The wedding script is completely ready. Scenario for a modern wedding: walking in a new way Wedding scenario for the toastmaster

Which includes competitions, toasts and the most popular traditions. The 2017 wedding scenario for the host can be very useful, providing an opportunity to update the repertoire and delight the guests at the wedding.

The ceremonial meeting of the newlyweds

Friends and relatives line up in a living corridor in front of the restaurant and sprinkle rose petals on the bride and groom. Their parents meet them at the entrance. Mothers hold a loaf of bread, and fathers hold a tray with glasses.

Toastmaster says:

“Dear newlyweds! Your friends and family arranged this pink rain for you so that your life would be as easy, bright and beautiful as rose petals. Now it's time to receive congratulations from your parents. Your mothers greet you with bread and salt. Break off each piece from the loaf and salt it well.”

When the newlyweds fulfill the request, the toastmaster says: “Did you add salt? Now feed each other. And let this be the first and last case in your family life when you annoy each other."

The newlyweds eat bread. Toastmaster continues:

“Take the glasses from the hands of your fathers. This is not an ordinary drink. It is made with honey to make your life as sweet as honey. It was infused with petals of exquisite flowers so that the bride would always be irresistible. Oak root is added to it so that the groom will always be strong. Drink this magical elixir and may all your dreams and desires come true.”

In front of the restaurant door, you can immediately resolve the issue that worries many present - the gender of the first child. Wedding scenarios are not complete without collecting money in sliders during the feast, but in 2017 I want to bring new ideas to this ritual.

“Now break the glasses. Now we can find out the gender of your first child. If the fragments are large, then a boy will be born, if small, then a girl will be born.”

Lovers break glasses. Then the host solemnly invites the bride and groom with all the guests to the table:

“Everything went according to the law -
They sealed the marriage with a crystal ringing.
And finally the hour has come
Everyone go to the banquet hall."

Toasts and table games

The wedding scenario should include toasts and fun table games that will help the toastmaster maintain the appropriate mood of the guests. If a theme evening is planned, then the host’s speech should be accordingly. For example, for a pirate wedding scenario, references to treasures and the sea would be appropriate. And during a classic wedding banquet it is better to use simple, sincere and romantic words.

First toast

Look how beautiful the bride is
And how charming the groom is.
And today at a wonderful wedding
Wishes and toasts for them.
Perhaps it's time for everyone to have a drink.
A friendly “Hurray” for the bride and groom.
So that they can be completely happy,
Let's drain our glasses to the bottom!

Toast to parents

This cannot be forgotten
The moment is solemn and tense.
Let's raise our glasses friends
For the parents of the newlyweds.
How difficult it is, let everyone know
And how joyful it is to raise children.
My toast, no doubt, is very important:
For fathers and mothers!

Before you say a toast to your parents, do not forget to give them the floor to give parting words to the newlyweds.

Table game "Neighbors"

Right hand raised
And they waved to the young people.
Well, the left hand drops easily
On your neighbor's right knee.
The right hand is hot
We will hug our neighbor by the shoulder.
And everything looks decent.
Does everyone like everything? Great!
Let's push the neighbor on the left,
Let's wink at the one on the right.
Let's take a glass in our hands,
We'll quickly fill it to the brim.
The fun continues.
Clink glasses with your neighbor on the right.
And of course no problem
Clink glasses with the neighbor on the left.
Together, everyone gets up from their seats,
Let's say in unison “Congratulations!”
And we drink everything to the bottom!
Don’t forget to have a snack and pour a new one.

This game will undoubtedly lift your guests' spirits and bring a lot of smiles.

New competitions for wedding script 2017

When drawing up a wedding scenario, we suggest paying attention to competitions that are popular in 2017, which the toastmaster or host can conduct:

  1. "I kiss". Pair competition. Men take turns kissing girls, naming the place to kiss: cheek, neck, hand, etc. You cannot repeat after your opponents. The one who comes up with the most places for kissing will win.
  2. "Musical group". A pair competition in which women play the role of musical instruments, and men play the role of musicians. First, the musicians rehearse in turns, and then pretend to perform together to a popular song.
  3. "Dance Battle" It is necessary to divide the guests into male and female teams. Witnesses or newlyweds are appointed captains. The players’ task: during the battle, synchronously repeat the movements of the captain. Then you can swap captains.
  4. "Crazy dancing." Place the participants on chairs and ask them to dance in different parts body (arms, legs, eyebrows, tongue, etc.).
  5. "Repeat." Several guests repeat funny tongue twisters after the host. You can invite participants to talk with candy in their mouth.
  6. "Present." Men are asked to write on a piece of paper what they will give to their ladies. And women tell how they will use the gift, not knowing what they will be given.

On the website you can find many more different interesting competitions for a wedding banquet and for a modern bride price.

Scenario 2017: wedding traditions and rituals

First dance

The noise of the wedding verse is not in vain.
I ask the loving couple to stand up.
After all, the sounds of music are exciting, beautiful
You are invited to dance the first dance.

