Notes for familiarization to those around the middle group. Notes on familiarization with the outside world on the topic: "Autumn" in the middle group

Lesson on familiarization with the outside world in kindergarten. Middle group

Target: Understanding the natural world through exploration
- various types trees;
-leaf properties depending on the time of year;
-familiarization with the properties of straw, branches and stones;
-behavior of wild animals depending on the time of year.
- knowledge of different trees, respect for nature;
- evoke an emotional response in children, a desire to help an animal in a difficult situation;
- socialization, joy from joint activities;
- familiarization with the surrounding natural world of the autumn forest, developing the ability to notice seasonal changes;
- repetition of plant species in the forest: grass, berries and mushrooms, shrubs, trees. Repeating and finding birch and oak leaves, determining the season by leaves;
- a story about the properties of straw, branches and stones and their use;
- together with the children, gather forest animals into two groups -
those who hibernate and those who do not sleep in winter;
- didactic game with trees;
- design, finding the location of an object based on several sensory attributes: color and shape;
- development of observation, memory, imagination, logical thinking;
Vocabulary work: Intensify the use of words in children’s speech: grass, shrubs, trees, birch, oak, rowan, aspen, poplar. The title of the tale is “The Three Little Pigs”
and the names of the main characters Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf. Names of wild animals.
Materials and equipment: Tape recorder (recording “Sounds of the autumn forest”). Three houses of the same size with roofs and walls of three colors. Red house, house Green colour and yellow. A large picture of an autumn forest, two pictures of trees without leaves (birch and oak), birch and oak leaves on magnets. Images of forest animals (hare, fox, bear, hedgehog and squirrel).
Preliminary work. Reading and discussion of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, familiarization with various trees, familiarization with wild animals.

Progress of the lesson:

Stage 1: organizational and motivational
Children sit on chairs, the teacher invites them to take a trip to the autumn forest. Each child is given a piece of red, green and yellow color. The teacher invites the children to stand up and turn around themselves with the words: We turned, spun, and we found ourselves in the forest. In the forest early autumn, many colorful leaves on the ground. Let's play the game "Autumn Leaves".
One, two, three, four, five, (bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the big ones)

We will collect leaves. (Bend under each line)
Birch leaves, rowan leaves,
Poplar leaves, aspen leaves,
We will collect oak leaves,
Let's make an autumn bouquet from leaves.
(stretch their arms together and stomp their feet).

