Interesting Christmas scenarios. Scenario for a home holiday "Christmas nursery rhymes"

Christmas readings

On the night of the Nativity of the Lord
Don't sleep peacefully...
Listen today
To the star chimes.
In the sky the choirs sing,
Praise the name of God
And shines solemnly
Milky Road.

Song "Hosanna"

Night. Poor manger. No windows, doors,
And there is no decoration, no view around...
A descendant of great kings was born here -
A king from the line and house of David.
Let the voices of the court singers not be heard,
And the nobles do not glorify the Child,
The heavens sing a wondrous song to him,
Exclaiming: “The Son of God is born!”

Song "Wonderful Winter Night"

There are many stars in the sky, but in a scattering of stars
One is clearer than all, more noticeable than all.
Lighted up like a lamp over a dark abyss,
And the light is warmer and more welcoming.
In the darkness of centuries over the distant East
She shone for the first time
To kings and slaves and leaders and prophets
Showed the way to love.

Song "Star of Hope"

Quiet all around. Everything sleeps peacefully, carefree.
The night stretched around endlessly.
The stars are burning with golden lights,
They pierce the darkness with their rays.
Nothing moves, nothing speaks.
Quiet all around. But no one knows
What's in Bethlehem, in the cave is simple
A child was born to the Holy Virgin.
Maria did not hide her happiness.
And involuntarily worrying about the Baby,
She bent over Him, and on her heart
It was joyful, sweet and painful.
Joseph was also with her all the time,
As a faithful guard of your Spouse.
The joy that filled their hearts,
There was no limit, there was no end.

Song "Silent Night"

There were then shepherds in the fields,
From the wondrous singing they were filled with fear.
And the Angel of the Lord brought them joy,
That Christ was born there in Bethlehem.
The night is quiet, on the unsteady firmament
The southern stars are trembling.
Mother's eyes with a smile
Quiet people look into the manger.
And above Him it burns high
That star of distant lands:
The Magi of the East carry her with her
Gold, myrrh and frankincense.

Song "Everyone around was busy with their own things"

Christmas for children
"Magic School"

Characters: Host, Bulkin (former pirate and toy boat seller) Pulkin (former gardener)

Hello, dear children and dear adults! We met with you again in this cozy room with a warm and friendly company, although the wind is blowing outside and fluffy white snow is falling. But our meeting today will be unusual. We will take you to the Magic School. It is called so not because they teach to become wizards there, but because unusual lessons will be held there with fun and joy, which teach to love all people, regardless of whether they are familiar or unfamiliar, whether they are thin or plump, whether they wear glasses or without glasses... all of them. And most importantly, our Teacher today will be Almighty God Himself. And here are the lessons we will have:
1. Lesson of the Good News.
2. Lesson of Love.
3. Lesson of Magic Colors.
And our calls will also be unusual, festive, Christmas!

1 call(child)
I am the biggest bell
I’m calling, inviting you to class,
And I inform you: Christ is born!
This is great joy for us!
A lesson in good conscience

So our first extraordinary lesson began. The Lord in the Bible tells us a story that you all know well, the Birth of His Son - Jesus Christ. Now you will help me remember it.
1. In what city was Jesus Christ born?
2. What was the name of Jesus' mother?
3. What was the name of Jesus' father?
4. Where was our Savior born?
5. Who ruled the country then?
6. Who came to visit the newborn?
7. What gifts did the wise men bring to Jesus?
8. Who notified the shepherds about the birth of Christ?
When Jesus Christ was born, the heavenly army appeared in the sky, i.e. angels who glorified Christ.


1. Let glory rush in the highest,
Peace has been sent down to earth from above,
Goodwill in people
Let it be now and forever.

2. The Almighty sent us here
Talk about the Nativity of Christ,
He lies in a sheep cave,
A simple human baby.

3. Don't be afraid, people, don't be scared,
Try to find the Baby,
He is the right Path!
He is a beacon of truth!
In Him is life and truth!
In Him there is eternity of happiness!

4. And let the praise flow now
Because God appeared in the Son,
That the image took a person,
May He be honored forever!

5. Let the news of the miracle of the incarnation
Echoes into the distance of centuries,
Through the thickness of years and generations
Will be born again in human hearts!

“Do not be afraid: I bring you great joy that will be for all people!” This is the good news that an angel brought to earth with the birth of Jesus Christ. Why do you think the Lord called the Birth of His Son good news? (children's answer) Yes, because Jesus Christ brought peace, tranquility, salvation, eternal life, love and victory over death to earth.

2 call(child)
I am a vocal bell.
“The lesson is over,” I called.
The King was born in Bethlehem -
I bring this news to everyone!

Turn .

Our first lesson is over. It's time for us to take a break and play a little.
Game: At Grandfather Abram's.
Grandfather Abram has 40 sons,
There are 40 sons and 40 daughters.
Everyone didn’t drink or eat,
Everyone looked at grandfather.

3 call(child)
I am at least a quiet bell,
My voice is not clear,
But I'll tell you about Christmas
With a thin voice!

Lesson of love

Love, love, that's what people are looking for all their lives. Does it really happen? What types of love do you know? (children's answers)
Let's play a little. We will divide into two teams and come up with songs with the words “love”, “beloved”, etc. (play)
Jesus Christ brought into the world the highest love – sacrificial love. He died for us to forgive us all our wrongdoings and give us eternal life. What does it mean to love? (children's answers)
The Lord tells us: “Love is long-suffering, merciful, does not exalt itself over others, is not proud, does not act outrageously, that is, does not create disorder, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, but always hopes for the best, does not envy, everything endures and will never cease." Why does love never stop? (children's answers) But because the Almighty Lord Himself is Love, and He is eternal.

4 call(child)
I am a little bell
I call as much as possible
How the Savior was born into the world,
How dear He is to my heart!

Game: Remember each other .

5 call(child)
I am the ringing bell!
I'm calling everyone today
What was born in a manger
My Jesus Christ!

Lesson of magic colors

And now you and I will draw, but not just draw like you draw in your drawing lessons, because our colors are magical. They can talk. Let's listen to them. (Draw in black)

Black color(child)

Black color, gloomy, scary,
Tells us about sin.
This sin is like a rainy day,
My soul is restless.

(Draw in red)

Red color (child)

Liberation from sins
Red gives us the color.
The blood of Christ is redemption,
Getting rid of troubles.
(Completely erase from the board)

White color(child)

God granted us Forgiveness,
Our heart has been renewed.
Gave us white clothes
And adopted in love.

(Draw in green)

Green color (child)

The color green is spiritual growth,
We all need to grow.
And when you're about a hundred,
And when it's only seven.

(Draw in yellow)


Yellow is the color of glory
He will meet us at the crossing.
There will never be tears
Where Christ reigns!

Let the colors today, people,
They tell you a lot.
Take care of your souls
To enter the Heavenly City.

6 call(child)
I am a melodic bell,
My voice sounds for you
And at this hour I proclaim,
That Jesus was born for us.

Games: “Fisherman”, “Jump rope”, “Rock, paper, scissors”, “Balls”, “Tangerines”

Bulkin and Pulkin enter the hall.