As a rule, the wedding dance of the newlyweds takes place during the first dance block. You can include it in the 2017 wedding scenario, as the very first dance at the celebration.

Bouquet and garter toss

Everyone is interested to know
Who will be the next bride?
Get into line, girlfriends.
Throw the bouquet, your bride.

Everyone is waiting for the outcome.
Who will get the garter?
Groom, don’t be deceitful, don’t be tormented.
Throw on command: one, two, three.

No European wedding scenario is complete without throwing a bouquet. This tradition has been particularly popular at weddings for many years, especially among unmarried girls. After all, everyone is interested in knowing who will walk down the aisle next.

Family hearth

The family hearth is a fairly old wedding custom, but it should not be excluded from modern scenario 2017. Many newlyweds still dream of performing this ceremony. After all, this is the most touching and sentimental moment of the celebration.

The newlyweds hold a large candle, and their mothers have lit candles in their hands. To a beautiful background melody, the presenter says:

“From time immemorial we have cherished the custom:
Bring fire to the born family.
To kindle such a familiar hearth of family for them is a guarantee of great love.
May there always be light from him,
There will be good luck and a happy journey together.
Let everyone in your home be warm,
And let life become serene"

“Dear parents, I invite you to light a family hearth for your children. Thus, conveying to them your warmth, love and care. Help them take the first step towards a happy future together."

Parents light a candle. The presenter solemnly announces:

“Dear guests, you have witnessed a magical event - the formation of a new family home. Dear newlyweds, take care of him. Let this fire illuminate your path, give you warmth and help you overcome all life's obstacles. And now it's time to make wishes and blow out the candles. Everything you wish will definitely come true!”

The final stage of a modern wedding celebration, which the host must take into account in the script, is cutting the cake. After which the newlyweds say goodbye to the guests.

We have presented only one of the possible wedding scenario options. You can supplement it with other competitions and rituals, depending on the wishes of the newlyweds.

    The scenario for the holiday “Wedding of the Year 2017” is absolutely not difficult to carry out even for beginners leading the celebration, since it contains a lot of tips, interesting moments, wedding pranks, competitions, and games. All these entertaining moments have been tried more than once in the work of a toastmaster. Therefore, cheerful and resourceful presenters - go ahead! Before the start of the celebration, the host of the holiday (toastmaster) lines up the guests in two rows - the bride’s side and the groom’s side, although a mixed option is possible. The parties are headed by the parents of the newlyweds. The guests who stand at the beginning of the columns stretch the ribbons: we stretch the red one first, the silver and gold ones next.

    As soon as the bride and groom appear in the restaurant courtyard, the bride’s side should loudly shout “We love you!”, and the groom’s side: “Congratulations!” Of course, all this should be supported by applause.

    Meeting of young people “Colors of success and love”

    Toastmaster: Dear friends, dear guests of our restaurant! Today there is a grand event in the city. It is here, in the living room of the Peacock restaurant, that the most grandiose, fun, stylish wedding will take place, which will rightfully be called “Wedding of the Year”. All this because young people in love with life and with each other - Oksana and Vladimir - united their hearts with the golden rings of fate! Your applause for them!

    Yes, I think that this applause was just a warm-up, a rehearsal. which confirmed that you were all wonderfully prepared for the most wonderful event of the year - the wedding of Oksana and Vladimir. And now, I ask with all my might, with full strength, to meet our pair of lovers. Applause - Oksana, Vladimir - couple of the year number one!

    Fanfare sounds

    Toastmaster: Today is a really important day for you, this is a new milestone in your destiny, this is a milestone in new life, so the guests of the wedding celebration were happy to prepare several obstacles for you, dear Oksana and Volodya. The first is the red carpet. Go under it! Red in Rus' meant beautiful, only beautiful life, which is full of love and tenderness, joy and passion awaits you ahead! Cut this ribbon and keep a piece for yourself - a symbol of today as a keepsake.

    Toastmaster: The next path is silver, silver is a reliable, beautiful, noble metal. Today, a silver ribbon symbolizes the reliability of your feelings, loyalty, and decency of your love. Do you agree with this symbol? Then, cut yourself a piece of this ribbon, and also leave pieces in the hands of those guests who hold it - they will become “travel” tickets to visit you, dear Oksana and Vladimir.

    Young people cutting the silver ribbon

    Toastmaster: The color of the third track makes us all think seriously. Dear friends, the fact is that having crossed the “golden” ribbon, we will all begin to prepare for your “golden” wedding, and you simply must invite all the guests present here to it. Do you promise? Then, feel free to cut the “golden” ribbon, and do not forget to leave a piece for those guests who are holding it.

    To the applause of the guests, the bride and groom cut the last, “golden” ribbon.

    Toastmaster: Dear Oksana and Volodya! You have successfully overcome all the obstacles that we have prepared for you.

