Hats in the senior group. Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic “Hats

This material will be useful to educators preparatory group. This is an educational summary that introduces children to a variety of hats.


  • Forming a conscious habit of taking care of your health;
  • Generalization and clarification of children’s ideas about hats and their purpose;
  • Forming interest in the variety of hats, the history of their origin, purpose and nationality;
  • Forming interest in people of various professions and their uniform hats;
  • Activating children's speech, developing the ability to give reasons for their answers;
  • Development communication skills, encouraging complete, detailed answers from children;
  • Expanding children's horizons and developing cognitive interest in the process of making and decorating souvenir hats;
  • Development fine motor skills hands
  • Consolidating children's knowledge of numbers.

Methods and techniques: surprise moment, playful, visual, questions for children.

Materials and equipment:

Headwear (baseball cap, hat, fur hat, Panama hat, headscarf, peakless cap, beret); paintings depicting people of different professions (pilot, cook, doctor, builder, molarist); Pinocchio toy, colored dough.

Children enter the group to the music “Song about Kindness”, stand in a semicircle


Invented by someone simply and wisely,

When meeting, say hello:

"Good morning, Good morning sun and birds,

Good morning to smiling faces,

And everyone becomes kind and trusting. Let the good morning last until the evening!”

Guys, let's smile at each other, say hello to our guests,

Let's say together, in unison: “Everyone, good morning everyone!”

Look how many kind and smiling faces there are around. Where do you think kindness lives? (In our heart.)

The heart is one of the most important human organs; it is also called the “motor” of our body, because it works without stopping, day or night. What organ do you think is called the “commander” of our body? (brain) In what part of the body is the brain located? (In my head.)

A reasonable person always takes care of his health, think and tell me how people protect their “commander” from harmful effects, for example from the cold? (Wear a hat to prevent hypothermia of the brain, which can cause a person to get sick.)

You know, just recently I learned that the word “hat” translated from French means... a tire. What is the exact name, indeed, when a person puts on a hat, it is as if he is covering his head. Tell me, what kind of tire do you wear on your head?

Didactic game“Who can name more hats?”

Well done, how many different hats you know, and now I invite you to look at the exhibition of hats (children look at the exhibits)

Educator: What are the number of models that people wear in winter?

Children called: No., the teacher puts aside the named models. Educator: Guys, try to determine what material winter hats are made of and why? (The teacher clarifies the children’s answers because these materials retain heat well.)

What do you think the person’s profession belongs to is headdress No. 5, No. 2, No. 1 (pilot, cook, nurse) What can you call all these hats? (professional headwear).

Look to the right and tell me what time of year can these hats be worn?

Children: These are summer hats.

What do they protect a person from (from the scorching rays of the sun, overheating of the head).

Look, what are the names of the hats located to your left? (hats or bonnets). What do you think these hats are for? (it’s puzzling, they won’t save you from the frost, they won’t protect you from the sun).

Children: For beauty, for celebration.

Music sounds, there is a knock on the door (Buratino appears, trembling).

Look who came to visit us?

Children: Pinocchio!

Educator: Oh, guys, look, Pinocchio is so cold that he can’t even utter a word. Pinocchio, how unreasonable you are, is it possible to walk in such light clothes and a paper cap in such weather? Don't you know how to dress in winter? (Pretends to listen.)

Guys, Pinocchio says that he and his fairy-tale friends are in trouble. There was a ball in the fairy-tale kingdom, everyone was having fun, dancing, but suddenly a terrible storm began, a strong wind blew in and tore off their hats and mixed everything up, and an evil witch bewitched them all and they can’t remember where whose is. And without their caps, caps and hats, they cannot return to their fairy tale? Now no one will ever be able to read a single fairy tale. What to do? Maybe you can help them? Come here quickly, let's remember what kind of headdress Little Red Riding Hood wears? Dr. Aibolit?...

Didactic game “Find a headdress for a fairy-tale hero.”

Educator: Run Pinocchio quickly to your friends, otherwise you’ll catch a cold! And be sensible, dress warmly.

Well done guys, you completed the task quickly, it’s immediately clear that you have a kind heart, and you didn’t leave your favorite fairy-tale characters in trouble.

And now it’s time for us kids to play and organize fun game These wonderful hats will help us. Maybe some of you know what they are called? (Flip-flops, such hats are worn in Vietnam, they protect from the sun, and are made from palm leaves dried in the sun.)

