New Year's holiday "Hare Hut" in the middle group. Scenario for a New Year's party for the middle group based on the fairy tale "The Hare's Hut" Suitable scenarios for the holiday

Fairy tale.
Characters: Skomorokh, Z, ayats, Fox, B r, a tya Dogs, Bear, Rooster.

The scenery is on stage: a forest, two huts, a tree stump.

Buffoon. At the edge of the forest edge
Two huts have been built!
The Fox's is icy!
And the Hare has bast!

The Fox and the Hare appear. They sing to the tune of “Duet of Federico and Ricardo” from the film “Dog in the Manger.”

Fox. My house shines with pure whiteness,
Blinding, sparkling with winter silver.
And nothing compares to hare beating
My glorious home, beautiful home,
Great house!
Hare. Let my house be no brighter and more modest,
But it’s still warmer and more comfortable in it.
From the heat, from the rain and from the snowstorm
Will cover the house, my sweet home,
Safe home!
Buffoon. The day passes, followed by night.
Now winter is leaving.
The sun is hot,
Lisa's hut is melting!
Fox. Oh, how scared I am in the forest!
Hare, have pity on Fox!
I will repay you with kindness!
Let me into your house.
I'll just wait out the night,
And the next morning I’ll go into the forest.
Hare(sings to the tune of the song “Belle”). The light, the sun's light warms the clearing.
Oh! My neighbor's roof is melting.
Trouble! How many troubles does this promise her?
Why did a heavy burden fall on her shoulders?
Little fox, honey, let me help you!
No, I will never drive you away!
Welcome to my house
I will share everything that I built myself.
with you.
Buffoon. The hare let the fox into the house,
He treated me to pies.
She jumped onto the stove,
And she kicked out the oblique one!
On a stump under a pine tree
Our scythe is crying bitterly,
Nods his head sadly,
He wipes away his tears with his paw.
Hare. Ah, the trickster fox,
She cleverly deceived me!
She closed the door tightly,
I'm now a homeless animal!
Buffoon. But fate this time
Gives the Hare a chance.
We walked near that pine tree,
Collected cones from Christmas trees
Bully hooligans -
Two stray dogs.
Dog Brothers (sing to the tune of “Song of the High Altitude Climbers”). We are not piglets, we are not rabbits, no!
And we are not afraid of the Fox, the Fox!
After all, we are fierce, brave, yes!
Dashing Guys, Dog Brothers, Dog Brothers.
Come on, Hare, where is your home?
We'll scare Lisa now.
So shameless bark,
So we bite the cheat,
What won't you think of again?
To offend the defenseless!
Hey Fox! Get out of the house
I'll say hello!
We won't joke with you!
We'll bite you in no time!
Fox. Who dared scold me?
Who wanted to scare me?
Now I’ll take the grip from the stove -
There will be rolls for the Brothers!
As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets!
Buffoon. This is hilarious! Bullies -
Two stray dogs
From the shameless Fox
They barely made it!
Fox (sings to the tune of the robbers’ song from the film “In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians”). Even if there is no stake and no yard -
I won’t be lost, that’s why I and the Fox,
That she is strong with cunning and dexterity
And I know where I can make money.
I don't want to live any other way,
I don't want to live any other way!

You are the Lisu from this house!
You won’t drive me away, Hare, you won’t drive me away,
You won't see home again!
Buffoon. Our Hare is sad again,
He hung his head again.
Don't be sad, don't cry, Bunny,
Toptygin Mishka is rushing to us!
Bear(sings to the tune of the song “At the Bear in the Forest”). In the summer I'm out of the woods
I'll bring a lot of raspberries.
How can I get some honey?
Then I won't be hungry.
Buffoon. And the Bunny is in trouble:
The fox is chasing out of the yard.
Bear. I am the master of the forest!
I'll teach Lisa a lesson now!
Hey, you little redhead!
Shameless redhead!
Leave while you're still alive!
I'll rub your sides!
Fox. What's happened?! What do I hear?
Is this really Misha?
Should I, Lisa, be afraid of you?
Apparently you forgot, brothers,
The sharpness of my teeth!
Buffoon. The clubfoot was like that!
Hare. No, I can’t see home...
I can't drive the Fox away.
Night is coming soon, and for me, poor fellow,
Sleep under a bush like a tramp!
Buffoon. Look who's coming!
He carries a braid on his shoulder.
Smart guy and well done -
A sonorous morning singer.
This is Petya the Cockerel -
Golden comb.
Rooster (sings to the tune of a soldier’s song from the film “An Old, Old Tale”). Along the road, along the road
Here I am walking, once and twice!
And even though I met the Fox and the Wolf
on my way,
My head survived! At-two!
At-two, left, at-two, right!
Along the highway!
Let adversity befall everyone on the road
I can cope with any danger!
(To the hare.) Don't worry and wipe your nose!
Return the house? Sure, not a problem!
Hare. Don't blame me, Pete,
But we won’t scare off the Fox.
If the Bear couldn't...
I can't see my threshold!
Rooster. Risk is a noble cause.
And if the offender is wrong,
I enter into battle with him boldly,
I trample dishonor with honor!
Buffoon. Well, we'll see if that's true.
Will Lizaveta escape?
Rooster. I am a brave Rooster
I am a Rooster - not a mug!
I carry a scythe on my shoulder -
Cut off the fox's head!
Fox. Petya, don't get excited!
Rooster. You, Lisa, hurry up!
So the braid is torn from the shoulders -
Cut off your head!
Fox. Getting ready... getting dressed...
Rooster. Get ready quickly!
Hare. Finally the door opened.
Fox. You, friends, forgive me,
Don't cut my heads off.
I honestly promise you:
I will no longer offend hares!
Hare. So be it, I forgive you
I let go with a pure heart.
And such joy
I ask everyone to come to my home!
Let's set the table
Let's have a feast!

