The meaning of jewelry according to zodiac signs. The meaning of semi-precious stones according to zodiac signs

Since ancient times, the sages knew: everything in our Universe is connected - man and space, star and stone. Astrologers described the signs of the Zodiac, jewelry served as talismans for people; everyone sought to attract positive energy and the favor of higher powers to their destiny. What precious stones can bring you good luck, and which of them is better to choose jewelry with? Zodiac signs can tell you the answers to these questions.

Since ancient times, this stone has been considered a symbol of success, good luck, love and good health. A diamond protects against the machinations of enemies, eliminates suspicions and fears, gives its owner determination and courage, and helps to win a conflict. However, this stone will bring happiness and prosperity only to a person with a pure heart and soul. If someone got a diamond dishonestly, its positive energy fades and can even turn against such a person.

In the ideas of the ancients, emerald was associated with the goddess Venus, and our ancestors believed that it helps to preserve love and gives birth to fidelity. To lovers, it gives hope and faith in the best and can become the key to a long and happy union, provided that your feelings are sincere and pure. It helps its owner to find harmony, wisdom, calmness and clarity of mind - qualities that allow them to look into the future.

Light-colored pearls can bring love and good luck to this zodiac sign, help them easily endure any trials and overcome the obstacles of fate. If you wear fragile pearls with a smile, they will attract light, wealth and joy into your life, but they can add tears to gloomy and unfriendly people. It is believed that pearls protect against envious glances, deception and property losses.

The positive energy of this scarlet stone is associated with the hot and generous radiance of the Sun, which brings prosperity, well-being and peace of mind to people. A ring with a ruby ​​will help support and increase vitality, bring out the best in yourself and achieve mutual feelings. And if you put it under your pillow at night, it can inspire happy dreams. Giving jewelry with rubies is a guarantee of hot and passionate love.

It is believed that the golden glow of citrine can attract money and ensure the well-being of its owner. The ancients also believed that citrine could clarify thoughts and give birth to new ideas, protect against evil forces, bring joy and increase a person’s internal energy. Healers believed that this stone cleanses the body, helps digestion, relieves stress and prevents depression.

The pure radiance of sapphire clears thoughts, cools anger and other negative emotions, helps to expose deception, improve financial affairs and establish long lasting relationships. Because of its heavenly hue, sapphire is called the stone of destiny. It is considered a symbol of modesty, but at the same time greatly enhances female attractiveness.

This stone has many colors and shades, and each of them has a symbolic meaning. Light opal is a sign of spiritual purity and the desire to be in harmony with people. The dark one will help you detect deception, overcome obstacles and achieve happiness. A stone of bright, fiery shades will protect against dangers and troubles. It is believed that opal can support women's health, strengthen the heart, and relieve insomnia and depression. However, he gives luck and protection only to honest and fair people.

Topaz helps its owner to see the true desires of other people, understand the secret motives of their actions, and expose deception, intrigues and intrigues. In ancient times, people believed that this stone opened inner vision and used it as a talisman. It calms negative emotions and activates the vital forces of the body, reveals and enhances feminine charm and beauty, protects against envy and the evil eye, adds self-confidence and attracts others.

In ancient times in the East it was especially valued and called the stone of happiness. It is believed that turquoise brings good luck in business and allows its owner to find and achieve financial well-being. Jewelry with this stone will support self-confidence and give determination, help establish peace in the family and fulfill your most cherished desires.

Every woman, regardless of age, likes decorations, and especially jewelry jewelry from precious stones. Plus, jewelry looks fantastic on a beautiful female body and certainly delight and attract the eyes of men.

Probably each of you noticed that in some jewelry you feel comfortable and comfortable, while in others it’s the opposite. If you wear jewelry that does not suit you, you may feel a deterioration in your health, headaches, fatigue, apathy and even the first signs of depression may appear.

But how do you know decoration which gemstones are suitable for you. Women asked this question many centuries ago. Astrology will help us answer this question. For many centuries, astrologers have observed how constellations influence people, their character and preferences, and they also found a connection between precious stones and zodiac characteristics of a person.

