Lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Lesson on the formation of creative activity of children of senior preschool age Summary of the lesson on the development of mathematical concepts

Ability to solve riddles using an algorithm. Practice the ability to select definitions for a given word. Practice creative storytelling. Activate children's mental activity. , memory, logical thinking, creative imagination. Develop the ability to justify answers. Cultivate goodwill, a desire to create something new, and the ability to evaluate an activity.

Preliminary work: selection and study of literature on this topic, selection of games, methods and techniques, writing notes, preparing material.

Preliminary work with children: conducting games “Yes-no”, “Good-bad”, “Contradictions”, reading fairy tales, conducting a lesson on composing a fairy tale in a new way.

Materials: illustrations for fairy tales, an image of a turnip, an envelope, leaves, trees, clouds, sun, rain, yellow and blue cards.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, tell me what time of year it is now? (Autumn)

Right. What do you think: is autumn good or bad? (Both good and bad).

Why is it good? (Lots of vegetables and fruits, beautiful nature, the trees are golden, you can run on the leaves, they rustle, etc.)

Why is it bad? (Because it often rains, the streets are dirty, you can get sick, short days etc.)

What kind of rain is there?

What does rain look like?

What kind of rain is it in summer?

What kind of rain is it in autumn?

At this time there is a knock on the door.

Guys, what is this? (Someone knocks)

Who do you think it is? (Children's answers)

Why do you think he came here? (Children's answers)

Now let's see who's there. We received a letter. A kind storyteller invites us to visit the City of Fairy Tales. Want to? (Yes)

Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)

Let's see. To find out the first fairy tale, your help is needed. I will ask you questions, and you will answer.

Game "Yes-no" picture of a turnip.

This is a flower?

This animal?

Is this a vegetable?

Is it square?

Is it round?

Is it red?

Is it yellow?

Is it with a ponytail?

Does it grow in the ground?

Is this a turnip?

So this fairy tale is “Turnip”. She gives you sunshine.

Listen: “Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie. Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa.” Tell me, what fairy tale are these words from? (Mashenka and the Bear).

Tell me, is Masha good or bad in this fairy tale? (Good)

Why? (because she helped the bear)

What kind of bear? (Bad)

Why? (Because he didn’t let Masha home)

This fairy tale gives you a cloud.

Showing an illustration from the fairy tale “Kolobok”

What fairy tale is this from? (Kolobok)

What kind of bun is in this fairy tale? (Good).

Look at these koloboks and find ours (I show koloboks with different moods)

Children find a funny bun.

This is our bun.

The music is playing and the children are distracted. At this time, the teacher changes the image of a good kolobok to an evil one.

Look what a funny bun we have. (No, he's not funny. He's evil.)

Exactly what happened to our kolobok. (Answers)

We'll probably have a wicked fairy tale today. Let's try to tell it. How does it start? (Lived once)

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. The grandfather asks the woman: “Bake me a bun.” She says: “There is no flour.” But he is still his own. The grandmother decided to go to her neighbor. She asked for flour. And the neighbor was angry and she also had torment... (angry). The grandmother brought flour home, kneaded the dough, and baked a bun from it. What do you think the bun made from evil flour turned out to be? (Also angry).

What did this bun do?

He lay there and lay there, jumped from the window and rolled around, and when he rolled around the garden, what did he do? (Trampled seedlings, crushed flowers, scattered chickens).

He rolls and rolls, but who is there to meet him? (Hare)

The hare is good, he is kind and polite. What he says? (Kolobok, Kolobok, sing me your song)

What does the bun answer? (Get out of the way or I'll eat you).

The bunny got scared and ran away. Who did the bunny meet later? (Wolf)

What was the wolf talking about? (I will eat you).

Right. But our bun is evil, so what did he say? (When I jump on you, I’ll tear you apart and swallow you).

The bear was kind and walked through the forest. What did he say? (Hello bun. How are you?)

And the bun for him (Go away, now I’ll tear it up)

Then I met a bun who? (to the fox)

What kind of fox? (Cunning). Let it be bad. What she said? (Kolobok, I will eat you)

And the bun for her (Just try it, I’ll eat you myself. Come on, sing me a song yourself).

