Scenario New Year middle group New Year's mail. Scenario for the New Year's party in the middle group "Merry New Year"

New Year's holiday scenario for middle school children preschool age "New Year is in a hurry to visit us"

Place of work: GBDOU No. 9 of the combined type, Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg, Pushkin
Description: This material is intended for music directors and educators working with middle school children. Dance compositions and musical repertoire are compiled at the discretion of the teacher and music director.
The musical accompaniment for the characters' exit is selected in accordance with the character's image.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in the middle group "The New Year is in a hurry to visit us"

- create a festive atmosphere in children, cultivate a desire to please friends and loved ones with poems, songs and dances; the ability to empathize with characters, fostering good feelings.
- develop in children Creative skills in progress various types musical activity;
- create interest in theatrical activities;
- cultivate self-control, attention, a sense of friendliness and mutual assistance;
Attributes and equipment:
- an elegant Christmas tree, snowdrifts made of fabric, snowflakes for decorating the hall, silver fireworks for the dance of snowflakes, lanterns for gnomes, a staff for D/M, rope, felt boots, a bag with gifts for Santa Claus.

Celebration progress:

Presenter 1: Time goes on and on
The New Year is just around the corner!
It's time to start the holiday, friends!
Sing, dance! You can't get bored here.

Children run into the hall to the music “White Snowflakes” and form a round dance around the Christmas tree (the Christmas tree is on fire).

1 Child: Hello, forest Christmas tree,
Silvery, thick
You grew up under the sun
And she came to us for the holiday.

2 Child: You came to the joy of the children,
We will celebrate the New Year with you.
Let's sing a song together
Let's dance merrily!

The song “Christmas tree - green needle!”

3 Child: The Christmas tree came to visit us
Brought the smell of pine needles
Because it's New Year
Everyone is waiting for a Christmas tree to visit.

Dance around the Christmas tree.
The children take their seats.

Presenter 2: We waited a long time for the Christmas tree to visit us,
Finally she came, beautiful, elegant.
To please her
We will read a poem about her.

4 Child: Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
He lit the lights on it.
And the needles shine on it,
And there is snow on the branches

You have to stand near the tree
And make a wish.
The day will come, the hour will come,
Everything will be fulfilled by the New Year.

5 Child: Artist painting
I painted all night
Worked conscientiously
I knew no peace.

And here on the windows
Already turned white
Tall pines,
Fluffy spruces.

6 Child: Then we saw
There's a firmament there
Where are the stars cheerful
There was a round dance.

Snowflakes fluttered
One by one -
So the windows are frosty
Decorated in winter!

Presenter 2: And we will not forget the beauty of winter, and our children also prepared poems about her:

7 Child: A cheerful winter has come,
With skates and sleds,
With powdered skis,
With a magical old fairy tale

On the decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns are swinging.
May your winter be fun
It doesn't end any longer

Presenter 2: And now the children will sing a song about winter-winter.

Song "Zimushka-winter"

Music sounds (at the choice of the music director), and the Queen of the Night appears.

Presenter 1: Hello! Who are you?

Night (arrogantly): I am Queen Night

I bring darkness and darkness
It will be very difficult for frost
Find a path in the forest.

May the month no longer sparkle
The stars above do not shine,
The lights on the Christmas tree are fading (fading out)
And I like the darkness of the night.

There will be no holiday anywhere
I'll go to another kindergarten
I'll turn off the lights on the tree! (flies away)

Presenter 1: What should we do, what should we do?
How to light the road.
Santa Claus won't find us
And there will be no New Year!

Presenter 2: Don't be sad, look
Forest gnomes are coming
So interesting
Pompoms on caps and flashlights in hands.

Dance of the Dwarfs.

Girl: Forest gnomes
You will help us
To Grandfather Frost
Light the way.

The gnomes take their lanterns and continue their dance. At the end of the dance, the gnomes place lanterns around the Christmas tree.

IN riding 1: Thank you forest gnomes
You helped us a lot.
Let's wait for Santa Claus
Let's sing the song together.

Song "Sleigh"

Presenter 2: The children all came to the holiday,
The guests are here.
But have a question?
Where does our merry go?
good Grandfather Frost?
It's time for him to come
He was delayed on the way.

I hear the snow already creaking,
Santa Claus is in a hurry here.

(children call Grandfather Frost).
Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Hello kids!
Girls and boys
Happy New Year
I wish you happiness and joy.

Presenter 1: Grandfather Frost came
Night turned out our Christmas tree.

Father Frost: Don't worry guys
both girls and boys,
I'll wave it like a staff,
In an instant I will light everything up!!

(lights the Christmas tree)

Father Frost: And let it always be for you
A bright star is shining.
Let's stand together in a round dance
Let's celebrate the New Year with a song!

Round dance with D/M.

Queen Night flies in.

Night: Oh, you are! Well wait!
I won't forgive you for this!
I'll put a spell on everyone now
I'll turn everyone into icicles!

Father Frost: Stop, evil witch!
It's time to do good
On this day I command
Be a fairy of light and goodness!

Night: It's good that this evil is gone
I have become kind and now
I will do a lot of good
For everyone...for adults and children
Guys, give me the answer
Who's not at the Christmas tree with us? (answer)

Father Frost: Come on guys, let's all call the Snow Maiden (name) together.

Snow Maiden: This is who is calling me
Who's celebrating the New Year?
Hello my friends,
I'm glad to see you all!

I was in a hurry to visit your Christmas tree
and hurried the snowflakes
I'll show you a trick and sweep some snow in the hall
Hey you, dear snowflakes, my little feather stars
Whirl like a snowstorm in a snow-white carousel.
Dance of snowflakes.

Snow Maiden: I don't like rain and slush
Fluffy snow is dearer to me.
I like to play snowballs
I'll throw them at you.

Snowball game.

Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit
I'll look at the guys
Tell me your poems,
Amuse grandpa.

8 Child: Hello Dedushka Moroz!
I've been waiting for you for a whole year,
I ordered a cartload of gifts,
Prepared a round dance.

In just a year I have grown up
Became big and serious
And today is Santa Claus
I'll ask questions.

9 Child: Tell us Santa Claus
How did you get to us?
Who brought you and how?
How did you not get lost?

We'll sing a song.
And we'll tell you a poem.
Let's have a wonderful time
And we'll dance some more.

Father Frost: And now, Snow Maiden, it’s time for us to go home.

Night: grandpa, didn’t you do something?

Father Frost: How did you not? D/M played with children? (played)
Did you dance near the Christmas tree? (danced)
Did you sing songs? Did you make the kids laugh? What else have I forgotten?

Night and Snow Maiden: You forgot your gifts!

Father Frost: Yes, yes, well, dear friends,
I have a miracle in store. (looks near the Christmas tree)
I put the bag here, I remember
I don’t know where he went!

While we sang and danced
The gifts seemed to have run away!
The forest is great, I’ll go look!
You'll have to wait! (gets ready to leave).

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, you have a magic rope.
She will help us. I hid it under the Christmas tree. I’ll bring it now (brings a rope from behind the tree).

Father Frost: Thank you, Snegurochka! But I forgot magic words.

Night: You helped the little animals with this rope and said magic words. (Night comes up to D/M and whispers in his ear).