Stage 2: content-based (activity-based)
Educator: “Guys, we found ourselves in an autumn forest. There are a lot of different trees in the forest. Let's remember what they are called? Children answer, the teacher adds: birch, spruce, pine, oak, rowan. Under the trees there are bushes, mushrooms, berries and grass. There are many more different ones here
animals, birds, insects.
- Children, a crow flew to us and asks for help: “Guys, the leaves have fallen from our trees. We need to recognize
them and return them to their place so that time does not stop in the forest.
Help us please!"
Educator: “Shall we help the crow?”
Two children find one birch trunk, the other an oak trunk and stick birch and oak leaves on the branches, respectively.
Educator: “Guys, look, did we cope with the crow’s request?
- Yes! Well done! Now look carefully, what color are the leaves on the trees? Green. What time of year
Are there green leaves on ______ trees? In summer.
And now you and I will get up from our chairs and go further into the forest. On the way there is a path from autumn leaves, children are walking.
We are walking along the path.
Let's wander into the autumn forest.
Adventure awaits us
And they won’t let us get bored.
The children sit at the tables. Educator: “Oh, look, we met a wolf, and he has a book in his hands. Look at the cover and name the story. Yes, "The Three Little Pigs". Well done! The wolf came to visit us because it was getting cold in the forest, ice was covering the ground, and he didn’t have his own home yet. The wolf asks to help him, to teach him what and how to build a house. Shall we help the wolf? - Yes."
Educator: “Let's remember what Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf built their houses from. Yes, of straw, twigs and stone." The teacher has straw in his hands and each child at the table. Educator: “Straw is dry grass after cereals - rye and wheat. What is it, hard or soft? Light or heavy? Straw breaks easily and burns easily. When there is a lot of straw, it retains heat well like a blanket. The roofs are still made of straw. Now let’s try to blow away the straw like a wolf, it actually blows away very easily.”
The teacher holds a branch and hands out a branch to everyone.
Educator:“Branches and twigs are light and hard; They break worse, they burn well. In villages they made fences and fences from branches and stakes. If you blow on the branches, they will move, but not immediately. Not as light as straw.”
The teacher holds a stone in his hand and each child has a stone on the table. Educator: “Let's examine the stone. It’s heavy, you can’t break it with your hands, it doesn’t burn. Since ancient times, houses have been built from stone. Move with
Winding stone is almost impossible. Stone is a very strong, reliable building material.
We got acquainted with the properties of straw, twigs and stone. Now let's build houses for piglets from these natural materials.
On a separate table lie mixed walls of straw, branches and stone. And separately on three tables there are houses of three colors - red, green and
Each of you has a leaf of one of three colors. The guys with red leaves come up to a house with a red roof and red walls and put straw on the walls. The guys with green leaves come up to a house with a green roof and green walls and put branches on the walls.
The guys with yellow leaves approach the house with yellow
roof and yellow walls and add stone walls.” Educator: “Well done!” You helped build houses. Let our wolf choose a home where he can spend the winter. After all, in our fairy forest
all friends. And we will move on."
We are walking along the path,
Let's wander into the autumn forest.
Adventure awaits us
And they won’t let us get bored.
Children sit on chairs near a large painting depicting an autumn forest, with a hare sitting next to them.
Educator: “Guys, we met a hare in the forest, but for some reason he was very sad. Bunny, what happened?”
Hare(toy): “Our animals have forgotten and confused who should do what. Who should prepare for hibernation, and who will not sleep in winter. And therefore the next season will not come to our forest. Time has stopped for us. And in order to fix everything, we need to separate the animals.”
Educator: “Shall we help the bunny? We will paste the animals that do not hibernate onto a picture with a forest, and those that sleep into a picture with a hole.”
Bunny: "Thanks guys! Because you helped me, I give you puzzles. When you collect them, you will find out what time of year will come in our forest after autumn.”
Children collect puzzles depicting winter.
Educator:“Oh, for some reason we were delayed in the autumn forest, it’s time for us to return home. We circled, turned around and returned to the group.”

Stage 3: reflective;
Educator:“Here we are at home. And you guys are great, you completed all the tasks in the magical forest. What did you like most? Do you remember what the lightest house is made of? And the heaviest? Who did you help today? What did you do?
Well done guys, you were friendly and responsive! And you succeeded!”

1.S. N. Nikolaeva Partial program “Young ecologist” System of work in middle group kindergarten, Mosaic-synthesis, M. 2o16g.
2.L.Yu. Pavlova “Collection of didactic games”


Classes on familiarization with the environment in the middle group on the topic: “At home”



MDOU "Kindergarten No. 000"

Goal: To introduce children to the types of houses and their parts. Develop the ability to make buildings from non-standard equipment. To consolidate children's knowledge about the purpose of houses. Expand children's vocabulary and ability to coherently answer the teacher's questions. Cultivate love for your home, monitor the posture of children.

Equipment: Truck, plates with non-standard (pasta), illustrations with varieties of houses, ball.

Children sit on chairs.

V.: Guys, guess the riddle.

A house where people are treated? (hospital).

A house that sells train tickets? (railway station).

The house where children meet, draw, play, make friends, where you go every day? ( kindergarten).

The house where newspapers and letters come from? (mail).

A house with a lot of books, where both adults and children come and take books to read? (library).

Well done, that's how many houses we named for different purposes.

Phys. just a minute.

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

Shaking our heads

We are raising our hands

We give up

We shake hands

And we run around

Showing methods of action

And now I suggest you build your own house, that is, the house in which you would like to live.

Do you hear the truck honking? He must supply the building material (pasta from which you will build your house)

Analysis of works

Q: Guys, what new word did you learn today?

D.: Architect.

V.: These are our houses, hospitals, kindergarten, school, train station, post office, library, store.

Children answer with the help of the teacher.

Q: What did we build today?

D.: Our own houses.

Q: Did you enjoy being builders?

V.: Well done, guys, you did a good job, I really liked your houses.