And the fox sang: (I am a little fox-sister and smart and cunning. I’ll eat everyone)

What should they do now? Are they going to fight now? (Answers)

We need to come up with something to make them kind. Maybe let someone show up? (Good Wizard).

Right. And what did he do? (Treated them with something or good rain fell and they said good things).

Let's close our eyes and imagine how it was.

At this time, the teacher exchanges the bad kolobok for a good one.

Look, our cheerful and kind bun is back. And the main thing is that we were able to come up with a fairy tale ourselves.

For this, the storyteller gives you rain, leaves and trees.

What did they give us? (Autumn).

And now you have cards of blue and yellow color. If you liked the activity, then raise a yellow card, and if not, then a blue one.

A lesson summary on developing children's creative activity was prepared by E. Lanevskaya

Game summary - lesson

"Let's help the Fairy of Purity"

Completed by: Svetlana Aleksandrovna Shcherbinina

Clarify knowledge about personal hygiene items, develop logic and thinking

To form in children an idea of ​​the importance of following the rules of personal hygiene;

Strengthen cultural and hygienic skills with children (washing hands, faces, combing);

Cultivate neatness, neatness, attention

Preliminary work:

Reading the poem by A. Barto “The Dirty Girl”, K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, V. Mayakovsky “What is good, what is bad” and looking at illustrations for the works;

Memorizing nursery rhymes, poems about cleanliness, health, hygiene items;

Guessing riddles;

Conversations on the topics “Our good friends”, “Personal hygiene”;

Modeling “Soap for dirty people”; drawing "Pattern on a handkerchief", application "Combs for dolls""

Role-playing game “Shop”, “Barbershop”;

Excursion to an older group;

Material and equipment:

Demonstration material: - video, bag of toys;

Handouts: cards with algorithms, pictures of combs, colored pencils, soap, combs, shampoo, Toothbrush, toothpaste, handkerchief;

Guys, today when I woke up, I saw this box on my bed. Having opened it, I received a video message from the Fairy of Purity. Want to watch it? Let's take a look (view message form).

Children, what happened to the Fairy?

(children's answers)

Who mixed up everything in the magical camp of neaties?

(children's answers)

How can we help Fairy?

(children's answers)

Of course, we need to fix everything. In order to fix everything, we need to put the contents of the box in order. Shall we begin? (children's answers)

(We take out cards with algorithms from the box).

Guys, look at the pictures. What do they show?

(children's answers)

In order for the residents of the country “Chistyuli” to remember how to wash their hands (face) correctly, we need to lay out the cards in in the right order(Performance)

Well done. Did you do everything correctly?

(children's answers)

Now residents will be able to wash their hands (face) correctly. Why do they need to be washed?

(children's answers)

Of course, to be clean and beautiful. Now let's put aside what we have already corrected. We continue to help Fairy.

(We take out sheets of paper from the box on which combs without teeth are drawn).

Guys, look what these drawings are, what do they look like?

(children's answers)

Remember, the Fairy said that the residents even stopped combing their hair. What is a comb for?

(children's answers)

Do you think it will be possible to use such a comb to get your hair in order?

(children's answers)

What needs to be done to make these drawings look like combs?

(children's answers)

Let's finish drawing the teeth. (Children complete the drawing of the teeth with pencils)

How different everyone’s combs turned out. Well done boys. Fine. And we completed this task. Now residents will be able to comb their hair. Let's put our combs aside for the hand washing pictures.

There's something else in the box. What are these guys? (Showing the contents of the box. It contains various hygiene products, toys, cubes)

(children's answers)

But what's wrong here? The Evil Fairy tried her best and mixed everything up. What needs to be done, what do you guys think?

(children's answers)

We need to sort everything. How to do it?

(children's answers)

Residents of the country “Chistyuli” need body care products. How will we select what we need?