Father Frost: Thank you! Let's try it now. "You rope straighten up
Grasp the gifts” (pulls out a felt boot).

Father Frost: What is this?

Snow Maiden: Yes, the animals were probably joking.

Night: Y/M try again.

Santa Claus throws the rope again and says the magic words and pulls the rope with difficulty)

Father Frost: Oh it's heavy, help me pull. (Night and Snow Maiden help D/M pull out the bag).

Father Frost: Here are gifts for you, friends, help me distribute them, Night and Snow Maiden! (Night and the Snow Maiden helps distribute gifts)

Father Frost: And now it's time to say goodbye
Kids are waiting for me everywhere,
I wish you goodbye
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,

Always be healthy
Live in peace, friendship,
Help each other
Don't offend anyone.

The heroes say goodbye and leave. Children go to the group to winter music.

“New Year's mail”,, 2013.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand around the Christmas tree.

Ved: The Christmas tree holiday has called everyone

To our elegant, bright hall.

This holiday is the best

For all adults and children

"Happy New Year! With new happiness!" -

Everyone talks to each other.

Reb: We have been waiting for the holiday for a long time,

Winter has finally come

The Christmas tree came to visit us,

Happy New Year kids!

Reb: Today near the Christmas tree

The round dance is spinning

And every needle

Sings on the Christmas tree.

Reb: Our Christmas tree is fluffy,

All silvery from the snow,

On the top of the head, like a hat,

An armful of white snow.

Reb: In a green dress

Christmas tree always

She's not afraid of blizzards,

Blizzards, cold.

Reb: Near the Christmas tree today

Hello, New Year's holiday,

All: Hello, beautiful Christmas tree!

Ved: We will go in a round dance and sing a song to the Christmas tree.

(children perform round dance “New Year!”Nikitina, after the round dance they sit on chairs). There is a ringing sound.

Ved: Do you hear the clock ringing, what is it telling us?

Soon it will be New Year, soon Santa Claus will come.

Let's invite him to the holiday with a cheerful song.

(children perform song "Santa Claus"Veresokina, after the song Santa Claus appears).

D.M: Hello my dear! Happy New Year!

When I heard your song, I hurried to your holiday,

In his sled-scooters, he rolled through the snowdrifts.

Oh, where are your girls? I see only squirrels... and instead of boys only gnomes....

Ved: Today is carnival, Grandfather Frost, so the guys dressed up and turned into fairy-tale characters. Listen, they will sing to themselves.

(the boys perform"Song of the Dwarves", girls perform"Squirrel Song").

Ved: Now, gnomes, invite the squirrels to dance.

(children perform Dance "Dwarves and Squirrels", then sit down).

D.M: All the dancers are good, you danced with all your heart. You made grandpa happy, I’ll read you a New Year’s letter for that.

(Santa Claus opens the box and is surprised how many letters have arrived).

D.M: Give me the glasses quickly, I’ll start reading the letters (puts on fake glasses). Here is a letter from the snowman. He writes: “Give me Santa Claus, a cheerful winter song.” Help me guys make the snowman's wish come true, sing a funny winter song.

(children perform song "First Snow" Filippenko).

D.M: And here are also about a dozen telegrams from moms and dads.

Everyone wants to hear the guys perform poetry.

Children read poetry:

  1. Mountains of snow wool stood outside the window

We take shovels, we clean the paths.

  1. White snow sparkles and ice sparkles.

A titmouse sings a song on a pine tree.

  1. The cheerful snowman heard a song

And he came out to help us with a new broom.

  1. Snowflakes are quietly falling into the clearing, onto the path.

They don’t lie on the palm, they immediately sparkle a little.

Grab this snowflake - but it’s not there.

  1. Winter, winter outside, the paths are snowy.

The fluffy snowball is spinning, and we look out the window.

If it gets warmer, we'll go for a walk soon.

(two Babka-Hedgehogs come running unnoticed,hiding behind the Christmas tree, whispering: “Look, Santa Claus reads the mail, fulfills wishes. And you and I forgot to write him a letter"

I told you, write!

I told you so! (they make noise, quarrel).

D.M: Who's that noise behind the tree? Well, I'll take a look.

(Santa Claus walks around the tree, Grandmothers-Hedgehogs run away from him, then cover the mailbox with a white cloth and stand in front of it).

D.M: Oh, what kind of miracle is this - Yudo? Who are you and where are you from?

B-E: Didn't Santa Claus recognize us? But the kids recognized us immediately. We are Babulechki - Yagulechki.

D.M: Strange. In the fairy tale there was one Baba Yaga, but here two appeared.

B-Y1: Oh, Grandfather Frost, you’ve read so many letters that you’re seeing double.

B-Y2: Put your foot on your toes, and we’ll walk on your heels, we’ll beat off fractions, and you’ll squat.

(“Dance with Santa Claus», Santa Claus, out of breath, sits down by the Christmas tree).

D.M: Look, the pop stars are dancing. Where did you hide my mailbox?

B-Y1: We didn't hide anything. No box was seen.

(cover the box with their skirts, Santa Claus pushes them to the sides).

D.M: What is this? (points to a box covered with a white cloth).

B-Y2: This is a stump. Really, kids?

D.M: Are you trying to deceive me? Oh, I'll freeze you. You'll freeze to the floor so much that you won't thaw out until spring. You were Grandmother Yagulka, but you will become icicles. One two Three!

(hits with a staff, Babki-Hedgehogs freeze in funny poses).

B-Y1: Grandfather Frost, forgive us, we won't do it again.

B-Y2: Let us never deceive.

D.M: Well, guys, shall we forgive them? They promise to never cheat again...

One two Three! (hits with a staff, Grandmothers-Hedgehogs run away).

D.M: And I'll read the mail again. Here is a letter from my grandparents. They ask to give them a kolobok for the New Year, not a simple one, but with a twist. Let's make this wish come true too.

Ved: Guys, let's stand in a circle and perform a dance, bake a bun for grandparents.

(children perform the “Kolobok” dance by Morozova).

D.M: Oh, what a hot bun it turned out to be. I'm afraid I might melt. Blow a cold breeze on me, guys.

(children blow on Santa Claus, Grandmothers-Hedgehogs come running and wave their fans).

D.M: It was so nice and cool. Thank you snowflakes.

B-Ё1: Ha ha ha! Snowflakes!

D.M: Is it you again? Why did you come?

B-Ё2: For what? For gifts! In the new year we want to fly on new super whisks to overtake planes.

D.M: Okay, you will have brooms. Just an agreement: get the brooms and fly to the hut.

B-Ё1: Agreed! Brooms to the studio.

(ride on new brooms).

D.M: Hey grannies red light! There is no way further for you!

B-Ё2: Eh, it's a pity, we were just playing around. Maybe then we can have fun with the guys and dance with them?

D.M: This is possible.

(dance "Invitation"The heroes of the holiday are the first to invite).

B-Ё1: Santa Claus, can you play?

D.M: Of course, I’ll play with the guys now, and don’t lag behind.

(held "Game with bells" Rozhavskaya).

D.M: I had a lot of fun, it’s time for me to go to other guys.

B-Ё2: Santa Claus, you gave us a gift, but you forgot about the guys.