GUDO " Preschool center child development No. 2 Baranovichi"


Topic: “Chest with riddles”


Parshikova E.L.

Program content: enrich children's understanding of the diversity of objects in the man-made world; to train children in the ability to find a hidden object based on its verbal description, to classify objects on various grounds (material, function, features appearance), find similarities and differences between objects and establish relationships between them; develop creative skills speech activity- practice writing riddles and fairy tales; continue to teach children to model riddles and fairy tales of their own composition; develop cognitive mental processes, speech, fine motor skills of the hand; develop skills of collective interaction; cultivate interest in understanding the world around us, the desire to create a creative product.

Materials and equipment: chest, nail, glass, pencil, handkerchiefs (according to the number of children); manual “Graphical Models”; colored pencils, sheets of A4 paper.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: - One, two, three, four, five - I want to hug you all and to each good morning wish.

The game "Let's say hello to each other" is played.

Hello finger,

Hello pen!

Hello, nose,

Hello, ear!

We are friends and we are girlfriends

We love each other very much!

Children perform actions according to the text of the poem.

Educator: - Guys, something has changed in our group - some new unusual object has appeared. You noticed? Try to find him? (Children are looking for a hidden chest in the group.) Found it? Well done!

But the chest is not easy -

He's magical, that's what!

Children examine the chest, take it out onto the carpet, and sit around it.

Educator: - I know that various objects were hidden in this magic chest. And we can find out exactly what items the chest is hiding from us if we solve its riddles. You are ready? Can you handle it? Well, then listen to the first riddle: this object is thin, iron, sharp. (Children express their guesses about the hidden object.) Indeed, this is a nail.

The game “Name your friends” is played.

Educator: - The nail, like you, has many friends. And I think you are very familiar with them. What objects can a nail work with?

1. Name the friends of the nail, who, like him, are made of iron.

2. Name the friends of the nail who, like the nail, are sharp.

3. Name the friends of the nail, who, like a nail, can connect (fasten) objects together.

Educator: - Well done, you guessed the riddle and named all the nail’s friends! Can you guess another riddle? The object hidden in the chest is transparent, glass, and has the shape of a cylinder. What subject are we talking about? Yes, it's a glass. Before the glass got into our magic chest, it managed to quarrel with many objects. I think it wouldn't hurt for him to make peace with them. Do you agree? To reconcile objects means to find some connection between them, something in common.

The game “Find the connection between the objects of the surrounding world” is played. Children randomly take out cards with images of various objects and establish a relationship between the object “glass” and the objects of the surrounding world.

Educator: - Great, and you did a great job with this chest task! Then listen to the following riddle: thin, wooden, can leave a mark on paper. What is it about? That's right, it's a pencil. The pencil from the chest, like the chest itself, is magical. And now this magic pencil will turn you into your drawing.

A dynamic exercise “Drawing” is carried out.

Educator: - First, the pencil drew a circle (children stand in a circle), many small dots (children stand scattered on the carpet), straight line (children stand in a column or line).

Educator: - In the chest, I know, there is another riddle for you. Can you guess it? Soft, square, made of fabric, can “live” in your pocket. What subject are we talking about? In fact, this handkerchief is our friend. What a handkerchief likes most in the world is to be folded neatly.

A development exercise is being carried out fine motor skills hands “Fold the scarf differently than everyone else does.”

Children are asked to fold their handkerchief in different ways.

Educator: - Well done, I didn’t even imagine that you could fold a handkerchief in such an unusual, different way! Guys, the chest has no more riddles for you yet. Maybe now we can tell him our own riddles? Or maybe we will please him with our wonderful fairy tales? (Children's answers.)

Individual writing of riddles and fairy tales; drawing riddles and fairy tales using models.

The teacher invites the children who are the first to complete the task to tell the chest a fairy tale or ask a riddle. Children's works are put into a chest.

Educator: - Look how happy the chest is with your riddles and fairy tales: it seems to me that it has become even more beautiful! What's your mood? Are you glad to meet magic chest? Did you enjoy solving his riddles? How about writing fairy tales and riddles for the chest?

