Theme garden and vegetable garden middle group. Abstract of the educational activity "Let's plant a vegetable garden"

Summary of OUD in middle group according to OZOM

Subject:"In the garden, in the vegetable garden"

Target : expand and clarify knowledge about fruits and vegetables.

Tasks :

Educational :

continue to practice children in identifying vegetables according to their appearance, in the ability to name them;

continue to formulate ideas about the work of vegetable growers and gardeners;

consolidate and clarify knowledge about the use of fruits and vegetables.


develop verbal communication skills, enrich your vocabulary with the words “vegetable growers”, “gardeners”, “plantation”.

Educational :

to instill in children a caring attitude towards fruits and vegetables, a desire to help adults.

Vocabulary work : plantation, gardeners, vegetable growers.

To make a big difference: orange, lemon, apple – Alma, pear – Almurt, banana

potatoes - kartop, cabbage - kyrykkybat, carrots - sabiz, beets - kyzylsha, orurets - kiyar, onions - piyaz, tomato - kyzanak.

- Guys, let's start the lesson as usual, by greeting each other. (Children stand in a circle, say greetings and perform the appropriate movements)

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

We will open for you -

Both palms and hearts!

Let there be warmth in the world!

Let people smile!

Let the world be without end!

– For a good mood, give each other smiles along with a smile.

Classification of vegetables and fruits.

Children, what time of year is it now? How can autumn be called differently? It is true that this is a generous time of year. Why do we call it that? (...) Autumn came to our group and left her gifts. Let's see what she put in our basket.

The teacher makes a wishpuzzles :

Sweet, orange.
It grows, crunches, smells.
Good for the body.
Vegetable. (carrot)

Green, rough

It grows, it smells, it crunches

It is salted for the winter

Vegetable. (cucumber)

Well done! You guessed it. How can you call them in one word? (vegetables)

What other vegetables do you know? (pumpkin, tomato, pepper, turnip, beet, onion, potato, etc.)

Didactic game “What do we know about vegetables?”

Where are vegetables grown? (on vegetable gardens , at the dachas)

And the guys also grow vegetables on state farms. Do you know the name of the areas where a large crop of vegetables is grown? They are called plantations. What do you think people who grow vegetables are called? (vegetable growers)

And now I want to teach you how to play new game, it's called “Name a vegetable” . Let's stand in a circle and take hold of hands :

"We have garden, cabbage grows in it, this width, this dinner, this height, this low. Garden , garden, what else grows there? (carrots, potatoes, beets, etc.) »

The teacher makes riddles about fruits.

Round, rosy,

It grows, matures, turns red.

Rich in vitamins

Fruit. Apple


Orange, rough

Grows, matures, ripens

Adults and children love him


What fruits do you know? (cherries, pears, oranges, pomegranate and others)

What are the names of the trees on which fruit grows? (Trees that bear fruit are called fruit trees.)

Name the place where fruit trees grow? (The place where fruit trees grow is called a garden.)

What is the name of the garden: where the apple trees grow - apple garden; pears - pear; plums - plum; grapes - grape. And let's call all these gardens in one word - fruit gardens.

What do people who grow fruits and berries call? (Gardeners)

Game "Fruits and vegetables". Children divide the fruits into two baskets, fruits and vegetables.

Guys, remember the rule about what kind of water you should wash fruits and vegetables with? (Vegetables and fruits should be washed in hot water; be sure to wash in hot water).

– That’s right guys, vegetables and fruits need to be washed in hot and running water. Why do you need to follow this rule? (So ​​as not to get sick; so as not to have stomach ache; to be healthy; to take care of your health).

Conversation.- Guys, tell us what dishes can be prepared from vegetables and fruits. (You can make vegetable soup, salads, slices from vegetables. You can make fruit salad from fruits. Salt cucumbers and tomatoes. Make compote from fruits and make jam.


Guys, tell me, what did we do today?

What new have you learned?

What did you like most?

When the phrase “kindergarten” is heard, each person immediately recalls his own memories associated with teachers, kindergarten friends, and holidays. And indeed, as soon as a child begins to attend a preschool educational institution, his life changes dramatically. And how successful and inquisitive each child will be largely depends on the teachers and their interest in the development of children. Now, as part of the child development program, educators are offered the creation of something called a “garden on the window in a preschool educational institution.”

