Let's help Cinderella. Summary of a lesson in mathematics using innovative technologies on the topic: “Let's help Cinderella”

Synopsis of direct educational activities with elements of health-saving technologies with children
senior preschool age

Topic: Journey to the fairy tale “Cinderella”

Target: using the “fairytale therapy” technology, teach children to “immerse” themselves in the action of a fairy tale, introduce them to the moral character traits of the heroes, manifested in their attitude towards people, things, and work (hard work - laziness, sloppiness - neatness, etc.); promote the formation of positive character traits.

- consolidate children’s knowledge about the composition of the number 6, about counting in ascending order;
- develop the ability to navigate in time;
- expand ideas about emotions, develop the ability to convey a given emotional state.
- develop fine motor skills hands, plasticity and expressiveness of finger movements;
- develop speech, memory, attention, logical thinking, ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions.
IN educational:
- cultivate a sense of compassion and empathy;
- maintain and strengthen physical and mental health children using health-saving technologies.
Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, socially communication development, speech development, artistically aesthetic development, physical development.
Vocabulary work: activate in children’s speech words that define negative and positive character traits of a person.
Equipment and materials: the group room is divided into zones according to the order in which tasks are completed;
demo material: large illustrations based on the fairy tale “Cinderella” (stepmother and her daughters, Cinderella in the kitchen, Cinderella at the ball), a mannequin with a long ball gown, a magic wand, 3 clocks showing different times, musical accompaniment;
Handout: plates, beans (red and white), shoe silhouettes, bows with numbers from 1 to 6, cut-out “Carriage” pictures.
Organization of children in class: group and subgroup.
Progress of the lesson.
1. Organizational moment.
The teacher enters in the form of a fairy with a magic wand in her hands. Children stand around the teacher.
Educator.- Imagine that you have a Fairy friend. (the teacher touches each child with a magic wand). By touching a person, she can transport him to any place, over any distance. Where would you like to go? (children express their desire)
- If your desires are very strong, then someday they will certainly come true, like those of one fairy-tale heroine, Cinderella. But for this, of course, you will have to work a little.
- I invite everyone to the fairy tale “Cinderella”. Close your eyes and wait for my touch. Whoever I touch immediately sits down on the carpet and waits for the fairy tale to begin.
(Quiet music is turned on and the “fairy” gently, gently touches each child)
Today I'll tell you a secret,
I'll tell you where the good fairy tale lives.
With its magic it attracts us with itself,
With a sweet voice he mysteriously calls... (children open their eyes)
2. Main part.
Fairy tale.
- Once upon a time there lived a venerable and noble man with his daughter. His first wife died and he married a second time, and to such a grumpy and arrogant woman as the world had ever seen. And she had two daughters who were very similar to their mother. They disliked the father's daughter. And the girl worked from morning to night: she cleaned the house, cooked food, looked after the garden, and everything worked out for her, everything went well. Her name was Cinderella.
Question to the children: “What was she like?” (hardworking)
And the stepmothers' daughters all day long knew nothing more than to twirl in front of the mirror and count crows outside the window.
