Final parent meeting in the speech therapy group presentation. Presentation for the parent meeting “Speech therapy group

Syllabic structure of the word

The child must
pronounce words
type: tour guide,
frying pan, etc.
What to do?
Must be pronounced
difficult words with a child,
slapping each one

had in preschool
various speech disorders, therefore constitute
risk group
on the occurrence of reading and writing disorders. Moreover, the prevalence of reading disorders among younger children school age quite big
as a means of acquiring knowledge, lead to difficulties in children in mastering school subjects
identifying such

and provision of qualified speech therapy assistance help them cope with school problems– in particular with the problem of writing and reading.
various complex speech disorders,
which in children with normal hearing and

the intellect disrupts the formation of all components speech system, i.e. the sound side (phonetics) and the semantic side (vocabulary, grammar).


The child must
name words
with a given sound;
determine position
sound in a word;
and consistency
sounds in a word;
make words from sounds;
What to do?

named skills

Know all the letters clearly
IN primary school many
children experience
in the formation
reading and writing skills
errors: skipping, replacing, rearranging letters, syllables, distorting endings, not
finish reading or

their. Many people are characterized by guessing reading and have difficulties in
syllable fusion
. Distortions of the sound composition of words and difficulties
syllable fusion
in most cases they make it difficult for children to understand what they read.
As a result, children develop a negative, emotionally negative attitude towards
processes of reading and writing.
Speech therapist teachers of the highest qualification category
Speech therapy service
Child's age
Sounds that appear in speech
1 year

b, t, k, h
1.5 years
– 2

, V,
, l,
2 years -
years 6 months
, T,
2 years 7 months -
years 5 months
, With,
, l
3.5 years -
years 8 months
h, sch
4 years -
years 6 months
w, w,
4 years 6 months -
Development of the sound side of speech is normal

Connected speech

The child must
anwser the questions;
talk about
make up
according to the picture;
What to do?

Reading and telling stories

Questions about the content of the tale
(child's complete answers)

Retell a fairy tale

Storytelling from personal experience

Memorize and recite poems.
Sound pronunciation

The child must
all speech sounds
What to do?

Eliminate violations
Secure newly delivered
in the child’s independent speech
Good luck to you and yours
to kid
What to do?

Explain new words

Word games:
● “Name the birds, animals, flowers,
colors, transport, seasons and their
signs, months, professions, etc.”
● “Match the characteristics of the object”
● “Say the opposite”
● “Parts of a whole”
2000 words
Components of the speech system
Sound pronunciation
Active Dictionary
Phonemic awareness
Syllabic structure of the word
structure of speech
Connected speech
Grammatical structure

The child must
understand and
have skills
word formation;
word agreement

What to do?

Correct mistakes!

● “Say kindly”
● “One-many”
● “Which one from what?”
● “Let’s count”
Elimination of OHP –
difficult and long
correctional activities of various specialists (educators, speech therapists, educational psychologists) with the mandatory participation of parents.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Speech by a speech therapist at the first parent meeting in the preparatory group for children with special needs development

The first speech of a speech therapist teacher at a parent meeting in preparatory group for children with general underdevelopment speeches....

Dear parents, many children have fears. Why, children, even adults, have their own fears. But so that they do not interfere with our lives and doing what we love, I bring to your attention...

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Slide captions:

Slide 1
Multimedia application for parent meetings
compiled by Kulagina L.V. teacher-speech therapist 2013

Slide 2
Stand out different types readiness for school: Psychological readiness Physical readiness: health status, physical development, development small groups muscles, development of basic movements Special readiness: ability to read, count, write

Slide 3
Ready for school
When they talk about “readiness for school,” they do not mean individual skills and knowledge, but a specific set of them, in which all the main components are present.

Slide 4
Being ready for school today does not mean being able to write, read, count. Being ready for school means being ready to learn all this

Slide 5
Our speech is a process of communication,
therefore, readiness or unpreparedness for school is largely determined by the level speech development. After all, precisely with the help of oral speech and writing to a child the entire system of knowledge has to be mastered. The better his speech is developed before entering school, the faster the student will master reading and writing.

Slide 6
Parents should first of all pay attention to:
Correct pronunciation of all sounds. The ability to distinguish speech sounds by ear. Possession of basic skills. sound analysis. Vocabulary. Grammatical structure of speech Connected speech. Speech communication. Fine hand motor skills.

Slide 8
Development fine motor skills

Slide 9
How to develop fine motor skills at home? Offer your child: Games with small objects (puzzles, mosaics, beads, construction sets, lacing). Drawing, coloring, shading, plasticine, scissors. Finger games and exercises. Massage of hands and fingers.