    Of course, all sorts of other obstacles will come your way. Remember, your closest people - your dear parents - will always help you cope with the most difficult tasks. Therefore, come closer to them, bow down for all the good things that they gave you. Thank them for their love and today’s wonderful holiday.

    The newlyweds approach their parents and bow to them.

    Toastmaster: Dear Parents! Well, you waited until the moment when your children became adults and created their own family. They cannot do without your parting words on such an important day for them.
    Your word, dear parents!

    Now, break off a piece of the loaf that your parents are holding. Please note, dear guests, whoever breaks off the largest piece will be the head of the family, and whoever salts the most piece of the spouse will become the commander, and whoever eats the salted piece first will be the peacemaker in the family, and will be the last time to annoy his loved one.


    Toastmaster: And now, dear newlyweds, dear parents, long-awaited guests of the holiday, we invite everyone to the most solemn wedding table!

    Music sounds, the guests sit down at the table, the newlyweds, parents, godparents, and witnesses wait for the guests to take their seats. The toastmaster invites the guests to stand and, to the applause of the guests, introduces the main characters of the wedding.

    Introduction of the main characters

    Toastmaster: Dear friends! Meet the beautiful married couples who gave the world wonderful young people - Oksana and Vladimir, these are the parents of the wedding: the mother and father of the bride - Anna and Vladimir; as well as the groom’s parents – Elena and Igor!

    Toastmaster: We greet with applause the young people who, shoulder to shoulder, neck to nose, led our couple to the wedding feast - these are the wedding witnesses Yana and Oleg!

    Toastmaster: Today the matchmakers of the holiday - Inga and Maxim - will force you to raise your glasses and actively snack, without ceasing to shout “Bitter”!

    Well, louder applause! Meet the most beautiful, most loving couple of years - Oksana and Vladimir! We invite them to take the most important places for festive table!

    Toast to love

    Toastmaster: Dear friends, I invite everyone to fill their glasses. Is there a moment in life better than the meeting of two hearts that meet and from now on beat together? Today is just such a day. We really want the hearts of Oksana and Vladimir to beat in unison from today, creating a beautiful melody of life. We believe that their path will be covered with flowers of love and fidelity. I really want, dear friends, that today’s parental blessing will illuminate your holiday, and that this day will be filled with joy and happiness, harmony and prosperity. And today, the sounds of wedding music will sound for you, and wedding flowers will forever remain in your memory.
    And now - bitterly young!

    Toast to parents

    Today we have already said that parents are no less worried about the wedding than our young people, and maybe more so - they let go adult life their chicks. Let their path spread with fragrant flowers, let grief and trouble go away. May their health, joy and respect be strong for many years to come.

    Toastmaster: Dear parents, bless today's holiday! A word to the wedding parents!
    Happiness to you, longevity, true love. Live in harmony, peace, love, continue and glorify your family on earth in daughters and sons. Glory to the wonderful parents!

    First dance of the bride and groom

    Toastmaster: The minutes of your wedding are quickly flying by, Oksana and Volodya, and now that wonderful hour has come when all the guests will freeze in anticipation of the first marital dance of the bride and groom. Your hands and hearts, like two swans, united today to the sounds of beautiful music. So, swim along the lake of your love, and like the slipping of water, may your love be endless, and you forever together!

    New surname - continuation of the family

    Toastmaster: Oksana, today you became the wife of a very courageous and handsome young man. He offered you his hand and heart, today he gives into your fragile female hands and your destiny. Are you ready, in return, to sacrifice your own surname and change it to the surname of your husband, thereby becoming a successor to the Biryukov family line?

    The bride replies that she is ready

    Toastmaster: Then, Volodya, bring it to your wife balloon, write her maiden name on it.

    The groom writes his last name

    Toastmaster: Dear Oksana, from now on you are not Petrova, but Biryukova. I suggest you, to the applause of your wedding guests, say goodbye to your last name by releasing a balloon into the sky.

    Competition for the best kiss, or exam for the bride and groom

    Toastmaster: Dear newlyweds, it seems to us that you are very modest today and also kiss modestly. Of course, married life, over time, will make its own adjustments to the quality of your kisses. Therefore, your wedding guests, with pleasure, decided to teach you all the kissing techniques, so to speak, teach you a lesson.

    The presenter prepares pieces of paper with phrases written on them in advance and approaches married or simply loving couples one by one. The participant in the pair takes out a piece of paper, reads it, and then completes the task written there. Every kiss is accompanied by fanfare.

    1) Pamper your beloved wife more often! Give her even a technical kiss by chance.

    2) Loving others is flammable! Kiss your only wife passionately!

    3) Don’t be afraid, my friend, to remind yourself! You pulled out a loud kiss, it's time to perform it!

    4) And if, suddenly, your eyes sparkle with affection and kindness, it means that you received a gentle kiss, it is full of warmth!

    5) it happens that you don’t need a lot of strength and courage, if you want, kiss your wife in a friendly way.

    6) And if the secret overloads you, and your thoughts excite you, then a secret kiss is for you, and we certainly won’t tell anyone!

