Who are Indigo Children? Indigo children - who they are, modern and famous indigo children Indigo children and their purposes.

Supernatural abilities of people Lukovkina Aurika

Who are Indigo Children?

Who are Indigo Children?

Unusual children continue to appear on earth! The French call them “Teflon children,” the British call them “children of the millennium,” and for the Russians they are “children of light.” And they are also called “indigo”. Indigo children.

There are many theories about who Indigo children are, what determines their birth and how to raise them. To make it easier to understand, let's try to figure out why such children are called indigo. The term "indigo children" entered the dictionary thanks to people studying supernatural abilities; They found that their aura was dark blue, the color indigo. It was first used by synesthete Nancy Ann Tapp in 1982 in her book Understanding Life Using Light. According to current data, indigo children’s immunity to diseases is 25 times higher than that of ordinary children. And this has already been proven.

People in Russia began to talk about extraordinary children, indigo children with magnetic attraction and enormous potential for supernatural abilities, twenty-five years ago. Amazing information came from various parts of our country that “magnetic” children had appeared.

Masha Epifanova, a 14-year-old girl from Nizhny Novgorod, considers her ability to hold iron objects on her body to be normal. She can walk for a long time, hanging herself with spoons and forks. Also, coins still stick to the girl. And her friend Tanya Svirina can attract to her, in addition to coins and spoons, also pot lids.

12-year-old Anna Zvereva from Novosibirsk has the ability to chain objects of all kinds of weight not only with her palms, but also with her feet.

Kristina Gyularyan from the city of Korolev attracts not only iron objects, but also voluminous magazines.

According to researchers closely studying the issue of biological magnetism, the number of children endowed with this ability has recently increased significantly. Previously, only isolated cases of such a phenomenon were mentioned, but now there are hundreds of such cases. The most impressive “magnetic baby boom” occurred in the mid-90s. Scientists have no idea how to explain all this. And doctors, not understanding the essence of what is happening, can also make an annoying diagnosis during examination.

Kazan child Bulat Khusainov, at the age of ten months, could count to one hundred. At the age of two he had already mastered counting in three languages ​​- Russian, Tatar and English. He found it fascinating to study Ozhegov’s dictionary. IN kindergarten he began to walk when he was not even two years old. The kid, who hummed Shainsky's songs during quiet time, greatly amazed the teachers. And this child, with the most serious expression on his face, took a pen and once wrote on a piece of paper: “No meat” (this happened just after lunch).

Bulat's extraordinary ability to remember manifested itself when he was 1 year and 8 months old. Mom read poems by Agnia Barto to her son. After the time had passed, when the book was opened again, the child recited Barto’s poems by heart. In the first grade, parents were advised to register their talented child with psychiatrists, saying that he was not entirely normal. To the extent that current psychiatry in our country uses the terms of Soviet psychiatry, which does not have a diagnosis of “autism,” the doctors made a conclusion… childhood schizophrenia.

At the very beginning we touched upon the problem of autistic people. In Western psychiatry, autism is not so much a disease as a state of mind (for example, Bill Gates has gifted autists who are involved in programming in the most complex and high-tech information technologies). Bulat excelled at school. He writes poetry and enjoys listening to the “talk” of the fish in the aquarium.

Boris Kipriyanovich, who lives in the Volgograd region, showed wonderful knowledge in astronomy at the age of 3. He completely outlined what the planet Mars looks like. And he also predicts the future. Boris talks about the future in Russia with optimism. Only two cataclysms are foreseen in the world: in 2009 and 2013, which will occur due to water.

Many have already forgotten Nika Turbina, who began writing poetry at the age of four. At the age of 9, she became famous throughout the USSR by publishing a collection of poems, “Draft.” Fame fell upon her: Nika was taken under the patronage of celebrities, her works were translated into 12 languages, she was awarded the most prestigious Golden Lion award (of the Russian authors, only Anna Akhmatova accepted this award). They predicted a brilliant tomorrow for the outstanding girl, but 27-year-old Nika could not stand it - she jumped out of the window in 2002. All these teenagers are indigo children.

In accordance with the first definition, indigo is the color of the biofield of new people who are distinguished by countless talents, highly developed instincts, sensitivity to energy and represent a new turn in the spiral of human development.

Indigo children are not children with a special aura color, they are, first of all, non-standard children who, in the literal sense of the word, differ from the average opinion about children. Since childhood, they have been thinking about the universe and demonstrating wonderful talents. A good example is a five-year-old boy who learned the entire world repertoire for violin and played with adult virtuosos as first violin.

You can write a lot about Indigo children, about the peculiarities of their behavior, incidents from their lives, and reflect on their upbringing. But without a complete understanding of who the Indigo children are and what their destiny is on Earth, there will be more questions than answers.

Indigo Children Study

But as long as the study of Indigo children is approached one-sidedly, that is, to look for the basis of their unusualness in material or physical aspects, it will be impossible to understand their characteristics, differences from others and methods of education. Research on the question of who indigo children are will yield results when people begin to pay attention subtle matters- mind and soul.

To clarify many topics concerning Indigo children, let us remember Mendeleev’s idea of ​​the three components of man, the world and the Universe, that everything around has three essences: mind, soul and body (material shell), and the mind is the main one among them. The actual study of intelligence was carried out by D. I. Mendeleev’s student V. I. Vernadsky. He was the first among specialists to reveal the structure of the noosphere, that is, the environment of the mind - the area in which perfect, true knowledge resides and with which the human mind is absolutely compatible.

From here it becomes indisputable that the talent and intelligence of Indigo children is determined not by hereditary predisposition, not by genetics or upbringing (i.e., factors of the material world), but only by the characteristics of their soul and mind.

Manifestation of intuition of indigo children

Vernadsky predicted that in the 21st century. a person will interact with the noosphere and the sixth sense - intuition - will become his way of communication. The key specificity of indigo children is their method of comprehending the surrounding universe: in contrast to the typical logical method of experiments and miscalculations, they use intuition, with the help of which they receive the necessary information from above about which decision will be the only correct and most effective one in a particular situation.

It is precisely this amazing quality that determines their firmness in statements, their so-called willfulness and non-recognition of standards, and these traits are expressed from an early age.

Abilities of Indigo Children

Indigo children- these are children with a lot of talents, the share and purpose of which is tens of times greater than the talent of the children of the previous generation.

The genius of Indigo children suggests that there are many phenomena and gifts present in their minds from birth. Phenomena and gifts are the same abilities, but not artificially formed or acquired during upbringing and education, but given by God to realize the purpose of man in existence.

