The script for the theatrical performance at the Christmas tree “Adventures in the New Year’s Forest. Scenario of the holiday "Christmas tree" The game "Leshego's Hollow" is played

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New Year's holidays are the most vibrant and emotional form of organization children's leisure. Whether the New Year will be a fun, unusual, amazing holiday for our children, whether they will believe that miracles exist, that a fairy tale is somewhere nearby, depends on the organizers New Year's events, from their experience, skill and knowledge. Indeed, in the New Year, everything is possible, because fantasy creative teachers and children is limitless, and the variety modern forms New Year's holidays allow you to make this holiday truly bright, magical and unforgettable. An excellent form of preparation for the holiday are ready-made methodological developments, for example, the current one is available for review.

Purpose of the event: arouse interest in the upcoming holiday. Create a festive New Year's mood. Give children joy from participating in the event.

Objectives of the event:

  1. Teach children to expressively perform musical, dance, and poetic numbers on stage;
  2. Develop Creative skills, communication skills;
  3. Improve your ability to play roles and confidently hold yourself on stage;
  4. Promote the comprehensive, including artistic and aesthetic development of the child;
  5. Cultivate love for native nature.

Forms of organizing children's activities: New Year's theatrical performance.

Progress of the event

Ved. 1:

Ladies and Gentlemen!
Sirs and ladies!

Ved. 2:

Senoras and senoritas!
Ladies and gentlemen!

Ved. 1:

It's time to!
The nights have become longer than the days.
The entire land was covered with snow, and the water was covered with ice.

Ved. 2:

It's white outside.
Looks into the glass for the last time
Winter through the eyes of December.

Ved. 1:

Already the wing of the calendar
Preparing his final swing.

Ved. 2:

And blue shadows in the corners
They condense and cling to the wall,
And the darkness sways in the window.

Ved. 1:

And a glorious New Year holiday,
He's already in a hurry, he's coming.

Ved. 2:

There are many different holidays,
But my favorite is New Year.
They say he is very important:
Whoever meets you lives like that!

Ved. 1:

Well, let this evening
Will be celebrated with joy.

Ved. 2:

There will be games, jokes, laughter.
There will be competitions for everyone!

Ved. 1:

And the first according to tradition
Competition for erudition.

Ved. 2:

Guess the riddle!
Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows,
Gave joy to children
And I went sledding! (Winter)

Student 1.

We all waited impatiently
The day when she comes
With the first snow and blizzard
Our good winter.

(Winter appears to the music “At the edge of the forest.”)

Student 2.

Winter has come over us
Snow sleeves -
And snowflakes fell
On trees and houses.

Student 3.

We'll have a snowball fight
We love to ride down the mountain,
And therefore we are very
(In chorus.) I really like winter!

Song 011 “Snow Song” is performed


A dense forest, a blizzard field
Winter holiday coming to us
So let's say it together:
“Hello, hello, New Year!”

Children:“Hello, hello, New Year!”

Winter: On this magical New Year's evening we continue the competition. I will ask questions, and you answer them.

Quiz "Winter Holiday".

  1. Where is it colder - the North or the South Pole? (At the South Pole)
  2. What tree is decorated in Russia for the New Year? (Christmas tree)
  3. An ancient but timeless dance at the Christmas tree. (Round dance)
  4. What song do adults and children sing at the Christmas tree? (The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree)
  5. A person trotting past the Christmas tree, gray in all respects? (Wolf)
  6. A man's anti-Christmas tree weapon? (Axe)
  7. Low-growing blizzard? (Snow drift)
  8. Carnival "platband". (Mask)
  9. Ice casting. (Ice rink)
  10. The Snow Maiden's life time. (Winter)
  11. Winter striker. (Freezing)
  12. How many rays does a snowflake have? (Six)
  13. Seasonal "sculpture" made from real natural material. (Snowman)
  14. Who came up with the lines: “Winter! The peasant, triumphant, / Renews the path on firewood...”? (A.S. Pushkin)

Clown 1:

Hey honest people
Come forward.
Turn from the gate
And then vice versa!