The list below will help you determine which gemstone suits yours best. zodiac sign and which one will bring you good luck as a talisman:

  • Aries(March 21 - April 20) -, rock crystal, jasper.
  • Taurus(April 21 - May 21) - agate, aventurine, amazonite, malachite.
  • Twins(May 22 - June 21) - citrine, beryl, cat eye, agate and amethyst.
  • Cancer(June 22 - July 22) -, onyx, emerald.
  • a lion(July 23 - August 22) - rock crystal, peridot, .
  • Virgo(August 23 - September 23) - jade, jasper, jadeite, pyrope.
  • Scales(September 24 - October 23) - beryl, malachite, .
  • Scorpion(October 24 - November 22) - beryl, alexandrite and topaz.
  • Sagittarius(November 23 - December 21) - , .
  • Capricorn(December 22 - January 20) -, tourmaline and.
  • Aquarius(January 21 - February 19) - , quartz, amethyst.
  • Fish(February 20 - March 20) -, emerald and peridot.

But do not forget that astrology does not give guarantees and it is possible that a stone that should suit you according to your zodiac sign may cause you discomfort. Some spiritual movements believe that a gem should be selected according to the date of birth and for each date a different stone. The choice of what to believe and what not is always yours. However, there is one type jewelry which is suitable for absolutely all women - this is diamond jewelry. Therefore, if you are in doubt about choosing precious stones, then try diamonds.

Talismans for zodiac signs are not necessarily stones. In fact, almost any piece of jewelry can protect against evil and bring good luck, but if you choose jewelry according to the Zodiac, it will be easier to “make friends” with it.

In the article:

Talismans for Zodiac signs

Not everyone has the desire to wear. They can be expensive and not suitable for everyday clothing. Some people avoid such jewelry because of their worldview. But you can attract good luck with the help of jewelry, figurines and soft toys, if you choose them correctly.

In fact, it is not only stones that bring good luck. You can buy simple earrings or a pendant that you like and match your horoscope. These factors allow you to quickly establish contact with the subject. Wearing an item that does not belong to your sign is necessary in order to gain its inherent qualities.

Jewelry with the sign of the Zodiac is common. They are the easiest to choose. The range of such products is wide and allows you to choose an option for every taste, from any material. The best option for a professional amulet would be an image of an instrument of your specialty. For example, for a fisherman - a figurine of a fish.

Amulets and talismans for fire signs

Aries Pendants and earrings that depict any weapon work well. It is not difficult to find jewelry with a sword, hammer, bullet or even brass knuckles. They should choose jewelry in the form of tools for physical labor, especially if you are engaged in it. Such things are in fashion now. Coin necklaces work well, but they don't go with every wardrobe. Aries can wear chains and rings made of gold or similar material.

Any shiny material. It can be gold or its imitation, or a light metal, but with sufficient shine. Jewelry “looking like aged silver” or “antique” is not suitable. You can choose steel.

Beads must be square or cubic in shape. They can be shiny metallic, red, yellow, gold, orange, crimson, blue or green. The number of beads matters; there should be 4, 7, 11, 9 or a multiple of nine.

Aries figurines and figurines are knights in armor, weapons, a deer and a ram.

Aries is not a color suitable for purple.

Leo We need decorations similar to orders and awards, ancient coins, canes. An antique or at least an imitation of it will be useful. The pendant can depict an eagle, lion or ladybug. Star is also a good option. Rings should be massive, with large stones, not necessarily natural. If you wear chains, then choose thick, massive ones.

All metals light color best avoided. Gold or its imitation is suitable. Products in black and bronze colors are also suitable.

Beads can be of any shape. Colors - gold, purple, orange, black, scarlet, red. Their number must be 1, 5, 9 or 11.

Figurines and figurines of Leo - lion, swan, eagle.

Leos are not suitable for white and most cold shades.

Symbols Sagittarius- scarab, spoon, horseshoe, horse, soldier, star, centaur, salamander and lizards, bow and arrows, phoenix. Pendants, bracelets and rings with them are easy to find on sale. Leather bracelets with buckle decorations not only bring good luck and Sagittarius qualities, but also look stylish.