(children's answers)

The options you offer are good. I have one more suggestion. I propose to split into two teams. Do you agree? (children's answers). I will divide Yavas into two teams. One team will be called “clean cheeks”, and the other “clean hands”. Now you will take turns taking items out of this bag. Whoever gets the red item will be on the “clean cheeks” team. And whoever gets an item of any other color is on the “clean hands” team. (We invite the children to take an object out of the bag, naming its color. We distribute the children into teams)

What do you think we will do?

(children's answers)

One team will choose and bring cleanliness products, and the other team will bring those items that are not needed for the cleanliness of our body.

(Game running)

Guys, you did it perky and fun. Do you think everything was distributed correctly?

(children's answers)

Let's check, we don't want to leave the Fairy in an enchanted land. And if, suddenly, we made a mistake in something, we will correct it. (We check the contents of the baskets). Everything worked out for us.

Look guys, there's nothing left in the box. This means that we have completed all the tasks. What tasks did we complete?

(children's answers)

For whom did we try?

(children's answers)

Now we need to return the box to the Fairy. You need to carefully put everything in a box, without disturbing the order, and give it to her. But how to do this, we don’t know where the country “Chistul” is located?

(children's answers)

How did the box come about?

(children's answers)

The box appeared while I was sleeping. Let's take the box to our group. And when you wake up to sleep, the Fairy will take her away. Do you agree? (children's answers)

(Children take the box and return to the group)

Anna Sakharova
Development lesson notes mathematical representations for children of the preparatory group “Subtraction”

Training tasks:

1. Shape the idea of ​​subtraction as the removal of part of a group of objects.

2. Introduce the sign «-» .

3. Expand representation O geometric shapes, their properties.

Developmental tasks:

1. Develop dialogical speech.

2. Develop attention, logical thinking, memory.

3. Develop cognitive activity, curiosity.

Educational tasks:

1. Build cooperation skills on class.

2. Formation of communication skills.

3. Continue to develop self-esteem skills.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, look who came to us? Sign «-» he invites us to visit, to the land of Knowledge in the city Mathematics. Shall we go on a trip? Who lives there?

We will travel with one resident from this city, a minus sign.

What does he look like.? When a minus appears, what happens? everything decreases, declines or disappears completely.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

We'll shake hands

The heat will run in a circle.

Guys, in the Land of Knowledge, a flower will help us - a seven-flowered flower.

1 petal

"Connect the dots"

If we complete the task correctly and quickly, we will find out what we can go on. (on a rocket)

2 petals

"Make a control panel" (there are pencils and a sheet of paper on the tables)

Draw a circle in the middle.

There is a square in the upper left corner.

There is a triangle in the upper right corner.

There is a rectangle in the lower left corner.

In the lower right corner there is an oval.


We're all ready to fly: there is a rocket, a control panel.

Get ready to launch the rocket. Team 1 of girls counts to 20, and team 2 of boys counts back from 20. (forward and reverse counting)

3 petal

Stories in which minus is involved can also be written down in numbers.

There were seven eggs on the table. The mouse ran, waved its tail, five eggs fell and broke. How many eggs are left on the table? (two is correct)

And it is written like this

Now guys, I’ll write down examples, and you can come up with stories to go with them.

Children tell their stories (optional)

Name the neighbors of the numbers 8, 10, 15

Name it previous number: to numbers 5, 9, 13

Say the next number: to numbers 4, 19, 11

Name single digit numbers

Name two-digit numbers

Well done on this task. Well, what do we go next?

4 petal

Name the flat geometric ones figures:

circle, square, triangle, rhombus, trapezoid, oval, rectangle, octagon,

Which 2 figures can be removed from this groups(Why)

Circle and oval - these figures have no corners.

What other figures are redundant? (triangle and octagon)

Physical education minute.

Once - rise, stretch,

Two - bend over, straighten up,

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms,

Six is ​​the place to sit again.

5 petal

Six nuts mommy pig

For carried the children in a basket.

The hedgehog met a pig

And he gave four more.

How many nuts pig

Did you bring it to the kids in a basket?

Three bunnies, five hedgehogs

How many kids are there in the garden?

Five pies were in a bowl.

Lariska took two pies,

Another one was stolen by the pussy.