Slide 10
Fine motor skills
Often, learning to write causes the greatest difficulties and problems for children. In order to avoid the problem, you need to solve the issue of readiness to write directly with your hand. Try to spend at least 20 minutes in August tracing cells in a notebook, drawing circles in them, making ornaments from sticks, sculpting from clay, plasticine, performing movements with small objects (mosaics, construction sets, stringing beads, tying ropes, cutting with scissors). Teach your child to sit at the table correctly, hold a pen, and focus attention. If you have old copybooks, you can simply trace the sample letters many times.

Slide 11
Sound pronunciation
Normally, the child should fully master the entire sound aspect of speech by the age of 3–4 years; by the age of 5–6 years, he should be able to distinguish sounds by ear and pronunciation. When coming to school, the child must clearly pronounce sounds in various words, in phrasal speech. He must not omit them, distort them, or replace them with others.

Slide 12
Possession of basic sound analysis skills:
the ability to isolate the initial vowel sound from a word; analysis of vowels from three sounds like “aui”; analysis of the reverse syllable vowel - consonant type “ap”; hear and identify the first and last consonant sound in a word; determine the number and sequence of sounds in a word; name words based on a given sound. Children must know and correctly use the terms “sound”, “syllable”, “word”, “sentence”.

Slide 13
“What sound is there in all words? “Fur coat, cat, mouse, shampoo - Choose a word that begins with the last sound of the word “table” (varnish, l). - Remember the name of the bird, which contains the last sound of the word “cheese” (rook). - Choose a word so that the first sound is [k], and the last sound is [a] (cat). - Name an object in the room with a given sound (What ends with “A”; what starts with “C”, the sound “T” in the middle of the word, etc.).

Slide 14
By the age of 7, the child should have a fairly large vocabulary (about 3000 words). In his speech, he should actively use antonyms (sad - cheerful, young - old), synonyms (for example, horse, horse, stallion, racer), words - actions , words are signs.
The child must be able to use different ways word formation, correctly use words with a diminutive meaning, form words in the required form, highlight sound and semantic differences between words; form adjectives from nouns.

Slide 15
Grammatical structure of speech Normally, by the age of 6–7 years, a child has formed:
the ability to use detailed phrasal speech, the ability to work with sentences, correctly construct simple sentences, see the connection of words in sentences, extend sentences using secondary and homogeneous members, work with deformed sentences, independently find errors and eliminate them, compose sentences based on key words and pictures.

Slide 16
Connected speech
By the age of 7, a child should be able to retell short, unfamiliar stories and fairy tales. When retelling, attention is paid to the child’s understanding of the text (he must correctly formulate the main idea), to the structuring of the text (he must be able to consistently and accurately construct a retelling), to vocabulary (the complete use of vocabulary), to grammar (he must correctly construct sentences, be able to use complex sentences), on fluency of speech (lack of prompts during the retelling).

Slide 17
How can you help your child? Talk to him, ask questions, encouraging him to answer with suggestions. Read works of fiction. Discuss the book you read, the cartoon you watched. Remember familiar works and cartoons, invite your child to tell them himself. Pay attention to your own speech. A child’s speech largely depends on how the adults around him speak.

Slide 18
Speech communication
The child must be quite active in communication, be able to listen and understand speech, build communication taking into account the situation, easily come into contact with children and adults, express his thoughts clearly and consistently, and use forms of speech etiquette.

Slide 19
What to do with your child so that he is ready for school?
First of all, we need to take care of his health. Swimming, walking, cycling - these are activities that contribute to the future successful entry into school life. Develop self-care skills.

Slide 20
It is important that the child develop strong-willed qualities. To do this, he needs to be taught to finish any task he starts.

Slide 21
In order for a child to speak well, you need to talk to him: this is how samples are set oral speech. In order for a child to learn to be attentive, he needs to read and tell fairy tales: this is how patterns of word perception are set. For a book to be perceived as a necessary element of life, it must live in the house and be in demand by adults. This is how samples of a certain life style are set.

Slide 22
Activities that make fantasy, imagination, and independent ingenuity work are useful: drawing, modeling, designing.

Slide 23
Are parents ready for school?
Sacrifice your personal time and some habits. Contain your emotions. Do not shout, do not humiliate or offend. Do not compare your child with other children. Do not punish your child without reason. Always greet your child from school with a smile. Be generous with praise for achieved results

Slide 24
Thank you for your attention!

