Original advertising design for the presenter at the festival. How to make it easier for a novice toastmaster to find clients

The most profitable events where a toastmaster can earn decent money, prove himself and be remembered by a large number of people is a wedding. A host who has successfully completed his task can count on the fact that among the invited guests there will definitely be a guy and a girl who are seriously thinking about a future together. They will remember him and invite him to their place, and will recommend him to friends and acquaintances. But waiting may be fruitless, so you need to take the initiative by engaging in your own promotion. An effective and proven way would be:

  • Creating your own website with the maximum amount of information about services, photographs;
  • Creating a VKontakte page and searching for new subscribers;
  • Advertising in newspapers;
  • Using permanent props, for example a hat, which will become a memorable business card.

And when the first clients appear, you cannot use only one scenario. A good toastmaster should always have a huge number of scenarios. The jokes and competitions developed for them should please the guests, amaze them with their creativity, and not make them yawn with their “beardiness”.

Tell MeDa.rf as an ideal way to attract clientele

Unfortunately for most presenters, even well-thought-out advertising moves often do not provide the desired effect. Money is spent, time passes in anticipation, and there are so few clients with wedding invitations that the desperate toastmaster, having never discovered his talent, abandons his business halfway.

The website TellMneDa.rf will help you avoid this, where novice specialists can register. The principle of operation of the portal is as simple and effective as possible: you don’t need to think about the design of your own page, select photos, videos. It is enough to indicate the mail, as well as the city or city where the toastmaster prefers to work. Then all that remains is to check your mail every day with incoming applications from potential clients, respond to their letters, and draw up your own work schedule. The TellMneDa.rf portal is a place where two interested parties meet: the customer and the toastmaster, who is ready to provide quality service to more than one wedding.

Advertisements for toastmaster services are posted on the site by professional presenters who are ready to take on the organization of any banquet in Moscow. Individuals and company representatives registered on the site offer turnkey wedding celebrations in compliance with all your wishes. Experienced specialists will develop an individual program, select music and guarantee the absence of technical problems.

How much do presenter services cost?

On the site you will quickly find an advertisement for a toastmaster who will inexpensively and professionally hold a gala event, regardless of the number of invited guests. Look at the estimated prices for presenter services in the price list on the website. The specialist will tell you the exact cost of drawing up the script and organizing the holiday during personal communication.

Prices for the work of a presenter depend on the following indicators:

  • duration of the holiday celebration
  • type of scenario (custom or standard program)
  • number of persons
  • venue (in the city or region)
  • need to provide additional services(for example, DJ work, delivery of musical equipment, on-site wedding ceremony"turnkey" or video shooting)

On Yuda, searching for toastmaster advertisements that will offer conditions suitable for you will not take much time. To order services, fill out an application on the website, indicating your requirements for the host, your preferred venue and the theme of the holiday program.

Prominent marketer Dan Kennedy talks about his secret to success in his book Smart Marketing in Tough Times. Even with a queue of clients, he devotes time every day, be it a holiday or any other day, to attract clients to his business. For a party host, given the seasonality and ever-growing competition, ensuring a constant flow of customers is a top priority.

This article discusses both paid and free methods of attracting customers. Many of these methods are universal. Most of them can be easily adapted for small business owners and private professionals of any field.