Question to the children: “What were they like?” (lazy)
- The father will bring gifts to his daughters - father's daughter treats everyone. “What is she like?” - generous. And the sisters eat everything themselves and don’t share it with anyone. "What are they like?" - greedy.
-Which character would you like to be like and why? (children's answers)
- I suggest you play the game “Say the opposite” and turn negative character traits into positive ones. (The teacher picks up magic wand and names a negative character trait and passes the stick to the child, who must name the opposite quality, etc.)
Deceitful - truthful
Cowardly - brave
Evil - good
Stingy - generous
Lazy - hardworking
Timid - brave, etc.
- The girl was so good that her stepmother’s daughters seemed even worse next to her. Poor Cinderella was forced to do all the hardest and dirtiest work in the house: she cleaned pots and boilers, washed stairs, and cleaned rooms. Do you want to help her?
Exercise 1. Cleaning the pan.
With one hand the children “hold” a large pan, with the other they tensely and forcefully “clean” the walls and bottom of the pan. The teacher pays attention to the tension of the arm muscles (arms are strong, strong). Children rest after “cleaning”, shake their arms, slightly leaning their whole body forward, listen to their dangling arms. Change hands and perform the exercise again.
Exercise 2. Cleaning the floor.
Children “wet” a rag in a bucket and “wring out” it with force. The teacher asks in which part of the hands the greatest tension and fatigue is felt. Children throw a rag on the floor and shake their brushes. Hands relax and become calm and soft. The teacher asks what is more pleasant for them: tension in their hands or relaxation. Then the children “mop the floor.”
- In the evening, having finished work, the girl climbed into a corner near the fireplace and sat there on a box of ash. Therefore, the sisters, and then everyone in the house, nicknamed her Cinderella.
- And then one day the prince threw a big ball and called all the noble people of the kingdom there. Cinderella has even more worries and work. She had to prepare dresses for her sisters, choose jewelry, sort through beans and peas.
-Cinderella needs your help again.
Task 1. “Decorate the dress”
Task 2. “Sort out the bean grains”(red and white)
Work in subgroups.
1st subgroup: attaches bows to the dress in ascending order from bottom to top.
Subgroup 2: puts the beans on plates so that there are 6 of them, but different color using different options (composition of number 6)
After finishing the work, subgroups of children check with each other whether they have completed the tasks correctly.
Educator. When everyone left, Cinderella covered her face with her hands and cried bitterly. She really wanted to go to the ball. And then the fairy appeared and asked:
- What's wrong with you, my child? You want to go to the ball, don't you?
“It’s true...” Cinderella said, sobbing.
Exercise 4. Cinderella's grief.
The teacher invites the children to feel the state of Cinderella (children show sadness and grief on their faces)
- And now I suggest you calm down and relax.
Self-massage. Children easily stroke their forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, neck, arms from elbow to fingertips.
“Well,” the fairy said to Cinderella, “I will make sure that you visit the palace.” Bring me a big pumpkin and a mousetrap with mice. But something happened to the fairy’s magic wand. After touching the pumpkin and mice, no transformations occurred.
- Guys, are you ready to help the fairy? Let's turn the pumpkin into a carriage and the mice into horses.
Didactic game “Assemble a carriage” (children are divided into 3 subgroups)
Exercise 5. Mice and horses.