How much is left in the bowl?

6 petal

A task of ingenuity

How many ears do 3 mice have?

How many tails do 5 cats have?

How many heads do 4 cows have?

7 petal

Well, here is the last petal left. Listen to the riddle.

Day and night they go.

Never get tired.

They whisper monotonously to the beat:

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

The arrows look like mustaches.

They are called... (watch)

If you set the time correctly, then you and I will return again to our group

Why does a person need a watch? Why do we need to know time?

Take a watch and set it to 11 o'clock exactly.

Bottom line:

Now let’s count down together. (Count down from 5 to 1)

To land softly, let's say magic words:

Fly, fly rocket

To the West, to the East

Counting the kilometers

arriving on time.

Here we are at home.

Did you enjoy the trip?

What kind of chest is this? Yes, this is the "-" sign sent you stickers for

completed tasks.

Publications on the topic:

Notes for a lesson on the development of elementary mathematical concepts (20–25 minutes) (2nd year of study, 2nd quarter) Notes for a lesson on the development of elementary mathematical concepts (20-25 minutes) (2nd year of study, 2nd quarter) Topic: “Long concepts.”

Summary of an integrated lesson in mathematics (formation of mathematical concepts) for the senior group Goal: Learn to count to 8; fix the days of the week, the names of geometric shapes (oval, circle, triangle, rectangle, square) Software.

Abstract of GCD on the development of elementary mathematical concepts for children of the first junior group. Abstract of GCD for the development of elementary mathematical concepts for children I junior group. Educational areas: “Cognition” “Communication”.

Abstract of GCD for the development of elementary mathematical concepts according to the “Development” program in the preparatory group MADOU MO, Nyagan "D/s No. 8 "Rosinka" Performer Chupina Zulfira Gabdullovna Abstract of GCD for the development of elementary mathematical concepts.

Abstract of OOD on the development of mathematical concepts for speech therapy preparatory group Program objectives: Summarize the knowledge acquired during the year. Strengthen the ability to compose arithmetic problems and write down their solutions.

Notes on the development of elementary mathematical concepts in the preparatory group. Development of logical thinking Goal: Continue measuring using a ruler. Develop logical thinking. Material: Cards with images; rulers; colored sticks.

Municipal budgetary institution additional education Center children's creativity Orenburg



on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in older children preschool age

Topic: “Travel in the country of “Mathematics”.


Target: formation of mathematical thinking, development of logic. Tasks:


Practice orientation in relation to yourself, other objects, and orientation on a sheet of paper;

Fix the name of geometric shapes (rectangle, square, triangle, circle, rhombus, trapezoid);

Fix the name of the days of the week, their sequence;

Improve the skills of forward and backward counting up to 20, the ability to determine quantitative relationships between numbers within 20, and make the appropriate “record” using numbers and signs;

Strengthen the ability to name the previous and subsequent numbers;

Improve skills in composing and solving problems.


Develop imaginative and spatial thinking; fine motor skills hands; children's speech, practice agreeing nouns with numerals.


Cultivate interest in mathematics and persistence in achieving goals.

Equipment : board, picture with a meadow, crown and mantle for the Mathematics Fairy; For each child, cards for numbers, one sheet of paper in a cage, simple pencils, numbers and signs.

Didactic games: “What number is missing?”, “Name the previous and next number”, “Name it quickly”, “Count further”, “Live week”; with geometric figures: “Find the figure”, “Build the figure”.

Organization and methodology of conducting directly educational activities:

Children stand near the teacher, the teacher shows a “magic” wand and says:

- Guys, I have a “magic” wand, now with its help we will find ourselves in the magical land of “Mathematics”, and I will turn into the Fairy of Mathematics. Close your eyes. One, two, three, go to a magical land. (The teacher puts on the crown and mantle for the Mathematics Fairy and continues the lesson).

Teacher: Today we will go on a journey through the country of “Mathematics”, it will be very interesting.

Guys, stand in a circle and we’ll play the game “Days of the Week.”

(I throw the ball to the children, they answer the questions, one by one.)