Lesson topic: Repair shops

Program content: Expand children’s knowledge about people of different professions. Introduce new professions: shoe, watch, furniture, clothing repairman. Introduce a new concept - repair shops. Develop monologue speech auditory attention. Encourage children to express their opinions. Be able to carry out basic analogies and logical conclusions. Improve the ability to compare and select objects for their intended purpose. Develop observation and curiosity. Foster hard work and respect for working people.

Material: dolls: Dunno, Vintik, Shpuntik. A chest with subject cards: scissors, needle and thread, hammer, saw, nail. Story cards depicting people of different professions. Toy items: broken chair, broken watch, shirt with a torn sleeve, torn shoe.

Progress of the lesson

There is a knock on the door, and Dunno, Vintik and Shpuntik come in. They welcome the children and give them a large chest. The teacher and the children are interested in what is in this chest.

Guests offer to watch, but only after the children solve the riddles.

Held didactic game “Guess and name”. The teacher reads the riddle, and the children must find the answer in the chest.

We cut, we cut, we cut,

We help mom sew. (Scissors)

Growing up little

Thin and sharp

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I'm dragging my tail behind me. (Needle and thread)

All day today

I dressed the whole family.

Wait a little, bear, -

There will be pants for you too.

I sewed a shirt for a bear.

I'll sew some pants for him.

Tell me quickly, who am I?

Well, of course... (seamstress)

— Guys, what do you think a seamstress does? (children's answers are discussed)

How many of you would like to become a seamstress? Why? (children's answers are discussed)

You'll find me at a construction site

I am restless and lively.

I nod my head all day,

I hammer nails into boards. (Hammer)

They hit Yermilka on the back of the head,

Well, he doesn't cry,

Only he hides his nose in the board! (Nail)

She got down to business

She squealed and sang.

Ate, ate, oak, oak,

Broke a tooth, tooth. (Saw)

White sawdust is flying,

They fly from under the saw.

Who does this?

Windows and floors?

Ax and hammer

Without a hitch

For the kids in our garden

He made tables! (A carpenter)

— Guys, what do you think a carpenter does? (children's answers are discussed)

- Which of you would like to become a carpenter? Why? (children's answers are discussed)

The teacher gives the children cards depicting people of different professions. Children must name their profession and explain why they decided so:

- This is the doctor. Because he's wearing a white coat. He has a thermometer in his hands to measure the temperature of adults and children.

- This is the driver. Because he sits in the car and holds the steering wheel in his hands.

- This is the cook. Because he is wearing a white cap and holding a ladle in his hands.

- This is a sailor. Because he is standing on a ship and holding binoculars in his hands. Etc.

The teacher lays out all the professions on a magnetic board and names them again together with the children.

Dunno tells the children that he has very interesting objects, but he doesn’t know what to do with them. He takes out items from the chest that require repair: a broken chair, a torn shoe, a shirt with a torn sleeve, a non-working watch and puts it on the table in front of the children.

The teacher suggests looking at all these items.

- What do you think could have happened to these items?

Why did they become like this? (children's answers are discussed)

Held didactic game "Repair shops".

The teacher shows the object and asks questions. Children express their assumptions and judgments.

How can you help a broken chair? (it needs to be fixed)

What profession can a person provide this assistance? (cabinet repairer)

How can you help a shirt and a torn sleeve? (sew on the torn sleeve)

What profession can a person provide this assistance? (seamstress)

How can you help a non-working clock? (repair)

What profession can a person provide this assistance? (watchmaker)

How can you help a torn shoe? (repair)

What profession can a person provide this assistance? (shoe repairman)

What can be said about all these items? (all these items require repair)

Where can all these items be repaired? (in repair shops)

What will be the name of the repair shop where watches are repaired? (watch repair - watch repair shop)

What will be the name of the repair shop where shoes are repaired? (shoe repair - shoe repair shop)

What will the name of the repair shop where they sew a sleeve on a shirt? (clothes repair - studio)

What will be the name of the repair shop where the chair will be repaired? (furniture repair - furniture repair workshop)

What other repair shops do you know? (repair of household appliances, car repairs, etc.)

Shpuntik and Vintik are very glad that the children know what repair shops are like. They told the guys that they called their workshop “The Samodelkin Workshop.”