Material - tin. You can make rings, pendants, and chains from it. All metals of cool shades, dark and light, are suitable.

If you like beads, choose any shape. Colors are blue, cyan, violet and crimson. The number of beads for the Sagittarius talisman is 3, 4 and multiples of three.

Sagittarius figurines and figurines include horses, tin soldiers and lizards.

Sagittarius has no color to avoid.

Amulets for Zodiac signs of the Earth element

Decorations Taurus must be decorated with carvings, stones or rhinestones. A pendant in the form of an owl, a bull or an elephant will also be good option. Cameos and cabochons are suitable for rings with plants inside.

Taurus materials are copper, wood and fabric. Wooden beads and thread baubles are excellent talismans for representatives of this sign. If you like beads, choose carved and complex products. Avoid ivory.

Colors - lemon, orange, green, blue, yellow, lime. These are bright colors, in which stylish youth jewelry is often made. Taurus numbers are 2, 4, 6, 16 and multiples of six.

Figurines and anything that can be placed on a desktop or used as an object are suitable: an elephant, a bull (including a winged one), boxes, souvenir kitchen utensils, carved and even slightly tacky writing utensils, paintings on stands, mirrors, cows.

Taurus people should avoid the color red.

Jewelry for Virgo can represent vehicles, globes, writing instruments, owls, cubes and paper bills. Cameos with silhouettes or portraits of women from all eras are also good. Asters and grasshoppers are symbols of the Virgo sign.

The materials of the talismans of this zodiac sign are ceramics, clay, silver and other metals of cold tones. A suitable shape for beads is cubic. Finding these is not at all difficult.

Colors - white, blue, purple, green, light green, lilac, sea green. Numbers – 3, 5, 6, 12, 20, 27.

Good Virgo talismans are made from owl figurines, stationery, cubes from various materials, transport figures and beautiful women.

Virgos don't necessarily have to avoid any color.

Appease patrons Capricorn Can be a decoration in the form of a cat, goat, turtle, seal. You can also choose something stylized as antique, similar to a medal or ancient coins. The tower clock is also a symbol of this sign, and nowadays clock pendants are back in fashion. But antiques are also not bad, beads of any shape from various materials.

The best material is porcelain, but all others are suitable.

Colors - gray, light yellow, black, brown, burgundy, dark purple, marsh. Lucky numbers are 3, 4, 7, 8 and multiples of this number, 14 and those divisible by this number.

A soft toy in the shape of a black cat will be a good home amulet for Capricorn. As well as a figurine of a turtle and a goat. Vases and decorative dishes, antiques and their imitation are suitable. It is better to choose figurines in retro style.

Charms according to the signs of the Zodiac - the element of Air

Gemini It is better to wear jewelry in the form of keys and masks. Pendants that represent hands, e.g. anchovy - good idea. Globes, writing instruments and means of transport suit this sign no less than Virgo. Stars, snakes and paired objects will become good choice. For example, two identical rings, or a ring with two stones, look beautiful. Recently, pendants and earrings in the form of feathers and wings have appeared on the shelves; they also correspond to the nature of the airy Gemini.

Gemini materials are silver and gold, all metals of cold and warm shades, but only light ones.

Colors - purple, gray, gray-green, light yellow, orange, blue. The numbers 3, 5, 12 and 18 bring good luck.

Home amulets for Gemini are any paired items. But masks, images of transport and snakes would be ideal. Stationery supplies, globes and even flash drives, disks and floppy disks can be used.

Geminis need to beware of pure green.

Libra cameos, pendants with portraits and real flowers, hearts, books and scales are needed. Venus, which is responsible for this sign, loves beautiful things, so almost anything suits those born under the constellation Libra.

Material - silver and all light metals, bronze.

If you love beads, choose the ones you really like, without looking at the price. The colors that will bring good luck to Libra are blue, blue, green, sea green, pink, beige, cream and other pastels.

The numbers you should choose are 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15.

Libra's home amulets, as you can easily guess, are scales - kitchen scales, for controlling your own weight, or pharmacy scales. You can also buy souvenir boxes, especially carved ones. Paintings, antiques and their imitation are also suitable.

