Give your child a haircut at home. Features of a child's first haircut

The first haircut is very an important event. The child’s reaction to subsequent haircuts depends on it. The question of when to cut a baby’s hair often arises almost immediately after birth. It is best to wait until the baby is 6 months old, but the first haircut can be done later. early age. It all depends on the quality of the baby’s hair and the skills of the parent.

There is no consensus on the age at which children should have their hair cut. Of course, this should be done carefully so as not to damage the child’s thin scalp. It is advisable to start cutting your baby's first haircut at a time when he can sit up and hold his head up on his own. An earlier procedure is not advisable.

The first haircut should definitely be done at home, and it is better to postpone a trip to the hairdresser until later. late date. The best period for the first haircut is one year of age. At this time, the child understands a lot, sits independently, and the risk of damage to the fontanel is minimal (since by this age in many children it is overgrown). You can have your first haircut much earlier, it depends on a number of indications:

  • The baby's hair is too long and thick from birth.
  • tangled, and the combing process is difficult.
  • The scalp is covered with crusts, and care for it is difficult due to the presence of hair.
  • Long hair interferes with the baby's sleep.

Basic rules for a child's first haircut

If your baby has long hair, then it simply needs to be cut. You can do this yourself, but it is better if you have help. Frequent trimming will help remove loose hair and make it thicker. For those who don’t know how to cut a one-year-old child’s hair, there is a whole set of rules:

  1. A well-fed and rested child should be trimmed.

2. Before your first haircut, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

3. The temperature of the room where the procedure will be performed should be comfortable – 25–30 degrees.

4. Water for spraying hair should be warm.

5. It is advisable to disinfect scissors for cutting a newborn’s hair in advance (boil or treat with alcohol).

6. Be sure to buy a new comb for your child.

7. A parent - mom or dad - must always trim a small child's hair (to avoid an additional stressful situation for the baby).

8. If you want to cut your baby's hair for the first time, then ask someone to hold the baby or sit him in a special highchair or on a walker.

9. Don’t try to give your baby a trendy hairstyle and don’t try to cut his hair bald. You just need to cut off any excess hair that is bothering your child.

10. Do not use a razor or clipper when cutting a baby’s hair, so as not to damage the fontanel.

The technique for cutting a child’s hair is not much different from an adult’s, and if you don’t know how to cut a one-year-old child’s hair, then follow these simple rules:

  1. Wet your child's hair with warm water, preferably using a spray bottle.
  2. Comb wet hair thoroughly with a baby comb.
  3. Using scissors, carefully cut strand by strand. Try to do this carefully so as not to damage the fontanel.
  4. After completing the manipulations, wash your baby’s hair, remove the crusts (if any) and dry the hair with a towel.

What to do with a baby with long hair or scabs on the head? To cut hair tangled with crusts, you must first soften the crusts with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil. After softening the crusts, remove them by carefully combing them out or washing them off, and then start cutting.

It is more difficult to cut a baby's hair compared to a one-year-old baby. To avoid injuring the baby during the haircut process, be sure to call an assistant. He will hold the baby and support his head.

Attention! The baby should be trimmed in a lying position, this is the most comfortable state for him. To do this, turn it from side to side, while cutting the hair

For adult children, during the haircut process, you can turn on a cartoon or distract them with a toy.

What to do with your hair after your first haircut

After the first haircut, the question always arises: what to do with your hair? Mostly particularly superstitious parents think about this, fearing harm to their baby. There are many versions of what to do with children's hair. They are carefully kept in a box or burned. You can do it in any way you like. Those who believe in omens can save the child’s first hair, while the second method (burning) is suitable for non-superstitious people.

According to legend, it is customary to store a baby's cut hair in a specially sewn bag. It was sewn from white fabric and tied with a red ribbon. The bag of hair was necessarily kept behind the icons until adulthood and at the age of 18 or 20 it was given to the owner. Subsequently, the bag of hair played the role of a talisman.


There are many folk signs, why you can’t cut children under one year old. According to popular belief, cutting a child's hair early was considered to bring misfortune upon him in the form of poverty, failure and frequent illness. An early haircut foreshadowed imminent death or bad fate.
According to legends, you cannot cut a child’s hair before baptism. The reason lies in the fact that cutting hair was associated with the wish for a quick death. The haircut began after a cross was put on the child - it was believed that he was now under the protection of higher powers. In Orthodoxy, there is a custom that it is better if a priest cuts the first lock of hair from a baby, and only then does a full haircut at home.

In Rus', the first haircut could be given by the godparent; for this, strands of hair were cut off on the baby’s head in the shape of a cross, and then the cut hair was tied with red thread and stored in a secluded place.

In Islam, it is customary for a child's first haircut to be given by a man, preferably a father or grandfather, especially for boys. On the day of the first tonsure, many guests gathered in the house, and a variety of food was prepared. The elder of the family cut the first lock of hair, and then passed the scissors along the baton to others who wanted it. After tonsure, they began to celebrate this event, and the hair was put away for storage in a secluded place.

