Scenario of festive Christmas festivities “Carol has come to visit! Christmas. Christmas Scenarios Christmas Scenario for Home Mags

Christmas is family, kind and quiet holiday. But you can meet him not only with your family, but also in the company of noisy friends. To make the holiday truly unusual, it is important to think through the Christmas scenario in advance, as well as prizes and gifts for guests.

How to organize a Christmas party so that it is fun and unusual? We bring to your attention several entertaining ideas for meeting one of the most important church holidays per year.

Christmas scenario - let's celebrate the holiday brightly

It’s not customary to celebrate Christmas with a big, noisy group, but it doesn’t matter if you make an exception. Perhaps you have a big, cheerful and Friendly family, or maybe you want to invite friends and have a special holiday, because the opportunity to get together does not come often.

Preparing a house or apartment

According to tradition, the main attribute of the New Year and Christmas holidays is the Christmas tree. You can get by with a composition of fir branches. For Christmas, you need to decorate your house with candles, themed compositions, souvenirs, buy or make your own nativity scene. Snowflakes, garlands, and colorful lights will not be out of place. In general, it’s a matter of imagination and the effect you want to achieve.

It’s worth hanging on the top of a Christmas tree or composition. Star of Bethlehem, and add biblical heroes to the branches. You can make them from cardboard or buy them in a store. This decision will allow you not just to celebrate another holiday, but to plunge into the history of Christmas and create a strong friendly atmosphere.

Weave a wreath of fir branches (can be replaced with bay leaves), place candles in the center of the composition. Electric lighting on this night can be completely replaced with candles. Next you need to create a Christmas script.

What is needed for this and how can you organize a holiday?

  1. Prepare costumes. The role of the Virgin Mary will be played by the hostess. Children will play the role of wise men. You will need a star, a manger, a doll. The star on the tree will do, but you can hang another one on the ceiling. The doll is Jesus born to Mary. Rehearse with the children in advance how the wise men, having seen the star, went to Bethlehem.
  2. Prepare gifts for guests. You can bake cookies with wishes and give them along with a postcard and a small themed souvenir.
  3. The attribute of the holiday is a rich table. Mandatory dishes are baked goose, duck or turkey, as well as kutya. Let each guest bring food with them.
  4. When the guests arrive, you need to light the candles, change clothes and prepare for the performance. Let the small scene become a real Christmas miracle for your guests. The rest of the holiday is worth spending in costumes.
  5. Congratulations follow. Let adults and children tell carols, for which they will receive cookies with congratulations. If someone cannot remember the carol, let them congratulate the guests on the holiday. The best and funniest carol, according to the guests, should be awarded a valuable prize, maybe a joke one.
  6. This is followed by a feast, competitions, games, and entertainment. You should also think through the games in advance and choose those that are suitable for the guests of the holiday.
  7. Get positive emotions and a boost of energy by watching a Christmas movie or comedy.

Games for Christmas

  1. You can hold a table competition according to traditions. Prepare questions and multiple answer options in case guests can't answer correctly.
  2. Hand out pieces of paper and a pen. Let everyone list the Christmas stories they know, including fairy tales, foreign and domestic films.
  3. Make a list of famous Christmas stories and prepare pictures for them. Let the guests of the holiday try to guess what story is depicted. As a hint, you can name the main and secondary characters.
  4. Crossword. On a large piece of paper, write the word "Christmas" in the center. Next, the guests, divided into two teams, must continue the crossword puzzle taking into account certain rules: the words must be Christmas themed; vertically and horizontally you cannot write close to the previous word, the distance should be one letter.

At the end of Christmas, you can go outside. Let the final note be fireworks, fireworks and just a good mood. You can walk around the city and congratulate passers-by on the holiday.

Christmas scenario for youth

Young people love active pastime. Therefore, games, songs and carols can be included in the Christmas script. Costumes and masks must be prepared in advance. Traditional characters - Goat, Baba Yaga, Fox. You also need to take care of a big homemade star and learn funny carols.

Texts of carols

Kolyada, Kolyada

Open the gates

Get out the chests

Serve the snouts.

Even a ruble

Even a nickel

Let's not leave home like that!

Give us some candy

Or maybe a coin

Don't regret anything

Holiday scenario

"Christmas fun" 2017.

The date of the: January 7, 2017.

The script was developed by:

Rector of the Temple in the name of the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” in the village of Varskie -priest Vyacheslav Mamaev;

Davydova N.P. - teacher primary classes MBOU "Varskovskaya Secondary School" of the municipal formation - Ryazan municipal district of the Ryazan region.

Target : Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about Orthodox holiday The Nativity of Christ, its meaning and celebration traditions. To promote the familiarization of pupils, their parents and guests with the traditions of Orthodox national culture. Develop Creative skills, improve performing skills, the desire to give people joy. To cultivate spiritual and moral qualities: kindness, peacefulness, generosity.