B. – Here it is – a school for idlers.
P. – Magical!
B. – Look at how luxurious the tree is! A wonderful place for robbers. And I’m so tired of selling wind-up steamboats to boys and girls, yelling nonsense all the time: “Who needs the pipe? Who needs a pipe?..” Ugh!
P. - And they drove me away! I was such a good gardener. I looked for bark beetles, worms and midges, bugs and cockroaches inside every apple and every pear. I tried so hard, I tried so hard... (Licks)
B. - Damn it! They also wanted to write me off to shore. Me! The best in the world... seller!
P. - You? An experienced sailor? A real sea wolf? For what?
B. - I worked so hard, I worked so hard!.. When all sorts of little scoundrels came to the store, instead of stupid wind-up steamboats, I sold them the most wonderful, most cheerful, most amusing toys. Haha... Soft slippers with push pins inside. Water pistols with caustic ink instead of water. Slingshots, ropes to pull them on the path, where all sorts of thoughtful, stupid people walk with books, with newspapers...
P. – What good toys you sold!
B. - Yes, yes! I sold them cobblestones so they could shoot accurately through the windows. Ha ha! Amazing! I have a lot of such wonderful toys (Patches his pockets) But there is no one to give them to.
P. – Why is there no one? Look how many boys and girls there are. Hello!
Ved. - Hello! Who are you?
B. - Ha, we are robbers!
P. - What robbers? What are these robbers? (Tugs Bulkin's sleeve) He was joking. He's very funny. Do you know who he is? Famous teacher! Hehe!.. I am also a teacher. A real teacher. Let's introduce ourselves. (They approach the children, ask for names and come up with nicknames)
B. – Is this how you should get acquainted? I'll teach you now. Come on, boy, name me some monkey! (Names the monkey) Very nice! Let's get to know each other! And my name is teacher Bulkin. Ha ha ha ha!
P. – Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness. Don't drink raw water. Wash your hands before eating.
B. – But not with soap and water, but with ink. Cut seven times, measure once. You see how scientific and unscientific we are.
P. – My famous learned friend knows a lot of funny fairy tales. Dear Colleague, would you tell the kids an interesting fairy tale?
B. - Please, please! One kind, wonderful, smart gray wolf ate one girl. Well, just a little tangy, kind of like you, boy. And he put on her red cap. Grandma sees a familiar hat and says: “Why, girl, do you have such a cute tail?” “This is not a tail,” answered the polite gray wolf, this is a tassel from a hat...” And he ate his grandmother with great appetite.
P. - And I know funny children's songs. For example, one goat left his beloved grandmother into the dark forest. There is only one bone left from the goat. Hehe!.. a terribly funny song... Have you never been sung such wonderful songs? Are you probably bored? Some kind of school! What kind of lessons do you have here?
Children: Lesson of Good News Lesson of Love Lesson of Magic Colors
B. – Weren’t you trained to be a robber? Like real sea robbers? (Children answer) Oh, this is so interesting! Left-hand drive, right-hand drive! Full speed ahead! Wow, beauty!
P. – Dear children, I know a thousand different lessons and Fun and Joy! I don’t feel sorry at all, I’ll tell you, I’ll teach everyone. Oh, what fun lessons I know! Hehe!
B. – He is such a smart teacher.
P. – Listen to me! Lesson one: how to become cheerful if you are in a bad mood... Catch a cat, tie five iron cans to its tail. And then you have to shout “Scram!” She will run... It's very, very funny. Hehe!
B. - Ha-ha-ha! Oh ha ha! I'm tired of it.
P. – You see how fun it is.
B. - Ay, well done! I didn't know what kind of scientist you really are!
P. – And here’s the second lesson: If nothing in the world makes you happy, wrap a bitter, bitter pill in a bright candy wrapper, call a girl you know and say: “Please eat the candy, it’s sweet!..” The girl will unwrap the candy wrapper, will bite off a bitter pill... Oh, how funny it will be! Oh, how joyful it will be!
B. - Oh, I can’t! Ho-ho-ho! And I know something too! When some kind of grief hits you, you need to pick up a water pistol, pour black, very black ink into it, call someone and pull the trigger and the pistol will fire... Oh, funny! Oh, I can’t!.. With caustic ink... Terribly fun!
P. - Just a minute! And I know it's more fun. Look at me, dear children! Here I take out a stone...
Ved. - Wait, wait! What have you done here! We don't need teachers who teach us to do bad things to our loved ones. Our Teacher teaches us something else: “Love your neighbor as yourself!”
B. - Well, then we have nothing to do here. Let's go, friend, they don't understand us here. (Leave)
Ved. - Tell me, guys, is it possible to behave like this? Is this what the Great and Righteous Lord teaches us? He teaches this: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Farewell call

Well, the last, magical bell rang, the lessons were over, but the holiday Christmas Nativity let it continue for a whole year. (Bulkin and Pulkin enter with cakes and gifts)
And here are our guilty ones. They became good, well-mannered and even brought you gifts. So, the Magic School is closing! See you later, friends!

Christmas for children
"A Tale of Love and Malice"

Participants: Queen Spite, Presenter, Lies, Love, Envy, Rudeness

Introduction (Christmas song and games)

A rough knock on the door.
Leading: I wonder who came to us for the holiday? Let's get a look.
LIES, ENVY and RUDE run in.
Envy: Oh, how great it is here! How jealous I am that it’s so warm and dry here, but it’s cold outside, It is snowing, the wind is blowing, Brrr! How beautiful! Christmas tree, colorful balls, little children...
Coarseness: Kids! Christmas tree! Lights! Ugh, what disgusting!
Lie: Do not deny, owners, three poor companions warmth and peace. And we will repay you for your kindness.
Leading: Well, guys, shall we welcome these three old ladies to our holiday? Well, only on the condition that you don’t mess around...
Coarseness: Of course of course! Let's get acquainted! I AM RUDE (laughs)
Envy: (stepping forward) I AM ENVY. Oh, how I would like to have such a huge house, such curtains on the windows, such cute children, such...
Lie:(interrupting) I AM A LIE. What’s your name, dear children?

Game "Dating".
The characters approach the children and ask questions. For example: Do you like bananas? And that means your name is Monkey. Etc. Envy: Great! Now we know everyone. Let's be friends? We will now choose our friends.
The children are divided into three teams, led by our heroes. They also hold games and give out bad gifts(empty candies, torn and broken things and toys, etc.)
1. Riddles about fairy-tale negative characters;
2. Riddles about bad habits
3. Who do children know among the negative heroes?
4. Fun villainous tasks

Envy: Well played! But I’m very sorry that our team didn’t win all the useful prizes!
Coarseness: Okay, stop whining! Kids, do you know who we are? We are the servants of the most powerful queen! The most beautiful, the most evil and the most disgusting in this world! Do you want to meet her? Then let's arrange a royal throne for her, otherwise she might come here at any moment.
Lie: You know, and you, too, without knowing it yourself, are serving our mistress. You love to tease each other, not listen to mom and dad, do what you shouldn’t... Many people serve her
(The proud queen of EVIL enters the hall)
Malice: Well, my faithful servants, have you found a palace for me? Have you prepared small, nasty and disgusting men for service?
All heroes: Yes, your evil majesty! Your order has been fulfilled!
Malice: Wonderful, as a reward I promise you one of the kids for every day! Do with them what you want and teach them what you want!
Envy: Can we start right now, madam? Shall we torture them and let them cry?
Malice: Well, I allow it! And I'll sit and have fun!

Game "Tin Cans"
Children are divided into teams. The first thing to tie to the leg is an empty tin can. They run to the wall and return to the team, untie the can and tie it to the next one, etc. Whose team is first...Game "Masks"
The characters ask the children to make a sly face, a beggar's face, an evil face, a crybaby's face, etc.

Malice: Oh, how I love evil people! Effective today new law! From now on I reign over you! Classes are cancelled, lunches turn into food bombardments. Anyone who does nasty things to someone else will receive a big slap on the head as a gift!
All heroes: Hooray!
Leading: Stop, stop! Did we agree on this? We sheltered you, warmed you, and you misbehave! Come on guys, give me everything they gave you (collects bad prizes)
Lie: Let me, let me! We didn't agree on anything! This is not in our rules. And we won't go anywhere! This is the Castle of our wisest queen! Yes, we won’t leave your kids behind that easily! They love being with us! Really, guys?
(The lights turn off and the star lights up)
Envy, Rudeness, Lies: Oh! What it is? What is this glow? We're scared!
Malice: What kind of joke is this? Who lit such a bright star? What does it mean?
Voice: I am the Star of Bethlehem. The Great Lord, the God of love, lit me up! And that means the end has come for you, servants of Satan! With His love, Heavenly Father sent His Only Son to earth. In the small town of Bethlehem, the King, the Savior of the world, the Holy Child Jesus Christ was born. And you no longer have power over those people who have accepted Him as their Lord. Get out! And never come back!
Lie: It's not true, it's all a lie. There is no God, you all came from monkeys, aliens settled you on earth, there was no Jesus Christ!
(Enter LOVE)
Love: Who says there is no God? Who blatantly lies that people descended from monkeys? Who did the aliens settle? Jesus Christ is here on earth! And He tells you to get out! Love conquers all! And I am the love of God!
Malice: What kind of joke is this! I am the queen of this house and this is my territory! Envy, where did this shining scarecrow come from?
Envy: Oh, Lady! We are familiar with this creature that brought unrest to your kingdom!
Coarseness: This is Love! She came from heaven.
Malice: Destroy her!
Envy, Rudeness, Lies: We can't handle her! It has the power of God Himself! Yes, and it has such power that we simply melt! Oh! Oh! (the forces of evil are running away, a Christmas song is playing)

Game program

Leading: Father Frost and Snegurochka

Song Contest
Several people are selected using their knowledge of Christian songs. They sing in chorus the song “What Child Sleeps So Peacefully.” And they receive prizes.

