Teacher's report to the younger group on experimentation. Report for the year on research activities in the junior group experiments and experiments (junior group) on the topic

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 7 “Goldfish”

Progress report

"Experimental activities of children fourth year life"

Prepared by:

teacher of first qualification
Lipatova E.V.

Vyksa 2014

The basis of the experimental activities of preschoolers is the thirst for knowledge, the desire for discovery, curiosity, the need for mental impressions, and my task is to satisfy the needs of children, which in turn will lead to emotional and intellectual development, in general, to the formation of integrative qualities of the child’s personality.

And in order to support and develop children’s interest in research and discovery, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions.

I began my work by replenishing the subject-development environment of the Experimentation Center, which we update depending on the needs and interests of children.

Working out notes educational activities in experimental activities, I focus on the interests and needs of children, connections with their life experiences. When conducting experiments and experiments with preschoolers, I take into account age and individual characteristics, create problematic situations, activate children’s activities using a variety of methods of motivation.

The purpose of my workwhen conducting experimental activities is: development in children cognitive activity, curiosity, the need for mental impressions, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection.

To achieve this goal, I set the following tasks:

    to develop children's knowledge about the world around them;

    instill initial skills in research, cognitive activity, and independence;

    increase the level of speech activity, mastery of experimental activities;

    enrich the active vocabulary;

    develop coherent speech.

When conducting experimental activities, I always use the help of a game character. I offer children the simplest problem situations: Will a rubber ball sink? How to hide a ring in water from a fox? Why can't you eat snow? etc.The character, together with the children, “participates” in experiments and experiments, solves problems that arise, and brings interesting things. young researchers. All this contributes to the development of curiosity when studying a topic"Water" the children saw thateven such a familiar object as water , conceals a lot of unknowns. In the course of elementary experiments, children learned to determine its properties: liquid, transparent, colorless, can change color, has no taste or smell, can be cold, warm and hot. During experiments with snow: “Making pies out of snow”, “Snow flowers” ​​on the topic “Snow”, children learned that snow melts when it’s warm, namely on the palm of your hand or indoors. The children also learned that sticky snow can be used to make snowballs and make buildings, but not loose snow. All this knowledge of the children was consolidated practically; the children sculpted snowmen from both real snow and plasticine, which leads to increased interest in experimental activities.

When studying a topic"Sand" children became acquainted with its properties. For example, during the observation, the children examined and understood that sand consists of very small grains of sand, similar to grains. And when conducting the experiment"Pies for Mishka"The guys realized that sand can be dry and wet, light and heavy.

During didactic games: “Guess the taste”, “ Wonderful pouch", "Make a pair", "Match by color" children became acquainted with various objects, vegetables and fruits, and their taste qualities, learned to distinguish fruits and vegetables by smell and taste.

In the process of experimentation, the artistic word (riddles, poems, nursery rhymes, original stories) was also of great importance, which helped organize, interest children, and replenish their vocabulary.

The implementation of the assigned tasks is fully possible only if there is close interaction with the family. For this purpose, I provide consultations for parents on children's experimentation.

Parents took an active part in replenishing the Experimentation Center necessary materials and equipment.

It follows from this that the introduction of research and experimental activities into children’s play, independent, educational activities helps to develop Creative skills, activate his thought processes, develop speech, independence.

Report on the topic: " Introduction of modern educational technology“Research activities” in junior group No. 10 by teachers Shatalova E.A., Kolesnichenko E.Yu.

During 2015-2016 school year. Our group carried out research activities together with children, teachers and parents on the topic “Water is a magician.”

In September, materials and equipment were selected for experiments, conversations, and games with children. A conversation was held with parents about the necessary participation in the project, about serious attitude to the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

In October, together with the children, we learned about the properties of water:“What kind of water is there?”, “Multi-colored water”, “Muddy water”. In November, research activities with children were aimed at giving children knowledge about how objects behave in water:« Sinks - doesn’t sink”, “How to push water out?” . IN winter months we continued to introduce children to the properties of water and snow, the transformation of water into ice: “Where does the icicle come from”, “What different types of water”,"Snow melting". When spring arrived, the children took part in the research with great interest: “Who will pour and pour out faster?“Water has no form”, “Why water has taste.”