D.M: Oh yes! I forgot about the gifts. I left the sleigh with gifts at the gate. Fly there, on your super brooms, Granny Yagulechki, deliver my sleigh with gifts here.

(B-Yo fly away and return with gifts).

Presenter - Today we have fun,

We are celebrating the New Year.

And all the guests and all the children

We invite you to the Christmas tree.

(To the song « Winter beauty is in a hurry”children enter the hall)

1 – Snowwool Mountains

We stood outside the window.

We take shovels

We clean the paths.

2 – White snow sparkles and ice sparkles.

A titmouse sings a song on a pine tree.

The cheerful snowman heard a song

And with a new spirit he came out to help us.

3- We love holidays

We are looking forward to it.

Holidays bring us

Joy to every home.

4 – What from the New Year

Do we wait every time?

We are waiting for it to come true

We have all the dreams.

5 – We are waiting for joyful gifts,

Good news

And sunny smiles

From your friends.

6 – It starts with a song

holiday day,

It lights up in the heart

Warm light.

Song “Blizzard”

1 — It’s snowing outside the window,

So, New Year is coming soon.

Santa Claus is on his way,

It will take him a long time to get to us

Through the snowy fields,

Through snowdrifts, through forests.

2 - He will bring a Christmas tree

In silver needles.

Happy New Year to us

And he will leave us gifts

3 — I’ve been waiting for the New Year for a long time,

Snowflakes blew through the window

A growing Christmas tree in the yard

Snow sprinkled the needles.

If Santa Claus knocks,

The Christmas tree's nose won't freeze.

4 - I’ll cover the Christmas tree

A soft snow blanket,

He will sleep in winter

Wait for summer.

Santa Claus is tired

Apparently he didn't notice.

Lots of things to do in winter

In his world.

5 - Soon, New Year is coming!

Soon Santa Claus will come.

There's a Christmas tree behind me,

Fluffy needles.

Song "New Year"

1 - The Christmas tree likes it here - the Christmas tree is dressed up,

The lights will flash now, the holiday is approaching.

And outside the windows - winter, white, shaggy,

The Christmas tree itself would be glad to dance with the guys!

2- It’s time for fun and laughter,

And we all gathered here,

And the Christmas tree will be lit for us here,

Just tell her...

3 - Flags and toys,

Gifts on it

Silver frost hung;

Let the Christmas tree burn in millions of lights,

Let's tell her:

Light up!

Song “Christmas tree, sparkle with lights”

(the tree lights up)

1 - Christmas tree, hello, our beauty.

It's been a year since we saw each other.

It seems you are even brighter and more beautiful

Been there since last winter.

2 – I like to sit by the Christmas tree at home.

I like to take a good look at everything:

What kind of toys, aren’t they bored?

Or who is not happy with his neighbor?

3 – There’s a dragonfly hanging next to Frost,

And with a toothy wolf, look, a goat.

I think it's cold here for the dragonfly

And the poor goat is very scared.

4 – I’ll hang a star next to Frost,

And I’ll take this goat here.

Here, by the way, a golden flower bloomed

And the sun is shining...

- Well, goat, stop!

5 – And here is the bell, it’s made of porcelain,

If you touch it, you will hear a ringing sound.

And here is a ballerina, and here is a cockerel,

Next to him is a chicken, like yellow fluff.

6 – Here is a striped ball, this is a bear,

Here's a bird - she's about to sing.

I'm laughing until I drop, that's what it's all about!

I walked around our Christmas tree!

7 - We will sing you a lot of songs,

Let's celebrate your holiday with joy,

May it remain in our memory

Beautiful elegant Christmas tree.

Song “Beauty Christmas Tree”

1 - Winter brought us a joyful holiday -

The green Christmas tree came to visit us.

The branches are strewn with fluffy snow,

We walk around in a round dance and sing

2 - The Christmas tree extended its paws - dress up quickly,

Dad appeared at the door with a blue box.

We saw balls - yellow and blue,

Silvery balls, like in frosty frost.

"Top, top, boot"


(To the music of the polka, the girl Tanyusha runs out. In her hands she has a basket with Christmas decorations. Tanya stops near the Christmas tree.)

Tanya - Mom bought me toys today:

Balls, beads, stars, firecrackers,

Santa Claus and white bunnies,

Red fox and bear cubs.

I will decorate my Christmas tree beautifully,

I’ll invite Vanya and Masha to my place.

I will invite many guests,

I will dance with them at the Christmas tree.

It's already too late,

It's time for Tanya to sleep.

Tomorrow I will start decorating the Christmas tree.

(M. Kraseva)

(He falls asleep to the music of a lullaby. The Snow Maiden appears, sings a song, notices the sleeping Tanya.)

Snow Maiden - Santa Claus said today:

“On this New Year's holiday

Gifts need to be taken

Kind and obedient children.”

I want to help him

And today this night

I'll deliver toys to everyone,

And for little Tanya

I brought an interesting one

This wand is wonderful.

(Shows the magic wand to the children.)

Just tell me your wish

And you wave this wand,

It will be fulfilled at that hour.

(Places the wand near Tanya.)

Farewell, Tanyusha, good morning!

(The lights in the hall go out and come back on. Tanyusha is standing near the Christmas tree with with a magic wand in his hands and looking at the toys. He waves his wand.)

Tanya - Bring everything to life, toys!

Lanterns, parsley,

Little foxes with bunnies,

Come play!

(Tanya sits down near the Christmas tree. Parsleys run out.)

We are funny parsleys.

There is no more fun toy!

We entertain the kids.

We know a lot of fairy tales and songs.

And on holiday now

We'll dance for you.

Dance of Parsley

(Parsleys dance and run away. Girls in costumes run out with Christmas tree lanterns in their hands.)

Presenter - How beautiful, look,

The lanterns sparkled.

Yellow, red,

Different, different!

Girls dancing with lanterns

(The girls dance with lanterns and run away. Bunnies jump to cheerful music.)

Child in an animal mask - We are funny animals.

Both perky and dexterous!

In a forest clearing...

Let's dance our dance dashingly.

(The bunnies are dancing, when the music ends, a fox runs out and scares them. The bunnies run away, one of them hides behind the Christmas tree. A. Filippenko’s song is staged)

"An Incident in the Woods"

(The light comes on. Tanya stands by the Christmas tree, rubbing her eyes.)

Tanya - I had a dream

Such a wonderful one.

The toys came to life

They played with me.

Presenter - Tanya had a very beautiful dream. But why has Santa Claus been gone for so long? It's time for him to come to our holiday. What if he got lost somewhere on the road and can’t find us? Let's call him, guys!

(The children call Santa Claus. He appears in the hall)

Santa Claus - There are so many people in the hall!

A glorious holiday will be here.

So it's true what they told me

That the guys are waiting for me.

I went through all the obstacles,

The snow covered me.

I knew that I would be welcome here,

That's why I rushed here.

Happy New Year!

Both hosts and guests,

Happiness to everyone, I wish you well

And nice, clear days.

And there is also congratulations -

IN kindergarten his

Healthier and more rosy

Get better every day!

Get ready, guys.

Everyone is about to dance in a circle...

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year with you.

Song "Hello, Santa Claus"

Hosted by Santa Claus! And the guys and I won’t let you out of the circle.