Why do you need a “window garden”?

Purpose of this project is the upbringing of children, the development of cognitive interests, as well as the formation of aesthetic feelings of preschoolers. Of course, to achieve the goal, you need to move from simple to more complex, based on the age capabilities of the children.

The most optimal ones for the implementation of this project are:

  • middle group (4-5 years);
  • senior group(5-6 years);
  • preparatory group (6-7 years old).

Basic project requirements

To create a project “Vegetable garden on a window in the garden”, the main requirement of which is the safety of children, you must remember the following:

  • the dimensions of the created mini-beds should not exceed the size of the window sill;
  • the vegetable garden on the window should be located in an area safe for children;
  • The use of fertilizers in kindergarten is prohibited.

The following requirements can be considered more like recommendations for creating a vegetable garden on a window:

  1. Sufficient lighting. It is best to place the garden on a window on the sunny side. If there is no such window, then you need to create additional lighting.
  2. For comfortable plant growth, a temperature of at least + 17 degrees is required.
  3. The soil. Based on the fact that fertilizers cannot be used in kindergarten, it would be best to buy ready-made soil in specialized gardening stores.

Compliance with all these requirements will help in creating a safe and fruitful vegetable garden on the window.

How to create a vegetable garden for children 4-5 years old?

The age capabilities of children are not yet very great, and here, of course, the main activity lies with the teacher. The middle group can design a vegetable garden on the window in the most primitive way - these are wooden boxes the size of the window sill, painted in bright colors to attract children's attention. It is best to use no more than two beds at this age, because children are just beginning to learn to compare several objects. The seeds you need to choose for planting are large (onions, peas, beans), fine motor skills are poorly developed at this age, and children simply will not be able to sow cucumber or dill seeds, which means they will not receive positive emotions.

A vegetable garden on a window in a kindergarten, the design of which is a creative and aesthetic process, involves involving children in this work. For example, they can paint the sun, which will warm their beds.

Vegetable garden on the window for children 5-6 years old

This age category differs from the previous one in that children already have accumulated experience in creating a vegetable garden and have formed the basics of caring for it. The older group can create a garden on the window with a more diverse type of crops; there may be onions, beans, peas familiar to children, and new vegetable crops, such as indoor cucumbers. Growing will require more attention from children; in addition to the familiar watering, you will need to properly loosen the soil around the shoots, make and correctly place a net for weaving cucumbers around the window.

Some of the responsibilities for caring for the garden on the window are transferred from the teacher to the children - for example, monitoring the temperature and lighting. Vegetable garden on the window, the design of which partially falls on the shoulders of the pupils kindergarten, will bring children a lot of new impressions and incredible discoveries for their age.

Vegetable garden on the window for children 6-7 years old

The preparatory group is already creating a vegetable garden on the window according to all the rules for conducting gardening activities. Children aged 6-7 years can already be entrusted with a lot; the teacher here is entrusted with control over the process. Children can sow seeds on their own, water the garden according to their duty schedule, and keep an observation calendar. Here the teacher needs to divide the team into groups and assign a certain area of ​​the garden to each group. This is necessary so that children not only learn how to care for plants, but also gain experience communicating with each other in order to transfer information based on the experience they have accumulated. Every child should be included in the “Vegetable garden on the window in kindergarten” project. The decoration is also the responsibility of the children.

Children's imagination and fantasy help solve this problem. Here you can already make a fence out of cardboard, put a scarecrow in the center of the garden, make bees out of colored paper and attach them to a net for weaving cucumbers... In general, the brighter and more diverse the garden is, the more information your students will be able to learn.

“Vegetable garden on the window” - its role in the educational process

It's no secret that the creation of any project in kindergarten should contribute to the educational process. A vegetable garden on a window is no exception. When this project is used correctly, children not only learn how to care for it, but also expand their vocabulary with the help of:

  • learning new words (watering can, plant, loosen, seeds);
  • using rhymes, sayings, riddles about the crops grown.

This has a positive effect on speech development.