The first haircut according to Muslim customs was considered a sign of the child becoming a full-fledged member of the community. The first haircut of a Muslim and a Christian is not much different. Only if it is customary for a Christian to leave one curl uncut, then for Muslims they usually leave bangs.

Another sign why children under one year old should not have their hair cut is that a child who has had her hair cut will often get very sick. Superstitious people even cut their hair according to lunar calendar- It is believed that this helps improve hair quality. To believe or not to believe in all these signs is up to you, but in every superstition there is a share of sanity.

Experts' opinion

So is it possible to cut a child's hair under one year old? Experts have different opinions on this matter. Some argue that early haircuts help strengthen the hairline, while others, on the contrary, consider early haircuts traumatic and advise waiting until the fontanel overgrows. As it turned out, early haircuts do not contribute to the thickness and growth of a baby’s hair, since the quality of hair and the number of hair follicles depend on heredity and are embedded in the body at the genetic level. Therefore, before making this important decision, you should seriously think about whether a haircut is advisable at this age or whether it is better to postpone it until a later date.

You should not cut the hair of a newly born baby or infant in the first week of life. It is better to wait until he reaches six months of age. Although it happens that a one-month-old baby's hair is too long and haircuts simply cannot be avoided. In this case, it is necessary to trim the baby slightly, slightly shortening his hair.

It’s up to you to decide whether to cut your child’s hair or leave it uncut, as well as when to cut your baby’s hair. The main thing is that during the haircut process the child does not experience discomfort, which can negatively affect his mental state.

“Little men” need to look neat and tidy. To do this, you have to cut or trim your hair at least a couple of times a month. But such regular visits to the hairdresser are not always convenient, and it also takes a significant toll on the family budget. You can cut your child's hair at home. The article will talk about how to do this correctly and accurately.

What you will need

Of course, there is no need to set up a real hairdressing salon at home. It is only advisable to prepare some tools and devices that will make your work much easier.

  • It is best to cut a child's hair while sitting. In this case, he will not get tired and can be as motionless as possible. And in order for you to comfortably carry out movements with scissors, the seat should not be too low and not too high. The best option is when the baby's head is approximately at the level of your chest.
  • The back of the chair should not be high, so as not to cover the back of the head of the person sitting. If the furniture you have in your home is too low, place 1-2 pillows on the seats. This way you can adjust the child’s seat height to the one that is most comfortable.
  • So that after the procedure you do not waste time sweeping hair from the child’s clothes, take care of the cape. It can be played by a thin film or an old plastic tablecloth of the required size. You can secure it using office clips or household clothespins.
  • Water sprayer. A regular spray bottle and a plastic bottle will do.

  • Hair clipper. It may be needed to trim certain areas, depending on the hairstyle you choose.

  • Comb or comb with frequent small teeth.

  • Well, the main tool, without which a haircut is unthinkable, is scissors. These are best purchased in specialized departments.

The fact is that household or office scissors do not have sufficient strength and sharpness of cutting surfaces. Therefore, they do not cut the hairs, but mostly break them. This complicates the work of the shearer, and will cause a lot of unpleasant sensations for the child. And the result, most likely, will not be very accurate.

It is also better to stock up on so-called thinning scissors. They will allow you to give your haircut a certain style.

Preparing for work

Sometimes children, especially preschool age, they can’t stand the haircut process. Because of this, during each visit to the hairdresser, they have to pacify their tears and whims. Perhaps the home environment will smooth out the situation a little, and your child will behave calmly.

Tell the boy in advance that you will be cutting his hair. Let him hold scissors and other tools. If your child protests very strongly about his upcoming haircut, try presenting it to him as a game. Mom or dad will be a hairdresser, and he will be a well-mannered and smart boy who has come to get a haircut. You can also promise your child for good behavior some reward, for example, a favorite sweet.

Perhaps during the haircut you will face another problem. It is often very difficult to get children to sit still. To distract your baby's attention during the process, turn on a cartoon for him. You can also ask your older sister or grandmother to read him a story.

If the boy is not at all in the mood for a haircut, it is better to postpone it. In a bad mood, he still won’t listen to your requests and won’t let you give him a good haircut.

As for hair, it does not require special preparation before cutting. It is desirable that they are simply clean.

Simple haircut technique

  • Place the child on a chair and cover him with a cape from the shoulders, securing its upper edge around the neck.
  • Spray your hair with a spray bottle until it is moderately wet along its entire length.
  • Ask the boy to slightly tilt his head and hold it in that position.

  • Start with the hair that grows at the back of your head, above your neck. Comb them and separate a small strand. Grab it with your fingers and cut the ends to the required length.
  • Take your time when working. Learning to cut hair correctly with scissors is not at all difficult, the main thing is to act carefully. Visually remember how much you shortened your hair in a strand.
  • When choosing the length of the cut, remember that after drying the hairs will shorten a little. So cut it off with plenty to spare.
  • In the same way, separating the strands, make an edging. That is, cut your hair from the back of your head to the ears to the same length.
  • Next, focusing on the already cut strands, we remove the length on the upper and side sections of the head. All hair should be visually identical.
  • We cut the bangs at our discretion. Too short will puff up, so it makes sense to leave a strand a little longer above the forehead.