Santa Claus - How can you not let me out?

And I'll go through here.

(He goes to the children, they join hands, and Santa Claus cannot leave the circle.)

Well, then I'll jump out here.

(Runs up to other children and tries to jump over their clasped hands, but the children lift them up.)

Oh, pranksters, oh, naughty people! But I’ll outsmart you and crawl through here like a mouse.

(Runs up to the next group of children and tries to crawl under their hands. The children sit down, lowering their hands.)

How can I get out?

Presenter - Grandfather! And you dance for us!

(Santa Claus asks the children to make room for a merry dance. The children sit on chairs, and Santa Claus, to the music of the Russian folk song “Polyanka,” dances slowly at first, with the tempo of the music accelerating faster and faster. Unable to maintain the pace, he asks for a chair so that relax and listen to the poems that the children learned for the holiday.)

Santa Claus - Why don’t I hear poetry?

Who's ready to read poetry?

(Three or four children approach Santa Claus. Santa Claus asks what their names are, forgets them and, confusing the names, calls each child a different name. Then, finally remembering who’s name is, he listens carefully to the poems that the children have learned for the holiday ).

1 - It has grown to my eyebrows,

He got into my felt boots.

They say he is Santa Claus

And he plays pranks like a little boy.

2 - He ruined the water tap

In our washbasin.

They say he has a beard

And he plays pranks like a little boy.

3 - He draws on glass

Palm trees, stars, skiffs.

They say he is a hundred years old

And he plays pranks like a little boy.

Santa Claus - And I won’t hide:

Passion, I love how to play!

Now let's go in circles,

Hey guys, don't yawn,

What will Santa Claus show you?

Let's repeat it together.

(The music of the Russian folk song “How Our Girlfriends Went” sounds, during which Santa Claus shows various dance moves, and the children repeat.)

Santa Claus - Oh, how hot it became for me,

I'm not used to living in a warm place.


Silver pieces of ice,

Fly here quickly

Cool off the frost!

1st snowflake.

We will fly apart, snowflakes,

Through fields and forests,

2nd snowflake.

To cover all the paths,

We need to circle around.

Dance of Snowflakes

Santa Claus - Spun, Spun

And they flew off somewhere.

And I will fly after them,

I'll look for my Snow Maiden.

(Santa Claus leaves, and Baba Yaga “flies in” from other doors with a noise on a broom.)

Baba Yaga - What is it? Why?

I don't understand anything.

Why fun, dance?

Nothing will happen now!

(Knocks with a broom.)

Go away-funds, goon-gays!

Go out, Christmas tree, quickly!

It's dark! That's good!

Here's to the New Year!

And Santa Claus won't find you!

(Takes away a bag of gifts. Father Frost enters with Snow Maiden.)

Father Frost -

Who stopped the fun? Who put out the Christmas tree here?

Baba Yaga.

Santa Claus - There will be no riots!

We need to help out our Christmas tree!

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden walk around the Christmas tree, and the Wolf comes out to them)

Santa Claus - Here comes the Wolf, Baba Yaga's friend!

Tell me, where is our Christmas tree?

Wolf - What are you talking about, I didn’t take her! It was Baba Yaga who bewitched her. But I will help you, so be it. I am, after all, a student of Baba Yaga. What do you need?

Father Frost.

Wolf - Well, it's nothing. We'll do it right now. Look, they can’t get the Christmas trees. (Claps his hands 3 times.) Three times three is six, our Christmas tree is here...

(Nothing appeared.)

Wait... Where is my cheat sheet? Here she is. (Is reading.) Planting, watering, so, so... now we will have a Christmas tree. Do you have a magic needle? Is there a watering can?..

Snow Maiden.

Yes, yes!

(The wolf, satisfied, walks around the tree with a watering can and takes out a cactus.)

Wolf - Here, take it!

Santa Claus - Is this a Christmas tree?

Wolf - Christmas tree!

Santa Claus - Where did you get the idea?

Wolf - How so? Green?.. Green! Prickly? Prickly! Are there needles?.. Yes! So it's a Christmas tree!

Santa Claus - Snegurochka, what is this?

Snow Maiden - Cactus!

Santa Claus - Well, Grandma, well, Yagusya!

(Baba Yaga runs out, brings the Christmas tree girl and places her in front of a large Christmas tree.)

Baba Yaga - Ha ha ha! You can’t do anything without me! Here it is, your Christmas tree, take it! Eh! We burst into tears! Take it while I'm good!

(To the side)

I need your Christmas tree! I have a bag of gifts! (runs away)

Christmas tree - New Year's Eve wonderful fairy tale continues

On New Year's Eve, everyone's wishes come true!

Let the fluffy Christmas trees come from the forest

And at our holiday they will dance and sing.

(The Christmas tree is dancing.)

Santa Claus - Well, everything is fine,

We can continue the celebration.

Would you like to go with Frost?

Play in the snow in winter?

(Snowball game)

Snow Maiden – Snowflakes are falling

On New Year's holiday.

Full basket

I'll collect it today.

I'm still learning magic

I haven’t taken on a complex case yet.

I am, of course, self-taught

But yours, Grandpa, granddaughter.

Let me, grandpa, surprise the kids,

Allow snowballs today

Turn into candy.

(casts a spell) Fluffy snow, snow-snow,

Be obedient, my friend.

Become not just a cotton wool,

Become a sweet candy.

(Snowballs “turn” into candies)

My granddaughter surprised me!

How the guys were amused!

I want to play with the guys

Now try it

My puzzles guess.

Clubbed feet,

He sleeps in a den during the winter,

Guess, answer.

Who is this?


Cunning cheat

Red head.

The fluffy tail is a beauty.

Who is this?

It's not a bird on a branch -

The animal is not big.

The fur is warm, like a hot water bottle.

He's a gray robber

He has no faith

All fangs click.

Father Frost:

You and I danced

We sang and played

Have you read the poems?

They led a round dance -

How cheerful we are

Have a wonderful New Year!

I’ll also tell you a secret that I prepared a bag of gifts for our dear guests! But where did he go?

I’ll follow them to the next clearing.

(Santa Claus goes behind the tree. The Wolf appears to the music and hides. Santa Claus does not seem to notice him.)

I don't want Santa Claus

I brought gifts for everyone!

I won't give them to anyone!

I'll take the whole bag for myself!

(The wolf pretends that he came up with something. He takes out from under the tree a cap, glasses, and a cape hidden there, and dresses up as a “grandmother.”)


Santa Claus, dear!

(Santa Claus comes out.)

Father Frost:

What's happened?

Wolf - Lost...

Old old lady

Santa Claus, dear,

I'm bent, weak -

Take me Home!

Take me to the hut

And the bag is heavy

Leave it here, on the edge of the forest!

You'll take it later

And you can take it to the guys!

(Santa Claus suddenly notices a wolf’s tail. The wolf tries to dodge and hides his tail.)

Father Frost ( laughs):

Oh, I can't!

Here is the “old grandmother”

But we have a question:

Where did the old lady get it from?

Gray wolf tail?

Come on, away with the gray! Don't stop having fun!

(Bear appears)

Snow Maiden:

Do you also want to disturb everyone?

No, I will help!

I will protect you.