Everyone sings a song about friendship.

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • A sketch from industrial life. Characters: Honey...
  • Characters: Narrator Kolobok Bear Fairy Cinderella Hare Baba Yaga Fox Grandfather Baba...
  • Educational objectives: To enrich the emotional impressions of children through the introduction of a fairy-tale plot and fairy-tale characters.…

New Year's holiday scenario

"Hare Hut"


Presenter, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Snowflakes, Bunny, Fox, Parsleys, Cockerels, Children

Children enter the hall listening to the "Song about the Christmas Tree." Santa Claus sits on a chair in front of the Christmas tree and sleeps. The leader leads the children to the Christmas tree.

Presenter. Guys, look what beautiful hall. Here the beautiful Christmas tree greets us. What holiday is today?

Presenter: Tell me guys
What kind of holiday awaits us all?
Answer amicably, loudly,
We are meeting…
(New Year)
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy!
Let it be in the New Year
Everyone is in a good mood
That's why everything is loud
Let's clap our hands!

New Year's warm-up: Leading: Now we’ll warm up a little; I will ask questions and answer like this:“Because the New Year is fast approaching us”!!!

So, questions:

Why, after grabbing a string bag, do we rush quickly to the kiosk?
Why is there more trouble for everyone on a beautiful evening?
Why is no one doing renovations in our house?
For some reason, everyone sends congratulations to everyone?
Why do smart people sit at the festive table?
Why is everyone laughing, smiling from ear to ear?
Why is Frost rushing to us with a bag of toys?
Why does the Snow Maiden invite everyone to the matinee?
Why is there a merry round dance at the Christmas tree?

The children answer. They see Santa Claus.


Oh, who is this?


Father Frost.


What is he doing?

Children. Sleeping.

Presenter (makes it possible to see Santa Claus closer so that the children are not afraid). That's news! We're having a holiday, and Santa Claus fell asleep right in the hall. How can we wake him up? Let's sing him a song!

The children agree and sing the song “Hello, Grandfather Frost.” At the very end of the song, Santa Claus wakes up and rubs his eyes.

Father Frost.

What's happened? Did I fall asleep?


Yes, Grandfather Frost, we came to the holiday, and you sat on a chair and slept. The journey along the snow-covered roads was long and difficult, and so you were tired.

Father Frost (gets up from chair):

Everything is ready, the children are assembled,

Christmas tree in festive decoration.

Enough for me, Frost, to sleep,

We need to start the holiday.

Happy New Year!

I wish you happiness and joy!

Come to the Christmas tree

Children stand around the Christmas tree.

Father Frost (looks at the Christmas tree and frowns). Oh no no no! This is a mess! For some reason the Christmas tree is not rejoicing with us... We need to ask her to light up the colorful lights. Let's all do it together.

Clap once and say:

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

The lights come on.

Father Frost.

Now let's stomp our feet.

And the heels will trample -

And the lights will go out.

The lights turn off. The game with the Christmas tree is played 2 times.

Father Frost.

We'll start a round dance -

After all, today is New Year!

Children lead a round dance with the song "Little Christmas Tree".

Father Frost.

How good! The Christmas tree is lit with colorful lights, the children are dressed up and cheerful, but why don’t I see my granddaughter Snegurochka?


Grandfather Frost, but she didn’t come to us.

Father Frost.

Where did she go? What a disaster! Kids, help find the Snow Maiden.

Children run out from behind the Christmas tree. The dance begins to the song “New Year's Toys.” After the dance, the children run away to their places.

Father Frost (takes a broom).

Oh yes Snowflakes, all the roads are covered. Well, it’s okay, I’ll clear all the snow from all the paths with a broom.(Sweeps and slowly moves towards the snowdrift). Look, what a mountain of snow I swept away - a whole snowdrift. What a miracle, the mountain is moving!


We know you, Grandfather Frost, you have prepared some surprise for the guys.

Father Frost.

Let's see what's there?

Santa Claus lifts the tulle, and there is a Snowman.

Snowman: I am neither small nor great,
Snowy white snowman!
I have a carrot nose
I really love frost.
And your Christmas tree is so elegant! I wish I could become so beautiful and elegant! Maybe you can decorate me too and make me elegant?

Game "Dress up the snowman". Children are asked to dress up a snowman. Children dress New Year's toys on a broom, tie tinsel around the snowman, and put a bucket or hat on his head.

Snowman: I'll clap my hands now! (claps)
I'll stomp my foot! (stomps)
We will sing and dance,
Dance near the Christmas tree.
Guests clap more friendly -
The dancing will be more fun!

Father Frost.

Grandson, Snowman, how did you get here?


I walked to kindergarten, suddenly there was such a snowstorm! The snowflakes swirled and swept me away. Thank you for helping me dig it out.

Presenter: Oh, do you hear? The snowball is creaking, is someone in a hurry to visit us?(Music sounds. Snow Maiden enters)

Snow Maiden: Hello! Here I am!
My name is Snegurochka!
I send winter greetings to everyone,
For adults and children.
Dads, moms, grandmas,
For girls and boys!
Oh, what is yours beautiful Christmas tree! And what smart children!
Come on, sister snowflakes,
Fly to me.
Silver snowflakes,
Join the round dance!

The music “Silver Snowflakes” is turned on. Snowflakes run out from behind the tree and the “Dance of the Snowflakes” begins. Father Frost.

Snow Maiden, haven’t you forgotten your favorite snowballs?

Snow Maiden.

They are with me everywhere, because I am a snow girl. Let's play them!

The Snow Maiden begins the "Snowball Game". While pronouncing the text, the Snow Maiden takes snowballs from the box and throws them as far as possible.

Snow Maiden.

I'll throw snowballs high

They will fly far

And the kids will collect snowballs

And they will bring it to me in a box.