This way you will get the simplest, neat haircut. It is well suited for preschool boys.

Having mastered the techniques of trimming and cutting strands, you will be able to give your child more interesting, model hairstyles.

Volumetric haircut pattern

For older boys, the following option may be suitable - shortened hair at the back of the head, with a longer and more voluminous crown.

  • Spray some water on your hair to sufficiently moisturize it.
  • Tilt your child's head slightly so that you can clearly see the back of his head.
  • Comb all your hair, then divide it into two halves. The dividing line should run from ear to ear through the back of the head. To do this, run a comb along the marked path, making a horizontal parting.
  • To keep the hair from the front and top of your head out of your way, pin it up with clips or bobby pins.
  • Separate a small strand at the very bottom, cut it to the desired length. Next, shorten all the hair to the line of the parting you made, focusing on the strand that was cut the very first. As a result, the hair on the back of the head, lower side and temporal parts should be the same.
  • Remove the clips and clips from the top of the hair. Here you need to leave a length approximately 2-2.5 times longer than on the back of the head and on the sides of the head. We also cut the hairs in small strands, keeping track of the length.
  • For a more stylish look, use thinning scissors at the end. Apply it to the hair on the crown and upper part of the head, that is, those areas that are longer. Just run them through the strands from the base to the ends. These scissors selectively thin out hairs, creating a beautiful “ladder”.

To create this type of haircut, you can use an electric clipper. This will significantly simplify and shorten the entire process. The occipital, temporal zone, as well as areas above the ears are treated with a hair clipper. The remaining strands are cut with scissors to the desired length.

Haircuts for boys

When you master working with regular and thinning scissors, you will be able to not only trim the length of your hair, but also experiment with style. Below are the descriptions popular haircuts for boys of senior preschool and junior school age(6–12 years old).

  • "Under the potty"- a fairly common hairstyle model. It suits boys with straight, not too thick hair. The haircut is quite different long bangs and an even cut of hair along a line around the circumference of the head. The length of the mop should reach the ears or a couple of centimeters below. The hair on the lower part of the back of the head is cut almost into a “hedgehog” shape using a clipper.

  • Lengthening the occipital strand is a very stylish technique. The strand can be braided into a thin braid or left loose. At the same time, the rest of the hair is cut into a “hedgehog” or slightly longer.

  • Haircuts with a pattern very popular among teenagers and boys of adolescence. With the help of a cropped pattern on the temporal part or on the back of the head, the “little man” can declare his individuality. Creating a pattern, of course, will require some skill. But with due diligence, you can master this technique at home.

  • Classic bob can decorate a boy with regular facial features. Hair length varies and can reach the chin. But when wearing this hairstyle, you will have to take care of washing your hair in a timely manner. Otherwise, they turn into drooping, greasy locks.

  • Beaver haircut is a more sporty variety of “potty”. The difference is that in this hairstyle model the elongated hair remains only on the top of the head. The contours of the “stack” are rounded as much as possible.

  • Not very important for small children fashionable haircut. Trim the boy's hair so that his hair does not cause any inconvenience to both him and you.
  • Be extremely careful when using scissors. Clearly explain to your child that while cutting a haircut, you do not need to move your head, turn around, or stand up.
  • Do not try to cut your baby's hair when he is in a bad mood or, on the contrary, is excited about something. In this case, you still won’t be able to cut the hair carefully, and besides, you risk injuring him or yourself.
  • To prevent your child from having a negative attitude towards cutting his hair in the future, be sure to praise him for good behavior. Comment positively about his new haircut. Tell him that this makes him look much more mature and handsome.

  • Take into account the type of face and, at least partially, the wishes of the “little man” himself regarding his hairstyle. Agree, it is very unpleasant to have one appearance, which you don't like at all.
  • Don't try to give a little boy a super trendy haircut. It looks out of place and pretentious.
  • Also, boys should not have hairstyles that require styling. The child himself will definitely not do this. In addition, during active games, gels and varnishes still won’t save you, and their use significantly weakens fragile, thin hair.

To see how easy it is to cut your baby’s hair at home with scissors, watch the video below.

Children's first birthday marks many changes in their lives. And it is at this time that most parents think about how to cut their child’s hair and whether it is necessary to do it at all. Opinions on this issue are traditionally divided. Grandmothers with many years of experience urge young people to cut off their child’s hair every year, and completely. Modern mothers believe that there is no reason to rush, and at the same time they do not strive to cut their babies’ hair, limiting themselves to a small correction. It’s difficult to say which of them is right, but there are several points worth taking into account.

Myths about cutting hair at one year of age

First, it’s worth dealing with the myths that still managed to survive to our times, despite the rapid growth of public awareness.