1. name all the days of the week in order;

2.what day of the week is it today;

3. what day of the week was yesterday;

4.what day of the week will it be tomorrow;

5.what day of the week after Thursday;

6.what day of the week before Tuesday;

7. name the first day of the week;

8. name the last day of the week;

9. name the day of the week between Tuesday and Thursday.

Teacher: Okay, everyone completed the task.

And now we will play the game “Stand where I say.”

Sasha, stand next to me.

Styopa, stand behind Sasha.

Kirill, stand in front of Sasha.

Nastya, between Kirill and Sasha.

Katya, stand next to Styopa.

Dima, stand between Katya and Styopa.

Matvey, for Dima.

Vova, in front of Dima.

Matvey, stand next to Vova.

(Teacher: I ask each child: “Where are you standing?”)

Sample answers from children: I'm standing behind Sasha. I'm standing in front of Katya. I stand between Kirill and Sasha, etc.

P: Well done guys, you all answered correctly, take a seat at the tables.

(Children sit at tables).

P: On the table in front of you are numbers from 1 to 20. Lay out a number line on the tables. Check each other's assignments. (Children check). Count from 1 to 20. Be careful, one child starts counting, the other children will continue, watch the count. Well done, now count down from 20 to 1. (Children count in turns.) Okay, everyone completed the task.

P: Now name the previous and next numbers. First we call the previous number, then the next one. (I name the numbers, the children answer).

Children's answers:

Previous number is 3, next number is 5.

P: Look, I have signs on my board. What are their names?

Children's answers: Greater than sign, less than sign.

P: What do we show with their help?

Children's answers: Which number is greater, less.

P: Place the numbers 7 and 8 on the second strip, put the desired sign between these numbers, and read the entry. (Children read: seven is less than eight).

Swap the numbers and put a sign, read the entry. (Children read: eight is more than seven).

I propose to put forward the numbers 13 and 14, put a sign between them, and read the entry. Swap the numbers and put a sign, read the entry. Put the numbers and signs in place.

P: Well done guys. Now we're going to have a fun break. (Children go to the middle of the group room.)

Fizminutka : “Two minutes”

(Children do physical exercises)

P: Take a seat at the tables. We rested, and now Let's solve problems.

(I post a picture on the board).

Task No. 1. There were 5 butterflies in the meadow, and 1 more butterfly flew to them. How many butterflies are there in the meadow?

P: State the condition of the problem. (Children: there were 5 butterflies in the meadow, another butterfly flew to them). What is the question in the problem? (Children: how many butterflies are there in the meadow?) Name the solution to the problem. (Children: 5 butterflies, add one butterfly, you get 6 butterflies.)“Write down” this task using numbers and symbols. (5+1=). Solve the problem. (5+1=6)

P: What is the answer to this problem?

Children's answers: 6 butterflies.

P: Fine.

Task No. 2.

P: Think and create a subtraction problem based on the same picture.

(Children make up a problem.)

P: Who created the task?

Children's answers: There were 6 butterflies in the meadow, 1 flew away. How many butterflies are left?

P: State the condition of the problem. (Children: there were 6 butterflies in the meadow, 1 flew away). What is the question in the problem? (Children: how many butterflies are left?)

Name the solution to the problem. (From 6 butterflies, subtract one butterfly to get 5 butterflies.)“Write down” this task using numbers and symbols. (6-1=). Solve the problem. (6-1=5)

P: What is the answer to this problem?

Children's answers: 5 butterflies.

P: Well done guys, you solve problems well.

And now finger gymnastics. (The children do finger gymnastics"Bee").

A striped bee flew to us yesterday (Children wave their hands).

And behind her is a bumblebee and a cheerful moth

Two beetles and a dragonfly (curl fingers on each insect)

Like lantern eyes.

They flew, buzzed, (waving their hands).

They fell from fatigue. (put their hands on the table).

P: Well done. Take a piece of paper and a pencil, now we will write mathematical dictation .

There is a dot in the middle of the sheet, from which we will begin our dictation. Be careful, let's start.

