the most cheerful, the most resourceful - they will proudly show it to their parents, remembering the past fun.

...And how nice it is, saying goodbye to your child’s friends, to hear: “Thank you! Thank you very much for the holiday! We've never had so much fun before!!! ...Will you invite us next time?!”

Mobile themed competitions for Christmas will enhance the spirit of the holiday and give everyone present a good mood. Quizzes and comic riddles will maintain a fun atmosphere. Table games will unite everyone gathered for festive table. Entertainment will make Christmas an unforgettable event.

    Game "Wishes Fulfilled"

    To play the game, you need to prepare the details in advance - matchboxes or just pieces of wrapping paper and place various small objects in them: a nail, a button, a woman's stocking, a piece of fur, a key, a bottle cap, a spool of thread, etc.

    The packed items are put into a hat, from which one must be pulled out at random. The players' task is to turn on their imagination and make their own forecast for the future on the subject they came across (for example, fur - buying a fur coat, cork - having fun, etc.).

    Several men take part in the competition. “Solokha” is selected from among the female guests and packs the participants into bags. On a separate table you need to prepare a glass of alcohol and some snacks for each contestant.

    The participants’ task is to hold the bag with both hands, jump to the table, drink a glass of alcohol, have a snack and return back. The most dexterous man wins the competition.

    Game "The Night Before Christmas"

    Up to 9 people participate in the game. It is based on a funny fairy tale by N.V. Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas". If the participants have forgotten it, before the game the presenter can remind them of the colorful heroes of this fairy tale: Solokha, the Devil, the Deacon, Vakula, the Tsarina, Oksana, Ekaterina, Golova, Pot-bellied Patsyuk.

    Stickers with the names of one or another character are attached to players on their foreheads or backs so that everyone can see all the stickers except their own.

    The “characters” take turns coming forward, and all other participants, with facial expressions and gestures, depict the hero of a fairy tale, who is indicated on the sticker. The task of the player who comes forward is to guess the name of the hero he represents. An incentive prize goes to the one who guesses the fastest and the one who portrays the fairy tale character in the most expressive and funny way.

    The competition involves 2 teams of 4-5 people each. To carry it out, you will need 2 long sticks with a felt-tip pen or marker attached to the end, as well as 2 sheets of Whatman paper.

    At the command of the presenter, each of the participants must depict on their sheet beautiful snowflake. Drawing this way is not very convenient, so the snowflakes turn out funny and funny. The winner is the team whose " art"closest to the original.

    Several children take part in the competition. It is held in the form of a relay race. The participants’ task is to hold a spoon with a “snowball” made of cotton wool in their mouth, run around the tree (chair, chip) as quickly as possible and come back. The main condition is not to lose the precious “snowball”. If the “snowball” falls, the participant returns to the start. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

    Participants are divided into 2 teams. A broom and a Baba Yaga mask are used as props. The presenter explains to the children that the Snow Maiden is in trouble - she was put in prison by an evil wizard. Only Baba Yaga can help, since she has the fastest means of transportation - a broom.

    The competition is held in the form of a relay race. Having put on a Baba Yaga mask and “riding” a broom, children from both teams must run around the chair and pass the details to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

    All children who are present at the holiday participate in the competition. It is carried out in 2 stages: 1st - “Making snowballs”, 2nd - “Playing snowballs”. To organize the competition you will need newspapers torn in half.

The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is getting closer and closer.

You've probably already chosen a play for your school or family Christmas production; Children are already learning songs, carols and poems for the Christmas tree. The organizers of the holiday also need to think through that part of it in which everyone can actively participate, and prepare games for the matinee.

Today we offer you a selection of games (they can easily be played indoors). Games will help you do children's party cheerful, relaxed and fill children's leisure time with meaningful activities.


Let's start with the plot sedentary play“Blizzard.” This is a kind of skit game for children preschool age. You can still learn it with the kids before the holiday.

According to the counting, Metelitsa, Morozets and Tuchka are selected. And the rest of the guys - some are Snowflakes, some are Bushes. Everyone except Metelitsa stands in a circle, and Metelitsa enters it and stops thoughtfully.