Outdoor game “Sharp Vietnamese”

Task: throw balls into a hat.

Educator: Yes, if you have a hat, you definitely won’t be bored! But in the old days, very serious matters were decided with the help of a hat. For example, in court, if the judge could not resolve the conflict between two disputants, then pieces of paper were thrown into a hat, where the names of the disputants were written and which one was taken out

first, he was considered right. Since then, people have said “It’s in the bag” when they are absolutely sure of their victory.

And now I want to check if you can solve riddles? Exactly? So that a miner can work underground without fear,

He goes down into the face

Of course, only in... (Helmet.)

Your own cozy forest house,

Locking on a hook

The gnome goes for a walk,

Wearing a scarf and...


We always wear a sports cap along with a T-shirt

With a name...

(Baseball cap.)

The tanker has it and the pilot has it - everyone who is engaged in dangerous work.

And dressed in heavy armor,

It was always worn by a knight once upon a time.

Where there is sun, cotton, melons,

Everyone still wears it today.

Can you name the hat - All in patterns...


Put me on your head and run on the hottest day,

If you take it off, your mother will be dissatisfied.

I am a summer hat.

So that my ears don’t freeze, I’ll listen to mommy and slowly put on “Something” warm for my ears!

Does anyone know about “something”?

And will he solve the riddle?

(Hat with ear flaps.)

With a long hat, so combative,

Of course, we have met more than once.

She is like a girlfriend to any soldier,

And he wears it dashingly on the top of his head.

(Pilot cap.)

Educator: Well done, everyone turned out to be right. What a wonderful thing a hat is, you can have fun with it, play with it, and solve serious matters, right? I suggest you make miniature hats as souvenirs in memory of our meeting, don’t you agree? Then take your seats.

Finger gymnastics:

On a visit to the big toe,

They came straight to the house.

Index and middle

Nameless and last

The very little finger of the little ones,

Knocked on the doorstep!

Educator: What do you think a miniature hat is? (this is a small size hat)

Nice, cute little hat, you can put it on your palm.

It fits only Thumbelina.

The hat was made just for her.

Modeling hats from colored dough according to the presentation (the music “The Hat Fell” sounds).

Guys, today we talked about various hats, about their purpose, tell me, why do people need them?

Children: For protection from wind, rain, sun, cold, and shock. They help a person maintain his health.

Educator: Pinocchio asked me to give you this box, I wonder what’s in there? (They open the box, it’s empty.) Oh, I must say magic words: Rex, peke, fex (the box has a double bottom, they take out lollipops). I wish you good health, good luck and all the best.


The music sounds “It’s good to walk around the world with caramel on your cheek.”

Drawing helps to open up creativity child, the formation of an aesthetic perception of the world, stimulates the development of fine motor skills, logical thinking, imagination and fantasy, sensory perception objective world. It is important to stimulate natural curiosity and cognitive activity older preschoolers with exciting creative tasks. The topic will help expand knowledge about the seasonal and gender characteristics of clothing and shoes, acquire the ability to draw patterns to decorate clothing, using various decorative elements (stripes, geometric shapes, dots), will improve the skills of choosing the most harmonious color combination.

Techniques and techniques used within the framework of the topic “Clothing and footwear”

Drawing wardrobe items awakens children's interest in modeling, introduces them to the history of the emergence and development of both modern and ethnic costumes, helps them understand the stylistic features of types of clothing intended for different life situations, and introduces them to professions that are directly related to the creation of clothes and shoes. . Working on a decorative piece paper clothes has a beneficial effect on the development of creativity, fine motor skills, imagination and fantasy, attention and memory, abstract and spatial thinking.

Classic techniques:

  • Drawing with a simple pencil.
  • Drawing with colored pencils.
  • Drawing with wax crayons.
  • Drawing with felt-tip pens.
  • Combined method (colored pencils and watercolors, felt-tip pens or wax crayons)
  • Painting with a brush using gouache - a feature of this material is its covering ability due to its opacity property.
  • Painting with a brush using watercolors. Children need to be taught the skills of regulating paint set, selecting colors, and softly conveying shades by mixing primary colors.