You can also use a vegetable garden in math classes. For example, offer children preparatory group the following task: “We planted 10 bulbs, 8 of them sprouted and gave a green feather. How many bulbs have not sprouted? A child who cannot do the subtraction in his head can go to the onion bed and do the calculation.

In addition, Cipollino or Senor Pomodoro can come to any of your classes and ask the guys to help solve this or that problem. After all, it is game uniform education is the main thing in the preschool educational institution.

The observation diary “Vegetable garden on the window in kindergarten” (design) instills in children a sense of responsibility for completing assigned tasks. It also broadens their horizons, they become familiar with such concepts as clear weather, cloudy, rainy, temperature conditions.

Vegetable garden on the window as the founder of a child’s research activity

Every child who takes part in a creative project, without realizing it, becomes a little explorer. At first he is curious about the process of seed germination and the appearance of a shoot. Then, with the help of the teacher, the task becomes more complicated, the child begins to look for answers to the following questions:

  • Why does one plant have a bright green color, while another is pale, sometimes even yellow?
  • Why, while watering the plants at different intervals, did we notice that one of them had dried out?

Undoubtedly, in order to answer these questions correctly, we need to teach children to observe. And in order not to forget your observations, you need to write them down somewhere. Here, their assistant will be the observation diary “Vegetable Garden on the Window in Kindergarten”, the design of which will first be carried out by the teacher, and then by the pupils themselves.

Children who are engaged in research activities from the very beginning early age, become good analysts. They have well-developed thinking with the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.

The role of parents in the “Garden on the Window” project

Of course, everyone shares their impressions with their parents, regardless of whether they are good or bad. The main thing here for parents is to show interest, help the teacher-educator and their child in creating creative project“Vegetable garden on the window in a kindergarten”, the design of which requires:

  • understanding of ongoing processes;
  • fresh artistic views;
  • opportunities to share your experience.

If children see their parents' involvement in their kindergarten problems, they will never become withdrawn people.

Bottom line

It would seem that the “Garden on the Window” project is a simple project, but it allows you to solve so many problems of the educational process at once. Experiment, set new goals, and your seeds will definitely give you wonderful shoots.

Experimental activities in kindergarten. Middle group

Abstract of the educational activity "Let's plant a vegetable garden." Experimental activities in the middle group.

Kolomytseva Raisa Vladimirovna teacher of MBDOU "Rainbow" senior Tatsinskaya Rostov region.
Purpose of work: this summary is intended for preschool teachers, teachers primary classes, additional education teachers
Target: Formation of knowledge about vegetables.
- Learn to distinguish vegetables by their characteristic features
- Develop memory, examination actions.
- Create a feeling of emotional comfort.
- To develop the ability to engage in experimental activities
- Develop the ability to properly plant a seed in the ground and care for it.
- Foster respect for plants and love for nature.
Dictionary enrichment: Seed, plant, loosen, water, care.
Materials for the lesson: An indoor pot with soil, a scoop, a watering can with water, a packet of seeds.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Introductory conversation with children about the time of year and the autumn harvest.
- What season? (autumn)
- By what signs did you guess that autumn had come? (children list)
2.Surprise moment:
There is a knock on the door, the doll Masha comes in and brings a beautiful bag.
The game is being played Wonderful pouch»
The Masha doll invites those who wish to guess by touch what lies there.
3. Didactic game “Wonderful bag”
Children examine and pull out vegetables.
- I grow in the ground in a garden bed,
Red, long, sweet.

What's that squeak? What's that crunch?
What kind of bush is this?
How can there be no crunch?
If I...

And green and thick
A bush grew in the garden bed.
Do some digging:
Under the bush...

Before we ate it,
Everyone had time to cry.
Green at the top
Red below
It has grown into the ground.

Little, bitter brother of Luke.

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large,
They're so round.
They turn green in summer.
By autumn they turn red.

Lying between the beds
Green and sweet.

The garden bed is long and green,
And in the tub it’s yellow and salty.

5.Didactic game “Test the taste.” Vegetables are cut into pieces, a child is called, blindfolded and allowed to taste the vegetable. You need to determine which vegetable you got by its taste.
6.Didactic game “Tops - Roots” Children choose what grows in the ground and what on the surface.
Focus on the cucumber.
Green piglets grew up in our garden bed, sideways towards the sun, their tails are crocheted. Our piglets play hide and seek with us. (Cucumbers)
- What color is the cucumber? (green)
- What surface? (with pimples)
- What are the benefits of cucumber?