On parent meeting consultation for parents was given in May« Learning to think, think, experiment»: parents were told how to help their children and develop the desire to think,develop the manifestation of cognitive interest in experiments, demonstrated exemplary equipment for conducting experiments and experiments. We have prepared a memo for parents: “Experiments - what are they?”

Conversations were held with children about how interesting it is to engage in research activities, about experimentation in order to support and develop the child’s interest in research and discoveries. The children were familiarized with the necessary equipment and materials for research activities.

Together with the parents, we prepared a homemade book “About the boy Vova who didn’t want to wash himself.” A presentation we made at the end of the year was organized for the children« The sorceress is water."

Preschool teachers were offered consultation “How to organize properly experimental group activity».

We will continue to work with children on the topic of research activities because... We see the result of our work:The children's cognitive interest in experiments increased, their speech improved, and the children learned a lot of interesting and new things.Based on the work carried out, we were able to verify thatskills and abilities of the researcher, acquired in children's games and in special organized activities, are easily grafted and subsequently transferred to all types of activities. It is important to remember that the most valuable and lasting knowledge is not that which is acquired by memorization, but that which is acquired independently, in the course of one’s own creative research. The most important thing is that it is much easier for a child to study science by acting like a scientist (conducting research, conducting experiments, etc.) than to receive knowledge obtained by someone in a ready-made form.

In the future, we would like to involve more of the parents of our group in research activities.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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The process of training and education in kindergarten is aimed at revealing in the child’s personality those qualities that he will need to achieve any goals in the future. Developing an inquisitive mind, introducing the properties of objects through direct observation of phenomena and processes, developing the ability to plan and analyze practical work - these are the tasks of the modern education system. A child is capable of independently searching for knowledge if the teacher has prepared the appropriate conditions for this.

Experimental activities in preschool educational institutions: tasks, techniques, types

The modern education system in kindergarten is moving away from the method of transmitting knowledge to children using the information method (direct transmission from teacher to student). According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the pedagogical task is to create optimal conditions under which each child could develop and improve their abilities in discovering the features and properties of objects in the surrounding reality. Research qualities are observed in children 1–2 years old. Experimenting with objects occurs through elementary actions: smearing paint on a sheet, tasting it, testing its strength (bite, throw), making a sound (clap your palm, hit it on a hard surface). With development fine motor skills and coordination of movements, experimental research becomes more intense, but spontaneity in experimentation remains until the age of 5–6 years. Middle preschoolers are capable of longer observations; they actively expand their vocabulary and strive to use independent activity acquired skills. Pupils of the senior and preparatory groups conduct experiments and experiments according to an independently thought-out plan, record and evaluate the information received. Consequently, throughout the entire period of study in kindergarten, students improve their ability to solve problem situations using practical methods, both in joint activities with the teacher and independently in various regime moments.

Pupils of younger groups experiment together with the teacher

The purpose of experimental activities in preschool educational institutions is to form and expand children's ideas about living and inanimate nature through practical independent knowledge. The teacher works in this direction during educational activities, on walks, thematic leisure activities, and motivates to experiment in independent activities. For experimental research, a subject-spatial environment is organized: a research corner, an experimentation center or a mini-laboratory is created. Children's experimentation is in many ways similar to scientific experimentation; children experience positive emotions from the feeling of the importance of the work done, obtaining visible results, and new information.

Children's experimentation is similar to scientific experimentation, and the results experimental activities are of great value to children

Objectives of experimental activities in preschool educational institutions - table

Educational objectives
  • Formation of an idea about objects: their properties and qualities.
  • Forming the ability to determine relationships between objects and phenomena.
  • Formation of the ability to draw conclusions and discoveries.
Developmental tasks
  • Development of thinking abilities: comparison, comparison, systematization, generalization, analysis.
  • Development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements.
  • Development of visual, auditory, sensory perception.
  • Development of attention and memory.
  • Development of speech abilities.
Educational tasks
  • Creating positive motivation for independent experimentation.
  • Creating a friendly atmosphere in the group during research.
  • Developing the ability to work in a team and a sense of mutual assistance.
  • Cultivating perseverance and accuracy.

