DIY toy options. Why do children need educational toys and how to make them yourself

Every loving parent knows about the enormous benefits of children's toys for the successful development of a child. Of course, toys are different and mostly adults just buy them. To do this, just go to your favorite children's toy store and choose the models you like. But in order to give a truly useful and effective toy, you need to make it only with your own hands.

For example, you can make a special developmental mat. Foam rubber can serve as its base, which can be sheathed with a beautiful fabric. After this, you need to think about those elements on the rug that will help the child discover their meaning. Let's look at an example of what can be made from an ordinary rug.

For example, any elements of nature will look very good. Perhaps it will be sunshine, perhaps it will be a cloud with rain. In any case, it is necessary to make such elements very bright. But the most important thing is that these elements must contain some kind of developmental moment. For example, the rays of the sun should be voluminous so that the child can touch them well, touch them with his hands, feel them, as they say, taste and color. You can also embroider a neat house, mom, dad, brother or sister on such a rug. You can make holiday elements, for example, embroider a beautiful ball. The main thing is that the child wants to touch all these elements with his own hands and study them carefully.

Every time, playing with such a rug, the baby should receive more and more new information. But the main thing here is that the parent also takes an active part in such a game. After all, it is the parents who show the child what he has not yet seen and draw his attention to additional opportunities.

The topic of creating your own children's tables for children has also become very popular. This is done so that the child feels comfortable when he draws. Everyone knows that children love to draw, but at the same time they are in a completely uncomfortable position. At the same time, the child draws for a long time and it is simply painful to look at him. In this case, you can quite successfully make your own table, for example from cardboard. In this case, it is enough to find several sheets of cardboard of the same type, then glue these sheets together and make the legs all from the same material - cardboard. At the same time, the height of the table will be small, and the child will be able to successfully sit on the sofa, leaning against a soft pillow and placing the table on his feet. Moreover, such a craft will not disturb the child at all. He will be happy to draw on such a homemade table.

Particular attention is paid to plasticine in the development of a child. It is plasticine that contributes tactile sensations child and develops the mind. The most interesting thing is that absolutely anything can be sculpted from plasticine. For example, to learn letters you can sculpt them. The main thing is that the child likes it. Although even if at first he does not want to sculpt anything, then daily exercises will, as they say, little by little instill in him a love for this business.

The most interesting thing is that toys for a child can be made from almost any available and unnecessary material. For example, the following materials are very popular: cardboard, plastic bottles, disposable cups, as well as plates, cans and so on. It is known that it is possible to make beautiful and cheerful people, various dolls, as well as cars and everything that the baby likes from such material.

Many parents go further and create not small and small ones, but real works of art. For example, you can make a machine from the most various materials. A child will fit in the car, and he will be very happy about his new hobby. You can also make various musical instruments for girls, create beautiful dolls, and for boys you can make soldiers, various weapons, swords, bows, arrows, guns and so on. This is where the parents’ imagination comes into play. Perhaps the child himself will tell you what he needs. The task of parents will be to perfectly fulfill this idea. Only if parents make and create toys for children with love, only then will both adults and children be happy.

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Galina Utkina

Currently there is a very huge selection toys for children - bright, beautiful, unusual. Choose any! But it’s always more pleasant and interesting to do something with your own hands.

Toys- homemade products have great pedagogical possibilities.

They develop imagination and creativity, constructive thinking and intelligence, expand gaming experience, provide knowledge about the world around them, enrich children’s vocabulary, and develop the ability to communicate with each other.

Toy made hands, even with the help of an adult, is not only the result of labor, but also a creative expression of the individuality of the creator. Homemade toy It’s very dear to a child, it’s much more fun to portray heroes of fairy tales, songs and short stories with it.

A little imagination - and no one will guess what your unique art object is actually made of.

Only the one who creates lives. Through play, a child develops and becomes smarter. But what is the game without toys? The more toys, the more fun and interesting it is to play, and especially if this toy made by the child himself or together with an adult.


1. To develop children’s interest in making toys from waste material and paper.

Cultivate a desire to bring joy to yourself and others toys, manufactured with your own hands.

2. Develop creative thinking, artistic taste, imagination when creating an image, accuracy and independence.

3. Use methods of transformation and design (cone, cylinder, box, cardboard - turn into toy).

Supplement the proposed option with details by gluing and painting.

4. Develop the ability to organize a workplace, plan the stages of one’s activities, choose methods of action, and bring the job started to completion.

5. Determine effective forms of working with parents.

Psychologically "hiding" behind toy, speaking on her behalf, the child becomes more open and courageous in contacts with others, begins to try on himself different models social behavior.

