Tests for boys and men. Cool questions for the bride and groom: do the newlyweds know each other well? Test for men to determine his behavior

Do you know women? "What a question!" - almost every man will exclaim. And this is natural. But what's stopping you from checking your own self-esteem? Especially alone with yourself. Read the questions carefully and choose the answers that are closest to your views.

What kind of husband are you?

Husbands are not born. Learning to love and care for those around you is a lot of work. Answer the test questions and you will find out whether you are really capable of taking responsibility and acting as the head of the family. From the proposed answers, choose the one that suits you.

How attractive are you to women?

To you, dear men Several questions are proposed to which you only have to answer “Yes” or “No”. This test will help you determine how attractive women find you.

What type of woman suits you best?

This test offers you a number of life situations and several options for solving them. You are required to choose only the option that suits you best.

Inferiority complex

Historically, a woman expects strength, will, courage and determination from a man in a variety of life manifestations. She doesn’t mind a man at home being soft, gentle, and dependent. But in harsh everyday life, in public, in important, difficult periods of life, she wants to see a knight, a protector, a reliable strong wall next to her. And if a man, in any case, is neither fish nor fowl and acts as if under anesthesia, the woman cannot stand it and throws him offensive words. However, it is possible that women have not given you such “compliments”, but at the same time, your masculine courage and determination are a big question. Let's use the test to remove the questions and dot the i's.

Can you be irresistible?

Psychologists believe that it is enough to talk with a person for one and a half minutes to create a stable opinion about him. Are you able to charm your interlocutor during this time? Determine this using the proposed test.

Who are you really: a man or a boy?

We are all children at heart, but women admit this more readily than men. Who are you really: a grown man or a little boy? Answer the test questions and find out the answer to this question.

Tests for guys and men

Test passed: 7,168 times

Are you and your significant other suitable for each other? How much of a family is this to you? The family compatibility test will help answer your questions.

Test passed: 11,479 times

All football fans think to themselves that they know all the rules and can confidently tell any referee to go to hell. Is it so? Test your knowledge of football rules! The head referee conducts a test to test his knowledge of some of the nuances of football rules.

Test passed: 2,485 times

We hope you know that all people are different, and precisely for this reason, every single one of them is wonderful. Maybe you also know what you are like? This is by no means an idle question. It depends on who we are, what kind of people we like best, and with whom it is easiest for us to build relationships. After all, our habits and outlook on life, like our appearance, help win sympathy. So quickly answer the questions of our test, and you will find out whether you are a gentleman, or perhaps a “cowboy” or even an “artist”...

Test passed: 45,146 times

This test allows you to understand how familiar you are with the world of football, not only from the perspective of spending time watching TV, but also from your in-depth knowledge. The test questions start with the simplest ones, which every man, even those who are not interested in football, must answer. Next, you should strain your memory a little or think about it, as the questions become more complicated. At the end of the test there are questions for sophisticated football fans. But everyone needs to go through it in order to understand their level of passion for this sport, and not necessarily men. You can, for example, find out whether your wife is also watching this sport with you enthusiastically or is just killing time waiting for the end of the match and the start of the series.

Test passed: 3,326 times

Guys your age often act like they don't care what members of the opposite sex think about them. But this is not at all true! And if you liked one of their number, then you are just terribly curious whether she likes you? And since fortune telling using coffee grounds is not in fashion today, we suggest answering the questions in the following test.

Test passed: 2,265 times

If you are a Man, a strong part of this planet, and for you visiting stores becomes torment, and even more so in the perfume department, choose your scent using a simple test. “Well, I don’t understand these smells!” - you will exclaim in your hearts. No wonder, even the most sensitive nose cannot distinguish more than three aromas in a row. In addition, men are more thorough in their choice than spontaneous women. They need to know exactly whether the new cologne will suit his style and how it will affect his image. In order not to suffer for a long time, you can try to make a choice by answering simple questions this test.

Test passed: 1,185 times

Test passed: 8,375 times

You think that your life is your fortress, that you put combination locks wherever you could and wanted, protected yourself from problems and made your personality and personal life impenetrable. And yet, danger can come from where you didn’t expect it. Check with the following test how vulnerable you are.

Anna Lyubimova July 30, 2018, 10:29 pm

Before the wedding, young people already know each other. They know the character traits of their spouse, taste preferences, and literary preferences. However, it is impossible to know every detail down to the smallest detail.

How impeccably the young man knows the betrothed, and the young man’s bride, will help determine tricky questions for the newlyweds to know each other. They form the basis of various wedding competitions; they are used during the ransom of the bride or for her liberation, when, according to ancient tradition, young wife is stolen during the festive banquet.

List of questions and quiz

A quiz for newlyweds at a wedding is interesting not only to the heroes of the occasion, who will eventually get to know the chosen one even better, but also to the guests, for whom it will be entertainment.

The test for a husband and wife, as far as they know each other, consists of both serious and funny questions. Everyone who came to congratulate the spouses will listen to the answers with interest. Guests are happy laugh at the most funny ones of them.

Photo of the bride answering a question asked by guests at the wedding

Here's what can be set

  1. During a fire, what would your spouse rescue first?
  2. What was the most absurd act of your loved one?
  3. Which of the life actions of your spouse is the craziest for her/him?
  4. Name the most romantic act of a husband/wife.
  5. What's the most unexpected place you've kissed?
  6. Which of your lover's habits annoys you the most?
  7. What part of the bride/groom's body do you love the most?
  8. Where would you prefer to go on your honeymoon if you could choose any corner of the planet?
  9. Which artist would play the role of a young person in a film dedicated to her/him?
  10. How many children does your spouse want to have?
  11. Would you trust your significant other to choose your wedding dress?
  12. Do you remember the exact date of your first date and the moment your relationship began?
  13. What delicacy does the bride/groom like most?
  14. Who is the boss in your union?
  15. What affectionate nickname young calls young?
  16. What do you prefer: a solitary pastime or a date with him/her in the company of friends?
  17. Which song does your spouse like more than the others?
  18. What season does your husband/wife like?
  19. What specific words did the young man say when proposing marriage?
  20. Under what circumstances did you meet?