In our little house
There are gray mice.
They're stomping around the table,
They enjoy milk.
They want to sit on the bench
And they scare the guys there.
I really want to catch it
And they all sniff and run.

Children show how mice behave in accordance with the text. As soon as the teacher touches the “mouse” with a magic wand, it immediately turns into a “horse”. The “horse” stands still, beats with its hoof and turns its head.

The horse's mane curls,
He hits his hoof playfully.

Educator. Finally, the fairy touched Cinderella's dress and it turned into a wonderful outfit. The last gift was glass slippers. The fairy put Cinderella in the carriage and strictly warned her to return home exactly at midnight.
- Children, so that Cinderella does not forget about time, let's find a clock that shows the time when she should return home.

(there are 3 clocks on the wall showing different times: 3 o’clock, 12 o’clock, 6 o’clock. Children choose a clock that shows 12 o’clock and explain their answer that midnight is 12 o’clock)
- And here is Cinderella at the ball. Everyone fell silent in amazement: she was so beautiful. The prince immediately invited her to dance. Let's join you and me in the dance of Cinderella and the Prince.
Exercise 6. Dance.
Children dance to the music. The teacher pays attention to the beauty, softness, and smoothness of movements. Children dance until they hear the clock strike.
Children listen to their heart beat.
Game “Listen to the Heart”
- Cinderella ran away in such a hurry that she lost her shoe. Guys, let's find the silhouette of a shoe.
Game "Find the shadow of the shoe"
(For the image of a shoe, select the correct one from three silhouettes and check by attaching the image to the silhouette)
- Well done, you found the silhouettes of the shoe correctly. Now I invite you to sit down and try it on.
Exercise 7. Trying on.
Children sit on the floor with their legs extended forward. Hands behind in a high position. Raise the right leg and forcefully, tensing the muscles, pull back the toe. Maintain this position as long as possible, then relax your leg. Compare the sensations in the tense leg and relax.
- All the fittings were in vain, the shoe was too small for the princesses and court ladies. And only when it was Cinderella’s turn, it turned out that glass slipper was exactly - exactly on the leg. Cinderella was taken to the palace and a few days later they had a merry wedding.
Boys invite girls to a festive dance.
Dance "Minuet"
- Children, did you like visiting Cinderella? Passing the magic wand, tell me what you learned, what new things you learned, what you liked most? (each child picks up a magic wand and shares his impressions)
Ritual of “exit” from a fairy tale.
- We take with us all the most important things that happened to us today, everything we learned. (children, standing in a circle, extend their hands into the circle, perform an action as if they are taking something from the circle and put their palms to their chest)
- I say goodbye to you and with my touch I return you to your world. Close your eyes and don’t forget to mentally thank the Fairy for your help.

Material used:
T. D. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva “Workshop on fairy tale therapy” publishing house “Rech”
“The practice of fairy tale therapy: a collection of fairy tales, games and therapeutic programs” St. Petersburg: Rech 2007
T. V. Akhutina “Health-saving teaching technologies: an individual-oriented approach”, 2000
A. M. Sivtsova “The use of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions” Methodist 2007
Musical accompaniment at the discretion of the teacher.

Abstract open class like a “quest-game” on the topic: “Let’s help Cinderella.”

(senior group).

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge acquired earlier in the classroom; maintain interest in intellectual activity.



Strengthen the ability to work according to a room plan;

Learn to navigate in space;

Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper;

Strengthen the skill of composing a pattern chain according to a sample;

Learn to find words for a given sound.


Develop artistic perception, logical thinking, memory, imagination in the process of integrating various types of activities.


Educate children moral qualities: kindness, responsiveness, ability to empathize; cultivate a desire to help those in trouble.

Equipment and materials:

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizing time.

Q: Children, many guests came to our lesson today. Let's say hello to them.

(at this time a balloon with a letter on a string, the letter is written with lemon juice or wax).

Wow! What it is? Let's get a look. This is an envelope, and there is a blank sheet of paper in it, I don’t see anything. So what could it be?

D: This is a magical letter.

Q: This is truly a magical, secret letter. Such letters can be written with secret ink - wax, lemon, starch. How can you find out what is written in it?

D: It needs to be painted over.

Q: Let's paint a sheet of paper and find out what is written on it and who the letter is from.

(the sheet is painted over with paints).

“Children of group No. 7 “Yagodka”, please help me get to the test, my evil stepmother gave me too much homework, I can’t handle it alone. I heard that you are very smart and quick-witted children, you will succeed. I will thank you with gifts for your help. And you will find them in the chest, you will find the chest using the map that you will receive after completing the last task. Look for the tasks themselves, based on your group’s plan.”

Q: Guys, can you guess who this letter is from?

D: This is a letter from Cinderella.

Q: (shows a doll - Cinderella) what is it like?

D: She is beautiful, hardworking, honest, etc.

Q: Do you want to help Cinderella and find gifts from her?

    Main part.

Q: Then let’s go on a journey through the fairy tale “Cinderella”, forward to adventure. And here it is and our group plan, where our tasks are marked.

(children look at the plan and find where the first task is hidden)

Where will we look for the first task?

D: 1 task is hidden at the board.

B: (near the board of pine cones there is an arrow pointing to the package with the task).

And here is our task: Help Cinderella arrange the furniture in the room. Look how beautiful the furniture is, take one for yourself. Imagine that the board is a room.

The wardrobe must be placed in the upper right corner, the table in the center, the bed at the top in the middle, the sofa in the lower left corner, the chair to the right of the table, etc.

Well done, we completed this task. Look where task 2 is.

D: Task 2 is hidden in the corner of the book, in a kinder surprise.