Children come in singing the carol “Merry Christmas to all of you.”

Pupils Sunday school perform the carol "Christmas Miracle".

1. Presenter. Hello, guys, hello, guests, it’s warm and cozy in our house, but outside it’s cold and snowstorm.

2. Presenter: It’s so good that during these Christmas days we are all in our hall again today. Just recently, New Year's songs were played here, round dances were performed, Father Frost with the Snow Maiden, what else does Mother Winter bring us, what winter holiday(Nativity).

3. Presenter. There's a twinkling star in the sky,

It barely appears

Everyone knows: a good day will come

Bright holiday of Christmas.

4. Guys, who was born on this day? Whose Christmas do we celebrate on January 7?

(Children answer.)

5. Presenter: That's right, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born.

5.1. Presenter: On the merry Christmas holiday of Christ,

Winter is decorated, there is fringe on the headdress

From transparent ice floes, stars, snowflakes.

All covered in diamonds, pearls, and colorful lights.

5.2. Christmas has come -

We waited for him for a long time.

People celebrate Christmastide:

Having fun and singing.

5.3. On this winter day

Smoke curls over the chimney,

The moon is shining above her,

And the hut is full of guests.

Here are the red maidens,

Coloring girls - sisters

Good fellows all around,

And Father at the table.

We have gatherings here

We are all glad to see you!

6.- Truly sacred moments!
“Christ is born!” - we exclaim with you.
From century to century let the world sing and praise
The birth of Christ with clean lips!

7. Today is ours blessed by the rector of the Temple in the name of the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” in the village of Varskie, priest Vyacheslav Mamaev.

8: A star sparkled above the mountain cave,

And Bethlehem slept in the silence of sweet dreams,

Great happiness happened then -

Christ was born for the world!

8.1: Why does the vault of heaven shine so clearly this night?

What wondrous star is shedding its light?

Beautiful angels are flying in the sky.

The Nativity of Christ is glorified with song.

Carol "I sing praise to Him alone."

9. Today the whole earth is bright,
And the bells are ringing
And the heart beats more evenly,
And the praise sounds more harmonious:

ChildrenGlory to God in the highest and peace on earth!
Merry Christmas!

Carol "Silent Night Over Palestine"

10. On our family holiday, let's glorify Christ!

Let his beauty touch everyone!


The soul is light!

Feast of the Saint

The sun has risen.

The skies are so clear

White day in the night:

Then the baby in the manger

The star sends rays!

The Word became flesh

For our troubles:


Nativity -

Light of eternal life!

11. A star is shining in the high sky

Everyone come and visit us here.

12. To those who worked and helped a friend,

A cheerful holiday will step on the threshold.

Indeed, this evening the Christ Child

Bringing joy to everyone!

13. A miracle happened, a bright day has come,

And he found joy in every heart.

After all, this evening the people rejoice -

The Son of God, the Savior, is coming to earth!

14. Peaceful angel, heavenly spirit
Bright, joyful rays.
Today an angel came down to us
And he sang: “Christ is born.”

15 : We came to glorify Christ,
Happy holiday to you!

Carol "Have fun, celebrate, good people, with me"

17. Christmas miracle
God brought it to us again!
So let it be in every heart
Christ is born!

Carol "Christmas Nativity".

18. The days from Christmas to baptism are popularly called Bright or Christmastide. These days, all people visit each other, give gifts, sing carols, and wish them health in the New Year. Let us sing and dance and glorify the Birth of Christ.

Merry Christmas together

Let Guests rush to your bright home.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Golden Egg.”

Old woman. Hey old man, wake up quickly!

Old man. Are there wolves at the door?

Why are you making noise, old woman?

Old woman. Look what I found!!!

Our hen Pestrukha laid an egg under a bush!!!

Old man. Well, she took it down!? What's the matter?

What are you, woman, stunned?

Old woman. Yes, the egg is not a simple one,

And look - it's golden!!!

Old man. Golden???


Are you and I getting rich?

Old woman. Oh it's burning - it's blinding your eyes!!!

Old man. Miracles!

Old woman. Miracles!!!

Old woman. Oh, it's burning, it's burning like heat! There wouldn't be a fire!

Old man. Lock him in the chest. (knock on the door)

Old woman. There is no one at home!!!

Look, as luck would have it, the neighbors accidentally arrived!

Old woman. I'll go to the city on Wednesday.

There is a market there on Wednesday.

There are a lot of rich people there

I’ll sell them the egg.

How they will give me a pile of money, throw me rubles,

I'll get myself a sheepskin coat

I am Siberian sables.

I'll buy new things -

There are forty different skirts.

Blue floral shawl-
I'll fill my chest to the brim!