Non-traditional techniques:

  • Finger drawing - drawing dots, rhythmic strokes, spirals, stripes and other decorative elements with your fingers.
  • Palm painting - based on children's handprints. Six-year-old children apply paint to their palm with a brush themselves, then complete the contours of the object.
  • Drawing using rock salt, semolina, colored sand - glue is applied to the base in the form of a fancy pattern, sprinkled with semolina or salt, the rest of the material is shaken off. The resulting three-dimensional image can be painted with paints.
  • Stamping - quick tinting of the background, stencil drawing or depiction of decorative elements by applying an imprint on paper with stamps (shapes cut out on the surface of a cut potato, a piece of foam rubber).
  • Threadography - laying out a silhouette with finely chopped threads.
  • Spray - paint is applied to a wide, hard brush or toothbrush, then shaken onto paper using a thin stick, creating the effect of scattered drops.
  • Bleeding drawing - an image is drawn with wax crayons on white paper, then painted over with a top layer of watercolor in one or more color shades.

Works in non-traditional techniques (photo gallery)

Work in the nitcography technique Work in the nitcography technique Work in the nitcography technique Work in the nitcography technique Work in the nitcography technique Postcard decorated in the palm technique Works in the plastinography technique Decorative elements made in the plastinography technique Works made in the salt drawing technique Drawing with millet additional painting Works using the technique of stamping a stencil blank and drawing with cotton swabs Works using the stamping technique Works using the spraying technique with elements of quilling and trimming

Drawing techniques for older preschoolers

Older preschoolers are actively improving their drawing techniques with pencils, crayons and felt-tip pens, since shading promotes the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements, and therefore helps prepare children’s hands for writing.

  1. Line - maybe different lengths and rhythm and is the basic element of the pattern.
  2. Hatching is a simple way to paint over a contour drawing. Types of shading:
    • Chaotic - the strokes are laid in a free direction, then they are formed by additional contour drawing of the outlines of the object.
    • Vertical - dense strokes are applied in a vertical direction. Using colored pencils with different strengths pressing will allow you to get the effect of a smooth change of various shades.
    • Diagonal - applying strokes at different angles.
    • Horizontal - requires changing the usual position of the hand in the process of coloring.
  3. Dot, rhythmic stroke, brush stroke using the technique of painting with watercolors and gouache paints.

Organization and conduct of classes

Classes within the framework of the broad topic “Clothing and footwear” are planned in conjunction with a comprehensive pedagogical work, aimed at the cognitive, speech, social-communicative, artistic and aesthetic development of children. Individual drawing classes can be conducted independently or as a creative part of short- and long-term projects on this topic (“ Folk costume”, “Types of clothing and shoes”, “Dymkovo painting”, etc.).

IN senior group There is one drawing lesson per week. The total duration of continuous activity should not exceed 20–25 minutes; methodologists and psychologists recommend performing physical exercises (finger, breathing, motor exercises) for 5 minutes to relieve psychological and mental stress, as well as prevent physical fatigue in children.

Lesson outline

  1. Organizational part (3–5 minutes). The practical part of the lesson can be preceded not only by reading fairy tales, poems or riddles, but also by watching educational pictures, presentations, a fragment of an educational film or cartoon. The information and familiarization stage involves awakening children's interest in the task and becoming familiar with the depicted items of clothing or shoes. It is necessary to include surprise moments, elements of theatrical or didactic games that stimulate creative activity creating a psychologically comfortable environment.
  2. Practical part - the teacher explains the essence of the task (3–5 minutes). Older preschoolers are given more freedom in the drawing process; showing a sample prepared by the teacher is used less and less for sketching, more often to demonstrate new techniques or clarify the sequence of work. Techniques that have already been mastered do not require additional demonstration.
  3. Independent work of children (15–20 minutes). The teacher prompts and helps if children have difficulties or misunderstandings while drawing.
  4. The final part is the analysis and assessment by children of their works and the drawings of their comrades. Children are taught to formulate their point of view with reason and verbally express the aesthetic perception of creative works (3-5 minutes).