To have a lot of fun and “get to know” your newly-made husband and wife even closer, you can conduct the “He and She” quiz. Young and young people take part in it, and the guests will be spectators

You will need to prepare two signs, one of which will read “He”, and on the other “She”" The host will read out the questions, and the bride and groom will answer them by holding up the correct card. Guests will watch the game and learn facts about the new family.

Photos of wedding signs with the inscriptions Mr. and Mrs.

You can prepare the following questions for the competition with the “He and She” or Mr. signs. and Mrs.:

  1. Which one of you two will throw out the trash?
  2. Who was more worried and worried at the first rendezvous?
  3. Who sings in the bath?
  4. Who never turns off the light?
  5. Who initiated the first kiss?
  6. Who doesn't arrive on time more often?
  7. Who constantly pulls the blanket in their direction?
  8. Who will decide on spending wedding money?
  9. Who says where to take a weekend trip?
  10. Who causes dinner to burn?
  11. Who will give you happiness?

These cool wedding questions for newlyweds can be endless. But it is recommended to ensure that their number is limited, otherwise the game will drag on and become uninteresting.

How to prepare the application form?

An entertaining questionnaire for the bride and groom will also help test their knowledge about the spouses. To compile it, it is recommended to increase and print a photo together couples by processing the photo with attractive frames. Stickers are placed on the photo. Then the newlyweds are asked one by one questions from the questionnaire. This is done so that the young one is responsible for the young one, and vice versa. If the answer is correct, one sticker is removed from the photo, and this continues until the entire photo card is revealed.

Joint photo of lovers for the questionnaire

Such wedding competition for the bride and groom may contain these questions:

  1. Favorite color.
  2. What is the last name of your best friend?
  3. What was your favorite lesson in school?
  4. First pet.
  5. What will you name the girl?
  6. What will you name the boy?
  7. What was your nickname as a child?
  8. What did you do during boring lessons?
  9. What gift would you prefer to receive?
  10. What profession did you dream of as a child?
  11. What size clothes does he wear?
  12. What was the title of your thesis?
  13. What's the boss's name?
  14. Life's greatest adventure?
  15. Eye color.
  16. What are the prizes, awards, cups, certificates that the chosen one received?
  17. Which football team do you support?
  18. Favorite TV show.
  19. What was the name of your first love?

A game with questions for young people will be more interesting the more unexpected the tasks themselves turn out to be.

Cool questions for the groom about the bride

If at a wedding there is a competition with the theft of a bride, then to organize the ransom, you will need to know what questions you can ask the groom. You can put them just so that the wedding is fun:

  1. What city does your wife dream of visiting?
  2. What does the bride prioritize: children or a professional career?
  3. What did the young wife dream of when she was little?
  4. What size shoes will you buy for your wife?
  5. How tall is young?
  6. How long does the chosen one stand in front of the mirror?
  7. How many friends does the bride have?
  8. Why does your spouse love you?
  9. What flower bouquet would she prefer?
  10. What is the young man's hobby?

The presenter is like this funny questions about the bride with answers can be prepared in advance so that during the competition you do not get into an unpleasant situation.

The groom answers questions about the bride at the wedding

Wedding riddles about the groom with a trick

Separately, prepare funny questions for the bride. But to the tasks were creative, it is not necessary to use standard riddles, such as how many dumplings can your loved one eat at one time? It will be more interesting if you invite the young woman to draw the eyes of her beloved or show her photographs from which she must choose the one that depicts the eyes of her husband. Do the same trick with the hand or foot prints of your chosen one.

Questions and answers for the bride and groom should not offend or embarrass them, cause resentment or ruin their mood. Therefore, discuss everything thoroughly with the newlyweds and find out if there is any topic that they would not like to talk about.

The questions below are asked by recruiting agencies to their candidates to determine their mental capacity. Try this too. By doing this, you will not only appreciate the mental potential of your colleagues, but also lift the spirits of everyone present.

These questions reveal whether test takers have a good memory, whether they tend to find overly complex solutions to simple problems, and whether they have the ability to consider the consequences of previous actions when making important decisions and learn from their own mistakes.

Question 1

How to put a rhinoceros in the refrigerator?

Question 2

How to put a mammoth in the refrigerator?

Question 3

The king of beasts called all the animals to a meeting, to which all but one came. Who didn't show up to the meeting?

Question 4

You need to swim across the river, which is home to countless crocodiles. How will you cross the river?


You can voice the correct option immediately after receiving the answer, or read them after the participants have put forward their versions of all the questions.

Answer to 1st question

Open the refrigerator, place the rhinoceros in it, close the refrigerator.

Answer to 2nd question

Incorrect answer: open the refrigerator, place the mammoth in it, close the refrigerator.

Correct answer: open the refrigerator, take the rhinoceros out of it, place the mammoth in it, close the refrigerator.

Answer to question 3

This is a mammoth, since it was in the refrigerator at that time.

Answer to question 4

Of course, swim, because all the crocodiles are at a meeting with the king of beasts.

Test “Where to assign an employee?”

This test is often used when applying for a job. To do this, a potential employee is brought into a room in which, apart from a table and a couple of chairs, there is nothing, they are asked to wait for a while, then they leave and appear only after a couple of hours. If a person really needs this job, he won't go anywhere. The question is what he will do while waiting for his interlocutor. And depending on this, he is assigned to one or another division of the company.

Of course, you don’t need to lock an employee in an empty room to find out whether he was sent to work in the right department. All you have to do is select a few volunteers, give them pencils and printed separate sheets options for spending time and describe the situation to them in approximately the following words: “Imagine that you have come to get a job at our company. The secretary met you, took you into a room with white walls, in which the only furniture was 2 chairs and a table, and asked you to wait a few minutes, but he himself disappeared for almost 2 hours. You really want to work in our company, so you will be patient and wait. To brighten up the wait, you will choose one of the 11 options described on the pieces of paper and circle it with a pencil.” Also ask all test takers to sign the slips, then collect them and announce the results.