Can you guess why? (children's answers are discussed)

Dunno, Vintik and Shpuntik thank the children, say goodbye, leave, but promise to return.

Clarify and generalize children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn, expand children’s knowledge about autumn, enrich and activate their vocabulary on the topic;
- Develop attentiveness and observation, fine and gross motor skills, communication skills;
- Make children feel happy about the activity they have done.
Materials and equipment:
sheets of white paper, pastels or wax crayons, tree leaves, napkins
Preliminary work:
observations in nature;
reading poems about autumn;
viewing paintings and illustrations;
solving riddles.
OOD progress:
1. Introductory part: Children enter the group and sit in a semicircle.
The child recites a poem.
Autumn begins (V. Semernin)
It's raining all over the land
Wet road...
Lots of drops on the glass
And there's a little heat.
Birches sleep in silver,
Brighter than the green of the pine trees,
Because it's outside
Gold autumn.
It's autumn time again
Spun by the wind,
She has wonderful colors
Everyone was fascinated by:
Look at the carpet
Leaves at the doorstep!
It's just a pity that there are brighter days
In autumn a little...
Educator: Guys, what is this poem about? (about autumn).
Educator: That's right, about autumn.
Guys, do you like autumn? How? (Children's answers).
Now I will tell you riddles, you try to guess them.
1. In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly. (When does this happen? What time of year?)
2.Red Egorka
Fell on the lake
I didn't drown myself
And he didn’t stir up the water.
(autumn leaf)
3. It pours like an oblique wall
And knocks on our windows.
It's cold, pouring,
And the gazebos in the garden get wet.
The autumn leaf circles for a long time,
To then go down into the puddle.
It's not a bird that flies,
Howls, not an animal.
Yellow leaves are flying,
They fall, they spin,
And under your feet just like that
How they lay down a carpet!
What is this yellow snowfall?
It's simple. (Leaf fall).
Educator: Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Children, who knows the months of the wonderful time of year - autumn.
Children call: (September, October, November)
Educator: Name the first month of autumn, the second, the third.
Educator: Let's play and see how you can guess autumn!
a) Didactic game “Autumn Signs”
Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the signs of autumn, develop oral speech, observation,
attention, memory.
Attributes: cards with signs of autumn (6 pieces) and other seasons (4-6 pieces), a picture with an autumn landscape on a magnetic board, magnets.
Progress of the game: children (2 people) take turns taking a picture, saying what is drawn on it
determine when this happens. If it is autumn, attach the card to the autumn picture with a magnet. If at another time of the year, they put it aside. Next, for each picture, make up
sentence using the keyword "autumn".
Educator: Guys, look! What kind of crop is harvested in the fall?
(The teacher shows the picture “Autumn Harvest”)
Educator: Guys, look how many vegetables and fruits are collected in the fall. They grow all summer, and in the fall it’s time to harvest. Let us, too, try to reap our harvest. (An outdoor game is played).
b) Outdoor game “Vegetable trailer, fruit trailer.”
Goal: to develop attentiveness and speed of reaction.
Attributes: cards with vegetables and fruits (dummies can be used), hoop, tape recorder, “Banana Mama” melody
Progress of the game: children are given cards (dummies), some vegetables, some fruits, hoops with pictures of vegetables and fruits are laid out on the floor, when the music starts playing, the children run around the area, as soon as the music stops the children run to the desired hoop.
B) Finger gymnastics. “Lariska has two radishes”
Lariska has two radishes.
Alyosha has two potatoes.
Tomboy Earring has two green cucumbers.
And Vovka has two carrots.
Moreover, Petka has two tailed radishes.
(One by one, extend the fingers from the fist, starting with the big one, on one or both hands.)
Educator: Guys, you guessed about autumn, named the signs of autumn, remembered the names of fruits and vegetables, played, and now I propose to draw an autumn carpet.
2. Main part:
And now I suggest you leave a piece of autumn in our group too and draw a carpet of leaves.
Children perform teamwork"Autumn carpet" in unconventional technology– “Frotage” (hatching)
(The audio recording “Magic sounds of nature - rustling leaves, birdsong, sound of rain, wind) is played.
What did we do in class today?
What time of year were you talking about?
Name the signs of autumn.
Well done boys!