  • Myth 1. If you cut your child's head a year, he will have thick hair in the future. In fact, the manipulation will not increase the number of active hair follicles, so there will be no more hair. When manipulation is carried out at such an early age and the hairs are completely cut off, on the contrary, the risk of damage to the follicles and thinning of the hair increases. After the first haircut, the hair may indeed seem thicker, but only because the small bald spots formed as a result of the friction of the baby’s head on the surface will go away.
  • Myth 2. Haircut helps strengthen hair and thicken hair shafts. In fact, such an effect does not in any way affect the texture of the hairs. The baby's hair will be thick, strong and silky only when parents learn to care for it correctly and regularly.
  • Myth 3. If you keep a lock of hair cut from a child’s head for a year, he will study well, see only pleasant dreams and will not suffer from headaches. Scientific confirmation of these statements has not been found, and statistics do not allow us to believe in their veracity.
  • Myth 4. The first haircut of a child helps rid the baby of unpleasant experiences experienced up to this point, cleanses his body of many harmful components. This statement is indeed partially true, but only when it comes to adults. During the first year of life, babies, due to the nature of their care, simply do not have time to accumulate harmful elements in the body in general and in the hair in particular that need to be gotten rid of.

In addition, each culture has its own ideas about the timing and reasons for the first haircut. So parents will ultimately have to make their own decisions about when to cut their child's hair - at one year, a little earlier or later.

Arguments for getting a haircut at the age of one year

People who are inclined to think that when their baby is one year old still needs a haircut, usually give the following arguments:

  • It is necessary to emphasize the gender of the baby. Indeed, long hair in boys often leads to them being mistaken for girls, and not all parents can treat this with humor. And the little princess could use a neater haircut. By the way, it is better to lightly trim your hair than to tie it with tight elastic bands and secure it with hairpins.

Advice: If the decision to have a haircut at an early age is nevertheless made, you need to take into account that manipulation can only be carried out with scissors and cutting hairs at the root is strictly prohibited. The skin of a one-year-old child is very delicate; a machine or similar impact can easily damage not only the follicles, but also the epidermis, causing irritation, inflammation or infection of the tissues.

  • After a haircut, even if you do it yourself, the hair on the baby’s head begins to grow more evenly.
  • Often the skin on the scalp in children is covered with small crusts. And it is much more convenient to remove them if long hair does not interfere.
  • It's not very good when hair gets into a child's eyes. This not only creates discomfort, but can also negatively affect the quality of vision of the toddler. It is recommended to at least trim your bangs every year.
  • In summer, it can be very hot outside and in the apartment, and long hair will create additional inconvenience, causing kids to sweat even more.

It turns out that the benefits of cutting a one-year-old baby's hair are obvious. Well, if the above factors do not apply in a particular case, then you can wait a little with the manipulation. The main thing is not to forget to take care of your little one’s hair.

Arguments of people who oppose early hair cutting

When making your final decision, it is worth considering the negative aspects of early haircuts. Basically they boil down to the following:

  1. One-year-old children are not yet able to fully control their behavior, so there are often cases when manipulation turns into torture for both children and parents. You can try to carefully treat problem areas with scissors while the child is sleeping, but even here there can be no guarantee of complete safety for the baby.
  2. If the haircut does not affect the quality and speed of hair growth, and it does not bother the baby, then there is no point in having an unnecessary haircut. this moment procedure only because “that’s the way it’s supposed to be done.”
  3. Those who like to cut their hair one year old should take into account the fact that when the hairs begin to grow, they are quite dense stubble. It can cause significant discomfort to children, causing itching and irritation.
  4. During the cold season, hair is an excellent warming cover. Without them, the baby's head may simply freeze.
  5. There are frequent cases of accidental damage skin kids with scissors during manipulation. These cuts are not always visible. Sometimes they make themselves felt after the onset of the inflammatory or infectious process.

If the decision to have a haircut is made, you need to do everything according to the rules. This will help you spend a minimum of time on manipulation, get the desired result and reduce the child’s discomfort to a minimum.

Rules and features of manipulation at home

A child's first haircut a year or a little later is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You just need to take into account the specifics of age and individual characteristics child. Typically the procedure looks like this:

  • First you need to find the optimal time for cutting. A year old child already develops a certain daily routine, from which one can tell at what period he is in a more conducive mood for the procedure. Practice shows that children tolerate manipulation best after a lunchtime nap on a full stomach.
  • You should not torment your little one during the period of any illness. Against the backdrop of poor health, all negative feelings in children worsen and the session will not lead to anything good.
  • You will have to abandon the machine in favor of the most ordinary scissors. Modern devices not only damage follicles, but also scare children with their buzzing. The machine is also under an absolute ban. If you only plan to trim hairs in certain places, you can consider using a trimmer. It is quite quiet and relatively safe.
  • Wet hairs are easier to cut, so you need to bathe your baby or lightly wet his hair before the procedure.