Pastime options

1. I will disassemble the table into parts.

3. I will begin to hum something and at the same time gesticulate strongly.

4. I will talk to the furniture.

5. I won’t waste time and take a little nap.

6. I will write a letter in which I will express everything I think about the current situation.

7. I will remain completely calm and will not even turn around to look at whoever enters the room.

8. I will be nervous, but I will try to convince myself that everything is not so bad.

9. I'll try to play with my glasses.

10. I will study furniture defects.

11. I will try to repair a broken chair.


If the test taker chose the first option, he belongs in the research and information department.

If the test taker chose the second option, he will perform best in the finance department.

If the test taker chose the third option, send it to the help desk.

If the test taker chose the fourth option, the most suitable place for him is the human resources department.

If the test taker chose the fifth option, he is a born manager.

If the test taker chose the sixth option, get him a job in the technical documentation department.

If the test taker chose the seventh option, the company will benefit if he works in the security service.

If the test taker chose option eight, send it to the marketing department.

If the test taker chose the ninth option, trust him with the software.

If the test taker chose the tenth option, the supply department is his natural element.

If the test taker chose the eleventh option, no one can handle sales issues better than him.

Test "Aptitude for professions"

This comic test can be offered to those who doubt the correctness of their choice of profession. Before asking a single question, give participants pencils and paper with possible answers and ask them to sign them and check the box that they think is correct. Then collect the leaves and announce the results.

How much is 2 x 2?

Answer options

2. The answer depends on the units of measurement.

3. 99 (70 for us; 25 for you; 4 for the cashier).

4. How much is needed?

5. Do not offer group sex.

6. As a rule, 4.

7. From 5 to 7.

8. I don’t consider it necessary to answer stupid questions.

Decoding answers

1. Teacher

2. Programmer

3. CFO

4. Accountant

5. Secretary-assistant

6. Economist

8. Manager

Test “Boss or subordinate?”

Invite your colleagues to take the test and find out who is more in your team - bosses or subordinates.

To do this, you will need pencils and sheets of paper with statements printed on them. Test takers must select answer options and count the number of points they score. Then announce the results. Perhaps they will force management to reconsider the personnel policy of their company.

1. I am responsible for everything that happens in my life.

B. I don't know.

2. There would be much fewer problems in my life if the people around me changed their attitude towards me.

B. I don't know.

3. By nature, I am not a person of action; I prefer to reflect on the reasons for my mistakes rather than take concrete steps to correct them.

B. I don't know.

4. The thought often occurs to me that my life is passing under an “unlucky star.”

B. I don't know.

5. Drug addicts and alcoholics are to blame for the fact that they have sunk to the very bottom of life.

B. I don't know.

6. Reflecting on my life, I came to the conclusion: those under whose influence my character was formed are responsible for what happens to me.

B. I don't know.

7. I prefer to treat my ailments myself using long-proven methods.

8. I don't know.

8. The fact that women become bitches and worthless creatures, as a rule, is not their fault, but those who surround them.

B. I don't know.

9. You can always find a way out of any situation.

V. I don’t know.

10. I am grateful to those who never refuse to help me, and I always try to do something nice for them.

B. I don't know.

11. When thinking about who initiated the conflict, I always start with myself.

B. I don't know.

12. I believe in a sign: if a black cat crosses the road, don’t expect anything good.

B. I don't know.

13. Every adult in any life situation should be strong and be able to be responsible for their own actions.

B. I don't know.

14. I have a lot of shortcomings, but this is not a reason to be prejudiced against me.

B. I don't know.

15. If it is not in my power to influence the outcome of a case, I usually put up with it, believing that next time I will be much luckier.

B. I don't know.


To calculate the number of points scored, offer test participants for each answer “Yes” to questions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and for each answer “No” to questions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 , 14, 15 are awarded 10 points, and for the answers “I don’t know” – 5 points.

More than 116 points.

Of course you are the boss. If you are still not in a position of responsibility, it is a big mistake on your boss's part. You have qualities such as honesty, independence, integrity, hard work and determination. You are characterized by professionalism, the ability to find an approach to people and organizational skills.

From 96 to 115 points.

Are you a boss or a subordinate? It all depends on the situation. You can lead if you see any benefit in it, and obey if you think it would be better for you to hide in the shadows for a while.

Less than 95 points.

You are used to going with the flow. Being a leader is not your path. It is much easier to follow someone's orders than to take the initiative in own hands and bear responsibility for it. However, everyone chooses their own path, because if there are bosses, there must also be subordinates.

Quiz: How many years will it take you to become a millionaire?

Ask one of your colleagues to take this humorous test. Attach a Whatman paper to the wall with the following text:

Your salary: ____________________ rubles.

Estimated salary growth per year: ____________________% each year.

How many rubles can you save annually: ____________________ rubles.

The test taker must write in the numbers with a marker. As soon as he does this, announce the result.


According to your annual income, you have a chance to earn:

1 million – in 83 years.

10 million – in 138 years.

100 million in – 169 years.

1 billion – in 215 years.

10 billion – in 271 years.

And you will be able to compete with Bill Gates no earlier than in... 307 years. We wish you Siberian health and longevity to live until this significant event.

Test “Do you have a chance to become a space tourist?”

You don't need many participants to run this test. Ask your colleagues who dreams of looking at the Earth from space. For those wishing to make a long journey, ask only 2 questions, calculate the amount of points they have scored and announce the results.

1. Do you complain about your health?

A. Thank God, no (1 point).

B. Sometimes it happens (0 points).

2. Do you have $30 million in your bank account?

A. Of course (1 point).

B. Alas and ah (0 points).


2 points.

We sincerely congratulate you! You can become one of the first contenders for a place as a space tourist in a rocket!

Less than 2 points.

Do not despair! There is no reason for you to be upset, because even on our planet you can have a blast!