Competition "Congratulations"
Call 5 people using 5 snowballs. 10 associations with the Christmas holiday are recorded. The players must write a congratulation to the church using these words. Read out congratulations and receive prizes

Quiz "How and where do they celebrate Christmas?"
(candy prizes)

In which country do they open the doors of their houses wide on the eve of Christmas? Anyone who wishes can enter any house. He will be received as a welcome guest, seated in a place of honor, fed, given water, not forgetting to say: “For peace in this house and in the whole world!” At half past eleven everyone goes out to the central square: they sing, dance, and have fun. (In Ireland)

In this country, the Christmas season begins on December 8th with the “Feast of the Immaculate Conception” and ends on January 6th with the giving of gifts. (In Spain)

In which country, during the Christmas period, farmers blow horns every day at sunset, announcing the arrival of the great holiday. (In the Netherlands)

This country is home to the tradition of burning a log in the fireplace on the eve of Christmas. (Norway)

In this country, at Christmas, all the windows of rural churches and houses are lit with candles, so among the locals the night before Christmas is called “the night of candles.” (In Great Britain)

In this country, Christmas is celebrated in 35-degree heat. Therefore, residents of the country, deprived of “snowy pleasures,” decorate the Christmas tree with flakes of cotton wool. In numerous Catholic churches, a traditional Christmas mass is celebrated - the “Mass of the Rooster”, in honor of the bird that heralds the arrival of Christmas morning with its crowing. (In Brazil)

In this country, December 24 is a special day. After lunch, her life freezes. At about ten o'clock in the evening the air is filled with the ringing of bells, signaling the start of Christmas services. Even those who don’t think about God at all go to the service on this day. After the service there is a large family dinner, and on December 25 and 26 it is time for friendly visits and meetings with friends. (In Germany)

This is an Orthodox country, and Christmas is one of the most beloved holidays here. In every house the Christmas tree is decorated and the festive table is set. Here it is customary to serve figs together with flatbread - the so-called “Bread of Christ”. (Greece)

In this country, the celebration of Christmas was for a long time prohibited by Protestants. But by the middle of the 19th century the situation changed. Today is Christmas - one of the favorite holidays of all believers in this country. Unfortunately, nowadays the original meaning of Christmas has almost been lost. Many people don’t even think about whose birth is remembered on this day. Christmas is increasingly perceived as a reason to get together with the whole family and give each other nice gifts. (In America)

In this country, on Christmas Eve, everyone always takes a steam bath, and when the sun sets, they go to church. On this day, many visit cemeteries, candles are placed on the graves of loved ones, wreaths or fir branches are placed. The cemetery turns into thousands of candles burning among the snow. (In Finland)

In which country, when the hands approach 12, the owners of the houses open their doors and keep them open until the last blow sounds. So they release the old year and release the new one. And guests bring pieces of coal with them, throw them into the family fireplace and wish that the fire in this house would burn for a long, long time. (In Scotland)

Christianity penetrated into this country only in the 16th century. Over the years, the government has often changed its attitude towards him. Today, only 2% of the population professes Christianity in this country. Interestingly, although Christmas is not considered a public holiday there, people still give each other gifts, and shops are decorated with Christmas trees and colorful lights. (In Japan)

In this country, in every house, a candle made of pure wax is lit in front of the icon of Christ, which must burn all night. It is believed that at Christmas the heavens open and people can see God surrounded by saints. However, this is not given to everyone - only to people of strict and righteous life. People believe that all this happens very quickly, and those who see this can ask God for whatever they want. (In Romania)

In which country does the Christmas Eve dinner consist of 12 courses, each representing Christ's apostles? Among them, carp is served - as an appetizer with raisins and nuts and as a main dish. Sometimes the table is lined with straw under the tablecloth to remind us that Jesus was born in a stable. (In Poland)


1. Cap from hot Australia (Cap)
2. Do we have many students? Hands up. A real student's lunch is being played out. (Rolton noodles)
3. The self-assembled tablecloth is the one and only one. (Tablecloth)
4. A surprise for gourmets of real Brazilian coffee. You will never forget the taste of its exquisite beans. (Coffee)
5. Very soft terry towel 54 m. Enough for everyone. (Toilet paper)
6. Ultra-modern laser printers (Pens) are being raffled off
7. A surprise for lovers of rare valuables. There are almost none in our country. (Spoons)
8. Famous Chizhevsky chandeliers. They emit a pleasant and healthy smell. (Candles)
9. Super effective visual massagers. (New Year's glasses)
10. Washing machines. They wash it themselves, wring it out themselves, iron it themselves. (Erasers)
11. Super prize! Automobile! (Machine)

Christmas traditions

Christmas carols. The first Christmas song appeared in the 4th century AD, but it was a bit dark. In Italy during the Renaissance, lighter and more joyful melodies appeared.

Christmas tree. Supposedly, the first undecorated Christmas trees appeared in Germany in the 8th century. Saint Boniface preached a sermon on Christmas to the Druids. To convince them that the oak was not a sacred tree, he cut down one of the oaks. When he fell, he knocked down all the trees in his path except the young spruce. Boniface presented the survival of the spruce as a miracle and exclaimed: “Let this tree be the tree of Christ.” The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree is associated with the tree of paradise, hung with fruits. Martin Luther was the first to light candles on the Christmas tree. One day he was walking home, writing a sermon. The sparkle of the stars twinkling among the fir trees delighted him, and he decided to reproduce this picture at home, decorating the tree with lit candles.

Christmas pyramid. Before the advent of the Christmas tree, the main Christmas decoration was considered to be a Christmas pyramid - a decorated wooden structure. Gifts and sweets were placed on the shelves of the pyramid.

Glass jewelry. The first Christmas trees were decorated with fruits and fresh flowers. Later nuts, sweets and Christmas candles were added. Such a load was too heavy for the tree. To replace heavy decorations, German glassblowers began producing hollow glass Christmas tree decorations.

Christmas tree for birds. A Christmas tree for birds is a Scandinavian tradition. People try to share the joy of Christmas with other living beings. During the Christmas holiday, birds are given seeds and crumbs of bread.

Bells. Bells came to us from winter pagan holidays. It was believed that the sun dies during the winter, and the evil spirit is very strong. To drive out an evil spirit, it was necessary to frighten it with a loud noise. Even today, on Christmastide, bells ring in churches all over the world, but not to drive out evil spirits. In this way people welcome the coming of Christ.

Christmas carols performed by wind instruments. Christmas carols performed by wind instruments came to us from paganism, since in order to drive out evil spirits it was necessary to make a lot of noise. Nowadays, this tradition is followed in Germany and Scandinavia.

Christmas cards. Englishman Horsley drew the first Christmas card in 1843. 1000 copies of the postcard were sold that year in London. In 1875, publisher Louis Prang popularized Christmas cards by holding a competition to design the best card. Since then, the tradition of giving Christmas greetings with cards has become very common.

Candle on the windowsill. A lit candle on the windowsill is a symbol of light and shelter for the Virgin Mary and Righteous Joseph in this house.

Christmas candles. Christmas candles were an important part of pagan winter holidays. Evil spirits were driven out with the help of candles and bonfires. In Christianity, candles are considered a symbol of the significance of Jesus Christ as the Light of the world, and signify the victory of light over darkness.

Lights. One of the main dangers of celebrating Christmas was Christmas candles. Therefore, buckets of water were kept in the living rooms in case of fire. English telephone operator Ralph Morris began using electric garlands instead of candles.

Christmas wreath. The Advent wreath is of Lutheran origin. This is a green wreath with four candles. The first candle is lit four weeks before Christmas on Sunday as a symbol of the light that will come into the world with the birth of Christ. Every next Sunday another candle is lit. Before Christmas, all four candles are lit.

Chimney. In England and America, visiting Santa Claus is secret. It is believed that it enters the house through the chimney.

Plum pudding. Pagan tradition. The first plum puddings were made in the 17th century. They were prepared several weeks before Christmas in large copper cauldrons. During preparation, each family member made a wish. Four items were placed in the pudding: a ring, a thimble, a coin and a button. The coin meant wealth, the thimble meant unmarried life, the ring meant marriage, and the button meant single life.

Christmas presents. This tradition has many roots. They are special in each country. It is traditionally believed that Saint Nicholas is the giver of gifts. The gift giver can be Jesus Christ, Santa Claus, Christmas gnomes, various saints and even the invisible man.

First guest. The first guest is the first person to enter the house and “let” Christmas in. Sometimes such a person is specially hired because... he must be a dark-haired man. The first guest must hold a fir branch in his hand. They offer him bread and salt or some small gift as a symbol of hospitality.

Christmas log. Pagan tradition. The Christmas log must be cut down by the head of the family. It should burn in the fireplace along with the remains of last year's Christmas log all twelve days of Christmas.

A branch of kisses. Before the advent of the Christmas tree in the 19th century, England had the Kissing Branch. This is a double ring decorated with garlands, green sprigs of holly, ivy, apples, pears, candles and mistletoe. If a girl accidentally found herself under this branch, she was kissed.

Holly. Holly is an evergreen shrub with red poisonous berries, dark green foliage and thorns. This is a symbol of the rebirth of life in winter. Holly is believed to drive away frost and evil spirits.

Mistletoe. Mistletoe among the Druids was considered a sacred plant, a symbol of eternal life. In Rome she was valued as a symbol of peace.