Children collect snowballs and put them in a box. The game is repeated 2-3 times.


Thank you, Snow Maiden, for playing with our children. But the snowballs are cold, and the children can catch a cold. Let's rest a little.

Father Frost.

Sit down, guys, on the chairs. Now it's time for a fairy tale. I have a familiar hare, he is always with me.(He takes it out of the bag - it’s a toy. There’s already a baby Bunny standing behind the tree). I am a wizard and now I will try to revive him. Want to?(Children answer). Then I will put it behind the tree and say magic words. (Magical music sounds).

Fairy tale, come and visit me,

Come to life, my white Bunny!

The music "Bunny" is playing. A sad Bunny runs out from behind the Christmas tree. The fox takes a place in the house.

Father Frost.

Hello, bunny!

Bunny (sad).

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Father Frost.

Why are you so sad?


I'm not having fun - I'm in trouble!

Father Frost.

Tell me, maybe we can help you?


I built myself a house

On the edge of the forest.

It was good for me to live

In a bast hut.

But the insidious Fox

I saw the house;

She knocked and entered

And she drove me away.

I was a modest hare

So I became homeless!

Father Frost.

Ah, the robber fox! That's what I thought! Don’t worry, Bunny, we will drive the fox out of your house.


Oh, I'm afraid of the Fox:

Tail, eyes and mustache,

And the character is rude,

And what teeth!

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather Frost, let's call Petrushka. They will rattle the rattles, the Fox will get scared and run away.

Father Frost .

Hey, Petrushki, come out,

Rattle your rattles!

Start dancing

Scare the fox.

Parsley comes out.

1st Parsley.

You don't need to call us for a long time,

We are happy to help the hare.

We're dancing with a rattle

Friendship, fun now.

2nd Parsley

And we jingle with our toy -

Look at us.

Let's come closer to the Christmas tree,

3rd Parsley

Get out of the hare's light,

Bad Fox!

We will put rattles

In front of a Christmas tree in the forest.

All together Parsley:

Clapping your hands loudly,

We'll scare the Fox!

And the Fox will run away in fright,

We will vacate the house.

And with joy in a circle

Let's run with all our strength!

Fox (loud).

As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets!

Parsleys run away to their places.

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather Frost, maybe Petya the Cockerel will help us?

Father Frost.

Petya, Petya the Cockerel,

Golden Scallop!

Early in the morning you get up

Sing a sonorous song!

Sing louder in the forest

Scare the Fox more!

The Cockerels come out.

Cockerel 1st:.

My friends are here with me -

Fighting cockerels.

Let's stamp our feet,

Let's flap our wings,

The Fox will be scared!

Cockerel 2:

We are dashing cockerels,

We are perky and light.

We raise our wings,

We walk merrily.

There are patterns on the suit,

Rooster spurs on the legs.

Cockerel 3rd:

For protection from the enemy

Spur - one and spur - two!

We walk, we look for grain,

It's very tasty.

(Bend forward - look for grain, hands behind).

Cockerel 1st:

Lean lower

Stay close to the grain.

We will defeat the Fox

We'll vacate the house in no time.

(The cockerels walk in a circle, flapping their wings.)

Cockerel 2:

We raise our wings,

We walk merrily.

(They stop and shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”)


As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets.

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather Frost, the robber fox is not afraid of anyone. Maybe you can try to kick the Fox out of the hare's house?

Father Frost (rises).

It's nothing you can do.

Have fun, blizzards,

Bend lower, pines and spruces.

Everything that is in my forest

I'll cover it with white snow.

He brings his hands to his lips and begins to blow on the house where the Fox is. Sounds phonogram of a blizzard.

Fox (jumps out of the house):

Oh-hey, Grandfather Frost,

You froze my nose!


You have pity on the fox,

Warm the redhead's paws.

Father Frost.

How can you, Fox, not feel sorry for the Bunny? His paws and tail are also frozen, it’s winter outside, and you kicked him out of the house.

Fox (complainingly).

I won't do this again.

Father Frost.

Oh, you cheat! What do you guys think, will we forgive Lisa?(Children answer). And you, Bunny, go to your house and don’t be afraid of anyone.


Thank you!(Enters the house).

Father Frost.

What are we going to do with Lisa?

Snow Maiden.

Let's let her go.

Father Frost.

Come on, stomp your feet. The fox will get scared and run away.

The children stamp their feet and the Fox runs away.

Father Frost.

And now, honest people,

Come out to the round dance!

Children dance in a circle with the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Immediately after the end of the song, Santa Claus begins the game “I’ll Freeze.” Tries to freeze children's hands, feet, ears, etc. by touching the children with his hand or staff. Children cover with their palms the places that Santa Claus is trying to touch.

Father Frost.

I can't do anything. Oh, I'm tired.


Grandfather Frost, sit down on a chair and relax, and the guys will read poetry to you and the Snow Maiden.

Children read poetry.

Children's poems.

Anya C) Soon, soon the New Year!
Soon Santa Claus will come.
He brings us gifts
And he asks us to read poetry.

Kirill M) The round dance began to spin,
The songs flow loudly.
This means New Year,
This means a Christmas tree!

Sofia K) Happy New Year,
Happy New Year
Congratulations to everyone,
And then
And let's dance in a circle,
And we will dance and sing.

Aldar Ch) Hello, New Year's holiday,
Christmas tree and winter holiday!
All my friends today
We'll invite you to the Christmas tree.

Elsa I) Hello, festive tree!
We've been waiting for you all year!
We are at the New Year's tree
Let's lead a friendly round dance!

6) There are funny toys on our Christmas tree:
Funny hedgehogs and funny frogs,
Funny bears, funny deer,
Funny walruses and funny seals.

7) We are also a little funny in masks,
Santa Claus needs us to be funny,
So that it would be joyful, so that laughter could be heard,
After all, today is a happy holiday for everyone!

