It’s autumn again outside the window, the rain is falling like peas. Scenario of the matinee “Autumn Gifts”

Autumn is outside the window again, the rain is falling like peas, the leaves are falling, rustling, how beautiful autumn is! The guys meet autumn holiday. Ivanushka appears and talks about his misfortune. He invited Autumn to visit, but she got lost. Baba Yaga undertakes to help the guys and Ivanushka in their search. She gives the guys various tests. But soon her cunning is revealed, the guys complete all of Baba Yaga’s tasks. The beautiful Autumn appears and the guys and Ivanushka continue the holiday



Autumn holiday

“Like Ivanushka looked for autumn”

5-7 years

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle

Educator : Autumn is outside the window again, the rain is falling like peas,

The leaves are falling, rustling, how beautiful autumn is!

1 child : Leaves are embroidered with gold,

The paths are washed by the rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps,

You give us everything, Autumn!

2nd child: Autumn is wandering everywhere,

The poplar has dropped its leaves.

Look - the mountain ash has reddened cheeks,

Yellow leaves flew onto the path.

Autumn is golden, who wouldn’t be glad to see you!

Having fun playing, we will meet the leaf fall.

Let's go to the garden in a crowd, collect leaves,

Let's decorate the house with golden foliage.

3 Child : Beauty – Autumn splashed colors:

Heavenly blue, as if from a fairy tale.

Lilac linden and flame of aspen,

Farewell calls from the crane family.

October is flipping through the golden pages,

And the white birches are already dreaming of winter.

4 children Autumn walks slowly outside the window.

Leaves fall rustling onto the paths.

Thin aspen trees look into the puddles,

Rowan trees hang like beads on the branches.

5 reb. Autumn has come

Following the summer, just in time

And gilded in the gardens

Every little leaf.

6 reb . Along golden paths

We walk slowly.

With colorful maple leaves

They fall quietly, rustling.

There's a new rug under your feet,

Yellow-pink, purple!

1. Song

Ivanushka enters to the music.

Ivanushka: Oh, guys, I have such a misfortune: I’m waiting for Autumn to visit, but she’s still not there. I've been looking for it for so long, but I can't find it.

I don’t understand where Autumn is,

Why doesn't it come to us?

Probably with the rain together

Does everything bring beauty?

(Rapid flight music sounds, Baba Yaga flies in on a broom with a number.)

Baba Yaga. Drin-dyn-dyn! It stalled. So! Emergency landing. Again Leshy rode on my broom without asking. Here I am for him! Hello, good people!

Ved: hello.

Baba Yaga. Well, let's get acquainted! I am Baba Yaga, bone leg. Wherever I want, I fly there! What do you have here?

Ivanushka: It's Autumn for us, grandma.

Baba Yaga: Autumn has disappeared... What a tragedy. Why is it needed?

It will be winter for you right away!
Cold, ice and snow - darkness!

2. Scene

Squirrel comes out.
Squirrel: How from summer to winter immediately?
I didn't have time to stock up
So collect it into a hollow!
What, will you have to starve?
Squirrel leaves. Bunny comes out.
Bunny: Before winter I shed -
I'm changing my gray fur coat,
And now I'm Fox
He'll catch it quickly! No good!
The bunny leaves. The Bear comes out.
Bear: It's time to sleep, but I can't sleep!
This simply won't do!
Bear is not ready to sleep...
If only I could lie down and snore!
The bear leaves. Soroka flies out.
Magpie: Even though Santa Claus is rushing to us,
He is saddened to tears:
I didn’t have time to find gifts,
Although I don’t feel sorry for gifts,
But he did not collect the bag,
And he’s already in a hurry to the ball!
The magpie flies away. A boy and a girl come out.
Girl: Yes, and we are not ready,
We don't know any new dances,
We can't live without Autumn!
What can you tell me, friends?
Boy: We are waiting for autumn, come back soon,
Into the warm circle of your friends!
Come on, sound the song!
Come on, Autumn, come!