Twelve Days of Christmas. In the Middle Ages, religious holidays were the only holidays of the year. That's why they coped for quite a long time. Christmas was celebrated for 12 days - from Christmas to Epiphany. In rich families, it was customary to give each other gifts during all 12 days.

Carols. Carols - merry festivities on Christmas night, have ancient roots pagan holiday. Christmas songs sung by young people are also called carols. These are small Christmas stories about a great event and glorification of the night that brought the Good News of the Nativity of the Savior of the world.

And we are robbers, robbers... The robbers are sitting in the forest and waiting for their next victim. It happens on Christmas Eve. So in their conversation the thieves mention the birth of Jesus. Suddenly a lone traveler appears, whom they try to rob. He found nothing valuable except a piece of paper with a song. When the stranger sings his song to the robbers, they think about their lives.

God is closer than you think One man did not believe in God. The Lord appeared to him in the form of a passerby when he was hit by a car. The man heard two voices. Someone was talking about him. He is given one last chance - he needs to find a person who will agree to die for him. Thanks to his believing wife, the main character learns that Jesus died for him. It happens around Christmas.

God's Messenger for Christmas One person tells a boy from a poor family about the Savior at Christmas. The boy tells his mother that the Lord has come to people. Mom doesn’t believe that God cares about them, because on their table there is only black bread and water. But then God’s messenger comes - a rich gentleman with gifts.

The Savior came into the world This performance tells the events of Christmas in an accessible form for children. The shepherds, the wise men, Joseph, Mary and the Baby Jesus are shown.

At Christmas everyone is a little wise man The Magi see a new star in the sky and rush to bow to the king. In the following scenes they meet with Herod and the shepherds. The performance is structured in such a way that children take part in it from time to time: they recite poems, sing songs and receive gifts.

What is Christmas all about? The TV show host asks his guests what Christmas is all about. Everyone has their own opinion.

Great Commission The main character of this scene is Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. At first, viewers see her as a little girl, dreaming that God would perform His miracles through her. Then on the stage is Mary the Bride, to whom an angel appears and announces the great commission of God. But it turns out that it is not so easy to implement.

Bethlehem (Christmas scene for children) Children (snowflake girls) participate in this small scene. The angel tells the snowflakes how he announced the good news of the birth of the Savior to the shepherds, and how the wise men went to worship Jesus.

Star of Bethlehem (children's Christmas party) A beautiful scene for children in verse. It is the Star of Bethlehem that tells the children the events of Christmas: about the wise men, the shepherds and Herod. At the end she leads everyone to Bethlehem. As the scenario progresses, children are asked biblical riddles.

Bethlehem night In the center of events is a small hotel in the city of Bethlehem, its owners and inhabitants. As a result of the census declared by Caesar, there were no vacancies left in the hotel. And one married couple allowed to spend the night in the barn...

Christmas influence At the beginning of the scene it is shown modern family. Mom, dad and their children are preparing for Christmas - buying gifts. At the same time, they swear and quarrel all the time. The girl turns to God asking for help, she wants to find out what Christmas really means. An angel appears to her and her brother, and then there are scenes of the Nativity.

Meeting at Christmas A small scene in which three girls or three teenage girls play. Two of them go to church for a Christmas service and are joined by their non-believing friend. The girls tell her why Christ was born and what He did for us.

Gifts of Artaban Artabanus is one of the wise men (magi) discussed in the Bible. The wise men, seeing a new star in the sky, went to Judea to worship the born King. Artaban fell behind his comrades and continued on his own. On the way, he squandered all his treasures, which he was going to give to the Child, helping some people. He saw Jesus only on the cross. The Lord consoled him: “Everything you did for these people, you did for Me.”

The Little Match Girl (Christmas performance) This performance is based on the fairy tale of the same name by H.H. Andersen. A little girl tries to sell matches to passers-by. The girl is hungry and very cold. But people are like blank walls - no one pays attention to the poor girl. Other children, from rich families, leave the toy store with their parents - something our girl can only dream about. Giving up hope of selling matches, the chilled girl sits on the ground in some nook and starts lighting matches to warm up. At the same time, she sees what she is deprived of, what she dreams of: delicious food, a sleigh drawn by three horses, her beloved home and her grandmother, who has already died. The girl burns the remaining matches, trying to prolong the moments of vision of happiness... And so, the grandmother appears, gently takes the girl and goes with her to celebrate Christmas in heaven...

Merry Christmas indeed One woman could not understand the meaning of Jesus' birth. One Christmas day she saw a parrot freezing and tried to catch it to take it into the house. But the bird didn't give in. “If I could turn into a little bird, I would tell him how good and warm it is in my house,” our heroine thinks. - I understood! This is probably why Jesus became the same as us, to show us the way to heaven, to the Heavenly Father. And I understood! Jesus was born for me!

Birthday without a birthday boy The sketch shows modern Christmas, when people celebrate it, completely forgetting about the Birthday Boy.

Children's Christmas production "Gift to the Savior" A short children's skit. Two boys invite two girls to Jesus' birthday party. What to give him, the children think. Obedient heart!

Children's holiday program "Christmas Miracle"

Why did Christ come? In the days of December, one studio is preparing to shoot a film about Christ. A discussion begins about what Jesus was like and why He came.

Good Shepherd (Christmas program for children)

If animals could speak This Christmas scenario is intended for children and includes their participation. The scene is played by animal actors who seem to have witnessed Christmas.

If Christ had not come One person wonders what would have happened if Christ had not come. What our world would look like, what laws there would be in society. He is having a dream.

If Christ had not come-2 If Christ had not come

If Christ had not come-3 Slightly revised production script If Christ had not come

Animals at the Christmas Bonfire On Christmas Day, animals gather around the fire. They remember Bible stories. For example, about how David took his sheep from the lion, or how the rooster crowed three times before Peter’s denial. But the most important Christmas story is told by a sheep. A skit for young children.

Jehovah Jireh“Jehovah Jireh” means “God will provide.” This is what Abraham said to his son when he asked where the lamb was for sacrifice. This scene shows an analogy between the sacrifice of Old Testament times and the perfect sacrifice of Christ.

Jesus and the President The main theme of this Christmas scene: Our Lord Jesus came to simple poor people and was available to them. Unlike our earthly rulers, who are sometimes difficult to reach, the King of kings always hears us and knows our needs. The scene takes place at Christmas.

Jesus Comes to Visit (Christmas Movie Script) In this production (it could be made into a film), the actors are mostly teenagers. Three children are waiting for Jesus to visit them for Christmas, as He Himself promised them this. But instead of Jesus, the heroes of the film encounter people in need, to whom I provide my help.

Birthday boy A person's birthday is coming. His friends come, but for some reason they don’t pay any attention to him and even give gifts not to him, but... to each other. This is what happens at Christmas. People forget who the birthday boy really is and who needs to be remembered on Christmas day.

The story of one guy (performance for children from orphanages) This is a story about one young man, who grew up in an orphanage. One day a Bible came into his hands, a gift from orphanage group of Christians at Christmas.

Who sleeps in the manger? (Christmas recitation for children 3-6 years old) This short recitation skit is designed for the youngest actors (children 3-6 years old). Children depict animals in a stable and stars. They talk about the Baby Jesus.

Star Boy The script is based on the fairy tale of the same name. The action takes place during Christmas, and the play includes a Nativity scene with Joseph and Mary.

Wise Men from the East The scene shows the wise men from the East (magi) before they set off on their journey to retrieve the Christmas star.

Museum of Christmas Stories (children's matinee) A very original Christmas party. The hall of the room where the matinee takes place is divided into two parts: the Museum and the Show. Children take turns going to one or the other room. In the museum hall they see mini-scenes with the participation of Biblical heroes (the Magi, Herod and his family, shepherds), and in the Show hall the children participate in various competitions (reciting poems, answering questions).

Musical card (Christmas script for church and guests) Two young people (Lena and Max) accidentally meet on the Internet and start talking about Christmas. The skit explains the meaning of the Christmas holiday, the meaning of the name Jesus Christ and other topics. The performance can be periodically interrupted for the performance of other numbers (chants, poems, etc.).

Musketeer of Jesus Christ (Christmas scene with children) Children and teenagers play in the skit. It begins with two musketeers fighting with swords. Each of them defends their worldview (one believes in God, the second does not). Unexpectedly, it is a star. She tells them about the birth of Jesus. Forest animals everyone repeats as one about God's love and care.

Nadezhda Afanasia The main character of this production is a slave named Athanasius. It turns out that he goes to herd sheep with other shepherds. And on Christmas night an angel appears to them and tells them the good news.

The sheep didn't listen (Christmas scene for kids) This short sketch was written specifically for kids. Both older children and adults dressed in sheep costumes can play sheep. The story begins with a sheep going off on its own and being rescued by a shepherd. After this, the Christmas shepherds and Joseph and Mary appear on the stage.