Test “Your attitude to the world of art”

Some people listen to music all day long, others prefer to sing, others can see beauty in the ordinary, others create it themselves, others don’t care about any kind of art. This test will help you figure out which category your colleagues belong to. Give test participants pencils and questionnaires with questions and ask them to answer them honestly.

1. Do you think the words “nuance” and “tone” differ in meaning?

2. Your apartment has been in need of cosmetic repairs for a long time. Can you ignore this and live as if you have complete order?

3. Do you like to draw?

4. Do you choose clothes based on the latest fashion trends?

5. Can you say with complete confidence who Velazquez, Nureyev and Gaudi were?

6. Do you have difficulty understanding your own handwriting?

7. Do you choose things of the same color scheme?

8. Do you often visit museums?

9. When taking a car ride, do you stop to admire the94 walking sun?

10. Have you noticed the habit of drawing? geometric figures in moments of reflection?

11. Can you be called a regular at exhibitions and art salons?

12. Do you like to walk around your hometown?

13. Do you like being alone?

14. Do people who like to recite poetry by heart surprise you?

15. Do you listen to music just to be entertained?

16. Are you able to remember any landscape in detail?

17. Do you think that sea stones are very beautiful?

18. Do you like meeting and communicating with new people?

19. Do you like poetry?

20. Have you ever had a desire to decorate the walls of your own apartment?

21. Do you often change your image?

22. Do you like to rearrange furniture?

23. Have you ever tried to compose a song?


To find out the total score, ask test takers for each “Yes” answer to questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 give yourself 1 point, and for the answer “No” - to questions 2, 6, 10, 14, 15, 18.

More than 16 points.

We can say about you that you are an artistic person, you have a sense of beauty. Your life is surrounded by objects of art, in which you are well versed.

From 8 to 16 points.

Of course, you know how to appreciate beauty, but you can easily live without it. If you are asked to choose between a painting and new model computer, you will choose the second option.

Less than 8 points.

If you chose a creative profession, you made a big mistake. You cannot understand a person who stops to admire a beautiful sunset or stands for hours in front of a masterpiece of a great master. In life, you value only things that can bring real benefit, and not all sorts of trinkets, even very beautiful ones.

Test “Do you have a chance to become a talk show host?”

Many of us dream as children of becoming famous, working on television, hosting some popular TV show. But, as a rule, dreams remain dreams, and we choose a completely different profession. However, it is always interesting to know whether we are capable of being a TV star. The answer to this question can be obtained by passing this test. But you need to approach it with a sense of humor. It is advisable that the presenter read the questions and answer options out loud, and the test takers mark the appropriate option on a piece of paper, and then calculate the sum of the points scored.

1. There's no getting around it, but for a TV star, her looks are hers. business card, therefore, each applicant must undergo the so-called face control. Pay close attention to yourself, if possible, use a mirror, and make sure that you have a pair of upper and lower limbs, eyes and ears, one mouth and it is full of teeth, and a unique nose. So, do you have all of the above?

A. If I haven’t made a mistake in the calculations, everything is in place (2 points).

B. Doesn’t finish some of the teeth (1 point).

B. Among other things, I also have a piercing in my navel (0 points).

2. Do you have a habit of interrupting your interlocutor?

A. Yes, why listen to some nonsense, it’s better to listen smart person, that is, me (2 points).

B. No, a sense of decency does not allow it (1 point).

V. If it were up to me, I would kill everyone, but there is no machine gun (don’t be afraid, that’s my joke) (0 points).

3. Are you able to shout every 2 minutes: “Applause, please!”?

A. If this is required during the program, I will try (2 points).

B. The audience themselves know when to applaud, so the ability to shout “Applause!” not useful (1 point).

B. Yes, but only if it is really necessary (0 points).

4. Imagine that your program is broadcast live, and suddenly all the microphones are turned off. Will you be able to cope without acoustic equipment and shout over the guests, spectators and musical accompaniment sitting in the studio?

B. I can’t scream at all and I’m not able to speak in a raised voice, so without a microphone I’ll be completely lost (1 point).

Q. The maximum I can do is whisper loudly (0 points).

5. Do you like to find out details of the personal life of a person you met recently?

A. Of course, this is very interesting (2 points)!

B. I would really like to, but it’s somehow inconvenient (1 point).

B. Who may be interested in this (0 points)?


More than 8 points. You clearly have talent. You should try to become a local TV star.

Less than 7 points. Why do you need to become some kind of host of some talk show? You feel good with us too!

Test “Can you be trusted to lead an important meeting?”

This is a humorous test, so test takers must have a sense of humor. Give the participants blank sheets paper and pencils so that they can write down their answers and record their scores.

1. Do you suffer from spontaneous twitching of your eyes, ears, mouth, arms or legs?

A. I didn’t notice this about myself (2 points).

B. I twitch my ears and wink all the time, but only to amuse those around me (1 point).

B. Well, occasionally with hands and feet... Left hook, right hook. When I was young, I practiced boxing (0 points).

2. Are you a stutterer?

A. God was merciful (2 points).

B. Yes, but only half (1 point).

V. I don’t, but those who hear me don’t know (0 points).

3. Do you pronounce all the letters of the alphabet?

A. Yes, and not only letters, but also numbers (2 points).

B. I pronounce hard and soft signs perfectly, there are some problems with the rest (1 point).

B. I’d rather record a soundtrack of my speech (0 points).

4. Imagine that you need to read a text replete with complex terms and figures of speech. As a practice, try to say without hesitation: “The weather is wet!” How many times did you get confused before pronouncing this phrase correctly?

A. Not even once (2 points).

5. Do you suffer from flatulence?

A. I didn’t notice anything like this (2 points).

B. Sometimes I suffer, like everyone else around me, but I control myself (1 point).

B. I will never admit it, but to prevent something terrible from happening, I will put on a sound-absorbing diaper (0 points)

6. Imagine that during a meeting you saw out of the corner of your eye that a mouse was running towards you under the table. How will you react?