Morozets approaches her and asks:

- Blizzard, beauty,

Are you sad?

Metelitsa answers:

– I don’t like the weather –

Frosty and bright.

- And you wave your hands,
And you fly after the clouds,
At least bring one.
Everyone is bored without snow,
The fields are so exhausted -
They're cold, I guess.

Metelitsa, having cheered up, answers:

- Well, I’ll clasp my hands,
I'll stomp and stomp my feet,
I'll dance with the winds! –

At this time, Tuchka comes out of the circle.

- And there the Cloud is creeping!..

And Cloud gently, as if from a distance, says to her:

- I’m coming to you, Metelitsa,
I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!
My snowflakes are asking
They have been asking for land for a long time -
Try to hold it!
I can't handle them...
Snowstorm, beauty,
Take them and spin them around!

Then the Snowflakes run out, and the Bushes line up in a chain and stand still for now.

Frost, Cloud, Snowflakes take hands and quickly spin around Metelitsa, who at this time is dancing to a Russian folk melody.

Everyone sings:

- How did you go, how did you go?
Blizzard of Revenge!
Covers all roads
All paths.
It's pouring snow
To the frozen fields,
Warming up
Frozen ground.
You dance, dance,
Blizzard, dance!
Harvests today
They will be good!

Then the Snowflakes stretch out in a line, hold hands and go to the Bushes, saying:

- Look, bushes!

They return (back away) back, saying:

- Indeed, bushes,

Again they walk like a wall:

“They weren’t here before.”
Did not have!

They back away again:

- Honestly, it wasn’t
Did not have!

The snowflakes stop. Now the Bushes are coming towards them, saying:

- We are dense bushes,
That's right, bushes,
We weren't here before
Did not have!
Honestly, it wasn't
Did not have!

Now the Snowflakes begin to move again:

- Why were you imprisoned?
Why are you cherished,

Here Frost, Snowstorm, Cloud and Bushes join hands and surround the Snowflakes in a ring, saying:

- To hold the Snowflakes,
So that they don't run away,
And a fluffy blanket
Until the red spring lies!

Whoever slips out of the circle first is the Snowstorm in the new game!

What doesn't happen on a Christmas tree?

To conduct this game, the presenter must learn the simple poems below in advance and address them to the players. The task is this: when you hear the name Christmas decorations, you need to raise your hand up and say: “Yes!” When they name something that doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree, you have to restrain yourself and remain silent. And this is not always easy: someone is bound to make a mistake, causing everyone to laugh. The presenter reads, without letting the players think too much:

The holiday is coming,
Everyone decorates the Christmas tree.
Who guys can confirm:
Hanging on its branches:
Soft toy,
A loud cracker,
Old tub,
White snowflakes,
Bright pictures,
Torn shoes
Chocolate bars,
Horses and horses
Bunnies made from cotton wool,
Winter tents,
red lanterns,
Bread crackers,
Bright flags,
Hats and scarves,
Apples and cones
Colin's pants,
Tasty candy,
Latest newspapers?..

Have time to convey

The players stand in a circle. To the music, they pass a small toy (for example, a plastic Snow Maiden) from hand to hand. As soon as the music stops, they stop passing the toy. The one who has the Snow Maiden in his hands is eliminated from the game. After this, the game continues. The music must be interrupted often and suddenly, but at different intervals. The last one standing wins.

This change can be made to the game.

Whenever the music stops, the one who has the toy in his hands, as well as the one who handed it to him, take a step forward, put the toy in front of him on the floor, stand next to it with their backs to each other and, at the leader’s sign, each run in your side. They run around the circle and try to grab the toy in time. The one who was in time takes his place, the one who did not succeed is eliminated from the game. This option is used when there are few children participating in the game.

What changed?

This is a game that develops visual memory. The drivers take turns being asked the following task: for a minute, look at the toys hanging on one or two branches of the Christmas tree and remember them. After this, those who guess: “What has changed?” must leave the room. At this time, several toys (three or four) will outweigh: some can be removed, some can be added. Upon entering the room, you need to look at your branches and say what has changed. Depending on the age of the children, tasks can be either complicated or simplified.