I want Santa Claus

He brought us all gifts!

Snow Maiden:

How good you are, Mishenka, kind!

But only... Do you want both the Wolf and Baba Yaga to be given gifts too?

Yes, I feel sorry for them. After all, today is New Year.

Snow Maiden:

Then let them ask for forgiveness!

(Wolf and Baba Yaga run out)

Wolf and Baba Yaga - We apologize!

We ask for your forgiveness!

We won't do this again!

And let's forget about pranks!

Father Frost:

Guys, shall we forgive them?

Father Frost (addresses the children).

You guys are good.

We can also give you gifts.

But where are they?..

I went to the neighboring forest,

I thought I dropped them there.

I walked through the forest for a long time,

But I didn’t find any gifts.

Have you guys seen it?

(The children answer that Baba Yaga took them)

Father Frost.

Oh, she's furious!

Oh, she's old!

Let's punish her. She doesn’t like to dance, but we’ll make her.

(Claps his hands.)

One two Three!

Come on, grandma, dance!

(Music sounds. Baba Yaga starts dancing.)

Baba Yaga.

Oh, I can't dance.

Oh, now I'm going to fall.

Let me go, Frost,

Oh, I'm tired to the point of tears!

Father Frost.

One two Three! Music, stop!

Baba Yaga.

Oh, well, I'll be kinder

I will love all children.

Snow Maiden - Well, grandma, I danced and that’s enough. Well done! And our holiday ends, the fairy tale ends, and, as always, we must give gifts to the children.

Baba Yaga - So what?

Santa Claus - Have you forgotten? After all, we agreed that you would give gifts to the children.

Baba Yaga - What are you saying, grandfather? You heard it!

Santa Claus - How did you hear that?

Baba Yaga - Well, it seemed then!

Santa Claus - How did it seem?

Baba Yaga - Well, it seemed... And in general, you have already become old, you invent a lot.

Santa Claus - Even though you are my relatives, look, I’ll freeze you!

(He waves his staff, and Baba Yaga freezes in a funny pose.)

Baba Yaga - Oh, brother, don't! Oh, I can't!

Santa Claus - Will you give me the gifts?

Baba Yaga - I won’t give it up!

Santa Claus - Well, then stop! (Getting ready to leave.)

Baba Yaga - Don't go, killer whale! I will give gifts if the children solve the riddles.

Everyone is singing and having fun, doing a noisy round dance,

Because today is a holiday. What kind of holiday?

(New Year)

What kind of stars are there on the coat and on the scarf?

Everything is cut-through, but if you take it, there’s water in your hand?!


Yes, guys, I have two silver horses.

I ride both at once! What kind of horses do I have?

We are nimble sisters,

Craftswomen run fast.

In the rain we lie down,

In the cold - we run:

This is our regime.

Oh, it's snowing!

I'm bringing out my friend horse.

For the rope-rein

I lead my horse through the yard.

Snow Maiden - Well done, guys!

We solved all the riddles.

Now the music is calling

Let's join in a merry round dance.

Round dance “Merry Santa Claus was walking”

Snow Maiden - We danced with you,

We sang and played

Have you read the poems?

They led a round dance -

How cheerful we are

Wonderful New Year,

Santa Claus - Joyful and bright!

And it will be like this every year -

From Frost - gifts for you!

(give gifts to children)


"Magic pipe"
or three wishes for the Christmas tree"

Compiled by:
musical director: Zalyalova Liliya Ramilevna
Shaehova Gulia Mubarakzyanovna
Murtazina Rozalia Reshatovna

Naberezhnye Chelny, 2012

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in the middle group
Three Christmas tree wishes
Characters: Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Fox, Baba Yaga, Hare - adults.
Squirrel, fox, bear cub, bunnies (boys), dolls (girls) - children.
"New Year's round dance "One, two, three" music by V. Savinsky

“We are celebrating the New Year!” music M. Eremeeva
Game "I'll freeze"

The Tale of the Curious Christmas Tree
"New Year's Polka"
Game “Whose circle will gather faster”
Game "Move the Snowballs"
Attributes: a magic pipe, a key for dolls to dance, tinsel for the Christmas tree, snowballs, ice cubes, gifts for the Fox and Baba Yaga, a set small tea table, a samovar for a surprise moment.
Celebration progress:
Children enter the hall to the music
Presenter: The Christmas tree holiday has called everyone
To our elegant, bright hall!
This holiday is the best
For all adults and children
"Happy New Year with a new happiness!
Everyone talks to each other.
Children read poetry

Today at the Christmas tree
Shiny outfit
Golden lights
How the stars burn.

Children dance in circles
Clap your hands
Hello hello,
New Year, you are so good!

Waving a shaggy branch
Happy New Year to us.
They know, all the guys know -
This holiday is at the gates.

Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
So that the tree wants
Come visit us again!

