Download animated Merry Christmas cards. Merry Christmas greetings animated pictures

Our life is unthinkable without a holiday, and especially without Christmas ones. This ringing of bells, kind smiles around, faith in the best and love in the air - all this is always expected with all my heart.

Christmas is the brightest event in our lives. This is hope for salvation, for something better and brighter. Merry Christmas greetings in cards, poems, and cute pictures can truly please those who are not close to you on this great day.

Christmas has its own traditions. First of all, it is the gathering of the whole family together at a common table. It is important to congratulate all those whom you value and love so much. But if suddenly someone close to your heart is far away, you can give them a little joy by simply sending a beautiful Christmas card with good wishes.

It is important to make peace with someone with whom you were in a quarrel. Don’t leave negativity in your life, get rid of it, open your heart and soul to goodness and love. greeting card to help you. This is the simplest and most touching way to remind yourself and your feelings. You can download a postcard with Merry Christmas greetings on our website.

With the right word you can pour out your soul, confess your love, and beg for forgiveness. But happiness, as we know, is in the little things. Not worth it great holiday give pompous gifts, your attention - best present on this day. Those very right words can be found on Merry Christmas cards.

Sincere congratulations flow from the heart. This moment is important for any person who wants to reflect all the devotion, love, respect and attention in his wish. To these nice words You can attach cards in verse with Merry Christmas greetings. We bring to your attention an amazing selection of bright pictures completely free of charge.

Christmas is the most magical holiday. And Merry Christmas greetings are somehow magical, fabulous and unusual. Please your family and friends with Merry Christmas greetings.

Merry Christmas greetings in verse

When the snow covers the ground

And Christmas will come again

Raise your glass to happiness,

For peace, for friendship, for love!

The bright holiday comes to us again -

A bright, great celebration!

May goodness and pure love

Fill your heart at Christmas!

Snow lies on the ground like a carpet,

The world has become cleaner, lighter and brighter.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Happiness in life, love, good luck!

From the smiles of family and friends

Let the mood lift

And there will be many days in the year

Full of joy and luck!

IN Holy holiday Christmas

Let the words of love ring out

Let your home be cozy

And hope lives in him!

In a world full of kindness,

Let your dreams come true

There's a bright star in the sky

May it always shine for you!

Christmas and New Year -

This is a round dance of snow,

It's a house full of light

And smiles at the table!

Let among the snowstorms, blizzards

The world will suddenly become warmer

From love and kindness!

Let your dreams come true!

Merry Christmas!

May the world not be harsh towards you,

So as not to know and not meet

Pain and suffering.

My dear man,

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas I wish you!

May fate be happy!

I wish you bright joy and happiness,

Always be a beautiful soul!

On Christmas Day

We want to wish you happiness.

May this holiday be bright

Bad weather will bypass your home!

Merry Christmas

I congratulate you!

I wish you happiness and health, good luck to everyone,

Holiness, deceit - in moderation, so that everything

Joy, good luck. Nothing bad!

Merry Christmas congratulations,

We wish you happiness and health!

Without offending your neighbor in any way,

Serve, people, only good deeds!

May the New Year and Christmas holiday

They will give you a feeling of magic!

Let the candle light warm the house,

Let the smell of fresh pine be in it!

Let close friends be nearby,

May the family be happy and joyful.

Let nothing be to you on this holiday

Do not overshadow the celebrations!

Let's raise our glasses

For Christmas Day!

Welcome guests!

Open the doors wider!

Christmas has come!

Let's start the celebration!

Give gifts to each other

And these warm words:

"Happy New Year,

Merry Christmas to you."

With New Year's spirit,

Happy New Year's treat!

Happy New Year,

Merry Christmas!

And Christmas is like a magician, a wizard,

Like a precious talisman

Health, vigor and fun,

And may it give you happiness.

The one who was born on Christmas Day,

Bears a special seal:

He should be happy and healthy

So that you can always start a good deed!

Our city is covered with powder,

Christmas is coming to us again...

We wish you only good things,

What you can wish for your friends.