Dolls work wonders: entertain, teach, develop, correct behavior. In production toys- homemade preschoolers acquire labor skills and abilities, develop creative imagination and constructive thinking. Children develop a taste for beauty and a desire to do it with your own hands. It is necessary to always praise the child and thus maintain his interest. Firstly, this is a very exciting activity, and secondly, it makes children closer to each other. With manufactured homemade ones toys you can not only play, but also give them as a gift to his brothers, sisters, grandmothers.

In the process of work, preschoolers consult, discuss whether the part is suitable, and are happy if they succeed in their plans. This creates conditions for the formation of a children's team, dialogical interaction, and friendly verbal communication.

And these Russians folk proverbs– also help during work:

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

When you start something, think about the end.

It’s not easy to pull a fish out of the pond.

You can't cut a dress without scissors.

It’s not enough to want, you need to know and be able to.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

"Perhaps" And "somehow" it won't come to any good.

Try it on seven times, cut it once.

A blunder and a blunder - the ship will not leave.

Children like toys made with your own hands, they are not afraid to break or spoil their crafts, since they can repair them themselves. But, the most important thing is that the child’s imagination manifests itself here, he opens up internally, becomes liberated. And every seemingly unnecessary thing turns for a child not only into an interesting character for games, but also into a dear friend.

You probably have boxes of Hochland cheese or sweets left at home to throw away. You can use them to make fairy-tale heroes or cartoon characters, and make the legs and paws of the heroes using yogurt or kefir lids.

Nyusha's hair, muzzle and legs are cut from viscose napkin, the daisy on her hair is made from cotton pads.

Mashenka’s hair is also cut from viscose napkin.

You can also make tabletop theater characters from champagne corks, cotton pads and viscose napkins.

This is how the grandparents turned out for the theatrical play.

Turns out to be exciting toys shampoos made from unusual bottles, a little imagination and these are what the toys will work out

You can make cars like these from cream boxes; wheels can be made either from cardboard or from lemonade lids.

This KAMAZ tank is made from a jar "Rastishki".

This red cat is made from a cream box, the head is made from a strip of paper rolled into a roll, small parts are cut out from colored paper

We don’t cut out the world of human fantasy, you just have to pick up any waste material, a little creativity, here you go homemade toy. From a roll of toilet paper, a plastic spool, and a cream lid, we made this doll for theatrical play

These animals can be made from cups of yogurt and cotton pads

This cheerful horse, the symbol of the year, is sewn from viscose napkin, inside there is cotton wool, the mane and tail are made of threads of two colors, and the eyes are made of buttons.

By February 23, you can make these airplanes and a tank as a gift for dads. The work used cardboard, a matchbox or a Kinder Surprise egg, colored paper, glue, and the wheels were made of pasta and painted black.

This soldier is made from thick white paper, glued into a cylinder shape, and used for decoration. colored paper and cardboard.

This cow's head and body are also made of white cardboard glued into a cylindrical shape, small parts are cut out of colored paper.

The little pig is molded from salt dough and painted with gouache.

And these look like ordinary candy jars, but inside, if you open them, they pop out surprise toys"Cheerful Parsley", "Bunny"

In this toy the main thing is to make the spring correctly (take two multi-colored strips, glue them together, bending them alternately, then one or the other strip to the end - you get a two-color spring, draw according at will cut out any face and glue it to the tail of the spring, glue the opposite end of the spring to the bottom of the jar, close the lid. The surprise toy is ready.

Thus, toys- homemade products are of great importance for the development of a child of any age. They develop not only fine motor skills, but also imagination, the ability to express oneself and understanding of the world around us.

This is how we play with homemade toys

Toys are something that attracts both adults and children; they are completely different and serve different purposes.
DIY fabric or textile toys are one of the safest and most attractive types of toys for children. Children can play with them from early childhood, but also during adult life soft toys do not lose their relevance. For example, it has now become fashionable to give and decorate home comfort with homemade interior toys. As a rule, such toys are not cheap, so many consider them a sign of luxury and prosperity.
Even the most simple toy made with high quality and with love can become very valuable and necessary in someone’s family!

For example, my daughter’s favorite toy is the owl Angela, which I made for her a couple of years ago, now she won’t part with it and takes it to bed with her on walks, to the store, to the country house (well, at least they bathe separately)) In general, she liked it. I think most children either have a favorite toy or really want to have one.

Therefore, today I propose to make a beautiful toy as a gift, and only you will decide for whom it is for!

Below I have collected templates with patterns for toys, as well as a step-by-step master class on making them.