Clown 2:

Hey girls and boys,
Naughty little girls,
Fun awaits you
Come forward!

Clown 1:

Today it is prohibited
Whine and mope.

Clown 2:

And is strictly prohibited
Yawn, squeak and whine.

Clown 1:

Hurry, hurry,
Hurry up quickly.
Take everything for the holiday
You are good friends.
Clown 2:

There will be fun here
And jokes and laughter.
For a holiday to yourself
We invite everyone.

Clown 1:

Hey! Who are the children here?
Forget everything in the world!
Open your mouths wider!
And she, and he, and you!

Clown 2:

How many of you are here today!
I can’t read it in a day!
You are Dima, Sasha, Nikita, Tanyusha.
Did you guess right? Let's check whether you guessed right or not.

Clown 1: But as?

Clown 2: That's how!

All Sasha and Dima clap,
Alina, Alena, Polina - stomp,
Vova, Denis, Maxim, Kirill - jumping,
Ira, Lisa, Ksyusha are kicking their legs.

Clown 1:

Ani, Tanya – they raise their hands.
Vani squats at full speed,
And the rest as loud as possible
They call their names.
So, one, two, three,
Say your name.

Clown 2: So, do you remember who does what?

Clown 1: 1, 2, 3 – started!!!

(The game is being played.)

Clown 2:

So we met.
Starts now
Happy holiday for you!

Clown 1: Guys, let's see who is the most dexterous, attentive and skillful.

Clown 2: With your right hand, pat yourself on the head, then with your left hand, pat your stomach. Now do both at the same time.

Clown 1: Not bad for a start.

Clown 2: Well done!

Winter: Guys, let's play dance game "Snow Snakes". I invite 10 girls and 10 boys here. (Snowflakes go backstage.)

Two snakes move around the hall and dance (1 - boys, 2 - girls). When the music stops, each team must show its figure.

1. “Snowdrift” - stand in a circle, stretch your arms up to the center, say: “Crunch-crunch”

2. “Blowing snow” - they squat, wave their arms above their heads, shout: “U-u-u.”

Music 030 “New Year's disco” (A game is being played).

Sounds 018 “Song of the Snow Maiden” (The Snow Maiden comes out with snowflakes. They dance the dance.)

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! Santa Claus didn't come here? (No). No? So I came first. While we are waiting for Santa Claus, let's play game “Do everything as I do.” Get comfortable!

Let's do everything like me! (2 claps)
Come on, all together, all at once! (2 claps)
Everything is done together here. (2 claps)
Let's all stomp like me! (2 floods)
Let's laugh like me! (Ha ha)
Let's sneeze like me! (Apchhi)
Let's all be together like me! (2 claps, 2 stomps, ha-ha, apchhi)

Music sounds 119 “Kashchei’s Song” (In a carriage drawn by devils, he rides The Snow Queen. The devils laugh.)

Winter: Why are you laughing?

1st trait: Over all of you! This is us!

Winter: What do you?

2nd trait: You will never have a New Year!

Winter: Who are you?

1st trait: Now you'll find out.

2nd trait: Come on, all the guys stand next to us and let’s begin.

(The children disperse around the stage and move.)

Game “I am the devil” (Children following the devils repeat their words and movements. The game is repeated faster and faster each time.)

Both traits:

I was walking through the forest, I found a bag, opened it, took it out and saw it!
Little horns, little feet,
Little black eyes, like something out of a fairy tale!
Not a dog or a mole,
This is a harmful, harmful devil!

(The devils scare the children. The children run to their seats. They sit down.)

Winter: Are you the devils who closed the way for the New Year?

1st trait: Yes Yes Yes! We, we, we!

2nd trait: And what? What will you do for us?

Winter: But what?

If three magic circles
Describe around the Christmas tree,
Your wish will come true in an instant,
You don't even have to wait!

1st trait: Hey, we've been figured out!