Slide 25
Anisimova T.B. Preparing a child for school. M., 2003. Bezrukikh M.M., Efimova S.P. The child goes to school. M., 2002. Kashe G.A. Preparing children with speech impediments for school. M., 1985. Paramonova L.G., Ilyina M.N. Tests for children “Is your child ready for school.” Sat. tests and developmental exercises. 1998. (accessed November 20, 2011)

Speech therapist is a useful job After all, everyone wants to express boldly, Smartly and freely, beautifully, skillfully Everything that is painful and that is boiling. If you want, I will help you “hang” your tongue in the right place. If you want, I will surprise you - All of you will speak wonderfully, Easy, wonderful and interesting! Run towards me with impatience: You will not have a speech disorder!

Formation of correct sound pronunciation Development of articulatory movements, movements of the speech organs (lips, cheeks, tongue) Improvement of phonemic processes Improvement grammatical structure speech Enrichment, activation of speech vocabulary Development of fine motor skills of the hands Development of coherent speech Improvement of the prosodic side of speech

Notebooks are taken away on the weekend and returned on the weekend. Tasks for the development of fine motor skills (drawing, shading) are completed with pencils. All speech material must be worked out. Tasks must be read to the child. All tasks must be completed to the end.

Smile, open your mouth. Suck the wide tongue to the palate. This is the cap of the mushroom, and the hyoid ligament is the stalk. The tip of the tongue should not turn up, the lips should be in a smile. If the child is unable to suck his tongue, then he can slowly click his tongue, as in the “Horse” exercise. The clicking of the tongue captures the desired movement of the tongue. Smile, open your mouth. Place your wide tongue on your lower lip. Hold calm for a count of five. In this exercise, it is important to ensure that the lower lip does not tense or pull on the lower teeth.

Smile, open your mouth. Using a cup-shaped tongue, lick your upper lip from top to bottom (you can anoint it with jam). The lower lip should not be tight around the teeth (you can pull it down with your hand). The mouth is wide open and slightly stretched in a smile, the tongue in the shape of a “cup” is raised up: the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars, and the front edge of the tongue is raised behind the upper front teeth towards the alveoli. The child speaks with an aspirated D-D-D or T T-T. The tongue "jumps on the tubercles."

Smile, open your mouth slightly. Using the tip of your tongue, “clean” the lower and then the upper teeth from the inside, moving your tongue left and right. The lower jaw does not move. Open your mouth slightly, place your tongue on your upper lip and move the wide front edge of your tongue back and forth along your upper lip, trying not to lift your tongue from your lip, as if stroking it. The pace of the exercise, gradually speeding up, then add a voice so that you can hear “BL-BL-BL”. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, it should be wide.

Smile, open your mouth. Place the tip of your tongue against your lower teeth. On the count of “one”, arch your tongue, resting the tip of your tongue on your lower teeth. On the count of two, return to the starting position. The tip of the tongue should not come off the lower teeth, and the mouth should not close. Smile, open your mouth. On the count of 1-2, alternately rest your tongue on the upper and lower teeth. The lower jaw is motionless.

Smile, open your mouth. Using the wide tip of your tongue, stroke the roof of your mouth from your teeth to your throat. The lower jaw should not move. Smile, open your mouth wide, raise the tip of your tongue and place it on the tubercles (alveoli) behind your upper teeth. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of eight, then ten. Lower your tongue and repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Smile, open your mouth. Move the tip of the tongue into a “one-two” count from one corner of the mouth to the other. The lower jaw remains motionless. Smile, open your mouth, place your wide tongue on your lower lip, bend the side edges of your tongue into a cup shape. Hold for a count of five. The lower lip should not cover the lower teeth.

Parent meeting "How to teach a child to speak correctly?"

Author: Marina Vladimirovna Sklyueva, teacher-speech therapist MBDOU No. 17 kindergarten “Rucheyok”, Berezovsky, Kemerovo region.

Parent meeting in the senior group.
Topic: “How to teach a child to speak correctly?”
This meeting is held by a speech therapist in September, when children are enrolled in speech therapy center. At the meeting, the speech therapist introduces parents in general terms to the main areas of work to correct deficiencies in speech development. At further meetings, the speech therapist dwells in more detail on violations of each of the components of speech and methods of working on the development of articulation, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech and other components of speech at home. At the first meeting it is important to show complete picture the structure of speech, the relationship of its components, make it clear to parents that the work to correct speech disorders– this is not a one-time phenomenon, but rather a long, painstaking, but interesting path of joint activities with your child. The meeting must be held on a positive level, instilling in parents a sense of confidence in overcoming speech development problems. The meeting is based on a presentation prepared specifically for the event. The form of this meeting will be of interest not only to speech therapists preschool institutions, but also all teachers looking for new forms of working with parents.

