Summary of the lesson on cognitive development "Mom is my sunshine." My beloved mommy lesson notes Mom means life

"My mom is the best"

Goal: To develop in children a kind, respectful, attentive attitude towards their parents.


1.Form children’s ideas about the work and professions of their mothers.

2. Develop a desire to provide all possible assistance to the mother, to care and bring joy with her actions and actions.

3. Cultivate love and respect for the closest person - mother.

Preliminary work:

1. Individual conversations with children about mother.

2. Looking at photographs from family albums.

3. Drawing portraits of mothers.

4. Memorizing poems about mom.


1. Children, listen to the folk wisdom: “A mother is like the sun: she will take pity and warm you, and show you the way.” Today we will talk about our mothers.

How is your mother's name?

What is her job?

How are you like your mother?

How do you help her at home?

How often do you upset your mother and with what actions?

What makes your mother happy?

2. Looking at photographs in the album “Our Mothers”

Why do you love your mother?

Tell me how beautiful she is.

3. Reading poems about mom (pre-learned)

4. We love mother for her business, caring for children, for her love for us. When mother teaches us, instructs us to do the right thing, we should not be offended by her for this, because she wishes us well.

Discussing life situations with children.

Mom returned from work very tired - your actions.

You played a prank on kindergarten and was the culprit of the situation - how mom would react to it.

Guests with children will come to you, mother is preparing treats - your actions.

5. Physical training

6.Reading poems about professions to children.

7. Didactic game “Who needs what for work” - professions of mothers.

Children, based on pictures depicting objects, name women's professions.

· doctor

· salesman

· hairdresser

· teacher

· nanny in kindergarten

· programmer, etc.

7.Finger gymnastics

8. Making a gift for your mother - a flower - an origami craft.

9. Word game “Choose a word”

On planar image Children attach their flowers to the vases and say a word that describes their mother.

10. At the end of the event, children recite poems with wishes.

We're ending the conversation

We wish dear mothers,

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, prettier.

We wish our mothers

Never lose heart.

Be more and more beautiful every year

And scold us less.

May adversity and sorrow

They'll pass you by

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.