    7) You will want to press him quickly and squeeze him passionately in your arms - that means the kiss is more powerful!

    Applause to all kiss lovers! And now - the kissing exam. Attention! The most beautiful kiss at our wedding is the kiss of the bride and groom, bitterly young!

    Competition "Kiss Me"

    For the Toastmaster competition, we invite guests to split into two teams, with a “boy and a girl” lining up the guests. Then, on command, team members must kiss their neighbor. The bride and groom begin the “kiss relay”, the team that completes the task first and whose kiss returns wins.

    Wedding competition for girls and boys

    The toastmaster invites girls (women) and men (guys) to participate in the competition, dividing them into two teams. The girls and boys teams each wear an elastic band at the waist. The task of the participants is to remove the elastic bands as slowly and beautifully as possible, like beautiful underwear, while listening to beautiful erotic music.

    A wedding cake

    Toastmaster: Our dear Oksana and Vladimir! The most frequently spoken word today is, of course, the word “Bitter!” But, no matter what we, your guests, say today, all this is because we sincerely wish you only a sweet, gentle, luxurious and long-awaited life, such as this beautiful wedding cake.

    As you know, if people share bread together, it means they will share their destiny together. Dear Oksana and Volodya, we really want you to cut this beautiful wedding cake together now, and then treat your guests to it. Remember this moment, enjoy this minute you spent together! Happiness and love to you, take care of love!

    The toastmaster can hold an auction to purchase the first piece wedding cake.

    Removing the veil

    Toastmaster: A wonderful holiday ends - the wedding of Oksana and Vladimir. But I see that the guests are not tired of having fun. Dear friends, I see that our newlyweds really want to retire. There is one more beautiful ritual left - we need to remove the veil from our bride and say goodbye to her girlhood. Let's ask the bride's mother to carefully remove this beautiful wedding attribute and save it for future generations, writing it in red letters in the chronicle of their beautiful life together and today. And I want to end the first day of married life by lighting the family hearth.

    Family home

    Toastmaster: Of course, we light a real family fire in our hearts. Dear Oksana and Vladimir! We want our family hearth to start from the warm, homely hearth of each of you. Dear mothers bride and groom, guardians of families, come now to your children, light the family fire from your candles new family. Let the young people light the light in their home with the fire of their loving hearts, let them keep love.

    Mothers of the bride and groom light the fire

    Welcome the family fire with applause! Always remember that he was ignited by his mother’s sincere love! Keep it forever and pass it on to your children!

    The final

    Today is filled with fabulously rich emotions, smiles, warmth, happiness. Each of those present here is incredibly happy for you, dear newlyweds. We believe that all bad weather and troubles cannot withstand the great power of love. We know for sure that a honeymoon awaits you ahead. We wish you to always be faithful to the Laws of Great Love! Good luck!

    After this, the newlyweds dance their last dance, fanfares sound, volleys of wedding fireworks sound in the night sky and they set off on a journey, their

    This scenario for the toastmaster is intended for a “traditional” wedding - with many relatives and friends, in a fairly large room where the wedding celebration will take place.

    After the parents greet the newlyweds with the obligatory loaf and blessing, and everyone goes into the hall, the toastmaster begins the holiday:

    Dear newlyweds, their parents, relatives and friends! Today we have gathered here to celebrate the newly created family! Let us finally congratulate the young husband and young wife together and raise our glasses to their health and longevity!

    Is it just me, or is this really the case? Is there something wrong with the wine? Or with food? Are you as sad, dear guests, as I am?

    Actually, guests should respond to this question with the usual answer for weddings: “Bitter!”

    - Previously, it was customary to read out a document at the festive table that legitimized the relationship between two loving people. We also have a marriage certificate, here it is (shows the certificate), but our newlyweds decided to go even further. They have prepared an oath for each other that will bind them much stronger than any certificate, any entry in the civil register! Newlyweds, over to you!

    Joint oath of the newlyweds.
    This moment of celebration should be made the most romantic. It will be great if the bride and groom formalize the words of their oath in some tangible form in advance. For example, the groom should go to a carpentry shop to have the words of this oath burned or cut out on a beautifully polished wooden board and then inserted into a frame.

    The bride can embroider this oath to make a small tapestry, and if she does not know the art of embroidery, then the work will be done in the appropriate studio. In the future, these two “documents” in a frame will look very beautiful and symbolic on the wall of a shared home - as an unusual interior decoration, and as a reminder of the marriage bond. And at the wedding, the newlyweds can read them (so as not to learn the text) and exchange their “boards”.

    The words of the oath can be either those listed below or invented by the newlyweds themselves - after all, loving people there is always something to say to each other. The main thing is that this oath is so “exclusive” that no one else will have it.