  • You need to think in advance about what the child will do during the manipulation (the chances that he will just sit are negligible). One-year-old children are well distracted by cartoons, bright pictures, and new toys. While working, you need to constantly communicate with the toddler, focusing his attention on the distraction.
  • It is best to sit the baby on the lap of someone close to you (whom he trusts).
  • Scissors are best used with rounded ends; they are not so dangerous if the baby spins.
  • After the haircut is finished, you need to bathe the child in warm water, rinsing every fold in which a hair could get stuck. Additionally, it is recommended to carry out disinfection by treating all instruments (and if very short haircut and the baby’s head) with a specialized agent, for example,.
  • The procedure begins with treating the most inaccessible places. You can restore beauty later, while the baby is sleeping or distracted by something.
  • It's best to try to turn the haircut process into exciting game. When children feel their parents’ confidence and genuine interest in some new event, they are happy to join the process. You just need to remember that their “fuse” will not last long, you need to try to cope in a few minutes.

After the manipulation is finally completed, all the final stages have been completed, it is worth showing the child the result of the work in the mirror, appreciating it with the whole family, loudly admiring the courage, patience and beauty of the little one. Most likely, he will not understand that anything has changed, but on a subconscious level he will remember all the enthusiastic exclamations of his loved ones. Thanks to this, the need for the next haircut will not cause a negative reaction in him, and perhaps even bring pleasure.

  • Ellen:
    My son is almost 2 years old. Categorically does not allow me to cut my hair, and recently my fingernails and toenails. I can’t cut my hair by force, because... due to increased excitability, he experiences a long-term (for the rest of the day and night) hysteria. He watches the haircut process with interest, but he doesn’t give in - he covers his head, etc. What to do?
    • Zhenya L.:
      My son is 2.2. What do children love? Imitate us. I paint nails. Gleb wants it too. I take iodine, “paint” my nails with it - it turns black under the nails (especially after lunch with bread - a reaction with starch). We are horrified - how ugly! You need to make it beautiful, how to clean it. And we cut our nails. The benefit is threefold - after a manicure, after iodine - if you suddenly cut yourself, it will not become inflamed, and it is good for the thyroid gland (unless, of course, you have hyperfunction). And in a couple of hours there will be no yellowness. Good luck!
    • Tusya:
      My son is 2.5 years old. When I was little, there were no problems, but now I only cut off my nails with special tweezers from a manicure set. Like an adult. And of course it’s difficult with hair. The last time we shaved our head, we had no problems all summer.
    • Elena F.:
      And while I’m cutting the nails on one hand, I also give my son small scissors on the other. While he’s looking at them, I make quick work of it.
      But he sits very calmly, so I’m not worried that he’ll poke his scissors at himself or me somewhere...
      My son is 2.2 years old.
    • Maria D.:
      It’s great to cut your hair and nails in your sleep. Only sometimes you have to trim the second half of your head during your next sleep. In my opinion, the child is completely indifferent to this, but, of course, it looks funny :-)
    • Yasya:
      I asked - shall we cut or wash? It was even more disgusting to wash, so I cut it dry and washed it another day. To prevent the baby from becoming too covered in hair, the most convenient way is to put a garbage bag on it, first, of course, cutting a hole at the head, which is then pinned at the throat with hairpins or toothpicks.
    • Svetlana K.:
      In my opinion, it is better to entrust a haircut to a professional hairdresser, who will do it faster and safer for the baby. And while cutting the child’s nails, it would be good to “talk” (I count my fingers with mine, and when I was very little, I cut them only during sleep).
    • Olga G.:
      We had exactly the same thing with our daughter. The first time we got our hair cut after my mother, after much persuasion, we sang “Maidan” together (at that time our favorite song) while our aunt-hairdresser cut the hair. Everyone here has their own tricks, no matter what.
    • Assol:
      This is how we grow quickly. Yesterday I cut my child’s hair for the first time (I saved every last hair, of course). But just recently he was bald, bald...
      Everything went smoothly because it was the first time. Next time he’ll realize what’s what... He was sitting in the bathtub, with his back to me, in front of me, my dad was entertaining me as best he could. Fortunately, we have a “haircut” - that’s a strong word. I just cut off the tail from the back. And then he kept turning around with a suspicious look. In the front, the hair still has time to grow and grow...
      Now he definitely looks like a boy. I would like to give him some fashionable haircut, but I have no ideas. What haircuts do your kids have?
    • Shin:
      Wow, we started cutting her hair very early and didn’t save the hair. We have a girl, it’s easier for us, she has a bob like C short bangs- It’s easier to cut it, but in the summer I’ll do my hair in a zigzag again, because after all this time I haven’t gotten used to it.
    • Irina:
      And our son, when he was 1.2, dad cut his hair with a clipper, like an American soldier (this is dad’s definition): with a clipper he cut almost his entire head to 3 mm, except for the “patch” at the top of his head - it turned out to be a kind of platform - very stylish. With such a haircut, you can leave a tiny strand of bangs (like a snot), if, of course, the thickness and length allow it. And now our dad is away, and I can’t cut my son’s hair: he’s already shaking in horror from the sound and sight of the machine, I don’t even know what we’ll do now, we’ll have to wait for dad...
    • Lisa:
      And by calling several hairdressers, I found out that they could cut my 1.8-year-old toddler’s hair at adult hairdressers for 15-20 dollars.
      Then, unexpectedly, next to the house in the expensive and stupid “Limpopo” (Hotel Ukraine) it turned out that there was a CHILDREN’S hairdresser! For 130 rubles we get fantastic haircuts from CHILDREN'S hairdressers at CHILDREN'S chair with the steering wheel - a complete blast! Toys, they also have books to distract children. Even my very active child behaves quite well there. And people always envy our haircut! We really like it and recommend it to others.