Presentation on the topic “Clothing and footwear”

Algorithm of questions for conversation Game for developing vocabulary on a lexical topic Game for developing vocabulary on a lexical topic Game for selecting adjectives Game for developing observation skills Game for developing vocabulary on a lexical topic Game for development long-term memory, mental operations of synthesis and analysis A game to develop visual attention A game to consolidate ideas about color A game to consolidate ideas about color A game to develop thinking A game to develop concentration A game to develop concentration A game to develop mental operations of synthesis and analysis A game to develop mental operations synthesis and analysis Game for developing concentration Riddles for developing logical thinking and replenishing vocabulary on the topic Exercise for activating the dictionary Tasks for activating memory and logical thinking Exercise for activating logical thinking

Lesson notes for the senior group

In the notes, the teacher formulates the objectives of the lesson:

  • to develop knowledge about the types and purposes of clothing, hats and shoes, to introduce the seasonal classification of clothing;
  • develop a sense of color, learn to find interesting and harmonious combination paints;
  • consolidate the ability to draw according to a model, teach drawing patterns based on a free design;
  • improve technical skills in using a pencil and brush:
    • draw dots, curls, wavy, straight, rounded lines with the tip and entire surface of the brush;
    • freely maneuver the brush in different directions;
    • be able to adjust the paint set and mix different colors to obtain the desired shade.
  • develop skills in drawing a decorative pattern, teaching the ability to create a pattern using straight and intersecting lines, as well as use a rhythmic combination of dots, strokes, geometric shapes, floral patterns, and other elements of decorative painting;
  • develop free, smooth hand movement and visual control;
  • continue acquaintance with folk arts and crafts, develop skills in designing costumes in the style of decorative painting based on folk toys.

Lesson summary on the topic “Hat for a doll” (author Yu. Balandina)

Goal: To form children’s understanding of decorative art as the decoration of objects.
1. Consolidating children’s knowledge about hats.
2. Development of children’s ideas about the arrangement of elements on the cap (vertically, horizontally, obliquely) and decoration with strokes, stripes, dots, circles.
3. Development of fine motor skills of the hands and hand-eye coordination.
4. Fostering a positive emotional attitude towards visual arts, to the results of your work.
Methods and techniques: questions, visual material, musical accompaniment, literary expression, display, explanation, advice, clarification, help, encouragement, analysis of children's work, play.
Preliminary work: reading N. Nosov’s “Living Hat”, looking at the album “Filimonov Whistles”, conversation on the topic of Filimonov painting, learning finger gymnastics and physical education lessons.
Benefits and equipment.
Silhouettes of hats, brushes No. 2, gouache paints, a glass of water, coasters, napkins, paper dolls, diagrams of pattern elements.
Individually differentiated approach: children with an average artistic level - aesthetic development They come up with an independent version of the pattern, but with a low level according to the scheme and with the help of an adult.
1. Organizational stage.
- Guys, a friend’s doll was invited to go for a walk. But she can't. Why do you think?
(It's cold, and she's without a hat)
- Yes now late fall, the weather is cold and children wear warm hats when they go for a walk. How can we help the doll?
- What other hats do you know?
(Cap, Panama, scarf)
- Well done!
Finger gymnastics.
2. Practical stage.
- Hats can be decorated with a pattern. Let's sit down at the tables and think about what pattern we can depict on the hat.
- What elements of folk ornament do you know? (Stripes, Christmas trees, flowers)
- Where can we depict stripes and Christmas trees? (At the bottom of the cap on the lapel)
- Where can you depict a flower? (In the middle of the hat on the pompom)
- Let's look and remember the varieties of the Filimonov pattern.
- What colors alternate? (Red Green)
- First, draw a line from left to right at the bottom of the header, stepping back a little from the bottom edge. Then a line is drawn from top to bottom, inclined lines or herringbones.
- Look and remember the varieties of Filimonov flowers. Patterns of circles with the addition of sticks and dots.
- Each of you will get a different ornament. Do not forget about the rhythmic alternation of pattern elements.
- What elements will you draw, Egor. (Christmas tree, flower)
- What kind of person are you, Tanya? (Stripes, flower)
- Well done
- Now let's play.
Physical education minute.
3. Independent work of children.
- Now you will turn into little artists. Turn left to right and turn into an artist!
- Let's go draw hats for the dolls. How do we sit at tables?
- How do we hold the brush?
(Three fingers)
- I suggest decorating the hats. Decorate as you wish.
Children draw to the sound of music.
4. Summing up.
The drawings are posted on the board.
- What wonderful hats they turned out to be. Well done boys! What kind of hat would you try on your doll, Gleb?
(answer from several children)
Doll: I’ll pull my hat over my forehead
I'll dress warmly
I'll invite my friends for a walk,
We have more fun news.
Thank you guys for your hats, I’ll go for a walk in them.

Samples and step-by-step description of the work procedure

“Snowflake on a mitten” - work using the technique of a developing pattern with appliqué elements

Materials: blank mitten silhouette, wax crayons, gouache, watercolor paints, scissors, white paper.