During experiments, children acquire research skills, make inferences and conclusions based on the experiments.

Methods and techniques of experimental activities in preschool educational institutions

Among the techniques and methods of organizing experimental activities, we will highlight those that are relevant for use in a preschool educational institution:

  • Problem-search method. The teacher creates a problem situation in which children have to identify issues that need to be solved, put forward hypotheses on how to solve the problem, conduct experimental activities and draw conclusions. The problem-search method is the leading one for the modern education system, in which, through a lively discussion with the teacher, children become motivated to actively experiment and strive to get results.

    Most activities in kindergarten are based on the problem-search method.

  • Observations of the object. The perception of objects and processes organized indoors or on the territory of the kindergarten develops the visual and auditory abilities of children. Explorations carried out during walks immerse children in the natural world with all its diversity of sights, colors, sounds and smells. Observation is one of the active practices of experimental research activities among preschoolers.

    Observation is one of the active practices of experimental research activities of preschoolers

  • Experiences and experiments. Along with play, experimentation is considered a leading activity. By performing elementary experiments on objects (dropping them on the floor, trying to break them, making a sound, etc.), kids acquire information about their properties. Preschoolers enjoy participating in experiments on familiar substances, deepening their knowledge: they conduct experiments with water in liquid and solid states, with sand, stones, clay, and plants. You need to start conducting experiments with children of the younger group, encouraging the desire for independent experimentation during the period of senior preschool age. This method of research activity develops observation, activity, independence in children, and contributes to the formation of a friendly atmosphere and team cohesion.

“Experimental activities with children of primary preschool age”

Prepared by teacher: Taranova L.V.

Children are explorers by nature. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, and independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered as the most important features of children's behavior.

The child asks questions regarding near and distant objects and phenomena, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships (how? why? why?), tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions. Tends to observe and experiment.

Research activities are of great interest to children. Research provides the child with the opportunity to find answers to the questions “how?” " and why? " One of effective methods cognition of patterns and phenomena of the surrounding world is a method of experimentation, which relates to cognitive and speech development. Children's experimentation has enormous developmental potential. Its main advantage is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationships with other objects and the environment.

In the process of experimentation, children's vocabulary is replenished with words denoting sensory signs of a property, phenomenon or object of nature (color, shape, size: crumples - breaks, high - low - far, soft - hard - warm, etc.).

The goals of experimentation are:

Maintain preschoolers' interest in the environment and satisfy children's curiosity.

Develop cognitive abilities in children (analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, generalization);

To develop thinking, speech and judgment in the process of cognitive and research activities: in making assumptions, selecting verification methods, achieving results.

In the conditions of our preschool educational institution we use only elementary experiments and tests.

Their elementary nature is:

firstly, in the nature of the problems being solved: they are unknown only to children;

secondly, in the process of these experiments no scientific discoveries occur, but elementary concepts and conclusions are formed;

thirdly, they are practically safe;

fourthly, such work uses ordinary household, gaming and non-standard equipment.

Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time when the child hears, sees and does it himself. This is what active implementation is based on children's experimentation at the preschool educational institution. We place great emphasis on creating conditions for children’s independent experimentation and search activity. Our task is to help children carry out these studies and make them useful.

Structure of children's experimentation:

Identification and formulation of the problem (choice of research topic); For example, having met the heroes of the fairy tale “Bubble, Straw and Lapot”, we began to think about how to help the heroes cross the river. They were lowered one by one into a container with water. paper napkin, a piece of fabric, iron and wood plates. They saw that paper, fabric and metal were sinking, but the wooden plate was not. They concluded that if an object does not sink, then it can be floated on. We decided to find out what properties and qualities wood has and how it can be used. This is how the idea of ​​research and the desire to get acquainted with the properties of wood arose.