    Words of oath for the bride:

    I swear to be with you always - in sorrow and in joy, in dreams and in reality, in a word - you can’t get away from me now!
    I swear to respect you, even if you lie on the couch in the morning on a day off, or go with friends to the garage, and then to football. In the end, girlfriends and shopping haven’t been canceled either!
    And also, I swear to you that my love will grow every day, and I will try to do everything so that the rivers of our feelings flow into the sea called “Happiness” all our lives!”

    Words of oath for the groom:

    "Darling! I swear to you that no one will be more dear to me than you and our children.
    I swear to admire you, even if you put a cucumber mask on your face on your day off - you are beautiful, you are a goddess! In the end, I can always go with my friends to the garage or to football, because you will not stop respecting me!
    And also, I swear to you that my love will surround you every day, you will be warmed by it, like the warmth of a hearth, and protected by the walls of our house, standing in the middle of the sea, which is called “Happiness”!”

    - Well, our newlyweds have already begun to prove to each other how much they strive for a happy family life. Let us raise our glasses so that the young husband and wife always remember these oaths, so that they follow them throughout their lives. Bitterly!

    And so that there are even more reminders of this day, in about ten minutes we will hold an amateur photography competition in which everyone can participate!

    The toastmaster gives the guests some time to “drink and have a snack.” Ten minutes is enough for people to satisfy their first hunger and get ready for entertainment.

    Competition “The best photo of a young couple”

    For this competition you will need a laptop and a digital camera. Anyone can work as a photographer - they themselves choose a composition with the newlyweds, pose them as they wish, ask them to make this or that facial expression, and take photographs. In this case, you are given the opportunity to take only one frame. Next, the photos are saved on the computer, each frame under the name of the person who took this or that photo, and the newlyweds themselves choose the winner. You can establish nominations for “The Most Romantic Shot,” “The Funniest Shot,” and “The Stupidest Shot.”

    - And now one of the most wonderful moments at the wedding - congratulations and gifts for the young family!

    Relatives and guests congratulate the newlyweds. Envelopes, of course, are handed over to their destination, but gift items can be placed on an impromptu green “lawn”, the role of which is played by a piece of carpet or green linoleum, in a word, everything that can symbolize a lawn. You can even put a rug with flowers painted on it - it will turn out even better. Why this “lawn” is needed will become clear later.

    - Well, a family, even a young one, is not only a fun holiday, but also work. Our young people are now invited here to tell us, and most importantly, show us what their dream home looks like!

    Competition for newlyweds “Build your own house” using Lego constructors

    Creative competition to build a house from Lego parts. Moreover, the newlyweds need to be given large details so that the house does not turn out to be small. It is advisable for the toastmaster to first “estimate” how many parts, and which ones, are needed for such a house construction. Let the guys build the building on a green surface.

    You will need a free corner for the “installation” that will result - for a house built from a constructor, the house will be decorated with a “wedding bouquet” that the bridesmaids will make; a baby doll on which the young husband changed his diaper during the competition; a doll with a bow, which was tied by the newlywed; there will be a plate of pancakes that the mother-in-law baked; cars that were built from construction kits by the father-in-law, son-in-law and father-in-law, and next to this building there will be a laptop in the foreground, where photographs of the newlyweds taken during the competition will replace each other in presentation mode. In a word, you should get such a small model of a family “nest” - with children, material wealth, friendship with parents, friends happy in family life, joyful memories. And at the end of the ceremonial part, the toastmaster can take a photo of the newlyweds against the background of this “composition”.

    After this competition, you can take another short break, a light musical pause.

    - Dear bridesmaids, especially those who have not yet gotten married! At all weddings, the bride must throw her bouquet to you to determine who will get married immediately after her. Of course, the most dexterous one wins. But I suggest you make your own dream wedding bouquet, also from the flowers of your dreams.

    Competition for bridesmaids for the best flower

    The most different materials- wrapping paper for flowers, staplers, colored green braided wire (for the stem), foil, tape, scissors and paper clips (they can be used not only as a fastening material, but also as an independent element of flower design), pins with rhinestones, even invisible hairpins, decorated with beads and the same rhinestones. The girls' task is to create their own flower to the best of their imagination. It will most likely turn out to be very interesting. At the end of the competition, all these flowers can be collected into a “bouquet” and placed in a vase on the “lawn”.

    - One of the main conditions for a happy family life is children. But do our newlyweds know how to treat them? I suggest checking it out!

    Competition for future dads “Change the diaper”

    Participants are provided with three or four baby dolls in diapers (there must be a newlywed among the participants). The task of men is to change the baby's diaper, quickly and efficiently. The results will be assessed either by an already established mother from the guests, or by the most experienced, eldest woman from the family. The groom's doll sits on the "lawn" in front of the "house".

    Competition for expectant mothers “Tie the most beautiful bow”

    There is no need to give girls Barbies for this competition. It’s better to let these be standard girl dolls of the same size as the baby dolls from the previous competition. The main condition is that this doll is “equipped” with hair. Then the ladies are given ribbons, and the girls tie bows to the dolls, also to see who is faster and prettier. The young wife’s doll takes its place on the “lawn” in front of the house, next to the baby doll. You can connect their hands, let them hold on to each other like brother and sister.