Q: Go ahead and look for the task (carefully unwrap the chocolate egg in advance, use a hot knife to separate the halves, pull out the “yolk”, empty it and put a note in it, and then put everything back together as it was). Let's open the egg: help Cinderella's relatives choose dresses, who are these relatives?

D: This is the stepmother and her two daughters.

Q: Correct. It is necessary to select clothes based on the diagrams.

Well done, they coped with this task. Look at the plan, where is task 3 hidden?

D:3 the task is hidden in the teacher’s assistant’s corner.

Q: Then go ahead and search, look here there is only a box with holes. (In advance, put a package with a task and small toys in a shoe box, seal it with tape, leaving only 2 holes for your hands). You need to put 2 hands in and search by touch package, read the task: you need to plant a flower in a pot. There is a core, you need to pick up petals with images of objects for the given sound “z” (castle, ash, Cinderella, umbrella, etc.)

What a beautiful flower the flower grew and we completed this task. Look at the plan, where is task 4 hidden?

D:4 the task is hidden in the kitchen.

Q: There are so many packages. Let’s open them all and find a task: help sort through the cereal.

In the fairy tale, Cinderella sorted out which cereal?

And we’ll sort through, look what?

D: Let's go through semolina, beans and magic beads.

Q: Who knows how to do this?

First, sift the semolina through a sieve, then select the beans. Let's get to work. There are some magic beads left, let's take them with us, they will be useful to us.

Well done, we completed this task! Look at the plan. Where is the last task and the treasure map hidden?

D: The last task is hidden under the first table.

Q: Indeed, it’s here under the table in a bowl of cereal, but you can get the package out with chopsticks. So, the task: we need to decorate Cinderella’s dress with beautiful patterns, and for this we need our magic beads. Sit down at the tables, each of you will decorate your dress so that Cinderella can go to the ball every day. Look at the blackboard. This pattern needs to be continued, get to work. Let's hang all the dresses in Cinderella's closet. Which beautiful dresses. We completed the task. So we helped Cinderella complete all homework, now she can go to the ball. and here is the treasure map, Cinderella put it right in the closet.

Let's see where the chest with gifts is hidden?

D: A chest under the chair of one of the guests.

Q: What kind of gifts has Cinderella prepared for you, look.

    Summary of the lesson.

Q: Children, our journey has ended. What did you like most? What was the most difficult? You are all sympathetic and kind, despite the difficulties you helped Cinderella go to the ball.

Integrated lesson "Let's help Cinderella get to the ball"

04.05.2015 2156 431 Kolesnik Irina Alexandrovna

Educational areas: Cognition, Society, communication, Creativity.
Sections: Construction, Familiarization with the surrounding world, Fiction, Speech development, Music.
Goal: To construct a craft from waste material.
Objectives: Learn to make a carriage from waste material, consolidate the ability to supplement the craft with details to give it expressiveness. Activate speech means communication; continue to learn how to answer questions; continue to learn how to use the algorithm. Expand children's understanding of music and minuet dance. Learn to distinguish between the genre and nature of a musical work. Develop creative imagination and fantasy. Develop logical thinking and be able to find solutions. Develop curiosity and activity. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy in work, and a sense of mutual assistance. Instill a love of fairy tales and aesthetic feelings.
Vocabulary work: ball, magnet, minuet, march, song.
Bilingual component: meyirimdi-kind, suykimdi-sweet, enbekshil-hard-working, ademi-beautiful, enbekshil-hardworking, kamkorshy-caring, aqyldy-smart, sypayi-polite, ukypty-neat , nazik - gentle, zhaksy - good, kayyrymdy - responsive , Salemetsiz be, kurmetti konaktar - Hello, dear guests!)
Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales by Charles Perrault, looking at illustrations for fairy tales.
Equipment: Magic chest with riddles, cereals (peas), a magnet for each child, plates, nuts, musical works of different genres, cards depicting music genres, waste material(plastic boxes, lids from plastic jars, windows and doors made of self-adhesive paper, algorithm for making a carriage, audio recordings for the lesson.
Progress of the lesson:
Is-areket kezenderi
Stages of activity of Tarbiushinin is-areketi
Actions of the teacher Balalardyn is-areketi
Children's activities
Motivational and motivating Enters the hall with the children and greets guests. (To music while visiting a fairy tale)
Invites children to gather in a circle of “Goodness” and say the words.
Good morning, the sun has risen
Good morning whispered to you
Good morning my dear friend
How pleased I am to be next to you! (Everything is accompanied by movements in the text).
- Guys, do you recognize me?