  1. Cut out the silhouette of a mitten from white paper according to the template.
  2. Draw a pattern with wax chalk.
  3. Paint the mitten with watercolors. Use cotton swabs to draw decorative dots. Using a stencil, cut out a snowflake.
  4. Tint the album sheet with blue gouache, glue on the mitten, and use cotton swabs to decorate the snowflakes.

“Mitten for Mommy” - decorative drawing with elements of non-traditional techniques (stamps and cotton swabs)

Materials: gouache, cotton swabs, potato stamps with cut out geometric elements, mitten silhouette blanks tinted with red gouache, brushes, gouache.

Learning task: design a pair of mittens with the same pattern on each. Children work in pairs based on free design, discussing the drawing with each other; the teacher's example is used to explain the task, and not to copy the pattern.


  1. Children agree on the sequence of work and the techniques they will use. You can start by drawing geometric elements using a potato stamp.
  2. The girls decided to draw a beautiful flower.
  3. The boys started by drawing a line separating the edge and shaping the fur using cotton swabs. If necessary, the teacher helps with hints and advice.
  4. After the end of the creative stage of the lesson, the children lay out the mittens on the table, compare the similarities and differences, the teacher discusses successful drawings with the children, helps to understand the reasons for the mistakes that prevented them from completing the task well.

“Painting an outfit in ethnic style” - decorative painting in gouache based on Gzhel and Dymkovo ornaments

Instructions: Children choose cut out figures and decorate them with elements of decorative patterns of a traditional toy.

Children's works (photo gallery)

Painting in the style of the Dymkovo ornament Painting in the style of the Dymkovo ornament Painting in the style of the Dymkovo ornament

“Types of shoes” - coloring with colored pencils and felt-tip pens

Learning objective: to develop design abilities and independent work skills.


Children independently choose a contour image of a certain type of shoe and design it at their own discretion (paint it, decorate it with decorative patterns).

Children's work on the topic “Types of shoes” (photo gallery)

Drawing with colored pencils with a drawing of a geometric pattern Drawing with colored pencils with a drawing of a pattern Drawing with colored pencils Drawing with colored pencils with a drawing of a floral ornament Drawing with a colored pencil Drawing with colored pencils Drawing with colored pencils with a drawing of a geometric pattern Drawing with a colored pencil Drawing with colored pencils

“House of Models” - painting with watercolors


Children trace the silhouettes of clothing items with a simple pencil and paint them with watercolors, independently thinking through the design (stripes, dots, curls, flowers, etc.).

Children's works (photo gallery)

Drawing with watercolors Drawing with watercolors Outline drawing decorated with watercolors Drawing with watercolors Drawing with watercolors with geometric elements Drawing decorated with a dotted pattern Silhouette of a dress decorated with straight and wavy stripes

Lesson notes for secondary children preschool age on the topic "Clothes, shoes, hats" in middle group DOW.

Lesson outline cognitive development in the middle age group "Clothes, shoes, hats

Target: to form ideas about clothing, shoes, hats, their purpose, use and care.
Cognitive development
- show the functional purpose of items of clothing, shoes, hats, referring to the realities of children’s lives;
- give an idea that clothes are selected depending on weather conditions
-form basic ideas about clothing: clothes can be sewn, knitted, bought; there is a festive, uniform and casual wear, as well as for sleep, sports, home, etc.
- lead to the practical development of the concept of “part and whole”
Speech development
-develop the ability to describe clothing, name its characteristics, and connect sentences with each other;
-practice in the use of singular and plural forms of nouns; learn to correctly use the corresponding adjectives in speech;
-develop grammatical structure speech to enrich vocabulary.
Social and communicative development
- teach children to use knowledge about clothing;
- teach children to choose clothes by size and gender;
- update and supplement children’s knowledge of what material various objects are made of.
Physical development
- develop fine and gross motor skills;
- acquiring experience in motor activity aimed at developing coordination of movements and performing basic movements;
- formation of cultural and hygienic skills.
Artistic and aesthetic development
-develop abilities and creativity, fantasy, imagination.
-bring up artistic taste and the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world.
Progress of the lesson
Remember and repeat after me the series of words:
Collar, cuffs, sleeves, lining, pocket, zipper, frill, buttons, hem, sleeves, loops, belt.
- You repeated the words. What do they represent parts of - furniture, clothing or dishes? That's right, these words refer to parts of clothing. In addition to clothes, we also wear shoes and hats. Today we will learn a lot of interesting things about all these things, and a fairy-tale hero, whose name is Tailor, will help us! He had a wise grandfather, a tailor, who taught him everything! Shall we go visit him?
Then with a wave magic wand get up from your chairs and spin around your axis once!
- We spun, we spun, and we found ourselves visiting!
Slide No. 1 “Atelier and Tailor”