The Night After Christmas (Animals Testify) The animals in the barn remember the events of Christmas. The scene takes place in the days when Herod ordered the killing of all the babies in Bethlehem.

Sheep celebrate Christmas (Christmas holiday scenario for children from 3 to 7 years old) This is a morning party script with games for preschoolers. the main idea: We are all God’s sheep, and the Lord is our Shepherd.

He came as a stranger Russian Tsar Alexander ends up in a small town disguised as a simple person. His goal is to see how he lives Russian people, and how he celebrates Christmas. They did not recognize the Tsar - he came to his own people, and his own people did not accept him, just as they once did not accept Christ the Lord.

Gift to Jesus Children are preparing gifts for Christmas. The girl Anya wants to give a gift to Jesus. Her sister and other guys join her. It turns out that the guys give all the gifts to the poor old lady living next door.

Helpers (children's Christmas scene) The Angel of God is looking among the animals for those worthy to serve the Baby Jesus.

Joy First, the presenter asks people what joy is. There are many joyful people, but it turns out that for everyone, joy is a passing phenomenon. And only the joy of Christmas is eternal.

Real Christmas At the beginning of the scene our real time is shown. The church is preparing for Christmas. One boy gets the role of a shepherd. He's not happy. The boy falls asleep and has a dream where he is a real shepherd on the birthday of the Messiah.

Christmas tree The legend of why the Christmas tree is decorated at Christmas.

Christmas night The scene shows us the times of the birth of Jesus Christ. A teacher in a synagogue gives his students a task - to calculate the time of birth of the promised Messiah. The boy Salmon calculated that the Messiah would be born this year. And soon he and his sister witness amazing events. There are many psalms in the scene. Words and notes are included.

Christmas Night (based on V. Hugo) This play is based on the book Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. The main character is a girl (according to Hugo - Cosette), who was left without a mother and lives in someone else's house, doing backbreaking work. A stranger who comes to this house on Christmas Day gives her a gorgeous doll and then takes her with him.

Christmas program for children “Journey to the Heavenly Country”

Christmas play Grandmother and grandson talking about Christmas. “Do you know what the first and most important gift was?” - asks the grandmother. The grandson doesn't know. Then scenes of the Nativity are shown (Mary, Joseph, shepherds, Herod, wise men).

Christmas Santa Two girls fall into a well and end up with Father Christmas, just like in Morozko’s fairy tale. He promises to give them gifts. Only these gifts must be earned. In addition to the fairy tale, the performance includes Christmas scenes.

Christmas performance for children in Ukrainian “A Gift for Jesus”

Christmas Journey Teenage friends get together to watch The Chronicles of Narnia, but instead end up in another world and become dolls. It turns out that in the world of dolls they also celebrate Christmas. But the meaning of Christmas is different for everyone. The characters in the scene learn the biblical story of Christmas.

Christmas cards (recitation for kids) The kids look like postcards (we need to make them costumes like this). Each “card” congratulates you on Christmas (tells a rhyme).

Christmas (skit + songs) A classic Christmas production, accompanied by three songs performed wonderfully by a children's choir (the song of the angels, Mary and the final Christmas song).

Christmas (sketch for young children) In this scene, along with the actors, dolls play. The main characters of the sketch are boys and girls who do not believe that the Nativity of Jesus Christ really happened.

Christmas in the barn Animals gather in the stable: Bull, Donkey, Sheep, Lion and Jackal. The Donkey tells the Bull that his mistress is about to have a baby, all in anticipation of a great event.

Grandpa Nicholas's Christmas Jesus Christ Himself must come to old man Nicholas on Christmas Eve. He begins to prepare to welcome his dear Guest. But He still doesn’t come. But people in need of warmth, food and shelter ask to come to his house...

ROSE OF THE SHEEP I VISLYUCHKA (Christmas script in Ukrainian for children)

Pink snowflake (Christmas party for children)

Santa Claus (Christmas skit for children) The legend of where Santa Claus came from. Klaus was the name of a grumpy man who repaired shoes. He had a wife and children, but they died. Klaus hardened his heart. But one day the Lord shed His light on Him, and the old man began to see the needs of others. And he decided to do good to people and began giving poor children gifts for Christmas.

Fulfilled prophecies A short play that can be performed in church at Christmas. The main idea: there were prophecies about the birth of Jesus for 700 years. And so, they were fulfilled. At the end, an excerpt from the film “Jesus” about the birth of Christ is shown.

Light of Christmas (Three Angels of Christmas) A stingy man named Scrooge Ebenezer doesn't like Christmas. On Christmas night, three angels appear to him and show him pictures from his past and possible future. Scrooge regrets his stinginess and decides to change and do good to people.

The tailor's secret This performance tells the legend of how Santa Claus came to be. Klaus, an old tailor who lost his family, grieved for a long time and did not see the needs of others. But when he wanted to help poor children, the Lord gave him a different heart. On Christmas night, children from poor families received wonderful gifts that old man Klaus secretly brought to them and left at their door.

Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth! (Christmas scene for children) The beginning shows scenes of unfriendly relationships between a cat and a dog and between children in the same family. Nativity scenes follow. This sketch focuses on the peace of God that comes into human hearts.

Dream before Christmas A good, serious performance that can be shown to both believers and non-believers. A girl prays for her atheist grandmother. The Lord sends the grandmother an unusual dream in which she sees people awaiting the Last Judgment. Grandmother repents of her sins. The angel tells her the events of Christmas.

Christmas Events Quite a serious classic production about the events of Christmas. It starts with showing King Herod, then we see Joseph and Mary knocking on the houses of Bethlehem, shepherds, and finally Herod again, ordering the extermination of all the babies in Bethlehem.

Advice from the Good Shepherd (Christmas holiday scenario for children 7-12 years old) This is a matinee script with games for primary schoolchildren. The main hosts of the matinee are the Farmer and the Shepherd, who has no experience at all, but he is helped by wise advice from the Bible.

Old Shoes (Christmas production) One girl found old shoes. Being a Christian since childhood, the heroine was confident in her righteousness and spirituality. But the old shoes helped her make a journey into her own heart and see what reigns in it.

Chest of Offenses (Christmas play for children)

Scenario for Christmas “Treasure Hunt”

Scenario for New Year and Christmas parties for children This script is good for showing in a shelter or other children's institution, where children are not familiar with the essence of the Christmas holiday. The matinee begins with the arrival of Santa Claus and other characters. Then Little Star tells the children the story of Christmas and shows how much better Jesus is than Santa Claus. The scenario contains several games and competitions.

Happy Star Do you know why the top of the Christmas tree is decorated with a star? This is in memory of the Star of Bethlehem, which showed the wise men the way to the Baby Jesus. The boy Kolya learns about this from a village boy. Kolya wants to see Star of Bethlehem on Christmas night. The sketch is based on the film of the same name.

Happiness The main characters of the scene are several people. Each of them finds their own happiness in something. But it is easy to take away and destroy. The meaning is that happiness can only be with God. The skit uses excerpts from the Jesus movie or slides.

Three trees and four gifts Grandmother and granddaughter packing gifts for Christmas. The granddaughter finds four unusual boxes, inside of which are a manger, a boat, a cross and...). Grandmother tells her the story of three trees, each of which had its own dream. It turned out that they all served Jesus. What's in the fourth box?

What is Christmas to you (recitation)

What happened, shepherds? The shepherds, to whom the angel announced the birth of the Savior, come to the village and tell people about what they saw.

What is Christmas? The boy asks his mother, father and grandmother what Christmas is. But none of them can explain it to him. On the street, a boy meets children who sing Christmas songs to him.

Christmas is perhaps the brightest and joyful holiday year, it’s not for nothing that both adults and children look forward to it so eagerly. On this day, kids need to be given Special attention, explaining the importance and conveying to them the essence of this festival, so that Christmas becomes not just an occasion for fun, but a day filled with deep symbolism. If they are coming to you for Christmas and you want to please them with a children's party, you need to approach this responsibly.

In order to competently create a holiday scenario for Christmas, you need to take into account the age of the little guests, their preferences and possible food restrictions, choose age- and gender-appropriate entertainment in which the religious nature of the celebration can and should be incorporated. Bright childhood emotions, cheerful laughter and colorful memories of this event will serve as gratitude to you.

Create a magical Christmas story for children!

Preparing a children's party for Christmas

First, determine the parameters of the holiday in order to properly organize the table and space. Based on the age of the children, since it is much more difficult to monitor babies than older children. To ensure that the holiday passes without unnecessary incidents, invite no more than 4-5 children aged 4 to 6 years. If your guests are in age category older (from 7 years old), it is quite possible to organize a party for six or more guests.