3. Song

Baba Yaga. Well, fine, so be it. I’ll help you find Autumn. I had a spell here somewhere. A wonderful miracle will appear, Autumn will appear to the children,

(speaks in a whisper) Toad, woman, carabas. I hid Autumn from you.

Ivanushka: Oh, where have we ended up? There is no autumn.

Baba Yaga: Honey, I forgot, I got a little mixed up. We found ourselves in a clearing of mysteries.

Guys, guess the vegetable riddles.


1. In golden husk

I really like him.

It's worth peeling off the husks,

I'll start shedding tears. (Onion).

2. Round, ruddy,

Juicy and sweet

Very fragrant,

Bulk, smooth,

Heavy, big,

What it is? (Apple).

3. Round, crumbly, white,

She came to the table from the fields.

Salt it a little,

After all, the truth is delicious... (Potatoes).

4. Like in our garden bed

Riddles have grown

Juicy and large,

They're so round.

In summer they turn green,

By autumn they turn red. (Tomato)

5. I emerge from the garden bed,

I'm growing smartly.

Eat me up guys

Redhead... (carrot)

6. The hedgehog was surprised in the field:

“Here’s a vegetable, a hundred clothes!”

And the little bunny gobbled it up with a crunch

Delicious... (cabbage)

7.They have a pod, their favorite home

Good for the brothers in it!

Every brother is green and smooth,

Each ball is delicious and sweet.


8.In the garden bed he leaned on his side

Solid, cool-headed... (zucchini).

Baba Yaga: Well done, guys. We solved all the riddles. They advised me to dig up a garden and plant vegetables. Why are they needed, since candy tastes better? Cakes and cookies!

Presenter. Guys, let's tell you what you need to eat to be healthy? (Onions, garlic.) Which vegetable supports good eyesight? (Carrot)

Which vegetable helps us grow? (Cabbage.)

Which vegetable strengthens bones? (Radish)

What vegetable can you get sugar from? (Beet)

Ivanushka: Did you hear?

Baba Yaga: Uh-huh.

Ivanushka: So much for you!

Baba Yaga: I remembered another spell.

Storm - Baba Yaga,

Go from the sea to the meadows!

There's onions, garlic,

Kissel pot,

Oil porridge,

Autumn is stolen.

Ved: Baba Yaga again you mixed up something.

Baba Yaga: Did you get to the wrong place again?

Ivanushka: Guys, it seems to me that Baba Yaga specifically doesn’t want to give us back Autumn.

Presenter. We've been sitting too long, come on guys, come out! Start the game!

  1. 5. Game “Oh, get up, Antoshenka”

Baba Yaga can play too.

Ivanushka: Baba Yaga, did you know all this time where Autumn is? And you didn't tell us anything?

Baba Yaga. Yeah. I'm such a prankster. So be it, I will return your Autumn, but only if you win three competitions. The first task is for smart guys.


The game involves two people. 6-8 potatoes are scattered on the floor. Each child has a basket and a wooden spoon. At the signal, you need to collect the potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in the basket. The child who collects the most potatoes in a certain time wins.

Then the second task. Who flies faster on a broom?

7. Game "Flying on a Broom"

B-Ya and the child compete. They ride on a broom to a landmark and back.

Baba Yaga is very angry that the children are stronger than her.

She turns away from everyone offended.

Baba Yaga: Third task - I want you to sing to me!

8. Song

Baba Yaga. Okay, take Autumn. Oh, I think I forgot to turn off the porridge! I'll run quickly! You'll have to run on foot. Goodbye, guys!

reb: Autumn looked into the garden -

The birds have flown away.

There's rustling outside the window in the morning

Yellow snowstorms.

Reb: Rain-drip, rain-drop.

Sometimes stronger, sometimes quieter.

Don't knock, don't knock

Don't knock on the roof!