Sasha Sh) Our tree is tall,
Our tree is big
Taller than mom, taller than dad,
Reaches to the ceiling.

9) I have been waiting for the New Year for a long time,
Snowflakes blew through the window
A growing Christmas tree in the yard
Snow sprinkled the needles.
If Santa Claus knocks,
The Christmas tree's nose won't freeze.

10) Santa Claus is coming to the holiday,
In a red fur coat, felt boots,
He brings gifts with him
For little kids!

Galya M) Sparkle with lights, Christmas tree,
Invite us to the holiday.
Fulfill all your wishes
Make all your dreams come true!

Tasya B) Santa Claus is standing by the Christmas tree,
Hiding a laugh in his beard.
Don't keep us tormented for too long
Untie the bag quickly!

Kirill K) What a miracle, a miracle tree
All the green needles
In beads and balls,
In yellow lanterns!

Dasha B) Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
He lit the lights on it.
And the needles shine on it,
And there’s snow on the branches!

Father Frost.

Helped the hare

They sang and danced

And now I want to say:

Time to play games.

Let's play blind man's buff, guys.

Game "Blind Man's Bluff". Santa Claus is blindfolded.


Good Grandfather Frost

It has grown to our floor.

(They spin Santa Claus).

It's time for grandpa to catch us,

Run away, kids!

Santa Claus starts catching children blindfolded until he catches someone. The game is played 2 times.

Father Frost.

How clever and fast you are! You made me happy - you helped the Bunny. And now it’s my turn to please you with gifts.


Where are they, did they really all fit in the bag?

Father Frost.

Don't forget that I am a wizard. Snow Maiden, where are your snowballs?

Snow Maiden.

Here they are.

Father Frost.

Give me one, the most beautiful one.(Snow Maiden gives a snowball to Santa Claus). Now I’ll cast a spell on him and pump him around the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus rolls a snowball around the Christmas tree and rolls out a large lump of snow.


That's it, Grandfather Frost, what a big lump of snow it turned out to be! What's in it?

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden break the snowball and take it out . Gifts are being distributed.

Father Frost.

And now it’s time for us, the guys are waiting for us in another kindergarten. Goodbye!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving.


Our holiday has come to an end
Now I want to wish everyone:
Warmth, smiles, joy and happiness,
So that you don’t know sadness and misfortune!
May the New Year be the newest,
So that your dreams come true,
So that in any bad weather,
You were all surrounded by family!

The holiday ends.

Lyudmila Fedorova
New Year's holiday "Hare Hut" in the middle group

Under New Year's music, children enter the hall and stand in front of the Christmas tree.

Vosp:. What kind of guest has come to us?

And there are lights and garlands on it -

How elegant she is!

Comes to us with her

Winter holiday …

Children: New Year!

Playback: We are all admiring the Christmas tree today -

It gives us a delicate aroma.

And the best New Year's holiday

Comes with her to kindergarten!

1 – Christmas tree in holiday dressed up,

It lit up with lights.

How they burn and sparkle,

Everyone on holiday invite!

2 – At the green Christmas tree –

Beautiful needles,

And from bottom to top -

Beautiful toys!

3 - Let's dance merrily,

Let's sing songs.

So that the tree wants

Come visit us again!

4- And the Christmas tree is happy for us all -

So much fun all around!

Let's go for the Christmas tree -

Let's sing a song!


(sit on chairs)

Playback: The Christmas tree stood quietly in the frosty forest, still listening to us teach songs for holiday, let's dance... And she wanted to have fun with you so much that she said goodbye to the pines and birches and came to our kindergarten. And now she stands dressed up, beautiful in front of us and sparkling with joy.

Guys, do you want to play with our Christmas tree?

Children: - YES!

Vosp.: Then listen carefully - what I say, do it.

Our Christmas tree is standing, all lit up with lights,

And the heels will stamp and the lights will go out!

(children stomp, lights go out)

Oh, look, the Christmas tree heard us, and the lights on it went out...

Now let's say magical words: Clap, clap, say -

Our Christmas tree is on fire!

(children repeat and clap - the lights light up)

They play the same way again.

Vosp.: Now we’ll sit and look at the Christmas tree...

Near the Christmas tree New Year's - miracles happen,

Now in our hall the TALE begins!

The music sounds and the SNOW Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden: - Hello guys! Hello, guests! You recognized me?

I am the Snow Maiden! I came to you from a winter fairy tale,

I'm all snow and silver!

My friends are blizzards and blizzards, I love everyone, I’m kind to everyone!

Hello, Christmas tree! You are amazing

So elegant and beautiful

All covered in garlands, lanterns,

In gilding and in lights!

Playback: Music calls us into the circle - join in the round dance!

Spanish children round dance (at the choice of the music director)

(sit down)

Vosp.: Snow Maiden, why are you alone - without Grandfather Frost? Where is he?

Snow Maiden - Isn’t he here?

Vosp.: No...Look how many children and guests are waiting for him holiday…

Snow Maiden - Let's call him loudly, guys - he will hear us and come!

Vosp.: And that’s true, let’s call us to Santa Claus holiday!

Children: Father Frost! Father Frost!

E-hey-hey! I'm coming to you

Through heavy snow, blizzard, blizzard!

I'm going to see my kids -

For girls and boys!


D.M. – Hello, my friends! I'm very glad to see everyone!

Hello guys! Hello, guests!

And Snegurochka, my light! Glad to see you here Grandfather!

Behind the mountains, behind the forests - I've missed you all year!

Every day I remembered you... I collected gifts for everyone!

The bunny runs out to D.M. and cries.

D.M. - look, as soon as I said about gifts, the bunny immediately came running!

Hare: U-u-u-u- (crying)

D.M. - Hello, bunny!

Hare - Hello, Grandfather Frost!