"New Year's round dance "One, two, three" music by V. Savinsky

Host: Guys, you know that on New Year’s Eve various miracles happen, fairy-tale characters come to life. Sit back, our New Year's fairy tale begins...
The Snow Maiden enters and walks around the hall, not noticing the children.
Snow Maiden: Oho-ho, well, where did my favorite magic dolls go, how I loved to play with them, but today I see there are none of them, I didn’t keep an eye on them. It’s good that my magic pipe stayed with me. Grandfather Frost gave it to me and said: as soon as you need me, if you want to call me, play on it, then I will appear.
He walks around the Christmas tree thoughtfully, his gaze falls on the children
Snow Maiden: Oh, hello, guys, I didn’t notice you, I was so lost in thought (he sees girls dressed up with dolls, runs up to them): Oh, here you are, my favorite dolls, it turns out you ran away to the holiday, (addresses everyone ): and you know how beautifully my magic dolls can dance, they just need to be wound up with a special key (looks in their pockets): oh, I guess I forgot this key at home, I’ll go get it now. But I leave the pipe under the Christmas tree for now, otherwise I won’t lose it. (runs away)
Baba Yaga enters, not looking at the children, looking at her feet, muttering under her breath.
Baba Yaga: Yes, what a bad day today, I didn’t meet anyone, I didn’t have time to harm anyone. Well, what kind of Baba Yaga am I if I haven’t done any harm to anyone all day? Stops and listens
Baba Yaga: It’s quiet in the forest, everyone is hiding somewhere, they’re probably preparing for the New Year, (offended) but no one invites me to the Christmas tree! (Encounters a pipe, bends down): So, what is this? (turns the pipe in his hands, looks at it) I don’t understand what this wonderful thing is....
(A fox appears from behind and creeps up)
Lisa: Stop! Hands up!
Baba Yaga (shudders, drops her pipe): Oh, you red-haired cheat, why are you scaring me? You know, old grandmother already!
Lisa (conciliatory): Okay, okay, I was just joking! (the gaze falls on the pipe) Wow, did you find a magic pipe, Granny Yagulya?
Baba Yaga (grumpily): What kind of magic pipe is this?
Fox: Eh, you, grandma, live so much in a fairy-tale forest, but you don’t know that Santa Claus gave his granddaughter a pipe, as soon as you play it, then Grandfather Frost will appear right away!
Baba Yaga (perks up): Well, well, well, finally good news! Nooo, early on I was upset that today was a bad day, a very wonderful day! Santa Claus will not appear at the holiday! Let's run, Lisa Patrikeevna, quickly from here, before the Snow Maiden appears or anyone else! This is our pipe now, let's take it for ourselves! (run away)
The Snow Maiden appears
Snow Maiden: Here I am! I brought the key. (Looks near the Christmas tree) Oh, where is my pipe? Children answer
Snow Maiden (crying): What to do now, where to look for your pipe...
Host: Don’t be upset, Snow Maiden, we will definitely come up with something, but in the meantime, wipe away your tears, our guys - cheerful bunnies will amuse you with a cheerful dance.
Song - dance “Three cheerful bunnies” muses. etc. K. Kostina
Bunny enters
Bunny: Hello, guys, how fun and noisy you are!
And I hear my brothers here - the bunnies are having fun. Notices the Snow Maiden
Oh, and you, Snow Maiden, are here, why are you crying?
Snow Maiden: Oh, bunny, my magic pipe has disappeared, it was stolen by the sly fox and Baba Yaga!
Bunny: Is that why you cried? Don’t be upset, Snow Maiden, I am not an ordinary bunny, but a fairy-tale one, Santa Claus’s assistant, I will help you, let’s go look for your pipe.
They leave. The Fox and Baba Yaga appear and talk to each other.
Baba Yaga: Now I’ll play the pipe, Santa Claus will come and give me all the gifts!
(trying to play the pipe, she is silent)
Lisa: Eh, you seem to have no strength at all, did you eat porridge today? If you can’t blow the pipe properly, let me play it myself...
Baba Yaga: What’s more, I found a pipe, and I’ll play the pipe! (they snatch the pipe from each other)
The Snow Maiden and the Bunny appear.
Hare (boldly): Well, give back the pipe quickly! It’s a shame, did they really want to ruin the children’s holiday?
Baba Yaga (scared): Oh, it’s the Hare!
Fox (disdainfully): Well, that's it, the hare, are you afraid of hares now, granny yagulya? Now I'll deal with him!
Baba Yaga (frightenedly pushes the fox in the side, whispers): This is a difficult hare, this is the assistant of Santa Claus himself, the fabulous magical power possesses!
Fox (scared): What, I didn’t know! (flatteringly)
Little bunny, forgive me, my eyesight was a bit weak and I didn’t recognize you right away.
Baba Yaga: We, Snow Maiden, accidentally found the pipe, we were just bringing it to you, we were in a hurry.
Fox: Yes, yes, that’s how it is, they ran towards you as fast as they could.
Snow Maiden: You’re not telling the truth, the kids saw you take the pipe away, right, guys? But you couldn’t know that this pipe plays only in good hands! She does not serve evil deeds!
Baba Yaga and Fox (they lower their heads guiltily): Forgive us, guys, forgive us, Snow Maiden, forgive us Bunny, we understood everything, we won’t do this again, we won’t take other people’s things anymore. (Together in chorus): I just really wanted some gifts!
Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost gives gifts only to those who do not commit bad deeds or actions! Well, okay, since you repent, I forgive you and I’ll even take you with me to the children’s holiday if you promise to behave well!
Baba Yaga: Thank you, Snow Maiden, you are a kind girl!
Lisa: We won’t let you down, we’ll behave very well, maybe we’ll deserve some gifts! We just need to dress up for the holiday!
Baba Yaga: You have to be beautiful at the holiday, we really want Grandfather Frost to like us!
Fox: In general, we are in an instant, one leg here and the other there! (Run away)
Snow Maiden: Thank you, Bunny, for your help!
Host: And we want to thank the bunny, right, guys? After all, if it weren’t for him, our holiday would have been ruined!
The presenter and children thank the hare
Hare: Well, I have to go, I wish you guys that your holiday will be fun, and you, dear adults, happiness and good luck in the coming year (addresses everyone), and now goodbye.
Snow Maiden: Well, guys, I found a pipe, and even invited guests to your holiday!
Host: Well, Snow Maiden, only Grandfather Frost is missing from our holiday now.
Snow Maiden: Come on, guys, we’ll call Santa Claus together: I’m my pipe, and you help me, call him loudly! The magic pipe signal sounds, the children call Santa Claus, Santa Claus enters
Santa Claus: Hello, here I am!
Happy New Year to you, friends!