Lesson notes in younger group: "My lovely mum".
- Cultivate a kind, respectful, attentive attitude towards mother, as the keeper of the hearth;
- Foster a culture of communication and a desire to work in a team;
- Contribute to the enrichment and consolidation of children’s knowledge about wild animals and their cubs; - Develop visual attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills fingers;
Methods and techniques used:
1. Verbal (Teacher's conversation, questions, explanations). 2. Practical (Didactic games, outdoor games).
3. Visual (Showing the performance of motor activity).
Preliminary work:
1. Conversation about mom.
2. Photo exhibition "My Mommy".
3.Reading poems about mom.
4. Didactic game "Pets and their babies."
5. Finger gymnastics “Let’s help mom.”
GCD move:
Educator: Guys, I’ll read a poem, and you guess who it’s about.
Who warms you with love, manages to do everything in the world, even to play a little? Who will always console you, and wash you, and comb your hair, and kiss you on the cheek - smack you? Children: dear mother!
Educator: That's right, this is mom.
Game "Mom-moch-ka".
Let's play a game. I will ask questions, and you will answer loudly and unanimously, “Mom-mo-ka.”
-Who came to me in the morning?
-Who said: “it’s time to get up”?
-Who managed to cook the porridge?
-Who poured tea into the cup?
-Who braided my hair?
-And he swept the whole house alone?
-Who kissed me?
-Who is a child who loves laughter?
-Who is the best in the world?
Educator: Each of you has a mother. She loves you, cares about you. She is always nearby and ready to come to your aid at any moment. Do you love your mothers, you know their names. (Children call their mothers names)
Do you think animals have mothers?
Do you have children.
Educator: The kitten has a cat’s mother, the puppy has a dog, the calf has a cow’s mother, the kid has a goat’s mother, the pig has a pig (look at the illustrations). They take care of their young. Children, how does this happen? (Adult animals feed their young, protect them from danger, teach them).
Educator: Do baby animals always listen to their mothers? (Yes). Are you obedient children?
Guys, you probably know that the actions of children can make you happy
or upset your mothers. Now we will play with you. Stand up
next to their chairs.
Educator: I will name the action: if this action pleases your
Mom - you clap your hands, if it upsets you, you stomp your feet.
Game "Happy or Sad."
- All the toys were scattered around the room;
- Helped mom wash the dishes;
- We drew and presented a beautiful drawing to my mother
- They tore the new book;
- You ate all the porridge for breakfast;
- Always tell your family “thank you”, “please”,
"Hello good Bye".
- They didn’t want to wash their hands before eating;
- Feed the dog or cat;
- Ran away from adults;
- Learned to dress yourself, without the help of adults;
Educator: I see that you know what actions can upset and
please your beloved mother. I hope you will commit
only good deeds!
Educator: Guys, look what I have magic chest.
Let's fill the chest with kind words for mom.
I will open the chest: your words will fill it.
So, let's begin! What mom?
Guiding questions from the teacher:
Educator: When your mother hugs you, kisses you, feels sorry for you, what is she like?
(Affectionate, kind, sweet, gentle.)
Educator: When mom dresses fashionably, what is she like?
Educator: When mom smiles and laughs, what is she like?
Educator: And if you love your mother, what is she like?
Educator: When your mother takes care of you, what is she like?
Educator: If mom does housework, we do a lot of housework,
what is she like?
(Hardworking, economical.)
Educator: Well done! That's how many wonderful words we collected in a magic chest.
In the meantime, we will close it so that our words do not get lost and
Educator: Guys, mom is a housewife because she does a lot
household chores.
Physical education lesson “Helpers”
Here are my helpers,
Turn them any way you want
Knocked, turned
And they wanted to work.
1. Half-turns in the wrist joint.
2. Tapping the fingertips on the table surface.
3. Circular movements simultaneously in and out, fingers clenched into a fist.
4. Shake your hands and relax.
Educator: Do mothers need help? Let's remember how to help mom!
Let's help mom
We'll wash our socks
We wash our socks with soap,
Fists rub tightly
We will deftly rinse the socks and hang them on the rope.
Summary of the lesson. Who did we talk about today? (About mothers). And what are our mothers like (Children’s answers). And you raise your children to be obedient and do not upset your mothers.

"My beloved mother"


Likhobabina S.I.

Target: develop dialogical speech, encourage monologue; continue to learn how to answer questions clearly; make up descriptive story By photo; activation of adjectives and verbs in children's speech.

Material: photographs depicting mothers, whatman paper, sheets (petals) of paper for making a collage, presentation “My beloved mother.”

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part.

The teacher reads a poem by Ubair Rajai, addressing the children:

Who came to me this morning? Mommy!
Who said: “It’s time to get up? Mommy!
Who managed to cook the porridge?...
Who poured tea into the cup?...
Who braided my hair?...
Cleaned everything at home, swept it?....
Who as a child loves laughter?...
Who is the best in the world?....Mommy!

Who is this poem about? Guys, what are your mothers names? (give first name, patronymic). Which beautiful names at your mothers.

Main part.

Guys, do you love your mothers? (Yes). Do you want to give a gift to mothers? (Yes). Here, look how magical this chest is. Let's choose the most tender, kind words for our mother and put them in our chest. (Children select words, the teacher helps the children with leading questions. Writes the words on a piece of paper in the form of a petal).

When does mom hug, stroke, kiss? Which? (affectionate).

When mom smiles and laughs? Which? (cheerful).

When children are naughty, but mother doesn’t scold? Which? (good).

And if you love your mother, what is she like? (affectionate).

Well done! That's how many wonderful words we collected in a chest for mom.

In the meantime, we will close it so that our words are not lost and forgotten.

Game “Tell about Mom”

The teacher starts first. He shows the children a photograph and talks about his mother. For example: “My mother’s name is Valentina Anatolyevna. She works in a hospital as a doctor. My mother heals people. She is kind, cheerful, affectionate, beautiful, beloved....”

Physical exercise “Mom”.

The teacher reads a poem, the children perform the appropriate movements.