Main part
Guys, Tailor welcomes you and wants to find out how well you know your wardrobe items. To do this, you need to guess what is the fourth odd one in the picture?
No. 2,3, - with the image of four objects, one of which is superfluous.
You did great, look at the Olya doll while visiting Tailor, she accidentally spilled juice on her favorite dress, but it didn’t wash off. I had to take it to the dry cleaner, because you can’t walk around untidy, right guys? Olya came to place an order, but doesn’t know what to choose according to the season, can we help? Didactic game "Dress the doll Olya"
While you and I were working, the little tailor completed several orders, but he doesn’t remember what was intended for whom - can you tell by its appearance? Slides “Who wears this special clothing?” - No. 4,5,6,7 – schoolchildren, athletes, doctors, military.

2. Didactic game “What is made of what”
My friends, please tell me what types of fabric you know and what time of year they are intended for?
Didactic game "What is made of what?"
The little tailor says that he hasn’t met such smart guys for a long time and invites us to guess his riddles.
Slides No. 8,9,10,11,12,13,14, - dress, pants, hat, rubber boots, mittens, robe.
The final stage
You are smart and clever! And now the Tailor needs to work, and we need to go to the group. Now I'll wave my magic wand again, and you'll spin around
Educator - We circled, circled and ended up in the group!
I was surprised by your knowledge. Take your seats.
After returning to the group, the teacher consolidates the children’s acquired knowledge about making clothes.
Slides No. 15,16,17 clothes can be sewn, knitted, bought, for example

Sums up the results - praises those who are active, encourages those who did not succeed.
Invites children to take pieces of fabric and approach pre-installed scales with bowls:
- put your piece in the green bowl if the child would like to visit the Tailor again;
- put it in yellow if the child was bored and didn’t really enjoy the trip.
Thanks everyone for participating.

Presentation on the topic: Clothes, shoes, hats

Abstract directly educational activities in the senior group on the topic “Hats”

Educational area "Cognition"

Goal: Introducing children to hats



Introduce children to a variety of hats.

To support children's interest in storytelling on their own initiative, to teach them to convey the verbal content of a picture in the form of a short story.

Improve ideas about the semantic side of a word, generalizing names, words with a diminutive meaning.

Form ways of word formation of adjectives.


Develop phonemic perception and intonation side of speech.


Cultivate friendly relationships between children, the ability to listen to a friend.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards hats.

Vocabulary work: hats, earflaps. hat, baseball cap, cap, straw hat, Panama hat.

Methods and techniques: surprise moment, playful, visual, questions for children, use of fiction.

Materials and equipment:

Headwear (shawl, baseball cap, hat, fur hat, Panama hat, headscarf, cap, beret); paintings depicting people of different professions (pilot, cook, doctor, builder, molarist); cards with hats; a chest with headdresses of fairy-tale characters (little red riding hood, Pinocchio's cap, Aibolit's cap, Parsley's cap); caps and rattles for each child.


Educator: Guys, now I’ll tell you a little fairy tale.

One day, when all the children in the house were sleeping, a little toy bunny decided to find a house for himself. He went to the closet and wanted to open it, but could not reach the key. Then he set up an old toy table, put a chair on it and opened the closet. The creaking of the door woke up my grandmother. She put on her glasses, looked around, but didn’t see anyone, since the bunny managed to jump into the closet. What the bunny saw on the top shelf in the closet made him very happy. “What a nice house I will have!” But suddenly he heard the voice of a mouse:

This is not a house, but a hat!

Then I will have another house.

This is not a house, but a hat!

Well, this third item will definitely be a house for me.

Yes, it's a baseball cap!

It turns out there is everything on this shelf, but there is not a single house for a toy bunny. The bunny jumped out of the closet and went to the shelf with other toys.