Old man. Why are you telling tales,

Look, you've found a young lady

Dress up in different trash.

No, if we are rich, I’ll build a hut instead

Three-story chambers and gazebos in the corners!

Old woman. Punishment with a stupid husband!

What are you, old man, don't be a whim!

We live no worse than others.

We don't need floors.

And your neighbors will laugh at you for these gazebos!

Old man. Let them laugh, I don’t feel sorry!!!

Old woman. Calm down, don't shout!

There's a rolling pin falling on the floor,

The cast iron rattles in the furnace.

Oh, I don’t like the white light!

Old man. Am I the owner or not!?

Old woman. Oh, the egg rolled!

It rolled and broke.

And there were no shells left, everything disappeared somewhere!!!

Old man. Well, why are we bothering!?

Miracles are just trouble!

We will live as we lived before

And work as always!

And you can fix your fur coat and fix your house.

Old woman. The only thing that seems reliable is what comes to us through hard work!

Old man. Open the door, old woman! Why should we hide now?

Old woman. Hey neighbor, hey neighbor! Forgetting friends is not a bad idea!

Come in for an hour - my kvass is good!

And pickles and jams,

Come in without hesitation!

(Granny appears - Riddle)

Grandma Riddle : Hello, good people! I am Grandma - Riddle, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Leading: Hello Grandma- Riddle! We wish you a Merry Christmas too!

Leading: Grandma, tell the guys why they call you “Riddle.”

Grandmother-Riddle: I'm not an ordinary grandmother. I tell everyone fairy tales, show them, and I also know a lot of riddles and play games.

Leading: Will you play with us? Will you make riddles?

Grandmother-Riddle: My riddles today are not simple ones, but Christmas ones. Can you guess?(Children answer.)

There's a celebration in the whole world,

Because (Christmas)!

Not in palaces, and not in tents,

Baby Christ sleeps in (manger.)

How can they find the King?

The path will be shown to them (the star.)

There is nothing more humble in this world

A young girl (Maria.)

This angel brought news

That She (Christ) will be born.

The travelers took a long time to go to the census,
They did not find a place in the city:
Near Bethlehem there is a bare steppe,
The wretched one became their shelter... (Nativity scene)

Cave, manger, haystack,
Born in it... (Jesus Christ)

In the temples the face of the singers sings:
“Virgin today of the Transubstantial...” (gives birth)

This song, we know so,
It's called...(Kondak)

It shone in the dark sky then,
Lighting the way, holy... (Star)

Simple people learned the news.
In the night when the roosters had not yet crowed,
They hastened to the Baby's manger
And they glorified God... (Shepherds)

Behind the star, appearing
From the road blue,
It's a long road to Bethlehem
On three camels... (Magi)

(Santa Claus appears with a bag and sings “Christmas carol”)

Father Frost. Kolyada, Kolyada,

Give me some pie

Or a loaf of bread,

Or half a buck.

Who won't give me the pie?

That's a chicken leg.

Grandma-Riddle. How many years have I lived, but I haven’t seen Santa Claus go caroling.

Father Frost. Why am I worse than other mummers - a bear, a goat, a buffoon? I decided to come and play with the kids once again on Christmas Day. Otherwise, after Epiphany, it’s time for me to go into the forest, add more frost, strengthen ice bridges on the rivers, spread more snow on the fields so that the mother earth will give more harvests.

Grandma-Riddle. We are glad, Grandfather Frost, to see you, but you sing the wrong carols.

Father Frost. So how should it be?

Grandma-Riddle. Carols should bring joy glorifying Jesus Christ and His Birth, and not “beg”.

Do you guys know carols?

Let's play. Some of you will read a carol, and we will have to praise it with friendly applause or stamp our feet if this carol is not good. Ready?

(CHILDREN sing carols):


Let's go for a more expensive one

Yes to the neighbors with Kolyada

There's a crowd for gifts.

Kolyada, Kolyada,

It's Christmas Eve!

Open the chests -

Get your heels out!

Kolyada - carol

Give grandma some pie.

Won't you give me the pie? -

Let's lead the cow by the horns.

Won't you give me some flatbread?

Let's break the windows.

Ay, doo, doo, ah, doo, doo

And I'm going into the house. The stove is heating up and I want pancakes.

Give me the sausage - extends his hand

I'll take it home.

Give me another one, I'll be generous!

Give me a third one too

Don't drive with a whip -

Grandfather will eat

Three beards

nod your mustache

And remember you!

To all kind people
We wish you goodness, gold, silver!
Lush pies,
Soft pancakes!
Good health!
Cow butter!
All. To whomever we sing songs, it will come true,
It will come true, it will not pass away.

Good health,

Cow butter!

Merry Christmas!

I wish you a Merry Christmas too,

Which came to your house.

I wish everyone, everyone, that you are healthy!

You lived together for many years.