Reb. The cranes are flying south,

Hello, hello, autumn!

Come to our holiday,

We really, really ask.

Autumn appears to the music

Autumn: You set me free
And they returned to their place:
Between summer and winter
I returned home again,
In a wonderful mood
From your lovely friends!
Let's live together
Let's have fun playing!

Let's play a game with you.

9. "Edible - inedible."

If it’s edible, you say, “Yum, yum, yum,” and if it’s inedible, you say, “Ugh, yum, yum.”

1) Crispy buns (Yum, yum, yum)

2) Slippers that are falling apart (Ugh, ugh, ugh)

3) Puff pastries (Yum, yum, yum)

4) Boiled felt boots (Ugh, ugh, ugh)

5) Cheese balls (Yum, yum, yum)

6) Oily napkins (Ugh, ugh, ugh)

7) Gingerbread cookies are delicious (Yum, yum, yum)

  1. 8) Crispy apples (Yum, yum, yum)

Child: How nice it is to visit autumn

Among the golden birches!

They wouldn’t have dropped the gold any longer,

The forest would stand purple and quiet.

More often the sun would be tired

Stayed in the golden garden,

To protect from the crazy wind

Elegant autumn beauty.

child: The oak tree sadly drops its acorns,

Our old garden is empty.

Yellow parachutes

Leaves are flying in the wind.

To a warm region where there is no snowstorm,

They are in a hurry to fly away,

They spread in schools in the sky

Flocks of gray cranes.

Child: Yellow leaves are flying,

They fall, they spin,

And under your feet just like that

How they lay down a carpet!

What is this yellow snowfall?

It's just falling leaves

10. Game-dance “Autumn walked around the garden”


No, there is no place for gloomy faces.

May this autumn day

Dance and have fun

No one will be lazy.

11. Dance

Ivanushka: Thanks guys for the fun

Sit down and have a treat.

They sit on the chairs.

Autumn: Now the moment of farewell has come

My speech will be short.

I say to you: “Goodbye”

See you soon!

We'll look under the bush,

And let's quickly take the fungus.

And there are sweets in the fungus,

This is a gift for you, kids!

"Autumn Journey". Scenario of an autumn matinee for the middle group of kindergarten.

Author: Voronova Irina Ivanovna, music director
Place of work: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 196", Kurgan city

Purpose of the holiday: To contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and parents, to cultivate a culture of behavior at public events.
1. Deliver a joyful mood.
2. Consolidate the skills and abilities acquired in music classes.
3. Develop children's social and communication skills.

Progress of the matinee:

Children enter the hall to the music. They become a semicircle.
Ved. Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall today! How many around
colorful leaves. The sorceress Autumn did her best. Autumn is very beautiful time of the year. Everything around is bright and elegant, like in a fairy tale.
Reb. What a beautiful autumn
What a golden carpet!
And visit today, guys,
The autumn holiday has come to us.
Reb. How beautiful everything is all around
Golden autumn day.
Yellow leaves are flying,
They rustle underfoot!
Reb. All guests together today
It was not in vain that we collected
Dances, songs, jokes
They will be in this hall!
Reb. Let's have a bright day
Let's sing a song about Autumn!
« Autumn song»
Ved. And now guys, let's all get on the autumn locomotive
So that he can take us for a walk as soon as possible!
Adventures await us ahead,
Let's say together:
Together: “Have a nice journey!”
The music “Locomotive - Little Bug” plays,
Children ride in a circle, then sit on chairs
Presenter: - Where is the golden autumn? Here's a riddle. Here's the secret.
We're singing songs here, but she's still not there.
Where are you, autumn? Answer me! Where are you, autumn? Show up!
NAME: Autumn, ah!
Autumn is coming to the music
Autumn: Hello, my friends!
Know that Autumn is me.
How many guests do I see?
How many children do I see?
I am very glad to meet you.
Please me with your poems.