    - What mother-in-law doesn’t love her son-in-law? That's right, a rare mother-in-law... And what son-in-law doesn't run to his mother-in-law for pancakes at the first call? Well, now we are having a ceremonial baking of the mother-in-law’s first pancake, and we hope he won’t be lumpy!

    Task for mother-in-law “Pancakes”

    This competition must be discussed in advance with the mother-in-law. If taking a cooking class in front of an audience doesn't bother her, she will need all the ingredients to make pancakes, as well as a small camp gas stove and frying pan. Don't forget about a blender - it can beat the dough much faster than by hand. The mother-in-law prepares two or three pancakes on a separate table (quite enough) and one of them solemnly presents it to his son-in-law on a tray (can be with sour cream, caviar, jam) along with a glass of vodka. Son-in-law, of course, must drink vodka (if not a teetotaler) and eat a pancake. If it happened in the family a big joy, and the son-in-law does not drink alcohol, then you can replace the vodka with a glass of milk-)))). The plate with the remaining pancakes is placed next to the house, maybe right in front of the dolls.

    - Well, what about your mother-in-law? This is the same song mother's love! Who, if not the mother, knows her son better than anyone? And who else, if not she, can examine her daughter-in-law - she studied her young husband just as well?

    A task for a newlywed from her mother-in-law - does she know her husband?

    The mother-in-law prepares a list of questions for the young woman with exact answers from her son (she finds out in advance). The questions are, of course, the simplest (the list can be supplemented).
    Favorite color;
    favorite dish;
    who loves more - cats or dogs (or maybe turtles or parrots);
    favorite car brand;
    if her son has a dream, and what kind;
    favorite subject at school;
    favorite sport;
    favorite clothes;
    how old was he when he first fell in love;
    name relatives from the young husband’s family - not only mom and dad, but also uncles, aunts, sisters and brothers, who lives where, maybe there are still relatives in some other cities.

    If it suddenly happens that the young wife does not guess most of the answers, then the mother-in-law should say: “Nothing, but how many more interesting things you have to learn over the many years of marriage!”, so as not to upset the newlywed.

    - It seems to me that our house is missing something! And this is something very important. The stronger sex knows exactly what is missing on our lawn! The home of our newlyweds deserves to be decorated only with unique car models.

    Competition for father-in-law, father-in-law and son-in-law - build your own car from Lego

    For this competition, you need to take parts from a construction kit, where the assembly of car models is provided. The newly-made son-in-law, father-in-law and father-in-law assemble their own “exclusive” supercars, give them names, and present them to the public. The winner is chosen by applause. Cars are parked on the “lawn” in front of the house.

    The final “touch” will be a photograph of the newlyweds against the backdrop of a model of their future home

    Further competitions can already be interspersed with dances, songs, in a word - the “ceremonial and entertaining” part is over, and simply the “entertaining” part has begun. The toastmaster conducts further competitions in an improvisational style.

    A contest involving dressing up men as women.

    Changing clothes for women is problematic, because everyone was preparing for the wedding and dressing up, but changing clothes still entails the fact that the hairstyle and makeup may be ruined, and it is more difficult for women to “play the fool” in public. In addition, men look much funnier in women's clothing than vice versa.

    So, the toastmaster is required to provide three or four sets women's clothing, it is best to have a large size, because men are larger. If you can borrow hats or bonnets from somewhere, even better. Don't forget about handbags and scarves, these are very feminine accessories))). Let your shoes remain on your feet, it will be even more fun. The point is that all the clothes will be in one pile, and the contestants are forced to grab whatever they can. And then, when everything is sorted out, they need to be sent to change clothes with the set of clothes that were “won in battle.” The contest ends with the fashion show of the “participants”. It’s worth adding fans, then men will have the opportunity to coquettishly cover their faces, like Kalyagin in the film “Hello, I’m your aunt.”

    Competition for married couples- Which of the men recognizes his wife by his leg, and which of the women recognizes his husband by his hand?

    Everything is clear here - a person is blindfolded, and the ladies hold up their legs for him to recognize, and if a woman guesses, then the men hold up their hands to her.

    Music competition (continue the lyrics)

    The toastmaster says a line from a quatrain of a love song, the contestant must continue the next line. If the answer is incorrect, the toastmaster includes for listening the very passage that was not guessed. But you can turn on the song after each answer, regardless of whether it was successful or not.

    Competition for the best “mating dance” of men in front of women

    It’s better to hold this competition when everyone is already tipsy and having fun. The men must perform a fiery dance in front of a female “jury”, and the ladies will choose the most seductive man. It will turn out very funny if the musical accompaniment is not languid and “erotic”, but funny, for example, “Dance of the Little Ducklings” or the Georgian song “Chick-chick, my chickens.”