Educator: What did the bunny take for a house for himself? (children's answers)

How can you call hats, hats, caps in two words? (hats)

Why are hats called that? (children's answers)

What are hats for? (children's answers)

What kind of hats do you know? (children's answers)

Educator: I propose to take a trip to the kingdom of hats. What do you want to travel with? (on airplanes)

Educator: Now we find ourselves in the amazing kingdom of hats. Guys, if you put them on yourself, they will come to life and tell you about themselves.

Children put on headdresses (kokoshnik, scarf, baseball cap, hat, fur hat, Panama hat, headscarf, cap, beret) and stand in a circle. Children tell what kind of headdress they became and describe it.

Educator: Let's take off our hats and play with you the game “What is what, what hat?”

From chintz - chintz

Made of silk - silk

Made of wool - wool

Made of leather - leather

From straw - straw

Made of fur - fur

Made from corduroy - corduroy

Made of rubber - rubber

The teacher brings the children to the magnetic board. It presents paintings depicting people of different professions (pilot, cook, doctor, builder, molarist).

Educator: Tell me, what professions are people depicted in the paintings? What kind of hats do they use, and what do they need them for? (children's answers)

Educator: Children, remind me what kind of hats sailors use? (peakless cap). Let's play the game "Sailors" (physical education)

I’ll press my two palms and swim across the sea

Two palms, friends, this is my boat.

I will raise my sails and sail across the blue sea.

And on the stormy waves, fish swim here and there.

Educator: Let's play the game “Name it kindly”

The cards show headdresses. Children name the item itself, the quantity, and then form a diminutive form (2 bows - 2 bows, 5 caps - 5 caps, 5 hats - 5 hats, 1 kokoshnik - 1 kokoshnik, 3 scarves - 3 scarves, etc.)

Educator: In our fairy-tale kingdom appeared magic chest! What's in it? And in it are the headdresses of fairy-tale heroes. But they are not given to me. You must first guess the riddle about the fairy-tale hero.

The grandmother loved the girl very much,

I gave her a red riding hood.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name? (Little Red Riding Hood)

My father had a strange boy,

Unusual - wooden.

But the father loved his son.

What kind of strange thing is this?

Wooden man.

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key? (Pinocchio)

Treats small children

Treats birds and animals.

He looks at them through his glasses

Good Doctor (Aibolit)

My outfit is colorful,

My cap is sharp.

My jokes and laughter

Makes everyone happy! (Parsley)

Educator: And Parsley has prepared caps and rattles for you all. Let's play with them!

Dance of Parsley.

Educator: Where have we been today? What new and interesting things did you learn? What are your most memorable moments? What types of hats are there?

Plan - summary of GCD for speech development on the topic« Cloth, shoes, hats».

Tasks :

O. Form generalizing concepts - cloth, shoes, hats. Specify names clothes, shoes, hats and their purpose. Learn to group clothes, shoes according to seasonal characteristics. Activate the dictionary on the topic. Continue learning to answer questions and make simple sentences. Form a grammatical structure speeches: education possessive adjectives; nouns with a diminutive suffix. Develop the ability to decorate the silhouettes of hats with geometric patterns, beautifully combining colors and shapes.

R. Continue develop monologue speech (compose a story-description about clothes, shoes and hats according to patterns). Develop memory, attention, logical thinking. Develop speech activity, intonation expressiveness. Develop articulatory motor skills, gross motor skills.

B. Cultivate accuracy in one’s own appearance. Cultivate responsiveness and kindness.

Materials: doll, pictures with clothes, shoes, hats, clothes for doll, silhouettes of caps, glue, geometric figures.

Methods, techniques :

Verbal: conversation, questions, reading. literature,

Visual: show pictures clothes, shoes, hats.

A practical, surprise moment.

Preliminary work. Conversation on the topic cloth. Looking at fabrics (jeans, synthetics, chintz, fur, drape) from which they sew clothes. Looking at illustrations. Solving riddles, learning tongue twisters. Conducted role-playing game"shop « Cloth » , "Studio" .

Our legs walked

Together exactly along the path

We're walking on our toes

And now on your heels

Look all around

How are the boys going?

1. Organizational stage.

Come on, come on,

I'm very glad to see you.

With interesting the right topic

I'll introduce you now.

Come closer everyone

Show me your eyes.

Hello guys! A new day has come. Look at each other smile: It’s so good that we are all here together today. We are calm, kind, friendly and affectionate. We are all healthy.