Cucumber contains a lot of vitamins that are beneficial to our body. It also has healing properties - cucumber juice is useful for skin diseases and has an antipyretic effect. Your mothers make salads and put them in jars; in winter you enjoy tasting cucumber from a jar.

Where does the cucumber grow? (in the garden)
- Can you grow it in the garden now and why? (because it's cold and he'll freeze)
- Let's plant it in a group on the windowsill and try to grow a cucumber.
7. Practical part.
- And now we’ll show Masha how to plant cucumbers.
- What do you need for landing? (seed, soil, water and flower pot)

- We poured soil into the pot in advance and kneaded it so that there were no lumps.
Let's take a seed and plant it in the ground, and then water it with water.
Let's put the pot on the window and watch what happens to our seed.
Our observations.
After some time, a sprout with two leaves appeared.

Then larger leaves appeared. The leaf is shaggy and soft to the touch. We water it all the time room temperature, we carry out loosening. Children enjoy caring for the little sprout.

Our stem is growing and more leaves have appeared

Small cucumber embryos and flowers appeared near the leaf.

We set up a ladder, with the help of its mustache the cucumber clings to it and climbs up.
Cucumber vines –
Bananas don't grow on them
Just a green cucumber
Clever, sweet daredevil!
Cucumber tightrope walker
It's important to walk along the ropes.
Higher, higher, closer to the sun,
The mustache-spring curls tenaciously...
Drinks dew at early dawn,
On a hot day, rain is more welcome!
I was saturated with warm light,
Blown by the clean wind,
The arrow became round-sided,
With a resounding crunch it is ripe!
Here are our flowers.
And here are the cucumbers.
Here are the green youths -
Young cucumbers!
One two three four five -
It’s impossible to count them all at once!
Strong, slender fellow,
Thin-skinned cucumber
Both salty and in sour cream -
Wonderful creator of taste!

The cucumber grew and grew and grew.

We picked it and washed it.

We cut it into circles and treated it to all the children.
The children did a great job and grew a magnificent harvest!

- I am a green cucumber,
Vitamin swashbuckler!
In the summer I ripen in the garden,
And in winter - in the greenhouse.
Everyone wants to be my friend
After all, they eat me with everything:
In a sandwich and with potatoes,
And in the salad - with a fork, spoon,
At breakfast, at dinner, and at lunch...
There is nothing more useful!

Software tasks: 1. Strengthen the ability to correctly name vegetables and fruits. 2. Clarify the idea of ​​the general concept of vegetables and fruits. 3. Develop the ability to examine an object, highlight some of its properties and qualities. 4. Continue to teach children to listen to the sound of words, to distinguish individual sounds in words. 5. Develop the ability to listen to each other.

Material: toy Kopatych, a basket with dummies of vegetables and fruits, a bag of vegetables and fruits, cut-out pictures, a saucer with pieces of fruit, spoons according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson.
Children are included in the group. There is a knock on the door.
Educator:- Oh, guys, someone came to visit us (the door opens, there is the little bear Kopatych).
Kopatych:- Hello guys! (children say hello). As promised, I came to visit you. I have reaped a large harvest, but I just can’t figure it out. Where is what? I came to you for help. Help me.
Educator:- Guys, can we help Kopatych? (Yes)
Kopatych: – I brought you my harvest.
Educator: - Guys, let's see what Kopatych has in his basket.
Children come to the table (pour all the contents onto a tray).

Educator: - There’s so much here. Let's put the vegetables and fruits on plates (plates with signals are offered).
Kopatych: – Take one item at a time and place it on the plate that you think is correct. Children lay out vegetables and fruits.
- Look, children, what we will put on this plate. Why? How can we call it in one word? What about the other?
Educator: - Here, Kopatych, look at these plates and remember! Let's list what was put on the plates.