That's right, I'm a Fairy from the land of fairy tales. I want to invite you to the wonderful world of fairy tales of the famous writer and storyteller Ch. Perrault. He wrote a lot of fairy tales and I would like to know if you know them. There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world,
And we can’t live in the world without them
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead
A fairy tale is knocking on our door
Let's tell a fairy tale - come in!
Who likes to listen fairy tales for that they will talk about what may or may not have happened.
Invites the children to go and sit on chairs that stand in a semicircle.
They greet guests in Kazakh.
They pronounce words and perform movements after the teacher.

Yes, you are a princess, queen, sorceress, fairy.
- Show interest. Listen carefully to the teacher.

Organizational search
-Oh, guys, look at the chest - this chest is not simple and is not empty inside.
Let's see what's inside?
He takes out an envelope from the chest.

Guys, I’ll now tell you riddles about fairy-tale characters, and you tell me what fairy tale they are from.
1) This fairy-tale hero with a ponytail, a mustache, a feather in his hat, is all striped. He walks on two legs. IN bright red boots. (Hangs out an illustration of Puss in Boots)
2) The little girl is running merrily. Along the path to the house in the forest. This girl needs to go to her grandmother. Take the basket sent with her. (Hangs out an illustration of a red riding hood)
3) For the young princess, the witch drew up an evil plan for revenge for the insult: a dream struck the king and his retinue. Having climbed into the forest, the young man woke up the entire royal court. (Hangs out an illustration of the sleeping beauty)
And I invite you to visit this heroine.
I did laundry for my sisters and stepmother. And she sorted the peas. At night by candlelight. And she slept by the stove. As beautiful as the sun.
Who is this?
-Guys, how can you characterize this girl? What is she like? A bilingual component is also used here.

(Everything is accompanied by music).

Well done! What was Cinderella's dream?
- Guys, what is a ball?
-That's right, a ball is where music plays and everyone dances.
-Well, where is Cinderella herself? (Music plays and Cinderella appears)

Hello, Cinderella! What's happened?

But why didn't you go with your sisters?

Don’t cry, Cinderella, the guys and I will help you. Guys, can we help Cinderella?
- Well, Cinderella, tell me, what should we do?

Invites the children to come to the table. There are plates on the table containing peas mixed with nuts.
- Guys, pick out the iron nuts from the cup as quickly as possible.
- What is a magnet?
(An experiment is being carried out; the peas are separated from the nuts using a magnet)
Invites the children to sit on chairs that stand in a semicircle.
Cinderella, do you know what music is played at the ball? What about you guys?
What kind of music is played at the ball?

Well done! Now I suggest you listen to musical fragments, determine the genre and pick up the corresponding card. Take the cards on the table, just take one card at a time without choosing, any one. If a march sounds, then only those who have a march on the card raise their cards; if a song, then cards with a song; if a dance, then with a dance.
Questions for children: Why did you pick up a card with a picture of a march.
Where is the march taking us?
What is the nature of the music of the march?

Questions for children: Why did you bring up this
Where does the song take us?
What is the nature of the song?
Now what was the nature of the song?

Questions for children: Why did you pick up the dance card?
Where does dance take us?
What dance was performed now?
What is a minuet?

Guys, I invite you to dance the Minuet dance.
He offers to go and sit on the chairs.

Cinderella still needs to do something?

Guys, let's help Cinderella cook cabbage soup?
Finger gymnastics:

Cook, cook, cook cabbage soup. Cinderella's cabbage soup is so good! Salt, salt, salt the cabbage soup. Cinderella's cabbage soup is so good!