2nd trait: Don't be afraid, it's a Christmas tree, look how big it is! They don't have enough hands to describe a circle around her.

Winter: And the guys will help us.

Winter: Guys, let's get into a round dance and sing song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

1st trait: Oh, they're having fun. What to do?

2nd trait: What to do? We'll distract you! (To the guys) Oh, what helpers you guys are! Can you do anything else?

1st trait: And we know how to do dirty tricks!

(The devils rush at the Snow Maiden, take away her cloak and crown, and give it to their mistress.)

The Snow Queen: Put her in a bag quickly, take her away and hide this Snow Maiden more securely.

(The devils carry away the Snow Maiden).

Finally, my dream will come true: to turn everyone against the Snow Maiden. And all they do is praise her: “Oh, how kind the Snow Maiden is, how good. I'll put it on now carnival costume and no one will distinguish me from her. Everyone will think that I am the Snow Maiden. This will be fun! Ha ha ha!

(Music 041 “Song of Santa Claus” is heard).

But what is it? This is Santa Claus coming. I’ll hide from sight, and you kids, watch, don’t even think about telling him anything unnecessary, otherwise... (Threatens).

(Santa Claus appears and sings a song. The children sing along with him.)

Father Frost:

I came to visit you, Santa Claus (3 times),
I walked past pine and birch trees (3 times).
Oh, what a long beard (3 times),
You've never seen anything like this (3 times).


Come dance with us, dance (3 times),
Show me the gifts, show me (3 times).

Father Frost: It’s too early to show gifts, but you can dance.

I am Santa Claus with a beard.
He looks like an old man, but he’s used to dancing.
One two three four five -
Let's dance to the Lady. (Dance “Lady”)

Father Frost: Phew, it's getting hot, give me some water.

(Zimushka-winter hands Santa Claus a mug 1/3 filled with confetti. Santa Claus pretends to drink, and then seems to pour the rest on the guests.)

Father Frost: Where is the Snow Maiden? Snow Maiden, granddaughter! Where are you?

The Snow Queen: I'm coming!

Father Frost: Here you are, granddaughter! I’ve already put on a carnival costume, my good girl. Say hello to the guys.

The Snow Queen: Hey people!

Father Frost: What are you talking about, Snow Maiden, it’s not customary to say hello like that.

The Snow Queen: And you, old man, don’t teach me what is accepted and what is not accepted. I’ll say hello anyway I want.

Father Frost: But this is impossible! Our guests won't like it.

The Snow Queen: If they don't like it, then let them go back to where they came from.

Father Frost: Granddaughter, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?

The Snow Queen: Leave me alone with your worries!

Father Frost: I don’t recognize my Snow Maiden, it’s as if someone has replaced me. But she was so kind and polite. I knew a lot of games and dances, but now I’m so angry!

The Snow Queen: I'm the Snow Maiden! I swear by my beard. Oh, the crown. Oh, I mean, honestly. And games and dancing - please! Let's dance with me! (Grievles)

Winter: Oh, you're a liar, you're a liar! Which Snow Maiden are you? Look around you, how smart and resourceful the guys are. Do you really think they are easy to deceive? So they believed you.

Father Frost: You must answer my questions. If you answer, then you are a real Snow Maiden.

The Snow Queen: Go ahead!

Father Frost: What is my cousin's name?

The Snow Queen: Everyone knows this, Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Right! Now tell me, where does snow come from?

The Snow Queen: And this is generally easy, where, where? You, grandfather, have a huge feather bed at home. And when you beat it, snow flies out of it.

Father Frost: But that’s not true! This means you are not the Snow Maiden. And who are you? You are the Snow Queen. Do you want to ruin our holiday?

The Snow Queen: You won't have a holiday. No dancing, no gifts, no Snow Maiden - you will have nothing. Hey, my faithful servants, run to me! (devils run out). Did you do everything as I told you? Is everything ready?

Devils: (in unison) That's it, Your Evil Majesty!