    • I cut my whole family's hair with a clipper - it's cheap and cheerful, I really like it, the boys get such big heads with a crew cut. In addition, I spray it every morning, and it’s convenient - my hair dries quickly. But my mother-in-law doesn’t like it - she says it’s an incubator. So it's a matter of taste.

    • We Azerbaijanis have this superstition: if you want a child to be smart, put his first hairs in a book. Our first hair lies in "Science and Life". This is just to be sure, otherwise you never know what kind of book you’ll come across (ha ha)! Secondly, there are still few hairs and what kind of modeling can we talk about here, although a pageboy haircut suits us, it’s like in the movie “Home Alone 3” with Alex.
    • Assol:
      Good idea! Poor little hairs - we should send them to grandma, leave them ourselves, and now put them in the encyclopedia! If we had a lot of them, otherwise there are only three hairs...

    • We have model haircut"Zigzag".:-) It took two days to create it. My son was spinning around so much that I’m actually surprised that I managed to cut his hair.

    • What makes the machine so convenient is that if you spin, don’t spin, but the length is still set and it turns out more or less even. Yes, and it’s interesting - it buzzes.

    • Oh, what haircuts there are! The main thing here is to have time to cut something somewhere. And don't hurt your ears. :-) Seriously - we don’t have a lot of hair, but I’ve already cut it 3 times, with such difficulty! Dad entertains, I cut. Even the hairs are difficult to catch.
    • Galina*:
      To be honest, I also thought that cutting a haircut would be so difficult, I just couldn’t get around to it. I cut my hair for the first time when I was about 1.5 years old. It turned out so smoothly, and without any problems, they even thought it had been cut at a hairdresser.
      And now haircuts are no problem at 2.2.
      The only inconvenience: he laughs, it tickles him, he dodges. Therefore, the haircut takes place in several stages throughout the day.

    • Mine was terribly hairy from birth and I endured cries of “What a pretty girl!” for quite a long time, then I broke down and took a risk. In the group, when they saw the child, they politely sympathized with me: “Yes... They always spin like that when you cut their hair.” :-)
      I swoop down and cut off the tufts from the part of my head that has turned up. True, his hair is wavy, it’s not so noticeable :-)
    • Selection from conferences

      Anna Minyaeva

      Comment on the article "How to cut a child's hair"

      For the little ones, use BabyTreem, otherwise you risk ruining your hair. Thin hair You can’t cut your hair with an adult clipper, the hair follicles there are still weak, and adult clippers will immediately pull out thin hair.

      22.01.2016 15:25:15, Zinaida Viktorovna

      We also have a babyTreem 838 machine! If you have a boy and you are going to cut his hair yourself in the future. then this machine is perfect. The price/quality ratio is very good, the machine does not make noise and does not pull fine children’s hair. After three haircuts I already felt confident, and now I’m even experimenting with new haircuts)))

      We had similar problems, then we bought a special children's car, Kodos Baby. She is silent, they put the baby in the bath to play and cut his hair at this time, he didn’t even notice. Now he’s grown up and asks to get his hair cut when he sees a clipper :)

      Total 19 messages .

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How many times a month should a child, boy, or guy have his hair cut?

1-2 or maybe 3? But every trip to the hairdresser costs money, time and nerves.

The boy doesn’t want to go to a hairdresser to get his hair cut and no promises can persuade him. Often, 2 hours of time and a lot of nerves of you and the hairdresser are wasted, but there is no result.

And the family decides that they need to look for another solution - this is the purchase of scissors or a machine.

When purchasing a hair clipper, parents think about saving time and money, as well as nerves and the practicality of purchasing this miracle of technology. Later, when trying to cut the boy’s hair with it, a lot of other difficulties are revealed.

How to sit a child so that he sits quietly for 20-30 minutes.
Where should I plant it so that it is clearly visible and easy to cut?
How to cut to get a beautiful haircut?
How to start cutting hair for beginners?

All these questions soon begin to worry the mother, as she begins to make attempts to cut the child's hair.

Let's look at the practical experience of the mother of her son. This article is specifically for those who have never cut anyone’s hair, but want to learn how to cut their men’s hair: child, boyfriend, husband, with their own hands at home using a clipper or scissors.