Merry Christmas

We congratulate everyone!

We wish you happiness and health!

May it be with a clear dawn

a new day will be born,

Let the joy be bright

there will be a knock on the windows!

Merry Christmas to you!

And we wish you well in the most difficult hour,

Be patient and try to live

According to the laws of the world, love your neighbor!

Born on Christmas Day

Illuminated with a special light.

He will always be strong and healthy

And gifted with happiness in life by the Almighty!

Holy night is at the threshold,

Happiness enters every home...

Let's become cleaner, closer to God

Before you meet Merry Christmas!

Let's touch the miracle with our hearts!

Let's be silent... What's the use of words?

Peace in the soul and joy everywhere

On the bright holiday of Christmas!

Christmas is one of the most important religious holidays among Christians. In Rus', Christmas began to be celebrated in the 10th century. One of the Russian sovereigns who celebrated Christmas according to all Russian customs was Peter I. He really loved Christmas games: he took part in performances and festivities, and was not averse to telling fortunes. On this day, the sovereign certainly visited the houses of noble nobles and boyars to check if everyone was having fun on this day. The one who was noticed by Peter I with a “sour face” was beaten by the batogs. On this day, I wish our humble company to celebrate this great holiday with the same passion with which Peter I celebrated it.

I'm selfless and naive
I love you on Christmas night
Eight-pointed wondrous stars
Rays flying towards me.

When the whole church freezes
The Royal Doors are open,
Stands, doesn’t touch the ground
Winged angel. And lips

They don't move, but sounds flow,
Here the sky has descended to the earth,
Blessing hands
I feel it on my forehead.

And the smell of incense and spruce,
Living candles,
And the fear that weightlessness in the body -
From a touching hand.

I step into the world with this miracle -
Enough for a long time! And for everyone!
The Holy Night sparkles in the stars,
And sparkles fall onto the snow.

Bokova T.

Happy Christmas!
There is no happier celebration!
On the night of Christ's birth
A star lit up above the earth.

Since then, through the centuries
She shines for us like the sun.
Warms the soul with faith,
To make the world more beautiful, better.

Gives sparks of magic
Happy Christmas!
Peace comes to every home...
Merry Christmas!

Bokova T.

Winter day. A cherished holiday.
Let the January frost be angry, -
He's like a prankster in disguise,
He came to visit us again.

The doors swung wide open,
There was a lot of fuss.
Everyone who believes and does not believe,
They glorify the boy Christ.

The elders, straightening their shoulders,
They grunt approvingly.
Day and night twisted candles
They burn in front of the image.

It comes alive before our eyes
Russian fairy tales have magic.
Everything rejoices and plays -
Hello, holiday - Christmas!

Popov D.

On the bright holiday of Christmas
There will only be magic

There will be happiness and fun
You are among your family,

Let's forget about idleness -
Have an active weekend everyone!

Christmas is the birth of God,
The brightest day of the year

We wish everyone well,
Labor incentives.

Khomyakov A.

Merry Christmas we wish you all
And we want to wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that all the troubles and misfortunes come to you
In this life, you have all been passed over.

On this festive evening of Christ
Be cheerful, you are happy,
Don't forget that salvation
Inherent in our soul.

Be wise, cheerful, kind,
As Christ taught in his time,
Winter evening with family and friends
Spend it with warm tenderness.

Happiness, mercy, kindness, eternal
Open your soul towards me,
Let the joy never end on this day
And he goes through life with you.

Guzova O.

The snow falls white-white
to the hills and houses;
dressed in sparkle-frost
Old Russian winter.

The stillness of the blue river...
And you don’t need anything -
on the painted porch
Christmas is lurking.

Rock the cradle
and drive the clouds away...
All doubts will be debunked
that Christmas night.

Guzova O.

Bells ringing.
How light my heart is,
May God protect you.

On holiday, we rejoice
We believe in miracles.
The main thing is health,
The main thing is family.

Merry Christmas!
Grace to you all.
Learn to believe
And forgive enemies.