Since interest in experimentation arises with early age, we begin conducting these classes from the 2nd junior group. They are happy to examine clay and sand, learning their properties; splashing in the water, revealing its secrets; they send boats sailing, catch the breeze, try to make foam; turn snow into water, and water into ice.

With the help of game characters, we offer children the simplest problem situations: Will a rubber ball sink? How to hide a ring in water from a fox? During the experiment, children express their assumptions about the causes of the observed phenomenon and choose a method for solving a cognitive problem.

In the second younger group, children master the actions of transfusion, pouring various materials and substances.

Get acquainted with the properties of some materials and inanimate objects: water; sun rays; ice; snow; glass They learn about light sources, that if you shine light on an object, a shadow will appear; that different objects and animals make different sounds, etc.

We brought children to an understanding of natural phenomena such as rain.

Watching heavy rain from the window, the children saw how water flows down the glass and what puddles remain on the roads after the rain.

After several observations, we drew conclusions: rain can be different (cold, warm, drizzling, heavy, torrential). Most often, it rains when clouds appear in the sky, but sometimes it happens in good weather when the sun is shining, such rain is called “mushroom rain.” It is warm and goes away quickly.

How much rain have I known?

Count quickly:

Wind and rain

Mushroom rain,

Rain with a rainbow-arc,

Rain and sun

Rain and hail,

Rain with red leaf fall.

To show the relationship between living and inanimate nature, we paid attention to how green it becomes after rain, how easy it is to breathe.

The children were convinced that rain is water. They compared the water from the tap and from the puddle and noted: the water in the puddle is dirty, but the water from the tap is clean. If you boil tap water, it is suitable for drinking, but water from a puddle is not suitable for drinking.

One of the areas of children's experimental activities that we actively use is experiments.

We conduct experiments both in class and in free activity. Children explore materials with great pleasure and learn that:

The paper tears, wrinkles, does not smooth out, burns, gets wet in water, etc.

The wood is strong, rough, gets wet in water, does not sink, etc.

Plastic is light, multi-colored, easy to break, etc.

Glass can be transparent and multi-colored, fragile, breakable, waterproof

The fabric wrinkles and smooths out, gets wet and dries, etc.

Water is transparent, has no shape, can shimmer, evaporate, etc.

The air is transparent, can move itself and moves objects, etc.

We carried out a simple experiment with water: - “Why is it dirty in autumn?”

We concluded: When water combines with earth, dirt is formed, so after rain it is dirty outside.

Thanks to experiments, children compare, contrast, draw conclusions, express their judgments and conclusions.

Introduced children to the transition of bodies from one state to another (water-ice-water), showed the relationship with living nature.

For this purpose the following experiments were used:

turning water into ice.

turning ice into water.

Usually, when asked how to see and feel air, children find it difficult to answer. To find answers to this question, we conducted a series of experiments:

We breathe air (we blow into a glass of water through a straw, bubbles appear)

Is it possible to catch air?

Can air be strong?

Air movement.

From experiments, children learn that air is everywhere, it is transparent, light, and invisible. All living beings need air to breathe: plants, animals, humans.

When getting to know the vegetables, the children identified them by taste. Having tasted carrots, the children learned that they are sweet and not bitter, and from the teacher’s story they learned that they contain a lot of vitamins and are good for our health.

Experimental activities give children the opportunity for close communication, independence, self-organization, freedom of action and responsibility, and allow cooperation with both adults and peers. After each experiment, we teach children to be independent when cleaning the workplace.

The impetus for starting experimentation can be surprise, curiosity, a request or a problem.

Working with parents...

It is known that not a single educational or educational task can be successfully solved without fruitful contact with the family and complete mutual understanding between parents and teacher.

Our experience has shown that experimental activities involve and “attract” not only preschoolers, but also their parents.

I give parents at the meeting a very important advice: do not rush to give your child ready-made answers, give him the opportunity to think about the reasons for this or that phenomenon. Of course, not every child will be able to answer the question right away, give him time. Don’t rush, even after you are convinced that the child, due to his age and little experience, cannot answer them, ask him leading questions, lead him to make the “discovery” himself.