How to cut a baby boy's hair at home with a clipper, scissors, instructions for beginners?

To ensure that the child sits quietly and does not run away, there are 2 options; they are not the best for the eyes, but they are reliable.
— watch cartoons, make sure that there is a distance of at least a meter from the monitor or TV;
— play on a tablet or phone.

So the child will sit for 20 minutes, and during this time you need to do a haircut.

More suitable ideas are puzzles, crosswords, board games that do not require constant observation of the field where everything is happening, reading books or listening to audio stories.

Perfect for a boy: “Deniska’s stories”, “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”, Nosov’s stories or stories about Dunno. Finding audio with high-quality voice acting on the Internet is a must.

Anti-stress toys, cats and pandas made from balls and starch, can also help out.

Important before cutting

  1. We place the child on a high chair, preferably with a backrest, otherwise the baby will get tired quickly and will slouch.
  2. The height of the chair should be such that the baby's head is at the level of your hands.
  3. The maximum amount of light is at the window, so that it falls from all sides or is illuminated by lamps or asks him to turn the desired side to the light.
  4. First read the article to the end and practice on a more diligent model, because... for a child you have a maximum of 15 minutes.

How to start cutting hair for beginners?

If you've never had a haircut men's haircut, practice, but only after our little training course on an adult guy or man. In this case, the person will sit patiently, which is extremely difficult with a child.

Prepare the tool:

  • typewriter;
  • nozzles;
  • comb;
  • scissors;
  • sheet;
  • chair;
  • spray with water if the haircut is done with scissors;
  • hair dryer;
  • mirror.

Make room for a chair. Make sure the clipper's cord easily reaches the chair and allows you to move around it.

Consider where you will keep your tools so you don't have to run to another room, and place a chair or extra table so you can easily reach them.

The water in the baby spray should be warm. The prepared cape covers the child completely so that hair does not get on the arms or legs.

During the haircut process, if it is not possible to adjust the light evenly, turn the boy to the light with the desired side, asking him to turn around so that he can sit on the chair more comfortably, undress him down to his panties, and put a towel on the chair itself.

After cutting the hair in the shower, it will help get rid of the remaining hair and it will not bite or prick it.

Do not wipe or sweep the cut hair, this will make the feeling of pricklyness even greater.

What do you need to know before cutting your hair?

Haircut consists of several stages:

  • Basic haircut by zones, shading - mixing.

    Each zone is approximately equal in height to the width of the machine blade, i.e. Place the side of the machine above your ear - this is the height of the temporal zone. Help yourself with a machine if you are worried that the area will not be level.

    In this case, parting options can be horizontal, vertical, or at an angle.

  • Edging.
  • Examination.

Description of the whole process

Having chosen the first haircut, cut your man with 1 attachment all over his head from the back of the head to the crown, for example 12 mm. When you finish this stage, you need to smooth out the transition lines, making them shorter at the temples and at the back of the head.

To do this, change the nozzle to 1 number less and cut from the back of the head to the protrusion on the back of the head, take the next nozzle and cut 3-5 mm from the back of the head with a number another 3 mm less.

What remains are transitions or shading, as well as the area above the ears and edging. This is simply a description of the entire process, which we will further analyze in detail and step by step.

How should the machine go?

The machine moves easily in a straight line without sticking to the head or making roundings, with light sliding movements from bottom to top. In this case, the movement goes in a straight line, with a pull towards you - this allows you to make transitions smoother.

In this case, the fit is made not by the tip of the machine, but by the place where the cut will take place, i.e. with the entire nozzle, passing the entire strand through the nozzle.

How to hold the typewriter?

Think about where it will be plugged in so that it can easily reach your model.

Hold the machine so that only your hand is movable, and not your entire arm, because... otherwise she will get tired of you quickly.

Try it, which one is more convenient for you? Hold it tightly and place your index finger on it or otherwise, find the most comfortable position.

How to hold the clipper correctly according to Pavel Bazhenov, a master of hairdressing:

2nd video

How to cut and with what attachment?

The nozzles we use go from largest to smallest. On the back of the nozzle is written not only the number, but also the length that it cuts in the photo - 1.

Start with the longest one and work your way down to the shortest length, i.e. from 12 mm to 3.

If you cut without a nozzle, you will end up with a haircut or a zero.

An important nuance is the handle, which is on the side of machine 2 in the photo; it moves the blade, which allows you to save another 0.5 cm of length, a very necessary regulator for beginners, so as not to cut off too much.

Move the lever and see how the machine behaves, you will see the blade extend or retract, use this mechanism for experiments.

What other gadgets and secrets do you need?

Video lesson on cutting a boy's hair at home with a clipper:

What you need: machine, attachments, comb, chair, mirror, scissors, cape or sheet.

The simplest haircut using a clipper attachment, for beginners who are cutting their hair for the first time.

Before you start cutting your hair, read the article and watch all the videos, this will help you understand how to place the clipper, how to move it and what result you will get in the end.

We always work from the largest nozzle to the smallest so that it is possible to correct errors.