I love my mom
I will always help her:
I wash, rinse,
I shake the water off my hands.
I'll sweep the floor clean
And I’ll chop firewood for her.
Mom needs to rest
Mom wants to sleep.
I'm walking on tiptoes
And never, and never
I won't say a word.

It’s so good when every child has his own mother. What kind of mothers do animals have? (Game with illustrations).

The rabbits mother is a hare.

The mother of fox cubs is a fox.

The cubs' mother is a bear.

The mother of wolf cubs is a she-wolf.

Baby squirrels' mother is a squirrel.

Game “Find a pair”.

The teacher lays out inverted pictures of domestic and wild animals and their young on the table, so that they form pairs, and invites the children to take one picture each, but not show it to anyone. As soon as the music starts, “mother animals” and “cubs” begin to move around the group, imitating the movements of a bear, a fox, a squirrel... If they find it difficult to find a pair based on their movements, they call each other with characteristic sounds.

Animal mothers love their children just as much as your mothers. They teach them everything: to wash themselves, brush their fur, run, jump, get food for themselves.

Guys, show how your mothers taught you everything (children show movements, repeat verbs).

  • Walk
  • Jump
  • Wash your face
  • Comb your hair
  • Eat with a spoon
  • Stomp your feet
  • Clap your hands

Guys, let's say loudly to our mothers for teaching us everything: “Mommy, thank you!”

Screening of the presentation “My beloved mother”

Target : Instill love and respect for the mother as the closest and dearest person.

Program tasks :

Vocabulary work : endless holiday, video message, create comfort, my earthly angel


decorations for the hall, audio recording with songs: “Mama” lyrics. Entin, music J. Bourgeois, “Mom for a Baby Mammoth” by V. Shainsky, portraits and poems about mothers, pillows for children, presentation “Mom is my earthly angel”, audio recording with mothers’ appeals, soft toy“Heart”, pictures for the association game “My Love is in Mom”, cards for the game “Mom’s Professions”, blanks for the application “Greeting Card for Mom” - sheets of velvet paper, colored cardboard and pieces of fabric.

Preliminary work : viewing the photo album “How I Help My Mom,” viewing a slide show about Mother’s Day over the past year, holding: exhibitions “Mom’s Skillful Hands,” My Mom is the Most Beautiful”; conversations about mother's professions, reading fiction about mother, making mother’s portraits, jointly making children with parents and teachers decorations for the hall,

Progress of the lesson

The song “Mama” plays (to the film of the same name, lyrics by Yu Entin, music by J. Bourgeois), children go into the hall, look at it (how and with what it is decorated, notice what they did with their own hands, together with their mothers, teachers, independently) and sit down on the beautiful cushions prepared for them.

Educator: Guys, look. How beautifully the hall is decorated, what flowers, sun, birds, everything is wonderful, and most importantly, do you recognize it? (Children's answers) Yes, these are your crafts that you worked on for a long time. Smart girls. Very beautiful, isn't it? (Children's answers). Today we have gathered here with you not by chance, because soon we will celebrate the brightest, most tender and beloved holiday, Mother's Day. When you were first born, when you first smiled, took the first step, said the first word, opened and recognized the world There was always one dearest and most beloved person with you - mommy! And now, no matter what happens, the mother will support joy or misfortune, hug, understand and never leave her own baby. Yes, guys, for mothers, her children remain babies for a very long time.

Educator: Quite a lot has been written kind words
About our mothers, dear and beautiful.
They are like fairies from fairy tales,
They bring an endless holiday into our lives.

Educator: Guys, I know that you have learned very beautiful and tender poems about mothers. Let's tell them now. ( Children read poetry)

In the world kind words
He lives a lot, but he’s kinder than everyone else
And more tender is one - of two syllables
A simple word “ma-ma”, and there are no words,
More dear than it!

If mom is nearby, the world of miracles is full,

You don't need anything if mom is here,

I'll take her hand tighter

I will not give my mother to anyone in the world.

If mom is nearby, the world is filled with sunshine,

She will help me in everything, she will forgive everything,

He will tell me a story, sing a song,

If mom is nearby, she will understand everything.