People, unlike the animal world, have a predestination not only to have offspring and reproduce, but also to reign on Earth. To implement this predetermination of the body’s potentials, it is not enough; it is also necessary to master the capabilities of the brain, i.e., a human ruler on Earth as a result of his improvement is a person who has true knowledge about everything on Earth and makes full use of his gifts and talents .

At this time, there are more than 80 manifested (based on noospheric knowledge) phenomena and talents that Indigo children have. Reading people's thoughts, the ability to receive subconscious information about everything that happens at the farthest distance, clairvoyance - these are the most typical unique abilities that Indigo children possess.

Purpose of Indigo Children

Man gradually improves, becoming the ruler of the Earth, who realizes the trinity of the planet and the Universe, each individual before birth has his own mind and an element of true knowledge, for their fulfillment his soul and mind exist in the physical world. The purpose of each person depends on the area of ​​​​the mind in which he has genuine knowledge. That is, every baby, and especially an indigo baby, is already a probable genius: a writer, manager, artist, thinker, financier, etc.

Everything living on earth has a certain purpose, since in order to receive the incorruptible life of the soul, predestination is given in life, by fulfilling which, a person is directed along the shortest road to the Truth. A distinctive feature of the destiny of Indigo children from the destiny of other people is that they follow it from childhood. Then it becomes clear that Indigo children have such a restless thirst for knowledge, their inclination to experiment, and the color of manifestations of spiritual gifts. Parents and society should encourage such a child to discover and use his knowledge and abilities, and help him add new ones to the world’s knowledge.

If we exaggerate certain facts, we can conclude that parents need to teach Indigo children how to perceive the world, and not impose their own stereotypes.

Indigo children - creators and destroyers

There was a difficulty in determining which child is considered a talented creator (Indigo), and which is considered a destroyer, with whom the Lord punished his parents for their sins. The behavior of both differs in their unusual approach; it sometimes becomes inadequate because they do not fit into the established framework. Since there is still no clear information about who indigo children are, society is beginning to solve the problem of separating gifted children from slack and inadequate ones.

What’s interesting is that both of them can do poorly at school - the only difference is that indigo children, due to their rapid development, very quickly learn the material taught to them, and accordingly they are not interested in spending the rest of their time studying, and destructive children - in due to low learning ability. These groups of children have many similar behavioral traits, but they are completely different.

Currently, there are already biocomputer methods that make it possible to make the necessary diagnostic studies of a child’s potential. An excellent method has been developed for identifying a child’s potential by identifying his talents based on noospheric data. This facilitates mutual understanding between parents and children. If you discover that your child, for example, is an actor, it becomes clear why he has increased activity, why he has such a passion for creativity and a dislike for mathematical subjects, it will become clear to you that you are trying in vain to interest him in them.

Indigo children and society

When realizing all the qualities of indigo children and how these qualities are determined, a completely understandable question arises: what provoked their appearance on Earth? Most likely, the birth of an entire generation of “purple” children is caused to a greater extent by the fact that there is a serious need to somehow change social consciousness, change views on the essence of things, on issues of education and awareness of man on his planet.

As many believe, in a large-scale sense, the appearance of Indigo children is appointed for one purpose - through their example, God teaches us unity with Him.

But such genius is invariably an anomaly both in the structure of the brain and in the formation of the psyche. Authoritative scientists think so. According to the famous Russian geneticist Vladimir Efroimson, such a gift falls on approximately one in a thousand, matures to the required extent in one in a million, and one in ten million truly becomes a genius. But today the statistics have changed significantly: since 2000, an incredible number of children with exceptionally high levels of mental ability have been born in Russia.

In order to show the problems in the world, God gave the “weird” children traits that help them defend their personal point of view. The rare qualities of leaders and the thirst for justice in Indigo children is a topic that parents and teachers stumble over during their upbringing. In order to destroy the misunderstanding, one must be well aware that the indigo child is a new generation whose destiny is to change our views on the world and help fulfill God's plan in creating a new society. Therefore, this child always follows his destiny, he unquestioningly obeys the divine will and laws of the Universe, and his creative realization depends on obedience. Any efforts to modify these characteristics can cause harm comparable to a savage invasion of the genetics of a living creature, since the qualities of Indigo children are “inscribed” in their minds and souls like a genetic code in DNA.

As a rule, by the age of four, a child reveals 50% of those mental capabilities that are intended to serve him in life, by six - 70%, and by eight - 90%. But modern babies show abilities almost from the cradle. And here the paramount thing is not to be late. Reason and creativity are our wealth as a nation. This was understood a long time ago by people from the Land of the Rising Sun, who value their talented children and teach and support them by all means. Israel has its own effective system for raising genius children, which is under the control of the government. Established in the USA efficient organization encouragement and development of talent. In Russia there is no serious doctrine of education and activities with these children yet. In the USA and Canada, there have been specialized centers for determining indigo for quite a long time. Special schools have been founded for them. Anyone whose IQ exceeds 130 can study for free at a prestigious French university.

So who are these phenomenal “purple” children? An exceptionally talented boy Pavel Konoplev was born and raised in Moscow. At the age of six, he was discovered to have an unusually high intelligence - 169. The boy was called a “super-gifted child prodigy.” At that time, the term “indigo” was not yet accepted in our country. Pasha was only 3 years old when he began to perform serious arithmetic calculations in his head and read freely.

Moreover, he read with pleasure both fairy tales and university textbooks. At the age of 6, the kid caught the eye of Mendeleev’s periodic table and he comprehended its subtleties. The boy studied according to a personal schedule, since Pasha turned out to be a “black sheep” in high school: the first grade he received at school was... grade. But, studying under a special program, Pavel immediately moved from first grade to fourth grade and became an absolute excellent student. When he was nine years old, he coped with the most difficult task perfectly. Academician Andrei Kolmogorov gave a high assessment of the conclusion and answer to the problem (perhaps the famous scientist himself was from the same race - he received his academic title at the age of 39). At the age of fourteen, Konoplev participated in the development of the first Russian personal computer BK0010, and published his works in the journal Science and Life. At the age of 15 he entered Moscow State University. He studied at the graduate school of Professor Yu. Pavlovsky, developed a mathematical model of the future.

But the Universe, giving a person such abilities, seems to introduce him into a risk group: such people get sick more often. At first, Pavel ended up in a psychiatric hospital and was ill for a long time. He died in September 2000, he was only 27 years old. It is now believed that Pasha Konoplev was indigo.