Host: New Year! New Year!
Music calls us all,
Let him spin around the Christmas tree
New Year's round dance!
The song “We are celebrating the New Year!” is performed. music M. Eremeeva
Santa Claus: But now I want to check, are our guys brave? Are they afraid of Frost or are they not afraid of the cold?
Game "I'll freeze"
Children sit on chairs
Snow Maiden: Oh, grandfather, do you remember how I complained to you this morning that I had lost my magic dolls, so look - they are here, it turns out.
Santa Claus: Ah-ah-ah, they also came running for the holiday.
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, you and my dear guests, look how beautifully they can dance.
The “Dance of the Dolls” is performed. Delibes
Suddenly a bell is heard ringing. Santa Claus looks around
Santa Claus: What is it? Where is this ringing coming from?
The Snow Maiden approaches the Christmas tree
Snow Maiden: Yes, those are the pieces of ice on the Christmas tree that are ringing, the Christmas tree wants to tell us something.
Removes pieces of ice from the Christmas tree (to music)
Snow Maiden: One piece of ice, two pieces of ice, three pieces of ice, how beautiful... Oh, guys, it seems to me that these are not simple pieces of ice, right, grandfather?
Santa Claus: Let me see, granddaughter (takes ice pieces in his hands). Yes, you are right, these are not simple pieces of ice, these are pieces of ice of wishes, and the Christmas tree makes these wishes.. Only children can fulfill these three wishes in a wonderful New Year's celebration, such as today, for example.
Host: Guys, let's grant three wishes for the Christmas tree?
Children answer
Santa Claus: Now I’ll take them in my hands, with my magic staff I’ll first touch the Christmas tree, and then I’ll touch the ice floes, so we’ll know the Christmas tree’s first wish.
The staff touches the ice floes, then the Christmas tree, a voice is heard behind the screen
Herringbone: Here is the first wish, listen, guys:
You for Grandfather Frost with an expression, from the heart,
Read, if you know, New Year's poems!
Host: Oh, we know a lot of poems and read them great, right, guys? Let's fulfill the first wish of the Christmas tree.. Children read poetry
Santa Claus: Oh, thank you guys, I really like listening to poetry, the Christmas tree made a good wish, not only for herself and she didn’t forget about me.
Touches the second piece of ice and the Christmas tree with the staff
Elochka: Guys, I really love listening to fairy tales...
Host: Oh, you know, Christmas tree, there is a wonderful fairy tale about your little sister- a small Christmas tree.
Elochka: I’ll listen with pleasure!
The Tale of a Curious Christmas Tree (author's)
Presenter: In one fairy forest, there lived a little green Christmas tree, she was just born, but she was already very curious and wanted to know everything about everything.
A girl comes out dressed up as a Christmas tree
Herringbone: I am a little Christmas tree,
Conifer needle,
Everything around is so wonderful!
And everything is interesting to me!
Presenter: Recently, from all the inhabitants of the winter forest, the Christmas tree has only heard the words: “New Year, New Year! Well, when will it come!” “What kind of miracle is this New Year?” thought the Christmas tree one winter evening, while soft snow fell quietly on its branches. - “And why should he come to our forest? I really want to know this!” At this time, a little squirrel ran past her, singing a cheerful song, and a child dressed up in a squirrel costume ran out.
Little Squirrel: The New Year is coming to us,
He brings laughter and joy!
Herringbone: Wait, little squirrel, don’t rush, tell me about the New Year!
Little squirrel stopping near the Christmas tree
Belchonok: A wonderful New Year holiday is a friendly round dance,
These are songs and fun, this is what the New Year is like! runs away
Presenter: The little squirrel ran away, and the Christmas tree continued to think: “Songs and fun... So, if I sing and dance now, the New Year will come to me,” and the Christmas tree began to spin and purr a song under its breath (the Christmas tree dances and sings : the melody of “Little Christmas Tree”), but no one appeared. She was very upset, but then a little fox called out to her (a girl dressed in a fox costume runs out)
Chanterelle: Hello, hello, Christmas tree, pine needle,
Why are you so sad and standing all alone?
Herringbone: Dear fox, red sister,
I ask: help -
Tell me about the New Year!
Chanterelle: In the New Year, the good wizard,
everyone knows - Santa Claus,
Along snowy paths
We are lucky with a lot of gifts!
Host: Then the fox ran about her business, and the Christmas tree thought again: how interesting: “The good wizard will also bring gifts, but I wonder what is needed for this same Grandfather Frost to come?” At that moment, an old friend of the Christmas tree, a hedgehog, appeared at the edge of the forest. A child dressed up as a hedgehog runs out
Herringbone: My friend, hedgehog, don’t rush, tell me about the New Year!
I know that on New Year's Eve, Grandfather Frost will come,
There will be songs and fun, there will be a friendly round dance,
What else will this new year bring us?
Hedgehog: Hello, hello, Christmas tree, pine needle!
Bright holiday - New Year, brings happiness and goodness,
He will gather all his friends around the decorated Christmas tree!
Christmas tree (joyfully): So, I’m also needed at the New Year’s holiday?
Hedgehog: Well, of course, Christmas tree, dear little needle, where will we lead our merry round dance if you are not there?
Hey friends, hurry up, hurry up,
Decorate our Christmas tree,
We will sing and dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
Children go out in small groups and decorate the Christmas tree: they decorate the “Christmas tree” girl with tinsel and New Year’s rain, a little squirrel, a hedgehog and a fox help them.
Host: So, with the help of her friends, forest animals, the little Christmas tree learned what the New Year is. Do you guys understand? Children answer
Santa Claus: Here is the second wish, you have fulfilled it, guys, how great you are!
And here is the last wish
(Touches the third piece of ice and the Christmas tree with the staff, voice behind the screen)
Herringbone: They told the poems and showed them the fairy tale, but they didn’t dance...
Child: Golden lights
The Christmas tree is shining for us
We'll stamp our heels
That's how much fun we have.
“New Year's Polka” is performed (music chosen by the music director)
Herringbone: Thank you guys, all my wishes were fulfilled.
Fox and Baba Yaga enter, dressed up, greeting Santa Claus
Santa Claus: Ah-ah-ah, hello, hello, they say you didn’t behave very well today...
Fox: Grandfather, we have corrected ourselves!
Baba Yaga: True, true, we are good now!
Lisa: We really want to have fun with you at the holiday.
Santa Claus: Why was the pipe stolen?
Fox and Baba Yaga (guilty in chorus): I wanted some gifts!
Santa Claus: Well, gifts must be earned, well, stay for the holiday, only on condition.
Fox and Baba Yaga: With what condition, grandfather?
Santa Claus: Complete my tasks, then we’ll think about gifts!
Lisa: We agree!
Baba Yaga: Aren’t the tasks difficult? I’m not a young grandmother anymore!
Santa Claus: No, not difficult tasks, but you, Granny Yagulya, don’t be poor. What should you do at the holiday?
Lisa: Have fun!
Yaga: Sing? Play?
Santa Claus: That's right, and dance! I want to see if you can make the kids have fun, play and dance with them?
Lisa: Yes, easily, I know this game, “Whose circle will gather faster”, here we’ll play and dance with the kids.
The game “Whose circle will gather faster” is played
Children are divided into four groups, each group stands in a circle near its hero: the first circle is near Father Frost, the second is the Snow Maiden, the third is the Fox, the fourth is Baba Yaga. Children remember their heroes and their circles, under the first part of the music of a lively nature - they scatter in all directions and dance, for the second part they gather in their places.
Santa Claus: Well, well done to both Fox and our Granny Yagulya, she was poor, but what a dancer she turned out to be! Okay, you know how to dance, but what about sports? Do you run fast?
Fox: Yes, every day I run through the forest, when I see a hare, I’ll immediately follow it!
Baba Yaga: I don’t even know, grandfather, she’s old, all her joints ache.....(bends over, rubs her lower back)
Fox (pushes her in the side) in a whisper: Yes, you are a chick! Forgot about gifts?
Baba Yaga (immediately straightens up): Oh, grandfather, I remembered that, I also really like to run.
Santa Claus: Well, that’s a different conversation, then here’s your next task: it’s a snowy winter now, there’s a lot of snow, Snegurochka and I have made a lot of snowballs, but we can’t transport everything
Baba Yaga: We will help, we will help!
Santa Claus: That's okay!
The game “Move the Snowballs” is played (parents are included in the game)
Children are divided into two teams, one is led by a fox, the other by Baba Yaga, the teams race, one snowball at a time, transporting snowballs in ice boxes.
Santa Claus: Well, thank you, you brought us snowballs! If you complete the tasks, receive your gifts. (Fox and Baba Yaga thank and leave)
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, didn’t you forget the gifts for the kids?
Santa Claus: Oh, I forgot, I hid them somewhere and forgot, well, now I’ll sit down, rest, drink some tea, and remember, granddaughter, did you set the samovar today?
Snow Maiden: Yes, grandfather, here he is, sit down, drink tea.
Santa Claus tries to turn the tap of the samovar, it does not turn
Santa Claus: What happened to our samovar?
Opens the lid of the samovar, there is a gift there
Santa Claus: Oh, these gifts are hidden here!
Gives out gifts. Children and presenters thank Santa Claus
Father Frost:
Be happy, friends,
And live long.
May the New Year give
You have a lot of health.
Happiness, joy in every home
The Christmas tree will bring you!

Santa Claus is leaving

May you have a new year
Happiness, joy will bring.
And good luck at work,
And everything you are waiting for!
Let your children laugh
May the sun always shine on you!
Teachers take the children to the group

Scenario New Year's party in the middle group “Happy New Year!”




Snow Maiden;

Father Frost.






Round dance "TUKI-TUKI"




Music sounds to start the celebration. The presenter enters.

Leading: any of us, of course, is waiting

Fun party New Year!

But more than anything else

Children are waiting for this holiday.

May you be warm today

Let joy warm your hearts.

On Holy holiday New Year

The kids invite you!

To the music, children enter the hall, holding hands, make a circle around the hall, and stop in a semicircle in the center of the hall.