Libra does not have an unfortunate color.

Aquarius we need pendants and other jewelry in the form of angels, birds, wings, balloons and feathers, as well as keys. An aroma pendant can become a good amulet for Aquarius, like any symbolic image of a jug. People of this sign are shown the latest fashion trends and extraordinary products.

Materials: glass and porcelain. If you love glass beads, now is the time to buy them, but do not forget about the numbers that bring good luck - 2, 4, as well as multiples of 4, 9, 11 and 13.

Favorable colors - green, purple, gray, sea wave, blue. Like many other signs, Aquarius doesn't need to consider any colors unlucky.

Amulets for the home can be as follows - figurines in the form of angels, birds, dream catchers, jugs and other decorative dishes, aroma lamps, new items, for example, a night light in the shape of the moon.

Talismans for water signs

Cancer decorations with crabs, crescents, fans, feathers are needed, and playing accessories - card suits, dice and others. Images of seashells, opening medallions and rings are suitable. You can use symbols of the moon, and any of its phases. Clover is considered to bring good luck, and pendants and bracelets with it are well suited for Cancers. Popular pendants in the form of perfume bottles and other women's trinkets would be quite appropriate.

Suitable materials are crystal, glass, silver and cold light metals.

Beads Cancers should only choose round shape. They should be white, silver, blue, blue and soft green. The numbers 2, 4, 5 and 8 will bring good luck.

They can be almost anything. These include fans, mirrors, games, crystal dishes, crabs (you can buy dried ones), shells and other decor.

It is advisable for Cancers to avoid gray colors.

Scorpios are suitable for decorations in the form of frogs, scorpions, beetles, Ophiuchus, pyramids and eagles. Amulets in the form of weapons would be a good idea. Pendants in the form of cartridges, arrows and camouflage colors are now in fashion. It would be nice if the jewelry had a secret, for example, a pendant or ring with a small hiding place.

Materials: steel and iron, as well as other light metals.

Beads for Scorpio should be large and visible from afar. The colors that bring good luck are red, crimson, yellow, scarlet, burgundy, and the numbers are 4, 5, 8,9, 10, 11, 21, 100, 666.

A Scorpio home amulet can depict all the same things as jewelry. In addition, boxes, especially music boxes, are suitable.

We select diets based on horoscope signs, choose our husbands and clothes. What's worse than jewelry and precious stones? After all, people born under different zodiac signs choose completely different jewelry for themselves and, accordingly, make a different impression.


These people are bright individualists. They are among the first to pick up fashion, not afraid of extremes. This also applies to jewelry. Aries will wear products from little-known but creative designers who are just heading towards the Olympus of fame, but will not necessarily reach its pinnacle. Aries jewelry is not always elegant, but it is impossible not to notice it. Aries birthstone is diamond.


People born under this sign have excellent taste, as well as a love for expensive and beautiful things. Taurus may not have a lot of jewelry, but, as a rule, these are things of good quality, expensive, “with a name” and always with natural stones. Taurus will not allow themselves to spend money on a fake. They are recommended to wear an agate in a copper frame as a talisman, but preferably in a bracelet - for success in business and disease prevention.


These people prefer original jewelry, not necessarily expensive, but having an interesting shape. The symbolism and content of the decoration are very important. Geminis love talismans and stones that support health and help along the way. Men will prefer a good watch, but if possible they will have several of them to change depending on the suit and the place where they are going to appear.


They are unpretentious in their clothes and do not chase fashion, the main thing is that it is clean and comfortable. Luxurious things are treated like children treat an expensive toy. Cancers prefer discreet jewelry; they are very fond of products made of flowers, wood and natural stones. They do not strive for elegant work; they are satisfied with minimal stone processing. They prefer classic lunar metals - silver and moonstone, as well as mother-of-pearl and pearls.


They have great taste. It is not for nothing that France, the trendsetter, is under the patronage of Leo. This sign is ruled by the Sun. Leos love gold jewelry of good jewelry. Those who wear coarse jewelry and cheap jewelry arouse contempt in Leo. The lioness will not take off her gold even when she goes to the sports field.