North Ossetia has its own phenomenon. At the age of 6, Georgy Khinchagov stunned the teachers of all three schools where he studied with his abilities in mathematics, linguistics and amazing memory. This indigo child solves the most complex problems without difficulty, parses “serious” newspapers, and recites the works of the classics by heart.

At a Zelenograd school for gifted children, one 10-year-old “Indigo child” wrote a treatise in which he commented and criticized Napoleon Bonaparte’s strategy in detail, outlining the facts.

In 1991 at the Moscow Higher Technical School named after. Bauman was taken without entrance examinations by a 12-year-old boy from the city of Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory, whose name was very unusual: Ernesto Evgeniy Sanchez Shaida. Later he became the author of a single brilliant invention. An even younger talent was 10-year-old Savely Kosenko. The boy also became a student at Moscow Higher Technical University named after. Bauman. Savely at the age of two could already read fluently, at seven he could compose computer programs. He passed exams for five classes as an external student. At the age of 10, Kosenko became the author of a physics textbook. At the same age, he became a student and entered the Guinness Book of Records. Savely graduated from the Institute at the age of 16. And the young man studied at two faculties at once.

Outstanding people have existed in all eras and in all civilizations. Mozart, da Vinci, Van Gogh - they are classified as typical indigos. But the term “superintelligence” is often confused with judgments about supernatural abilities. “Purple children” have great mental and supernatural abilities. At the moment, unfortunately, there is no clear understanding of whether all people with similar gifts can be classified as indigo.

Experts believe that “indigo-colored” children can easily grow into amazing masters of art, heartless criminals, and mad scientists who easily step beyond the boundaries of common sense. Such people are not afraid of anything. They will do anything to achieve their goal. There are no obstacles or authorities for them.

The average mental level of indigo children reaches 130, and previously this IQ was found in one person in ten thousand. The hemispheres of their brain work equally and open up enormous possibilities for us. Immunity to diseases, viruses and microbes in this group of people is much higher than in others. There are facts when “purple” kids were cured of AIDS on their own.

The range of electromagnetic waves coming from the indigo body is three times greater than that of an ordinary person. Scientists believe that the whole point is in the genetic code. They differ from us in their genome. The molecular composition of DNA contains 64 codons. Indigo has 35 or more codons. The average person has 20 codons. It can be assumed that the “dormant” 44 codons out of 64 are a reserve. And if they “awaken”, the person acquires new signs. The iris of the eye turned out to be different - in such children it looks like a star. From birth, Indigo children are able to heal people from illnesses, sometimes unaware of their healing abilities. They know how to understand people like open books, they quickly notice and discreetly disarm any, even very disguised, efforts to manipulate themselves.

How to tell if your child is indigo? These are the inherent characteristics of indigo children: they are relentless and irrevocable. They have amazing instincts and are able to make accurate decisions. Indigos are independent and do not lose pride even in unpleasant circumstances. They can become furious and merciless if they encounter an insurmountable wall of indifference. Some indigos understand the language of plants and animals.

These strange children often have difficulties at school, since they absolutely do not accept authoritarian methods of study. Indigos may not hear their teacher. They often experience a blockage of the auditory or visual channel of information. Indigo children are not easy children. But there is an approach to each of them, and how they grow up depends again on you and me.

Have you noticed that we are discussing with you a topic that is difficult to understand and we repeat all the time: “everything depends on you and me.” Probably, it is in these words that the answer to various phenomena and supernatural abilities lies, probably, it is in this phrase that the main essence of any technique can be seen on the development of paranormal abilities. There's a lot to think about.

We have come to the end of this chapter. And in conclusion, I would like to say: much of what we have discussed has not been proven by science, is unrealistic to understand, and incomprehensible to comprehend. And with all this, you and I know that all this exists. Supernatural abilities of a person are an inevitable fact of our existence, whether we like it or not, whether they frighten us or attract us. And the fact that they are present in our lives fills it with new colors and meaning. Existence is beautiful and amazing. So let's enjoy his creations. We wish you success in your endeavors to explore new spaces of your amazing mind. Go for it! And change yourself!

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Indigo children are children with a high level of intelligence and great creativity, telepathic abilities and intuition, they sense danger well. They have a heightened sense of justice and a sense of responsibility.

Also distinctive features of indigos are their rapid development, and the incredible knowledge that they possess and which is not available to their parents.

These are smart children with phenomenal abilities, possessing leadership qualities, able to influence and manage the people around them.

They independently learn the alphabet and begin to read at the age of two or three, solve complex mathematical problems, quickly master high-tech equipment, and from an early age they know how to use a computer and cell phone.

Some of the indigo children can easily explain many inexplicable phenomena and have incredible scientific information about the structure of the Earth and space, which scientists could only guess about.

Why are they called "indigo children"

In the late seventies of the 20th century, psychic Nancy Tapp from America noticed that more and more children with an unusual aura - indigo color - began to appear. It is believed that each of us has an aura, that is, a shell surrounding the human body that glows in a certain color - yellow, golden, green, blue. The aura of unusual children is indigo - a cross between dark blue and violet. It was these children who came to be called indigo children.

What doctors and scientists say about them.

Since the late 70s of the last century, doctors all over the world began to notice that more and more unusual babies are being born. It is believed that newborn children up to a certain age cannot focus their gaze on objects, but these children immediately from birth look at the world through the eyes of adults. Their gaze is more intent, more meaningful compared to other babies.

It is believed that many of the indigo children have powerful immunity to all diseases; there are even known cases of self-healing from such deadly diseases as AIDS.

But some scientists believe that children of the new generation, who have high intellectual, creative and paranormal abilities, on the contrary, get sick more often, many have mental disorders, they get tired quickly and suffer from sleep disturbances and depression. Some geniuses fall into psychiatric hospitals, commit suicide or commit illegal violations.

DNA analysis of the examined indigo children showed that the code of the DNA molecule is not similar to the code ordinary person. The human DNA molecule contains 64 codons, of which only 20 codons are used, and the rest are not functional. Indigo has from 24 to 35 or more codons. (Codons are units of genetic information that are encrypted in the DNA molecule.)

It has also been noticed that many children experience changes in the shape of the skull and their liver is able to digest any food, and the range of electromagnetic vibrations is three times greater than that of a normal person.

Opinions of teachers and psychologists about indigo children.