How to easily sew a soft toy. Stuffed Toys DIY for beginners with templates

For beginning craftswomen, it will be easiest to sew from a simple pattern.

For example, take a bear template and print it on a printer, enlarging it to the required size, but you can also redraw it on paper, to do this, enlarge the template you like to the appropriate size on a computer monitor, attach a white sheet of paper to the screen and carefully trace all the contours of the pattern with a pencil.

Then cut out the paper template along the contours.
Choose beautiful fabric for a toy.

If this is not a complex toy, for example, like the bear in the photo, then here you will need to fold the fabric in two with the right side inward, you can secure it with pins for convenience so that it does not slip, then attach a paper template to the fabric and trace the contours along the fabric with soap or chalk.

We cut out the fabric blanks, leaving allowances for the seams.
We machine sew it with a regular straight stitch, leaving a small hole so that we can then turn the toy right side out.
You need to make notches along the folds so that the fabric does not pull in these places.

Now the toy is turned right side out and stuffed with padding polyester, padding polyester or other similar fillings.
You should not fill it too tightly, but so that there are no empty areas left, the filler must be distributed evenly.

The hole through which it was stuffed is finally sewn up with a hidden stitch.
We glue or embroider the toy's eyes, mouth, and nose.
We add beautiful details, for example: a bow, a flower, a scarf, buttons, or you can even sew clothes. There is a huge field for creative experiments here.

Realize your idea!

A simple cat pattern made from fabric.

Another easy-to-sew pattern is the cat pattern.
It is sewn and cut according to the same principle as a bear, only here two parts are cut out.
This is the cat itself in two parts and the tail, also in two parts.
They are sewn together separately, small holes are also left for turning them inside out and for stuffing with stuffing, then the tail is sewn to the base of the cat.
You can decorate it however you like.

This is the cat I got.

Gave it to my sister for home comfort)

How to sew a complex toy? DIY fabric ball, interesting idea

I think a toy that is more difficult to make is one that contains many parts and is assembled in a certain order.
One night an idea came to my mind, why don’t I sew a ball out of fabric, it seemed so simple in my head, but when the idea came to fruition, without an example it was difficult to understand what to cut, how much to cut and how to do it all correctly later sew.
Therefore, I am sharing an example that I used.

You will need two templates, a hexagon and a pentagon. We transfer them to paper, or better yet, to cardboard.

We need to cut 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons from the fabric. I used two colors of fabric, but this is not necessary, you can make it completely monochromatic or, on the contrary, colored, it’s at your discretion.

Once you have cut the required number of polyhedra, it is better to lay them out so that you can visually understand how you will sew them together.
This is what the ball layout looks like.

Another layout option

This version of the ball is made of felt, it is easier to sew.
I chose to sew from calico and on a sewing machine, so I still need to leave seam allowances on the fabric. And iron the seams. There is no need to do this on felt.
Simply sew all the parts into two halves, and then these two halves are joined together. You need to connect from the wrong side, and then leave a small hole unsewn and turn it out through it.
Fill tightly with padding polyester and sew up the hole with a hidden stitch.

This is the ball I got - it turned out beautiful!

See also - article felt toys

Fabric toys step by step master classes with patterns.

I offer a few more ideas interesting games ears with step by step wizard classes.

Rainbow fabric fish

A ship made of fabric.

A beautiful soft toy will not leave anyone indifferent, especially if it handmade. Both children and adults will appreciate it.

Creating soft toys with your own hands is a rather interesting and exciting process that immerses an adult in childhood.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any experience as a seamstress, the main thing is the desire to make things, and anyone can handle a needle and thread.

DIY soft toys for beginners

A handmade soft toy is much more priceless than a purchased one. To make such an original item you will need:

  • study the simple technology of its creation;
  • select source materials;
  • competently make a template for the future product.

On the Internet you can easily find a large number of master classes on making a wide variety of soft toys. You can also go to stores that sell handicrafts - there you can buy kits and manuals for creating soft toys with your own hands.

It will be just wonderful if you make a toy with your children. Such a pastime will develop their attentiveness, promote familiarization with work, order and accuracy.

The main thing is to remember safety and not leave children alone unattended.

Materials used to create a soft toy

The following fabrics can be used to create a soft toy:

  • Knitted;
  • Silk;
  • Cotton;
  • Wool;
  • Velvet and velor;
  • Felt.

General instructions on how to make a soft toy

  • Select the source material, carry out the necessary preparatory work– washing, ironing, steaming;
  • Cut according to the template;
  • Baste all parts along the marked lines;
  • Sew the parts;
  • Fill the product with filler;
  • Fold all the parts of the product and sew them;
  • Finalize appearance toys.