A. Yes, even a hippopotamus! I’ll pretend that nothing is happening (2 points).

B. Raise my legs higher (1 point).

B. I’ll try to catch her unnoticed (0 points).


More than 10 points.

You will certainly cope with such a difficult task as negotiating. The authorities present here will take this into account.

From 6 to 9 points.

You can be trusted to lead the meeting, but only for a short time/

Less than 5 points.

Of course, you can arrange and conduct a meeting, but only for one person - yourself!

Quiz: Is Your Boss a Monster?

If your boss has a sense of humor and understands any jokes, you can conduct the following test.

Provide participants with blank sheets of paper and pens so they can mark their answers.

Your task is to read out the questions and answers to them.


1. My boss...

A. Man.

B. Woman.

B. Difficult question.

G. Something in between.

2. My boss prefers clothes...

A. Fashionable.

B. Classical.

B. Out of fashion.

G. Shocking.

3. My boss smells...

A. Nice.

G. It’s hard to say what.

4. My boss...

A. Soft.

B. Nothing like that.

B. Strict, but very honest and fair.

G. In a word, a beast!

5. My boss is explaining...

A. Clear and concise.

B. Illegible.

B. Like a mad scientist.

G. Who really listens to him?!

6. When the boss gets angry...

A. Quickly comes to his senses and cools down.

B. This will last a long time.

B. Spit and spray foam.

D. Forces you to go to work on weekends.

7. My boss eats...

A. As a well-mannered person.

B. Slurping without hesitation.

8. It was as if I had been starving for a week before.

G...and simultaneously yells at everyone who comes to hand.

8. You hinted to your boss that it would be nice to raise your salary, he...

A. Agrees with you.

B. Becomes sad and pretends to be very busy.

B. Changes the conversation to another topic.

G. Begins to get very angry.

9. During the lunch break, the boss...

A. Goes out to eat.

B. Plays computer games.

B. Makes a thorough inspection of his office.

10. When I accidentally meet my boss outside of work, he...

A. Goes shopping

B. Walks with his family.

B. Wanders around in alleys and courtyards looking for something.

G. Carefully watches the girls passing by.

11. Of all the drinks, my boss prefers...

A. Green or black tea.

B. Liquid indeterminate color, smell and taste.

B. The blood of his subordinates.

12. At the boss...

A. Thick hair.

B. Liquid hairs.

B. Hands covered with thick hair.

D. Hairy legs that are visible when he sits down.

13. When the boss talks to me...

A. Speaks politely and reservedly.

B. Gets angry and snorts.

B. Sniffles heavily.

G. Yells at the top of his lungs.

14. The boss's eyes...

A. Kind and affectionate.

B. Prickly and cold.

B. On rollout.

G. Like a beast.


Most answers are A.

You are definitely lucky. You can't find bosses like this during the day. This needs to be loved and cherished.

Most answers are B.

This is not to say that your boss is the ultimate dream. But it can be worse. Remember the saying: “It’s good where we are not!”

Most answers are B and D.

If your answers to the questions are to be believed, your boss is nothing short of a monster! He is so terrible and evil that the world has never seen him before. If he eats a piece of raw meat before your eyes, you know it’s time for you to think about looking for new job. In general, remember that this test is a joke!

Test “Is everything okay in your head?”

For this test, distribute blank sheets of paper and pens to all participants. You will need to read out the questions and the others will need to write down the answers. Their correctness can be checked using the table. The more matches, the better the test takers' intelligence.

1. How many birthdays do you think a woman has?

2. What do you think does not move, but always rises and falls?

3. What color is the bear if it is walking under the window of a house that has 4 walls facing south.

4. The window in the room is open, there are fragments on the floor underneath it and water is spilled. The dead Johana completes the picture. Who is Johana and why did she die?

5. There is a word in the Russian language that is always read incorrectly. Write this word.

6. Why can’t a woman living in Krasnodar be buried east of the Kama River?

7. Two people were playing checkers. Each played 7 games, and each won the same number of times. How could something like this happen?

8. Divide 20 by 1/3, add 10 and write down the result.

9. If you are given 5 paintings out of 7, how many paintings will you have left?

10. How many animals did Moses take on his ark?

11. According to Russian laws, can a man enter into a legal marriage with his widow’s sister?

12. You find yourself in a dark room, in which you can hardly find a candle, a kerosene lamp and a wood stove. You have only one match in your pocket. What will you light first?

13. The doctor prescribed you 3 pills, which you need to take every 30 minutes. How long will it take to take the drug?

14. The collective farmer had 17 sheep. All but 9 were stolen. How many sheep does the collective farmer have left?

15. Count how many races of the number 8 appear in the range from 1 to 100?

16. 10 candles are burning, 3 of them have gone out. How many candles will be left?

17. A brick weighs 1 kg and another half brick. How much does 1 brick weigh?

18. An archaeologist found a coin dating back to 40 BC. e. Could this really happen?

19. The stick needs to be divided into 12 parts. How many times do you need to cut it off?

20. The man went to bed at 8 o’clock in the evening, and he set his mechanical alarm clock for 10 o’clock in the morning. How many hours will he be able to sleep?

21. There are 10 toes on the feet. How many are there on 10 legs?

23. Some months end on the 30th, and some on the 31st. What month has the 29th day?

24. Father and son had an accident. The father died, and the son ended up in the hospital. An anesthesiologist came into his room and said: “This is my son!” Could this really happen?


Participants who score more than 12 correct answers can proudly say that everything is in order with their heads!

Test "Are you a chimpanzee or an orangutan?"

This little test will amuse any company. If you follow the logic of Charles Darwin, we all once descended from monkeys. But from which ones exactly? This test will help you find the answer to this question.

1. Your height...

A. Like Uncle Styopa.

B. Average.

B. I didn’t come out as a sprout.

2. Your skin...

B. Dark.

B. It is not visible under a layer of dirt.

3. Are your ears big?

A. More likely yes than no.

B. Ears are like ears.

B. Miniature!

4. Usually you prefer to be...

A. Among people.

B. In splendid isolation.

B. In the company of only a select few.

5. Your favorite dishes...

A. From meat.

B. From vegetables and fruits.

B. Various.


Most answers are A.