Father Frost: The joyful days of Christmas have come,

And bright lights came on on the Christmas trees.

Christmas tree

Ours is lit today too!

The motley of its elegant

She makes the kids happy.

Round dance “Come to us Christmas tree”

Father Frost . Christmas - fun party. So let's have fun together. Do you want to play? The game is called: “What doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree?” I will name different objects to you if you hear the name Christmas decorations, you need to raise your hand up and say “Yes.” If I name something that doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree, I have to restrain myself and remain silent. Try not to make a mistake. Ready?

Game: “What doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree?”

So the holiday has come,
Everyone decorated the Christmas tree.
Who, guys, will confirm-
Hanging on its branches...
Star top? (Yes)
A loud cracker? (Yes)
Petenka-parsley? (Yes)
Soft pillow? (No)
White snowflakes? (Yes)
Vibrant pictures? (No)
A ball of cobwebs? (Yes)
Old shoes? (No)
Chocolate bars? (No)
Horses and horses? (Yes)
Bunnies made from cotton wool? (Yes)
Are mittens gloves? (No)
Red lanterns? (Yes)
Bread crumbs? (No)
Bright flags? (Yes)
Hats and scarves? (No)
Apples and cones? (No)
Colin's pants? (No)
Tasty candy? (Yes)
Snow newspapers? (No)

Father Frost: Well, thank you guys, you solved all the riddles.
Father Frost: Aren't you afraid of frost?
Beware, beware
Come on, show me your hands,
Yes, put it behind your back,
Who will I touch?
I'll freeze those as a joke.
Grandmother-Riddle: And II want to play with the guys. And play the game “Repeat”. Be careful, guys, repeat all the movements after me.

And it's frosty outside,

Come on, everyone grab your nose!

There is no need for us to beat our heads,

Well, everyone grabbed their ears,

Twisted, turned,

So your ears are warmed up.

They knocked on my knees,

They shook their heads.

Patted on the shoulders

And they sank a little.

- So we warmed up. Are you warm?

Grandma the Riddle plays a game of “Guessing”.

Grandma Riddle . Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Admire us.

Guess - ka, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

(children imitate playing the pipe to the music)

Father Frost . You're the one drinking milk!

Grandma Riddle . That's grandpa's children playing the pipe.

Father Frost . Eh, I didn’t guess!

Grandma Riddle . Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Admire us.

Guess it, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

To the music, children imitate playing the balalaika.

Father Frost . You're the one scratching your stomach.

Grandma Riddle . What are you saying, grandfather, these are children playing the balalaika or the guitar!

Father Frost . Well, bad luck again!

Grandma Riddle .

Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Admire us.

Guess it, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

Children imitate playing the violin to the music.

Father Frost (offended). What is this? Are you, Santa Claus, pulling my beard?

Grandma Riddle . What are you saying, grandfather, these are children playing the violin.

Grandma Riddle Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Admire us.

Guess it, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

Children imitate playing the piano.

Father Frost . Yes, you sort through the cereal.

Grandma Riddle . What are you doing, grandpa! Those guys are playing the piano!

Father Frost . Oh, how slow-witted I am! Oh, thanks! Taught the old man!

Grandma Riddle Great and smart Russian people,

How can we be without riddles?

Our riddles are not simple

Yes, still just as interesting.

Riddles for parents:

Winter striker? (frost)

Homeland of the Christmas tree (forest)

Female creature entertaining the Christmas tree with songs (blizzard)

Santa Claus's informer (staff)

An object artistic creativity Santa Claus? (window)

Nickname of Santa Claus? (Jack Frost)

New Year's "sculpture" created from natural material(Snowman)

Grandmother-Riddle: Christmas is a holiday of glorious miracles. I have a little box that becomes magical at Christmas and can make any wish come true. I wish you to grow up healthy, kind and happy.

Do you want to play?

I have already fulfilled one of your wishes.

They live in my little box funny Games and fun.

As soon as I open the box, they are right there, jumping out after each other, inviting me to play.

(Granny Riddle and the Presenters conduct games for children and parents) He takes the attributes out of the box one by one:

    Shawl - game "Blind Man's Bluff". Guess what game we will play?

    Snowball - game "Snowballs".

    Ball - game "Bubbles".

4. Sack - game “Running in sacks”.

5. toilet paper - game "Snowman".

Leading. Thank you, dear guests, for coming to congratulate us.

Thank you too, Grandma, for meeting me and greeting me.

Leading: Our holiday is over! The Christmas fun is over!

For new happiness, for Christmas

Be born, little wheat-lentil,

There are heaps of heaps on the field,

There are pies on the table,

So that everyone is healthy and rosy.

We sow, weed, sow, and Merry Christmas to everyone!

Father Frost : On this holiday of Christmas

We wish from the bottom of our hearts,

So that all your dreams

Fulfillments have been found.