The Snow Queen: Now have fun if you can? Ha-ha-ha! (Leaves)

Winter: Of course we can. We will still find the Snow Maiden. Let's accompany Santa Claus in search of the Snow Maiden and sing to him song for good luck 012 “Tick-tock”.

(Children sing a song. Santa Claus leaves. Winter reads the decree.)

I command that on the 28th of the 12th month of this year, fairy-tale heroes who can find the Snow Maiden will come to Santa Claus for a ball. Whoever succeeds in this feat will receive the fulfillment of any desire as a reward.

The year is today.
This is winter.
Father Frost.

(Music 046 “Winter Holiday” (beginning) sounds. Ivanushka enters.)

Ivanushka: Hey guys! Why are you so sour and boring?

Winter: The Snow Maiden was stolen from us. Santa Claus left to look for her, and our Christmas tree doesn’t light up!

Ivanushka: So this is me in a moment. Just think, it's a disaster. Now it's going to light up like a little thing. Hey devils, who has matches or a lighter?

1st trait: Here I have an imported company!

Winter: What is this for?

Ivanushka: What do you mean why? We will light the Christmas tree.

Winter: It’s not for nothing that they called you Ivanushka the fool. After all, the light bulbs need to be lit.

Ivanushka: Well, here you go, fool again. Well, you would say light bulbs, otherwise a Christmas tree. I do need a certificate.

Winter: What certificate?

Ivanushka: Help that I'm smart.

Winter: You will receive a certificate, but first you must find the Snow Maiden, then Santa Claus will fulfill your every wish. And please take these careless people away. (Points to the devils.)

1st trait: Yes, we will leave ourselves.

2nd trait: But first we want to play a game with you "Don't believe your eyes."

(They say one thing, but do something else. For example: arms up, but themselves down; legs wider, but they themselves raise their arms; hands to the ears, and they themselves take hold of the nose.)

Ivanushka: Okay, well done! I went to look for the Snow Maiden. Just you guys, help me, without your help I can’t do anything. The more fun you have, the easier it will be for me to find the Snow Maiden. Agreed? Brothers - devils, follow me step by step! (They leave.)

Winter: Guys, so that we can have more fun and Ivanushka finds the Snow Maiden, let’s sing song "Carousel of Snowflakes" .

(Song 099 “Baba Yaga’s Song” plays. Baba Yaga runs in to the music.)

Baba Yaga: Have you shouted and sung often?

Winter: So today is our holiday, grandma.

Baba Yaga: What kind of holiday are you having, grandpa?

Winter: What kind of grandfather am I?

Baba Yaga: What kind of grandmother am I? I’m only about 300 years old and I want to live and do some mischief.

Winter: Oh, Baba Yaga, you are cunning, but we are more cunning.

Baba Yaga: What are you, what are you. Yes, I'm the most truthful. If you want, I'll sing. Just let the guys help me.

Winter: Fine. Our guys love to sing.

Baba Yaga: Look, look, look! What are you, what are you saying!

Baba Yaga: Can you play with me?

Winter: What game?

Baba Yaga: I forgot what it's called. I'll remember now. I have this one - chlorophos, not chlorophos, but dichlorvos... And I remembered - sclerosis. Well, here's the game...

Game "The Snowiest"(Several players are called. They are dealt paper napkins. The task is to make a snowfall, that is, to tear the napkin into small pieces. In this case, the players hold the napkin in their right hand extended forward, and put their left hand behind their back).

(The game is played to the music of 006 “It’s good that it snowed.”)

(Ivanushka appears.)

Ivanushka: Aw! Is anybody here?

Baba Yaga: Are you shouting frequently? Who it? Where are you going?

Ivanushka: I, Ivan, am a fool. I'm looking for the Snow Maiden for the holiday.

Baba Yaga: Ivan, how stupid are you? At all or what?

Ivanushka: Like this? I don't know myself.

Baba Yaga: Okay, I can see in my eyes that I’m not a fool. It's written on your forehead - talent!

Ivanushka: What do you want, old man?