Children read poetry:
1. Autumn, autumn outside the window:

The rain is falling like peas,
The leaves are falling rustling.
How beautiful are you Autumn!
2. The leaves are embroidered with gold,
The paths are washed with gold.
Mushrooms in bright caps,
You give us everything, Autumn!
3. Leaves are spinning across the sky,
Rain is falling.
We run through puddles, along a forest path.
4. Autumn went out for a walk,
Summer forest to paint.
I took my brushes,
The leaves have started to color.
5. In the morning we go to the yard,
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...
Autumn: Brought in a basket - golden leaves,
And I want to dance with you!
Dance with leaves "Waltz with leaves"
Autumn: Guys! You danced very beautifully with the leaves. And now,
Please take your seats. I have a lot for you interesting game.
Game “Fold the leaves” (large puzzles autumn leaves)
Autumn: Well done, guys! You have completed this task. And Anton has prepared a riddle for you, listen.
Reb. You will take it in your hands -
And you are not afraid of the rain.
The rain will pass - you will put it away
And you can walk in the sun.
Children: Umbrella!

Autumn: (opening the umbrella) right!
Autumn signs clear and simple.
Magic umbrellas walk along the streets.
I'll spin the magic umbrella,
I'll invite you to dance.
"Droplet Dance"
Ved: Tell me, dear Autumn, is your umbrella magical?
Autumn: Of course! Who will take the umbrella?
He will immediately start playing with him.
Ved: How interesting! Children, let's find out if the umbrella is really magic.
Game "Umbrellas".
Children are divided into 2 teams, each team is given an umbrella. The first players, with an umbrella in their hands, run to the Christmas trees standing at the other end of the hall, run around them and come back, passing the umbrella to the next player. The whole team must run this way.
Autumn: Let's continue the holiday,
Have fun, sing, play!
A boy runs in to the music - rain - a child preparatory group.
Rain: Wait, wait, wait,
I don't tell you to start
The invitation was not sent
You autumn rain!
I'll be here with you, I'll cry,
I'll clear out the puddles and slush,
I'll wet you all now
And, of course, I’ll upset you!
The rain waves showers of rain at the children.
Autumn: No, there is no place for gloomy faces.
May this autumn day
Dance and have fun
No one will be lazy.
Why should we quarrel with the rain?
We'll sing him a song

Song "Rain"
Rain: You made me laugh
They surprised me with a sonorous song.
For such a gift to you
I'll give you my raindrops.
Music sounds, the rain gives plumes to Autumn, and runs away.
Presenter: We had great fun, played, frolicked!
But the time has come to say goodbye and go back!
Autumn: You are wonderful guys, no matter who I look at,
And for this, dear ones, I will generously reward you!
I ask everyone to close their eyes - miracles begin!
Autumn: (puts a basket of treats on the table) I’ll put it in my basket
Maple and aspen leaves.
And let's add it there
We are magical raindrops.
Covers the basket with an umbrella.
My magic umbrella, circle,
Presents for the kids!
(To the music, under an umbrella, he removes leaves from the basket, there is a treat)
Presenter: Dear autumn is generous and beautiful,
Let's say to Autumn together...
Autumn: The little train is waiting for you all,
Come back in a year!
(Autumn waves her hand and goes behind the screen)
Presenter: Our journey has ended.
And now I invite you to the group to taste the treat!
(f. - “Locomotive Bukashechka” - children leave the hall).

Natalya Grishutkina

The hall is festively decorated as autumn forest.



That's Autumn, again the birds are in a hurry to fly to a warm land,

And again autumn The holiday is coming to our kindergarten!

1.-Autumn, golden autumn, leaves are falling everywhere

The leaves are spinning and flying in the wind.

2.-The sun will just come out and hide again,

We will remember the red summer for a long time.

3.-Red and yellow leaves are torn by the wind

A colorful round dance circles and circles in the air.

4.-The wind sweeps yellow leaves in the garden,

It's only once a year happens in the fall!