Guys, would you like to attend the ball?
How can we go to the ball?
That's right, we can go to the ball by car, by bus, or by train, but I suggest you go on a fairy-tale carriage, which we will make ourselves, in pairs.
Come sit down at the tables and listen to me carefully. (Explains using the algorithm)
On the table you have a box that will be our carriage, lids from plastic jars will be wheels, we need sequins for decoration and we can decorate the carriage with plasticine.
We determine where the window of our carriage will be, and where the door will be, and stick it on the required sides. Then we roll 2 flagella and intertwine them, it turns out like a braid of these braids, you need 4 pieces, i.e. one rolls 2 braids, the other rolls 2 more braids. This will decorate the top of our carriage, but you can use sequins or plasticine balls as you wish, it’s up to your imagination, you can decorate the sides of the carriage. Our wheels are attached to plasticine. You can get to work and look at the “carriage” algorithm
Individually helps those who need help.
-Well done boys! I suggest you go with your carriage and stand in a circle. Cinderella, whose carriage is your favorite and would you like to go to the ball in it?
- They look at the chest with interest.

The envelope reveals that there are riddles inside.
-Listen carefully and guess riddles.

Puss in Boots.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Sleeping Beauty.


Meyirimdi-kind, suykimdi-sweet, enbekshil-hard-working, ademi-beautiful, enbekshil-hardworking, kamkorshy-caring, akyldy-smart, sypayi-polite, ұkypty-neat, nazik- gentle, zhaksy - good, kayyrymdy - responsive.

Go to the ball.

A ball is when people dance, have fun, and music sounds.
Child Cinderella: They tease me with Cinderella. From the fact that by the fire, not sparing strength,
In the kitchen I work, I work
I fiddle with the stove and fiddle with it and I'm always in ashes
Because I'm kind, I'm torn from morning until late at night.
Anyone can order
And no one wants to say thank you to me.
Cinderella: I've never been to the ball, but I really wanted to go there and see the prince.
Child Cinderella: My stepmother ordered so many things to be redone, I’m afraid that I won’t make it to the ball. (crying)

Children: Yes.
Child Cinderella: The stepmother ordered the peas to be sorted out; she mixed a lot of nuts in there.
They look at the plates of cereal.


A magnet is an object that attracts iron.
After the experiment, they walk through and sit on chairs.

Cinderella Child: Yes
Children: Yes
Children: Dancing, cheerful, joyful, mischievous, fast, easy.
Listen to musical fragments and pick up the corresponding card.

Children's answers: I think there was a march now.
The march leads us behind the rhythm.
March music is brave, daring, energetic, and rhythmic in nature.
- I believe that a song was being played just now.
- The song leads us behind the words.
- The song can be cheerful, sad, affectionate, tender.
-Now the song was cheerful, gentle, affectionate.
Listen to the next music. fragment.
I believe that now there is a dance.
Dance leads us to the image.
Minuet dance.
Minuet is a French dance
The basis of the minuet is made up of small steps, small dance steps. Dance of Kings.
I dance the minuet dance.

They pass and sit on chairs.

Child Cinderella: The stepmother ordered to cook cabbage soup.
Children: Yes

Execute finger gymnastics.
Imitate stirring with a spoon in pans.
The fingers of both hands are folded into a pinch, imitating sprinkling salt.

By car, by bus, by train, by tram, by carriage.

They pass and sit at the tables.
Listen to the teacher’s explanation and look at the algorithm.

They work using the “carriage” algorithm. (Children work in pairs)

They stand in a circle. Cinderella chooses the most beautiful carriage.
Reflexive correction ears
Reflective-corrective -But now we can all go to the ball!

Your outfit is in your room, go dress up, Cinderella!
- In the meantime, Cinderella is dressing up, guys, let’s remember what we need to do to go to the ball.