How is the number known?

Numbers are pre-written on paper cards. The cards are kept by the driver in a small bag or laid out on the table (number down), like exam papers. Players take turns drawing cards and quickly try to figure out what number is known: in what stable phrase, biblical saying, proverb, riddle it is mentioned.

For example, by drawing out a card with the number “3”, you can remember the three wise men who brought their gifts to the newborn Savior, remember the rooster crowing three times and the denial of the Apostle Peter, and then the Savior asking him three times: “Simon the Jonah, do you love Me?” – and the apostle’s threefold affirmative answer.

Taking out a piece of paper with the number “4”, you can remember the four evangelists, the four multi-day fasts throughout the year.

And looking at the card with the number “7”, talk about the Seven Days of Creation, the seven sacraments of the Church, the seven days of the week, the seven colors of the rainbow.

However, it is worth thinking in advance which numbers are best excluded from the tasks, since quickly coming up with an answer to them may turn out to be too difficult.

Guess the proverb

In the absence of the driver, they come up with some kind of proverb. The words of this proverb are distributed one by one to all players. (If there is not enough for everyone, two guys can represent one word.) The players are seated in word order.

The driver returns and starts asking questions. The answers that the players will give must contain the word from the hidden proverb - in the same form in which it appears there (in the same case, number, etc.); prepositions, conjunctions and particles are not named separately, only with meaningful words.

It happens that the driver guesses the proverb quickly, after the first or second answer. But it happens differently: all the answers have been received, but the proverb remains unguessed. Then the driver is sent out of the room again and a new proverb is invented: he will have to guess again. Well, if the proverb is guessed, the next person to lead will be the one after whose answer this happened (apparently, he poorly disguised his word).

Note. The answer may consist of several phrases (but no more than, say, three), since it often happens that it is simply impossible to hide a word in one phrase.

(From folk games recorded by V.I. Dal)

The children sit down to play. One of them puts a basket on the table and says to his neighbor:

“Here’s a box for you, put what you have in it for ok, if you say a word, you’ll give the deposit.”

Children take turns saying words that rhyme with ok: “I’ll put a ball in the box; and I am a scarf; I am a lock, a knot, a box, a boot, a shoe, a stocking, an iron, a pie, a bun...” Anyone who cannot name the word or makes a mistake puts a deposit in the basket - a small object (handkerchief, candy, ring or something more).

At the end, the pledges are played out: taking them out of a basket covered with a scarf, the children assign a ransom to each pledge - ask a riddle, read a poem, sing a song.


Children choose a postman by lot, place him in the middle of the room, and sit around, calling themselves the names of different cities. The postman approaches one of the players and asks:

-Are there any letters?
“Yes,” the player answers him.
- Which?
- But to Rome, so that fish, rowan berries, crayfish, and rice would be sent from there.

In a word, you should pronounce the names of several goods starting with the same letter as the name of the city to which the letter is sent. The postman must, without confusing it, repeat the letter, approaching Rome, that is, the player who called himself by the name of this city.

“Okay,” Rome answers, “now please send a letter to Berlin, I’m sending there an order for rolls, eggplants, bows and beads.”

All this is said quickly, otherwise a forfeit will be paid; The postman is fined when he mixes up the message. Stopping and thinking are not allowed.

Cheerful artists

The game involves two teams of 9 people each. A picture of a decorated Christmas tree is pinned to a board or large tablet in front of the children. The picture is divided into 9 cells, the cells are numbered. On the board under the picture, before starting the game, you need to draw two squares (or fix two Whatman sheets on the tablets) and divide each one with lines into 9 cells (as in the picture above), and number the cells in the same order.

At the signal, the first numbers run to the board and, in the cells of their squares numbered 1, copy that part of the picture that is placed in the cell with the same number on the sample. Then the second numbers run and in cells with number 2 they copy what is placed in the same cell on the sample; and so on one after another until all the cells are filled and the drawing is completed.