D.M. – What’s your problem? What are those sad eyes?

Hare - The sly fox kicked me out of my house (crying)

D.M. - Oh, she’s shameless! Hey, cheating fox - come out!

Fox (looks out of the house): I am a fox, I am a cheat!

She cleverly deceived the hare!

It's good to live here alone -

This house is now mine! (hides into the house)

D.M. - Don’t be sad, bunny, we will help you drive the sly fox out of the house! Snow Maiden... who should we call to help the bunny?

Snow Maiden - Grandfather Frost, let's invite his friends to our bunny - they'll have bunnies... there are so many of them here. Maybe the fox will get scared of them and run away?

D.M. - Come on, Snow Maiden. Once the hare got into trouble,

I'll invite his friends!

Hey, little bunnies, run out - help out your friend hare!

Bunnies run out, Spanish. dance.

D.M. - Hey, little bunnies, hurry up and drive the fox out of their house!

The hares go to the house and knock.

Fox - I'll jump out! I'll jump out!

Pieces will go down the back streets! (the bunnies run away, only one hare remains and cries)

D.M. - Don’t cry, bunny, we’ll drive the fox away! Let me call the bear for help!

Misha, Misha the bear!

You leave your den - come out to our aid!

Mishka comes out: If only I can, I will certainly help!

After all, everyone knows from the fairy tale - we will fight back the fox! (approaches, knocks)- Hey, fox, open it! Get out of the house quickly!

Fox (looks out): I'll jump out! I'll jump out!

Pieces will go down the back streets!

Bear: Oh, angry fox!

He wants to tear my fur coat!

I can't fight her

I'll go to the den to sleep! (leaves)

The hare is crying - Oooh! Nobody can help me!

And drive the fox away!

D.M. - I know who will help you. It's Cockerel!

Petya, Petya - cockerel, golden comb!

You get up early and sing songs loudly!

Sing louder in the forest - scare the fox there!

Rooster - My squad is here with me - fighting cocks!

We'll stamp our feet, we'll flap our wings,

Let's scream loudly and we will defeat the fox!

Dance of the cockerels. Then they approach the house and shouting:Ku-ka-re-ku!

Rooster - I carry the scythe not on my shoulders! I want to whip the fox!

Get out of the oven, fox! Ku-ka-re-ku!

The fox runs out and the rooster follows. The fox runs up to D. Moroz

Fox: It's my fault, I'm cunning.

But forgive me!

I won't hurt the bunny

I'll be kind again!

D.M. Well, bunny, let's forgive the fox?

Hare - Sorry! Thank you very much! The house is now mine again!

D.M. - And now I, friends, invite everyone to a round dance!

To meet cheerfully and amicably New Year holiday!

Round dance (at the choice of the music director)

Playback: - Grandfather, sit down! Look at the guys!

D.M. I waited, children, for a whole year,

Who will read poetry to me?

Show respect -

Read me some poems!

Playback - Yes, Grandfather Frost, the guys were preparing, they were learning poetry - sit and listen!

D.M. - Thank you, children. I liked your poems.

But somehow I feel hot here. How not to melt!

I wish I had some cold air and a breeze right now! Blow on me!

Song: Snow Maiden, call your girlfriends - snowflakes. Let them dance here, fly around Santa Claus and he will feel cooler!

Snow Maiden: Snowflakes are girlfriends! Fly quickly!

Let's spin around our Christmas tree together!

Everybody fly! Everybody fly! Cool down Santa Claus!

Dance of snowflakes.

D.M. - Well, thank you, snowflakes! You cooled me down! Where are the fox and our bunny? What, they left and didn’t even say goodbye?

Playback - Grandfather Frost, but the fairy tale ended, and they became toys. Look, they are sitting in different places under the Christmas tree - they are quarreling again.

D.M. - Ay-yay-yay! It's not good to quarrel, right, guys? I’ll put them on chairs here now - so that everyone can see them and make peace - I’ll say the magic words “Make peace, make peace! And don’t fight anymore!”- they will make peace... Do you, children, know such magic words?

Children - Yes!

D.M. - Well done!

I’ll put the bunny here (he plants it, and the fox here) (plants, and the hare falls).

Oh, the bunny fell - we need to put him in a tighter seat - sit here (plants, the fox falls - they are tied with fishing line, etc.) No, apparently they had already made peace when they heard my magic words - so they want to sit next to each other (plants)– and it’s true – they don’t fall now! Well done - we made peace! Here's the fox as a gift - a fish (he puts it with the toy, and the bunny - a carrot for you) (puts it down too)- I'm sorry, what? (listens to the bunny, ah-ah, I see... of course I’ll bring it! Now - now. I’ll be there in a jiffy! The bunny said that he grew a miracle carrot. And he wants to give it to you! Come on, Snow Maiden - help me!

They take out fake carrots on a sled (it contains gifts)

D.M. – The hare grew in the garden

Not a carrot - beauty!

We'll treat all the kids -

She has vitamins!

I'll blow on the carrots (blows)

And I’ll do a little magic! (moves his hands over her)

And let the carrots be bright

There will be gifts for everyone! (opens and takes out gifts)

Snow Maiden, come help me - give me gifts!


D.M. - Goodbye! Goodbye!

Well, next year -

I will come to visit you again! (waves to everyone with the Snow Maiden)

Photo session for memory!


(New Year's tale for children middle group)

Children enter the hall

In front of the tree, Santa Claus sits on a mortar and sleeps; the presenter leads the children to the tree.

Presenter. Guys, look how beautiful the hall is. Here comes our beautiful Christmas tree

meets. (Children answer. They see Santa Claus.) Oh. who is this?

Children. Father Frost.

Presenter. What is he doing?

Children. Sleeping.

Presenter (gives you the opportunity to take a closer look at Santa Claus).