5. -Autumn, autumn outside the window, the rain is falling like peas,

The leaves are falling, rustling... Like you, Autumn, good!

6.-Leaves, flying from the branches, circle in a motley crowd,

This autumn the golden one pleases us with its beauty!

7.- In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly... they fly... they fly...

Song "_Golden Light" music A. Evtodieva

8.-A rain of mischievous leaves swirled above me.

How good he is! Where else can you find something like this?

Without end and without beginning? I began to dance under it,

We danced like friends -

Rain of leaves and me.

Dance with leaves

Girls sit down under the chairs

Presenter: Guys, do you want to meet with in autumn? Then we need to go to the forest.

And we'll go there on a train called "BUG"

Children drive one circle (music. "Train" T. Suvorova)

Presenter: Look, guys, how beautiful it is around!

At the edge of the forest, a thick forest will open its doors for us,

Different trees greet us in silence.

Do you hear? (listens) It seems that the cheerful Dwarf, the forest man, is coming here. Let's play it! Let's take the leaves and hide behind them (squat down) Shhh.

A Dwarf enters the hall with a broom, sees a lot of leaves, and grabs his head.

Dwarf: Oh, there’s a lot of work - so many leaves have fallen!

I'm in a hurry to sweep, I'm putting things in order!

I swept all the paths, oh, I’m tired, I’m off to bed! (Sits down, "falls asleep")

Child Breeze: I - autumn breeze,

I'm flying, my journey is long

I'm flying around the world,

I blow up all the leaves.

(Blows on the children, they spin around and sit down when the music ends.)

Gnome: It’s really a mess, all the leaves have scattered.

I’ll take the panicle and collect the leaves again.

(Humms to himself, "sweeps away" leaf children in "heap")

Gnome: I swept all the paths, oh, I’m tired, I’m off to bed!

(sits down, "falls asleep")

Breeze: I - autumn breeze,

I'm flying, my journey is long

I'm flying around the world,

I blow up all the leaves.

It blows on the children, they spin around, and when the music ends, they sit down.

Dwarf: (wakes up) What is this, again all the leaves scattered, just like they were alive! But these are not leaves, but guys (Children get up) Oh, mischievous people! What are you doing in my forest?

Presenter: We are looking for autumn, We really, really need her!

Dwarf: So, so, my friends,

I'll tell you a secret.

Autumn loves only those,

Who has a cheerful laugh.

The one who dances and sings,

Those who live cheerfully!

Presenter: We know how to have fun,

And laugh and frolic!

Dwarf: Come on, come on, show me

Yes, dance with me.

Dance "Heel-toe"

Dwarf: Well you all danced

And now it's time

Work hard kids

There is no time to waste.

You need to collect all the mushrooms.

But look carefully

Don't take fly agarics!

A team game is being played "Who is faster"

Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team player takes turns running to the clearing. On which "grow" edible mushrooms and fly agarics. The player's task is to take an edible mushroom, put it in the basket and, returning back, pass the basket to the next player.

Dwarf: You are funny, friends!

I was convinced of this.

Now I'll call my friends (folds hands, shouts)

-“Ant, ant!”

Dance "Ants"

LEADER: We worked hard, played,

danced with the music.

Everything is ready, just now

something Autumn is not coming.

Maybe in the rain I caught a cold?

Or got lost somewhere?

Let's call her.

NAME AUTUMN(Autumn is not included)

Dwarf: Let's help Autumn will find us, let's lay out a path from autumn leaves

(children lay out a path to the music

At the end of the music he comes in Autumn)

AUTUMN - Hello everyone, my friends, here I come.

You're tired of waiting, I see you're waiting for me?

I come to you at harvest time

And I call myself Autumn is golden

AUTUMN- I brought with me the ringing raindrops

They wash the streets and paths in the forest.

So that there is not a single speck of dust around,

Good rains will wash all the streets.