2. Game exercise : “What did I wear today?”

Educator : Look at each other. Beautiful, elegant, comfortable for us clothes and shoes. on me Nice dress, on her feet are black shoes.

Now the one wearing the T-shirt will sit on the chair (children in T-shirts sit down)

Now the children dressed in dresses will sit down (children dressed in dresses sit down) .

Now please let the others go and take their places.

There's a knock on the door.

Oh guys! Someone is coming towards us. Look, the doll Katya came to visit us. But for some reason she is shaking a lot. What happened to her? She froze! Guys, why do you think she was cold?

(the doll came to visit us in one thin dress)

Is it possible to walk around in a thin dress now? (children's answers)

What time of year are we in now? (children's answers) Right: spring!

Na-na-na, it's spring outside (boys)

I'm wearing a shu-shu-shu jacket. (girls)

In summer, during hot hours -

Just a T-shirt and shorts.

And in winter we need :

Sweater, warm pants,

Scarf, coat, sandals,

Fur coat, sweater...

However, I...

I'm confused, friends!

I think many of you have already guessed what we will talk about today.

("About clothes » (remove the fabric from easel No. 1, "ABOUT shoes » (remove the fabric from easel No. 2, "ABOUT headdress » (remove the fabric from easel No. 3)

At every time of the year we wear clothes appropriate for the season.

In summer - summer clothes,

in the fall -... clothes,

in winter -... clothes,

in the spring -... clothes(children's answers) .

Guys, why do you think it’s impossible to walk in summer clothes in spring? clothes(Answer: In spring you can’t walk in summer clothes clothes because you might get sick. (full sentence1)

Guys, Katya says that she doesn’t have a spring clothes. How can I help her? (Children's answers)

Let's go to "Shop" and we'll pick her up clothes for a walk outside.

(Let's go to the store)


We all collected Katya outside.

Quietly, everyone stood on the carpet together

Hands patted

They stomped their feet

Sat down, stood up, sat down

And they didn’t hurt each other

We'll rest a little

We'll all go to the store.

Here "Shop". Let me be a seller and help you choose clothes, shoes and hat, and you will be the buyers. Here we have a shopping cart, in it we will put clothes, which we will select for Katya. (there are different ones on the table cloth, children choose a spring jacket, hat and boots)

We returned from the store Sat down :

Guys, let's tell you what we chose for the doll? (by algorithms)

CHILDREN'S ANSWERS in full sentences!

Well done, you completed the task. Now let's play a little...

(The teacher invites the children into a circle, brings the ball. Throwing the ball to the children in turn, names the objects clothes, and children, returning the ball, form nouns with diminutive suffixes).

A game "Call me kindly" (jacket - blouse, socks - socks, shoes - shoes, shorts - shorts, jacket - jacket, coat - coat, T-shirt - T-shirt, fur coat - fur coat, beanie, skirt-skirt, boots-boots).

Katya is very grateful to you for helping her choose clothes....

Katya asks you.

If clothes will tear what to do with it (Let's tell her how to fix or sew it up.)

What are they stitching with? (Needle and thread, sewing machine)

If clothes will wrinkle what to do with it (pat.)

What do you iron things with? (Iron.)

If clothes will get dirty what to do with it (Wash) .

Where or in what do they wash things? (In the washing machine.)

(Finger gymnastics) :

Don't cry, my doll, you're left alone

I can't play with you, I need overwash :

Your dresses and socks, your skirts and stockings,

Sweater, mittens, jacket,

A cap, a colored beret.

I'll pour a little water

I'll pour the powder into the basin,

I'll whip up the snow foam,

I'll wash it and go.

Guys, Katya doll is a big fashionista. I prepared many different hats for her as a gift. (all the hats are on the tray) . Look, Katya was not very happy about the gift. Why do you think? What needs to be done to make hats beautiful and fashionable? Will you help me (Children's answers) We approach the table.

Look, there are geometric shapes on the table. (Children's answers) Let's decorate "beanies" for the Katya doll in different figures.

We give "beanies" doll Katya.

Katya, now you have a spring one cloth, put it on quickly, and we’ll meet for a walk.

Reflective-evaluative stage.

Guys, what did we do today? (We helped the doll Katya choose clothes ) ;

Where did you go? (To the store) ;

What did you buy? ( list clothes ) ;

What did you like most today? (Children's answers)

Raise your right hand, now your left hand, and clap each other and say WE ARE WELL DONE!