Cinderella returns. Cinderella, how beautiful you are! Are we going to the ball?
Guys, say goodbye to our guests. Child Cinderella: Yes, my outfit is not good, how will you go to the ball in this?
Cinderella rejoices and leaves to dress up.
-Children: Today we solved riddles, sorted out nuts using a magnet, and listened to fragments of musical works. (march, song, minuet). They danced the minuet dance. We cooked cabbage soup. They made fabulous carriages.
- Yes!
- Say goodbye to guests in Kazakh. Sau bolanyz!

Download material

See the downloadable file for the full text of the material.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

Municipal government preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten "Romashka"
Compiled by: Teacher Bratanich O.L. Teguldet May, 2013
Objectives: develop gross and fine motor skills, cultivate perseverance, accuracy, and the desire to help each other.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale “Cinderella” by Ch. Perrault,
Working with lacing, working with text, grain, stringing beads on a fishing line.

Material: beans: (white, red), salty dough, lacing dress, beads Pink colour, fishing line, sequins for decorating a dress.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Today we will go to visit a fairy tale. But you will find out what kind of fairy tale we will find ourselves in if you guess the riddle.
Who's crying in the corner?
Who is covered in black coal?
Who has a lot of work?
Well, is the stepmother strict?
Who has many sisters,
But is she always alone?
Cleans, puts away and sorts out cereals?
Educator: Have you guessed, children, what fairy tale we are talking about?
Children: This is the fairy tale “Cinderella”.
(At this time, crying is heard and the Cinderella doll appears).
Teacher: approaches Cinderella and asks:
Hello, Cinderella. Why are you crying? Tell us what happened to you?
Cinderella: Today we have a ball in our kingdom, everyone will dance and have fun. My stepmother and sisters have already left, and I really want to be there too.
Educator: So why aren’t you at the ball then?
Cinderella: My stepmother has given me a lot of work, and until I complete it, I cannot go to the ball. And I won’t be able to cope alone until the morning.
Educator: Don’t be upset, Cinderella, we will help you. Do you guys agree to help Cinderella?
Children: I agree.
Educator: Cinderella, tell us what you have to do.
Cinderella: My stepmother mixed the red and white beans, and I have to sort them again into different bags. I think you can handle it here without my help, I’ll run and do other things.
Educator: Well, guys, let's get to work! You need to separate the white beans from the red beans, and then we will distribute them into different bags. The task is clear! Then get to work!

Didactic exercise “Sorting beans”
(after execution didactic exercise Cinderella appears)

Educator: Cinderella, look, the guys have sorted everything into different bags. All is ready! We completed one task.
Cinderella: Well done, guys!
Educator: Cinderella, what else do you need to do?
Cinderella: I have already kneaded the dough for buns and rolls, but it needs to be kneaded well and made into rolls, while I run and do the buns.
Educator: Well, we’ll get to work, knead the dough well and make rolls out of it.

Didactic exercise with the test “We kneaded the dough”
We kneaded the dough, kneaded, kneaded,
They asked us to knead everything thoroughly,
But no matter how much we knead and no matter how much we knead,
We take out the lumps again and again.
Knead, knead the dough,
There is room in the oven.
They will, they will come out of the oven
Buns and rolls.
(after these words Cinderella appears).
Educator: Well, Cinderella, the guys helped you cope with this work. What else needs to be done?
Cinderella: I still need to mend my dresses. Can you help me with this? I’ll run while I put the buns and rolls in the oven and clean the pots.
Educator: Guys, look, the dress has a hole, and there is a patch to it, you need to mend it. How are we going to do this? You must attach the patch to the dress and then “sew it on.”

Didactic exercise “Lacing”

Educator: What a great fellow you are, you mended all the dresses. What neat dresses they turned out to be. Now let's rest a little. Let's imagine how Cinderella will dance at the ball.

Physical education lesson “Cinderella’s Dance”
(children dance to the music)

Educator: Oh, how I liked your dance. Now sit down, guys, Cinderella asked to evaluate the dress she is going to the ball in, now I will show it to you. Look guys, is it elegant? Guys, while Cinderella finishes her chores, let's prepare a surprise for her. For Cinderella to go to the ball, she needs a beautiful ball gown. Festive dresses are not only sewn, because you can decorate any dress and it will become festive. But there should always be a decoration for the dress, let's also make some beads for Cinderella. To quickly prepare a surprise, you need to distribute the work. Some will decorate the dress, while others will make beads.