That's news! We have a holiday, and Grandfather Frost fell asleep right in the hall. How

should we wake him up? Let's sing him a song.

Song “Snowflakes are like feathers”

At the end of the song, Santa Claus wakes up and rubs his eyes

Father Frost. What's happened? Did I fall asleep?

Presenter. Yes, Grandfather Frost, we came to the holiday, and you sat on a chair and slept. The journey along the snow-covered roads was long and difficult, and you were tired.

Father Frost. Everything is ready, the children are assembled, the Christmas tree is in festive decoration,

Enough for me, Frost, to sleep, I need to start the holiday.

Happy New Year! I wish you happiness and joy!

Children stand around the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus (looks at the tree and frowns) Ay-yay-yay," This is not order. For some reason the Christmas tree is not rejoicing with us... We must ask it to light up the colorful lights. Let's all do it together.

Game with Christmas tree (played 2 times)

Clap once and say: Come on, the Christmas tree is on fire! (The lights come on)

Now let's stomp our feet. And the heels will stomp. And the lights go out

The lights turn off.

Father Frost. Let's start a round dance - after all, today is the New Year!

Round dance song “Santa Claus and children” (phonogram)

Santa Claus: How good! The Christmas tree is lit with colorful lights, children

elegant and cheerful, but why don’t I see my granddaughter Snegurochka?

Presenter: Grandfather Frost and she didn’t come to us.

Santa Claus: Where did she go? What a disaster! Snowflakes - girlfriends

help the Snow Maiden find it.

Dance "Snowflakes"

After the dance, Santa Claus begins to take revenge. The snowflakes run away to their places.

Santa Claus: (takes a broom) Oh yes Snowflakes, all the roads are covered. Well, that’s okay, now I’ll clear all the snow from all the paths with a broom, (Sweeps and slowly moves towards the snowdrift) Look what a mountain of snow I swept away - a whole snowdrift. What a miracle, the mountain is moving!

Ved: We know you, Grandfather Frost, you have prepared some surprise for the guys.

Santa Claus: Let's see what's there?

The presenter lifts the tulle, and there is the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: I will throw the snowballs high, they will fly far. And the guys will collect snowballs and bring them to me in baskets.

Snowball fight (children)

Ved: Thank you Snow Maiden for playing with our children. But the snowballs are cold, and the children can catch a cold. Let's rest a little.

Santa Claus: Sit down, guys, on the chairs. Now it's time for a fairy tale. I have a familiar hare, he is always with me. (He takes it out of the bag - it’s beep-ba-bo. There’s already a child bunny standing behind the tree) I’m a wizard and now I’ll try to revive him. Want to? Then I will put him behind the tree and say the magic words.

(Magical music sounds)

Fairy tale, come and visit me, come to life, my white Bunny!

A sad Bunny runs out from behind the tree. The fox takes a place in the house.

Santa Claus: Hello, bunny!

Zainka: (sad) Hello, Grandfather Frost!

Santa Claus: Why are you so sad?

Bunny: I have no time for fun - I’m in trouble!

Santa Claus: Tell me, maybe we can help you?

Bunny: I built myself a house on the edge of the forest. It was good for me to live in a bast hut. But the insidious Fox saw the house; She knocked and came in, but she chased me away. I was a modest hare, so I became homeless!

Santa Claus: Ah, the robber fox! That's what I thought! Don’t worry, Bunny, we will drive the fox out of your house.

Bunny: Oh, I'm afraid of the Fox:

Tail, eyes and mustache,

And the character is rude, and what teeth!

Fox: (loudly) As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets!

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, maybe Petya the Cockerel will help us?

Santa Claus: Petya, Petya the Cockerel, Golden Comb!

Early in the morning you get up and sing a sonorous song!

Sing louder in the forest, scare the Fox more!

The Cockerel comes out.

Cockerel: Here with me are my friends - fighting cockerels.

Let's stamp our feet, flap our wings,

The Cockerel dance is performed

We are dashing roosters, we are perky and light.

(The cockerels walk in a circle one after another, flapping their wings)

We raise our wings and walk merrily. There are patterns on the suit and rooster spurs on the legs. (They put out the right one, then left leg on the heel)

To protect against the enemy, spur - one and spur - two! We walk and look for grain, it is very tasty. (bend forward - look for grain, hands behind)

Bend lower, be closer to the grain. We will defeat the Fox and liberate the house in an instant. (The cockerels walk in a circle, flapping their wings.)

We raise our wings and walk merrily. (They stop and shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, the robber fox is not afraid of anyone. Maybe you can try to kick the Fox out of the hare's house?

Santa Claus: (stands up). It's nothing you can do.

Play out, snowstorms, bend lower, pines, spruces.

I will cover everything that is in my forest with white snow.

He brings his hands to his lips and begins to blow on the house where the Fox is.

The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds.

The fox jumps out of the house

Fox: Oh-oh-oh, Grandfather Frost, you froze my nose!

(To children) Take pity on the little fox, warm the little redhead’s paws.

Santa Claus: Don't you feel sorry for the Bunny, Fox? He also has paws and

his tail is frozen, it’s winter outside, and you kicked him out of the house.

Lisa: (plaintively) I won’t do this anymore

Santa Claus: Oh, you cheat! Do you think the guys will forgive Lisa?

(Children answer) And you, Bunny, go to your house and don’t be afraid of anyone.

Bunny: Thank you! (Enters the house)

Santa Claus: What are we going to do with Fox?

Snow Maiden: Let's let her go.

Santa Claus: Come on, stomp your feet. The fox will get scared and run away. The children stomp and the Fox runs away.

Santa Claus: And now, honest people, go out to the round dance!

Performing "Dance of Friendship"

Santa Claus: I can’t do anything. Oh, I'm tired.

Ved: Grandfather Frost, you sit down on a chair and relax, and the guys and the Snow Maiden

Poems are revered.