Target: Creating motivation among parents to joint activities with children on speech correction and development.
Introduce parents to the main components of speech;
Introduce techniques for correcting and developing speech components available to parents at home;
Encourage parents to cooperate in the work to correct deficiencies in speech development.
Equipment: projector, screen, laptop, magnetic board (easel), chamomile petals made of white paper, images of a teapot. horses, cars. ball, sandpaper mitten, individual mirrors, picture plans to describe objects.

Progress of the meeting:

1. – Dear parents! Today I invite you to figure out what a child’s speech is and get acquainted with the techniques for correcting speech disorders at home. What is speech? How do you imagine your child’s speech? I imagine the child’s speech in the form of a magic chest. (Slide 1 appears with a picture of a chest). Let's take a look at it!

Slide 1
- The most important component of speech is the dictionary. What is a child's dictionary like at 5 years old?
Look at the next slide and try to guess which statements about the state of a five-year-old child’s vocabulary are correct (slide 2).

Slide 2
Parents read the statements on the slide and try to give the correct answer. As a result, a slide appears with the correct answers (Slide 3).

Slide 3

Slide 4
The speech therapist suggests playing several games to develop the vocabulary of 5-year-old children. (Slide 4). Parents stand in a circle. Game “Here is a bird. What kind of bird? The leader has the ball. He says: Here is a bird. What kind of bird? - and passes the ball to a neighbor, who must name the bird, and so on in a circle. Then the presenter says, for example: “Here are the dishes. What kind of dishes? - and everyone in a circle names the dishes. Next, the speech therapist suggests playing the game “Disassemble the object.” 2-3 parents are invited. The speech therapist gives them pictures of objects: a car, a teapot, a horse. Each of them names the parts of the depicted objects as quickly as possible. As a rule, at first parents are not very willing to participate in joint games, but after the first game the atmosphere is discharged, adults feel partly like children, and are more willing to take part in tasks. After each game, the speech therapist notes that these games are very easy to play at home with the child. The speech therapist briefly explains the rules of the remaining games at the request of the parents.
2. - Let's look into the chest again. The next important component of speech: articulation.

Slide 5
- To pronounce sounds, the child needs mobile, clearly functioning organs of articulation (Slide 5). Now you will experience what a child with articulation difficulties feels.
The speech therapist puts a sandpaper mitten on the parents' hand. Parents try to move their fingers, bend their palm into a cup, clench and unclench their fingers.
- This is approximately how a child experiencing difficulties in the mobility of articulation organs feels his organs of articulation. What can be done to make the tongue and lips more mobile and sensitive? (Parents' answers).
- That's right, do articulation gymnastics. Now we will perform several articulation exercises that will benefit any child (Slide 6).

Slide 6
With the help of the interactive game "Happy Harvest", parents perform four articulation exercises. (“Frog”, “Shovel”, “Calyx”, “Woodpecker”)
- A separate parent meeting and individual consultations will be devoted to performing articulatory gymnastics.
3. – Let’s look into our magic chest. The next component of speech is the grammatical structure of speech (Slide 7). The grammatical structure of speech is the most important skill in the structure of speech; it allows you to differentiate the level of speech development.

Slide 7
On the next slide the children will tell us how grammatical
constructions have already been mastered by the age of 5 (Sdayd 8):

Slide 8
- What difficulties do children still face in speaking? We will see the answer on the next slide (Slide 9):

Slide 9
- With the help of the interactive game “What Has Become”, you can reinforce the use of the genitive plural of adjectives and nouns in your child’s speech. Pay attention to the clear pronunciation of the endings of adjectives and nouns (Slide 10).

Slide 10
4. – There is one last secret left in our chest, and this is coherent speech (Slide 11). Coherent speech is the crown of a child’s speech, an indicator of the development of thinking, communication, and achievement of norms age development.

Slide 11
- How can parents develop their child’s coherent speech? Try to make it as coherent as possible. To do this, it is necessary to purposefully teach how to describe objects. Ask your child to describe an object, for example, the house in the picture. And you will hear something like this in response (Slide 12):

Slide 12
- I propose to actively use picture plans to describe objects. For example, like this (Slide 13):

Slide 13
The speech therapist distributes picture plans to 1-2 parents and offers to describe an object, noting the coherence and completeness of the description according to the plan of even the simplest object.
- And, of course, stories from children’s personal experiences and retellings are the most best friends in the development of coherent speech. One type of storytelling is a story based on a series of pictures. Using an interactive game, let's try to restore the sequence of history (Slides 14,15):

Slides 14,15
5. At the end of the meeting, the speech therapist summarizes (Slide 16):

Slide 16
- Dear parents! Are you convinced that the appearance of developed, clear, complete speech in a child with developmental problems requires effort from parents? Do you agree that it is necessary to develop a child’s speech? If your answers to my questions are positive, then I ask you to attach the petals to the daisy on the board with magnets. Do you have any questions?
Next, the speech therapist invites parents to individual consultations and the next parent-teacher meetings, distributes business cards and booklets.