They love jewelry and accessories. They are able to independently create their own image, carefully selecting details. They love a lot of small jewelry, not expensive, but always made of precious metals. He can wear several inexpensive rings on his hand. They don’t like bulky jewelry; they will give preference to elegant things, preferably combining several functions: a pendant watch, a bracelet watch. As a talisman, Virgos are recommended to wear two stones - carnelian and jade. But for them to have the greatest power, the frame must be made of silver or platinum, but not gold.


Are partial to decorations. They really like products in the form of flowers. Flowers can be either fresh or artificial. They love finely crafted jewelry, preferably not large, but of artistic value. The cost does not matter, but they will not spend money on very expensive Libra, as they may get boring.


Choose rich decorations. They have a weakness for gold and massive items. Good work also matters to them. Scorpio stones - emerald, ruby, sapphire. The talisman can be topaz, which cures diseases of the soul and body, bestowing love and fidelity, as well as bloodstone or hematite, which activates Scorpio’s penchant for mysticism and metaphysics, and also aventurine, especially black.


They prefer jewelry made of precious metals, of good quality, but it is desirable that they have some kind of symbolism. These can be amulets, talismans, or religious decorations. Along with other jewelry, Sagittarius benefits from jewelry made from white metals, especially silver.


They have a very strict taste. Saturn gives them the opportunity to see an excellent perspective, the entire structure as a whole, including in jewelry. Capricorns, as a rule, do not like to wear jewelry. If they do, they give preference to antique items, rings or earrings “from grandma” rather than modern jewelry.


They have the most specific taste of all air signs. They are attracted to everything bright and unusual. These are people who want to stand out from the crowd. They like to express themselves the most in an unusual way. Aquarius will be attracted to bright keychains and pendants, bracelets and talismans, the unusualness and mystery of which has a scientific explanation or value. Aquarius women skillfully combine jewelry made of precious metals and jewelry. They will wear it with pleasure jewel, brought from other countries and cities, about which you can tell not much, but a story.


A very contradictory sign, this also affects the choice of jewelry. Although they have an innate sense of beauty, which Neptune endowed them with, and can dress with great taste, they will still give preference to those things that make them feel warm and comfortable. For Pisces, corals, mother-of-pearl, and all transparent stones that shimmer in the light are suitable for Pisces, especially amethyst and alexandrite. The metals are all white, but of fine, openwork workmanship.

Since ancient times, the sages knew: everything in our Universe is connected - man and space, star and stone. Astrologers described the signs of the Zodiac, jewelry served as talismans for people; everyone sought to attract positive energy and the favor of higher powers to their destiny. What precious stones can bring you good luck, and which of them is better to choose jewelry with? Zodiac signs can tell you the answers to these questions.


Since ancient times, this stone has been considered a symbol of success, good luck, love and good health. A diamond protects against the machinations of enemies, eliminates suspicions and fears, gives its owner determination and courage and helps to win a conflict. However, this stone will bring happiness and prosperity only to a person with a pure heart and soul.
Amethyst will add prudence.
Chopping will bring Aries happiness in love. Fire rubies are given to their chosen ones in order to achieve reciprocity.
Other Aries talismans: rock crystal, garnet, hawk's eye, amethyst, onyx, agate.
Those born under the sign of Aries are suitable for large and memorable forms, for example, an original precious necklace or a pendant with a rare stone. Aries wear gold of all colors and shades, alloys with a high copper content. For jewelry, semi-precious stones of oval or round shape in green or yellow-green colors and shades are suitable.


In the ideas of the ancients, emerald was associated with the goddess Venus, and our ancestors believed that it helps to preserve love and gives birth to fidelity. It gives lovers hope and faith in the best and can become the key to a long and happy union. It helps its owner to find harmony, wisdom, calmness and clarity of mind.
Turquoise will bring prosperity to the house of Taurus, purity and fidelity in love. Turquoise helps prolong youth and protects against diseases.
Rose quartz enhances the wearer's vitality and promotes emotional sensitivity.
Tips for choosing jewelry: A wide metal “hoop” - a necklace with precious stone inserts - will be a manifestation of individuality for Taurus. Beads in several rows made of metal balls, pink pearls, corals, red-pink gems - from rich color to translucent tones. Metal - noble alloys of yellow and white.
Other Taurus talismans: agate, turquoise, citrine, aventurine, malachite, carnelian, bull's eye, rose quartz.