Also an interesting lesson on cognitive development:

II. Our guest is tired from the road, let's go to the chairs, play with Kopatych and tell him something interesting.
Educator: – The game is called “Guess the Vegetables.” Let's show the little bear that you and I can guess vegetables by touch. I'll put some vegetables in the basket, and you eyes closed take out and name the vegetable and show it to the guys, then tell everything you know about it (there are 4 vegetables in the basket). The guys make up short stories about vegetables.
Educator: – And you, Kopatych, remember everything?

Now let's play a game “We have a vegetable garden!”(physical pause)
We have a vegetable garden
There are carrots growing there
Such a height
Such lowlands
This is the width
These are the dinners
You're a carrot, hurry up
Dance with us.

III. Now let’s go to the clearing together with Kopatych, we will collect magic pictures (children sit on the carpet, collect pictures of fruits and vegetables, cut into pieces).
Educator: – Look, Kopatych, what the guys did! What can you cook from vegetables and fruits?
Kopatych: - Well done boys! You know everything so well! And now I have prepared delicious riddles for you. Let's see if you can handle it?
The children go to the table. (Pieces of fruits and vegetables are hidden under the napkin).

– You will close your eyes and guess by taste what kind of fruit you ate? (One child is blindfolded and allowed to try). What do you eat? What does it taste like?
Educator: - Well, Kopatych, did the guys solve your riddles?
Kopatych: — Your guys know fruits wonderfully! I am very glad that I turned to you for help. And I have gifts for you.
Kopatych gives the children coloring books and says goodbye to them.

Title: Direct summary educational activities on cognitive development in the middle group “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, development of ideas about the world around us and about ourselves, Middle group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU No. 17 “Rucheyok”
Location: Arkhangelsk region, city of Severodvinsk

Long term project

in the middle group

Topic: “Miracle garden”

Project type: educational - practical.

Project participants: educators - children - parents.

Project duration: 6 months (from March to August 2013)

Relevance of the project topic: Familiarization with the growth and development of plants can be done in the winter-spring period by growing various crops from seeds and bulbs indoors, using a vegetable garden on the window. By observing him, the child enriches his sensory experience, on which his further creativity is based. The more deeply a child learns about the mysteries of the world around him, the more questions he has. The main task of an adult is to help the child independently find answers to these questions.

Objective of the project: expand children’s understanding of plants as living organisms, and the conditions necessary for their growth and development. Enrich children's knowledge about the world around them through observations and experimental activities. Develop an ethical sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the plants grown and the results of one’s work.

Integration educational areas: cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, work, reading fiction, music.

Software tasks:

  1. Cognition: create conditions for the development of cognitive and creativity children, develop visual attention, memory, perception, thinking. To form children’s ideas about plants, vegetables and fruits, sensory standards.
  2. teach to take care of nature. Consolidate new knowledge based on life experience.
  3. enrich children’s vocabulary, develop speech, intensify the use of adjectives and verbs in children’s speech; develop the ability to work together and enjoy collaboration. 4. Artistic creativity: continue to develop fine motor skills hands, pencil and brush skills, various techniques sculpting; fix the primary colors (drawing, modeling). Learn to use previously acquired knowledge and skills in creative activities.
  4. cultivate hard work, a desire to help adults, teach children to care for plants.
  5. introduce works of art related to the garden, vegetables and fruits.
  6. introduce musical works related to the theme of the project (round dance games, songs), develop emotional responsiveness, singing skills, and musical abilities.

Project idea: create a vegetable garden on the windowsill in the kindergarten group, get a harvest of herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers grown with the participation of preschoolers, make the project a co-creation of the teacher, children and parents.

Basic operating principles.

The principle of conformity with nature provides for the organization of the pedagogical process in accordance with the laws of nature, its rhythms, and cycles.

The principle of problematization is to create conditions for posing and solving problems, introducing human culture into the world through its open problems by increasing the activity and initiative of the child in solving them.

The principle of relying on leading activity is realized in the organic connection of play with other specifically children’s activities (visual, constructive, musical, theatrical, etc.) that interact and enrich each other.

The principle of cooperation and co-creation presupposes the unity of an adult and a child as equal partners, provides the opportunity for self-development of each, dialogical interaction, and the predominance of empathy in interpersonal relationships.

The principle of local history is implemented through maximum inclusion in educational process culture of Mordovia.

Accounting principle age characteristics allows you to consider various problems at an accessible level, and then return to previously studied material at a new, higher level.