Talk to the children's parents and find out if their child adheres to a sleep schedule - this will make it easier for you to determine the optimal time for Christmas celebrations. Discuss with your parents the approximate duration of the celebration. The best ending for the kids is receiving Christmas gifts, so prepare in advance (it's best if they're the same).

We decorate the room and create an atmosphere

For children's party they need space - unlike adults, they will not be able to just sit at the table for a long time. To make all guests feel comfortable, you need a large room without unnecessary furniture and fragile items. If you decide to organize competitions, dances or a round dance for children near the Christmas tree, take care of the musical accompaniment - prepare a track list made up of soundtracks from your favorite cartoons and themed Christmas and New Year songs.

Take care of a cozy festive atmosphere indoors

Turn on music only for competitions, since not all children tolerate prolonged noise well. Don’t forget about decorations, because children pay special attention to them and love to look at them. Choose a place for the New Year tree: if the room is large, you can install it closer to the central part to conduct round dances. If the space is not so large, then it is better to move the forest beauty to a corner.

In addition to traditional balls and toys, you can hang gingerbread, tangerines and sweets on the Christmas tree, and at the end of the evening you can distribute goodies to little guests. Sweet gifts for Christmas are generally relevant, so stock up on a couple or three. In addition, decorate the room with Christmas paraphernalia - angels and wreaths. Hang colorful ones on the windows LED garlands and decorate the glass.

Christmas table for children

The Christmas treat for a children's party should be thought out especially carefully, after talking with the parents of the little guests about possible allergies to a particular product. Remember: babies should not be given fatty or fried foods. Do not prepare several changes of dishes, because not every child will be able to evaluate and try everything. It’s better to stick to proven versions of everyone’s favorite treats.

You can choose baked meatloaf, turkey meatballs or oven-roasted chicken. For snacks, offer children sliced ​​cheese or bell pepper boats. The side dish can be limited to vegetable salad, mashed potatoes or French fries (this dish can only be served to older children). For dessert, serve fruit salads with yogurt dressing, marshmallows, gummies, cakes or pastries. As for drinks, it is better to opt for compote, uzvar, juices and fruit drinks.

When thinking over the menu, be sure to consult with the children’s parents

When setting the table, take into account the fact that in food for children it is important appearance, so you need to approach the design with imagination. For example, cottage cheese can be served in the form of mini snowmen with noses made from pieces of carrots, and fly agaric snacks can be made from eggs and tomatoes. If the process of organizing a full menu seems too complicated for you, simply set the table with fruits, cookies, gingerbread, waffles, compotes and juices.

The main thing is to choose beautiful Christmas-themed dishes and colorful napkins, as well as place themed figures on the table. In the style of a winter holiday, you can even decorate glasses for guests: an inverted glass must first be dipped in syrup and then dipped in sugar so that “snow” appears on the edge.

How to entertain children at Christmas?

When thinking through the holiday scenario, consider the age of your guests. The baby’s attention will not be able to concentrate on one activity for a long time, so the fun should be simple, understandable and not too long. It would be better to discuss the games with the mothers of the young guests so that the baby has time to master them at home, in a familiar environment.

Be prepared immediately for the fact that the holiday may not go according to the pre-planned plan, because children's behavior is difficult to predict. Just try to react quickly and make changes to the script as you go. Alternate between quiet activities and active games so that children have time to have fun and relax. If a child does not want to play the proposed fun, then do not force him - let him watch how other children are having fun, stop being scared and decide to join the rest of the guests.

Plan to alternate outdoor games with creative activities

Games and entertainment for kids

You can have fun with your kids at a children's party in the following ways:

  • dance around the tree, simply moving in a circle or imitating the gait of various animals;
  • sing a few New Year and Christmas songs. Tell your parents in advance which songs will be used at the holiday, and offer to practice them a little at home;
  • perform a Christmas-themed puppet show. Choose a simple Christian scene and show it to the children, introducing them to the history of the holiday and Orthodox traditions V game form;
  • play active games like “Freeze! Get lost!”;
  • do it with moms. For example, you can make blanks for Christmas wreaths, prepare bows, gilded pine cones, tinsel, and invite children to create their own holiday wreath by gluing decorations onto the blank.

Games and entertainment for older children

For babies school age you can plan more complex entertainment. Offer them:

  • take part in the production Christmas ball with your own hands. To do this, buy light-colored plastic balls, prepare rhinestones, stickers, markers and glue. Children will be happy to make their own version of a Christmas tree toy. You can also offer to make your own Christmas wreath or decorate an angel figurine. All kinds of activities related to creativity are primarily aimed at girls;
  • take part in the “Magic Bag” competition - the bag is filled with small objects, and the child must randomly pull out the object and, without looking, guess what it is. The person who guesses correctly can take the item for themselves, so buy a lot of small gifts of different shapes in advance;
  • play "Who's Last?" The presenter asks each of the children to name a word related to Christmas. You can think for no more than 10 seconds. If there is no option, the participant is eliminated;
  • organize a children's Christmas theater. Prepare the props, prepare a script for the Christmas scene and invite the children to participate in the production. It is best to assign roles to the actors in advance and rehearse the production at least a couple of times. You can show the skit to the assembled parents.

Introduce children to Christian customs in a playful way

Christian scenes for Christmas

You can stage the following simple Christian skits with your children (you can write the scripts yourself or find them on the Internet), which will tell them about the acts of Jesus and biblical events.

  • A scene about robbers. The story begins with the murderers holed up in a dark forest and waiting for the next traveler. The scene takes place before Christmas. When a lone passerby appears, the bandits attack him, but only find a piece of paper with a Christmas carol praising Christ. The traveler and the thieves sing a song, the criminals repent of their actions, rethink their lives and go to greet Jesus along with the traveler;
  • Sketch about an unbeliever. It tells about a man who did not believe in God. One Christmas Eve he had an accident and, while unconscious in the hospital, he heard voices arguing whether he should die or not (this is an angel and a devil). The voice that said it was time to die makes concessions, but with one condition: if there is someone who is ready to die for an unbeliever, then the person will receive another chance at life. Then the man woke up and told this vision to his mother, who was a believer, thinking that he had dreamed everything. Mom explains that he survived because someone was found who died in his place (Jesus);
  • Scene about the birth of Christ. Through the production, children are told about Christmas events, shown the arrival of the Magi, the spread of the good news about the birth of the Savior, the role of Jesus in the salvation of people;
  • A sketch about Bethlehem. The youngest children can take part in it. The presenter, dressed as an angel, will tell them about how he brought the joyful news of the birth of Jesus to the shepherds. Children dance in circles and sing a Christmas song;
  • Fairy tale production “The Star of Bethlehem”. It takes place in the form of an interactive matinee. This is a whole performance in poetic form, which tells about the wise men, shepherds, and the deeds of King Herod. Throughout the performance, children are asked biblical riddles, and at the end everyone sings songs;

Christmas performances will tell children about biblical events
  • A skit about an unbelieving girl. Several friends go to a festive church service on the eve of Christmas. They meet an unbelieving girl who asks where they are going and why. The girls take turns telling her about the birth of Jesus, his deeds and how he went to die for us;
  • A skit about animals talking around a fire. Christmas is coming and various animals gather around the bright fire of the fire. They tell gospel parables, for example, about David taking his sheep from the lion, or about the rooster that crowed before Peter denied. The smallest sheep recites poems about the birth of Jesus;
  • Scene “Christmas greetings”. The mini-performance is designed for the youngest children. The children's costumes are made in the form of postcards, each of them taking turns coming out and reciting;
  • Scene “Three Christmas Angels” is about a stingy man who hates Christmas. On the night of the holiday, three angels come to him and talk about his bad deeds, show him pictures from his past life and tell him about his possible future. A person repents and begins to do good;
  • Song performance “What is Christmas?”. It tells the story of a boy who asked his family what the Christmas holiday was, but no one could answer him. The boy gets upset and goes outside. There he meets other children who sing him songs about Christmas.

On the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, the main task of parents is to turn the festive season into a real fairy tale for children, instilling in them love and gratitude for Christ, who was born to save all people. Try to make this day not only enjoyable for the kids because of gifts, but also educational.

In line New Year's events Christmas has a special meaning - a wonderful holiday that brings faith in the best, love for people and life, for its eternal renewal. Every year the night before Christmas is shrouded in a unique aura of mystery and romance. And every morning on January 7th is marked by cheerful ritual carols and games, in which both children and young people in the village take part to this day. How to organize a wonderful folklore holiday with children on Christmas Eve is described on the pages of this section. Here you will find hundreds of different scenarios for holidays, entertainment and leisure activities dedicated to the Nativity of Christ.

The whole world is celebrating - Christmas is coming to us!