Description of ways to attract clients to the presenter

  1. Holiday agencies. Find all holiday agencies in your city in a directory or on the Internet. Send detailed description your activities. Indicate the cost of services and the commission that you are willing to give to the agency for each order.
  2. Free newspapers and magazines. In many cities there are companies operating on the “one window” principle. For a symbolic amount, they will place an offer of your services in all available publications.
  3. Cafes and restaurants. Many holiday hosts collaborate with entertainment venues. The fees here can be much lower than when working for yourself. But in the absence of work and for developing a portfolio, it is quite a worthy option.
  4. Business Cards. A circulation of 1000 pieces can be ordered for 500 rubles.
  5. Promo video. Potential clients want to see how you conduct a wedding and hear your voice.
  6. Group in in social networks. There are presenters who use only social networks to attract clients and their whole weekend is busy for several months in advance.
  7. Personal site. There is a common misconception that a website is expensive and requires a cool design. You can order it for 5-10 thousand rubles or make it yourself using a free designer. The website you are currently on was made in a few hours using a free template. Tips for creating.
  8. Accounts on social networks. Create profiles on all popular social networks. Add friends. Share the news. Tell us about the events that took place.
  9. Wedding portals. Enter the words “toastmaster”, “wedding”, “celebrant for the holiday” into the Yandex search. View the first 10-20 results. Place the questionnaire where possible.
  10. Free message boards. Enter “place a free ad” in Yandex. Place your offer on the first 5-10 resources. The same operation can be done in groups on social networks.
  11. Write articles that solve problems for your clients. If you have no ideas or experience at all, take the texts you like and rewrite them in your own words. Write articles like this “10 tips”, “7 common mistakes”. You can hire a specialist quite inexpensively and buy material of acceptable quality for 100-500 rubles.
  12. Promotion through colleagues. Meet people in your industry. Invite them to take orders from you when you are busy, and promise them a reward if they send potential clients to you.
  13. Maps and directories. Register in popular directories and maps.
  14. Comments and discussions in thematic communities. Join interest groups on social networks. Suitable groups for newlyweds, tips for celebrating holidays. Take an active part in discussions, give really useful advice.
  15. Yandex Direct advertising. Quite expensive, but very effective method. Your offer will be shown in the first lines of Yandex at the moment when people are looking for holiday services. By properly setting up an advertising campaign in this system, you can get by with only this attraction channel. Be sure to read our client.
  16. Google Adwords advertising. An analogue of Yandex Direct advertising in the Google search network. Google Adwords is a fairly effective way for leaders to attract clients. The final cost of the client turns out to be more expensive than on Yandex. In some cities there is very high competition in Yandex, and no one advertises on Google. When configured correctly it can produce good results.
  17. Targeted advertising in contact. Allows you to very precisely configure the audience to which your offer will be shown. For example, you can show a wedding proposal to people with the “Engaged” status. People who are now 49 years old and will have a birthday soon can be shown an offer to celebrate their anniversary.
  18. Targeted advertising in Odnoklassniki and the mail.ru resource. To submit advertisements to all resources, a single myTarget system is used. In general, the cost per click is slightly more expensive than Vkontakte. There are quite interesting ways placements, for example a large banner in the news feed.
  19. Advertising in teaser networks. Advertising networks showing advertisements on popular resources.
  20. Search Engine Optimization. Promoting your website to the top 10 search engines using “natural” methods. Quite a long but very effective method.
  21. Partnership. Offer a per-customer fee to people in the event industry. These could be photographers, videographers, sound engineers, people offering holiday decoration services and others.
  22. Collect feedback. A presenter who has more than 100 grateful reviews on his page will be trusted more than a presenter who does not have them.
  23. Collect a portfolio. Ask for videos and photo materials from clients and those who were involved in the filming. Regularly post materials from events held in the group or on the website.
  24. Marketing China Make a beautiful large folder with a presentation of your services and good photographs. At the meeting, offer your clients to look through it.
  25. Charity events. Use any method to “light up”. You can be seen at the free event potential clients and invite you to host their holiday.
  26. Telephone script. Write a conversation script. The number of orders directly depends on how you talk on the phone. Call 50 competitors under the guise of a client, not necessarily from your city. Assess how attractive their voice is, their offer, and what techniques they use to make appointments.
  27. Unique selling proposition. Rate the websites and groups on social networks of the top 50 leading people in your city. Write down everything you liked and everything that “repels” you. Based on the information received, come up with an offer that will stand out from your competitors.

Those task!

Good evening! Friends, you need to write a selling text for the presenter.
The host organizes weddings, corporate events, and anniversaries.
Advantages: shows tricks, always appropriate jokes, neatness, presentable appearance, delicate behavior, responsibility, use of interesting props, punctuality, extensive work experience, individual approach!
The text must be compiled according to the following mandatory scheme:

1) Heading.

It should reflect the meaning of the entire text, and at the same time be bright, attracting attention, so that a potential buyer wants to read the text, become interested in what is inside the text, and, accordingly, what this sentence contains. The title should be so simple that after seeing it for just 5 seconds, the visitor understands what it is about. (Example: Showman Andrey Semenov IT WILL BE FUN!)

2) Client problem.

This part includes what causes distrust, discomfort, fear, apprehension, worry in the client, that is, some negative expectations that he can presumably receive instead of what he would like to receive.

Example (a boring presenter offering some strange competitions in which guests are embarrassed to participate). and so on.

This is the customer’s “pain”. He fears:
“What if this show becomes uninteresting, vulgar, monotonous? What if my guests don’t like it and the wedding is ruined? What if the host confuses the hero of the occasion with one of the guests? All these endless “what if?” understandable, because really, anything can happen!

3. Visualization of the desired result

Next, your task is to convince the customer that if he chooses me, everything will be fine and he has nothing to fear. Visualization of the desired result is already direct work with the client. At this stage, the presenter tries to evoke certain positive emotions in the buyer in order to convince him to buy his services. In our case, the product is the service of holding a holiday. Tell the buyer how good he will feel, what benefits he will receive if he orders our service. (Example: you want to relax on your holiday. With me you will be confident in the success of the event. Your guests will be delighted with the holiday. Your friends and relatives will be grateful to you for organizing the celebration. You will remember that day with a smile on your face for a long time. Your the marriage will be strong and happy.Expect a promotion on the career ladder or an increase in salary.

4) Presentation of your proposal.

Here we directly talk about what the presenter wants to offer. The proposal must be presented in a beautiful interesting form. It should be specific and attractive. (Example: I will create a festive atmosphere at your event. I will find an individual approach to each guest. All your guests will be captured by my attention. Every 3 minutes the guests will laugh. Every 5 minutes the guests will applaud.