So that your health is strong

The family was filled with happiness

So that you are surrounded everywhere

Only heartfelt friends!

Grandma Riddle : May Christmas come to your home

With nice mood

And may you have a whole year in everything

Luck comes with it.


God bless! Peace be with you, people!

Let there be joy everywhere!

Live in friendship, do good,

By the mercy of Christ God you give thanks!

Let the carols sound all around, They bring joy to your home,

They bring health and success, fun, joy and amusement.

All: Happy holiday! Merry Christmas!

It is appropriate to hold such a holiday on a site where it is possible to install a Christmas tree, a stage and sound. Children and their parents are invited to the holiday. The announcer's text sounds while the church bells are ringing:

It all started with Christmas:
Spring blossoms, new songs,
And triumph and inspiration,
Hope, Faith and Love!

So let forgiveness rise,
Joy will triumph again,
Blessing the cries of birth,
For life, for joy, for love!

Carolers come onto the stage with a nativity scene and the song “Joy has come to everyone.”

Joy has arrived for everyone
This never happened
There is a bright light above the nativity scene
The star shone.

Where Christ was born
The world lit up there
Angels fly
Everyone is notified.

The goose bugs are playing,
The heart stops
This is David with a song
Glorifies God.

Shepherdesses with lamb
There in front of the Child
They got down on their knees,
Christ was glorified.

We carry God in our hearts,
We ask the King
Peace, happiness at home
Your big one.

God bless you,
We wish you with love
Live long life
And praise God!

After the song, the participants of the nativity scene say wishes:

  1. God bless! Peace be with you, people! Let there be joy everywhere!
  2. Live in friendship, do good, give thanks to the Mercy of Christ God!
  3. Let the carols sound all around, They bring joy to your home, They bring health and success, Fun, joy and amusement.
  4. Happy holiday! Merry Christmas!


Truly sacred moments!
“Christ is born!” - we exclaim with you.
From century to century let the world sing and praise
The birth of Christ with clean lips!

Nowadays there is a Christmas tree in every home:
Me and my friends.
And we will be generous
Merry Christmas to you!

Merry Christmas to everyone,
We wish you great joy,
And health and success,
Peace in the house, lots of laughter.

Let sadness not sadden your face,
Let him have a magical dream,
All dreams come true
Moms are smiling!

We wish all the guys
Nice winter days,
And Christmas gifts
Good kids!

See more mercy
Be diligent in your work!
Don't fuss and don't be lazy,
Excellent study for everyone!

Let it awaken in every heart
Faith, Grace, Kindness,
To the glory of God
Beauty is blooming!

We were generous today
We wish you joy.
Now don't be shy
And give us some gifts!

Don't be angry that it's wrong!
Better a ruble than a nickel
Behind Shchedrivki give us
Don't clench it in your fist!

Merry Christmas!
Rejoice, people,
Grace, glory of God
Let it be from now on!


Christmas night knows no darkness,
Her glory thunders in the Highest Angels.
And on Christmas Day, like children, we
And God speaks to us, as in childhood.

2nd PRESENTER: Christmas is a holiday of freedom of spirit, it lives in folk songs, dances and fun.

On the stage concert program, whose repertoire includes folk songs and dances (30 minutes).


Christmas holiday rejoices
U Christmas trees,
Where is Grandfather Frost?
We are waiting for him today!


And Grandfather Frost is on the way...
And here he is! Meet!
At the Christmas tree
Don't be bored today!

To the soundtrack of a solemn melody appear Father Frost And Snow Maiden.


Glad to see the guys
I'm here again today
I am glad to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Merry Christmas!


I wish you all peace,
Joy and happiness,
And with love in a good deed
Personal participation.


My nice guys,
You are a joy to your mother
Don't be cunning, don't be naughty,
Everybody work on it yourself.


Be cheerful, healthy,
Respect your elders
Well, kids, guys,
Don't offend.


We are at the Christmas tree today
And we'll sing and we'll dance,
And besides, your prowess
We'll show you in the games!


Christmas! A miracle happened -
God Christ was born!
Light of joy to all people
The whole world lit up!

1st PRESENTER: Thank you, Grandfather Frost, for your congratulations! Thank you, Snegurochka, for your wishes! Now we will have a real winter relay race.

Celebrations are going on in honor of Christmas
To our joy and God's glory!
And we immediately offer
Our winter fun to everyone!

2nd PRESENTER: You see, the teams lined up at the start (names which classes, groups, schools, etc. the teams represent).

These can be the most simple competitions on sleds, skis, with obstacles, you can sculpt snowmen, if the weather permits, take a snow fort, knock out a target with snowballs, etc. When the holiday is held in a large area for a large number of people, it is advisable to break it up into games sectors. Everyone holds their own look winter games or competitions.