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 605.
All sections | Christmas. Christmas holiday scenarios for children

Entertainment scenario for the senior group “Christmas Tree” Entertainment script« Christmas tree» . Target: Clarify ideas about history Christmas holiday. Materials: Image Nativity scene, myrrh, incense, gold; flashlight; masks angel, shepherd, wise men, flower, fir tree, palm tree, olive; lace paper napkins, scissors, glue, oilcloth,...

Christmas script in senior and preparatory group: "Meet Christmas» In the center of the hall stands Christmas tree. To the music of the song « Christmas» , the children walk around the tree and sit down. Sounds festive bell ringing. The presenter enters and stops in front of...

Christmas. Scenarios for Christmas holidays for children - Scenario for the theatrical performance "Christmas" for children of the preparatory group

Publication “Script of the theatrical performance “Christmas” for children...” Goal: To introduce children to the traditions of the Christmas holiday and the historical past of Russia. Objectives: - to encourage children to creatively convey the musical image of a work with their movements, to feel the change in character and mood of different parts of the music; - develop intonation...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario of the festive concert “Christmas Meetings” Scenario festive concert(based on the film “Masha and the Bear”) “Christmas Meetings” (Music sounds. The Presenter comes out) Presenter: Hello, dear guests! Our guests are welcome kindergarten! He gives warmth and affection, revealing a fairy tale to children! Song “Our Favorite Kindergarten” (children...

Summary of continuous educational activities “Orthodox holidays: Christmas and Epiphany” Goal: formation of the foundations of the spiritual and moral personality of a preschooler, nurturing interest in Orthodox holidays and traditions of the Russian people. Objectives: - introduce the history of the origin of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ and the Baptism of the Lord; - expand the child’s spiritual world; -...

Entertainment scenario for the senior group “Christmas gatherings” Christmas gatherings Objectives: - continue to work on forming children’s ideas about the features of traditional holidays in Rus', customs, games, amusements, create a desire to learn more about folk holidays and traditions. - Develop emotional speech, imagination,...

Christmas. Christmas holiday scenarios for children - The Legend of the Christmas Tree. Story for entertainment “Christmas Holiday”

The Legend of the Christmas Tree The holy solemn night descended to earth, bringing with it great joy to people. In Bethlehem, in a wretched cave, the Savior of the world was born. Listening to the songs of the angels, the shepherds praise and thank God; Following the guiding star, the Magi rush with...

Holiday scenario

"Christmas fun" 2017.

The date of the: January 7, 2017.

The script was developed by:

Rector of the Temple in the name of the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” in the village of Varskie -priest Vyacheslav Mamaev;

Davydova N.P. - teacher primary classes MBOU "Varskovskaya Secondary School" of the municipal formation - Ryazan municipal district of the Ryazan region.

Target : Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about Orthodox holiday The Nativity of Christ, its meaning and celebration traditions. To promote the familiarization of pupils, their parents and guests with the traditions of Orthodox national culture. Develop Creative skills, improve performing skills, the desire to give people joy. To cultivate spiritual and moral qualities: kindness, peacefulness, generosity.

Children come in singing the carol “Merry Christmas to all of you.”

Pupils Sunday school perform the carol "Christmas Miracle".

1. Presenter. Hello, guys, hello, guests, it’s warm and cozy in our house, but outside it’s cold and snowstorm.

2. Presenter: It’s so good that during these Christmas days we are all in our hall again today. Just recently, New Year’s songs were played here, round dances were performed, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden came, what else does Mother Winter bring to us, what winter holiday(Nativity).

3. Presenter. There's a twinkling star in the sky,

It barely appears

Everyone knows: a good day will come

Holy holiday Christmas.

4. Guys, who was born on this day? Whose Christmas do we celebrate on January 7?

(Children answer.)

5. Presenter: That's right, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born.

5.1. Presenter: On the merry Christmas holiday of Christ,

Winter is decorated, there is fringe on the headdress

From transparent ice floes, stars, snowflakes.

All covered in diamonds, pearls, and colorful lights.

5.2. Christmas has come -

We waited for him for a long time.

People celebrate Christmastide:

Having fun and singing.

5.3. On this winter day

Smoke curls over the chimney,

The moon is shining above her,

And the hut is full of guests.

Here are the red maidens,

Coloring girls - sisters

Good fellows all around,

And Father at the table.

We have gatherings here

We are all glad to see you!

6.- Truly sacred moments!
“Christ is born!” - we exclaim with you.
From century to century let the world sing and praise
The birth of Christ with clean lips!

7. Today is ours blessed by the rector of the Temple in the name of the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” in the village of Varskie, priest Vyacheslav Mamaev.

8: A star sparkled above the mountain cave,

And Bethlehem slept in the silence of sweet dreams,

Great happiness happened then -

Christ was born for the world!

8.1: Why does the vault of heaven shine so clearly this night?

What wondrous star is shedding its light?

Beautiful angels are flying in the sky.

The Nativity of Christ is glorified with song.

Carol "I sing praise to Him alone."

9. Today the whole earth is bright,
And the bells are ringing
And the heart beats more evenly,
And the praise sounds more harmonious:

ChildrenGlory to God in the highest and peace on earth!
Merry Christmas!

Carol "Silent Night Over Palestine"

10. On our family holiday, let's glorify Christ!

Let his beauty touch everyone!


The soul is light!

Feast of the Saint

The sun has risen.

The skies are so clear

White day in the night:

Then the baby in the manger

The star sends rays!

The Word became flesh

For our troubles:


Nativity -

Light of eternal life!

11. A star is shining in the high sky

Everyone come and visit us here.

12. To those who worked and helped a friend,

A cheerful holiday will step on the threshold.

Indeed, this evening the Christ Child

Bringing joy to everyone!

13. A miracle happened, a bright day has come,

And he found joy in every heart.

After all, this evening the people rejoice -

The Son of God, the Savior, is coming to earth!

14. Peaceful angel, heavenly spirit
Bright, joyful rays.
Today an angel came down to us
And he sang: “Christ is born.”

15 : We came to glorify Christ,
Happy holiday to you!

Carol "Have fun, celebrate, good people, with me"

17. Christmas miracle
God brought it to us again!
So let it be in every heart
Christ is born!

Carol "Christmas Nativity".

18. The days from Christmas to baptism are popularly called Bright or Christmastide. These days, all people visit each other, give gifts, sing carols, and wish them health in the New Year. Let us sing and dance and glorify the Birth of Christ.

Merry Christmas together

Let Guests rush to your bright home.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Golden Egg.”

Old woman. Hey old man, wake up quickly!

Old man. Are there wolves at the door?

Why are you making noise, old woman?

Old woman. Look what I found!!!

Our hen Pestrukha laid an egg under a bush!!!

Old man. Well, she took it down!? What's the matter?

What are you, woman, stunned?

Old woman. Yes, the egg is not a simple one,

And look - it's golden!!!

Old man. Golden???


Are you and I getting rich?

Old woman. Oh it's burning - it's blinding your eyes!!!

Old man. Miracles!

Old woman. Miracles!!!

Old woman. Oh, it's burning, it's burning like heat! There wouldn't be a fire!

Old man. Lock him in the chest. (knock on the door)

Old woman. There is no one at home!!!

Look, as luck would have it, the neighbors accidentally arrived!

Old woman. I'll go to the city on Wednesday.

There is a market there on Wednesday.

There are a lot of rich people there

I’ll sell them the egg.

How they will give me a pile of money, throw me rubles,

I'll get myself a sheepskin coat

I am Siberian sables.

I'll buy new things -

There are forty different skirts.

Blue floral shawl-
I'll fill my chest to the brim!

Old man. Why are you telling tales,

Look, you've found a young lady

Dress up in different trash.

No, if we are rich, I’ll build a hut instead

Three-story chambers and gazebos in the corners!

Old woman. Punishment with a stupid husband!

What are you, old man, don't be a whim!

We live no worse than others.

We don't need floors.

And your neighbors will laugh at you for these gazebos!

Old man. Let them laugh, I don’t feel sorry!!!

Old woman. Calm down, don't shout!

There's a rolling pin falling on the floor,

The cast iron rattles in the furnace.

Oh, I don’t like the white light!

Old man. Am I the owner or not!?

Old woman. Oh, the egg rolled!

It rolled and broke.

And there were no shells left, everything disappeared somewhere!!!

Old man. Well, why are we bothering!?

Miracles are just trouble!

We will live as we lived before

And work as always!

And you can fix your fur coat and fix your house.

Old woman. The only thing that seems reliable is what comes to us through hard work!

Old man. Open the door, old woman! Why should we hide now?

Old woman. Hey neighbor, hey neighbor! Forgetting friends is not a bad idea!

Come in for an hour - my kvass is good!

And pickles and jams,

Come in without hesitation!