Didactic exercise “Decorate a dress with sequins”
(children decorate the dress with sequins)

Didactic exercise “Stringing beads”
(children string beads on a fishing line)

Educator: Well done, guys, you decorated the dress, what beautiful beads you made. Now Cinderella will have a beautiful ball gown and many different beads.
(Cinderella appears)
Cinderella: Well, guys, I finished the rest of the work, thank you for your help. But I still won’t get to the ball, even though we’ve done all the work. You’ve seen my dress, it’s not a ballroom dress at all, and no one will let me go to the ball like this.
Educator: Cinderella, the guys have a surprise for you! We added some details to your dress and decorated them, in the end you got a beautiful ball gown, and the guys also made a lot of beautiful beads for it. Now you can go to the ball! Here, take everything and try it on.
(changes into a new dress).
Cinderella: Thank you guys, you helped me so much! And they made a miracle dress and gave her beads. Now I can go to the ball! Goodbye!
Children say goodbye to Cinderella.
Educator: You all did well today! Each of you helped Cinderella. This is where our journey into a fairy tale ends.

Municipal preschool educational institution " Kindergarten general developmental type "Sun" in Buinsk, Republic of Tatarstan"
Summary of an open lesson in English on the topic:

Compiled by:
English teacher
1 qualification category
Malyashova R.Z.
Topic: “DATING. TOYS." Educational, educational and developmental objectives: 1. Expanding the horizons of children, cultivating interest in a foreign language.
2. Teach how to perform the necessary actions, develop observation skills.
3.Teach to understand foreign speech. Objectives: 1.Repetition of learned vocabulary and speech patterns. 2.Development of dialogical speech skills in the form of games and dramatization.
3.Development of monologue speech skills in the form of a description of a toy.
4.Repetition of songs on English language. Form of training: group, individual. Equipment: toys, stereo system, discs, cassettes.

U.Good morning, children!
D.Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning we are glad to see you.
U.How are you?
D. Fine, thank you.
U. asks various questions: What is your name? What is your surname? Are you fine? Are you OK?
D. My name is…. My surname is… I’m fine! I'm OK!
2.Updating previous knowledge.
*Repetition of colors
The teacher points to the pyramid, the children first name the colors in chorus
then one at a time.
U.What color is it? D. It’s white, blue…..
*What are these toys called in English?
U. points to the toys, the children call them in English: a ball, a doll, a car, a flag, a mose, a cat, a dog, a bear, a hare, a fox…….
U. asks the question What is this? D. answer: This is a ball. This is a doll…….
*Physical training minute.
1 student is called to teach the lesson. Children pronounce in chorus and carry out commands and counting. Then they sing the song “Are you sleeping?”
*Game "Cat and Mouse".
U. suggests staging the “Cat and Mouse” dialogue in English.
Hello Little Mouse!
Hello Little Cat!
Little Mouse, Little Mouse
Where is your house? Little Cat, Little Cat I have no flat, I’m a poor mouse, I have no house. Little Mouse, Little Mouse, cam into my house! Little Cat, Little Cat, I can't do that, you want to eat me! Bye, bye! *Description of your favorite toy. Children take turns coming out and describing their favorite toy. This is a dog. The dog is big. The dog is white. I like my dog.
*Let’s sing the song “Cobla”. Children sing a song in English. *Dialogue game “In the store”. Characters: seller and buyer. P. Hello! What do you want?
Pok. Hello! Give me a car, please!
Etc. Here you are!
Good bye!
*Tale about yourself.
I'm a girl. My name is Aliya. My surname is Diyarova.I’m 7 years old.I like to play, I like to sing.
*At the end of the lesson, children stand in a circle and perform the English song “In&out” with movements.
*Summarizing. The lesson is over, good bye!