Scenario for the New Year's holiday “Journey to Santa Claus. Scenario for the New Year's holiday for children “Journey to the Estate of Father Frost Festive greetings of Father Frost

We went on a virtual trip to the homeland of Father Frost - the city of Veliky Ustyug. It is more fun to travel in a large group, so on the day when we met with our nephews, we decided to involve them in the game, and everyone went together to the residence of the most important Russian Father Frost (it is located a little further from Veliky Ustyug) to undergo training at the School of Magic and become novice wizards. The main participants in the game were the youngest son (almost 5 years old) and the youngest nephew (7 years old); in some games it was necessary to turn to the help of older children.

How it all started, or how to visit Santa Claus

TO New Year's gift youngest son Attached was a letter from Father Frost, in which he invited him to visit him at his residence not far from Veliky Ustyug. To get there, you had to collect three-dimensional snowflake from two halves (they were also in the letter), untwist it and say magic words:

<Имя ребенка>find yourself in Veliky Ustyug.

Before this, my son and I had already taken a virtual walk around Veliky Ustyug. And this time everyone went together to the residence of Santa Claus:

Snowflake, snowflake, spin around -
<Имя ребенка>find yourself at the residence of Santa Claus.

The Snow Maiden met us, and she accompanied us throughout our entire training at the School of Magic (our Snow Maiden is a paper figurine).

Snow Maiden: Hello, Dear friends! Welcome to the residence of Father Frost. Santa Claus He left on business and left me on the farm. Although grandpa is gone, the School of Magic is functioning properly, and we will gladly accept new students into it. Ready to start learning? Here are your grade books. Sign them. And a map of Father Frost’s residence to make it clearer where everything is. Once you have learned all the lessons, you will receive a credential and will be considered aspiring wizards. Don’t be afraid of difficulties, if something doesn’t work out, I will definitely help you. Begin?

I printed out the grade books and stapled them in advance. All the participants have to do is sign them. I also posted it in advance different parts apartments, signatures of the main objects of Father Frost's residence and drew a simple map.

Unfortunately, the batteries in the camera ran out very quickly, and I didn’t bring spare ones, so there aren’t very many photos this time.

Lesson 1. Fairy tale studies (trail of fairy tales)

The first thing awaiting us was a lesson in fairy tales on the fairy tale trail. The path was made of rope, along it there were circles with riddles about fairy-tale characters on the back side. On the pink circles there were riddles about good characters, on the blue ones - about bad ones. We guessed the riddles, counted how many good characters there were, how many evil ones. We got more good ones, just like in fairy tales, where good always triumphs over evil.

Change "Well done"

Snow Maiden: Although good always defeats evil in fairy tales, the fight against it is not at all easy. Sometimes you have to work with your fists and swing your mace. Let's swing the mace now and practice.

Mace battle. The mace was made from cotton handkerchiefs, with several pairs of socks rolled up inside. They built towers from sofa cushions and a large construction set and destroyed them with maces.

Snow Maiden: We fought and that's enough. The next lesson is Postal Science. Have you guessed where you and I need to go? Right! To Santa Claus's post office. Let's run!

Lesson 2. Postal science (Santa Claus's mail)

Snow Maiden: It is here - at Santa Claus's post office - that letters from children arrive. Postcards with congratulations from Santa Clauses from other countries also come here. But look, someone unkind has peeled off all the stamps. It is unclear now where the postcard was sent from. Let's fix everything.

I printed out in advance and pasted congratulations from Santa Clauses on cardboard in their language, and selected the necessary stamps. With the help of their older brothers, the guys selected stamps for congratulations (they were guided by both the text of the congratulation and the names of Santa Clauses).

Snow Maiden: Stayed too long? Let's have a break and play in the snow.

Turn. Snowball

They made snowballs from sheets of white paper and played a lot: they threw them at each other, at the target, whoever was further, divided the room into 2 parts and tried to throw snowballs from their half to the opponent’s half, etc.

Snow Maiden: Wow, what a game! It's getting hot! Now let's cool down a little - we'll go to the Santa Claus glacier for an iceography lesson. On skates!

Depicting movements as in speed skating (the body is tilted forward, the legs slide along the floor, the lowered arms actively move from side to side), we reached the Santa Claus glacier.

Lesson 3. Ice graphics (Santa Claus glacier)

Since we weren't playing at home, I didn't have the opportunity to make real ice. That's why we played with sweet snow. You can insert any game or experiment with ice here: you can build towers from ice cubes, draw with ice, determine in which water the ice will melt faster, surprise participants with fizzy ice, etc. You will find many game experiments with ice in the articles,

Snow Maiden: There are many sculptures made of ice and snow in the Santa Claus glacier. It seems impossible to make something like this out of ice and snow, but our craftsmen do it. And we will try to make edible sculptures from sweet snow and toothpicks. Ready? Then let's get started.

First, the guys made pyramids out of sweet snow, then together they made a snowflake, and joyfully ate it all.

Snow Maiden: Are you frozen? Now let's warm up in winter garden at Santa Claus! But you can only get there by skiing.

Turn. By ski

We imagined that skis were put on our feet. Two gymnastic sticks were used as sticks. Taking turns, imitating the movements of cross-country skiing and actively working with poles, we reached the Winter Garden of Santa Claus:

Sharp sticks fly up -
I'm dashing along the ski track.
No wonder the frost scares me:
He's not scary to me at all!
I know he won't touch me -
because it won’t catch up!
(Sh. Galiev)

At the end, you had to plop down in a snowdrift (fall on something soft):

And into a snowdrift - bang!

Lesson 4. Color magic (Santa Claus's winter garden)

Snow Maiden: Amazing plants grow in Santa Claus's winter garden (or greenhouse). They bloom and bear fruit in the middle of winter. Real magic! But someone unkind made its way here too. He dropped the flowers and scattered everything. We need to put things in order. Let the younger ones do this. And with the elders we will play “our own game”. Santa Claus himself invented it for visitors to the greenhouse.

While the younger ones were collecting cut-out pictures of flowers, the older ones played “Own Game” on the theme of flowers (now a traditional entertainment for them). I prepared questions for “My Game” in advance. It was necessary to choose a cell, name the topic and number, and answer questions. The number written on the cell is the number of points that the player can earn if the answer is correct. This time we did not count points, we simply answered all the questions.

There were 3 questions:

  • “What happened?” — Some fact from the past was described here, and it was necessary to determine whether it actually happened or not.
  • “Names of flowers” ​​- The answer to the questions from this topic was the name of the flower.
  • “The very best” - Questions were related to the largest, smallest, tallest flowers, and long-lived flowers. The answers to them were "yes" or "no".

Snow Maiden: Great! We dealt with all the issues. Then our path lies to Father Frost's carpentry workshop. It is located in the depths of Santa Claus's magical forest. You can't just get there - you'll need forest shoes.

Turn. Into the forest on forest shoes

We used forest shoes to cut wood left over from. They placed the cuts on the floor, placed the legs on top and, moving the legs along with the cuts, went to Santa Claus's carpentry workshop.

Alternatively, forest shoes could be made from two boxes: stick your feet into the box and go like that. If you are using a milk carton, you can not cut off one side completely, but only cut out the hole for the leg.

Lesson 5. Carpentry magic (Santa Claus's carpentry workshop)

Snow Maiden: In the residence of Father Frost, wooden sculptures are apparently invisible. They are made by skilled craftsmen in Father Frost's carpentry workshop using special tools. Can you guess where it is?

We became familiar with the names of woodworking tools and used cardboard scissors to cut out our craft. The craft was first drawn on cardboard, then cut out. It turned out to be very difficult for the children to cut cardboard; the scissors kept cutting in the wrong places. If you organize such a game, in order to avoid tears and insults, it is better to paint an ordinary sheet of paper like a tree and cut out figures from it.

To make the figures stand, a strip of cardboard was glued to the back at an angle.

Snow Maiden: You see, guys, you can create real magic with your own hands. There would be a desire! And now you and I need to get to the forest pharmacy for Frost’s food. It’s not far from here - we’ll cross the Shishkopryg clearing and end up at the forest pharmacy.

Turn. On byLyane Shishkojryg

Snow Maiden: Before jumping through the Pine Jump clearing, you and I will warm up a little - we’ll leave the cones behind. Santa Claus himself does this kind of warm-up in the morning.

They threw cones with one hand (right and left), then with two. They threw cones with both hands from below, from behind the head, standing with their backs to the target. They threw cones from under their raised legs, etc. Having played enough, we collected the cones and laid them out in a row at some distance from each other. The guys had to jump over the cones to get from one end of the Shishkopryg clearing to the other. The bump that he jumped over had to be put in his pocket. (The cones can be put not in a pocket, but in a small bag).

Snow Maiden: Well done! They quickly crossed the Shishkopryg clearing. Do you know that you can not only play with cones? Cones not only bring joy to people, but they also do good and bring benefits. Syrups and tinctures are made from young green cones - they help against many diseases. Not only pine cones are useful, but also herbs and berries. Let's take a look at Santa Claus's forest pharmacy.

Lesson 6. Bubble science (forest pharmacy of Santa Claus)

The experiments that we carried out in the forest pharmacy of Santa Claus were connected by playing on the word bubble. Previously, a vial was a name given to small bottles into which medicines were poured. Carbon dioxide bubbles are found in mineral water, and air bubbles can be found inside porous chocolate. You can make bubbles yourself by mixing soda, citric acid and adding water. The resulting bubbles during this reaction can inflate a large bubble - balloon.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Snow Maiden: Although in the forest not only pine cones are useful, but also plants, flowers, and berries, in Santa Claus’s pharmacy this time we will get acquainted not with them, but with magic bubbles. Previously, small bottles into which medicines were poured were called vials. And you and I will have magic bubbles in this big bottle. For starters, they can make raisins dance. Don't believe me? You'll see now.

Experiment “Why raisins dance.” A few raisins were placed at the bottom of the glass. We poured mineral water. The raisins began to rise to the surface of the glass and sink to the bottom. Why: bubbles of carbon dioxide contained in mineral water stick to the raisins, and, moving upward, drag the raisins along with them. Gas bubbles on the surface burst and the raisins, having lost support, sink to the bottom. The raisins will dance more or less actively until the mineral water in the glass runs out of steam.

Snow Maiden: Now look at this miracle. It's all about magic bubbles here too, but where are they?

Experiment 2 “Why porous chocolate doesn’t sink.” Ordinary water was poured into a glass. We put in a piece of regular chocolate and a piece of porous chocolate. Regular chocolate sank to the bottom, while porous chocolate remained on the surface of the water.

After much thought, we came to the conclusion that the magic bubbles are inside the chocolate itself. We broke both pieces: ordinary chocolate is dense, but porous chocolate is full of bubbles inside. The air in them holds a piece of porous chocolate on the surface of the water.

Snow Maiden: Remember how magical bubbles from a bottle of mineral water made raisins dance? Now let's try to make these magical bubbles ourselves. To do this, we need the simplest ingredients: soda, citric acid and water. All this can be found not only in the pharmacy, but also in any kitchen. And so that the magic bubbles don’t go to waste, we’ll try to inflate a big bubble with them.

Experiment 3. “Carbon dioxide inflates a balloon.” 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of citric acid were poured into a glass bottle through a funnel. We added water and quickly placed a balloon on the neck of the bottle. The balloon inflated, but not very much. Doubled the ingredients - same story. Then they decided to call for help from magical bubbles from a bottle of mineral water. And instead of ordinary water, they added mineral water to the bottle. The effect exceeded all expectations.

Snow Maiden: Guys, balloons inflated with bubbles are very similar to large snowballs. Is it true? Round, white, but not cold. By doing the experiment, you have now discovered the secret of how Grandfather Frost makes snowballs. Let's play with them. They are not cold and will not melt in the room.

With inflated white snowball balloons, they held a competition to see who could keep the snowball in the air longer (you could blow on the snowball, throw it with your hands and a tennis racket - do everything to prevent the snowball from falling to the ground).

Snow Maiden: Guys, remember that magic can sometimes be hidden in the most ordinary things: in a bottle of mineral water or in baking soda and citric acid which he always eats in his mother’s kitchen. And now - to Santa Claus's forge. We can get there by walking through the rope town.

Turn. Rope town

I placed several stable stools next to the sofa and laid out sofa cushions. She laid out a long rope on the sofa, stools, and pillows. The guys had to walk along the height of the rope from one end to the other.

Lesson 7. Forged miracles (Santa Claus's forge)

Snow Maiden: Very strong people work in Santa Claus's forge. Do you know what they call it?

Adults and children know
There is no one stronger in the world.
I will remind you of one thing -
This is Ilya Muromets.

Snow Maiden: What heroes do you know?

We remembered the names of the heroes.

Snow Maiden: Do you also know why they say that you need to strike while the iron is hot?

They discussed that hot iron will change its shape more easily, while cold iron is almost impossible to bend and roll.

Snow Maiden: But there are exceptions to this rule: thin wire can be bent when cold. Will you try to make a horseshoe out of wire? Those who are afraid that it is hot can wear mittens or gloves.

Horseshoes were bent from small pieces of wire.

Turn. On the three

Snow Maiden: They say that a horseshoe hanging over the threshold does not allow evil into the house and gathers happiness in the house. And the horseshoe prophesies a long journey for you and me. You and I have gone far from the house of Santa Claus. We need to go back. How will we return? On Santa Claus's troika you can. Do you remember the names of Santa Claus's three favorite horses? Like three months of January. Let's remember!

We remembered the names of Father Frost’s three favorite horses, which he harnesses in threes to deliver gifts: December, January and February.

Snow Maiden: But even here someone played a prank - he took a horseshoe off one horse. Let's shoe the horse and hit the road.

In advance I pasted small stickers on the heels of two existing men, and on another I only put one sticker. The guys' task was to find a horse without a shoe and re-shoe it - attach the missing sticker.

Snow Maiden: It seems like it’s a difficult task to shoe horses, but what fun it turned out to be. Magic, and that's all! And now - on a troika with a breeze to the zoo of Santa Claus. The tit birds whispered in my ear that strange bad things were happening there too.

Using a rope as a harness, under "Seasons. November. On the troika" P.I. Tchaikovsky We got to the Santa Claus zoo.

Lesson 8. Lesson of kindness (Santa Claus's zoo)

Snow Maiden: Oh oh oh! Bad things are happening. Let's quickly find the kids their parents and place animals in enclosures: domestic and wild ones separately, predators and herbivores separately.

I laid out cards from the game “Whose Baby” on the floor. The children's task was to find a parent for each child and divide the animals into domestic and wild, and then all domestic and wild animals into predators and herbivores.

Snow Maiden: Well done boys! How quickly the real magic was accomplished - the animals were given their mothers back. Remember one more secret of the magic of Santa Claus:

To create magic -
You need to be kind!

Magic exam (Santa Claus's house)

Snow Maiden: And now they are waiting for you and me in the house of Santa Claus. Here you will have to pass the exam by magic. But first, let's look at the magical objects: the boots, the self-assembled tablecloth, the samogud harp. They are hidden in grandpa's closet. But what is this?! Again, someone unkind tried his best: he turned all the magical objects into now unnecessary summer things.

Where Santa Claus's pantry is, we find pictures with summer items (pictures can be drawn, cut out from unnecessary magazines, I cut out pictures from a book with ideas for winter and New Year's games). Snow Maiden: But we will not lose heart. Let's look at these items carefully and find a winter use for them.

With ideas for using summer clothes in winter time The guys didn't do very well at first, but after a few examples things started to improve. Here are some of our fantasies:

  • a sand bucket and sunglasses could be useful for a snowman;
  • shells and sand play molds could decorate a snow fort;
  • you could put a samovar under a beach umbrella and treat everyone who is frozen to hot tea;
  • a toy sailboat could be placed on a chassis (turned into a sailboat);
  • It would be convenient to walk on loose forest snow with fins;
  • slates could be an excellent sole for felt boots during a thaw;
  • a tube from a scuba tank would make a feeder with a dispenser, etc.

Snow Maiden: And it’s not even bad that the nasty little mischief-maker was in charge here. You and I learned one more condition for magic: to create magic, you need imagination. Do you agree?

Snow Maiden: What else is this?! Listen:

Get off this sofa
Otherwise there will be a hole there.
Don't walk on the carpet -
You'll rub a hole in it.
And don't touch the bed -
The sheet may be wrinkled.
And don’t touch my closet -
Your claw is too sharp.
And you don’t need to take books -
You can tear them.
And don't stand in the way...
Oh, wouldn't it be better for you to leave?
(Oleg Grigoriev)

Snow Maiden: This is definitely not Grandfather Frost or his assistants! We're not going anywhere! I guessed: it was the mean little mischief maker who snuck into our residence! She was the one who misbehaved everywhere, behaved outrageously, and did bad deeds. And it’s easy to drive her away! You need to smile, laugh and hug the one you love! Then the Vestious People are not scary, and miracles will happen in life.

They did everything as the Snow Maiden said: they smiled, laughed, hugged everyone they found at home, and received a credential from Santa Claus that they had become novice wizards.

Snow Maiden: You guys have dealt with the nasty little thing. They passed the magic exam perfectly. Congratulations guys! Now you are aspiring wizards. Do you remember well what you need to create magic around yourself? A little imagination, love and kindness towards people and all living things that are near you, hands that are afraid of boredom and love to work, and a few ordinary magical objects, for example, bubbles in a bottle of mineral water, pencils or scissors.

But the adventures didn't end there. It turned out that Santa Claus, in addition to the certificate, also prepared sweet gifts. But the mean little mischief-maker managed to manage even here - she took all the treats out of the bags with gifts and hid them in different places. The kids had to look for treats in different parts of the room and divide everything among four. It turned out that it was nice not only to receive treats, but also to put them in bags for others. Here

Santa Claus's house exists!

Often parents, when asked by their young children about where Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka live, answer: “In the north.” And parents tell their kids that the fabulous Santa Claus lives in Lapland in an ice palace, where it is always so bitterly cold that ordinary people they can't get there. But in fact, our Russian Santa Claus lives not in Lapland, but in Russia. And the Russian Father Frost has not only an exact address, but even his own magical residence in the city of Veliky Ustyug.

Veliky Ustyug is a small town in the Vologda region, which until now no one really knew about. But in 1998 it was declared the official residence of Father Frost and now even the youngest residents of our country know about this locality.

Father Frost lives at his residence in Veliky Ustyug all year round. Here Father Frost celebrates his birthday on November 18th. And Santa Claus leaves the residence and goes on a New Year's journey - to congratulate children and adults on the main holiday of the year - the New Year!

If you would like to come in person visit Santa Claus, then this can be done all year round. Any time, even in summer! You can also write a letter to Santa Claus at the address: 162340, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, house of Santa Claus. Santa Claus will definitely receive the news and answer it.

During the holidays, Father Frost meets the children at his residence. The programs offered during the holidays help children spend time beneficially for their health and intellectual development.


Do you want to know what it is like - the residence of Santa Claus?

The magical residence of Father Frost is located in the very center of Veliky Ustyug. At the residence of Father Frost there is a Throne Room, where the New Year's wizard receives guests, and a post office, where his assistants sort out letters received from children and adults. Anyone can visit the residence. And not just look at the beauty of the decoration, but also try to create your own New Year’s souvenir and make an entry in the “Book of Good Deeds.”

The estate where Father Frost lives is not located in Veliky Ustyug itself, but several kilometers away on the banks of a picturesque river around which a centuries-old northern forest grows.

The residence of Father Frost can be seen from a distance by the carved gates that lead to the real Alley of Miracles. And if you take the Path of Fairy Tales, you can walk to the clearing for 12 months or meet the hospitable Baba Zhara, who is always ready to feed you pies straight from the oven.

The center of the estate is, of course, the house of the New Year's wizard itself, which has as many as 12 spacious rooms. It was created from wood in the traditional Russian manner - with carved turrets, shutters, railings - by famous Vologda craftsmen.

Very important people constantly come to the residence of the Russian Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug - from the president and foreign Santa Claus to children from all over Russia and even from other countries.

Where do the brothers of Santa Claus live, New Year's wizards from other countries?

Not only our Father Frost, but also his foreign “brothers” have their own residence.

The official residence of the French Père Noëlé ("Father of Christmas") is located in the department of Haute-Savoie. You can visit Père Noël at any time, however, the owner of the residence himself does not greet guests, because he is sleeping off after a difficult Christmas work.

The Finnish Joulupukki lives in Lapland on Mount Korvatunturi, which is shaped like a hare's ears. It is near the border with Russia. The wizard listens on this mountain to how children around the world behave and what they want to receive as a gift.

Residents of North America - the USA and Canada - go to see their Santa Claus. His residence is in American state New Hampshire near the White Mountains. There is a whole village of Santa Claus, where a lot of entertainment and attractions are prepared for guests.

Event form: New Year's holiday - travel

The target audience: children 6-9 years old.

Purpose of the event:

  • have a fun New Year's holiday and test the ingenuity of children.


Adults - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Baba Yaga, Pine cone, Owl, Bunny, Squirrel, Month-January.

Children - Deer, Snowflakes.

The progress of the holiday

To the music “I’ll Take You to the Tundra,” children run into the hall, form a circle around the Christmas tree and dance.

The music fades out and the presenter enters the hall.


Hello kids: listeners and naughty girls! We joyfully welcome you to our wonderful New Year's holiday.

In the forest lived a green beauty of the forests,

The one from our most vivid dreams came to us for the holiday.

She tried hard for us, sculpted her outfit, candies, pine cones, apples hanging on the Christmas tree!


Came rushing on reindeer, happy new year,

We will dance a merry round dance around the Christmas tree.

They lead a round dance. The Snow Maiden comes in.

Snow Maiden.

Greetings, dear guests! I was in such a hurry to see you that I fell and tore my fur coat, so I had to go to the sorceress and have my fur coat repaired. I see you are having a lot of fun, New Year's melodies and children's laughter can be heard from afar. And I immediately guessed: they were already waiting for me and Grandfather Frost here. Right?


Of course, Snow Maiden! The guys have prepared poems for you.

Children read poetry.

Snow Maiden.

Guys, is everything ready for our holiday? I think someone is missing in our cheerful company.


There is no Santa Claus! Where is Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather apparently got lost somewhere, but his magically frosty sleigh will still find the way to us and overcome all obstacles. I feel like Santa Claus will come into our hall any minute!

Quiet music is playing. A snowman runs in with a large envelope in his hands.


I send greetings to all of you, friends,

I came to you on skis.

I was in a hurry to get to you,

That he almost crashed.

He flew up like on a springboard,

And fell down like a bucket,

I woke up on the plain

And the hare gnawed the carrot.

I asked the tree for a pine cone:

“Sister, help your brother out!”

Snow Maiden.

Snowman, where is Grandfather Frost? Did something happen to your sleigh? Why are you skiing and alone?


Santa Claus couldn't go.

I brought a letter from him.

He ordered me to hand it directly into my hands.


The presenter takes the letter and reads it.

“My dear friends!

Congratulations on magical holiday New Year! I apologize to you, but I won’t be able to come to you for the holiday. I have a lot of things to do: I need to put gifts under the Christmas tree for all the children on earth, I need to cover the whole earth with fluffy snow. I have a lot of worries right now, guys. But, nevertheless, I invite everyone to visit me in the Votchina. You will receive your gifts here.

Snowman and Snow Maiden for you in the envelope there is a magical photograph of high-speed deer, and on the back there are magic words, say them, and they will come to life. The deer will bring you here in no time. Unfortunately, there are not enough deer for everyone, so there is a magic helicopter carpet in the envelope for you guys. Pull the string 3 times and you will be with me. I'm waiting for you in my estate.

Father Frost".

Snow Maiden.

Guys, the Snowman and I will rush to Santa Claus on reindeer. And you are on a helicopter carpet.


We're not saying goodbye yet. Let's meet at Santa Claus!


What do you guys say, do you want to visit Santa Claus?



Then let's stand in a circle. I'll put the rug on my palm. Calmly, slowly, pull the string 3 times.

Children carefully pull the string. The presenter counts. And then, after the second tug, Baba Yaga flies in on a broom with a roar and whistle, jumps up to the leader and pulls the string for the third and last time...

Baba Yaga.

Well, my yachtsmen, have you found yourself in a fairy tale? Whatever the case! We wanted to visit Frost! I won't let you in there for anything! It's better to sunbathe in the sun in Africa, if wild animals don't eat you! Chufir!

But he makes a mistake in the witchcraft spell and sends the children to Veliky Ustyug. Baba Yaga disappears.

Lighting falls on the scenery from the trail of fairy tales from Veliky Ustyug. (The Singing Wizard, etc.).

The journey through the estate of Father Frost begins with the Trail of Fairy Tales.

Essentially, this is a game where guests of the residence must find Lumpy, solve riddles, compete in accuracy and communicate with fairy-tale characters.

Near each attraction there is a fairy-tale hero who explains to guests the rules of small competitions, and at the end of the Fairy Tale Trail, children need to find Bump and defeat evil spirits!

Wooden sculptures with arrow-shaped signs are placed along the path.

The snowman points to a forest hut, from which Baba Yaga looks out and speaks.

Baba Yaga.

Come into my hut, I’ll make pies out of you.


No, Granny Yagulya, you won’t lure us with anything! (They walk, loudly stomping their feet to drive out the evil spirit).

An owl points to a magic well.


Do you guys want to drink some magic water?


Yes! (they come up and drink water from the magic bucket).

The seal indicates good fun. (Stuffed bags with letters in the form of punching bags are hung, you need to hit the bag and name the letter).

Leading. Guys, want to test your strength? (Whoever wants to, comes up and hits the bags).

Introducing the characters from the fairy tale "The Twelve Months".


Hello kids, how are you doing?



Aren't you cold, aren't you tired of walking around our kingdom?



Well done guys, do you want to listen to a fairy tale?


Month-January tells the fairy tale “Morozko”.

Teremok. On each tree branch there is a hut with a character from this fairy tale.

(Children clap their hands to greet the animals in the huts).


The bunny invites us to play cone ball (you need to throw cones into a basket).


So guys, let's compete to see who can throw the most cones into the basket?


Yes! (playing pine ball).

Everyone together sculpts a bunny out of snow on a tree.

The fairytale owl says that you just need to ask him for wisdom, clasping his hands.

We all hug the oak tree together and ask it to give us wisdom.


So you’ve come to the finish line of the fairy tale trail - and you’ve reached the magic chest, in which Lumpy was hiding!

The cone will come out of the chest if the children dance and clap their hands to drive out evil forces and recharge their spirits.

Children dance and clap.


Well done boys! All tests have passed, I wish you to be healthy and happy in the coming year!

Children on stage in front of the house perform New Year's song « New Year rushing towards us, everything will happen soon..." (author of the group "Disco Crash").

So, Santa Claus appears on the steps - and the children rush to take a photo with the wizard and ruffle his gray beard! Light the main Christmas tree near the house and sing a frosty song to it.

Festive greeting from Santa Claus.

Hello guys! My long-awaited guests! Welcome to my home!


Hello, Santa Claus!

Father Frost.

We were tired of waiting for you and our granddaughter Snegurochka, all our eyes overlooked the distant distances.


Oh, Santa Claus, where have we been, and how has your fairy tale path tested us?

Father Frost.

I know everything, my good ones. How brave and courageous you are. All obstacles have been overcome. A cheerful, warm welcome awaits you in my kingdom. Well, guys, sort out the gifts. Come on, I’ll show you my house, the Winter Garden, the Zoo and much more. Want to? (Gifts are handed out).


Yes (they follow Frost). Having walked around all the properties, they hug Father Frost and Snow Maiden and invite them to their Christmas tree next year.

Father Frost.

Goodbye guys, we'll definitely come! He knocks with his staff and sends the guys back.


Here we are. We had fun together. They say goodbye and go home.

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Scenario New Year's performance for children preparatory group. The script spells out the goals and objectives of the holiday. The activities of adults and children are prescribed. The musical repertoire and the necessary technical support are presented.

Target: Enrichment and development emotional sphere And aesthetic taste among children through joint musical celebrations.


  • Introduce children to the traditions and culture of other peoples.
  • Develop a sense of rhythm and an ear for music through playing musical instruments and dance movements.
  • Cultivate tolerance in children.

Form educational activities children: Holiday.

Forms of organizing educational activities for children: Collective ( general dancing, songs, games), subgroup (“Dance of the Savages”, “Japanese Dance with Fans”, “Jazz Orchestra”), individual (solo song “Happy New Year, friends!”, solo part on metallophones in the orchestra).

Progress of the event


  • The presenter is a teacher;
  • Father Frost, Santa Claus, Segatsu-san (Japanese Father Frost), Father Heat, Gnome - adults;
  • Japanese women are girls;
  • Savages are boys;
  • Jazz musicians are children.

“Magic” music is playing in the background, the lights in the hall are dimmed, on multimedia is slide No. 1 (with an image of a tear-off calendar - the page of the previous day). A Gnome appears with a flashlight in his hand, examines the tree, adjusts the decorations on it, grumbles...

Dwarf: Decorate the Christmas tree, wipe off the dust everywhere, tidy up the hall... Well, it's all on me, it's all on me! At least someone would say “thank you”!

(Pays attention to the calendar).

(Addresses parents.)

Ah ah ah! Not in order.
(The gnome waves his hand, the number on the calendar changes to the “magic” music - slide number 2.)

Now there’s order, what’s needed...

1 child: Happy New Year! I love this holiday so much!

2nd child: And me!

1 child: You know, something tells me that a lot of interesting things await us today...

2nd child: You think? Oh, where are all the guys?

1 child: Let's call them with a song, let's sing about the New Year!

(During the dialogue, the Dwarf begins to fuss, listen to where the voices are coming from, not understanding anything, hides behind the tree...)


I'll go sit behind the tree,
I'll see what's going on...

Music sounds, soloists enter the hall and perform the song “Happy New Year, friends!” The rest of the children come in a “chain” and perform a dance.

(After performing the dance, the children sit on chairs, a loud “Apchhi!” is heard in the hall)

Presenter: Oh, guys, is it possible that one of you has a cold and is sneezing?

(The Gnome comes out from behind the tree, grumbling.)

Dwarf:“Who has a cold, who has a cold...” I don’t have a cold, I’m just sneezing because I’m extremely indignant! How do you understand: “...Santa Claus put toys on the Christmas tree...”? A? I decorated the Christmas tree, and I also put toys on it!

Presenter: Guys, do you recognize him? This is the Dwarf - Grumpy from the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”! Hello, dear Gnome!

Dwarf(dissatisfied): Hello.

Presenter: Why so rude and angry? After all, when you say hello, it means you wish the other person health.

Dwarf(surprised): Really? I didn’t even know. Well, then again: “Hello!” (bows low).

Presenter: Why are you not so cheerful? Something happened?

Dwarf(dissatisfied): Because everyone went to fairy forest for gifts for Snow White, and they left me to decorate the Christmas tree...

Presenter: Oh, come on, stop grumbling already, because New Year is coming soon - the best holiday!

Dwarf: Is it really the best?

Presenter: We will tell you about this now.

Children recite poems about the New Year:

  1. Ice sparkles on the river,
    The snow swirls gently.
    Glorious New Year holiday,
    Because it's snowy!
  2. Santa Claus will wave his hand -
    We'll sing loudly.
    Glorious New Year holiday,
    Because it's loud!
  3. There is a huge cake on the table,
    Gingerbread, chocolate.
    Glorious New Year holiday,
    Because it's sweet!
  4. Round dance around the Christmas tree,
    Lights on the branches...
    Glorious New Year holiday!
    It's a pity, it happens rarely.
  5. Santa Claus always comes
    To us on New Year's Eve.
    He's a toy from the forest for everyone,
    He brings sweets.
  6. Let him knock on the window
    At midnight New Year,
    Will help all dreams come true,
    It will bring happiness!

Dwarf(reasons): Yes, and, indeed, the best one: “He will knock at midnight and bring happiness...”. Oh wait! And the New Year begins at midnight on December 31 and January 1! Right? What date is today?

(The gnome points towards the multimedia calendar, the children answer.)

Dwarf: Here! It's too early to celebrate the New Year! And I think Santa Claus won’t come today either - he has no time for you right now...

Presenter: So what should we do now? The guys are waiting for Santa Claus, they were preparing. Is it really impossible to think of anything?

Dwarf: What can you come up with here? That's it, go home and come back on December 31st! And I still have a lot to do: the cap is torn - I need to patch it up...

(He sits down on the stump of the tree, takes a large needle...)

Presenter: Guys, something tells me that our Dwarf can help us. But he just started acting up again. Let us sing a song about him and cheer up our Grumpy.

Children perform the song “Motley Cap”, lyrics. N. Solovyova, music. G. Struve.

Dwarf(clapping your hands): Oh, so it’s all about me, well, it’s all about me! Wow! It even lifted my spirits! You know, it seems to me that I can help you, because we, gnomes, are also wizards! Do you want to visit Santa Claus yourself?

Children: Yes!


I have lived in this world for a long time - and I have seen a lot:
IN different countries all the children are waiting
Santa Claus carnival!
Just answer the question:
Where does your Santa Claus live?

Children: In Veliky Ustyug.

“Magic” music sounds in the background, the lights in the hall are dimmed, a luminous ball turns on, and the Dwarf begins to cast a spell. On multimedia slide No. 3 - with animation of a rotating globe.


I spin the magic globe
I will make your wish.
Magic globe, you spin,
Find yourself in a distant country.

(The gnome quietly leaves the hall.)

African music sounds, and slide No. 4 appears on the multimedia - depicting the landscape of Africa.


What kind of country is this? She's very hot.
And wherever you look, savages are dancing everywhere!

A boys' dance group performs "Dance of the Savages."

(At the end of the dance, Grandfather Heat enters the hall.)

Presenter: Guys, it seems that our Dwarf overdid it, and we ended up in a completely different place than we wanted.

Grandfather Heat:

Greetings, dear guests!
Where are you so beautiful from?

Grandfather Heat:

You've arrived in Africa, kids.
Well, and I - cheerful grandfather Heat!
There is sun here, summer all year round,
Sea, palm trees and sand.
The deserts here are hot,
The stars are bright at night.
What is your winter like?

Children recite poems about winter:

  1. Oh you, winter-winter,
    You came with frost.
    She made snowdrifts for us
    Ice braids.
  2. Ran barefoot
    It's fun along the paths,
    Lace for us later
    The windows were curtained.
  3. Cheerful, desirable
    Frosty time -
    Ruddy from the cold
    The kids laugh.
  4. Let's ride and have fun!
    Light sleds - take off!
    Who will fly like a bird,
    Who will curl up right in the snow.
  5. The snow is fluffy, softer than cotton wool,
    Let's shake ourselves off and run.
    We are funny guys
    We don’t shiver from the cold.
  6. We love to drive in winter
    Round dance at the Christmas tree,
    And sculpt snowmen,
    And ride down the hill.
  7. We love the winter chill
    But despite all this
    We sit and drink tea,
    The one that smells like summer.

Grandfather Heat:

Hmmm, how interesting!
And here they knock in the distance, slide number 5
Long boats glide down the river! slide number 6
Children are jumping from boats and swimming slide number 7
And the New Year's heat is everywhere! slide number 8

Presenter: You know, Santa Heat, but our Santa Claus has New Year's Eve It’s also, well, the “hot time” is coming.

Grandfather Heat: Is it true? How's that? Aren't you afraid to melt?

Presenter: But listen to our song and you will immediately understand everything.

Children perform the song “Hot Time” lyrics. P. Sinyavsky, music. A. Zhurbina.

Grandfather Heat: What a great fellow your Santa Claus is! How I understand it!

But, I’m also a wizard – no matter where!
And also Grandfather, only it’s hot!

(He glances at the multimedia, where slide No. 9 appears - with an image of a steamship sailing on the sea.)

You will now sail across the blue sea
And you will get to Santa Claus in Ustyug!

To the sound of the ship's whistle and the sound of the sea, children stand in a wedge formation and imitate sailing...

(Grandfather Zhara quietly leaves the hall.)

The sound of the sea is replaced by Japanese music. Slide No. 10 appears on the multimedia - depicting a landscape of Japan.

Presenter: Children, quickly, here and there - run to your places!

(Children sit on chairs.)

What country is this, don’t you find out?

(Children reason.)

Again, we guys got to the wrong place!

Segatsu-san (Japanese Santa Claus) enters the hall accompanied by Japanese music.

Segatsu-san: Greetings, gentlemen! Where are you from and where?

(Children tell their story...)

Well, congratulations, without irony -
You are in my native Japan!
It was once called
Both sonorously and briefly - Yamato.
Now all over the world it is called
The land of the rising sun!
The sophistication of the pagodas, the grandeur of the mountains. slide number 11
Cherry blossoms, reflection of lakes, slide number 12
The flight of cranes over the rice field - slide number 13
What could be sweeter to a Japanese eye!

And my name is Segatsu-san, which translated means “Mr. New Year.” After all, we, like you, also celebrate this holiday. According to tradition, we first visit the temple ( slide number 14), where we thank the gods for all the good things in the past year. Then we light a “new fire” in our homes ( slide number 15) - for happiness and health in the New Year, and we also go on a visit to drink tea with pickled plums - “tea of ​​happiness” ( slide number 16), and, of course, we greet each other - we wish you health.

(Segatsu-san joins his palms at chest level and bows.)

Presenter: You know, Segatsu-san, we also know how to greet each other not with words, but with gestures - through a handshake. Do you want us to teach you too?

Segatsu-san: Yes, I probably won’t refuse.

The game “Hello!” is played, a Danish folk melody (Program “Ladushki” by I. Kaplunova).

(During the game, Segatsu-san joins in the process, and after the game he thanks the children for the acquired skills.)


Mount Fuji stood by the sea. slide number 17
Japanese ladies walked under it.
The Japanese sighed from the heat
And they waved their fan languidly.

Japanese girls come out to the middle of the hall:

  1. I am a keeper of traditions
    And the chief manager -
    Spending in the country of Japan
    Tea ceremonies.
  2. And I’m not just an actress,
    And I can’t hide behind the scenes.
    I'll entertain you for the whole evening:
    I dance, sing and act.

A girls' dance group performs the Japanese Fan Dance.

Segatsu-san: The question torments me, what is he like, Santa Claus?

Presenter: And we will tell you now.

Children recite poems about Santa Claus:

  1. A bit of an artist - he draws patterns.
    A bit of a robber - he grabs you by the nose.
    Sometimes he is angry. Sometimes he is cheerful.
    Sometimes he is mischievous and bites you to tears!
  2. Exactly at midnight on a winter night
    He comes to every home.
    Every year we are very, very
    We are all waiting for his arrival.
  3. Both adults and children are waiting,
    After all, for each of us
    Miracle, the best in the world,
    He cooked it now.
  4. He looks at us and knows
    How we lived for a whole year
    And now it continues
    The three have a fabulous flight.
  5. Only the wind develops
    Silver gray curls,
    And the drifting snow sweeps away
    Painted sled tracks.
  6. Without Santa Claus, snowflakes don't fly,
    Without Santa Claus the patterns don't shine,
    Without Santa Claus, the trees don't light up,
    And without Frost there is no fun for the guys.

Segatsu-san: You know, your Santa Claus reminds me of someone. Maybe this is him, but this someone is very far from Japan...

(Segatsu-san thought about it.)

We have a tradition of flying kites.

(Brings the kite into the hall.)

Are you ready to fly on my kite?
Then everyone, stand in a circle, quickly,
Hold on to each other tightly!

(Children stand one after another like a train.)

You fly, fly, my kite high under the sky, slide number 18
Take my friends to the other side of the world!

The lights in the hall are dimmed. To the appropriate music, the children run around the circle behind Segatsu-san. Slide No. 19, 20 (with the image of the sky) appears on the multimedia. At the end of the music, Segatsu-san quietly leaves the hall with a kite in his hands. Slide No. 21 appears on the multimedia (with the image of the Statue of Liberty). Jazz music plays in the background.


Where did the kite take us?
I hear the sound of a waterfall among the rocks...
And the sounds of music are heard in the distance...
They want to cheer up their friends!
Trombones and clarinets, piano and double bass,
Hearing the sound of dawn, they perform jazz here.

(A subgroup of children - musicians - enter the middle of the hall.)

Oh, exactly, exactly! I guessed:
We came to America, friends!

To the soundtrack (-) of the song “Let'smypeoplego» a subgroup of children play musical instruments.

(After the performance, the children take their seats)

The song sounds "JingleBeaus", Santa Claus enters the hall.

SantaKlaus: Hello boys' girls!

My name is Santa Claus!
In America all the children are waiting for me!
I'm flying from distant Lapland,
The elves really help me with this!
Where are you from here?

Presenter: We, Santa Claus, are from Russia!

Santa Claus: Woohoo!

How did you end up in a distant country?
What brings you to visit me?

(Children tell their story...)

Santa Claus:

It doesn’t matter, friends, what happened like this...
Well, I’m even very happy about our meeting!

How many of you know how to English language does the word "hello" sound? (Children reason.) That's right, “hello”! Let's clap to the beat of the music. I will say “hello”, and you will answer “hello” in Russian and, thus, catch greetings from the American guys and convey yours to them.