I won't cry if I fall

Mom will be there, she will take care of the trouble,

He will kiss you tightly and press you to your chest,

If mom is nearby, the pain will go away immediately.

If mom is home, I'll play with her,

Of course, everything is more fun to do with mom,

I won’t hide anything from my mother,

I never get tired of playing with her.

If my mother is nearby, I'm not afraid of the rain,

Even if it rains with hail, so what?

I won't cry ever again

If mom is nearby, rain is not a problem.

If my mother is nearby, then I can do everything,

I take care of my mother from all sorrows,

I fall asleep to her tunes.

Let me dream about my mother

Educator: Well done, guys, what touching and wonderful poems about our mothers. It's a pity. that now our mothers are not with us, they work, create comfort in the house, but I have a surprise for you! Please look at the screen. (Video message from the group’s mothers to their children)

Educator: Well, guys, did you like my surprise? (Children's answers). Let's all play the game "What's My Mom" ​​together?

Held didactic game “What is my mother like”. Each child briefly talks about his mother and finds her portrait on display in the hall

Educator. We played great, let's watch a movie about moms ( View the presentation “Mom is my earthly angel”»

Educator. We've been sitting too long, let's stand in a circle and play in the game "Tender Words"(Children pass the “heart” around in a circle, a beautiful melody plays, if it stops, and the child who has the “heart” left in his hands says a kind, tender word to his mother. This continues 6-7 times, at the request of the children).

After finishing the game, the teacher invites the children to go to the tables and carefully look at the pictures depicting: the sun, sky, heart, flowers, birds, sea, grass, etc.

Educator. Guys, look carefully at the pictures and tell me what your love for your mother looks like and why.( the association game “My Love for Mom” is being held)

Educator. Let's warm up a little and tell us how we help mothers.

Finger game

Educator. Today is an unusual day for us and the surprises are not over yet. I think and even know. That every child will definitely recognize their beloved mother by her voice! Let's check this now.

(Held game "Recognize your mother by her voice." The teacher turns on an audio recording with the voices of the children’s mothers (mothers either call their child or recite a short poem. Children listen carefully and try to guess, each their own mother.)

Educator. Great, well done guys, you coped with such a difficult test. Please tell me what professions our mothers mastered. (Children’s answers) I suggest playing another game called “Mom’s professions.” Select a card with your mother’s profession and select the tools that are suitable for her profession. ( Children playing didactic game"Mom's profession")

Educator. Everything worked out great for us. Today we remembered and learned a lot of interesting and useful things about our mothers. Who wants to tell you something else about mom?

(Children tell poems about their mother")

Go around the whole world
Just know in advance:
You won't find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother’s.
You won't find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are more valuable.
A hundred paths, roads around
Travel around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mother!

How many stars are there in the sky!

These stars are for mom

I'll give it again.

And one morning,

Looking at me

Mom will smile: “My little star!”

Mom - this means tenderness,

This is affection, kindness,

Mom is serenity

This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story,

This is the morning dawn

Mom is a hint in difficult times,

This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is the green of summer,

It's snow, autumn leaf

Mom is a ray of light

Mom means LIFE!

Educator. Guys, I'm so glad. That you know so much good, kind and beautiful things about your beloved and dear mothers. Let’s end our conversation by making wonderful gifts for mothers. After all, it’s customary to give gifts on holidays (Children’s answers).

Children and their teacher go to the tables and start working together on manufacturing greeting cards with wishes to mothers.(Three-dimensional applique made of velvet paper, colored cardboard and fabric.)

Educator. At the end of our meeting, I want to thank you guys and say just one thing

If mom is not at home,
Very, very sad.
If mom is gone for a long time,
That lunch is not tasty.
If mom isn't around
It's cold in the apartment,
If mom isn't around,
It's bad in the whole world.
If mom is far away,
It's very difficult for children.
I'll tell you straight:
- Take care of your mother!!!

After completion, the teacher and children with postcards and portraits of mothers leave the hall to the music from the cartoon “Mother for a Baby Mammoth” (by V. Shainsky).