Light-colored pearls can bring love and good luck to this zodiac sign, help them easily endure any trials and overcome the obstacles of fate. If you wear fragile pearls with a smile, they will attract light, wealth and joy into your life, but they can add tears to gloomy and unfriendly people. It is believed that pearls protect against envious glances, deception and property losses.
Topazes will provide Gemini with patronage and protection. Topaz supports the wearer's libido.
Citrines are also suitable for sociable Geminis.
Those born under this sign wear elegant medallions with photographs of loved ones inside. Their metal is white gold or silver.
Other Gemini talismans: amethyst, moonstone, carnelian, jade, citrine, tiger's eye, rock crystal.


The positive energy of this scarlet stone is associated with the hot and generous radiance of the Sun, which brings prosperity, well-being and peace of mind to people. A ring with a ruby ​​will help support and increase vitality, bring out the best in yourself and achieve mutual feelings. And if you put it under your pillow at night, it can inspire happy dreams.
Emerald improves the mood of Cancers, protects them from illness and strengthens memory.
Pearls will help you see reality without embellishment and give constancy in love.
Chalcedony, like a stone of love, attracts men's hearts to girls.
Cancers prefer modern design, unusual shapes.
Other Cancer talismans: aventurine, amethyst, moonstone, hematite, rose quartz, carnelian, agate.


It is believed that the golden glow of citrine can attract money and ensure the well-being of its owner. The ancients believed that citrine could clarify thoughts and give birth to new ideas, protect against evil forces, bring joy and increase a person’s internal energy. Healers believed that this stone cleanses the body, helps digestion, relieves stress and prevents depression.
Pink tourmaline will help Leos develop their Creative skills. Green tourmaline will preserve their youth and strength.
Ruby, a stone of health and love, will bring happiness to those born according to the sign of the king of beasts. Ruby also absorbs negative energy, ruby ​​jewelry should be worn at the first sign of discomfort.
Opal will help Leos avoid quarrels and troubles and promote spiritual improvement.
Tips for choosing jewelry: the decoration should be large, expensive and memorable. Metal - gold, blackened silver.
Other Leo talismans: rock crystal, garnet, carnelian, tiger's eye, jade, moonstone, agate.


The pure radiance of sapphire clears thoughts, cools anger and other negative emotions, helps to expose deception, improve financial affairs and establish long lasting relationships. Because of its heavenly hue, sapphire is called the stone of destiny. It is considered a symbol of modesty.
Chrysolite will keep Virgos from hasty decisions and stupid actions, help maintain self-esteem, and relieve sadness and fear.
Quartz strengthens the memory of Virgos and eliminates absent-mindedness.
Chalcedony is a symbol of tenderness and fidelity, a talisman against troubles.
Virgos should wear jewelry with meaning, such as a religious symbol or an inscription with an ancient saying. Chains with small links and complex weaving are suitable.
Other Virgo talismans: rock crystal, garnet, citrine, jasper, aventurine, carnelian, pearl, malachite.


Light opal is a sign of spiritual purity and the desire to be in harmony with people. The dark one will help you detect deception, overcome obstacles and achieve happiness. A stone of bright, fiery shades will protect against dangers and troubles. It is believed that opal can support women's health, strengthen the heart, and relieve insomnia and depression. However, he gives luck and protection only to honest and fair people.
A diamond will bring happiness and give you self-confidence.
Tourmaline will help make right choice, get a better job, plan a trip or choose a good restaurant.
Libra prefers elegant medallions and drop pendants on transparent fishing line. The number of stones must be even, and all stones must be the same size.
Other Libra amulets: aquamarine, carnelian, lapis lazuli, jasper, rose quartz, citrine, moonstone, tiger's eye, rock crystal.