Teachers and psychologists also began to note that there are more and more hyperactive children who are not learning the basics well primary school, unable to learn the multiplication tables and the alphabet. In the lower grades, a child cannot master some subjects, is unable to memorize poems, texts or foreign words, he just has to memorize every line. And so the verse is learned - but at school the child cannot remember it, but at home he remembers it again. Some children can give the correct answer to a problem, but they don’t know how to explain its solution.

Often such children are called names and laughed at. Not only their classmates, but also their teachers consider them stupid and mentally retarded. Teachers advise parents to transfer children with learning difficulties to special schools.

It turned out that the brains of indigo children develop more slowly and unevenly: therefore, they have difficulty absorbing the information that is taught in primary school. Since the brain develops more slowly than in ordinary children, many indigo children do not speak for a very long time, and often parents take the child to see a speech therapist. But among indigo children there are also those who begin to speak clearly in a very early age.

Most ordinary people have linear thinking, while indigos have multidimensional thinking. Therefore, they easily master the computer and new computer programs, mobile phones, and a variety of more complex information.
In high school, studying is easy - any information is effectively absorbed, the child remembers without problems various material and solves complex problems with ease. By adolescence, indigo children develop and work at full capacity in both hemispheres of the brain.

Some psychologists note that many indigo children are aggressive, cannot concentrate on one thing, do not recognize the authority of adults, exhibit bad behavior at school and are difficult to respond to the generally accepted method of education.

But all difficult and ill-mannered children and teenagers who do not obey their parents, do not respect adults, do not want to study and behave aggressively should not be included in the ranks of indigo children. It’s just that now there are many modern families who do not raise their children at all, do not teach them basic skills of behavior in society, and children grow on their own, like weeds in a garden bed.

And some children simply have mental disorders, because their parents lead an unhealthy lifestyle, drink strong alcoholic drinks, drugs, smoke, and this negatively affects the child’s psyche.

Often after medical examination uncontrollable children are diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, hyperexcitability, autism, depression and are prescribed treatments and medications that do not bring any results and cause serious side effects.

Further studies of these children showed that many of them have a high level of intelligence, with IQs ranging from 130 to 160, which indicates genius. Subsequently, the terrible diagnosis made by doctors was lifted in many children, and signs of being chosen were seen in indigo children. Everywhere they began to note that indigo children came to this world with a special mission - to save our Earth, that they are a new generation, a new race of people.

At all times, unusual people with a high level of intelligence were born, they were not like everyone else, they had a different new way of thinking and their own worldview, and often their talents and genius were attributed to connections with the Devil, they were persecuted, burned at the stake.

As eras changed, talented children were distinguished by their phenomenal memory, high intellectual and creative abilities began to be called child prodigies.

And in the late 90s of the last century, all over the Earth they started talking about children of a new generation - indigo children with telepathic abilities, the ability to move objects, read with eyes closed and guess thoughts from a distance about people of a new race who came to this world to change it and save the planet from destruction.

Indigo children began to take a closer look, explore and study this phenomenon. In the USA and Canada, Israel and France, methods for raising and educating children of a new generation have been developed, special schools and centers for gifted children are being created to help develop their abilities and talents.

Each generation of children is different from the previous generation. Changes occur in the thinking and psyche of a person, as well as in his physiology. Children of the new generation have much more opportunities to obtain information than children of the previous generation, therefore they are more developed, more literate, and more intelligent than their parents.

The world is changing not only around us, but also within the person himself. Evolution is taking place on Earth, and people are becoming smarter and more adapted to progress, learning new technologies faster.

Not only indigo children, but also ordinary children skillfully use cell phones and computers - this is already a vital necessity, progress. And every child who sits for hours at the computer should not be enrolled in the ranks of indigo children. I do not deny the existence of such children, but, in my opinion, there are not so many of them on earth.

The child’s development is more intense, he receives a lot of new information not only from books and television, but also from the Internet. Traveling around the world becomes more accessible to most people, and a child, traveling with his parents, gains new knowledge, skills and abilities.

I read a lot about indigo children, watched films, but never met them in real life. Around me there live normal, ordinary, different children. Some of them are smarter and more talented than others, many go in for sports, music, and draw well. Parents devote a lot of time to their development and upbringing, and most importantly, they love and respect their children.

And some mothers and fathers do not care about their children; they do not participate in their upbringing and development. And the children grow up on their own, they are raised by the street, and they become embittered, aggressive, uncontrollable. For such children there are no generally accepted rules, they do not know even the most basic standards of behavior and, of course, they have problems at school.

Any child, indigo or not, must, first of all, be respected, loved and raised correctly. He is the same person, only small and he has his own character, his own thoughts and experiences, his own opinion, which you need to listen to. And the task of adults is to understand the child and raise him correctly, to help his talent reveal itself, and not to impose their authority, their thoughts and opinions.

We invite you to watch a video about indigo children.

Surely you have already heard something about Indigo Children, read articles on this topic. Who are they? Completely new people who came to change the world for the better, or cruel aggressors - children, killing children and childhood? What is their purpose on earth? And, perhaps, the main question: what should parents of such children do?

Before answering the question in the title of the article, I would like to make a couple of important comments.

  1. Despite the constant discussion and wide popularity of the term “Indigo Children,” not a single scientific evidence of the existence of this phenomenon exists today. Moreover, skeptical scientists, teachers and journalists believe that most of the signs and qualities of “indigo children” have long been known to psychiatrists and psychotherapists and are described by the diagnosis “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,” and the “indigo” phenomenon itself is a hoax.
  2. It is almost impossible to talk about Indigo without resorting to some metaphysical concepts such as aura, soul, angels, past lives.

Therefore, readers often have a logical question: how should all this be treated, especially by inveterate materialists? I see two options:

  • Postpone the article until you feel ready to receive this kind of information.
  • Try to feel and understand children, especially since modern kids are incredibly spiritual and are born with innate knowledge.

Where did Indigo Children come from?

The history of the term “Indigo Children” began a little over 30 years ago. They were first mentioned in 1982 by Nancy Ann Tapp in her book Understanding Your Life through Color. Nancy is a famous American clairvoyant, psychic and psychologist who has the amazing gift of seeing a person’s aura. And this is her first publication that described the behavior patterns of children of a new type. The term itself "Indigo children" associated with the color indigo (a type of of blue color, average between dark blue and purple), because this is the color of the aura of new children. According to Nancy, these new souls were born to facilitate our transition to the next stage of the evolution of human consciousness, since all Indigos are highly sensitive beings, endowed with numerous talents and strong intuition.