We cut with a clipper on dry hair.

Instructions for cutting with a clipper:

So that you understand which zone is cut and how, look at the photo, here on the mannequin all the hair is divided into 3 zones.
But since we are working with beginners, this theoretical course is for those who have completed at least 1 haircut, the rest can skip and move on.

We divide the haircut into 3 parts, each part is equal to the width of the machine in height and blade.

  • The area from the edge of growth to the protruding bone is the width of the machine, place it sideways and you will understand how wide it will turn out.
  • The area above the ears and the back of the head is also the width of the machine.
  • Upper from the temples to the crown.
    This is important to understand and see when cutting; each zone, starting from the bottom, is cut by changing the nozzle to one less, namely:
  • -1 - 3 mm
  • -2 - 6 mm
  • -3 - 9 mm or more.
  • To get your bearings, hold the comb and help yourself to maintain a straight line in height.

Why is this?

To understand, when you master the first basics, understand the zones, places of transition from one zone to another, and also master shading and transitions - this information will help you know the sizes.

For newbies:

We cut everything with a 12mm nozzle:

We lead by leaning against the head in a smooth line, without pressing or jerking. Carefully insert the nozzle into the hair from the hair growth and bring it up, slightly pushing it towards you, moving it in a straight line upward.

Important: the entire plane of the nozzle rests against the head.

  1. Make sure that the wire does not fall on your face; to do this, place it on your hand or simply move it away. So we go through the whole head.
  2. When the main part of the hair is removed and you have drawn each line from the edge several times, check for antennae - these are individual hairs sticking out that have not been trimmed. To do this, constantly comb the client. Go over the head again, cutting off the antennae.
  3. If you see that there are places where the hair grows at an angle, comb again and go exactly these places against the hair growth, at an angle. This is required for cutting the temporal area or at the base of the skull.
  4. How easier haircut and the sooner it ends, the better.

    If your child has never had a haircut before, then play barber shop. Cut a couple of pretend dolls or other animals' hair. Let the child be the hairdresser.

  5. How to cut a men's haircut with a clipper step by step video with training instructions from a hairdresser:

    part 2

  6. Then remove the nozzle and make an edging; for the more experienced, we go through the lowest zone with a height of 3, the middle - 6 mm.
  7. The edging is done like this:

Video tutorial on cutting edging:


  • It is necessary to make the shape of the temples, a corner, beveled or straight, lean it upside down with a machine - it will be straight or at the desired angle. We do the same for a guy or a man.
  • Comb your haircut thoroughly and check to see if there are any antennae left. If the client demands a shorter one, go through it again with a smaller nozzle.
  • For beginners, that's all.

  • For the more experienced, who have mastered the zones, it is necessary to make shading in the transition areas using thinning scissors. If there are none at home, then leave them without information.
  • It is important to position the comb correctly when shading, and also move only the lower part of the scissors. Move the comb from below slightly upward, with the pull towards you. Repeat in each place information.


Carcass is a transition from more long hair for short ones, the smoother it is, the more neat and well-groomed the haircut looks. It is done with ordinary scissors or thinning scissors, or can be done with a machine.

When performing shading, it is important to correctly position the comb to the child’s head at an angle, and not lean it against it and move it slowly, while cutting off the hair that falls on the head of the comb.

Shading at home with ordinary scissors, training lesson:

Video of how shading is performed:

Move from 0 onwards

Haircut with scissors

You need: scissors, clipper, comb, spray with water.

For cutting with scissors, it is important to moisten the hair; for a simple haircut, select 1 control strand in the crown area and cut all the hair along it.

  • We move from the top of the head in a circle, take thin strands with a pull, when choosing strands, our hand rests on the client’s head, and the palm itself slightly moves away from the head.
  • We cut, each time grabbing the cut strand and a new one to align it to the standard. You can cut it with an even cut, perpendicular to the selected strand, or you can cut it with cloves. Straight cuts can also be made with a machine, if you do not have scissors, but do have a machine.
  • So we move from the top of the head to the area above the ears.
  • If you have a machine and you plan to trim the back of your head with it, then select the desired nozzle number, for example 6 mm, and process the area above the ears and the back of your head to the lower occipital area.
  • We remember the 3 zones and work on the middle zone and then the lower one.

    All that remains is to do mixing and shading, as well as edging and whiskey using a machine as described above.

  • We check our work, take any strand and pull the next one to it, visually check that there are no protruding hairs.
  • The haircut is ready.

Video tutorial on cutting a boy's hair at home:

Children's haircut

How to cut other haircuts?

With one-sided extension on the bangs:

Bangs, haircut rules for short hairstyles:

How to cut a boy's cobwebs?

Video on cutting a boy's hair with scissors:

A training video without words, the master shows everything on a model:

Now you have already mastered the minimum set of methods and knowledge for cutting your son, boyfriend or husband, now it’s just practice and the more you do, the faster you will bring your skills to perfection.

We wish you good luck and inspiration! You will definitely succeed!