Spectators collectively determine the winner, taking into account which team finished first and whose drawing will be more accurate and similar.

For older children, you can make the following change: they do not draw in a row in one cell after another, but in different places of the square, in those cells that the leader names (first, for example, in the fifth, then in the first, ninth, etc.).

"Sea Games" for Christmas

Photo from 1999.

A blue silk cloth 3x3, no, even 4x4 meters was sewn.
If you throw it up at the corners, the panel flies up like a dome, then begins to smoothly descend.
In our Christmas performance based on “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” it played the role of the sea - sometimes stormy, sometimes calm.
In the game part, the children “dive into the sea” - they ran under the banner while it was flying.
Who was covered by the “wave” - read a poem...

At the very end, Santa Claus and the children sat under the banner and together read from memory “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak...”.
At this time, the “angels” gradually pulled the cloth off the children - the children “came out of the sea” like 33 heroes, and they were led to receive gifts.

Santa Claus is clairvoyant

Santa Claus (animator, DJ):
- Children, I’ll go out for a minute and won’t see what’s happening at the Christmas tree. Here you are, boy, raise your hand or both hands up, and then lower it. And when I return, thanks to my gift of clairvoyance, I will accurately guess which hand you raised!
– Who will raise their hands? And who will come with me to make sure I'm not peeping?
Santa Claus with several children goes into the next room.
Santa Claus - into the radio microphone, so that it can be heard near the Christmas tree:
- Children, I’m sure I don’t see anything, what’s going on at the Christmas tree?
- No!
- Can not hear anything?
- No!
- Well, then, raise your hand or raise both hands. Lower it. I'm going to guess!

Santa Claus returns to the tree, looks shrewdly at the “waving his arms” and unmistakably determines which hand the person was raising, or maybe two hands.
Do this several times.

The secret is that the Snow Maiden, at the moment when Santa Claus “guesses”, easily takes a place to the left of the child, or to the right of him, or stands exactly behind him, thereby indicating to Santa Claus which hand the child raised.
Of course, you should not loom immediately behind the child. The Snow Maiden needs to be at a distance, among children.

Edible - not edible

Santa Claus throws a ball to each child in turn and at the same time utters a word.
If the word “edible” means this or that food, the player must catch the ball.
If the word is “inedible” (“stool”, “cup”), the ball must be pushed away.
The one who makes a mistake (catches the “suitcase”, pushes away the “apple”) changes places with the host - Santa Claus.
Or, at the end of the game, Father Frost and Snow Maiden simply reward the most attentive and “reactive”.
Sometimes unlucky players get into an argument, trying to prove that in some countries they eat ants and you can eat toadstool, even just once...
You can play “hot-cold”, “dry-wet”, “children-adults” and so on. and so on.

Where did the toy hang?

Children carefully examine the tree, then leave the room together (or turn away).
Santa Claus is rehanging some of the Christmas tree decorations.
The one who first identifies the substitution receives a prize.

You can reweigh the prize itself - one of the candies hanging on the tree, chocolates in the form of toys, etc.

Describe Christmas

- Describe Christmas(Santa Claus, school, our city, holidays, winter, etc.) Who will be the last to come up with a new epithet to describe the Christmas holiday? You can't repeat yourself!
There is an auction of epithets.
The winner gets a prize.

Round dance with gates

The two tallest ones join hands and raise them up.
The round dance moves under these “gates”.
Suddenly the DJ turns off the music.
The gates “slam shut” - the drivers quickly lower their hands, catching someone from the round dance.
Those caught go to the goalkeeping team.
The game continues: the round dance melts after each pause, and the gates expand.
The last person not caught in the round dance is awarded.

The song leads

One of the participants in the celebration is removed from the hall.
Santa Claus hides something in the hall - so that everyone can see where it is. (Or asks to hide the item of any of the guests.)
He agrees with the audience on a song that will be sung by the whole audience.
He asks to introduce the driver.
- There is such and such a thing hidden in the hall.(toy, book - whatever). Your task is to find her. We will help by singing. The closer you get to the hiding place, the louder the singing will become. And vice versa, when moving away from the hiding place, we will sing more quietly. Be guided by your hearing!
Santa Claus marks the time when the search begins.
Everyone sings, Santa Claus conducts.
The time it took to find the item is recorded.
The game is played a second time.
The one of the two who took the least time to find the cache wins a prize.
(I don’t remember that the driver was actively prompted - everyone was interested in seeing how he could cope on his own.)