Advice to parents: If you cannot cope with some adult task on your own, ask your child for advice. Even very young Indigos will demonstrate impressive mental work and colossal intuition. And don't be afraid to tell the truth about your problems, because honesty is the best policy with Indigos!

In addition, all Indigos have high self-esteem. They come into this world with a sense of their own greatness and often behave accordingly. Indigos feel that they “rightfully belong here” and are sincerely surprised if other people do not share this opinion. Moreover, they themselves do not doubt their own mission. They often explain to surprised relatives “who they are.” For example, the typical answer of an Indigo child to the question: “Do you need to love yourself?” - “Of course, I love myself because it makes me strong!” Truly, the wisdom of the Indigo is admirable.

Characteristics of an Indigo Child

Absolutely all children of the new type rely on intuition, are very sensitive to energy and sense completely unusual things. They form their own opinions very early on about religion, who God is, and who they are. They respond with pleasure to spiritual conversations; some see angels, fairies and other supernatural friends, and talk about religion.

The spiritual inclinations of Indigos are related to the global tasks that face them. It is clear that new children have the power to change the world. The authors of the book about Indigo Children say that they come to us to herald the beginning New Era. These wise and spiritual children are the key to a better world.

Characteristics of Indigo children (compiled by American doctor of psychology Doreen Virtue):

  1. Determined and persistent.
  2. Born later than 1978 (it was in this year that the first children began to be born not with a golden aura, but with a blue-violet aura.)
  3. He shows himself to be a creative person, has a penchant for music and poetry.
  4. Prone to bad habits.
  5. “Ancient soul”, feels as if he is not 13, but already 43.
  6. Intuitive, able to make the right decisions, relying only on his intuition.
  7. Independent and proud, even in humiliating situations.
  8. Capable of rage and cruelty if he comes across an insurmountable wall of indifference and lies.
  9. Prone to insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares, often has difficulty falling asleep or is afraid to fall asleep.
  10. Burns with a desire to help the world in some great cause.
  11. Has high self-esteem
  12. IN adolescence Periods of depression were common, and thoughts of suicide occurred.
  13. He is looking for real, strong and sincere friendship, is in dire need of the unconditional love of loved ones, and requires a lot of attention.
  14. Often feels affection for plants or animals. Some Indigos are so in love with nature that they understand the language of plants and birds, they rejoice, suffer and worry with them.
  15. The child categorically refuses to do some things, for example, stand in line. All Indigos hate it when they are forced to do something simply because “I said so” or “that’s how it should be” or “everyone else does it.”
  16. Previous methods of education do not work on him. He does not respond at all to strict “educational measures”, such as punishment, threats or humiliation.
  17. The child gives the impression of being unsociable if he is not in the company of his own kind. If there is no one around who has a similar mentality, they often withdraw into themselves, feeling that no one in the world understands them.

If your child meets 14 or more of the above points, then he is an Indigo. But there are exceptions: psychologists believe that there can be a lot of Indigo types, just like there are shades of blue.

Indigo style education

Raising an Indigo child is not an easy or responsible task for parents. This process requires self-discipline, consistency, wisdom and most importantly - attention and parental love. Because the story of the Indigo Children is a love story. Start right now, because it’s never too late to prove your love to your children.

Success in parenting depends on several conditions. But perhaps the main one is the courage of parents. Not every parent will agree to have a frank conversation with their child about their shortcomings and weaknesses. It’s even harder to change something about yourself before you begin to educate others. Therefore, Indigos have little trust in parents and “outdated” teachers. They see that adults teach something completely different from what they themselves do. Parents should not forget that Indigos intuitively know our adult techniques and see when we think one thing, say another, and act in a third way.

One of the secrets to raising an Indigo child is discipline. Children need moderate severity and certain limits of behavior. At the same time, the boundaries of what is permitted must be clearly defined. Since permissiveness harms Indigo, children should not “sit on their parents’ heads.”

There are a few more important rules things to keep in mind if you are dealing with an Indigo child.

  1. You can't lie to children. Under no circumstances. The “half-truths” that parents often resort to when trying to protect their children from harsh reality are also harmful.
  2. Talk to children like adults. They like it. A frank conversation with parents is very important for Indigo. During such a conversation, put love into every word spoken. If the relationship is not going well with a teenager, then a frank conversation is the only way out of the current situation. The conversation may not be the most pleasant, but listen to everything he has to say. The main thing is don’t lose your temper, don’t make excuses and don’t read lectures. When a child speaks, you hear life itself, whether you agree with it or not. If you don't like something, breathe deeply and continue to listen and learn. After all, this is precisely the case when “the truth speaks through the mouth of a child.”
  3. Indigos need to be respected. It is known that all the children who shot their fellow students in American and Japanese schools were Indigos. It is also known that among them there were no children whose parents were best friends and who would have an equal right to vote at home.

How to recognize Indigo

In short:

  • From a very young age, a child demonstrates to others his “sublimity”, “uniqueness”, “outstanding qualities”, “royalty”;
  • for him there are no authorities and idols;
  • he performs all his actions in accordance with his own feelings and the dictates of common sense;
  • without hesitation he tells you what he wants; he has his own opinion on the world. As a rule, this view does not coincide with the parent’s;
  • any blackmail, persuasion, “traditional measures of influence” (“Now he will come Baba Yaga and will eat you!”) have no effect on him;
  • very quickly gets fed up with activities and concentrates on one thing, but for a very short period of time;
  • prone to phobias (including fear of losing a loved one or one’s own death);
  • will prefer to learn only from his cones, that is, to gain knowledge from personal experience rather than diligently cram educational material;
  • he feels very uncomfortable in the company of ordinary children. May complain to parents that “no one understands him at all”;
  • quickly chooses his own way of learning and relentlessly follows it, even if it does not coincide with the opinion of parents and teachers;
  • often violates generally accepted rules and prohibitions;
  • prefers creativity to all other types of knowledge;
  • may suffer from sleep disturbances and nightmares;
  • does not tolerate violence either against the surrounding world (animals, plants, other people), or against himself.

In details

- Looking into the eyes: I find that one of the most obvious signs of indigo children/adults is that they look directly at you while talking. I mean - they look straight into your eyes! They love to make eye contact. Eyes are the windows of the soul, and they know this and can learn more about you in a minute by looking into your eyes than if you talked about yourself all day. This makes many people feel uncomfortable, but this is the indigo way. You'd be surprised how few people make eye contact, so this is an important indigo trait.