5 cells right, 6 cells up, 2 cells right, 2 cells up, 2 cells left, 2 cells down, 3 cells left, 4 cells up, 5 cells left, 2 cells up, 6 cells left, 2 cells down, 6 cells to the right.

P: Okay, everyone completed the dictation.

Now let’s play the game “Which figure is missing?”

(Geometric shapes are placed on the flannelgraph different color, children close their eyes, the teacher removes one figure.)

P: 1,2,3 – look at the figures.

Children open their eyes and answer which figure is missing.

Sample answers from children: The red triangle is gone. The blue diamond is gone, etc. (We play 2-3 times).

P: So our journey through the country “Mathematics” ends. Well done guys, you completed all the tasks. Which task was the most interesting? ? (Children talk about the task they liked best).

P: Guys, you were active, attentive, reasonable, well done. We will visit this beautiful country of “Mathematics” many more times.

List of used literature:

  • 1. E. A. Kazintseva, I. V. Pomerantseva, T. A. Terpak “Formation of mathematical representations”, Lesson notes in preparatory group. Volgograd. Publishing house "Teacher", 2014.
  • 2.V.P.Novikov “Mathematics in kindergarten 6-7 years." Moscow. "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2012.
  • 3.V.I.Kovalenko “The ABCs of physical education minutes for preschoolers.” Moscow. "VAKO", 2013.

Tatiana D.
Summary of a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts with children of middle preschool age

Summary of educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts with children of middle preschool age “Autumn Journey”

Program content:

1. Develop the ability to compare two groups of objects of different shapes, determining their equality or inequality based on comparison of pairs.

2. Update ideas about geometric shapes (circle, oval).

3. Practice comparing two objects in height, denoting the comparison results with the words: high low, higher lower.

4. Develop attention and observation.


Demo material: designation of stations, improvised beds with vegetables, four apples and four large pears, dummies of vegetables (cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, two baskets.

Handout: cards with two stripes and four apples and four pears for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

The teacher addresses the children:

What a beautiful autumn day it is today, the sun is shining.

Do you guys want to go on a trip with me?

What will we go on? (by train).

We get into the trailers and off we go.

2. Main part

Attention, attention, first station "Sadovaya".

Guys, look what the gardener scattered? (apples and pears).

How do we call apples and pears in one word? (fruits).

How many fruits? (a lot of).

What can you say about the number of apples and pears, are they equal? How can you find out?

Let's help the gardener pick pears. Place them on the top strip and apples on the bottom (put an apple under each pear).

What do we have more, apples or pears? (pears)

How to make the number of apples and pears equal? (you can add one apple or remove one pear). Let's remove one pear and there will be an equal amount of fruit.

Well done, they helped the gardener and laid everything out correctly.

It's time to continue our journey, we get on the train and move on.

Attention, attention, second station “Lesnaya”.

Guys, there are a lot of trees growing in the forest, let’s turn you and me into trees.


The wind blows in our faces, imitate the wind blowing,

The tree swayed, shaking its body and helping with its hands

The wind is getting quieter, quieter, - sit down,

The tree is getting higher and higher - stand up and stretch your arms up

Guys, have you seen stumps in the forest? What are they? (Small, low)

And what kind of trees are in the forest? (big, tall)

What is taller, a stump or a tree? (tree)

Let's compare the guys? Who's taller? Igor or Arseny? (Igor)

Who's lower? (Arseny)

Attention, attention, third station “Ogorodnaya”.

Look what's growing in the beds here? (cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, onions, cabbage).

The harvest is ripe, it's time to harvest it. And here are the baskets.

Guys, look what figure is drawn on the first basket? (oval). What vegetables do you think look like an oval? (cucumbers, eggplants) So, we will collect cucumbers and eggplants in this basket.

What figure is drawn on the second basket? (circle) What vegetables look like a circle? (tomatoes, onions, cabbage). Let's collect these vegetables in the second basket.

You helped me a lot, it’s time to board our train and go home.

3. Final part

So we returned home. Who remembers which stations we stopped at? What fruits did you put out? Who remembers what we did at Lesnaya station?

Our journey is over, now we can rest.