If the audience is not in the mood to sing, the DJ directs the search by adjusting the volume of the music.

Santa Claus freezes

Father Frost:
- Santa Claus freezes his hands!
Children quickly hide their hands behind their backs.
- Santa Claus is freezing his feet!
Children squat.
- Santa Claus freezes ears (nose, cheeks, eyes, tummy...)
Children cover their noses, cheeks, ears, bellies...
Santa Claus moves along the round dance, “catches” and leads to the tree those who hesitated and did not have time to react correctly. The Snow Maiden helps him.
This is how participants for the next competition are recruited.

Staff in a circle

Children in a round dance pass Santa Claus' staff from hand to hand.
The one on whom the music is interrupted goes to the center of the round dance and dances a special dance.

If there are a lot of children, then in a circle you can pass a staff, a mitten of Santa Claus, or his other mitten...
During the pause, several children come out to dance at once.

Christmas tree namesakes

- Christmas tree, spruce - the root is “ate”. Remember female and male names that have “ate” in them.
Participants name names: Elena, Elisha, Elizaveta, Saveliy, Ophelia, Elizar, Ninel, Stella, Melanya, Pavel, Bella, Nellie, Panteley, Angelina, Angelica, Helium, Felix...
The last one to remember the new name before the DJ says “Three!” wins.

Wind blowers

Two or more participants.
Children receive a piece of cotton wool and fluff them up, making “light snowflakes.”
At the signal, each “wind blower” begins to blow on its own snowflake, preventing it from falling to the floor.
Who can keep their snowflake flying longer?

A team lined up, blowing on a snowflake, drives it through the air from the starting point to the finishing point, for example, straight onto the Christmas tree.
The “wind blowers” ​​are located in a corridor drawn on the floor so that they do not break the line.

The “wind blower” looks more elegant if it blows onto a snowflake through a straw.

Feel the prize

Participants in thick fur mittens (Santa Claus mittens) and blindfolds try to determine by touch what kind of prize they were given.

One letter

The quiz involves two people who are placed on the same line.
The animator asks a question to both participants at the same time.
The one who answers first takes a step forward.
If none of the participants gives an answer within 30 seconds, the fans come to the rescue.
The one who goes farthest from the starting line wins.
Yes, I almost forgot: all answers must be for one letter, which is selected in advance.

  • Writer?
  • Artist?
  • Literary work?
  • Film?
  • Scientist?
  • Actor?
  • City?
  • State?
  • Bird?
  • Animal?
  • A tool of production?
  • Color?
  • Agriculture?
  • Fruit?
  • Proverb?
  • Fairytale hero?
  • A piece of clothing?
  • A piece of furniture?
  • University subject?
  • Tree?


There is hardly a child in Russia who does not know this game. And yet, still...

Santa Claus is in the middle of a round dance.
Music. The round dance is moving. Everyone sings:
- We dance the dance - waste-ta, waste-ta. Our cheerful dance is lavata!
Father Frost:
- My shoulders are good, but my neighbor’s are better! Place your hands on your neighbor's shoulders.
The music and song are repeated. Hands on shoulders, round dance moves.
Father Frost:
- My top is good, but my neighbor’s is better! Hands on top of heads!
Music, song, round dance.
Father Frost:
- My ears are good, but my neighbor’s are better!..
- My tummy is good, but my neighbor’s is better!...
- My... knees are good, but my neighbor’s are better!..
- My heels are good, but my neighbor’s are better!
The round dance barely moves in a squat position.
- My hands are good, but my neighbor’s are better!
The round dance returns to its normal state.