- Strong-willed: This is especially difficult for a woman, but if she is indigo, she will create enemies for herself too easily, but this is not her fault. The fact is that indigos are goal-oriented, and humanity simply does not know how to deal with such women.

- Loyal: Indigos are very, very loyal to their friends and have a hard time if their loyalty is not returned in kind. For this reason, they will move on quite easily, but will lick their wounds until they can fully understand why this happened. Sometimes they will live with it for too long. One of the lessons they have to learn is how to take it easy, because this game is called - move on, their presence is required somewhere else.

- Strong in passions: Indigos have strong feelings about almost everything, including sex if love is involved. If not, forget about sex, but their affection will manifest itself in other activities. This passion is also seen in the fact that they need to speak up about everything and what's more, they are able to talk about almost any subject.

- Right hemisphere: We enjoy music, painting, literature, writing and especially spirituality. But because we have such a deep understanding and ability to learn everything, if we consider the computer to be a creative tool, we will create what most people consider a left-brained endeavor. It all depends on how we evaluate effort. If it's a labor of love, it doesn't matter what we do or how difficult or left-brained it is. Our strength lies in the creative aspect of ourselves.

- Driven by Rage: Until indigos are truly able to come to terms with who they are and understand why their life up to this point has been so difficult, yes, anger will be our main motivator. Anger at dishonesty, anger at people who bring suffering in this world, anger at your past, anger at authority, you name it. Until we come to terms with ourselves, our purpose, we will spend a lot of energy on anger [aggression]. Other people will see our inner anger long before we are willing to even admit that it exists.

- Money: Indigos, since they are not “middle of the road people,” are able to either accumulate large amounts of money and have a financially stable life, or they belong to the proverbial type of starving artist, i.e. those who are barely able to earn a living. Once again, when we come to terms with ourselves, we will be able to recognize that helping others, or fulfilling our purpose, costs money. From this moment on, we can come to the decision that earning money is necessary for higher quests. Unfortunately, too many spiritual practices teach that to be spiritual is to be poor. Ugliness. The true teaching is that you cannot serve two masters, one of which is money and the other is spirit. Having said this, it makes sense to recognize that if you make money serve your purpose while continuing to walk along the path of the spirit, then you are not serving money. Think about it a little!

- Teachers: Indigos are teachers in one sense or another, but not always in the normal sense. If someone can talk to someone and help in this way, it is a teacher. If they go into healing, they would rather teach it than practice it. The key point here is that everything they do is viewed as an attempt at teaching.

- Highly intelligent: This, no doubt, brings a lot of trouble. Indigos are indeed highly intelligent, but from childhood it can be a direct humiliation for a parent who cannot cope with a highly intelligent child, therefore, such children are not allowed to develop their true talents. As Indigos mature, others may wonder what is wrong with this person (Indigo) and will say things like: “You are so smart, why are you wasting your time on this...” etc. Indigos will either use their intelligence , or they will play fools, again there is no middle ground on this road. But outsiders will see the indigo's mind, no matter what he does, and often before the indigo himself can admit this property.

- Painful Honesty: Non-Indigos often don't see the need for the kind of honesty that Indigos have. They even consider her cruel. If indigos cannot be honest, they will prefer to remain silent, because they consider walking down the middle of the road of partial honesty too destructive for themselves. The key point for non-Indigos is simple: don't ask an Indigo anything unless you are prepared to deal with direct honesty. Dishonesty = a game, and indigos don't play “games.”

- Don't play “games”: Indigos don't play "games" and feel insulted when other people play "games" with them.

- System Destroyers: This applies to myriad areas. They have an aversion to traditional learning, so they find alternative ways i.e. homeschooling for your children. They enjoy learning and teaching, but not in traditional ways. During the picnic, more than likely, they will be at one with the children and teach them crazy, funny and fun things to do in the general environment. Regarding the medical system, they will again find themselves in favor of alternative treatment/medicine. In government, they will begin to cope with the situation using non-standard approaches. The list goes on and on. Just know that if there is any system, the indigo will be the one who will consider changing it or openly change it.

- Depression: I mention them here because if indigos are not “woke”, or feel unhappy because they are not doing what they came to do, this will most often manifest itself as depression. Such depression quite often leads to the use of drugs, alcohol, disorders due to poor nutrition and/or behavioral disorders of one kind or another. This may also happen because they were told as children that they were not good enough or good for anything, and they believed it.

- Job: In general, indigos prefer to work alone, or as private owners and the like. But if they are in a shared workspace, you will be able to recognize them because they will either be on their own or very social (there is no middle ground). A woman will more than likely also create friction with her colleagues, which comes from willpower. If she is known to be an indigo and is accepted as an indigo, you most likely have one of the best employees or employees you have ever had. The key here is recognition. They need to be respected because they don't work like everyone else, but they certainly do their job 150%. If they work alone, run their own business or the like, you can only wonder how they manage to get things done, because - once again - they do not work like everyone else, but everyone else admits that they have gone much further!

Increasingly, you can hear phrases from teachers that every year it becomes more and more difficult to teach children. Previously, classes were filled with 30-40 people, and it was much easier to communicate with them than in modern classes of 20 children. Back in the eighties, scientists noted the fact that children no longer accept the traditional approach to education. Over time, many scientists around the world discussed the problems of pedagogy and educational issues that urgently needed to be changed. In the modern world, the media touches on the problem of raising unusual indigo children. What are they? The characteristics of these children, tips for raising them - all this is in our article.

Who are Indigo Children

It's no secret that a person has an energy aura, which only people with superpowers can study and see. Scientists have also created special devices that are capable of physically showing a person’s aura, color, and intensity of glow. Experts working in this industry increasingly began to notice an interesting fact that the birth rate of people with a blue aura began to increase. Their aura glows a deep blue. In particular, US scientists first took up this topic back in the eighties. At that time, about 90% of babies were born with an indigo aura. Scientists claim that they even have a different DNA structure.

Indigo children - who are they? Some consider such children with superpowers to be prodigies, while others fear for their abnormal psyche. But in fact, parents need to understand how to act and help their child grow healthy and strong, not only physically, but also mentally. It is worth noting their complex nature, therefore you need to have a special approach to them, study their strengths and weaknesses. Who are Indigo Children? We will look at the signs that parents should pay attention to below.