Alfiya Rakhmatullina
Presentation for parent meeting « Speech therapy group»

Speech for meetings

1. In September of this year in our kindergarten opens speech therapy group, which we are all very happy about, since children in need speech therapy group today there are a lot.

2. B speech therapy group children with special needs are enrolled. ONR - violation of the formation of all aspects of speech in various complex speech disorders in children with normal intelligence and full hearing. I want to emphasize that these are children with normal intelligence and full hearing.

3. What's the difference? speech therapy group?

Unlike ordinary ones, which can have 25-30 children, speech therapy groups kindergartens are small - 12-15 people.

For speech therapy groups a special daily routine has been developed, different from the usual, in each speech therapy group there are two teachers and one speech therapist.

- Speech therapist spends every day with children group and individual lessons.

Educators also pay attention to learning letters and sounds, teaching children reading, writing, everything a child will need to enter school.

Due to the fact that in there are few children in the speech therapy group, there is an opportunity to pay maximum attention to everyone. Therefore, graduates speech therapy groups They often have a wider vocabulary, better developed graphic skills, they can do sound-letter analysis, tell stories from pictures, analyze and generalize without hesitation.

4. Another important difference is that in speech therapy group is underway comprehensive development children. Children are not only engaged in speech therapist and parents, but also educators, psychologist, music director, and physical education instructor. Together they work in such a way as to help children with speech impairments overcome these impairments.

5. Get to work speech therapist includes not only the correction of sound pronunciation, but the development of the dictionary, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the development of the phonetic-phonemic system of the language, literacy training, the development of coherent speech and verbal communication. As I have said, speech therapist conducts in speech therapy group not only individual lessons, but also group. In ordinary no group lessons.

Now I want to invite other specialists who will briefly talk about their work in speech therapy group.

6. Educator: educators conduct group, subgroup And individual lessons with children according to the program and assignments speech therapist, consolidating the knowledge gained at speech therapy classes;

systematic monitoring of children’s speech is carried out not only during classes, but also at special moments

7. Psychologist: Speech disorders, to one degree or another, negatively affect everyone. mental development child, are reflected in his activities and behavior. Some are overly active, others are passive, which is due to the weakness of the nervous system. Aggression and excessive disinhibition are possible. Fatigue is often increased, attention deficit is observed, memory and performance are reduced. Therefore in speech therapy group the psychologist pays Special attention development of memory, attention, thinking, imagination, as well as the formation of consciousness and improvement of the emotional-volitional sphere.

8. Musical director : With children from logogroups Music classes are conducted with musical-motor, speech-motor and musical-speech games and exercises. The classes include special gymnastics for articulation, breathing and finger exercises, speech therapy chants, communication games and dancing.

9. Physical education instructor: Children with speech disorders have impaired coordination of movements, weakened attention, and weak muscles. Work is carried out in the following directions:

staging diaphragmatic-speech breathing;

exercises to develop general and fine motor skills;

plastic-rhythmic gymnastics;

exercises to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, to develop balance, to form correct posture;

mastery of basic norms and rules healthy image life

10. Thus, by the end of the second year of study, children will have independent, coherent, grammatical correct speech and communication skills, the phonetic system of the Russian language, elements of literacy, which forms psychological readiness for learning at school.

11. Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

“The influence of family upbringing on the personality and behavior of the child” (for parents’ meeting) Types family education. "One parent is worth more than a thousand teachers." Chinese proverb Raising children is the most important task of modern times.

Summary of an integrated lesson for a parent meeting on cognitive development in the preparatory group Topic: "Saying goodbye to winter."

Summary of the parent meeting for children of the senior group “The meaning of fairy tales for a child” Parent meeting Purpose: - to give parents knowledge about the importance of fairy tales in the development of a child; - give recommendations to parents about fairy tales.

Summary of the parent meeting “Raising inquisitive people” (senior group) The purpose of the meeting: to reveal the meaning of the child’s cognitive interest and the response of adults to it; teach to develop cognitive activity.

Open Literacy Parent Meeting Session. Topic: “Little literates.” prepared by category 1 teacher Beruchenko.