    Contest to seduce men

    In this competition, it’s better not to experiment with music and put on something really beautiful. Still, a woman’s dance of seduction may look more seductive than that of men, since this method of seduction is familiar to the fairer sex. The male “jury” selects “the most charming and attractive.”

    Fortune telling competition (final)

    “Predictions” are written on pieces of paper according to the number of guests, in an impersonal form, so that they can be applied to both men and women. Of course, the best form is humorous and/or romantic, for example: “Soon you will meet your soulmate,” “You will become a victim of an attack - love will attack you from around the corner,” etc. You can also predict good luck in business, birth a child (it will be funny if such a prediction comes across to a 90-year-old grandmother, and especially a grandfather))), in a word - anything, as long as it is positive.

    When planning a wedding, every couple wants the celebration to be remembered for many years not only by the newlyweds, but also by the guests. The wedding script plays an important role here. The pages of the portal for newlyweds contain competitive and entertainment programs for wedding celebrations that are relevant in 2019.

    Organizing a wedding requires a lot of time, effort and financial investment. Often a ready-made wedding script for a toastmaster becomes a “saving straw” in the turmoil of pre-wedding preparations. An experienced toastmaster always knows exactly what program to offer the bride and groom, taking into account the theme of the celebration and financial investments. More

    Wedding scenarios: features of choice

    Choosing a suitable celebration program is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The thematic section presents articles describing various event scenarios. But how to do right choice? Listen to our advice:

    • Wedding budget. The beginning of planning any holiday begins with drawing up a budget. This way you will understand what kind of presenter you can afford, what prizes to prepare for competitions, what program attributes you are willing to spend money on;
    • Wedding theme. Next, you need to decide on the theme of the evening, because the entertainment program and competitions should correspond to the wedding theme. Be sure to tell the presenter about your plans and ask about the proposed program specifically for your holiday;
    • Contingent of guests. There is a huge difference in creating a program for young guests and for the older generation. The wedding scenario should be drawn up taking into account the status of the invited guests, their moral principles and even religion;
    • Competitions for everyone. Competitions offered by the toastmaster should not put participants and spectators in an uncomfortable position. Will children be present at the celebration? Will parents have to close their eyes in shame? the main task entertainment program- really interest and captivate every guest, regardless of age;
    • Personal wishes. Discuss in advance the moments that you would like to avoid during the holiday. For example, you are against traditional bride kidnapping or witness striptease. The toastmaster must know in advance what to cut or include in the proposed program.

    Considering the above tips, you will be able to choose a wedding script and competitions that you will like and will bring joy to the guests present.

    Cool wedding scenario

    Does your couple choose positivity and unbridled fun? Funny scenarios for a wedding - exactly what you need!

    Young people can choose prepared wedding scenarios for the toastmaster or create a truly original and daring scenario on their own, based only on their tastes and the preferences of the guests. Which path to unbridled and memorable fun will you choose?

    Wedding scenario 2019

    Rapidly changing wedding trends have also affected the scenarios of wedding celebrations. Future spouses do not want to see a program “like everyone else’s” at their evening, demanding new and interesting ideas. On our website we have selected wedding scenarios for 2019 with the most current competitions and entertainment.

    We offer classic and original programs, for example:

    • Scripts based on films;
    • Ready-made script for a wedding with a historical theme;
    • Program in a modern style;
    • A wedding in the style of dangerous Chicago or romantic Europe.

    Take your choice of program seriously, and then scenarios for a wedding with competitions will allow those present to completely relax and enjoy what is happening. And pleasant and warm memories of your wedding will come up more than once in conversations among family and friends who were present at your celebration.

    Would you like to know more about holiday programs or organizing a wedding? Visit thematic sections on our portal! Advice and recommendations from professionals will certainly dispel any doubts that arise and answer all important questions.

    Hide description

    Weddings can be very different, from luxurious and stunning celebrations in their scale, to modest family and discreet events. Wedding can be customized to suit any wishes and financial capabilities, but it must be taken into account that the significant day should touch the hearts of the newlyweds and their guests. A wedding script will help create the right atmosphere.

    A wedding without a script risks turning into an endless and boring feast with family and friends. Competitions and various plot twists are important precisely because they don't let guests get bored. People who do not know each other get to know each other during various games and relay races.

    If the wedding is intended for a small number of guests (from 10 to 30), then the presence of a toastmaster is not necessary.

    Who should be entrusted with preparing the script? and carrying out ?

    • They will look most natural in the role of presenters witness and witness. They, as close associates of the newlyweds, will be able to draw up a script in tandem with the bride and groom, and then act it out at the wedding;
    • If the majority of people at the wedding will be adults and elderly people, you can entrust the organization of the event parents of a new family. Well, the script can be found on the Internet and adjusted to your personal wishes;
    • If you do not want to involve guests in organizing the wedding, invite friend from outside. In fact, he will take on the role of toastmaster, but he will not have to pay money (payment can be organized by holding paid competitions, from which your host will take the money for himself).

    At home or in a restaurant?