Baba Yaga: You see, I’m tired of the hut on chicken legs, it’s outdated. I want to build myself a three-story cottage, but there is no one to build it. Would you like to build it?

Ivanushka: No, I need to find the Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga: Come on. You will be a stoker at the cottage. Warm, quiet. No worries. And I will call you Ivanushka.

Ivanushka: Oh, old hag, look what a net she has led you into. I'll call you Ivanushka. (Teases.) Will I work for you? Pipes! (Shows a fig.)

Baba Yaga: Now I understand who I am dealing with. Do you know what we do with this? Fry it with giblets! (Claps his hands 3 times, the devils run out and grab B. Yaga.) Not me, grab him. We'll fry it a little. I’m asking for the last time: will you build a cottage for me?

Ivanushka: May you be empty, old one! Scarecrow garden!

Baba Yaga: Bake it! Ignorant! Ham!

Ivanushka: I hear it from a boor!

(Baba Yaga listens.)

Baba Yaga: Oh, be quiet. My daughter, it seems, is coming.

(Music 025 “If I became a Christmas tree” (beginning) plays. Kikimora enters, walks around the tree and looks into the frying pan (instead of the mirror).


I walk through the dense forest,
I look at myself, beauty.

I don't like girls and boys
I don't read any books.
I walk through the dense forest,
I look at myself, beauty.
Who is more beautiful than me? Just me, me, me.
Fu-fu! It smells like Russian spirit. Who's here?

Baba Yaga: Dinner, daughter.

(Ivan starts laughing loudly.)

Kikimora: Why are you laughing?

Ivanushka: And what a terrible one!

Kikimora: Who am I? Yes, I am the most beautiful, attractive and charming.

Ivanushka: Terrible, the likes of which the world has never seen.

Baba Yaga: What? Scary? Yes, a little scary. Maybe you know a way to become beautiful. Help if you can.

Ivanushka: Help and help. I have no time, I have to look for the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga: And I will give you a guiding ball, you will follow it and you will find the Snow Maiden. Agree?

Ivanushka: Agree. Just guess my riddles.

A tail with patterns, boots with spurs.

At night he sings and counts time.

Baba Yaga: My daughter will guess this right now, she’s smart. All about me.

Kikimora: I know that. Alarm clock with a tail.

Ivanushka: Where did you see an alarm clock with a tail? (Children help solve the riddle)

Baba Yaga: Well, I made a little mistake, which happens to everyone.


Small, remote,
Passed through the earth
I found Little Red Riding Hood.

Kikimora: Miner.

Ivanushka: Did he go into the ground for his cap? (Children's answers.)

Kikimora: Just think, how smart they are. What is this?

Gun, candy, icicle, rocket.

The riddle is ready. Not a bull, not a cow.

Ivanushka: Who is this?

Kikimora: I don't know myself. I just came up with it.

Baba Yaga: Stop asking riddles here. Tell me the recipe for my beauty. Otherwise you will leave a wet spot.

Ivanushka: Okay, I convinced you. Write it down. You need to take a handful of chicken manure, a handful of Ariel, a pack of Tide, a liter of kvass. Steam and apply. It will quickly become beautiful.

Baba Yaga: Did you hear the guard? One leg here, the other there. March! Thank you, Vanya!

(Gives him a ball and Ivanushka leaves.)

Kikimora: Mom, go make me some ointment, and I’ll stay with the guys for now.

(The Snow Queen appears).

The Snow Queen: Servants! Where are you? (Devils run out.)

Are you all ready for the worst New Year yet? Report everything as it is. Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie.

1st trait: Everything, mother, is ready.

2nd trait: Everything, Your Evil Majesty, is ready, only ... (Fall to their knees.)

The Snow Queen: Just what?

Devils: (in unison). They didn’t order execution, they ordered mercy! The Snow Maiden does not agree to celebrate the evil year with us, she wants to go to the guys.

The Snow Queen: They couldn't persuade. The most important thing was not accomplished. Oh, you, I love you! For whose money did they drink, for whose money did they eat? I'll send you back to the fairy tale. You have to do everything yourself. Bring the Snow Maiden here.