(Granny appears - Riddle)

Grandma Riddle : Hello, good people! I am Grandma - Riddle, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Leading: Hello Grandma- Riddle! We wish you a Merry Christmas too!

Leading: Grandma, tell the guys why they call you “Riddle.”

Grandmother-Riddle: I'm not an ordinary grandmother. I tell everyone fairy tales, show them, and I also know a lot of riddles and play games.

Leading: Will you play with us? Will you make riddles?

Grandmother-Riddle: My riddles today are not simple ones, but Christmas ones. Can you guess?(Children answer.)

There's a celebration in the whole world,

Because (Christmas)!

Not in palaces, and not in tents,

Baby Christ sleeps in (manger.)

How can they find the King?

The path will be shown to them (the star.)

There is nothing more humble in this world

A young girl (Maria.)

This angel brought news

That She (Christ) will be born.

The travelers took a long time to go to the census,
They did not find a place in the city:
Near Bethlehem there is a bare steppe,
The wretched one became their shelter... (Nativity scene)

Cave, manger, haystack,
Born in it... (Jesus Christ)

In the temples the face of the singers sings:
“Virgin today of the Transubstantial...” (gives birth)

This song, we know so,
It's called...(Kondak)

It shone in the dark sky then,
Lighting the way, holy... (Star)

Ordinary people heard the news.
In the night when the roosters had not yet crowed,
They hastened to the Baby's manger
And they glorified God... (Shepherds)

Behind the star, appearing
From the road blue,
It's a long road to Bethlehem
On three camels... (Magi)

(Santa Claus appears with a bag and sings “Christmas carol”)

Father Frost. Kolyada, Kolyada,

Give me some pie

Or a loaf of bread,

Or half a buck.

Who won't give me the pie?

That's a chicken leg.

Grandma-Riddle. How many years have I lived, but I haven’t seen Santa Claus go caroling.

Father Frost. Why am I worse than other mummers - a bear, a goat, a buffoon? I decided to come and play with the kids once again on Christmas Day. Otherwise, after Epiphany, it’s time for me to go into the forest, add more frost, strengthen ice bridges on the rivers, spread more snow on the fields so that the mother earth will give more harvests.

Grandma-Riddle. We are glad, Grandfather Frost, to see you, but you sing the wrong carols.

Father Frost. So how should it be?

Grandma-Riddle. Carols should bring joy glorifying Jesus Christ and His Birth, and not “beg”.

Do you guys know carols?

Let's play. Some of you will read a carol, and we will have to praise it with friendly applause or stamp our feet if this carol is not good. Ready?

(CHILDREN sing carols):


Let's go for a more expensive one

Yes to the neighbors with Kolyada

There's a crowd for gifts.

Kolyada, Kolyada,

It's Christmas Eve!

Open the chests -

Get your heels out!

Kolyada - carol

Give grandma some pie.

Won't you give me the pie? -

Let's lead the cow by the horns.

Won't you give me some flatbread?

Let's break the windows.

Ay, doo, doo, ah, doo, doo

And I'm going into the house. The stove is heating up and I want pancakes.

Give me the sausage - extends his hand

I'll take it home.

Give me another one, I'll be generous!

Give me a third one too

Don't drive with a whip -

Grandfather will eat

Three beards

nod your mustache

And remember you!

To all kind people
We wish you goodness, gold, silver!
Lush pies,
Soft pancakes!
Good health!
Cow butter!
All. To whomever we sing songs, it will come true,
It will come true, it will not pass away.

Good health,

Cow butter!

Merry Christmas!

I wish you a Merry Christmas too,

Which came to your house.

I wish everyone, everyone, that you are healthy!

You lived together for many years.

Father Frost: The joyful days of Christmas have come,

And bright lights came on on the Christmas trees.

Christmas tree

Ours is lit today too!

The motley of its elegant

She makes the kids happy.

Round dance “Come to us Christmas tree”

Father Frost . Christmas - fun party. So let's have fun together. Do you want to play? The game is called: “What doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree?” I will name different objects to you if you hear the name Christmas decorations, you need to raise your hand up and say “Yes.” If I name something that doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree, I have to restrain myself and remain silent. Try not to make a mistake. Ready?

Game: “What doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree?”

So the holiday has come,
Everyone decorated the Christmas tree.
Who, guys, will confirm-
Hanging on its branches...
Star top? (Yes)
A loud cracker? (Yes)
Petenka-parsley? (Yes)
Soft pillow? (No)
White snowflakes? (Yes)
Vibrant pictures? (No)
A ball of cobwebs? (Yes)
Old shoes? (No)
Chocolate bars? (No)
Horses and horses? (Yes)
Bunnies made from cotton wool? (Yes)
Are mittens gloves? (No)
Red lanterns? (Yes)
Bread crumbs? (No)
Bright flags? (Yes)
Hats and scarves? (No)
Apples and cones? (No)
Colin's pants? (No)
Tasty candy? (Yes)
Snow newspapers? (No)

Father Frost: Well, thank you guys, you solved all the riddles.
Father Frost: Aren't you afraid of frost?
Beware, beware
Come on, show me your hands,
Yes, put it behind your back,
Who will I touch?
I'll freeze those as a joke.
Grandmother-Riddle: And II want to play with the guys. And play the game “Repeat”. Be careful, guys, repeat all the movements after me.

And it's frosty outside,

Come on, everyone grab your nose!

There is no need for us to beat our heads,

Well, everyone grabbed their ears,

Twisted, turned,

So your ears are warmed up.

They knocked on my knees,

They shook their heads.

Patted on the shoulders

And they sank a little.

- So we warmed up. Are you warm?

Grandma the Riddle plays a game of “Guessing”.

Grandma Riddle . Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Admire us.

Guess - ka, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

(children imitate playing the pipe to the music)

Father Frost . You're the one drinking milk!

Grandma Riddle . That's grandpa's children playing the pipe.

Father Frost . Eh, I didn’t guess!

Grandma Riddle . Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Admire us.

Guess it, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

To the music, children imitate playing the balalaika.

Father Frost . You're the one scratching your stomach.

Grandma Riddle . What are you saying, grandfather, these are children playing the balalaika or the guitar!

Father Frost . Well, bad luck again!

Grandma Riddle .

Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Admire us.

Guess it, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

Children imitate playing the violin to the music.

Father Frost (offended). What is this? Are you, Santa Claus, pulling my beard?

Grandma Riddle . What are you saying, grandfather, these are children playing the violin.

Grandma Riddle Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Admire us.

Guess it, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

Children imitate playing the piano.

Father Frost . Yes, you sort through the cereal.

Grandma Riddle . What are you doing, grandpa! Those guys are playing the piano!

Father Frost . Oh, how slow-witted I am! Oh, thanks! Taught the old man!

Grandma Riddle The Russian people are great and smart,

How can we be without riddles?

Our riddles are not simple

Yes, still just as interesting.

Riddles for parents:

Winter striker? (frost)

Homeland of the Christmas tree (forest)

Female creature entertaining the Christmas tree with songs (blizzard)

Santa Claus's informer (staff)

An object artistic creativity Santa Claus? (window)

Nickname of Santa Claus? (Jack Frost)

New Year's "sculpture" created from natural material(Snowman)

Grandmother-Riddle: Christmas is a holiday of glorious miracles. I have a little box that becomes magical at Christmas and can make any wish come true. I wish you to grow up healthy, kind and happy.

Do you want to play?

I have already fulfilled one of your wishes.

They live in my little box funny Games and fun.

As soon as I open the box, they are right there, jumping out after each other, inviting me to play.

(Granny Riddle and the Presenters conduct games for children and parents) He takes the attributes out of the box one by one:

    Shawl - game "Blind Man's Bluff". Guess what game we will play?

    Snowball - game "Snowballs".

    Ball - game "Bubbles".

4. Sack - game “Running in sacks”.

5. toilet paper - game "Snowman".

Leading. Thank you, dear guests, for coming to congratulate us.

Thank you too, Grandma, for meeting me and greeting me.

Leading: Our holiday is over! The Christmas fun is over!

For new happiness, for Christmas

Be born, little wheat-lentil,

There are heaps of heaps on the field,

There are pies on the table,

So that everyone is healthy and rosy.

We sow, weed, sow, and Merry Christmas to everyone!

Father Frost : On this holiday of Christmas

We wish from the bottom of our hearts,

So that all your dreams

Fulfillments have been found.

So that your health is strong

The family was filled with happiness

So that you are surrounded everywhere

Only heartfelt friends!

Grandma Riddle : May Christmas come to your home

With nice mood

And may you have a whole year in everything

Luck comes with it.


God bless! Peace be with you, people!

Let there be joy everywhere!

Live in friendship, do good,

By the mercy of Christ God you give thanks!

Let the carols sound all around, They bring joy to your home,

They bring health and success, fun, joy and amusement.

All: Happy holiday! Merry Christmas!