Children read poetry

Santa Claus: I forgot something, children, what do you play in winter, what games do you know?

Ved: We won’t tell, but we’ll sing and show everything

The song “Santa Claus is our New Year’s guest” is performed

Santa Claus: What a great fellow you are! They helped the hare, sang and danced,

And now I want to say: time to play games.

Game “I’ll Freeze” (r.n.p. “Oh, you canopy”)

1.Show your hands, they love to dance

I'm going to freeze them now, I need to put my hands away!

Children show their hands, stretch them out in front of them and perform “Lanterns”

Losing: hiding hands behind back

2. Show off your ears, ears love to dance

I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the ears!

Children hold their earlobes with their fingers and shake their heads

Chorus: cover your ears with your hands

3. Show off your cheeks, they love to dance.

I’m about to freeze it, I need to remove the cheeks!

Santa Claus: How dexterous and fast you are! You made me happy - you helped the Bunny. And now it’s my turn to please you with gifts.

Ved: Where are they, did they all fit in the bag?

Santa Claus: Don't forget that I am a wizard. Snow Maiden, where are your snowballs? Snow Maiden: Here they are.

Santa Claus: Give me one, the most beautiful one.

(Snow Maiden gives a snowball to Santa Claus)

Now I’ll cast a spell on him and pump him around the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus rolls a snowball around the Christmas tree and rolls out a large lump of snow.

Ved: That's it, Grandfather Frost, what a big lump of snow it turned out to be! What's in it?

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden break up the snowball and take out gifts. Gifts are being distributed.

Santa Claus: Now we have to go, the kids are waiting for us in another kindergarten. Goodbye!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving. The holiday ends.

"Hare Hut"

Scenario New Year's holiday for children of secondary and junior group.

Compiled musical director MBDOU No. 18 "Rainbow"

city ​​of Tikhoretsk Cherkashina Natalya Anatolyevna.

Presenter: Hello our dear viewers.

Dear and beloved parents

We are very glad to see you

On this day and at this hour

Every time under New Year

A fairy tale is coming to visit us

Along snowy paths

There is a fairy tale - invisible

Exactly at midnight ding - ding - dong

You will hear a quiet ringing

This fairy tale came into the house

Hush, hush, here she is

Opens the door, brings the children in (snake in a circle) to the music of Radzinsky’s “Rococo Snuff Box”

Presenter: How beautiful it is in our hall

We invited guests here

It will be fun together

For adults and children

Dads, moms, grandmas,

For girls and boys!

Come on quickly kids

Turn to moms

Wave your hand at them

Caring and nice

After all, they were in a hurry here,

To say Christmas trees;

Together“We sewed dresses for our daughters

adults and children The holiday can begin!”

Any circular dance

Presenter: What is our Christmas tree?

Children: Fluffy, fluffy!

Presenter: And what else?

Children: Fragrant, fragrant!

Presenter: So let’s sing to the Christmas tree

About her needles!

Dads, moms, don't be bored,

Sing along with us on the spot,

Clap your hands together

Have fun with us!

Round dance song

Presenter: That's how much fun we have

Songs, jokes, games, dance

But among no one

Children, give me the answer!

Who's funny and big

With a long white beard?

Children: Grandfather Frost!

Presenter: For Grandfather Frost to appear here -

All the guys need to sit down quickly,

And then stomp your feet,

Yes, clap everyone's hands

How Frost will hear us -

Will appear here now

Stomp, clap

Santa Claus: Hey, ay, ay, ay - y - y!

I'm coming to your Christmas tree!

Here I am! Come on, are you tired of waiting?

Hello to all the guys!

I see you tried

There is no better Christmas tree in the world!

Well, kids, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers!


I can't hear it louder!

Now it's a different matter

I love someone who is cheerful

I'm Grandfather Frost!

If someone hangs his nose,

Let him raise his nose higher!

Presenter: Grandfather Frost!

Our children are all cheerful and very brave.

Having fun in the cold

And they are not afraid of frost

Santa Claus: Let's play

To my favorite game

Who will I slap on the palm of?

I'll freeze it and pick it up.

Presenter: And you guys, don’t yawn

And remove your palms.

Game with Santa Claus

Santa Claus: You all played well

And they removed their hands

And now it's time

Light the Christmas tree, kids.

Where is my granddaughter Snegurochka?

She has fairy lights in her purse.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden

hasn't come to us yet.

Santa Claus: Where did she go?

What a disaster!

Presenter: Don’t be upset, Grandfather Frost!

We have magic snowballs.

I'll throw snowballs high

They will fly far

And the guys will collect snowballs

And they will find our Snow Maiden.

Snowball dance

Santa Claus: How much snow has fallen!

A whole mountain!

Presenter: And the mountain is moving!

Such miracles!

Let's see what's there?

The presenter helps the Snow Maiden get out of the snowdrift.

Snow Maiden: I am a girl made of snow,

I'm not afraid of snowdrifts

I love frost and cold

I'm called Snow Maiden!

Sings a song

Santa Claus: Granddaughter, didn’t you forget the flashing lights?

It's time to light the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: And they are here, in my purse.

One, two, three, burn!

(Pretends to throw lights on the tree, the tree lights up)

Presenter: Oh yeah, Christmas tree! Simply amazing!

How elegant, how beautiful

Come on, children, let's dance in a circle

Grandfather Frost is waiting for you

Santa Claus: Are the guys standing in a circle?

Children: Get up!

Santa Claus: Did you take each other's hands?

Children: Got it!

Santa Claus: Are you ready to repeat after me?

Children: Ready!

Santa Claus: Repeat word for word.

Dance - game “Hey, what kind of people!»

In this game, each line is repeated 2 times. The first time - by adults, the second time - they are picked up by children, simultaneously performing actions, then, holding hands, they run in a circle.