The principle of developing a child’s personal qualities is aimed at developing a positive, respectful attitude towards the native land, its inhabitants, and work.

Expected results in the process of interaction between teachers - children - parents:


Consolidating and expanding children's knowledge about native land and cultivated garden plants of Mordovia, the formation on this basis of a spiritual, environmental, moral and personal attitude to reality.

Experimentally find out how the fruit appears from the seeds.

Formation of comprehensive knowledge about plants, vegetables and fruits.

Increasing speech competence:

Compare vegetables and fruits according to several criteria.

Answer questions and draw simple conclusions.

Development of cognitive and creative abilities.


Enriching parental experience with techniques of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family.


Increasing pedagogical competence in in this direction, searching for ways to implement tasks. Implementation of new methods of working with children in practice.

Preliminary work.

Introductory consultation for parents regarding the purpose of the project.

Purchase of seeds, containers, land.

Collection of seeds.

An exhibition of books with Russian and Mordovian folk tales, poems, stories about plants, vegetables and fruits, organized with the help of parents.

Selection of methodological, reference, and fiction literature on the subject of the project.

Looking at illustrations, pictures, postcards.

Coloring pictures “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.

Reading fiction (Russian folk tale “Turnip”, poem by S.V. Mikhalkov “Vegetables”, fairy tale by S. Marshak “Chipollino”, etc.)

The practical part of the project.

Conversation “What is a vegetable garden and what grows in it”

Experiments “Observation of the growth of onions and oats”

Experiments: “Let’s find out: what kind of land”, “Water and plants”, “Sun and plants”,

Creative activity: game - dramatization in Russian folk tale“Turnip”, learning nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, songs, etc.

Experimental plan.

Conversation: “Let’s find out what kind of land it is.”

Purpose: Reveal the properties of the earth (has weight, black color, free-flowing)

Materials, equipment: soil in a container.

Conversation: “Water and plants.”

Goal: Find out how much water is needed for plants.

Materials, equipment: 2 containers with soil and plant sprouts. (one seedling is watered, the other is not).

Conversation: “The sun and plants.”

Goal: Determine the role of sunlight in plant life.

Materials, equipment: 2 containers with soil and plant sprouts. (one seedling receives sunlight, the other is covered with a box).

Conversation: “Man and plant.”

Goal: Find out how much the plant needs care.

Materials, equipment: 2 containers with soil and plant seedlings (one plant receives care, the other does not).

Plan for working with children and parents to implement the “Miracle Garden” project.



Involve parents in the implementation of the Miracle Garden project.


Expand children's horizons.


Foster hard work; develop children's creativity.



Teach children to notice the changes that occur in germinating bulbs and grains.


Introduce folklore

works related to the garden, vegetables and fruits.

teacher, music director

Foster a desire to be creative on your own.


Develop experimental experimental activities


Introduce children to the works of S.V. Mikhalkov, S. Marshak, recall the content of the fairy tale “Turnip”.


Learn to care for plants.


Develop ingenuity, memory, attention.


To form children's understanding of vegetables and fruits.


Learn to use previously acquired skills while sculpting.


Develop children's acting abilities.


Learn to provide all possible assistance to adults.


16. Harvesting cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes for the preschool cafeteria.

Cultivate a desire to help adults.


Summarize the work done.


The following results were obtained from the implementation of the “Miracle Garden” project:

The children got acquainted with wild and cultivated plants.

Children develop an interest in experimental and research activities on growing cultivated plants indoors.

As a result of practical and experimental activities, children received the necessary conditions for plant growth.

The children saw the variety of seeding material.

The children began to treat the plant world more carefully.

The group created a vegetable garden on the window.

Children have become more respectful of work.

Observations of plants were recorded in an observation diary.

Parents took an active part in the Miracle Garden project.

The final part of the project:

- Harvesting.

Exhibition of children's drawings and crafts made from plasticine.

Presentation of the photo album “Miracle Garden”.


Everything good in people - from childhood! How to awaken the origins of goodness? Touch nature with all your heart: Be surprised, find out, love! We want the earth to bloom And the little ones grew like flowers, So that for them ecology becomes Not science, but part of the soul!