    Conduct beautiful wedding You can do it both in a restaurant and at home. But a home feast will cost much less than finding and booking a hall, paying for a buffet and the work of the staff.

    Wedding at home


    • saving money;
    • the ability to adapt to any situation (including quickly washing White dress with a wine stain, mend unexpectedly torn pants of a witness and find props for the competition);
    • the ability to send “overeating” guests to sleep in the next room;
    • no need after the tedious but have a good day get ready to go home, taking with you numerous gifts.


    • “simplicity” and lack of entourage;
    • monotony wedding photos(the home environment is not conducive to luxurious photo shoots);
    • the likelihood that in the process of wild fun the interior of the apartment may be seriously damaged;
    • lack of space;
    • self-service.

    Wedding in a restaurant



    • serious spending;
    • limited action (all problems and tasks will have to be solved on the spot, using available means);
    • the need to return home with a “baggage” of gifts, alcoholic drinks, etc.

    As you can see, both options have their pros and cons. However good script a wedding without a toastmaster for those closest to you will compensate for any shortcomings and help people relax.


    Before you write a script, choose the direction in which you will move. It could be:

    The basis for creating your own script You can take a classic wedding plan.

    1. Bride and groom greeted with a loaf of bread, and the mother-in-law sprinkles millet on the young couple. Then the newlyweds are seated at a specially designated place and the parents give a parting speech ( opening words prepared in advance). Then the word is passed on to the relatives and friends of the newly-made family.
    2. After all the guests have drunk a couple of glasses and the first toasts have been made, you can move on to competitive program. Active games are diluted with table games. Relay races are held during breaks between meals and congratulatory words(if guests express a desire to voice a toast). The hosts of the event, focusing on the mood of the people, can announce musical breaks (disco).
    3. First dance of the bride and groom It is announced when guests have drunk no more than 3-5 glasses of alcohol. It is very important to properly lead the script to this touching moment. For example, before the dance, a musical gift from parents may be presented, and beautiful poems may be read by close family friends.
    4. Towards the end of the festive evening it is announced disco and group games(eg boys vs girls). ALL guests must be involved in the final competitions. A home wedding scenario without a toastmaster can be planned without a disco, replacing it with karaoke singing or mini dance competitions.
    5. After wedding cake cutting or loaf. Parents conduct a ceremony for their children to say goodbye to their bachelor life. Mothers remove the bride’s veil and “hand over” the young wife into the reliable hands of her husband. A beautiful point will be the lighting of a wedding candle, which symbolizes the birth of a new family.

    Suitable competitions, mobile and table

    A wedding scenario without a toastmaster in a narrow circle can be “seasoned” with the most bold and unusual competitions, which the guests, intoxicated with alcohol, will receive with a bang.

    Kisses dear

    Couples consisting of girls and boys (at least 6 couples) are called to the center of the hall. Then the representatives of the stronger sex are invited to kiss their partners, voicing places for kissing.

    For example, “I will kiss Marina on the cheek.” You cannot repeat yourself, which complicates the task for subsequent applicants.

    The losers are those who did not find a place for a kiss.

    Heartfelt gift

    Couples again participate in the competition. Men write on a piece of paper what they plan to give to their companion. And women, not knowing what they are going to give, tell how they will use the gift. This is enough fun competition, because in the process girls can dress up for the holiday in a new pan or hang new earrings on the wall.

    Inflatable tango

    Several people go to the center of the hall and randomly break into pairs. At the signal (when the music starts), the people in a pair must join in a passionate dance, holding the inflated balloons between their bellies. Those who burst the balloon the fastest while performing an original dance will win.

    Walls have ears too

    This competition can be held to raise money. The hosts prepare facts about the bride and groom in advance, and the guests need to guess whether the named facts are true or false. The one who makes a mistake pays a “tax.”

    My beloved

    You can take any number of people into the competition. Everyone is asked to name the most beautiful part of the body of the person standing next to them. When everyone in the circle voices their option for the neighbor on the left, the presenter announces that now the “place that catches your fancy” needs to be kissed.

    Young mother

    For the competition you need to prepare plastic bottles and nipples that fit onto bottles.

    Sprite, cola or fanta can be used as complementary foods.

    The winners will be those who drink the contents from the bottle more carefully and quickly.

    Guessing game

    Several men are seated on chairs. The bride, blindfolded, is brought to the competition participants. She must find her betrothed by touching only the guys' noses.

    Knot for good luck

    Several couples are selected from those who wish. The united boys and girls are placed shoulder to shoulder and tied with their hands touching. Next, the contestants, using only their free hands, must lace up the sneaker and tie a bow on it. Those who quickly and “cleanly” cope with the task will win.

    You can easily create cool wedding scenarios without a toastmaster, the main thing is to make an effort and not limited to standard canons holding a celebration.

    The more creative and funnier the organization of the celebration, the more pleasant it will be for guests and newlyweds to remember this exciting and joyful day.

    Ready-made scripts

    Option #1

    Option No. 2