  1. Game "Swan, crayfish and pike." Holding onto the ends of the rope, try to pull your opponents.
  2. Game "Race of clubs". Fun for future hockey players. Use a stick to drive the clubs between the flags.
  3. Relay game “On the broom”. You need the ability to navigate when skating fast. Ride the broom and slide between the flags. If you knock down a flag, put it back and continue running. The game is played not only on the skating rink: you can slide on skis or on one ski while sitting on a broom; on a sled - together, or when one, sitting on a broom, carries the other on a sled.

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden go around all the sites, leaving bags of prizes for the winners.

FATHER FROST (after the competition): Amused the old man, thank you!


You see, Grandfather, we are welcome.
And now for your reward
Everyone will dance in a round dance!
Are people not dancing here?


How it dances, I know for sure:
The guys don't get bored here!
Who spares his feet,
Doesn't dance in a round dance?

A dance and game program begins at the Christmas tree with a round dance.

FATHER FROST (after the round dance):

Having fun from the heart
On your walk,
I haven't seen it in the whole world
I'm more beautiful than the holiday!
Well, it's time for us to call it a day,
Go home.
Let the parting be warm,
We will simply say: “Goodbye!”

The phonogram sounds for the departure of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.


Guys, it's Christmas
with your sacred fire
Light of Truth and Love
opened over the Universe.


And the light of salvation is burning
In our hearts and souls,
Praise be to you, Jesus Christ,
Glory forever, Savior!
Save and have mercy on us all,
God, our Jesus Christ!

1st PRESENTER: Merry Christmas! Goodbye! See you again!

From the book: P.P. Dzyuba

"New Year's and Christmas matinees"

Budget educational institution Omsk "Secondary school No. 108"

Holiday scenario

Christmas festivities

“The carol has come to visit!”


teacher in English

Akhmetova Altynshash Shaykhaevna



Target: creating favorable conditions for students to develop a positive attitude towards folk traditions; acquaintance with Russian folklore (carols, fortune telling, songs, ditties).
Preliminary preparation: are being manufactured folk costumes, learning carols and folk games.
Decor: in the courtyard (in front of the school) there is scenery of a winter village street, a peasant house, a samovar on the table, pies in a plate, cups and saucers, a pole with a star decorated with ribbons, a painted fire, artificial Christmas trees, refreshments.
Equipment: A recording of a church choir and phonograms of folk songs, a pole with a star decorated with ribbons, a painted bonfire, artificial Christmas trees, costumes, refreshments, and game supplies.

Progress of the event

Children enter the street. Bells can be heard ringing (in the recording).