List of signs

How can parents understand that their baby is not like everyone else? We present to your attention a list of signs of indigo children:

  1. One of the main features of such children is the glow of the aura with a bright, saturated blue color without any transitions or admixtures of other colors. Children are endowed with the ability to see each other well.
  2. Oddly enough, they are considered interplanetary phenomena, which is why they often have answers to questions that adults cannot answer. That is, they can easily contact aliens from other worlds.
  3. Such children very often in their dreams see unusual cities, spaceships and other unusual phenomena that are not typical of this world. Some of them know where their parents are from and may have an understanding of reincarnation.
  4. Indigo children are often considered kinetically transformed settlers, as their conversations include themes of who they were in a past life and what their mission on earth is today, why they chose this family.
  5. In the statements of kids you can hear strange phrases about how they are unusual. Often a mother cannot explain the phrases of a two-year-old baby who claims that he is from God.
  6. From birth, they have high self-esteem and are able to speak in clever phrases that are not typical for children at this age. It is worth understanding that it is not easy for such children in society, since there is no point in forcing and ordering them; it is better to learn to negotiate and cooperate with them. When parents turn to a neurologist for help, the child is diagnosed with hyperactivity and given a list of tips to change the situation. In fact, as a result of the recommendation, serious exacerbations can occur, and after a couple of years the child will become unbearable.
  7. Among the signs, giftedness should also be noted. More often, children tend to use their talents in various areas; inclinations are revealed at a very early age. But long-term studies with in-depth study of a certain type of creativity are not for them.
  8. Children, at a young age, do not ask standard questions: why and how. For most complex topics, they try to find a logical explanation on their own, drawing conclusions.
  9. From the age of one and a half, they tend to easily master complex technological tasks, such as control panels or complex gadgets. In school lessons they are often bored, and math problems are not surprising in their complexity.
  10. In such children, they are more often seen. In addition to vivid prophetic dreams, they are able to read a person like a book, and be a telepath.

Indigo children: who are they and where are they from?

Following the world theory, such children are the fruit of the work of one of the developed alien civilizations. Science has long known cases when abducted people were returned, and they clearly remembered that the aliens took blood and tissue samples. If you follow this theory, such children come to Earth with the goal of saving it or destroying it.

There is a simplified version that claims that such children appear as a result of the natural development of humanity. In addition to indigo children, their peers also do not lag behind in development, but are superior in intelligence to their parents.

Indigo children: how to identify such a child

To understand that a child is indigo, it is important for parents to take a closer look at his behavior from birth and draw conclusions for the future.

  • Such children tend to argue, even if they do not understand the topic.
  • Memorizing lessons is a real punishment for them. But they have good academic performance, which they achieve through logical thinking, excellent memory and speaking skills.
  • From birth, children are arrogant and proud, they have no idols. But when they see that they are offending the weak, they are sure to protect them.
  • They are characterized by obstinacy and disobedience. They tend to know for themselves what and when to do, despite the persuasion of their parents.
  • Children's behavior is often hyperactive, but at the same time they can calmly withdraw into themselves.
  • Prone to various types of creativity. In the process of creating a masterpiece, they give 100%, calm down and relax.
  • Proud and self-confident indigos become unprotected in the dark, they have nightmares and other fantastic situations.

Signs from birth

So, indigo children - who are they? How to understand that you have just such a baby? Of course, in the first days after birth, it is difficult to know whether the child is endowed with any superpowers. Only a psychic sees the glow of the blue aura. Closer to two years, the distinctive features in the baby’s behavior appear more clearly. Next, we will look at what signs indigo children have from birth.

High intelligence

It is worth noting that the talents of such children are revealed at a fairly young age. They are outpaced by the abilities of their peers. They find it easy to study, they begin to read early and count quickly, and they are excellent at building logical chains. Some of them may be interested in one of the many areas of knowledge, without focusing on the others. From the age of two, his personal outlook on life can be traced; individual phrases and statements surprise parents and others.

Difficult questions

How to identify such a child? Indigo children do not go to their parents with questions about simple things. More often they are interested in global things, the answer to which they try to solve with the help of their sources: books, the Internet, studying the world around them. At the same time, the vocabulary is large, allowing you to perfectly express your thoughts without difficulty.


Having applied traditional methods of education to them, parents stumble upon a concrete wall of misunderstanding and disobedience, since it is very difficult for such children to obey orders. Forcing them to do this or that is completely inappropriate. Here it is important to find a middle ground and be able to negotiate with the child.


A child who starts going to kindergarten can show his parents by his behavior whether he is indigo or not. Often, ordinary children easily and simply join the team, which cannot be said about peers with a blue aura. But at the same time they are generous and noble.


Considering the fact that it is very difficult for a baby to sit still, he becomes distracted and it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing, so he quickly gets bored with things with which everything is clear.

How to raise them

Parents, having tried traditional forms of education, which do not work in the case of an unusual child, are trying to correct the situation. Many methods of education that are acceptable for modern children do not work for indigo children, otherwise, in the process of breaking the child’s dogmas, one can easily traumatize him, make him depressed, and his behavior will worsen. To smooth out the rough edges, it is important to follow the advice of a psychologist and understand that indigo children are from another world. You can also help to realize yourself and adapt to society.


When communicating with your child, you should maintain a respectful tone and not humiliate his dignity. Since such children have a sense of justice, he can easily turn to the police or court for help. If you continue to put pressure on him, the child may run away from home.


Decrees and demands are inappropriate here. It is important to convey to the child why he must do this or that action. You should get used to the fact that when cleaning the room, the child has the right to arrange objects in the wrong way. His choice should be respected and rights should be left to him. There is no need to be afraid to teach your child independence from a very young age. Usually there are no problems with this, and children will be happy to participate in household chores, doing the work no worse than their elders.

No - I'm lying

Under no circumstances should you promise a child something that you cannot fulfill, since such children sense a lie from afar. Having learned about the lie, it will be very difficult for him to believe his parents again. When communicating with him, it is better to tell the situation as it is; indigo children tend to understand adult things and even help with advice on equal terms.

Keeping up creativity

It is worth noting that in 90% of cases such children tend to be creative. Therefore, from an early age, parents should encourage their activities as much as possible, create ideal conditions for the full development of the baby, praise him. Given the fact that Indigo children often lose interest in new activities, it is important to help them develop their talents. You can enroll him in a certain circle, where he can develop as a person, attend various festivals dedicated to a specific topic. The child will meet new people, see their work, and this will motivate him to further creativity.