In the fourth year of life, the child begins to clearly feel his own “I” and strives for independence. He is ready for discoveries and actively explores the surrounding space, expanding his understanding of the properties of familiar objects. However, younger preschoolers are not always confident in the correctness of their actions and the choice of research method, which is why adults so often hear three-year-old children asking “why.”

Theoretical foundations for conducting experimental activities in the second junior group of preschool educational institutions

Aged three years the child experiences one of the crises of personal development. The child longs to show independence, but is faced with the overprotection of adults or lacks the accumulated skills and abilities to be independent in all types of activities. In kindergarten classes, the teacher helps in creating new relationships between the child and adults, which are based on an element of cooperation. Children are not given experience in a ready-made form, but are shown the possibility of obtaining it.

The development of children’s cognitive activity is one of the main directions of a teacher’s work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Broadening one's horizons and mastering knowledge about the objects of the surrounding world, their qualities and properties should be carried out through the formation of experimental skills.

In classes with a teacher, children develop practical and experimentation skills

Know how to open one thing to the child in the world around him, but open it in such a way that a piece of life sparkles in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow. Always leave something unsaid so that the child will want to return again and again to what he has learned.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Age characteristics of children 3–4 years old

IN younger preschoolers curiosity is in full swing, in joint research activities with the teacher, students develop skills in experimental activities, and in independent classes the children will improve them. The discovery of information is achieved through trial and error; it is important not to leave the successes of little experimenters without praise and to teach them not to stop if something doesn’t work out on the first try.

To organize experimentation, the teacher takes into account age characteristics pupils of the second younger group (3–4 years):

  • Curiosity. Children actively study new subjects and expand their understanding of familiar phenomena and objects with interest.
  • Demonstration of independence. The teacher should encourage children's desire to acquire new knowledge.
  • Imagery and involuntary memory. Children remember best what aroused the greatest interest and positive emotions. However, it is still difficult to maintain attention for a long time, so the teacher takes into account the need of preschoolers to frequently change the subjects or types of study being studied.
  • Formation imaginative thinking. The ability to reproduce images without direct contact with the objects of research makes it possible to involve new types of learning for children during classes: listening to thematic poems and fairy tales, guessing riddles, holding conversations.
  • High emotionality. It is important for a child to receive approval and praise. The teacher predicts a situation of success when preparing a future lesson.
  • Active development speech activity. During the study of objects and observations, work is carried out on the development of speech and replenishment of vocabulary.

By conducting experiments, students expand their understanding of the properties of a particular object of reality.

The purpose and objectives of experimental activities

The purpose of experimental activities in the second junior group is to form and expand children's ideas about objects in the surrounding world through practical actions. Experimentation promotes the active development of thinking abilities: while observing the objects of experience, the child analyzes, summarizes the information received, compares them, and draws basic conclusions. Research qualities are manifested in various routine moments (in classes, during walks, in independent activities), children of 3–4 years old quickly learn about the world.

You can carry out observations and experiments while walking

Experimental activities in the second junior group are aimed at solving a number of problems:

  • Educational:
    • expansion of ideas about the properties and qualities of objects of living and inanimate nature;
    • developing the ability to independently study objects;
    • training in the ability to use instruments in research (magnifying glass, lamp, scales, magnets).
  • Educational:
    • improving fine motor skills and coordination;
    • development of visual, auditory, sensory perception;
    • development of attention and memory;
    • development of speech abilities.
  • Educational:
    • creating positive motivation for independent experimentation;
    • creating a friendly atmosphere in the group during research, fostering mutual assistance within the team;
    • development of self-control and self-regulation, cultivation of perseverance and accuracy;
    • developing the ability to follow instructions from an adult.

During experiments, a favorable atmosphere is created in the group, friendly relationships are strengthened

Types of experimental activities

Types of children's experimentation in the second junior group can be distinguished by the nature of the cognitive activity of pupils: