New Year's scene on Mars. Scenario for the New Year's party "space adventures for the New Year"

Gureeva Elena Viktorovna,

musical director

MADOU MO" Center-kindergarten"Scarlet Sails"

Krasnodar city

"Space adventures" New Year"

Matinee in preparatory group №5


Cosmic voice behind the scenes: Attention!!! Attention!!! The Earth space station Childhood goes on an intergalactic journey to celebrate the New Year 2018 in the constellation Canes Venatici with alien extraterrestrial civilizations. We ask all earthly inhabitants to take their seats, we are leaving. Successful flight!!

Cosmic music sounds. The presenters enter with a blue star cape and raise it in front of the audience, and when they lower it, a subgroup of children appears in the hall, depicting weightlessness. Children take turns sitting on chairs.

HOST: So our earthly space station was poisoned in

intergalactic journey to the constellation Canes Venatici.

After all, the coming 2018 is the year of the yellow dog.

We have a Christmas tree on board, the guys are all in place too.

But someone is missing...

Guys, who do you need to celebrate the New Year?

GUYS: D.M. and SNOW Maiden

HOST: Let's call Father Frost and Snow Maiden

The Snow Maiden comes out

SNOW Maiden: Guys, I really wanted to go to space.

They say the Universe is immense and infinite. Many millions of cosmic bodies wander in its space. Most of these bodies are stars, emitting heat and light. I’d better call our learned astronomers, let them tell us everything.

Astronomers come out to the music with a telescope, looking into the sky.

1st ASTRONOMER: Above the Earth late at night,

If you glance at the sky,

You will see, like grapes,

The constellations hang there.

2nd ASTRONOMER You can take a Peacock feather,

Touch the hands on the Clock,

Ride the Dolphin

Swing on Libra.

3rd ASTRONOMER Above the Earth late at night,

Just extend your hand

You'll grab the stars:

They seem nearby.


SNOW Maiden: We send a signal to distant lands,
The starry distances are wide.
So that the space of eternal ether,
All over the Universe reported:
"The company of the most cheerful children
Invites friends from space to join him"


SNOW Maiden: It’s time for Santa Claus to come. I hear someone's steps. It's probably him
Enter the space pirates.


1st PIRATE: I have legs, arms and a big head

All the universal sciences are like two and two for me!

She is a hundred times smarter than you, I know how to eat and drink for her -

This is what the big-headed cosmoswallow lives for

2nd PIRATE: I have a huge blaster,

I'm a master at firing it.

If only I want
I'll take over your world in no time!

I'm dangerous to people
Galactic villain.
3rd PIRATE: Earthlings are celebrating, but we came to disturb you

Your Santa Claus has been turned into a toy

(shows a toy Santa Claus) and take it for ourselves.

May he give us gifts and fulfill our wishes

They take the toy Santa Claus and fly away in a circle to the music

Throw in a star.

SNOW MAID: Guys, we have to save Grandfather Frost and the New Year.

Let's set off to catch up with the space pirates and for one thing

And we will visit different planets in space, visit our ALFIK

Notices a star. Oh, what is this?.... Guys, I think this is some kind of audio message from Santa Claus for us.

VOICE OF SANTA CLAUS : Guys, you will have to chase space pirates, but in order not to get lost in the endless starry space, you must listen to this ON signal. MUSIC« In the forest. Christmas tree»

REB.: Space painted in black color,

Because there is no atmosphere

There is no night, no day.

There is no earthly blue here,

The views here are strange and wonderful:

And the stars are all visible at once,

Both the Sun and the Moon.

SNOW Maiden: I hear our call signs coming from the Moon. Let's take a look at the moon

Let's land on the moon

Cosmic music sounds


1st LUNATIC: - Hello Earthlings. We have been observing your beautiful planet EARTH from space for a long time.

2nd We, the inhabitants of the Moon, love holidays very much and want to play and have fun with you.

3rd And what kind of rocket do you have so prickly and multi-colored (pointing to the Christmas tree)?

SNOW Maiden: This is our Christmas tree and with it we celebrate the New Year

4th What is New Year?

HOST: The lunatics flew with us to search for D.M., and at the same time you will learn about this winter holiday

ALL LUNATICS: We agree, let's fly


REB: Here is the Big Dipper

Starry porridge interferes

Big ladle

In a large cauldron.

REB.: And there’s a dim light nearby

Ursa Minor.

With a small ladle

Collects crumbs.

SNOW Maiden: Let's visit this wonderful constellation and get acquainted with its inhabitants, polar bears and their friends, space penguins

The Big Dipper and the Little Bear come out. SINGING A SONG WITH A SPOON, MIXING THE SNOW.

VED: Hello, residents of the constellation B. and M. Ursa. We are looking for Santa Claus, he was stolen by space pirates. They did not accidentally fly past your planets.

URSA: We didn’t see them, but maybe our penguin friends from the neighboring planet saw them.


PENGUIN: Look for Santa Claus on the Cold Constellation TUAMI

SNOW Maiden: Let's fly

REB.: It’s so cool in space!

Stars and planets

In black weightlessness

Slowly swimming!

REB.: It’s so cool in space!

Sharp missiles

At great speed

They rush here and there!

HOST: Again I hear the Call Signs of Santa Claus. We Land on Planet Tuami


At the end of the dance, ALFIK comes out.

ALFIK: Hello guys. I'm so glad to meet you again.

I really liked your planet in Autumn. And what is happening now on your beautiful planet. What time of year is it now on Earth?

REB.: The New Year has arrived on Earth

And the frost began to bite your nose

Blue frost covered the trees

And snowflakes fall to the ground

VED.: For our holiday to come, we need Grandfather Frost. And he was stolen by Space Pirates and sent to the constellation Canes Venatici

ALFIK tell me where to go.

ALFIK: I think the inhabitants of the planet Tuami and my friends Star Cassiopeia and Star Boy know about this. But it seems they do too.

CASSIOPEIA AND SOLUTION come out to the music “Starry Country”. boy

CASIOPEIA: I am Cassiopeia, I am the Star,
I shone in the night sky for centuries.
It seems I'm lost in space.
I'm glad to meet you today
I will help you if necessary.

Star boy: Hello everyone, I am Star Boy
I have a spaceship.
Tell me guys what kind of holiday New Year is.


ALFIK Let's ask the residents of TUAMI

1st ICE: The Milky Way will show you the way to the North Star.

2nd ICE: Even though it’s called the Milky Way, forget about milk!

3rd Ice: We know for sure that you can’t drink milk there

SNOW Maiden: Let's fly

Flickering, cosmic music sounds, the ball spins, the light gradually goes out.


REB: A decorated Christmas tree has been waiting for guests for a long time,
In a hurry Father Frost. Time goes by quickly.

He is happy to congratulate people on the New Year.

Riding a yellow dog, so quickly!
And now the festive moment is coming,
He will bring love and gifts with him.

At the end of the dance, Santa Claus comes out along the Milky Way

SANTA CLAUS: Hello, children, girls and boys!

Hello space inhabitants!!!

Thank you for helping me with your friendship and finding me in the constellation Canes Venatici in the vast space.

VED.: How many constellations we saw along the way.

And all the obstacles were overcome.

It's time to celebrate the New Year

SANTA FROST Residents of the constellation Canis Hound congratulate all guests on the New Year holidays

1st HOUND DOG: The New Year is coming, he’s moving forward

Flew over the beautiful Earth

For the planet of people

May he bring the desired peace.

2nd Hound Dog Let love reign there

Defeating deceit and evil

And always, and always,

The fairy tale gives goodness to all children

D.M.: Thank you, friends, for not letting space pirates ruin our holiday, because there is very little time left until the new year

SNOW Maiden: To our New Year tree

You can't live without lights today

D.M. Well then what are we talking about?

Say it all in unison:

« Children repeat , the lights don't come on

D.M.: Apparently it’s still not loud,

Our tree did not wake up.

Maybe someone kept silent?

Let the hall help in a friendly manner!

Together:Christmas tree, light up! Bloom with lights! A scattering of star spray!



REB.: Once you got into our circle

Stay here...

You can't leave us

No matter how hard you try.


WITH NEGROCHKA: Grandfather Frost, and the parents’ eyes are also sparkling, they also want to go to space, show off their skills, and earn prizes.


Two teams of 3 people each wear a helmet. Pick up the “space shoes” cubes on the ropes, go around the counter, return, hand over the helmet and shoes.

REB.: The New Year is in a hurry, in a hurry,
Bringing the fairy tale-magic closer,
And stitched right through with snowflakes
The air... And it’s light around them...,

REB.: So let it be a good year,
Generous with pleasant gifts,
Let the glorious round dance smile
Children's faces radiate!


SNOW Maiden: Grandfather, the children danced like that,
Children played like this
And the poems are beautiful
We read it for you.
The time has come to give gifts, I think they deserve it

Santa Claus starts looking for the bag and grabs his head

SANTA CLAUS: And the space pirates took the gifts.

But nothing, magical cosmic lights will help us

Give glow sticks to children

SNOW Maiden: Grandfather Frost, it seems to me that today another bright constellation lit up in the starry sky - SCARLET SAILS


Children sit down, turn off the flashlights and hold them in their hands.

D.M. And here is my bag of gifts

Happy New Year, kids

It's time to receive gifts.

Santa Claus distributes gifts, Snegurochka and ALFIK helps.




Reinforce the concept of the victory of good over evil

Preliminary work:

Children enter the hall andperform a dance to the song “New Year”.


The carnival spun like a multi-colored carousel,

He invited all his friends and acquaintances to come to our holiday.

Sing, play, dance. Joke, rash of colored confetti,

There is no better carnival, no more beautiful Christmas tree!


It’s good for us today, we couldn’t find a better place!

You can’t drive near the New Year’s tree, you can’t pass!

Wider the circle, wider the circle! New Year's holiday is here!


It will be fun today, there will be no time to be bored,

Hello, New Year's holiday,

We have come to meet you!


The holiday of Christmas tree and winter has come to us again today.

We were looking forward to this New Year's holiday!


The winter holiday is coming to us through dense forests and blizzard fields.

So, let's say together:

All: Hello, hello, New Year!

Reb.6: The eyes of all the guys are sparkling

And the waltz calls forward.

Today everyone is happy to meet

Happy New Year!

Reb.7: It will be fun with us:

We are celebrating the New Year,
And everyone who came here to us

All: Hearty congratulations!

Song "When New Year Comes"

Presenter: Guys, do you want to go on a journey and help aliens? We need help to walk along the Milky Way and reach the planet "".

Come down from the sky stars

Start round dances

And light the paths

Help us guys.

Dance of the Stars

(the presenter and the children go on a space journey)

Game "Meteor Shower"(parents throw snowballs)

Ved . Guys, it looks like it's a meteor shower, let's be careful.

Well, we have arrived on Shelezyak’s planet.

Ved: What is this under your feet?

These are fragments of stars and meteorites. Space Baba Yaga forbids the inhabitants of the planet to remove all this space debris. The inhabitants of the planet will soon have nowhere to walk, or even live. You probably noticed that there is not a tree, not a bush, not a single flower here.


Game "Garbage Recycling"(after the game the children sit down)

Presenter: Well, now let’s take a little break and admire the beauty of this planet.

Alien 1:
Presenter: Hello, friends!
Alien 2:
We have a good tradition.
Alien 3:
Dance of "aliens"

(K.B appears with his pirates)

Dance of K.B and the pirates


K.B: Who's talking? There is no need to teach me, I myself know how to behave on the planet.

Ved : I’m saying this, and even children know about it, right, guys? (Children's response)


Ved: They are future schoolchildren! And they know that they cannot pollute the planet. This will lead to an environmental disaster.

K.B : Ha-Ha-Ha! What other environmental disaster? And, in general, who are you and why did you come here?

Presenter: We are earthlings, we came to help the inhabitants of this planet. We have completed the mission and it is time for us to return to earth to celebrate the New Year.

B.K. You will stay here and not fly anywhere. And what's so good about this New Year?

Presenter: Guys, let's tell you what New Year is?

Reb. New Year! New Year! What it is?

Reb. New Year! New Year! The windows are frozen

Reb. For the New Year, for the New Year
Dream and reality meet
For the New Year, for the New Year
Miracles happen.

Song "Blizzard"

K.B. – Will you remain on this planet and there will be no holiday for you?

Black birds, fly and block the way for earthlings.

Dance of the Black Birds

Presenter: Guys, who will help us return to Earth? (children's answer).

Is Santa Claus the most important Wizard and Storyteller? How can we call him, he won’t hear us, we are in another galaxy? (children's answers).

(The presenter contacts Santa Claus via Skype (Santa Claus appears on the TV screen)).

Presenter: Hello Santa Claus. We need your help. We are on planet "", the Cosmic Baba Yaga will not let us go. We send our coordinates.

Father Frost: I'm flying out, I'll be there soon.

Frost has finished his flight!

And the Earth sends greetings to you!

Father Frost. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Why is it so boring, is it time to celebrate the New Year here?

Presenter: Hello Santa Claus, we are glad to see you. The Cosmic Baba Yaga does not let us go to earth so that we can celebrate the New Year.

Father Frost: Where is she a prankster, where is she hiding.

K.B: I'm Frosty here. My falcon, you are not visual. I'm waiting for you, I've put everything in order.

Father Frost : Guys, it’s true, she put things in order (children’s answer)

K.B. I am a poor, unhappy person living here on this planet. Nobody loves me, no one will take pity on me, I have no friends (cries and laments). And I really want to make friends with someone!

Father Frost: Look around, how many guys are there! They are friendly, kind, funny and I think they will become friends with you. But you promise that you will never do evil again.

K.B . I promise, I promise, I’ll play the game with you.

Game "Lanterns"

Father Frost: We need to get ready to hit the road! Fasten your seat belts, everyone is ready. (children sitting on chairs imitate taking off on a rocket).

K.B.- Oh, what beauty, everything is covered in snow, fields, forests. And what clean air!

Presenter: The journey is over. The rocket landed.

Before us are forests and fields...

Children: Hello, our native Earth!

(Father Frost and Space Baba Yaga dance to Russian folk music)

Father Frost : I clapped and danced so much that I lost my mitten.

Presenter: Play with us Grandfather and catch up with your mitten!

The game "Mitten" is played

Father Frost : I cheerful grandfather Frost, I can speak in poetry.

Game "I'll freeze"

Presenter: Let's start the holiday: we need to light the Christmas tree.

/the Christmas tree does not light up/

Presenter: For some reason the Christmas tree doesn't light up. Santa Claus help. Light the Christmas tree quickly.

(Santa Claus tries to light the Christmas tree, but he doesn’t succeed). Guys, only you can perform a miracle so that our Christmas tree lights up.

Reb . We meet with the Christmas tree for the last time,

Reb . Christmas tree, don’t be sad in vain,

Reb. Let the fluffy snow swirl, let the blizzard sing a song

Song "Herringbone"

Father Frost: Our Christmas tree is shining, shining very brightly,

Presenter: Then give out gifts! Where is your red, bright bag?

Father Frost : Grandfather Frost has gifts for everyone at this hour!

No, the bag is not visible here.

Presenter : Grandfather, what a shame!

Father Frost: What are you, dear, the bag is here somewhere!

What a prankster, naughty girl!

Didn't find the bag, kids?

D.M: Oh, I'm an old fool.
Head with a hole.
I left him there on the planet.

Well, this matter can be fixed, that’s why I’m a wizard. I have many friends not only on earth, but also in another galaxy. Guys, let me tell you a riddle, and with the help of this riddle you will find out who will bring us gifts.

(riddle about Luntik)

Adults and children know

What fell from another planet -

Purple animal

A friend for little children. (Luntik)

Luntik's entrance

Luntik – Hello guys, I congratulate everyone on the New Year, I wish you happiness and joy. Is Santa Claus your bag?

D.M . Oh, I found my bag, thank you Luntik. You guys and I helped us a lot, get into a circle as soon as possible, let’s play together and celebrate the New Year.

Game with Luntik.

Children: 1. New Year! New Year! What it is?

This is a miracle of miracles! The biggest!

2. New Year! New Year! The windows are frozen

New Year! New Year! There are cakes on the table!

3. Let the fluffy snow swirl, the blizzard sings a song

Near the fragrant Christmas tree we celebrate the New Year!

They form a big round dance around the tree.

Educator: Let's start the holiday: we need to light the Christmas tree.

Repeat: 1,2,3, Christmas tree, Christmas tree burn!

/the Christmas tree does not light up/

Children: 4. We meet with the Christmas tree for the last time,

The new year will bring us to school in first grade!

5. Christmas tree, don’t be sad, you’re in vain,

We are your cheerful, faithful friends!

They perform the song “Yolochka is our friend”

Educator: Is the Christmas tree really good? Let's sit down, children, slowly,

We will sit quietly and admire the Christmas tree.

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: Now no one flies on a mortar,

And he doesn’t go to the stove to get water.

The simple truth has long been known.

That the keys to the world of miracles have been lost.

And only closer to New Year's Eve

And this means we are wizards today,

We are all creating miracles today!

The Snow Maiden girl enters the hall to the accompaniment of quiet music. He covers his eyes with his hands and begins to cry.

Educator: Girl Snow Maiden, why are you sad?

Maybe you forgot your way to the Christmas tree?

Snow Maiden: How can I not cry guys, he’s lost,

Santa Claus said goodbye to our planet this morning.

He wanted to celebrate the New Year in space,

Various inhabitants of the planets will be congratulated.

We will be left without a Christmas tree, without gifts and ideas,

I don’t know where to look for him! I can't fly into space!

Educator: Time moves forward, accelerating the course of events.

And technological progress brings us many discoveries.

Maybe on Mars, the Moon and Venus

Are space wonder beasts walking?

Are there cities on Jupiter?

We need to get there soon!

We built a rocket and we're going to fly

Pack your bags, the countdown has begun!

Children perform the song-game “Rocket”,At the end, they take their seats in the hall, the lights go out, the stars twinkle.

Educator: Oh, how interesting it is here! Everything here is new, unknown.

Not a planet - just a miracle! How fabulously beautiful it is here.

There is a Christmas tree here too! And it’s so similar to ours!

Everything sparkles, everything sparkles. Christmas trees, you know, are everywhere.

The music of an approaching rocket and the voice of Santa Claus sounds:

Frost has finished his flight!

And the Earth sends greetings to you!

Santa Claus enters the hall:

SANTA CLAUS: Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Hello my friends! I'm very glad to see you!

After all, I noticed your planet a long time ago,

Nothing compares to her radiance!

Let's get acquainted, I am Santa Claus!

I brought gifts to all your residents!

Educator: Yes, you, Santa Claus, are obviously very tired,

That you didn’t even recognize the Snow Maiden!

Together with the guys on a new rocket

We found you on this planet.

Let's find out who lives here?

It seems to me that someone is already coming towards us.

Robot boy: I am a robot, a resident of the Alpha Planet!

I love all magical miracle objects!

I wait two seconds and wait for an answer:

Do you have anything or not?

Santa Claus: A miracle item is a staff! He is mine!

And you dance and sing with the kids!

A friend is better than a miracle item!

This is my first advice to you!

Children perform the song "Robot"

Educator: The sky shines with a cheerful light, everything sparkles with blue,

And, by the way, an unknown, unearthly sound is heard somewhere.

Stargazer boy: I know everything about the stars,

I am the best stargazer in the world!

I can tell you a lot from the stars -

Happy New Year to everyone!

Let me look at the starry firmament,

Perhaps happiness is already coming to us?

Star girls perform a dance

Stargazer: (at the end of the dance)

I see... Spreading its fiery tail,

A comet rushes among the stars.

A girl, Comet, flies into the hall to the music.

Comet: Listen, constellations, the latest news,

Wonderful news, heavenly news!

It happens in the world that only once a year

A beautiful star is lit on the Christmas tree.

The star burns, does not melt, the beautiful ice shines.

And immediately a happy New Year comes!

(the comet flies away)

Astrologer: If on New Year's night we look at the starry dome,

Then we will see the Milky Way and you will not turn away from it.

The path is long and pirate ships are waiting for you ahead.

Santa Claus: On the road girls, on the road boys!

We must fly to the polar star!

To celebrate the New Year on every planet,

We must overcome difficulties together!

The chorus of the song “Rocket” is repeated again.The lights in the hall go out.

Educator: I’m kind of scared, maybe we’ll sit on the moon?

Space is painted black, and there is no one nearby.

Music plays and space pirates enter the hall.

1 pirate: The holiday is coming - New Year and the pirate is waiting for gifts

Santa Claus gives gifts, but he doesn’t live here!

Pirate 2: We will bury the polar star in the meadow.

No Christmas tree for the kids! And keep quiet, not a murmur!

And let's brothers fight for our happiness!

They get gifts, we get a star. Is this fair?

All Yes!

Santa Claus: Did you steal the star to make the children bored?

Pirate: What an old man, he came to fight!

Come out and let's fight!

Santa Claus negotiates with the guys:

Santa Claus: Astronauts, come to me! Have you been to the moon?

You know that weightlessness can completely defeat them.

Distract your attention and fly in zero gravity.

And I’ll throw a net over them so they don’t fly away!

The game “Robots and Stars” is being played -Pirates move to the music of “Robots”, and astronauts move to the music of “Stars”. The music changes without stopping. During the game, the pirates must gather together, at which point Santa Claus throws a net over them. The pirates give the star, which Santa Claus hangs on the tree and drives the pirates away.

Santa Claus: Well, we got caught, it’s our turn!

And the Christmas tree has been waiting for children on earth for a long time!

(to children)

That's how it happens in the world, guys.

In fairy tales, good always wins.

Friendship will help anyone in trouble,

With a devoted friend there is no fear anywhere.

Well, have fun, friendly people!

After all, we have a holiday - New Year!

Children form a circle around the Christmas tree.

Educator: The journey is over. The rocket landed.

Before us are forests and fields...

Hello, our home planet!

Children: Hello, our native Earth!

Children perform the dance "Czardash"During the dance, Santa Claus loses his mitten.

Santa Claus: I clapped and danced so much that I lost my mitten.

Educator: Grandfather, play with us and catch up with the mitten!

The game "Mitten" is played- children pass Santa Claus's mitten from hand to hand, and he tries to catch it.

Santa Claus: I am a cheerful Santa Claus, I can speak in poetry.

Everything I’m singing about now – cover it with your hands.

Game "I'll freeze" , sings to the tune of “Livonian Polka”

(He doesn’t immediately say what he wants to “freeze”; the children themselves must guess from the rhyme what needs to be covered)

1. Like two frogs under a Christmas tree, take care of your... ears. (Runs in a circle, trying to pinch someone’s ears; the children tease D.M. by opening their ears, but as D.M. approaches, they immediately close them. Further, in the same spirit.)

2. And there’s a hippopotamus on the tree, take care of your... tummy.

3. Come on, quickly, without science, take care of your... hands.

4. And there’s a vacuum cleaner on the tree, I’ll bite everyone on the… nose

5. There were rhinoceroses somewhere, take care of your feet.

6. Well, nimble guys, I’ll bite your… heels

7. I love to eat pork, take care of your... backs.

8. Now praise yourself and tickle each other.

Well, the smart people live in this kindergarten!

We will play again and notice the most dexterous ones!

Game "" Santa Claus counts to five:

1,2,3,4,5 - let's all dance now!

(everyone will wave their hand, jump, squat, stand...)

(all the children dance, D. Moroz claps his hands)

At the end of the game: 1,2,3,4,5, - everyone run to the chairs!

(Take chairs)

At the last words, Santa Claus runs and takes several children's chairs, lies down on them to the full length of his height

The teacher makes fun of D.M. and suggests D.M. take your place of honor near the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus: Yes, you can sing all the songs, joke, and play.

Well, would anyone here want to read poetry to us?

Feel free to approach the tree, the needles will not prick you.

Reading poetry.

Educator: D.M., you know how to build bridges from ice and snow!

Do you know how to walk on them widely and boldly?

Now surprise us, show us your prowess!

Can you cross the bridge that we will build for you blindfolded?

Game for D.M. "Cross the Bridge"

Santa Claus: Our Christmas tree is shining, it’s shining very brightly,

So, it's time to give out gifts!

Educator: Then give out gifts! Where is your red, bright bag?

Santa Claus: Grandfather Frost has gifts for everyone at this hour!

(starts looking for a bag of gifts)

No, the bag is not visible here.

Educator: Grandfather, what a shame!

Will the children really leave the holiday without gifts?

Santa Claus: What are you, dear, the bag is somewhere here!

Come on, kids, look under the chairs.

What a prankster, naughty girl!

Didn't find the bag, kids?

Hey, my magical snowball! Show me where the bag is?

Santa Claus rolls a snowball along the floor towards where the gifts are hidden and finds a bag

New Year's scenario for the preparatory group
"Space trip"
Compiled by music director
Osipova Irina Olegovna
Kindergarten No. 74
Sverdlovsk region
Creating a festive New Year's, fairy-tale mood in children.
Strengthen basic knowledge about Space;
Foster a sense of collectivism;
Reinforce the concept of the victory of good over evil
Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Black Witch
Shnips - space pirate

Preliminary work:
Repeat with children such terms as “gravity”, “comet”, “milky way”, “what a person needs in order to be in outer space and why.”
Girls - costumes of stars and comets, boys - costumes of robots and aliens.
Prepare costumes for the Black Witch, Space Pirate, Father Frost, and Snow Maiden.

Prepare attributes:
Light music, wall decorations to create a cosmic atmosphere;
Box covered with holographic paper;
A large balloon filled with helium, to which you attach a letter from Santa Claus on a rope (when you open the box, the balloon will fly out of it, and you will need to glue letters on it - the name of the planet);
Letters from which the name of the planet will be formed (we used self-adhesive paper);
Balloons with tasks (3 or 4);
Cut stars for collecting in the game “Collect a Star”;
Ball for gifts (we sewed it from foam rubber and covered it with sparkling fabric);
"Space junk" wrapped in foil or holographic paper, possibly balloon. (Optionally music worker and educators);
Merry New Year's music sounds, children enter the hall, line up in front of the Christmas tree to read poetry.
1st child.
We ran into the hall to the cheerful music,
And everyone saw the forest guest.
Tall, beautiful tree!
And elegant and slim,
With colorful lights
She glows brightly!
M. Klokova
2nd child.
Children dance in circles
They clap their hands.
Hello hello,
New Year,
You are so good!
T. Melnikova
3rd child.
Fluffy Christmas tree,
We've been waiting for you!
All year long, beauty,
We dreamed about you!
4th child.
For you, Christmas tree, we will sing a song,
For you, my dear, we’ll start a dance!
Song "New Year" Giant and Ivanushki international

After the song, the children sit down.
Well, let's not rush -
A fairy tale is knocking on our door
Get ready quickly
Meet your important guests!
Guys, which of our favorite fairy-tale guests are we expecting for the New Year? Who is the most important Wizard and Storyteller?
Children: Santa Claus!
Presenter. Right! And our Christmas tree isn’t lit... What’s a holiday without an elegant, sparkling Christmas tree? Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden promised to be there any minute... Where are they?
The lights go out. The music lights up and the comet girls run in.
Dance of the Comet. (track No. 3)
At the end of the dance, a large box covered with holographic paper is brought out.
Presenter. Oh, who are you?
1 comet.
We are comets. They flew to you from the very depths of space. We have an important message for you.
2 comet.
We were sent to tell you that trouble has happened on a distant planet!
3 comet.
The Black Witch bewitched the inhabitants of the planet so that they forgot her name!
4 comet.
We need to help them remember the name of the planet, otherwise they will turn into Black Blocks! And then the Black Witch will rule there for her pleasure!
Presenter. Why did you come to us for help?
1 comet. We heard that a Wonderful Kind Wizard, whose name is Santa Claus, is coming to your holiday. Rumors about him spread throughout the cosmos.
2 comet. We called him to help us, but he said that he needed help. And these helpers are you.
Presenter. Guys, are we going to help Santa Claus and the inhabitants of the planet cope with the witchcraft of the evil witch?
Children: Yes!
Presenter. Guys, do you know what comets are?
The children answer.
Presenter. Everything is correct! That is why our guests were instructed to convey such an important message. They quickly brought him here, although the distances in Space are very large and to some planets, if you fly on our rockets, you can fly for a long, long time and reach your grandparents! Let's open the box quickly!

The presenter approaches the box. Magic music sounds, the presenter opens the box, and flies out blue ball, to which the letter is attached. The presenter opens the letter and begins to read.

“Dear friends! The Snow Maiden and I are in trouble and we need your help. We are on an unknown planet. Take off urgently, and the comets will guide you. We are waiting! Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!”

Presenter: How do we get there?
Comet 1: We'll see you through!
Comet 2: The main condition for our journey is to be friendly and patient.
Comet 3: Under no circumstances should you quarrel or swear!
Comet 4: It is also very important that you are smart, brave and quick-witted.
Presenter: Can we handle it, guys?
The children answer.
Presenter: Then let's go!

Ominous music sounds. The Black Witch and her assistant, the space pirate Shnips, enter. Comets hide behind the leader.

Black Witch: Where are you going? You don’t know where to fly! I took care of this and hid the name of the planet well. Until you answer the question of what a person cannot be in Space without, the road is closed for you! (Laughs)
Presenter: We’ll go anyway! We can’t live without Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden! Guys, let's think about what it is that a person cannot stay in Space for a long time without? (without rocket, spacesuit and special protective suit). And why? (no air and dangerous and solar radiation)
Children answer
Presenter: Well done!
Black Witch: Yes, what is it! Everybody knows! Turn you into Black Blocks, perhaps?
Comet 1: We are not afraid of you!
Comet2: Children, are you ready to fly to the aid of Santa Claus? Let's fly on a fabulous imaginary rocket!
Comet 3: Attention! Fasten belts! Enable contacts! Start the engines!
Comet 4: Five, four, three two, one - launch!

Dance of Robots and Stars. (I took music from the collection of I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva “A Holiday Every Day” Preparatory group)

Black Witch: Oh, that's how you are! OK then! I have hidden the letters safely, and you will need to perform magical tasks to find them and make up the name of the planet from them!
Schnips: And to make them harder to get, we hid the tasks in magic balls!
Black Witch: It's time to start witchcraft!

Witchcraft music sounds, the Black Witch begins to cast a spell.

Black witch:
The frost is bitter, the wind is prickly
The black ones created the tasks
So that it becomes difficult, dangerous, and alarming for you!
One, two, three - do the magic!

Music. (The first ball appears. You can put it under the tree. The witch, running around the tree, will take it)

Presenter: And it’s not scary at all. Really, guys? Moreover, comets are with us! They will definitely help us!
Shnips takes the ball that appears and reads the task syllable by syllable.
"So that the Milky Way opens,
Don't forget to play
And go quickly
Help out your friends"
I remembered! Do you remember, madam, how we recently destroyed several stars that are part of the Milky Way?
Black Witch: Milky Way? Why! I remember! Had a lot of fun! And, here they are, fragments of stars! (They get the stars)
Presenter: Shame on you! Entire galaxies could perish from this! Guys, do you remember what the Milky Way is?
The children answer.
Presenter: Let's collect the stars so that the Milky Way can be restored!
The children answer.
Game "Collect a star". (3 stars with 5 rays and 1 star with 6 rays)
Rules of the game. You need to quickly assemble cut paper stars. Which team will do better? (Option: a team of 5 children competes with villains who constantly confuse everything and fail).
Presenter: Give us the first letter! We've collected the stars!
Shnips gives the letter "D"
Presenter: Well, the way is open! It is time!
Schnips: (To the Witch) Madam! What is it? I'm so angry that they collected the Milky Way that I'm ready to eat the whole planet!
Black Witch: You'll choke! Quiet! Do you hear? The stars are flying here! Let's get out of here!
And we will show you more! Now we are leaving for an Important Meeting, and then you will dance with us! Follow me, my brave pirate!
They leave.
The girls go out to dance.
Dance with Milky Way fabric.

Star 1: Thank you very much! You saved us!
Star 2: Where are you in such a hurry?
The children answer.
Star 3: You are so brave! Don't be afraid of the Black Witch at all!
Presenter: The Black Witch hid the letters. We urgently need to find them and help Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden get to our holiday!
Star 4:
And I just found a letter here! It probably fell out of the villains' pocket.
Gives the letter "R"
Presenter: Thank you very much! Let's attach a letter to our ball!
Star 1:
Who are these Father Frost and Snow Maiden?
Presenter: And we will tell you poems about them and sing a song!

1 child
Who is wearing a smart, warm fur coat,
With a long white beard,
Comes to visit on New Year's Day,
Both ruddy and gray-haired?

2 child
He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!
(I. Chernitskaya)

Song “New Year's Dreams” by M. Eremeev
3 child
She's wearing white boots
And in a blue fur coat
Bouquet of ripe snowflakes
Brings it to you and me.
4 child
White-white to the waist
Luxurious braid
And warm, warm
Radiant eyes.

5 child
Mittens in transparent pieces of ice
And she's wearing a hat.
You give us light and joy,
Children's favorite.

While the children are reading poetry, a new ball appears (the music director rolls out the ball unnoticed, or one of the characters quietly leaves it under the tree along with “garbage”) and space debris. After the poems, the children sit on chairs.
Presenter: Look, these cowardly villains left their ball and something else here, and ran away!
(Attaches the letter to the ball)
Comet 1:
Let's see what the task is?
They burst the ball and take out a note.
Presenter (reading): “This is space debris. You must pass it to each other while listening to fast music and not drop it. Don’t drop it! Otherwise, gravity will work and it will cover your planet!” (Option: children throw or pass a balloon containing glitter to each other.)
Stars (in unison): What is gravity?
The children answer.
Presenter: That's right. Now let's play!

Game "Space Junk"

At the end of the game, the children sit on chairs.
The lights go out and Shnips runs in.
Schnips: Fir-trees! This way, they will soon guess the name of the planet and get to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Something needs to be done...
Presenter: What to do?
Shnips (shudders in surprise and falls to the floor): Well, you can’t scare me like that! Adult! It's called a teacher! (Stands up) Here you are children, you are raised here, educated... Why? Here I am. Nobody raised me! And I grew up, I have a good profession and my behavior is simply atas! Do you like me?
Presenter: What are you up to? Speak right. And give us the letter! We completed the task! The trash was removed.
Schnips: Okay, okay! I'll give it back! (gives it to U). Do you know how to solve riddles?
The children answer.
Schnips: So what? Do you know a lot about Space? Here I am - an old space wolf! And I know so much that I can’t even remember how much I know!
Presenter: Give us your riddles already. Our children will guess everything!
Schnips: Then I’ll bring another ball now. Everything is written there. Otherwise I don’t remember anything.
Brings a ball with riddles attached to it
In space through the thickness of years
An icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the object's name is...
Not a month, not a moon, not a planet, not a star,
It flies across the sky, overtaking planes.
Who changes clothes four times a year?
From which ladle do they not drink or eat, but just look at it?
(Constellations: Ursa Major or Ursa Minor)
Which path has no man ever been on?
(Milky Way)
Peas are scattered across the dark sky
Colored caramel made from sugar crumbs,
And only when the morning comes,
All the caramel will suddenly melt.
The children answer.
Schnips: What is it? Everybody knows! Madam! Madam!
The Black Witch comes in.
Black Witch: Why are you shouting, Shnips? What's happened?
Schnips: Yes, they know everything! Our plan failed!
Black Witch: Calm down! Follow our plan and everything will be fine. Give them the letter. They still won't be able to read and recognize the name.
Shnips gives them the letter "B"
The presenter attaches it and it turns out "DRUB"
Presenter: Something strange is a word... I can’t understand anything... Guys, can you read the name of the planet? What do you think is the word here?
Comet 2: By the way, we are very, very close to the planet.
Star 2: Grandfather Frost will probably hear us already if we call him for help.
Black Witch: No need to call anyone! Guess for yourself!
Presenter: No really! How much can I give in to you! We will call! We have already completed many of your tasks! Guys! Well, shall we call?
The children answer.
Presenter: Let's start! Let's just shout "Santa Claus!"
The children are calling.
Presenter: He doesn’t respond! Apparently someone didn’t shout, apparently someone was silent! Adults help!
Everyone is screaming. Music sounds, Father Frost and Snow Maiden come in.
Santa Claus: Hello, hello! Finally you have reached us!
Snow Maiden: Hello! What a great fellow you are!
Presenter: Hello! We are so glad that we have finally reached you!
Santa Claus: We have been waiting for you and Snegurochka! Are these two villains still here? Wow, bastards! We’ll find justice for you now! (shakes his fist). Where is our Christmas tree? Now we will light the lights on it.
Shnips: Grandfather, don’t make things up! What kind of Christmas tree is there on the planet? There are no Christmas trees! You're muttering some nonsense!
Snow Maiden: Why not? And what's that? (Points to the Christmas tree)
Schnips: I don't see anything! Where? Aw! (Starts searching)
Black Witch: And I don’t see anything!
They are looking for a Christmas tree and calling around.
Santa Claus: Look, look! Maybe you'll find it.
Presenter: Do they really not see the Christmas tree?
Snow Maiden: True. They wanted to do an evil thing. So the Christmas tree is not shown to them.
Black Witch: But you really want to see the passion! Christmas trees don't grow in space!
Schnips: I really want to! Show it to us, grandpa!
Santa Claus: Then you have a good deed. Give me at least one more letter.
Black Witch: Okay... Shnips, bring the letter!
Shnips brings, attaches "F"
Presenter: Well, that’s better!
Schnips: I see her!
Black Witch: And I see!
Together: Hurray!! She is so beautiful!
Santa Claus: And now it will be even more beautiful! It's time to light the Christmas tree!
Snow Maiden: Wait, where are our alien friends? They also need to show the Christmas tree in all its glory!
Music sounds, aliens come out.
Alien 1:
We welcome you, earthlings, to our planet!
Presenter: Hello, friends!
Alien 2:
We have a good tradition.
Alien 3:
Greet your friends with a fun dance!
Alien dance.
Santa Claus: You're dancing great! Now join us and repeat after me magic words.
One two Three! Shine Christmas tree!
The lights come on.
(Addresses everyone) Let's play around the Christmas tree? Let's dance a fun round dance!
Round dance - game "New Year" ("We will now go to the right")
Snow Maiden: Oh, guys, look! Another letter found! Right on the Christmas tree!
Alien 4 (gives the letter to the Snow Maiden):
Let's attach it and remember the name of our planet!
Presenter: Guys, let's read the name of the planet!
Children read: "FRIENDSHIP"
Santa Claus: Well done! I suggest you play fun game"Boogie Woogie"
Game "We'll hang the balloons"
Black Witch: How fun!
Schnips: How wonderful!
Santa Claus: Now let's all stand around the Christmas tree for a round dance! We need to teach our new friends how to dance our favorite round dance!
Round dance "Glorious holiday New Year"
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, what about the gifts? Have you prepared any gifts?
Santa Claus: Of course! How could I forget? Attention! Look everyone! I'm starting witchcraft!
He makes magical passes and a large sparkling ball rolls out from behind the tree.
(Santa Claus can also run around the Christmas tree and quietly take a pre-prepared ball with a gift. (We made it from foam rubber and fabric. You can use papier-mâché technology.)
Santa Claus: This is where the gifts are hidden, my friends.
Black witch: Me too?
Santa Claus: And you.
Schnips: And should I eat it?
Santa Claus: And you. Everyone!
Snow Maiden: Well... It's time to say goodbye. Turn into children.
Black witch:
We wish you to grow and not get bored,
Don't upset mothers and grandmothers at all.
And always ask for forgiveness
For any grief!
We will remember, we will remember
Your wonderful round dance,
Your songs, your dances,
Our wonderful New Year!
Snow Maiden.
We need to congratulate many people.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
What's going on with you guys?
They were very good!
Father Frost.
Happy New Year, friends, Happy New Year!
Be happy in the New Year!
There will be summer, holidays, autumn,
And in winter I will come to you again!
They leave to the music

NEW YEAR'S MORNING "Space Journey"

Music is playing. Children enter the hall.
1. Let the music play loudly,
Hurry to our elegant hall
Here we go guys
Our New Year's carnival!
2. It’s good for us today,
Better places can not found!
Near the New Year tree
Don't pass, don't pass!
3. Tell me guys
What kind of holiday awaits us all?
Answer amicably, loudly,
We are meeting…
Children: New Year!
4. If the Christmas tree blooms with lights,

5. If the masks stand up in a round dance,
This means it has come... (New Year.)
6. If the children's people are cheerful,
This means it has come... (New Year.)
7. If the heart sings with soul,
This means it has come... (New Year.)
8. New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve
Dream and reality meet
For the New Year, for the New Year
Miracles happen.

Song "Tick-tock"

9. Stand in a wide circle
Hold hands tighter
To celebrate the new year
We'll start a round dance.

Round dance:. "New Year's" (children sit on chairs.)

Ved. Guys, do you like fairy tales? Here you are waiting today Christmas story! Sit back, take a closer look! If you see something unusual, fascinating, very funny, or maybe scary, then clap your hands, laugh, cover your eyes with your hands if you’re scared, but most importantly, don’t jump on your mom’s lap, don’t climb under a chair or onto the top of the Christmas tree . Meet your guests and have fun with them, sing and dance! And so-o-o-o, the fairy tale begins... (lights dim).

Santa Claus comes out and sings a song.

D.M. I’ll decorate the branches with frost, throw some white snow on the snow,

So that everything would be more beautiful in the forest on New Year’s Eve.

And I’ll be going to the guys in Kachkanar

In a cozy kindergarten, and there will be a holiday there! I know, I know, the children are looking forward to meeting me and will certainly delight me with songs and dances!

How much I love having fun with the kids!

(The growing theme of the approaching spaceship sounds. The light and music installation is turned on) (the Christmas tree is lit)

In a clearing among the trees, a saucer lands!

Come on, I’ll hide behind the tree and find out everything about it!

(A spaceship in the form of a flying saucer appears on the stage. The humanoid Big-headed Cosmoglot comes out, dances, looks around)

D.M: Finally I'm real

D.M: Finally I'm real

D.M: Finally I'm real

How much I love having fun with the kids!

(The growing theme of the approaching spaceship sounds. The light and music installation is turned on) (the Christmas tree is lit)

The guidebook says planet Earth. The nearest forest is near Kachkanar. It's here. This means that the given object is also here! The object is Santa Claus. Find, capture, load into a spaceship, deliver to Shelezyak’s planet!

(Father Frost comes out from behind the tree)

D.M . It’s you who wants to capture me, load me up and take me to some planet! Why do you need me?

G.K. The object has been discovered! Santa Claus, I scan it - it’s definitely him! White beard, mustache, red fur coat, hat, stick in hand.

D.M . What a stick, it's a staff!

G.K. We need the object for entertainment, because we have a New Year holiday on our planet, but there is no fun. I learned that Santa Claus brings joy and gifts to everyone!

D.M. Who are you? What is your name?

G.K. I am the big-headed cosmoswallow.

I have arms, legs and a big head

All the universal sciences are like two and two for her.

She's a hundred times smarter than you

I know how to drink and eat

This is what the Bigheaded Cosmoglot lives for.

Through space traffic jams

Past the stars and other things

I'm in a flying saucer

Flew to you on Earth.

I have a huge blaster

I'm a master at firing it.

If only I want

I'll take over your world in no time

I'm dangerous to people

I am a galactic villain!

(G.K. points his weapon at D.M.)

G.K. Now I will turn you with the help of a laser shrink into a little Santa Claus. Yes, yes, otherwise you are so big, you won’t fit in my spaceship.

D.M. What are you thinking? Yes, I'll freeze you now! (hits with the staff and points it at the alien). Well, turn into an ice block!

(G.K. doesn’t freeze, starts laughing loudly. D.M. tries again, but nothing works)

G.K. Your stick has no effect on me, but the laser shrinker will make you small and helpless! (points the weapon at D.M.)

Ved. Run, Santa Claus, save yourself. (D.M. runs around the tree and runs out the door. G.K. follows him, shoots. He brings in the toy D.M..)

G.K. Gotcha, no one has ever run away from me. Well, that's it, it's time to go. (G.K. flies away)

Ved. Guys, did you see what happened in the forest? What is our holiday like now without D.M.? We urgently need to help D.M. But how? We don’t know where this planet is?!

(The phonogram “Robot Bronislav” plays, the Robot appears)

Robot: Hello. I know where Shelezyak's planet is. I am the robot Bronislav. I turn on the reboot, I turn on the reboot. (robot boys come out to the music)

Song "Robot Bronislav"

Robot: The brain is a processor for me, Instead of nerves it’s a wire!

It's clear that I'm a Super-me-ga-ro-bot!

Robot Dance

Robot: I was sent to help you from the planet Shelezyaka. I know that Big-Headed Cosmoglot kidnapped Santa Claus. Get ready to fly urgently and save D.M. and help clean Shelezyak’s planet from space debris. Let's load into the rocket! Everything is in place! Fasten seat belts. I'm starting the countdown. 5,4,3,2,1 puuuusk! (Cosmic music sounds)

Song "Winter Song"(get into a circle quickly)

Game "Meteor Shower"(parents throw snowballs)

Ved . Guys, it looks like it's a meteor shower, let's wait it out behind the tree.

Robot: Well, we have arrived on Shelezyak’s planet.

Ved: What is this under your feet?

Robot: These are fragments of stars and meteorites. The big-headed cosmoswallow prohibits the inhabitants of the planet from removing all this space debris. The inhabitants of the planet will soon have nowhere to walk, or even live. You probably noticed that there is not a tree, not a bush, not a single flower here.

Ved: And the guys and I will now remove all the garbage. Need baskets for garbage collection.

Game "Garbage Recycling"(after the game the children sit down)

Robot: Well, now let’s take a little break and admire the beauty of the stars in the sky.

Stars dance.

(The Big-headed Cosmoglot appears)

G.K: Who dared to restore order on the planet?

Ved: You can't do that. If you do not take care of the planet, then there will be nowhere for the inhabitants of this planet to live.

G.K: Who's talking? There is no need to teach me, I myself know how to behave on the planet.

Ved : I’m saying this, and even children know about it, right, guys?

G.K: What? Are these little guys smarter than me?

Ved: They are future schoolchildren! And they know that without green spaces your planet will die. Do you have plant seeds? The children will help plant them.

G.K: There are seeds, but they are in a zero-gravity zone and can only be reached by jumping balls.

Ved : We have brave souls.

Game "Overcome weightlessness"

Ved : Look, cosmic flowers are blooming

Dance of "Cosmic Flowers"

Ved: Look how beautiful it has become around! Let's take care of the planet, there are no more beautiful flowers anywhere!

G.K: I won’t behave like this anymore, I’ll plant trees and flowers. Well done guys, you brought me to my senses, for this I will teach you how to play the game.

Game "Robots and Stars"(sat down)

G.K : And take Santa Claus, because what would New Year be without him?

Ved . But of course, it’s small and not real.

G.K. Exactly! Don't worry, I'll fix everything now. After all, I have an almighty blaster.

(trying to enlarge Santa Claus, but the blaster is discharged, he goes to charge)

Game "Stars and Constellations"
(All children are stars. On command, the stars gather into constellations. Sometimes in groups of three, sometimes in groups of 5, then in groups of 6 (Cosmic music plays, the guys return to Earth)

Ved : It’s so good to return to your home planet, to your favorite kindergarten.

(Santa Claus enters the hall and touches himself)

D.M: Finally I'm real

not tiny, normal

What happened to me?

Just a miracle happened!

Hello my friends!

Happy New Year! Here I am!

Hey kindergarten people!
Come out to the round dance!
Give way to the dancers!
We are meeting ….

Children: New Year!

Song “Santa Claus Walked Through the Forest”

D.M : Well. We can continue the celebration. How elegant it is in our hall.
D.M: Guys, aren't you afraid of frost?

Children : Frost is not a problem for us.
We are not afraid of the cold.
We dance and sing
We have a lot of fun!

D.M : I'll check now.

Dance-game “Lavata”

D.M: I'm very happy today
And I'm friends with the guys.
I won't freeze anyone
I won't catch anyone's cold.

D.M. Let's continue the fun. Children, shall we dance again? Who will dance who?

Modern general dance

D.M. Oh, I'm tired.

Ved : Sit down, relax, and the guys will read poetry to you.


D.M : Our holiday is coming to an end. You made me happy with your
round dances, games, dances, it’s time for me to please you.
Oh, where's my bag?

(D.M looks under the tree, invites the children to look under the chairs,
asks his parents.)

D.M: Oh, I'm an old fool.
Head with a hole.
I left it on a stump in the forest.

Well, this matter can be fixed, that’s why I’m a wizard. I have magic needles.
(hands out needles to the guys). Now everyone go up to the tree, close your eyes and say the magic words: “Become the needles as gifts from the tree,” and blow the needles onto the tree. Now open your eyes. (under the tree there are gifts that were previously covered with a blanket)

D.M. gives gifts to children. Children thank Santa Claus.

D.M . And now it’s time, friends, we need to say goodbye,

Congratulations to everyone from the bottom of my heart

Let's celebrate the New Year together

Both adults and kids!

We invite everyone to perform their favorite round dance song

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

You are at:

New Year's scenarios and competitions

Space rescuers - script for a New Year's performance for children


The curtain is closed.

The overture sounds. On the front of the stage is a tree stump, behind which Pinocchio sits, like at a desk, writing a dictation. Malvina dictates.

Malvina: In the infinite space of the Universe, life is boiling and seething. Every star in the sky is a large or small planet. Each can be home to intelligent creatures, amazing animals, strange plants and flowers.
Pinocchio: How I would like to fly into space...
Malvina: You will definitely fly if you study well! Write further.
Pinocchio: Most of all I would like to become a space rescuer. I would defeat all the scary space monsters and save all the planets from any natural disaster.
Malvina: Naughty boy! Sit down and write a dictation! ...

Music is playing. The curtain opens. On stage, Starry sky.

Pinocchio:(jumps up again) Do you hear the roar? The space rescue ship is approaching. They have completed another rescue mission and want to relax on our beautiful fairy tale planet.

The roar of engines can be heard. A flying saucer appears on stage. We hear the voices of rescuers:

— The interplanetary ship "Rescuer-1" calls the cosmodrome of the Planet of Fairy Tales. We ask for permission to land.

Speaker: Landing is permitted!

The plate lands. Space rescuers emerge from it.

1: Hurray! How good it is to walk on the solid surface of the planet.
2: Yes! I'm also a little tired of weightlessness. I want to run and jump.
1. Where are the owners! Fairy-tale characters always greeted us so warmly and hospitably! A boy and a girl ran out - fairy-tale characters.

- We are here
- We are very glad to see you!
Guests: There are only two of you, but where are the rest?
- Maybe something happened to you, and we need to intervene
-Who to save?
Children: No. Everything is fine!
“Now we have a very important time on the planet. All fairy-tale heroes are preparing for a trip to the beautiful planet Earth.
— Soon the New Year holiday will begin on Earth.
- What would New Year be without fairy-tale heroes?
- Without Malvina and Cinderella...
- Without White Snowballs and her gnomes!
- So we are getting ready.
— We sew new costumes, prepare new songs, dances and games for earthly children.
- Everyone is very busy!
- And then all together -
- Father Frost,
— Snow Maiden, Boy — New Year
- And that’s it, that’s it, all the fairy-tale heroes are flying to Earth.
- And there are Decorated Christmas trees...
- Holiday carnivals...
- New Year's concerts...
Rescuers: How we would like to be able to attend such a wonderful holiday at least once!
Heroes: So let's fly with us! Earthly inhabitants will only be happy to have such guests.
Rescuers: Are we flying to Earth?
- Unless some kind of disaster happens in space...
- And there will be no need to save anyone...
- So we agree!
Heroes: Hooray!
Hero: I’ve dreamed of making friends with you for so long, tell me about your profession!
- You have one like this interesting life!
Rescuers: Yes! We are fulfilling a very important mission.
— We save the planets from terrible catastrophes, natural disasters, from various enemies.
- You probably have a weapon - invincible and very dangerous.
Guests: But what about, for example: An ordinary space gun.
— With its help you can overcome almost all space problems:
— I press the yellow button and the cannon disperses rain clouds over the planet if the planet is suffering from flooding

(You can demonstrate the operation of the gun)

“And the cannon can also, on the contrary, gather clouds into a heap and cause rain and downpours if there is a raging drought on the planet and plants and animals die from thirst. There is a blue button for this.
- And with the red button we can direct a powerful stream of cosmic energy and save exhausted plants and animals...
- How interesting!
— What if space monsters attack?
Rescuers: Our cannon can neutralize all enemies.
— It is capable of freezing and paralyzing the enemy for some time. And all sorts of space monsters will not be able to budge. But only for a short time.
- The fact is that all our weapons are very humane. No one can truly die from it.
- This is the main rule of space rescuers - not to destroy anyone or anything in the Universe.
Rescuers in chorus:"Only to save."
“We still have many different types of weapons, because inventors and scientists of many planets make weapons for us for all occasions.”
Hero: I wish I could go with you. On your wonderful flying saucer!
Save someone from a terrible earthquake or flood, or...
Guests: Someday, Boy, your dream will definitely come true.
Heroes: Leave the guests alone! They just got home from work!
- Yes, it’s true! Rest, please.
- And look how wonderful concert numbers we have prepared for earthly children.

Song "Doll"
Song of Little Red Riding Hood
We are learning the New Year's dance with snowflakes and...
Song "Smile" - (Sing along with the audience)
At the end of the last one, the sound of a spaceship is heard.

Heroes: Where does this sound come from! It's too early to fly to earth!
- This is Santa Claus's spaceship taking off.
- Strange, it’s still very early...

The Snow Maiden and other heroes run onto the stage: We're in trouble! Save!

All: What happened, Snow Maiden?
Snegurochka and others: We were calmly preparing to go to Earth.
“Everyone helped, both good heroes and bad ones.”
- And the bad ones only pretended that they were preparing to fly with us
- In fact, they planned to deceive us and disrupt our flight to Earth
Rescuers: what did they do?
- Santa Claus just left for a minute...
— And the New Year Boy was just loading gifts for children into our spaceship...
- (Everyone) SO WHAT?
- Baba Yaga and her associates captured the spaceship along with the New Year Guy
- And with gifts
- Yes, they flew away...
- Now New Year will never come on Earth!
- Children will not receive gifts!
- What will happen to the Guy!
Rescuers: Stop panicking!
Answer clearly: Where could they have flown?
Snow Maiden: We know where - to the Black Planet. To the Space Witch. Only she is always happy to see all kinds of bandits.
Rescuers: The task is clear. Let's move on to execution! Preparedness number one.
Boy: Dear rescuers! Please take me with you. I will help! I'm brave! I'm obedient! Oh please!
Guests: And what? Let's get the guy. It won't be easy for us there on the Black Planet. Let him help us.
- OK then! Hurry up, get on the ship with us and let's fly! Wait for us with victory. Calm down Santa Claus and get ready for the New Year. The celebration will definitely take place.

The plate flies away

Sounds Cosmic SOS

Voice: Attention! Attention! The planet of flowers calls space rescuers. We have a terrible problem. The nourishing cosmic energy, without which we cannot live, has disappeared. Please help. Otherwise we will all die! Let's die! Help (Voice weakens)
Commander's Voice: We change course. We are urgently flying to save the planet of flowers.

The plate changes course. Lands.


Planet of Flowers. Dying plants and flowers.

Vote: Save us. We are dying.

Rescuers run out of the saucer.

- We barely made it!
- They almost died!
The commander orders the space cannon to be set up.
Rescuers:- Prepare the space cannon!
-The weapon is ready.
— Set up for the maximum (large) flow of cosmic energy.
- Made!
- Turn it on!

Light effects, music. Flowers come to life.
Dance of cosmic flowers.
Circus act "Flowers"

Flowers: Thank you, brave rescuers! Stay with us and relax!
Rescuers: We are glad that we were able to help you. Take care of yourself and your energy.
- We can’t stay. We are in a hurry to the Black Planet, where the Boy is in captivity - New Year.
Flowers: Be careful! The space witch is dangerous.
Rescuers: Forward! Course - Black Planet.
The plate flies away.
The curtain closes.


Proscenium. Or a curtain covering a plate.
Black planet. Foggy, mysterious, scary.
In the center of the stage is a mysterious composition of actors. Then they part. In the middle is the Space Witch.
Circus act "Aerialists".

Witch: I received news from my fabulous friends -
They are flying to visit me, and they also took a gift with them.
Servants: Which? Which present?
Witch: We'll see now.
The roar of a spaceship is heard. Barmaley comes on stage...
In a cage (or tied with ropes) - New Year's boy.

Bad: Accept your gift, Space Witch!
- Look what good boy! Smart, kind. Hilarious!
“And most importantly, while we hold him captive, the New Year will not begin on the entire planet—on Earth.”
— The most beloved holiday of earthlings will not take place.
— Children will not receive gifts.
— Cities are not decorated with wonderful Christmas trees and festive illuminations.
- In a word, instead of a holiday in Earthlings there will be grief...
Everyone laughs.
Witch: Well, this is our way, the pagan way. I love this very much.
Witch: what guy, do you like visiting me? After all, look, everything here is so beautiful, bright, so many good friends. They are just waiting to play with you - pull your ears, give you bruises under your eyes, pull off your nice clothes and tear them all up - turn them around...
The bad ones rub their hands and laugh.
-Yes, we are like that: funny and unexpected...
The Song and Dance of the Bad Heroes and the Witch
New Year: Nothing will work out for you, you evil old woman of nobodies, they will fly here
my friends are space rescuers, and your joy will quickly end.
Witch: who is old. I am old? Grab him, guys, and get him out of my sight before I tear him to pieces.
Servants drag the New Year to the back of the stage.
The witch still can’t calm down...
- No, you heard! Such audacity. I'm an old woman! I am old?
— Frightened servants: Old! Old woman! Oh, no - young, young!
- Am I worthless?
- Like this! Look at me, fools
-Oh, I feel a spaceship approaching.
“Maybe the guy was telling the truth, his friends are flying.”
- Well, then we will meet them with dignity.
- The main thing is to scare them right away!
- Everyone is in place!
(The curtain opens - Starry sky)

The plate lands. Rescuers come out.
— Something suspiciously quiet!
Witch's voice (like an echo)- Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!
- Is this an echo? Or the Witch is mocking us.
- He's mocking. He's mocking...
“We’re not scared at all!”
- Scary... Scary...
-Witch, you're a fool
- Turnip! Turnip! Ugh! I like you Turnip! (Comes out) Now I’ll catch you, then you’ll be on your knees begging me to forgive you! A - no! I will not forgive! I will put you on a stick along with this pagan boy - New Year.
- Listen! New Year's Eve. We need to find out where she keeps it.
- Speak, witch. Where's the guy?

Witch: Guy - Here he is (Points to the left. Everyone rushes there, and the 1st bandit comes out from there) and here he comes out, the 2nd and so on. Rescuers rush to him every time. But the bandits come out one by one and surround the rescuers.
Witch: Well, the rescuers came across. "We are brave, we are invincible" and now
What will you sing?
Rescuers: We are not afraid of you even now, Witch! And your intimidated assistants too!
Bandits: who is intimidated! Am I intimidated? Yes we will now...
They attack the saviors.
Fight! At first it seems that victory is on the side of the bandits. But the Rescuers are concentrating. The commander gives commands.

- Turn on the space gun. Command - to disperse the clouds, wind attack!
A terrible wind rises. First, all the bad characters are blown up to the edges of the stage, they scream and resist.
— IR gun to collect clouds, continue the wind attack.
All the bandits are “blown away” into one heap in the middle of the stage.
Rescuers: Maybe we'll treat you to some cosmic rain?
- No, don't! All our bones already hurt. Forgive us. We were just joking. We'll give you your boyfriend back. Here it is - take it.
- They bring out the New Year.

- Hooray! We won!
— — What will we do with these bandits and their boss? If we leave them like this, they will again harm all the peaceful inhabitants of the Universe.
“We don’t have time to educate these mediocrities.” Let them remain on this inhospitable planet and I will be bored here alone at a time when all the inhabitants of the Universe, together with earthlings, will celebrate the New Year.
“And so that they can’t ruin the New Year, they need to be neutralized for two hours.” Turn on the gun. We need to paralyze them for two hours. When the holiday is over, let them move again.
- Right!
- We're ready. Gentlemen bandits, please take comfortable positions. So that you can enjoy spending two hours without moving.
Bandits: No need. We do not want. (They begin to move, and therefore the blaster shot catches them in extremely uncomfortable and funny poses)
Commander: And we were getting ready! Shoot.
The thieves freeze.
- All. They have two hours to think about their behavior. And we need to fly away quickly. We cannot be late, because the inhabitants of the Earth are so looking forward to the New Year.
- And we also need to transfer the cosmogram to Santa Claus and his friends so that they fly to Earth. We'll meet there.
The plate flies away.

Voice of the New Year Guy: Attention! Attention! I'm calling Santa Claus! No connection!
A meteor shower, a cosmic hurricane, begins. The music is playing and the lights are flashing.
Votes:"Attention! Meteor shower begins.
- We are in danger.
— Heading for the nearest planet.
— We're making an emergency landing.
The plate lands.
Everyone leaves the plate.
— This planet is called “Aiko”. A very friendly and hospitable tribe lives here. “We once saved him from an attack by giant beetles.”

Music is playing. Dance "Aiko"

Leader: We are glad to welcome you, heroic rescuers. Our people remember your help in the fight against terrible space bugs. Thank you for coming to us again and we invite you to be our guests.
Rescuers: Thank you for the invitation, but the Meteor Shower is over and we need to leave. We are in a hurry to celebrate the New Year holiday on planet Earth.
Leader: We wish you and the inhabitants of the Earth a good holiday. Goodbye.
Rescuers: Goodbye! Everything is in place!
The plate flies away.


The plate lands. Earth. The heroes are met by Malvina, Snegurochka, fairy tale heroes, Snowflakes. Rescuers, hero, Boy - New Year take the stage.
Malvina: Finally we waited for the Rescuers to return.
Snow Maiden: And with them is the New Year Guy!
Pinocchio:(braggart) It was very difficult, but we won!
Malvina: Pinocchio, as always, you are arrogant, but you yourself, perhaps, never got off the spaceship!
Rescuers: In fact, Pinocchio helped us a lot.
“And he showed himself to be a true comrade and a brave fighter.”
Pinocchio: Now my dream will come true and I will definitely be accepted into space rescuers.
Malvina: But first you have to finish school!
Rescuers: Yes, Malvina. A rescuer must be both brave and smart.
Malvina: Now, thanks to you, brave rescuers, the holiday will definitely take place.
Snow Maiden: You just have to wait for Santa Claus
Exit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.
Voice of Santa Claus:(sad) I’m in a hurry and flying - I want to see everyone.
Good afternoon, dear children!
I am very glad to welcome you all... But I am not in a festive mood. After all, the boy - New Year's - was kidnapped by bandits.
Snow Maiden: Grandfather. Boy - New Year is here with us! Look.
New Year: Brave Rescuers defeated the thieves and brought me to Earth.
Father Frost: This is amazing! Thank you, space heroes. You can ask for any reward!
Rescuers: The best reward for us is participation in the New Year celebrations
- together with the inhabitants of the Earth.
Father Frost: Well, stay tuned and celebrate.
All: Hooray!
Father Frost:
-In the whole year that I haven’t seen you, you have grown so much. They became almost adults. Tell me how you spent 2009. Did you listen to your parents?
-We listened!
— Did you help your mothers?
-They helped!
-What about dads?
-Yes …
-Yes …
Together: Happy New Year! With new happiness!
So …
-Every morning? "
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, you gave the children a real interrogation. And the children at our holiday today are the best. They study, dance, and sing.
Malvina: And since they are real children, they can sometimes play pranks,
Pinocchio: and run and scream.
Snow Maiden: But only during breaks and on weekends. Right, kids?
Children: Yes!
Grandfather: I see that you have adequately prepared for the New Year 2007.
Snow Maiden: Yes, grandpa. It's time to light the Christmas tree!
Father Frost: When there are no obstacles to the holiday,
Let our Christmas tree shine brightly!
Dance of snowflakes. The Christmas tree lights up.
Everyone is dancing.
New Year:
I am the New Year and at this fabulous time
I would like to send you my best wishes!
So that always, in cities and villages,
You were happy and cheerful!
Malvina: may the festive evening bring a fairy tale,
Rescuer: And let the fairy tale last for a long time.
Pinocchio: And under the tree for magical things
Rescuer: A generous boy brought you the New Year!

Everyone is on stage.

Father Frost: We, dear children, congratulate you on the holiday.
May you have many new friends.
Snow Maiden: Rejoice and be healthy and cheerful
May happiness reign in every home

Together: Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Father Frost: Stay healthy
Next we move on time.
Definitely in a year
We will come to visit you.

Final song. Exit of all heroes. The plate is "dancing"

New Year's scenario for the preparatory group
"Space trip"
Compiled by music director
Osipova Irina Olegovna
Kindergarten No. 74
Sverdlovsk region
Creating a festive New Year's, fairy-tale mood in children.
. Strengthen basic knowledge about Space;
. Foster a sense of collectivism;
. Reinforce the concept of the victory of good over evil
Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Black Witch
Shnips - space pirate

Preliminary work:
Repeat with children such terms as “gravity”, “comet”, “milky way”, “what a person needs in order to be in outer space and why.”
Girls - costumes of stars and comets, boys - costumes of robots and aliens.
Prepare costumes for the Black Witch, Space Pirate, Father Frost, and Snow Maiden.

Prepare attributes:
. Light music, wall decorations to create a cosmic atmosphere;
. Box covered with holographic paper;
. A large balloon filled with helium, to which you attach a letter from Santa Claus on a rope (when you open the box, the balloon will fly out of it, and you will need to glue letters on it - the name of the planet);
. Letters from which the name of the planet will be formed (we used self-adhesive paper);
. Balloons with tasks (3 or 4);
. Cut stars for collecting in the game “Collect a Star”;
. Ball for gifts (we sewed it from foam rubber and covered it with sparkling fabric);
. "Space junk" wrapped in foil or holographic paper, possibly a balloon. (At the choice of the music worker and teachers);
Merry New Year's music sounds, children enter the hall, line up in front of the Christmas tree to read poetry.
1st child.
We ran into the hall to the cheerful music,
And everyone saw the forest guest.
Tall, beautiful tree!
And elegant and slim,
With colorful lights
She glows brightly!
M. Klokova
2nd child.
Children dance in circles
They clap their hands.
Hello hello,
New Year,
You are so good!
T. Melnikova
3rd child.
Fluffy Christmas tree,
We've been waiting for you!
All year long, beauty,
We dreamed about you!
4th child.
For you, Christmas tree, we will sing a song,
For you, my dear, we’ll start a dance!
Song "New Year" Giant and Ivanushki international

After the song, the children sit down.
Well, let's not rush -
A fairy tale is knocking on our door
Get ready quickly
Meet your important guests!
Guys, which of our favorite fairy-tale guests are we expecting for the New Year? Who is the most important Wizard and Storyteller?
Children: Santa Claus!
Presenter. Right! And our Christmas tree isn’t lit... What’s a holiday without an elegant, sparkling Christmas tree? Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden promised to be there any minute... Where are they?
The lights go out. The music lights up and the comet girls run in.
Dance of the Comet. (track No. 3)
At the end of the dance, a large box covered with holographic paper is brought out.
Presenter. Oh, who are you?
1 comet.
We are comets. They flew to you from the very depths of space. We have an important message for you.
2 comet.
We were sent to tell you that trouble has happened on a distant planet!
3 comet.
The Black Witch bewitched the inhabitants of the planet so that they forgot her name!
4 comet.
We need to help them remember the name of the planet, otherwise they will turn into Black Blocks! And then the Black Witch will rule there for her pleasure!
Presenter. Why did you come to us for help?
1 comet. We heard that a Wonderful Kind Wizard, whose name is Santa Claus, is coming to your holiday. Rumors about him spread throughout the cosmos.
2 comet. We called him to help us, but he said that he needed help. And these helpers are you.
Presenter. Guys, are we going to help Santa Claus and the inhabitants of the planet cope with the witchcraft of the evil witch?
Children: Yes!
Presenter. Guys, do you know what comets are?
The children answer.
Presenter. Everything is correct! That is why our guests were instructed to convey such an important message. They quickly brought him here, although the distances in Space are very large and to some planets, if you fly on our rockets, you can fly for a long, long time and reach your grandparents! Let's open the box quickly!

The presenter approaches the box. Magic music sounds, the presenter opens the box, and a blue ball flies out with a letter attached to it. The presenter opens the letter and begins to read.

“Dear friends! The Snow Maiden and I are in trouble and we need your help. We are on an unknown planet. Take off urgently, and the comets will guide you. We are waiting! Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!”

Presenter: How do we get there?
Comet 1: We'll see you through!
Comet 2: The main condition for our journey is to be friendly and patient.
Comet 3: Under no circumstances should you quarrel or swear!
Comet 4: It is also very important that you are smart, brave and quick-witted.
Presenter: Can we handle it, guys?
The children answer.
Presenter: Then let's go!

Ominous music sounds. The Black Witch and her assistant, the space pirate Shnips, enter. Comets hide behind the leader.

Black Witch: Where are you going? You don’t know where to fly! I took care of this and hid the name of the planet well. Until you answer the question of what a person cannot be in Space without, the road is closed for you! (Laughs)
Presenter: We’ll go anyway! We can’t live without Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden! Guys, let's think about what it is that a person cannot stay in Space for a long time without? (without rocket, spacesuit and special protective suit). And why? (no air and dangerous and solar radiation)
Children answer
Presenter: Well done!
Black Witch: Yes, what is it! Everybody knows! Turn you into Black Blocks, perhaps?
Comet 1: We are not afraid of you!
Comet2: Children, are you ready to fly to the aid of Santa Claus? Let's fly on a fabulous imaginary rocket!
Comet 3: Attention! Fasten belts! Enable contacts! Start the engines!
Comet 4: Five, four, three two, one - launch!

Dance of Robots and Stars. (I took music from the collection of I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva “A Holiday Every Day” Preparatory group)

Black Witch: Oh, that's how you are! OK then! I have hidden the letters safely, and you will need to perform magical tasks to find them and make up the name of the planet from them!
Schnips: And to make them harder to get, we hid the tasks in magic balls!
Black Witch: It's time to start witchcraft!

Witchcraft music sounds, the Black Witch begins to cast a spell.

Black witch:
The frost is bitter, the wind is prickly
The black ones created the tasks
So that it becomes difficult, dangerous, and alarming for you!
One, two, three - do the magic!

Music. (The first ball appears. You can put it under the tree. The witch, running around the tree, will take it)

Presenter: And it’s not scary at all. Really, guys? Moreover, comets are with us! They will definitely help us!
Shnips takes the ball that appears and reads the task syllable by syllable.
"So that the Milky Way opens,
Don't forget to play
And go quickly
Help out your friends"
I remembered! Do you remember, madam, how we recently destroyed several stars that are part of the Milky Way?
Black Witch: Milky Way? Why! I remember! Had a lot of fun! And, here they are, fragments of stars! (They get the stars)
Presenter: Shame on you! Entire galaxies could perish from this! Guys, do you remember what the Milky Way is?
The children answer.
Presenter: Let's collect the stars so that the Milky Way can be restored!
The children answer.
Game "Collect a star". (3 stars with 5 rays and 1 star with 6 rays)
Rules of the game. You need to quickly assemble cut paper stars. Which team will do better? (Option: a team of 5 children competes with villains who constantly confuse everything and fail).
Presenter: Give us the first letter! We've collected the stars!
Shnips gives the letter "D"
Presenter: Well, the way is open! It is time!
Schnips: (To the Witch) Madam! What is it? I'm so angry that they collected the Milky Way that I'm ready to eat the whole planet!
Black Witch: You'll choke! Quiet! Do you hear? The stars are flying here! Let's get out of here!
And we will show you more! Now we are leaving for an Important Meeting, and then you will dance with us! Follow me, my brave pirate!
They leave.
The girls go out to dance.
Dance with Milky Way fabric.

Star 1: Thank you very much! You saved us!
Star 2: Where are you in such a hurry?
The children answer.
Star 3: You are so brave! Don't be afraid of the Black Witch at all!
Presenter: The Black Witch hid the letters. We urgently need to find them and help Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden get to our holiday!
Star 4:
And I just found a letter here! It probably fell out of the villains' pocket.
Gives the letter "R"
Presenter: Thank you very much! Let's attach a letter to our ball!
Star 1:
Who are these Father Frost and Snow Maiden?
Presenter: And we will tell you poems about them and sing a song!

1 child
Who is wearing a smart, warm fur coat,
With a long white beard,
Comes to visit on New Year's Day,
Both ruddy and gray-haired?

2 child
He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!
(I. Chernitskaya)

Song “New Year's Dreams” by M. Eremeev
3 child
She's wearing white boots
And in a blue fur coat
Bouquet of ripe snowflakes
Brings it to you and me.
4 child
White-white to the waist
Luxurious braid
And warm, warm
Radiant eyes.

5 child
Mittens in transparent pieces of ice
And she's wearing a hat.
You give us light and joy,
Children's favorite.

While the children are reading poetry, a new ball appears (the music director rolls out the ball unnoticed, or one of the characters quietly leaves it under the tree along with “garbage”) and space debris. After the poems, the children sit on chairs.
Presenter: Look, these cowardly villains left their ball and something else here, and ran away!
(Attaches the letter to the ball)
Comet 1:
Let's see what the task is?
They burst the ball and take out a note.
Presenter (reading): “This is space debris. You must pass it to each other while listening to fast music and not drop it. Don’t drop it! Otherwise, gravity will work and it will cover your planet!” (Option - children throw or pass a balloon containing glitter to each other.)
Stars (in unison): What is gravity?
The children answer.
Presenter: That's right. Now let's play!

Game "Space Junk"

At the end of the game, the children sit on chairs.
The lights go out and Shnips runs in.
Schnips: Fir-trees! This way, they will soon guess the name of the planet and get to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Something needs to be done...
Presenter: What to do?
Shnips (shudders in surprise and falls to the floor): Well, you can’t scare me like that! Adult! It's called a teacher! (Stands up) Here you are children, you are raised here, educated... Why? Here I am. Nobody raised me! And I grew up, I have a good profession and my behavior is simply atas! Do you like me?
Presenter: What are you up to? Speak right. And give us the letter! We completed the task! The trash was removed.
Schnips: Okay, okay! I'll give it back! (gives it to U). Do you know how to solve riddles?
The children answer.
Schnips: So what? Do you know a lot about Space? Here I am - an old space wolf! And I know so much that I can’t even remember how much I know!
Presenter: Give us your riddles already. Our children will guess everything!
Schnips: Then I’ll bring another ball now. Everything is written there. Otherwise I don’t remember anything.
Brings a ball with riddles attached to it
In space through the thickness of years
An icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the object's name is...
Not a month, not a moon, not a planet, not a star,
It flies across the sky, overtaking planes.
Who changes clothes four times a year?
From which ladle do they not drink or eat, but just look at it?
(Constellations: Ursa Major or Ursa Minor)
Which path has no man ever been on?
(Milky Way)
Peas are scattered across the dark sky
Colored caramel made from sugar crumbs,
And only when the morning comes,
All the caramel will suddenly melt.
The children answer.
Schnips: What is it? Everybody knows! Madam! Madam!
The Black Witch comes in.
Black Witch: Why are you shouting, Shnips? What's happened?
Schnips: Yes, they know everything! Our plan failed!
Black Witch: Calm down! Follow our plan and everything will be fine. Give them the letter. They still won't be able to read and recognize the name.
Shnips gives them the letter "B"
The presenter attaches it and it turns out "DRUB"
Presenter: Something strange is a word... I can’t understand anything... Guys, can you read the name of the planet? What do you think is the word here?
Comet 2: By the way, we are very, very close to the planet.
Star 2: Grandfather Frost will probably hear us already if we call him for help.
Black Witch: No need to call anyone! Guess for yourself!
Presenter: No really! How much can I give in to you! We will call! We have already completed many of your tasks! Guys! Well, shall we call?
The children answer.
Presenter: Let's start! Let's just shout "Santa Claus!"
The children are calling.
Presenter: He doesn’t respond! Apparently someone didn’t shout, apparently someone was silent! Adults help!
Everyone is screaming. Music sounds, Father Frost and Snow Maiden come in.
Santa Claus: Hello, hello! Finally you have reached us!
Snow Maiden: Hello! What a great fellow you are!
Presenter: Hello! We are so glad that we have finally reached you!
Santa Claus: We have been waiting for you and Snegurochka! Are these two villains still here? Wow, bastards! We’ll find justice for you now! (shakes his fist). Where is our Christmas tree? Now we will light the lights on it.
Shnips: Grandfather, don’t make things up! What kind of Christmas tree is there on the planet? There are no Christmas trees! You're muttering some nonsense!
Snow Maiden: Why not? And what's that? (Points to the Christmas tree)
Schnips: I don't see anything! Where? Aw! (Starts searching)
Black Witch: And I don’t see anything!
They are looking for a Christmas tree and calling around.
Santa Claus: Look, look! Maybe you'll find it.
Presenter: Do they really not see the Christmas tree?
Snow Maiden: True. They wanted to do an evil thing. So the Christmas tree is not shown to them.
Black Witch: But you really want to see the passion! Christmas trees don't grow in space!
Schnips: I really want to! Show it to us, grandpa!
Santa Claus: Then you have a good deed. Give me at least one more letter.
Black Witch: Okay... Shnips, bring the letter!
Shnips brings, attaches "F"
Presenter: Well, that’s better!
Schnips: I see her!
Black Witch: And I see!
Together: Hurray!! She is so beautiful!
Santa Claus: And now it will be even more beautiful! It's time to light the Christmas tree!
Snow Maiden: Wait, where are our alien friends? They also need to show the Christmas tree in all its glory!
Music sounds, aliens come out.
Alien 1:
We welcome you, earthlings, to our planet!
Presenter: Hello, friends!
Alien 2:
We have a good tradition.
Alien 3:
Greet your friends with a fun dance!
Alien dance.
Santa Claus: You're dancing great! Now join us and repeat the magic words after me.
One two Three! Shine Christmas tree!
The lights come on.
(Addresses everyone) Let's play around the Christmas tree? Let's dance a fun round dance!
Round dance - game "New Year" ("We will now go to the right")
Snow Maiden: Oh, guys, look! Another letter found! Right on the Christmas tree!
Alien 4 (gives the letter to the Snow Maiden):
Let's attach it and remember the name of our planet!
Presenter: Guys, let's read the name of the planet!
Children read: "FRIENDSHIP"
Santa Claus: Well done! I suggest you play a fun game of "boogie-woogie"
Game "We'll hang the balloons"
Black Witch: How fun!
Schnips: How wonderful!
Santa Claus: Now let's all stand around the Christmas tree for a round dance! We need to teach our new friends how to dance our favorite round dance!
Round dance "Glorious holiday New Year"
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, what about the gifts? Have you prepared any gifts?
Santa Claus: Of course! How could I forget? Attention! Look everyone! I'm starting witchcraft!
He makes magical passes and a large sparkling ball rolls out from behind the tree.
(Santa Claus can also run around the Christmas tree and quietly take a pre-prepared ball with a gift. (We made it from foam rubber and fabric. You can use papier-mâché technology.)
Santa Claus: This is where the gifts are hidden, my friends.
Black witch: Me too?
Santa Claus: And you.
Schnips: And should I eat it?
Santa Claus: And you. Everyone!
Snow Maiden: Well... It's time to say goodbye. Turn into children.
Black witch:
We wish you to grow and not get bored,
Don't upset mothers and grandmothers at all.
And always ask for forgiveness
For any grief!
We will remember, we will remember
Your wonderful round dance,
Your songs, your dances,
Our wonderful New Year!
Snow Maiden.
We need to congratulate many people.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
What's going on with you guys?
They were very good!
Father Frost.
Happy New Year, friends, Happy New Year!
Be happy in the New Year!
There will be summer, holidays, autumn,
And in winter I will come to you again!
They leave to the music
Presenter: Well, you and I, guys, let’s walk around the Christmas tree again.
"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Municipal budget educational institution additional education children

"Station of young technicians"

All-Russian open competition artistic creativity"Christmas Fantasies - 2014"

New Year's holiday scenario

For primary school

"New Year's space travel"

teacher - organizer


Target:evoke joyful feelings in children on the eve of the New Year holiday a.


  • create a festive and friendly atmosphere;
  • to uncover Creative skills students:ability to play roles, confidently behave on stage;
  • to cultivate friendliness, kindness, and sociability in the children's team.
  • develop relationship skills between students of SUT associations;


  • elements of the costume for the Space Marines team - blue neck scarves, Santa Claus, aliens,
  • a hoop designed in the form of a New Year's harness,
  • 2 large hoops,
  • multi-colored boxes, 10 balls in each box of the corresponding color,
  • New Year's tinsel - dance attributes (20 pieces),
  • snowballs for games (30 pieces),
  • 3 bags and a set of toys.

Equipment: laptop, projector.

Video series: video screensaver "Aliens", "Space Marines", "Jupiter", "Mars", musical excerpts for the dance of celestial stars.

Scenario plan.

  1. Greeting guests and congratulations on the New Year.
  2. Game - energizer "Ura - U".
  3. Song "Hurry to the round dance."
  4. Video "New Year's message from Santa Claus."
  5. Dance of the stars.
  6. Video screensaver "Space landing SUT".
  7. Video image of the planet Mars.
  8. Game "Let's clear Mars from star stones."
  9. Video image of the planet Jupiter.
  10. Game "Let's help collect the moons of Jupiter."
  11. Scene "D. Moroz and the aliens."
  12. Presentation "Alien Dance".
  13. Games with D. Moroz.

Progress of the holiday.

Guests and participants of the celebration gather in the hall. New Year's songs are played.

The hosts of the celebration take the stage.

1 presenter.

On a radiant New Year's

Holiday lights

We welcome today

To all the gathered friends!

2 presenter.

The cheerful hall is shining today,

Sparkling with many lights.

On a noisy New Year's holiday

Calls guests warmly.

3 presenter.

Hello, New Year's holiday,

Christmas tree and winter holiday!

Everyone to meet you today

We gathered at the Christmas tree.

4 presenter.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

With new joy for everyone!

Let them ring under this tree

Songs, music and laughter.

1 presenter.

  • Guys, haven’t you forgotten the joyful and fun mood? (No)
  • What about the cheerful and cheerful laughter? (No)
  • Are you ready to play and have fun? (Yes)
  • And in New Year's trip go? (Yes)

And we will check this now.

Game "Hurray - U!"

The presenter reads the text. If the audience agrees with this statement, they say: “Hurray!”; if they disagree, then: “Woo-hoo!”

  • Wonderful guys came to our New Year's party! (Hooray!)
  • There are cute girls here! (Hooray!)
  • And dirty boys! (Oooh!)
  • Sorry, there are smart boys here! (Hooray!)
  • Every second person here is a loser! (Oooh!)
  • Every first one is good! (Hooray!)
  • New Year is coming soon! (Hooray!)
  • Vacations are starting soon! (Hooray!)
  • They will last one day! (Oooh!)
  • No, a whole week! (Hooray!)
  • Santa Claus has prepared for you delicious gifts! (Hooray!)
  • A big jar of mustard! (Oooh!)
  • No, delicious sweets! (Hooray!)
  • Our holiday continues! (Hooray!)

4 presenter.

What is New Year?

This is a friendly round dance,

This is the laughter of happy guys

Near all the decorated Christmas trees!

The host invites all participants of the holiday to join in a round dance.

Performance of the song “Hurry up to the round dance”

(to the tune of the song “Funny Man”)

1.How good is it?

Have fun today

Because I came

New Year's holiday.

We dance, we sing, we clap our hands,

We don’t even get tired of good music.


2.Let the button accordion play

Pipes and violins,

And on our faces

Smiles light up.

Our song flies joyfully and loudly.


3. Even a Christmas tree for us

Waves twigs,

And from the bright lights, everything became more beautiful.

Let's have fun, we'll have fun together.

New Year at the gate

There's a knock on our door.


Come on, quickly, friends, to a round dance,

Let everyone dance and everyone sing,

The blizzard is circling at our gates,

Snowflakes are sparkling, the New Year has come!

2 presenter.

Attention attention! All television and radio channels are set to receive a New Year's message from the most important guest of the New Year's holiday. Can you guess who? That's right from Santa Claus.

Video “New Year's message from Santa Claus”

A New Year's screensaver appears on the screen, but instead of D. Moroz there is an image of alien creatures.

The text reads: “We have been observing planet Earth for a long time. Once a year it begins to glow especially brightly, multi-colored dazzling flashes are visible, the movement of earthlings becomes somehow special: they spin, jump, join hands and walk in mysterious figures, like circles, around the sparkling tree. The faces of the earthlings also change, they laugh and rejoice. And at this time, an earthling unlike the others is visible everywhere. He is big in a huge fur coat with patterns, with a long white beard. In his hands is an incomprehensible object, from which he constantly takes something out and gives it to the little earthlings. Despite this, the object does not become smaller.

We don’t know how to have fun, laugh, we are similar to each other. Therefore, we make a decision - to capture the mysterious earthling. And learn to be just as cheerful and joyful with its help.”

3 presenter.

So, our Santa Claus was kidnapped? How will we have fun without Santa Claus?

1 presenter.

I know how to handle the situation. We need a space landing force. Only with their help can we bring back our Santa Claus. And here they are, it seems.

Video screensaver "Space landing SUT"

Children appear on stage pretending to be a space landing force.

Hearing SOS from any planet

Our star landing party is right there!

Let's board our rockets

Let's fly to where everyone is waiting for us!

We are a friendly team

We strive for the stars

Always courageous in business

And they are strong in knowledge.

We understood the task -

The landing force is bold, forward!

May the New Year's holiday

Santa Claus will come to us!

Space Marine Team Member: Start counting down - 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Start!

The Starship Space Marine team leaves.

3 presenter.

Our space landing has started, but how can it find Santa Claus in such endless outer space? Look, here are those who will help our space landing.

Dance of the stars.

At the end of the dance, all the stars return to their places, one of the stars is separated from the round dance and remains on the stage.

How much fun we have, sisters

Spin in a starry dance!

New Year's holiday is coming soon

Have fun honest people!

But Santa Claus is kidnapped

How to find it among the stars?

So you don't get lost

Don't spin in the starry sky

We give you a card to help you

And we wish you good luck.

The star hands the presenters a map depicting the planets.

4 presenter.

We set course for the planet MARS. The planet Mars appears red in the night sky because it is covered with red sand and rocks, so many of them that all the rivers on Mars have dried up.

Video image of the planet Mars

The entire planet is strewn with sharp stones. There is no life here, which means there is no Santa Claus here! But we will help the planet Mars - we will clear it of star stones.

A game "Let's clear Mars of star stones»

6 people are invited for the competition. Children stand on the start line. Multi-colored stars (balls) scatter on the floor. Everyone's task is to collect all 10 stars - balls of their own color. At the signal, the children begin to collect. The winner is the one who collected the balls faster and took a place at the start.

2 presenter.

Next is our course to the planet Jupiter. Jupiter has many satellites - perhaps our Santa Claus is on one of them. But the trouble is, they were all lost. We will have to collect them, and then we will learn about the fate of D. Moroz.

Relay race "Let's assemble satellites»

To conduct the relay race, teams of 5 people are formed. On command, the first participant climbs into the hoop and, holding it at waist level, runs to the flag. He returns and takes the next participant (there are two in the hoop, then three....). The whole team runs like this. The winner is the one who gets to the starting line first.

2 presenter.

Unfortunately, there is no D. Moroz on any of Jupiter’s satellites.

1 presenter.

Attention, our radars have picked up a signal. Its sounds are getting stronger and stronger.

The sound of horses trampling and bells ringing.

Scene “Santa Claus and Aliens”

Father Frost
. Well, it looks like we have arrived! Hello guys, dear guests! Happy New Year to everyone! Perhaps they were waiting for me? My path was not easy, but I made new friends. (points to aliens)

Alien 1. Grandfather Frost, are you sure that earthlings will like us? (points to the children in the hall)

Alien 2. Won't they hurt us? And we don’t know such a holiday, and carnival costumes we do not have.

Father Frost: The most amazing holiday is New Year. The whole planet is waiting for the new year. Everyone around is laughing, rejoicing, joking, dancing. In a word, having fun. Don't worry about the costumes. On our New Year's holidays you will meet hares, bears, forest monsters and even aliens.

Alien 1. This means that we can also participate in your holiday!

Alien 2: After all, now we have learned to laugh, rejoice, joke, play together with everyone.

Alien 1. D. Moroz, can we show our alien dance? Young earthlings should like it!

Father Frost:

Be brave! Forward! Cheer up!

Start the dance together.

Presentation “Alien Dance”

Father Frost. Now let's see how brave, cheerful, and skillful you are. The game "Snowball" is played

All children stand in one big circle. 2-3 balls are thrown in a circle

by music. When the music stops, those children who have the ball in their hands come into the circle. On the instructions of D. Moroz, they carry out the following tasks:

  • dancing,
  • depict fairy-tale characters,
  • read poetry
  • solve riddles.

Father Frost. Thank you, guys, you made me happy: you danced fervently and cheerfully, recited New Year’s poems expressively, showed fairy-tale characters funny and accurately, and skillfully guessed all the riddles.

Now let's see how dexterous you are.

I suggest you play

Show off your dexterity

The hosts of the holiday hold gaming competitions

Snowball game(teams of 5-6 people toss light paper snowballs to the opponents' side to the music; at the end of the music, the number of snowballs is counted and the winning team is determined)

Relay race“Whose sled is faster?” (winding a rope around a stick, at the end of which is a cardboard model of a sled)

Game exercise“Who will collect the toys in Santa Claus’s bag faster and tie it” (each participant needs to transfer one toy from the box to the bag, at the end they need to tie the bag and hang it on their back.)

D. Moroz.Well done, we had fun. Well, now it’s time for me to say goodbye to you and get ready for the journey. They are waiting for me at other holidays. We need to have time to congratulate everyone.

D. Moroz says goodbye and leaves.

All fairy-tale characters and hosts of the holiday are invited to the stage, there is a presentation of students from the associations who participated in the New Year's holiday.


Newspaper “Pedagogical Council” No. 10/2009, No. 10/2010, No. 10/2011, No. 10/12.