  • In order for a child to grow up in a comfortable environment, he should not be compared with other children. You can’t show that he didn’t please you in some way and is to blame for it. More often than not, children develop at a very fast pace, and therefore, if you have the slightest doubt about parenting, you should contact a child psychologist who will help improve the relationship.
  • It is very important to provide your baby with full love and affection. A sufficient amount of attention will allow the little one to grow healthy and happy child.
  • When raising your child, it is important to understand that the new era, which in the future can become an outstanding person and can do something important for all of humanity.
  • In the process of studying the characteristics of indigo children, scientists discovered that both hemispheres of the brain in children function autonomously. This pattern has been observed among great men of genius.
  • Children who have paranormal abilities claim that clues come to them in the form of images.
  • Based on numerous studies, it has been proven that ordinary people in Everyday life use no more than 8% of the capabilities of their brain, and people with a blue aura use 14%.
  • Often such children can talk about the universe and space for hours, talk about life on Mars and various civilizations. Psychics and esotericists are similar in their opinion that from the moment of birth such people have information from the single information field of the Universe.

To summarize, I would like to say that parents of unusual children should listen to the advice of experts and do everything to help them fulfill their mission on Earth, raise them healthy and strong.

I welcome regular and casual readers to the pages of my blog! The topic for today's discussion will be indigo people. The article will tell you who they are: foundlings of aliens or ordinary people with superpowers.

I think everyone who came across this exotic term had one reasonable question: “ Indigo, what kind of people are they? ?. Most sources are shrouded in mysterious statements about passing through walls, immigrants from other planets, and other science fiction. But everyone forgets one simple truth: indigos do not appear suddenly, they are our blood children who grow up and become adults. Since our everyday physical laws apply to them, we can stop considering them “different” simply in fact and understand what makes them special.

You yourself or your neighbor, or your nearest and dearest person may turn out to be indigo.

Why did they appear?

First, I would like to talk about why they are called indigo and where they got this term from. After all, my readers know that everything happens for a reason, right? Indigo is the blue-violet color of the spectrum. What do people have to do with it? The answer lies in esotericism. Aura is the human energy field, colored in different colors depending on a person’s make-up or his current life situation. It's up to you to believe it or not. However, scientists believe that there are about 4% of people on the planet who are able to see energy shells.

Most of these people are somehow connected with predictions. In 1982, the famous clairvoyant Nancy Ann Tapp made a fateful statement: some children do not golden aura , but dark purple. Then the study of children who have an energy field of such a strange color began.

What is unique?

The peculiarity of such children is not at all the presence webbing between fingers or antennas for communication with space, but with amazing sensitivity. Perhaps this is the most meaningful word. For to everything: feelings, changes, injustice, lies. What not all people can learn in a lifetime, they know and can do from birth.

Why am I now speaking only for indigo children? But what about adults - a logical question arises. Like the phenomenon itself, some aspects have not yet been studied. But unlike children, indigo adults are less common. Most likely, because they are hiding and living an ordinary life. But some hypothesize about working in special services or committing suicide due to excessive vulnerability.

Who are they ? Children of the New Age, as Lyudmila Protopovich calls them in her book "Where did the Indigos come from?", have a whole range of special signs , which persist regardless of age.

Among them we can list the following:

  1. High intelligence. Starting from the age of 2, such children surprise and sometimes frighten their parents with their knowledge. After all, how does an ordinary child have in-depth knowledge about art or politics if he has just learned to speak? Throughout life, the amount of knowledge only increases. Indigo intelligence goes beyond the average, starting at 170. At the same time, this is not a guarantee of success in studies, but why, the article will answer .
  2. Wisdom. Dear readers, what qualities are attributed to the wise men from all sorts of parables? Impartiality in judgment and behavior, but at the same time a desire to improve universe . There is low involvement in current events, as if a person is physically here, but not mentally.
  3. Truthfulness. It is impossible to convince of the need for something if this path does not have justice or love. Indigos do not accept benefits or hiding information, so they never lie or allow others to do so. They clearly know when the other person is sincere and when they are not.
  4. Mind reading. The rationale for this phenomenon interests many scientists. The main opinion is that people of another world draw knowledge from the information shell of the Earth, where everything is contained. Therefore they can read minds. Not to guess, but to know a clear thought form as it looks in your (or not your) head:) There is an excellent article on this topic.
  1. Individuality. Non-compliance with norms, because they know their purpose and follow it from childhood, no matter what it is. These are bright personalities who are often lonely due to misunderstanding by others. An article would be appropriate here .
  2. Hypersensitivity. Both plus and minus. People of the new world are emotional, they live all their feelings to the maximum, no matter what they are. They give of themselves without reserve and are acutely aware of failures or insults. They cannot let go of the situation for a long time, so they can become depressed. This article will help you cope with these conditions. X.
  3. Specific work of the brain. Indigo both hemispheres . Thanks to the simultaneous activation of the cortex of both hemispheres, they analyze information faster and have skills from different areas. They are fluent with their right and left hands.
  4. A piercing gaze. Always look directly at a friend or stranger.
  5. Be that as it may, despite a huge amount of knowledge and the ability to read minds, indigos are poorly socialized. It is difficult for them to comply with generally accepted norms and rules, because they do not see the point in them and are already living in a new century, which has not yet arrived here. Therefore, children and adolescents often have conflicts with teachers and peers; they find it difficult to adapt to life in society even as adults, unusual character.
  6. Indifference to money. Money for them is just a means of life, nothing more.
  7. Mental connection with similar ones. The connection between indigos and others like themselves, regardless of geographical location, helps them avoid being completely alone. All of them are connected by a chain link to the outside material level, like the heroes of the series “The Eighth Sense”. There were even tests.

What's next?

How to identify a person indigo? - it won’t be difficult, he will always stand out from the crowd. However, it should be noted that despite their superpowers, these people are not always happy. Excessive sensitivity makes them vulnerable to the pain and injustice of the world. To know how to protect yourself from aggressive people, you can read the article . Can often appear illnesses which they may refuse to treat. After all, hospitals are not a place of happiness.

What is his future , indigo child? Growing up indigos have to adapt to this world. This comes with great difficulty and sometimes very painful lessons. Therefore, two extremes often occur: aggression and depression. Aggression towards everything that happens and that is difficult to change, depression for the same reason. Only indigos with enormous power can remain the same and change this world.

There are no answers to where such unique children came from ordinary parents, with such phenomenal abilities that were previously only dreamed of. However, it is certain that the purpose of indigo is to recreate a pure, bright world, full of love and healthy progress. And whether you believe it or not is your choice!