Leading: we invited guests here,

We got into a friendly round dance,

So that in this bright hall

Celebrate the New Year together.

Let's have fun together

And under the fluffy Christmas tree

Let's dance together!

1 child:

The Christmas tree is beautiful,

The Christmas tree is thick,

On fluffy branches

The beads sparkle!

2nd child:

The Christmas tree will be on fire

The lights are bright,

Santa Claus, Santa Claus

Will bring gifts!

3rd child:

New year, new year,

There will be a knock on the door,

We will have a holiday

Let's have fun!

Song “Our Christmas tree is so beautiful”

(at the end, children sit on chairs)

Leading: guys, don't make noise,

Sit quietly.

Hear the snow crunching,

Someone is in a hurry to visit us!

Music sounds and a snowman comes in with a bucket of snowballs.

Snowman: I am neither small nor great,

Snowy white snowman!

I have a carrot nose

I really love frost.

When it's cold, I don't freeze.

And when spring comes, I will melt.

We will sing and dance,

Dance near the Christmas tree.

The song “Our Christmas Tree” is performed

Snowman: I really like to play

Songs to sing and dance.

I have snowballs with me!

Shall we play kids?

You sort out the snowballs,

Have fun playing with them!

(throws snowballs out of a bucket).

Snowball game

(at the end the children sit on chairs)

Snowman: oh, how hot it became in the hall!

Oh, I'm afraid I'll melt now!

Leading: guys, help me,

Wave at the snowman (children wave)

Snowman: something doesn't help.

I’m getting sick, and I’m melting... melting... melting...

Leading: need to bring some water,

Give the snowman a drink! (gives a mug with confetti)

Snowman: good ice water!

I'll drink some water... (pretends to drink, approaches parents)

Yes, I will shower all adults! (splashes confetti)

Leading: oh you snowman is a mischief...


Guys, I almost forgot, I have another letter for you.

He’s in a hurry to come to you for a holiday,

He is a merry fellow and a prankster,

He has gifts in his bag,

And on the fur coat there is a bright belt.

He lit the lights on the tree,

He's pushing the bunnies down the slide.

He brought it to us for the holiday

A whole cartload of new fairy tales!

Who is this?


Snowman: I'll run to meet him!

I wish you not to be bored!

And to make it more fun, we’ll invite more guests!

The snowman leaves to the music.

Leading: oh guys, what do I hear?

Looks like they're coming here!

Let's clap more cheerfully

Let them find us soon! (children clap)

Music sounds and the Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Snow Maiden:

Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all:

Both big and small,

Nimble and remote.

I am the Snow Maiden, all children

They have been friends with me for a long time,

I love frost and wind

And a snowstorm in winter.

Silver snowflakes,

Come join the round dance!

And the Christmas tree is fluffy

will blossom with lights.

The girls go to the center of the hall.

1 girl: we are white snowflakes,

We fly, we fly, we fly.

Paths and paths,

We'll cover it with snow.

2nd girl: dancing over the fields

We lead our own round dance.

Where we don’t know ourselves,

The wind will carry us away.

Girls and the Snow Maiden perform the “snowflake dance”

Snow Maiden: Well done, snowflakes, they danced with all their hearts!

and now it’s time for us kids to play.

Game "we will hang the balloons"

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus still doesn't come,

But the new year is coming soon!

It's time for him to come,

He was delayed on the way.

Santa Claus, oh!

Do you hear me calling you? (children call Santa Claus)

Music sounds for the entrance of Santa Claus.

Father Frost: oh, I'm coming, I'm coming!

Hello guys! Friendly preschoolers!

I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday!

I wish you happiness, health and strength!

I almost fell into a snowdrift on the way!

But it seems that he came to visit on time!

I hope you liked the tree?

I myself followed her through the snowdrifts,

I chose the best one, and the hares are on a sled

They brought it to you early in the morning.

Leading: our tree is so beautiful

So elegant and slim!

Santa Claus, but why?

Is it standing without lights?

Father Frost: We will fix this problem

Let's make all the lights burn!

Let's say together: “one, two, three,

Our Christmas tree is on fire! »

Music plays to light the lights.

Leading: We've been waiting for you, Santa Claus,

We've got you covered for the evening!

How happy everyone is

New Year's Eve!

We'll start a round dance,

We'll sing a song for you!

Father Frost: one, two, three, four - stand in a wider circle!

The song " Santa Claus walked through the forest»

Leading: everyone knows, Frost is a joker,

He is cunning and mischievous!

Take care of your ears, nose,

If Santa Claus is nearby.

The game "I'll freeze it" is being played! »

Father Frost: you kids, don't yawn,

Close your cheeks quickly!

(freezes cheeks)

Now hold on tighter

I'll freeze your ears!

(freezes ears)

Take care of your shoulders

I'll freeze it - you won't notice!

(grabs shoulders)

Oh, and nimble people,

Lives in this kindergarten!

Father Frost: oh, they played great

Show off your dexterity!

Now hurry up guys

Let's dance again!

I'll see who's better

Will he sing a sonorous song?

The game is performed - the dance “Tuki-Tuki”

Father Frost: nice, nice game!

I just see that you are tired

Yes, and I would sit,

I looked at the kids

I know that poetry taught -

That would surprise me.

1 child TREE (V. Petrova)

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,

He lit the lights on it.

And the needles shine on it,

And there’s snow on the branches!

2 reb. NEW YEAR

(T. Melnikova)

Children dance in circles

They clap their hands.

Hello hello.

New Year! You are so good!


(V. Petrova)

- Who is wearing a smart, warm fur coat?

With a long white beard,

Comes to visit on New Year's Day,

Both ruddy and gray-haired?

He plays with us, dances,

It makes the holiday more fun!

– Santa Claus on our Christmas tree

The most important of the guests!

4 children FATHER FROST

(T. Melnikova)

Soon, soon New Year!

Soon Santa Claus will come.

There's a Christmas tree behind me,

Fluffy needles.


The girls stood in a circle,

They stood up and fell silent.

Santa Claus lit the lights

On a tall tree.

There's a star above

Beads in two rows -

Let the Christmas tree not go out,

May it always burn.

Snow Maiden: our Christmas tree is shining,

Shines very brightly

So the time has come

Give out gifts!

Father Frost: Yes! Now!

I carried them, I remember...

I don’t know where the bag went!

Or did you put it under the tree?

No, I don’t remember, I forgot...

- ah, gifts! Well, of course, gifts. So here they are!

Santa Claus shows a small bag.

Santa Claus: - you see, granddaughter, I haven’t forgotten.

Snow Maiden: - but he’s very small. There isn't enough for everyone here. Grandfather Frost, you are a wizard.

Santa Claus: - you forgot, the whole secret is that I am a magical grandfather.

I walk around the tree and put a gift under it. (puts it not in front of the children, but deeper into the tree...)

I’ll hit it with my staff and our gift will grow! (runs around the tree to the music, knocks with his staff.)

Santa Claus pulls out from under the tree a large bag of gifts hidden there of the same color and distributes the gifts.

Music is playing, Santa Claus is handing out gifts.

Father Frost: It’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday!

I wish you a lot of joy today, kids!

May you grow big

So that you don't have any worries!

Snow Maiden: and me and grandpa frost

We'll come back to you in a year!