Game "Yes" and "No"

The DJ asks questions to which the game participants must quickly, without hesitation, answer “yes” or “no.”
The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

- Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man?
- Yes.
- Do you like jokes and gags?
- Yes.
- Do you know songs and riddles?
- Yes.
- Will he eat all your chocolates?
- No.
- Will he light the children’s Christmas tree?
- Yes.
- Will he hide the threads and needles?
- No.
- Doesn’t his soul age?
- Yes.
- Will it warm us up outside?
- No.
- Is Joulupukki Frost’s brother?
- Yes.
- Did a rose bloom under the snow?
- No.
- New Year is it getting closer?
- Yes.
- Does the Snow Maiden have skis?
- No.
- Is Santa Claus bringing gifts?
- Yes.
- Are all the masks bright on New Year’s Day?
- Yes.

The DJ names the items, and the participants also quickly, without thinking, answer whether they are suitable for decorating the Christmas tree.

- Multi-colored firecrackers?
- Yes.
- Blankets and pillows?
- No.
- Folding beds and cribs?
- No.
- Marmalades, chocolates?
- Yes.
- Glass balls?
- Yes.
- Are the chairs wooden?
- No.
- Teddy bears?
- Yes.
- Primers and books?
- No.
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Yes.
- And the garlands are light?
- Yes.
- Snow made of white wool?
- Yes.
- Good soldiers?
- No.
- Shoes and boots?
- No.
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- No.

“During my student days, I very cleverly performed one trick with everyone who wanted to find out the name of their betrothed, which I, in turn, learned in the company of the same curious girls - friends of my older sister. And the whole trick is actually very simple, like all ingenious. For the success of this event, you need a bathroom or just a sink with a small piece of soap, preferably completely flat, although any will do in the absence of anything else. Well, and the rest, that is, a flock of those thirsting for the truth, I think, can be found as well as a box of matches, after all, the candles need to be lit, so buy them in advance. And when all this is ready, everyone has gathered, everyone has already exhausted their knowledge in the field of Christmas fortune-telling, you, as if by the way, can ask: “Can I tell you what the husband’s name will be?” any of you." In response, you can hear anything: surprise, distrust, etc. But someone will definitely be interested in this. This is where it all begins. You can, even before you say your intriguing phrase, write any man's name on the inside of your forearm (from hand to elbow) with a prepared soap. This should be done with a ridge of slightly wet soap so that your hand remains dry. If you did not have time to do this in advance, then after you have interested everyone, do something so that you need to go out (get matches, comb your hair, finally go to the toilet), just don’t say that you need to get ready for fortune telling, this can alert the most suspicious, and there are such people always and everywhere. When you leave, you need to write any man's name or the name of the prospective groom of the one who volunteered first. When you return to everyone, you must, with a serious look, invite everyone to concentrate and under no circumstances laugh, in general, let in a fog. Then invite the girl for whom the fortune-telling will be done to burn 5-20 matches (as many as your heart desires, but not less than 5) and place the completely burnt matches on your prepared forearm. When a girl burns matches, she should completely focus on her future as she sees it (or come up with something interesting yourself again for the same fog). Then, with no less concentration, you need to rub the burnt matches directly on your hand (cruelly, but you can’t do it for a laugh), and with every movement of it, the name that you previously wrote will appear on your hand. You can believe that even the most skeptical people here will believe and want to do it themselves, and maybe more than once. For the second and subsequent times, you will no longer have to look for an excuse to go to the treasured water and soap to write the treasured name for the next girl. It is advisable that no one except you knows this joke, but this is not so important if that person is your ally. It is also important to be absolutely serious and even, perhaps, indifferent, and not to laugh under any circumstances. When everyone is satisfied, you can tell about everything, unless you want to keep the monopoly for the next year. In my case, there were a majority of skeptics from the very beginning, and it all started out of curiosity. And in the end, even the most ardent skeptics became so excited and seriously believed in everything. They still had doubts even after I told them everything honestly. But on the whole, everyone was satisfied, and, what’s most interesting, even after my confession, they told everyone that their betrothed’s name would be exactly as I predicted for them. I wish you all good luck in carrying out this fortune telling! "...