5) What exactly is contained in the product.

And here we specify the information about our service, add as many details as possible, what exactly our service contains, and how exactly the customer can get what he needs. (Example: detailed development of the script, meetings and rehearsals for the holiday, magic tricks, unique competitions, round-the-clock consultation, interesting props).

6. Now about the cost.

Cost is an integral part of the sales process, so it must be announced, because all this is done in order to get money for your service. Here everything should be described in terms of what the customer pays for and that this is not so much but the most optimal amount for such high-quality services. (cost from 25,000 rub.)

8) Guarantees.

If you guarantee, it means that you are confident in the quality of your service and are ready to take responsibility for what you do, because you are a professional.

9) Call to action.

At this stage, they usually directly ask the customer to take certain actions necessary to complete the transaction (click the “order” button and don’t miss your chance).

Selling text should not be large. All information should fit on one, maximum two pages, so information on each step should fit into 3 5 sentences. Proposals must be succinct and informative.

We are the leading duo Andrey and Tatyana.

We work in the field of organizing and holding special and entertainment events. Bright and original holidays.

The most attractive pricing option in the region!

DJ Music for your event. Stylish and modern.

Individual approach to creating a playlist. Background, beats, dancing. A full set of audio equipment is available.

Sand show from the Edel Art Center

Give yourself and your loved ones a unique magical holiday!

Sand paintings coming to life from the artist’s hands will tell your extraordinary, fairy-tale story.

Wedding MC and Showman Damasen Afrikanovich

An incredibly charismatic and fiery presenter-showman, I always fulfill the customer’s requirements in the maximum sense of the word!!! Just relax and entrust your holiday to me, the professional Damasen Afrikanovich!!!

Organization and holding of beautiful events

weddings (classic, themed, stylized...)

Birthdays and anniversaries

Corporate parties

Creating a custom script

Your feelings are my inspiration!

It is important for me to excite, surprise and touch so that this event remains in memory for a long time

Russian experienced toastmaster and DJ in Yakutsk

Wedding MC

My name is Anastasia Khudyakova. I am an event host.

For over ten years now, I have been CREATING LIVE EMOTIONS at weddings, anniversaries, graduations and corporate events!

Interactions with guests, toast-tricks, dance flash mobs, improvisation, and dancing!

Presenter (toastmaster) and Singer for your holiday

Toastmaster (host) SINGER.

Are you having a holiday soon? What is it - a wedding, anniversary, birthday, corporate event or prom. Or maybe it's an outing or just a friendly party?

Invite us - and your holiday will be unforgettable!

Leading Toastmaster for the wedding Igor Krasnov

Host for a wedding, anniversary, corporate event.

Professional presenter with education in the field of socio-cultural activities. Your own equipment, work under a contract, adherence to a dress code, an individual celebration scenario, the opportunity to travel to the region.

Holding Weddings, Anniversaries and corporate events in Yoshkar-Ola and the RME districts

Welcome to the Holiday Agency "Together and Forever".

You are having a wedding soon - what could be more beautiful?

A wedding is perhaps the most beautiful, and one of the most touching and amazing events in the life of every person.

Fire show

Fire show - We provide high-quality fire show services for your event (anniversary, corporate party, wedding, birthday, bachelor party, bachelorette party New Year) during several years. Our programs will add thrill to your holiday

Male striptease

Ordering a male striptease is a guaranteed sure way to please the entire female audience at your holiday. Surprise your guests with a spicy, sophisticated erotic show.

A storm of emotions increases endorphin in the blood. The key to a great performance. Moreover, male with

Female striptease

Striptease is an erotic dance show. Exciting, seductive, sensual dance. Beautiful girls like from the cover. They perform acrobatic elements and do the splits. Perform complex acrobatics on a pole. In chic, revealing outfits.

Bartender show

BARTEND SHOW is a demonstration performance in tandem, including elements of a work show and a show of flairing, humor, magic tricks, using bright tricks with safe pyrotechnics. music and costumes can be selected to suit the format of your holiday.

Studio Promo Storm wedding DJ

Do you want a cool party for your birthday, graduation, or for no reason? Just decorate the party and raise the status of your party to high level? Then call right now, a DJ with equipment will come directly to your home, cafe, restaurant, or country house

Wedding host Alexander Zheleznev

Creative wedding host Alexander Zheleznev has an innate sense of humor, natural intelligence, tact, charm and extensive work experience. The main advantage that distinguishes Alexander from other hosts is the use of LED Screens.

Professional presenter

Professional presenter and musicians with creative ideas for your wedding or other event. Individual development of the celebration program, live performance of romantic compositions for the most important day in your life! T.+7 962 451-09-51

Portrait "Stardust". Show program.

A number in which, before the eyes of the audience, the canvas turns into a brilliant portrait. Drawing with “Stardust” will be a great entertainment for your holiday. This is not only a picture, but also a breathtaking performance.