(Ivan enters).

Ivanushka: Well, either you hand over the Snow Maiden right away or we’ll fight. (Takes out a large box of matches.)

The Snow Queen: Okay, okay, I'll give it to you. Just take these matches away. (Make three claps.)

(The Snow Maiden appears.)

Ivanushka: That's it.

The Snow Queen: Let the Snow Maiden play with me and the guys.

Snow Maiden: Fine. Let's play a game. You must answer yes or no.

Is Santa Claus known to everyone? (Yes).
Does he arrive at seven sharp? (No).
Is Santa Claus good? (Yes)
Loves fur coats and galoshes? (No).
Will he bring gifts? (Yes).
Is the trunk good for our Christmas tree? (Yes).
Was it cut down with a double-barreled shotgun? (No).
What grows on the Christmas tree, pine cones? (Yes).
Tomatoes and gingerbread? (No).
Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold? (No).
Has he been friends with me for a long time? (Yes).
You came to our Christmas tree -
Did you bring deuces in your bags? (No).
Did everyone bring laughter together? (Yes).
Joy, happiness and success? (Yes).

The Snow Queen: Commendable, children, I am very pleased. For your steadfastness and for your courage, I return the Snow Maiden to you.

Snow Maiden: Thank you, Snow Queen. And because you let me go, you can stay at our holiday. And the guys and I will sing song 017 "In the New Year's forest."

Winter: Where is Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden:

Fun doesn't come to mind
The celebration is gone!
What kind of New Year is this?
No grandfather alone?
Who can tell us now
Welcome speech?
Now there are no gifts to give out
And you can’t light the Christmas tree...

Winter: I know how to find him! We'll call him now. When I wave my right hand, the guys on the right will imitate a blizzard (U-u-u), when I wave my left hand, the guys on the left will imitate a blizzard (Sh-sh-sh), and when I wave both hands together, all the guys will scream loudly - "Santa Claus! Come to us!" Ready? ( Repeat 2-3 times.)

(Knock on the door.)

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus is knocking at the entrance,
Shakes the snow off his hat...
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
How much joy everyone has.
We have been waiting for this day for a long time.
Haven't seen each other for a whole year
Sing, ring under the tree,
New Year's round dance!

(Santa Claus enters to the music.)

Father Frost: I am very glad to return to you. Without Ivanushka, dear guys, we would not have found the Snow Maiden. Thank you. As I promised, I will fulfill your every wish.

Ivanushka: I need proof that I'm smart.

Father Frost: Let me reward Ivanushka and give him a certificate. (Gives a certificate). Be happy, Ivan.

Father Frost:

I came to your holiday
Make it fun for your friends!
So that I myself can be cheerful!
Can you play?
Songs to sing and dance?

Snow Maiden:

We gathered at the Christmas tree
In the New Year's round dance,
To meet together
Glorious New Year!

Father Frost:

So let's get up guys
In a big round dance.
Everyone let the Christmas tree
He will sing a song!

Snow Maiden: Wait, Grandfather Frost, we haven’t turned on the lights on the Christmas tree yet!

Father Frost: Sorry, I forgot. What does it take to light them?

Snow Maiden: Must be pronounced magic words.

Father Frost: I know these words.

Our Christmas tree with a head
All covered with gray hair,
And the thick needles keep
The smell of summer is resinous.
So that the cones turn
In multi-colored balls,
So that the snowflakes sparkle,
Without melting from the heat,
So that the stars shine with rays
The heights were brightly lit,
Let's say together, together with us:
Our Christmas tree is lit up!

(Everyone repeats the words and the tree lights up.)


Let the Christmas tree sparkle with elegant lights,
Let the songs and laughter never cease.
And may this whole year be joyful -
You are all very nice people.

Father Frost: And it’s not a sin to dance and dance under such a tree.