You are none other than a chimpanzee, a very cute and cute monkey!

Most answers are B and C.

You are a real orangutan, but already quite civilized.

Test “Who were you in a past life?”

To administer this short test, give participants sheets of paper on which to mark their answers. At the end of testing, tally the results.

1. Are you blonde?

A. Absolutely!

B. No, not blond.

B. It all depends on your mood.

2. Do you like to wear jewelry?

B. I don’t need this at all.

B. When and how.

3. Do you love it when...

B. Lots of chocolate.

4. Do you like to be the center of attention?

A. Who doesn’t like that?!

B. Modesty adorns a person, so I prefer not to stand out.

B. According to circumstances

5. Do you like being looked after?

A. Definitely like it!

B. No, I prefer to do everything myself.

B. It depends on who is caring.

6. Do you like to lead others?

A. Yes, it’s so nice!

B. No, it's not in my nature.

B. I dream about it

7. Would you reciprocate a black man's marriage proposal?

A. Yes, it's worth a try.

B. Hardly.

Q. It is difficult to answer such a complex question; you need to weigh everything carefully.

8. Do you like to do housework?

A. This is not a royal matter.

B. Yes, of course.

B. I don’t have such a farm.


Most answers are A.

Whether you were lucky or not, in a past life you were the leader of a large African tribe. Quite a bit, you had 13 wives (husbands), a dozen boars and a chest of jewelry. You have lived 90 years.

The cause of your death was a meteorite falling from the sky.

Most options B and C.

You can be envied. In a past life, you were a beautiful king penguin living in Antarctica. For my long life you acquired numerous offspring (79 children), who bear fruit and multiply to this day.

For everyone to learn a lot of interesting things about themselves, it is enough to answer just 3 questions. Write on the posters the names of the animals and flowers that are discussed in the test, and voice the questions. Participants must record their answers on paper. After completing the tasks, announce the results.

1. Place the following animals in order based on your liking for them.

A. Cow.

B. Horse.

B. Monkey.

2. Find a short definition for the following words.

D. Dog.

3. Which person do you associate with the colors listed below?

B. Yellow.

B. Green.

G. Red.

D. Orange.


The first question is responsible for setting priorities in a person’s life.

A cow is a career.

The horse is family.

The monkey is money.

Sheep is love.

The tiger is pride.

The definitions of these words describe and express the attitude:

Coffee is for love.

Cat - to a friend or partner.

Rat - to the enemy.

Ocean - to your own life.

The dog is to oneself.

As for the colors, they mean the following.

White - this person is your true friend.

Yellow is a person who will always remember you.

Green is a person you will never forget.

Red is the person you truly love.

Test "Circles"

For this test you will need Whatman paper, markers and an unlimited number of participants. On your command, they should each begin to complete the task on their own sheet of paper.

1. Draw a small circle in the center of the sheet.

2. Draw lines through the center of the circle that extend beyond its limits and divide the sheet into 4 sectors.

3. In each of the resulting sectors, write one of the letters: L, P, R, S.

4. Outside the 1st circle, draw the 2nd.

5. In each of the 4 sectors of the new circle, write one of the numbers: 1, 2, 3 and 4.

6. Outside the 2nd circle, draw the 3rd and in its sectors write 1 animal each (you can also write insects, fish or birds).

7. Outside the 3rd circle, draw the 4th and in the new sectors write 1 character trait (for example, honesty, capriciousness, etc.).

8. Draw the last circle in the same way as the previous ones and write in the proverb in the resulting sectors, catchphrase etc.


1st round

L means "love".

P means "bed".

R means "work".

WITH means "family".

2nd round

Based on this circle and the numbers in it, one can judge a person’s priorities in relation to love, bed, family and work.

3rd and 4th circles

They need to be analyzed simultaneously. They give a detailed description of the personality of the writer and artist. First read the character trait, then the animal, and then look at which sector the resulting phrase belongs to. The result is very funny. For example, a stingy elk in bed, a boring hedgehog in love, an honest mare at work, etc.

5th circle

Phrases from this circle characterize a person in love, bed, family and work. For example, bed - “Seven do not wait for one”, love - “You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without labor,” etc.

Test "Magic Mathematics"

This is a very short, but no less interesting and funny joke test. To carry it out, you just need to give everyone present a few tasks.

1. Think of any number from 2 to 9.

2. Multiply it by 9.

3. Add the digits of the resulting two-digit number together.

4. For the first letter of the resulting number, guess a European country.

5. Create an animal for the third letter of the name of this country.


Now ask the question: “Did everyone make a wish? Where did you get the idea that rhinoceroses live in Denmark?”

Test "Bath"

Based on which part of the body a person begins to wash first, one can judge some of his character traits. Ask test participants just one question: “When you are in a bathhouse, shower or bath, where do you start washing?”

Answer options


This is not to say that you combine many talents. Their absence is compensated by your hard work, desire to selflessly help others, reliability and decency. For this you are very much appreciated and loved, but, however, not with the kind of love that you would like.


You, as they say, are a man of action. Purposefulness, straightforwardness, honesty and integrity - these are the qualities that fully characterize you. Your motto is to always go forward. However, along the way you often encounter misunderstandings, and this greatly irritates you. You take advantage of signs of attention from members of the opposite sex.


The most important thing in life for you is material well-being; the rest, in your opinion, is nonsense. There is only one person you truly love, and that is yourself.

You are absolutely not interested in what others think about you. But you have a lot of advantages, thanks to which you do not sit alone.

Private parts of the body

Shyness is what sets you apart from the rest. When communicating with others, you lack confidence and courage. Because of this, you have practically no friends and problems in your personal life. However, everything is in your hands. If you want to change something in your life, you will do it. How? Only you can answer this question.