Santa Claus plays the game "Hello"

Cheerful music sounds. Santa Claus, approaching one or the other child at the moment when he is clapping, quickly passes his palm between the palms of the clapping person. Children, in turn, try to “catch” hello, that is, the hand of Santa Claus, with a clap.

Santa Claus: Amazing! Also, I'm an excellent photographer! I love photographing the most fun moments. Do you like to be photographed?

Children: Yes!

Santa Claus:

I invite everyone to stand in a circle,
Play the game "Photographer"!

Held music game"Cinema-photo" ( Toolkit I. Kaplunova, “Dance with me, my friend”).

Santa Claus: Great! I will definitely show these photographs to American children, because they have been waiting for me with gifts for a long time...

Presenter: Santa Claus, tell me, how do you give gifts?

Santa Claus: Oooh, that's a whole story! With the help of my assistants - the elves ( slide number 22), I get into houses through the chimney ( slide number 23) and put gifts for the kids in socks, which are specially hung for this purpose by the fireplace ( slide number 24). I also leave gifts under the tree ( slide number 25). Americans decorate it with balls of the same size, but different colors and ribbon bows. And, according to custom, a toy angel is placed on the top of the head. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?

Presenter: We'll tell you now.

Children recite poems about the Christmas tree:

  1. We celebrate the holiday - we decorate the Christmas tree:
    We hang toys, beads and firecrackers.
  2. Like our Christmas tree - green needles,
    Decorations: balls, stars, lanterns.
  3. The tree stands festively, it looks elegant.
    She is all decorated from bottom to top.
    The wonderful star gives bright light to toys!

Santa Claus: What a beautiful tree you have! My friends, I know exactly how to help you!

After all, Santa Claus is not a stranger to me -
He is my dear brother!
Last year I came and stayed
And he gave three white horses. slide number 26
They definitely won't let you down -
They will dashingly deliver it to Veliky Ustyug!


And we even know the song about horses.
Get up, guys - let's sing more fun!

Children sing the song “Oh, winter!”, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky, music. Yu. Chichkova.

During the performance of the song, Santa Claus quietly leaves the hall.

After the song is performed, the “howl of a blizzard” sounds, and slide No. 27 appears on the multimedia (image of a winter landscape in the forest).


There was so much snow, all the paths were covered!
I suggest you play - look for Santa Claus!

The game “Search!” is being played. music T. Lomova (Program “Ladushki” by I. Kaplunova)

At the end of the game, Santa Claus quietly enters the hall, goes to the center of the circle along with the dancing children and, at the end of the game, is left without a partner.…

Fanfare sounds (to the melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

Father Frost:

I am an elderly man, with a long, white beard.
I made skating rinks for you, covered the streets with snow.
He built bridges from ice.

Presenter: Who is this?

Children: Father Frost!

Father Frost:

My homeland is Veliky Ustyug. slide number 28
Here I was born among the winds and blizzards.
Here I live among the sparkling snows, slide number 29
Among icicles and cold weather.
Here I receive mail, read children’s letters... slide number 30
And here is my painted house - so beautiful and big! slide number 31
And there are many, many doors in it - I receive guests here!
And I’m very glad to see you, kids, I love all the kids in the world!
I see your journey has been long. Who helped you with this?

(Children tell their story, Father Frost thanks Santa Claus.)

Now let’s all stand in a circle and start a round dance!
We will sing songs, dance, and light the Christmas tree!

Santa Claus and the children perform the round dance “New Year's Riddles”, lyrics. T. Ryadchikova, music. A. Komarova.

(At the end of the song the tree lights up.)

Father Frost:

You sing well.
I see you feel warm.
But I am Grandfather Frost,
Take care of your ears and nose!
Wow, I'll catch up with you now,
Run away, I'm catching you!

The game “I’ll freeze” is being played

(Santa Claus, accompanied by cheerful music, catches up with the children, tries to hurt them for something - to freeze them...)

Father Frost:

I see that the children have hardened themselves,
I see they were involved in sports,
And that’s why they weren’t scared of me at all!
Let the Christmas tree sparkle with lights,
And we continue to have fun!
Together we stand in pairs - cheerful dance let's start!

Children perform “Circular Gallop” (methodological manual by I. Kaplunova, “Dance with me, my friend”).

Father Frost:

Wow, friends, I'm a little tired,
I want to rest a little.
Where is my throne? Please give...
And you read poetry to me.

Children can read poems to Santa Claus if they wish.

Father Frost:

Let's continue to have fun without worries -
Let’s shout together: “Hello, New Year!”

Children sing the song “Hello, Hello, New Year!” music A. Kudryashova, lyrics. I. Yavorovskaya.

Presenter: You know, Grandfather Frost, I have one question for you.

Happy New Year - everyone is shouting!
Happy New Happiness - everyone laughs!
And the boys and girls
They are waiting for gifts - they can’t wait!

Father Frost:

It's time for gifts!
And answer, kids:
Whose year is it?
What kind of bird is at the gate?

(Children answer that it is the year of the Rooster.)

Right! There is a wise fairy tale among the people,
There is a complicated cockerel in it!
He bright holiday leads to us
Happy New Year's Eve!
May the New Year be like in a good fairy tale
He will give you gifts,
After all, it is no coincidence that my assistant
Called the Red Rooster!

Slide No. 32 appears on the multimedia (with a video of a live rooster pacing).

(In multimedia, the rooster crows once and walks around again).

Father Frost:

Louder, louder crow,
Show yourself in all your beauty!
Help me, cast a spell
Don't skimp on gifts!

(On multimedia the rooster crows again).

Santa Claus opens the curtain, behind which there is a bag of gifts.

Presentation of gifts.

Slide number 33

Father Frost:

Happy New Year, I congratulate you and wish that in it,
Good luck awaits you in matters small and large!
So that the children are obedient,
May everyone be healthy!
In general, happiness, prosperity and success to the whole family!
Happy New Year!!!

Santa Claus leaves the hall, the presenter ends the holiday.