Song "Prickly Rain"

Autumn: Hey, Tuchka autumn, hurry up and run here.

Bring it to us for the holiday autumn rains.

TUCHKA comes running - I'm a cloud autumn, blue-blue,

It may be small, but very strong!

If only I want -

I'll wet you all with rain!

Music sounds, Cloud runs near the guys and “splashes”

their plume of rain.

AUTUMN - Cloud, Cloud, wait,

don't rush to rain

Better stand with us, smile and pull yourself up.

you and I will spin, dance and have fun

8. The cloud has darkened, frowns and is angry,

Our group I'm not afraid of the rain at all!

9. Cold rain pours in the evening and during the day,

Wet trees under my window.

10. The first raindrops are falling on the roofs,

The rain came harder, and then became quieter.

11. Early in the morning the birds no longer sing,

Rain drops like tears flowing down the glass.

12. I wet all the streets and paths in the garden...

We are not afraid of rain, because we have boots.

13. And there is also an umbrella, the raincoat does not get wet,

A person is not sugar, he doesn’t melt in the rain!

14 Reb: We are not at all afraid to run in the rain,

If it rains heavily, we'll take umbrellas

Dance "Guilty Cloud" _

Presenter: The cloud shed tears and scattered puddles everywhere!

(spread the puddles)

A game "Jump over the puddles"

15 Reb: Rain, rain, you are long,

You are from heaven to earth.

Rain, rain, more and more,

So that mushrooms grow in the forest

Song "How mushrooms grow"

16 Reb: A warm ray caresses the cheeks,

Invites us to the forest,

There, under the tree, in the shade

A little fungus has grown!

Ved: Hey, funny honey mushrooms -

Put your hats on!

You sit under the stumps,

Look in all directions.

Don't be afraid, everyone get up,

Let's dance together!

"Mushroom Dance"- (We went into the forest for a walk with baskets.)

Autumn. - I see you, the children notice me,

Celebrate a bright and cheerful holiday,

For this I thank you all

And I’ll give you all my surprise.

Now close your eyes and I'll count.

(At this time, adults bring "magic" umbrella

Autumn: I love all of you, children, and thank you from the bottom of my heart...

And the umbrella is mine... it’s magical, guys,

He in autumn can work wonders!

Gifts expect autumn soon

Close your eyes honestly and tightly! (a surprise moment is being prepared)

Now help, open your eyes,

Gifts from Autumn you get!

He opens an umbrella - there are candies hanging there or a basket of fruit.

Autumn distributes treats.


Well, now it’s time to say goodbye, because I have a lot to do!

I wish you all health, goodbye, friends!

Photo for memory, everyone leaves.

Autumn matinee

middle group

Children enter the hall to the music and stand on large squares.

Leading: Multi-colored paints worked for a long time,
Nature came out beautiful like in a fairy tale!
All colorful - what a beauty!
Look at the colors!
We ask you to guess the riddle,
Who is this artist?
Children: Autumn!
Child: Autumn paints gold
Groves and forests,
Farewells are heard
Bird voices.
Child: Scarlet and yellow
The wind tears the leaves,
Spinning, spinning in the air
Motley round dance.
Child : The sun is just coming out,
He will hide again.
Long red summer -
We will remember.
Child: The trees are all on an autumn day
So beautiful!
Now we'll sing a song,
About golden leaves.


Leading: Oh, guys, hush, hush!
I hear something strange.
Someone is rushing here to us,
And it seems to make noise.

An old forest man enters

I'm an old forest man,
There is a patch of grass in his beard.
I walk around with a stick
I guard both the forest and the meadow,
And trees and flowers,
And also berries and mushrooms.
I didn't get ready for long,
Games, jokes, all added up,
And into the treasured knapsack
I put them as gifts.
Here's the first riddle
Guess, kids
What am I going to get now?
From the goodness brought?

He takes out vegetables and asks riddles.