It is preferable to make the pattern from cardboard - this facilitates the process of tracing the template on the material and increases its service life.

Master class: how to make a “Mouse” toy with your own hands

A wonderful, small-sized toy “Mouse” is intended for babies up to 1 year old. It will help develop the sense of touch. Little ones will be very interested in playing with such a bright, funny little thing.

It’s very easy to sew a “Mouse”:

  • Take the template provided;
  • Prepare scraps of material, preferably bright colors and threads of a contrasting color;
  • Align all parts of the product on the front side, sew them together using a buttonhole stitch;
  • Make ears, eyes and nose;
  • Place the padding polyester inside and sew on the tail.

Below you can see a photo of the finished toy.

This kind of thing can be used as Christmas decorations, for this it is enough to make a loop.

Sew a turtle

We will need:

  • multi-colored cotton scraps;
  • cardboard template;
  • padding polyester;
  • buttons or beads for eyes;
  • needles, threads, scissors.

  • Let's make a pattern. To do this, draw the head, tail, legs and torso (with a radius of about 15 cm, make the bottom of the shell a little smaller);
  • We attach the template to the wrong side of the material and trace it. Next, you need to cut out two parts for the head, tail, shell and 8 for the legs;
  • We make 4 darts on the upper body. This will add volume to the product;

  • We sew together the parts of the head and paws, stuffing them with filler. We also sew the tail. We don’t fill it;
  • We sew together all the parts of the shell, leaving holes for the limbs and filling;
  • We connect all parts of the product with a hidden seam, sew on the tail;
  • Let's make eyes. The turtle is ready!

Soft toy "Cat"

In order to sew “Cat”, we need a sock, and a new one. Next, decide what kind of cat you want as a result - fat or thin. This determines where to cut the toe.

For a fat cat, you will need the part that covers the sole. The upper part of the elastic band must be moved to the side. Then fill the toy tightly with filling so that the body is larger than the head.


We bend the edges of the hole inward, pin it together and sew it together. By stretching, we form the ears. The next step is to embroider the eyes, nose and mouth with a contrasting thread.

The finished product can be decorated with a beautiful ribbon, scarf, bow, or brooch.

Below are photos of a variety of soft toys that you can sew with your own hands.

Sewing toys at home is not at all difficult, and the result of such work will bring satisfaction. We wish you success!

Photos of soft toys with your own hands



DIY soft toys: ideas + patterns

Let's delve a little deeper into this fascinating process and learn the technology of sewing soft toys. They are the easiest to make and the most sought after. To make a toy with your own hands, you should pay attention to the color of the fabrics. They should be bright and cheerful and pleasing to the eye; you can combine several shades. If you don’t have the colors you need at home, you can dye the fabric yourself; for this you need to purchase special dyes.

Their choice should be taken seriously, because they will be in the hands of children and the dyes must be natural and not fade. You need to cut the fabric very carefully and carefully ensure that the paired parts are the same size and that the sides completely match.

And for those who dream of playing real games, I recommend the site There are interesting games for boys and girls that will bring benefits and a lot of fun.

This is not only racing, but also a lot of interesting games of different genres, as well as games based on famous cartoons and films. The portal will help you find your favorite entertainment and play it online!

Before processing the pattern on a sewing machine, it must first be processed with a buttonhole stitch. If the fabric is loose, it is necessary to leave seam allowances. When the pattern is ready, you can fill it with various materials.

The most affordable and popular is padding polyester. These toys can be machine washed, they dry very quickly and do not lose their shape. Toys can also be stuffed with synthetic fluff (these are soft small balls). It does not pill and also holds up well in washing.

If you do not want to spend additional money on purchasing fillers, you can use several options:

1. Remove such fillings from old blankets or pillows that you will no longer use.

2. Stuff the toy with small pieces of soft fabrics available at home. Before you start sewing a toy, you need to know what will be needed to create it: - fabric of different strengths and colors;

Sintepon, cotton wool, foam rubber, and other substitutes;

Buttons and beads for eyes and nose;

Sewing tools;

Ruler, pencil and paper for patterns.

For the right choice the fabric from which the toy will be sewn, you need to know their properties. For example, knitwear has excellent stretch, and you can sew any toy from it. Cotton fabrics are also suitable for different types, but they make harder toys. Terry is perfect for toys that require imitation wool. A bear cub, bunny or fox can be made from velor velvet or wool; such fabric will do its job perfectly. Felted fabric makes creative and original toys. But still, it is more suitable for making additional parts, such as paws, ears, nose, and so on.

Patterns of soft toys:





