Bad luck follows you around. Whatever you undertake, it ends either in failure or in nothing. This leads to problems with the opposite sex. However, you are not at all hopeless. Declare to yourself that you are the coolest and luckiest person in the world, stop believing in bad omens and listen to the advice of others, and then the dark streak in your life will end.

Other body part

Every person has a highlight, but in you it is so deep that it is not visible. To get noticed, you need to do something extraordinary, perhaps take part in the filming of a popular talk show.

Test "Guess the riddle"

As children, we enjoy solving riddles, but with age, interest in this genre disappears, which is a pity. After all, a riddle is a great way to have fun and develop creative thinking. And in the form of a test, they can become an entertaining game. Read the questions and answer options to the audience. Test takers must say the correct answer in unison.

1. The body is wooden, the clothes are torn, does not eat, does not drink, guards the garden.

A. Pinocchio.

B. Gardener.

B. Scarecrow.

2. It lives in seas and rivers, but often flies across the sky, and when it gets bored of flying, it falls to the ground again.

A. Pelican.

B. Amphibious aircraft.

3. I came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves.

A. A girl doing graffiti.

4. He puffs like a steam locomotive, holds his nose up, makes some noise, calms down, invites a seagull to drink.

B. Retired neighbor.

B. Kettle.

5. People live under water and walk backwards.

A. Divers.

B. Vodyanoy and his servants.

6. A new vessel, but it’s all full of holes.

A. The shelled ship.

B. Empty head.

7. I keep it in my school bag, I’ll tell you how you study.

A. Mobile phone.

B. Petition to parents.

8. Diary.


All answers are correct.

This suggests that the team is distinguished by intelligence and intelligence.

Half of the answers are correct.

This result is also not bad. All is not lost and much can be made up for with hard work.

Less than half of the answers are correct.

This is a riddle, this is a riddle. What is wrong with those present?

Test “Guess the riddle-2”

This test, like the previous one, asks you to guess Russian folk riddles. Test takers must choose one of two answer options.

A table with the correct answers is given below. Based on the test results, you can judge the intelligence of your colleagues and their ability to think abstractly.

1. It will ring loudly,

The duck quacks

Get ready, kids.

To one uterus.

A. Bell ringing.

B. The cook calls for dinner.

2. Two sisters suffer

They look into the closet,

They don’t dare go up.

A. Window sashes.

B. Ceilings.

3. Mother is fat

The daughter is red

Son is brave,

Gone to heaven.

A. Stove, fire, smoke.

B. The cook, her daughter and son-pilot.

4. Under the city near Bryansk,

Under the royal oak tree,

Two eagles are hawking

One testicle is being pampered.

A. Wedding.

B. Christening.

5. Near the hole

White doves are standing.

B. Two sisters.

6. Stands strong

Hangs weakly

It's smooth around them

Everyone's got the gear

They also have sweetness.

A. Nuts, shells, teeth.

B. Pig and acorns.

7. Knocking, rattling, spinning,

Ain't afraid of no one

Counts his age

Not a human himself.

A. Cuckoo.

8. There is a bridge

Seven miles away

There is a pillar on the bridge,

Color on the pole

All over the world.

A. Great Lent.

B. Bridge with traffic lights.

9. Two are standing

Two are lying

The fifth one walks

The sixth one drives.

A. A game of hide and seek.

B. Door with lintels.

10. I will go out on a howl,

I'll hit the billboards,

I will console the Tsar in Moscow,

I'll wake up the king in Lithuania,

Dead man in the ground

Abbess in her cell,

A small child in a cradle.

A. Church bells.

B. Nightingale the Robber

11. Two ends,

Two rings

There's a nail in the middle.

A. Scissors.

B. Crossed swords hang on the wall.

12. The pig is running,

golden back,

Flax tail.

A. Needle and thread.

B. Awl and thread.

13. I’ll tell you a riddle,

I'll throw it behind the garden bed,

I'll let you in a year,

Yearling grove.

14. A pig walked out of the barn,

Ripping the hay over the snout.

B. Drunk man.

15. Sweep, sweep

Little wave,

I'll let the white naked one in.

A. Varga.

B. The husband kicked his wife out of the house.

16. Worth the butt,

I am low myself

There are a hundred rizoks on it.

17. In the wide yard,

On a smooth field

Worth four butts

Under one hat.

A. Bench.

18. Four fours,

Two spreaders,

The seventh vertun,

There are two pieces of glass in it.

A. Cow.

19. Naked myself,

Shirt in a bosom;

He himself is white,

The kids are red.

B. Match.

20. No arms, no legs

Not a small piece is creeping upward.

A. Water vapor.

21. Erofake stands,

Belted short.

22. Three crows flew to the mansion;

One says:

I feel good in winter,

The other one is good for me in the summer,

And the third one is always good for me.

A. Horse, cow, boat.

B. Snow Maiden, Thumbelina, Baba Yaga

23. Under the cage, under the tent,

There is a barrel of crow lard.

A. Boiler with water.

B. Trash can.

24. He gave birth to one before twelve,

And twelve gave birth to seven,

Of the seven, four grew.

B. Father of many children.

25. Worth a price

All covered in branches.

A. Mutovina.

B. Knotty log.

26. Neither a man nor a woman walks, Carrying neither a fold nor a pie.

B. Hermaphrodite.

27. Small and bendy

The whole house is guarded.

B. Old man with a stick.

28. A woman sits on the ridges,

All clothes are in patches.

Whoever looks

He will cry.

A. Green onions.

29. Small and bendy

I walked around the entire meadow.

A. Hunchback.

30. I’ll rip off the shaggy man’s head,

I'll take out my heart

I'll give you a drink

He will start talking.

B. Writing pen.

31. An old man stands over the river,

He doesn’t drink himself, he gives water to others;

He doesn’t pour water with his mouth,

Not with a ladle, but with a chisel.

A. Barrel with tap.

B. Well.

32. Myron stands,

The head is full of crows.

B. Scarecrow.

33. Blackly split,

It sets my teeth on edge.

A. Buckwheat.

B. Seeds.

34. Mila, peremila,

I pissed off my eyes,

At least two sins,

And I want death.