Topaz helps its owner to see the true desires of other people, understand the secret motives of their actions, and expose deception, intrigues and intrigues. In ancient times, people believed that this stone opened inner vision and used it as a talisman. It calms negative emotions and activates the vital forces of the body, reveals and enhances feminine charm and beauty, protects against envy and the evil eye, and adds self-confidence.
Pomegranate will provide a good mood and pleasant thoughts.
The diamond has special power for Scorpio and will protect the wearer from hatred and envy.
Scorpios are suited to classics with a modern twist. Sometimes a symbol of unification (intertwined hands, hearts, rings, etc.), natural shapes and ornaments are “woven” into the decoration. All types of chains, complex necklaces such as “snake skin” and “fish scales” are good. Metal - noble alloys of two colors (gold-silver), silver with niello.
Other Scorpio amulets: aquamarine, agate, garnet, amazonite, amethyst, moonstone, hematite, carnelian, rose quartz, coral.


It is believed that turquoise brings good luck in business, allowing its owner to gain high status and achieve financial well-being. Jewelry with this stone will support self-confidence and give determination, help establish peace in the family and fulfill your most cherished desires.
Chrysolite harmonizes the atmosphere in the house, neutralizes quarrels and conflicts, and promotes family happiness. Preserves the owner's property.
Amethyst embodies the main character traits of Sagittarius - open-heartedness, peacefulness and sincerity.
Sagittarians prefer discreet and inexpensive jewelry - modest beads in one thread, an elegant chain of “twisted” weaving, a miniature pendant. Metal - “white” alloys, silver.
Other Sagittarius talismans: lapis lazuli, aventurine, agate, tiger's eye, moonstone, amethyst.


It is believed that pomegranate promotes success in business, helps to gain recognition and respect from others, and can also relieve the owner from depression. It is good to take it with you on trips and give it to loved ones as a sign of sincere and strong friendship. Garnet jewelry can also add passion to your relationship.
Onyx enhances the best qualities of Capricorn, drives away dark thoughts and improves health.
Wearing tourmaline will entail a chain of pleasant events, thanks to which your most cherished desires will come true.
Anything original suits Capricorn for decoration; the shine of metal and the play of stones are good. If we are talking about a ring, then it should be modern, with a large opaque stone insert, and have a minimum of “frivolous” details.
Other Capricorn talismans: turquoise, jasper, moonstone, amethyst, agate, malachite, bull's eye, garnet, rose quartz.


Amethyst gives wisdom and fearlessness, promotes clarity of thought, protects from illusions and the machinations of all kinds of dark forces. Ancient doctors also believed that amethyst neutralized the effects of toxic substances, including alcohol, and eliminated poisoning. It is believed that it brings peace of mind and good luck, helps to avoid insomnia, worries and quarrels with loved ones. It goes well with silver, and its positive energy is greatly enhanced if you wear an amethyst necklace.
Sapphire will help Aquarius gain self-confidence and awaken the best feelings in him, give him strength, enhance prudence and prudence.
Turquoise will help on the path to success.
Aquarius should prefer antique or antique-style jewelry. These can also be beads with elements of folk art (bone, stone carving), national motifs, and ornaments.
Other Aquarius talismans: rock crystal, garnet, turquoise, lapis lazuli, citrine, hawk's eye, jasper, aventurine.


This stone is soothing, like gentle cool water. It gives its owner serenity, so it is well suited for those who practice contemplation and meditation. It is believed that aquamarine protects against empty talk and gossip; it can help you get to know yourself more deeply and get closer to understanding the essence of things. Ancient doctors believed that it had a beneficial effect on the liver and stomach and could get rid of excess fluid in the body, as well as inspiring the owner.
Coral (red for men, white for women) protects against the “evil eye” and protects against dangers.
Mother of pearl will protect Pisces from troubles, promote longevity and prosperity, and protect against false friends.
Pisces prefer “live”, “moving” jewelry - rainbow inserts of stones, chains with diamond edges, numerous pendants, key rings. Metal - white alloys of noble metals, silver.
Other Pisces talismans: pearl, garnet, turquoise, lapis lazuli, jasper, carnelian, amethyst, moonstone, tiger's eye, jade.

Materials taken from open sources