In golden husks,
I really like him.
It's worth peeling off the husks,
I'll start shedding tears. (Onion).

Round, rosy,
Juicy and sweet
Very fragrant,
Bulk, smooth,
Heavy, big,
What it is? (Apple).

Round, crumbly, white,
She came to the table from the fields.
Salt it a little,
After all, it’s really delicious... (Potato).

There is a yellow ball in the garden,
But he doesn't run at a gallop,
He's like the full moon
The seeds in it are delicious.

Beautiful maiden
Sitting in prison
And the braid is on the street.

Game "Who can collect the cones faster"

Leading: What a fine fellow you are, old forest man! Which good game you came up with it for the kids! Just tell me, where is autumn?
Lesovichok: Oh, I completely forgot! I got so played! So she should come here any minute!
Leading: Okay, forest boy, he calmed me down. Let's wait for the arrival of autumn and read poems about it!


1 child:
Autumn is outside the window again,
The rain is falling like peas,
The leaves are falling, rustling,
How beautiful autumn is!

2nd child:
The leaves are embroidered with gold,
The paths are washed by the rain,
Mushrooms in bright caps,
You give us everything, Autumn!

3 child:
Every leaf is golden -
Little sun -
I'll put it in a basket,
I'll put it on the bottom.

4th child:
I take care of the leaves
Autumn continues!
Long, long time for me
The holiday doesn't end!

5 child:
Autumn along the path
Walking with the rain
Maples and mountain ash
Quietly undresses.

6 child.
Summer flew away quickly
migratory bird into the distance.
Autumn has spread wonderfully
A fading shawl.

7 child.
Instantly captivated the eyes
Fire with its foliage,
A spikelet ripened in the field,
Yellowed grass.

8 child.
Gifted to the guest - autumn
Fruit harvests,
drizzling rains,
A body of forest mushrooms.

9 child .
So let's praise autumn
Songs, dances and games.
The meetings will be joyful.
Autumn, this is your holiday!

10 child.
A yellow leaf is spinning,
Gets tangled in branches.
A blue patch of sky -
Lost in the clouds.

Late gray dawn
In the field above the barn
Worried - no, no -
The cry of a crane.

11 child.
The birdhouse is empty,
The birds have flown away
Leaves on the trees
I can't sit either.
All day today
Everyone is flying, flying...
Apparently, also to Africa
They want to fly away.

Lesovichok: Hush, hush, don't make noise!
Stop the noise and din!
Someone is knocking on our door!

Autumn is coming.

Leading: And here comes the beautiful autumn to visit us!

Autumn: You are talking about me, and here I am,
Hello autumn friends!
We haven't seen each other for a whole year!
After summer it’s my turn!
Are you excited to meet me?

Leading: Hello, dear autumn! And we've already been waiting for you! Welcome!
Autumn: I'm very glad that you were waiting for me!
Leading: We were not only waiting for you, but also preparing for your arrival! We have prepared songs and poems for you! And now we’ll sing you a song!


Autumn : What a wonderful song you know!

Scatters leaves while talking

Autumn: Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Leaves are flying in the wind,
Maple, birch, oak...

Game “Collect leaves” (maple leaves are red, birch leaves are yellow, oak leaves are green)

Lesovichok: Oh trouble, trouble, trouble,
There are puddles and water everywhere!
The river ran
Near the porch
Children go home from the street
A torrential rain poured down.
Knocked on the roof
Rain, rain, be quiet!


Autumn: You guys have fun
I am very glad to meet you!
The songs and games are good
I treat you with all my heart!

Treats the guys.

Leading: Thank you, Autumn, and you, old forest man! Come visit us next year!

Autumn and the woodsman are leaving.

Leading: We are happy, we are having fun,
At your holiday.
Let the children smile
On a clear autumn day!

Scenario for the holiday “Hello, golden autumn!

Prepared by the teacher:

N.S. Lesnikova

With. Bolshaya Polyana 2012