B. The old woman was watching a porn film.

35. Little black, little one,

Pretty to the whole world.

A. Zest.

B. Bird cherry.

36. He will be born on the water,

It will grow on fire,

I'll see my mother

He will die again.

A. Salt. B. Sugar.

37. Five sheep eat up a stack,

Five sheep run away.

A. Flax is spun.

B. Sheep and wolf.

38. They don’t bake, they don’t chew,

They don’t swallow, but they all eat deliciously.

B. Bay leaf.

39. Screams without tongue,

Sings without a throat

Happy and sad,

But the heart doesn’t feel it.

A. Bell.

B. Tape recorder.

40. Black goes to the bathhouse,

Comes out red.

B. Shakhtar.

41. Walks without legs,

Sleeves without arms,

Mouth without speech.

A. Gossip.

42. Round, small,

Everyone's nice.

A. Happiness.

B. Money.

43. Sharp, unforged,

I touch it and it hurts.

44. I’m sitting on the mansion,

Small as a mouse

Red as blood

Tastes like honey.

A. Cherry. B. Rowan.

45. Lives without a body,

Speaks without tongue

Nobody sees him

And everyone hears.

46. ​​A thorn sits on a pitchfork,

Dressed in scarlet,

Who will go,

Togo will sting.

A. Rosehip.

47. Neither body nor spirit,

And with wings around,

Who will I fly to?

I'll just teach you.

48. It flutters easily,

She doesn’t know;

Who will look

Anyone can guess.

B. Butterfly.

49. Grew, grew,

It crawled out of the bush,

It rolled through my hands,

It ended up on my teeth.

50. Meta, meta,

I won't sweep it away

I carry, I carry,

I can't stand it.

A. Water from a well.

B. Sunlight from the window.

51. The horde is coming,

There is only one shaft,

And not a single arc.

A. Rydvan with a drawbar.

52. The pike will move,

The forest is withering

In that place the city will become.

A. Peter I and St. Petersburg.

B. Scythe, grass, haystack.

53. Four walkers,

Two bodostas,

The seventh breadwinner.

B. Cow, legs, horns, tail.

54. I am thin,

And the head is like a pound.

A. Tadpole.

B. Steelyard.

55. Expensive capital

Nourished all souls.

56. Round, but not a girl,

With a tail, but not a mouse.


Test "What is your IQ?"

Nowadays it is very fashionable to take tests to determine your intelligence level.

Invite your colleagues to evaluate their mental abilities using this test. To do this, give them blank sheets of paper and pencils so that they can record their answers to the questions asked.

Your task is to read the questions clearly and clearly and give them some time to understand them. At the end of testing, announce the results.

1. While participating in a race walking competition, you overtook your opponent who was in second place. What position did you take?

A. First.

B. Second.

B. Third.

G. The last one.

D. This is impossible.

B. Only among Orthodox Christians.

D. Only among Christians.

D. Only among Russian Argentines.

3. You are again participating in a race walking competition and have overtaken your opponent who is running last. What position do you find yourself in now?

A. On the first one.

B. On the second.

B. On the second to last one.

G. On the last one.

D. This is impossible.

4. Piglet is...

A. Piglet.

B. Pig.

D. Coin.

5. How many kids did the wolf eat?

A. None.

B. One.

G. Six.

D. This didn’t happen at all.

6. Of the 5 glasses of tea that were on the table, Olya took one, drank the tea and put the glass back. How many glasses are left on the table?

G. Four.

7. One corner of a rectangular stool was sawed off. How many corners does the stool have after this?

8. There were five cucumbers and eight apples in the basket. The girl took one cucumber. How many fruits are left in the basket?

A. Eight.

B. Thirteen.

G. Twelve.

9. The distance between cities A and B is 120 km. A car left city A for city B at a speed of 90 km/h. At the same time, another car drove towards her from city B to city A at a speed of 70 km/h. Which car will be closer to city A when they meet?

A. First.

B. Second.

B. At the same distance.

D. The cars will not meet.

D. This is impossible.

10. The price of a product first soared by 13%, and then fell by the same percentage. What is the price of the product now?

11. How many times does the number 4 appear in numbers from 39 to 50?

A. Ten.

B. Eleven.

D. Nine.


The more correct answers to the questions of this test, the higher the level of intelligence.

Test "Fruits and berries"

American psychologists have identified the dependence of a person’s character on the berries and fruits that he prefers to eat. They carried out a thorough analysis, which made it possible to identify people by type - such as Oranges, Pears, Apples, Strawberries and Cherries - and give them a fairly detailed description.

To conduct this test, write the listed fruits and berries on a poster and hang it in such a way that everyone present can see it. Ask the audience which of these fruits they prefer, and then read the characteristics below.

Characteristics of fruits and berries


As a rule, Oranges are loving natures. They cannot live without constant attention from others, against whom they are accustomed to stand out for their originality.

Oranges are literally charged with energy; they create something for days on end, without sitting in one place for a second.

As for relationships with the opposite sex, they are able to fall in love with themselves in one minute, have a pleasant time with the object of their adoration and just as quickly part with him.


Pears are great optimists by nature. They quickly and easily get along with people who like the love of life and unquenchable sense of humor of these fruits. It's always fun and comfortable with Pears. Life is in full swing around them. Pears are wonderful friends who will always come to the rescue in difficult times.


Apples are big conservatives. The latest technological advances are not for them. They prefer to surround their lives with antiques or simply old things, which, in their opinion, contain the soul. And in relationships with people, they are of the opinion that an old friend is better than two new ones.


Jealousy is the feeling that characterizes Klubnik. They like big and noisy companies, fun parties and holidays. They are often the ringleaders in any company. But if suddenly their other half gets the idea to flirt with someone, a scandal will inevitably arise.


Mental gentleness and kindness distinguish the Cherry person. This is a true philanthropist, capable of sincerely and selflessly helping others, giving them his love and affection. Such people are childishly naive and sweet, and also love pranks and surprises.