Leading. May God grant that Who's in our house?Good housewives, Dear guests, dear children. The Lord would grant youAnd alive, and being, And healthy.
The phonogram of a Russian folk song sounds. The buffoons run out.
1st buffoon barker.
Children! Ordered up to youBring forth the decree at this hour,
2nd buffoon barker. Prepared by myselfOur mother - Winter.
(Reads the decree).
3rd buffoon barker. Every year, on this day,As the guide says,People of the city, villageCome to the holiday!Everyone should definitelyBe at the Winter Festival.
4th buffoon barker.
Hey, hurry up everyone here!Kolyada came to visit.We will joke, make faces,Run, jump, have fun.Give me your hand quickly, friend!We are waiting for you all in a fun circle!
Children dance to the soundtrack of the song “The Moon Is Shining,” performing the movements shown by adults.
1st buffoon barker. Christmas carols came to us for Christmas -
2nd buffoon barker. Pancakes and pancakes, Winter and frost. Let's sit on the chairs and watch...
The carolers enter with a star. They go and sing Ivan Kupala's "Kolyada". Lyrics of the song KolyadaAy, little bunny, ay, little gray oneAy, little bunny, little white tailAnd he jumped up to the capital, grabbed a piece of sugar
Kolyada, caraselka*, Kolyada, red girlKolyada, don’t sit close, Kolyada, don’t sit close to the pathKolyada, they will take you, Kolyada, they will take you
Ay, little bunny, the river is deep thereAnd how on the river, on the spinner**, a cute little guy rides on a stickThe pants are torn, thin, the legs are thin, crookedLegs are thin, crooked, pants are torn, thin
Kolyada, they will sell you, Kolyada, Kolyada
Kolyada, karaselka, Kolyada, red girlKolyada, don’t sit close, Kolyada, close to the pathKolyada, they will take you, Kolyada, they will take youKolyada, they will sell you, Kolyada, Kolyada
Kolyada, they will go, Kolyada, merchants and boyars***Kolyada, they will put you, Kolyada, in a green carriageKolyada, they will sell you, Kolyada, for a hundred rublesKolyada, Kolyada, tomorrow they will eat meat*karaselka - beauty**krutanka - cool***boyars - boyars1st buffoon barker. Oh yes carolers, oh yes entertainers!
Buffoons And we are no worse, we can do it too!
1st buffoon barker. Yes, apparently, the “old lady-jealous” doesn’t give you peace! Well, then catch it!
Throws a ball - "the old lady-jealous". The buffoons pass the ball to each other until it bursts, throwing it into the crowd; whoever bursts the balloon receives a sweet prize.
2nd caroler. Kolyada! Kolyada! And sometimes there is a carol It's Christmas Eve! Kolyada has arrived Christmas has arrived!
3rd caroler. Kolyada-young I entered the new gate, And behind her comes Frost It has grown over the tyn.
4th caroler. He brought cold So grandfather Arkhip became young. The frost is not great Yes, he doesn’t tell me to stand.
All. The frost does not tell me to stand,It's time for us to carol!
5th caroler. We sow, we weed, we sow,Happy New Year!For calves, for foalsAnd for the little guysTo be healthy They lived for many years.
They sit on benches.
1st buffoon barker. Well, that's enough, guys.A bag full of carols!
2nd buffoon barker. Kolyada typed: Two wheat piesA piece of cottage cheese,A stack of pancakes, a hundred pancakes,Rolls of butter, pieces of ham,
3rd buffoon barker. I don’t understand what’s wrong with the legs!They rush to the right, to the left,They don't stand stillThey just beg to dance!
The children are dancing" Pair dance with handkerchiefs" to the song Ivan Kupala "In the Grove"
Leading. Kolyada, Kolyada, would you like some pie?With onions, with peppers,With a mosquito heart.
Game "Pie".
Children stand in two ranks facing each other. A participant sits between the ranks, depicting a “pie”. Everyone sings: Yes, he is so tall,Yes, he is so wide,Yes, he’s so soft, Cut it and eat it.
While singing, when you hear the words “tall”, they raise their hands up, “wide” - they spread them to the sides, “soft” - they stroke the stomach. Immediately after the words “Cut it and eat it,” one participant from each line runs to the “pie.” Whoever touches the “pie” first takes it to his team, and the loser remains to pretend to be the “pie”. The group that takes the most “pies” wins.
Leading. How did Kolyada go?Walk along the street,Happy New Year! Kolyada, Kolyada, Where have you been before? Carolers. And I spent the night in the field,Now it has come to you!We sow, we sow, we sow,Happy New Year!
1st buffoon barker. Hey guys, kids!Have fun!Come quickly, my friend!Everyone form a circle!
2nd buffoon barker. For the sake of such a holidayAnd for these guysI'm ready to dance and singAll week long.Don't be lazy, legs,Cheer up, boots!For friends and girlfriends -Heels click and click!
A competition is announced for the best dramatization of Ivan Kupala’s song “Kostroma”
1st buffoon barker. And now we also offer you a game -Measure strength, as it happened in the old days.
2nd buffoon barker. We invite the strongest guys,Come on, strong men, stand in a funny row.
Tug of war.
3rd buffoon barker. Cockerel, Cockerel,golden comb,Why are you upset, my friend?
4th buffoon barker. How can you not be sad, brother?I want to be a rooster.
5th buffoon barker. Rooster? That's it!This is grief, no problem!
2nd buffoon barker. We will always put up a fight.Hey guys, give me a circle!Let the feathers fly here, pooh!
The game is being played Cockfighting". The players, standing on one leg, push each other with their shoulders, trying to force each other to stand on both legs. You can invite children to play a game very similar to Cockfight, but with a different name.
1st buffoon barker. Here's another gameGet ready, kids!Don't push, don't rush,Get into the circle quickly.
The game "Blind Man's Bluff" is played with children. "Zhmurka" is blindfolded, forced to turn around several times, then asked. - Cat, cat, what are you standing on?- In the kettle. - What's in the kneader? - Kvass. - Catch the mice, not us.The participants of the game run away, the "blind man's buff" catches them. The one he caught becomes a "blind man's buff".
Leading. Our holiday has come to an end. Be healthy, Be happyLive without troubles for many, many years!New Year has come The old one stole away, showed himself, go, people, To meet the sun,Drive away the frost.
A bell rings in the recording. Children go out to play.

Scenario “Christmas is a holy holiday”

Scenario for children from 9 to 12 years old

Target: tell schoolchildren about the holiday in an interesting and accessible way Nativity

Characters: Storyteller, Joseph, Mary, Magi, Emperor Augustus.

Note: You can tell the story of the birth of Jesus using a homemade theater. The simplest thing is to make figurines of heroes and decorations from cardboard.

Storyteller. Hello guys! I am glad to see you as a guest. Especially today when we celebrate Holy holiday Christmas. Do you know what kind of holiday this is? I'll tell you now.