1. Hey, what kind of people are coming after the frost?

For the fast part of the music:

"Let's run, let's run

Only the heels sparkled"

2. Hey, what kind of people clap their hands all the time?

3. Hey, what kind of people hit you on the knees?

4. Hey, what kind of people pull their own ears?

5. Hey, what kind of people are leading themselves by the nose?

6. Hey, what kind of people walk backwards and forwards?

7. Hey, what kind of people walk like a goose?

8. Hey, what kind of people are walking on tiptoes?

From these options, any 4 – 5 options are selected.

Presenter: Well done, Santa Claus! And he arranged a round dance,

And on fun game set up all the guys

We had a good run, had fun,

The cheeks were flushed, the eyes sparkled...

Santa Claus: And now everything is in place

I'll tell you a fairy tale.

I have a familiar hare, he is always with me.

(takes it out of the bag)

I am a wizard and now I will try to revive him.

Come on, Snow Maiden, put the hare behind the tree,

And I will say the magic words.

“Fairy tale, come and visit me,

Come to life, my poor Bunny."

A sad Bunny runs out from behind the tree, and the Fox takes a place in the house.

Santa Claus: Hello, Zainka!

Hare: Hello, Grandfather Frost!

Santa Claus: Why are you so sad?

Hare: I don’t need fun - I’m in trouble!

Santa Claus: Tell me, maybe we can help you.

Hare: I built myself a house

At the edge of the forest

It was good for me to live

In the bast hut

But the insidious Fox

I saw the house;

She knocked and entered

And she drove me away

I was an orphan hare

So I became homeless!

Santa Claus: Ah, the Fox is a robber!

That's what I thought!

Don’t worry, Bunny, we will drive the forest out of your house.

Hare: Oh, I'm afraid of the Fox.

Tail, eyes and mustache,

And the character is rude,

And what teeth?

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, let's turn all the children into

Parsley. They will rattle their rattles,

The fox will get scared and run away. Come on, Snow Maiden,

Bring rattles for the children!

You guys come out

Rattle your rattles!

Start dancing

Scare the fox.

Dance with rattles. N. Zaretsky, music. white adv. "Bulba»

1. We dance with a rattle

Having fun together now

And we jingle with our toy

Look at us

Chorus: Ding - la - la, ding - la - la.

2. Let's come closer to the Christmas tree,

Get out of the hare light

Bad Fox!

3. We will put rattles

In front of the Christmas tree in the forest

Clapping your hands loudly,

We'll scare the Fox.

4. And the Fox will run away in fright,

We will free the house

And with joy in a circle

Let's run with all our strength!

Hare: I will never return to my house,

No one can drive the Fox away.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, come on

Let's invite different animals to our Christmas tree:

and cockerels with spurs,

and cats with scratchy paws

and thick-footed bear cubs.

maybe the Fox will get scared of them and run away?

Round dance game "Animals on the Christmas tree."

Fox: As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out,

shreds will fly through the back streets!

Hare: The robber fox is not afraid of anyone...

Presenter: Come on, guys, take our hands

funny drums.

How does the Fox hear thunder?

will run away from the forest.

Children happily march around the Christmas tree, playing noise instruments -

homemade drums.

March with drums.

Fox: As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out,

shreds will fly through the back streets!

Hare: And the robber fox was not afraid of the drums...

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, the red-haired cheat is not afraid of anyone.

Maybe you can try to kick the Fox out of the hare

Santa Claus: There's nothing you can do, you'll have to intervene.

Come on, granddaughter Snow Maiden, bring the magic staff.

Have fun, blizzards,

Bend lower, pines and spruces.

Everything that is in my forest

I'll cover it with white snow.

The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds

Fox (jumps out of the house).

Oh, hey, Grandfather Frost,

You froze my nose! (children)

You have pity on the fox

Warm the redhead's paws

Santa Claus: Don't you feel sorry for the Bunny, Fox?

His paws and tail are also frozen

It's winter, and you kicked him out of the house.

Lisa: I won't do it again

You, friends, forgive me,

And now another one

Little fox is good,

Not cunning, not evil

I will be friends with you

And live in peace with everyone.

Santa Claus: Well, guys? Shall we forgive Lisa?

Presenter: For the sake of such a holiday

Everyone is ready to forgive Lisa!

And now, honest people,

Come out to the round dance!

Any round dance song or dance

Presenter: Grandfather Frost!

We sang and danced,

And we didn’t play catch-up

Santa Claus: I love games very much.

I'll catch up with you guys now.

Game "Catch-up"

Santa Claus: Okay, I played fun,

And a little tired.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, sit down, relax, and the children will write poems for you


Children read poetry

Santa Claus: You made me happy, you helped the Bunny

And now it's my turn

please you with gifts

Presenter: Where are they? Did everything really fit in the bag?

Santa Claus: Don't forget that I am a wizard.

Snow Maiden, where are our magic snowballs?

Snow Maiden: Here they are!

Santa Claus: Let the children hide them under the tree.

Now remember the magic words.

"White snow is fluffy

Turn into a sweet one."

Presenter: Let's say them together.

Santa Claus: Done!

New Year is approaching

He brings joy and happiness

For smiles and surprises

This year will be generous

All wishes and dreams

Will definitely come true

But before that, guys,

Need to push myself

Forget all the grievances

Your sorrows

And whims, discontent -

Don't take them into the New Year!

My order is clear!

Santa Claus: Well, get ready, kids!

New Year gifts

It's time to receive!

Cheerful music is playing, the Snow Maiden, the Hare and the Fox are helping to distribute gifts

Santa Claus: It's time for us to say goodbye.

Snow Maiden: What a pity to part with you

Lisa: We congratulate you guys.

WITH magical holiday winter

Hare: Fun, happiness and health

We wish you with all our hearts!

Presenter: See you next time!

All: Happy New Year!