Long ago, more than two thousand years ago, Emperor Augustus was the ruler of Judea. And he wanted to find out how many people there were in his state, for which he ordered every resident to come to the city where he was born and sign up.

Joseph and his wife Mary went to Bethlehem, where Joseph was from. The road was very long and difficult. They reached the city late in the evening. We wanted to stay in a hotel, but there were no places there.

Joseph and Mary came to Bethlehem. Mary is waiting for Joseph, who has gone to the inn, to find out if there is room for them.

Joseph. This hotel is full. It looks like we'll have to spend the night in the open air.

Joseph and Mary leave.

Storyteller. At the edge of the city there was a cave into which shepherds drove their cattle in bad weather. Joseph and Mary found shelter there.

Quiet clear night

There are scatterings of stars in the sky.

In the city of Bethlehem

Jesus Christ was born

Angels sing songs

The baby is sleeping in the manger.

Our savior was born,

And the news flies across the earth.

That night Mary gave birth to a son, Jesus. And a new star lit up in the heavens. The Magi - wise men from the east - saw this star and came to King Augustus to find out where the baby was born.

Magi. Peace be with you, Emperor Augustus!

August. What brought you to my country?

Magi. We saw a star in the east, announcing the birth of the king of the Jews, and we came to worship him. Where was he born, tell us.

Storyteller. Hearing this, Augustus became alarmed. He ordered to gather all the high priests and scribes and asked where Christ should be born. They told him:

Scribes. In Bethlehem, for so it is written by the prophets.

August. Well, go to Bethlehem and find out everything about the baby, so that I can go and worship him.

Storyteller. The Magi went to Bethlehem. And the star that they saw in the east walked before them, and finally came and stopped over the place where the baby was.

Magi. Peace to your home. We came to bow to the king of Judah and bring gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Maria. Apparently your path has been long and difficult.

Joseph. Spend the night with us, and tomorrow you will hit the road.

Storyteller. An angel of the Lord came to Joseph in a dream and said to him:

Angel. Joseph, get up, take the baby and his mother and run to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you, for Augustus wants to look for the baby in order to destroy him.

Storyteller. Joseph got up, took the child and Mary, and went into Egypt at night. And the Magi went to their own country by a different route to avoid meeting Emperor Augustus.

All earthly inhabitants rejoiced at the birth of Jesus Christ: birds sang, plants bloomed. Only the Christmas tree stood sad. Apart from needles and pine cones, she had nothing; she had nothing to please the baby. But suddenly a bright star fell from the sky and crumbled into small pieces. And these sparkling different colors the fragments fell directly onto the branches of the Christmas tree. Now the Christmas tree sparkled as if it was decorated precious stones. Since then, people dress up the forest beauty every Christmas.

In the first days of Christmas, young people and children dressed up and went from house to house, singing Christmas carols. They conveyed wishes to the owners for wealth, a good harvest, and healthy children. And the owners presented the carol with various gifts.

Carols sound.

Storyteller. Christmas holidays have always been accompanied by fun, songs and dances, and funny games. Let's play with you too.

Games for children at Christmas

Game "Snowball Throwers"

To play, you need tennis balls (or snowballs made from thread, cotton wool and glue) and baskets for throwing balls. The players' task is to throw as many snowballs into the basket as possible. The game can be played either in a team or individually.

Game "Who's first?"

To play you need two chairs and a rope. On the playground, chairs are placed opposite each other, and a rope is placed on the floor between the chairs. Two players begin to move around the chairs. As soon as the command “Drag!” sounds, the players sit on chairs and pull the rope towards them. The first player to pull out the rope is the winner.

Ball racing game

Participants sit in a circle. Two players standing opposite each other receive a ball. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to pass the balls in a circle in one direction. The player who ends up with two balls at once is eliminated from the game.

Game "Snake"

Players stand in a column one after another and hold tightly to the belt of the participant in front. In this position, they begin to move around the playground. While moving, the first player in the column must catch the last one, and the last one must dodge the first one.

Game "Noah's Ark"

Players pull the names of animals out of the bag, but do not show or talk about what they took out. There can be no more than two names of each animal in the bag. Then the light in the room dims, and players, imitating the sounds of their animal, must find a mate. The search time is limited by the leader.

Game "Gifts of the Magi"

The host invites the players to put their hand into the bag of gifts and choose a gift for themselves. But the player will receive this gift only if he guesses by touch what kind of gift it is.

Storyteller. Well, dear guests, I invite you to the Christmas table.

The participants of the holiday sit down at the tables.

Storyteller. One of the favorite entertainments during the Christmas holidays was Christmas fortune telling. And I invite you to plunge into the atmosphere of the mystery of fortune telling and try fortune cookies. (The fortunes in the cookies must be positive.) Our holiday has come to an end. And I say goodbye to you until next year. Merry Christmas!