Song "Song about the Christmas tree"

Father Frost:

Celebrate the New Year with a song!
Celebrate the New Year with dancing!
Who's the poem? good one knows,
I hope he will read it to us?

Winter: Guys, let's tell Santa Claus poems (Children read poems)

Snow Maiden:

What are you, Grandfather Frost,
You sit there and wonder.
It's like you're rooted to the floor,
Don't you dance, don't sing?

Father Frost: Yes, I sit and think: “Am I frost or not frost?” Oh, and I'll freeze you. Well, stretch your hands forward. The song “Three White Horses” is played by the game “I’ll Freeze”

Father Frost: Didn't freeze anyone. Eh, old age is no joy. Oh, I can’t take it anymore, let me sit.

Snow Maiden: Sit down, grandpa, and look at what beautiful costumes the guys have.

(To the music of 035 Dance - the game “Who is it?” children show off their costumes.)

Father Frost: Oh, I'm an old fool! Head with a hole! I completely forgot about the gifts!

Snow Maiden: Nothing, grandpa. The guys will sing you a song now, and then you will give them gifts. Song "New Year"

Father Frost:

Come, honest and brave people,
Well done, daring.
Blondes, brunettes, redheads and others,
Eager for New Year's gifts!
I inform the whole world
In the strictest confidence:
Today there is no refusal for anyone.
We have countless gifts,
Run if you want!

(To music 015 " New Year gifts"Father Frost and Snow Maiden give gifts to the children.)

Father Frost:

The holiday sparkles bright,
The kids are having fun
New Year gifts
We got everything. Hooray!!!

Baba Yaga: Happy New Year, you guys, Happy New Year! Good morning!


The time has come to say: see you again!
New Year's Carnival is over
You were visiting your dear friends -
IN wonderful fairy tale everyone has visited.

Baba Yaga:

The Christmas tree is shaking its branches...
Says goodbye, must be with you.

Father Frost: Well, let’s tell the tree...

All(in unison). Goodbye, see you next winter! (Everyone repeats).

Winter: Now you can take pictures with fairy-tale characters and then dance! So, 1st grade is invited to take photographs with fairy-tale characters, then 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades.

Holiday music plays
The Snow Maiden appears on the stage
Snow Maiden: Hello, festive tree!
Hello little people!
I'm very glad that we are together
Here we celebrate the New Year!
A dense forest, a blizzard field
The winter holiday is coming to us.
So let's say it together:

Let's guys all shout 3-4 together
“Hello, hello New Year!”
The guys are shouting together
Snow Maiden: Guys, didn’t Grandfather Frost come?
The guys answer
Snow Maiden: Where has he gone now? Let's all call him together. Maybe he got lost, but he will hear us and answer the call.
The children and the Snow Maiden call Father Frost.
Snow Maiden: What should we do, guys? What's the New Year without my Grandfather? Maybe the magic mirror knows where Santa Claus is
Music plays, Snow Maiden takes out a magic mirror
Snow Maiden: My light, mirror, tell me and tell me the whole truth.
I’m not laughing today, my grandfather didn’t come.
What happened to him on the road? Maybe he is waiting for help from us?
Mirror: I know where your Santa Claus is. He brought gifts for you.
He walked along a long road, but he was apparently a little tired,
I didn’t cast a spell with a staff, and ended up at the carnival.
Snow Maiden: He’s probably in another country, because we don’t have a carnival. Let's guys say the magic words and go in search of Santa Claus. Repeat after me:

Time stop! Grandfather Frost appear
Music sounds, Papuans appear and perform a dance.
Snow Maiden: Dear African residents, could you help us? Tell me, please, is there a carnival in your country today?
Papuan 1: Today we celebrate the Afro-Safaropapuan New Year!
Snow Maiden: Does Santa Claus ever visit you?
Papuans together: Everything happens with us!
Papuan 2: Guys, let's play "New Year's Steam Locomotive"
Papuans organize a round dance,
The Papuan names a part of the body, the children take hold of it and move one after another.
Papuan 3: We didn’t even think that you were so brave, fast, and dexterous.
Papuan 4: And you deserve to see our Santa Claus.
Papuans bring out the tribal leader
Snow Maiden: Unfortunately, this is not our Grandfather Frost. We will have to repeat the magic words once again:
The Snow Maiden repeats with the children
The power of cold and ice! The power of the night, the power of the day!
The power of the north and south! Let a miracle happen now!
Time stop! Grandfather Frost appear!
(2 Clowns enter, one has binoculars hanging from his neck)
Clown 1: Hello guys!
Clown 2: Eh, you don’t know how to say hello. You see how quietly they answered you.
Look how you should greet: “Great, guys!”
(They walk around the tree and say hello)
Clown 1: Hello, boys!
Clown 2: Hello, girls!
Clown 1: Hello, parents!
Clowns (together): Hello, all viewers!
Clown 2: Hello, New Year's holiday! Christmas tree and winter holiday
Today we will invite all our friends to the Christmas tree.
Clown 1: Together with the whole country we will celebrate the New Year
Let's begin our round dance with a cheerful ringing song.
Clown 2: Come to us for the long-awaited holiday, New Year’s, in the brilliance of the stars,
The welcome guest arrives - Good Grandfather Frost!
Clown 1: We’ll tell him poems, we’ll sing songs to Grandfather,
Now let’s call Grandfather together.
Clown 2: Let’s shout together, loudly: “Santa Claus, come to the Christmas tree!”

(A melody plays, one of the clowns climbs onto a chair and looks through binoculars)

Father Frost? No! Who is he?
(Baba Yaga runs in with her, Kikimora and Leshy)
Baba Yaga: Ege - gay! Here I am! And my relatives are with me!
Clown 1: So, Grandma, we asked that here evil spirits -
And neither in spirit nor in foot! You took them with you!
Baba Yaga: You, “timid” guys, are not “making noise”,
and first “ask” me
“Say hello” to the children!
Goblin, take you for a fool!
Say hello to the kids
“Their” parents!
(Clears throat and begins to say hello)
And “mums” and “dads”
Sends greetings “Yagusya”!
Leshy: “Hello,” all honest people.
Kikimora: What are you doing here, “Fulugans”? What are you gathered here for? Al what happened?
Leshy: Look, grandma, there’s a Christmas tree. And since the tree is decorated.
Clown 2: Let's guys stand around the tree and sing a song about her in honor of the guest from the forest.
(Song “Round Dance”)
Baba Yaga: Why are you crying? They sang “New Year, New Year, a bright holiday!”
Clown 1: It's a holiday today, grandma!
Baba Yaga: What kind of holiday are you having, grandfather?
Clown 1: What kind of grandfather am I?
Baba Yaga: What kind of grandmother am I?
Baba Yaga: Well, now do you understand what I should be called?
All: Baba Yaga!
Baba Yaga: No, that's not correct. That's what you should call me. Grandmother - Yagusenka.
Kikimora: Vredina is picky.
Goblin: Greedy - beef.
Kikimora and Leshy (together): Yabeda - koryabeda!
Leshy: Can you dance for us the most fashionable dance in our forest?
Clown 1: What is this?
Leshy: Well, I forgot what it's called. Well, like this (shows, grabs the lower back). Well, one about legs, about hands, about ears, about a nose.
Clown 2: Boogie-Woogie?
Leshy: It doesn’t matter what it’s called. You don't know how to dance it.
Music is playing, children are dancing around the tree, repeating the movements of evil spirits.
Baba Yaga (looks around, sees a teapot, takes it in her hands):
Whose vessel? Aw! Nobody here. It will be mine.
Kikimora: No, mine! Give it back!
Baba Yaga: I won’t give it up! My!
Leshy: No, this is my thing!
(Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Leshy pull the vessel in different directions, it opens. The lights go out, mysterious music sounds.)
Baba Yaga: Oh, mommy, what a horror!
Leshy: Guard! Save yourself who can!
(Leshy, Kikimora, Baba Yaga scatter in different directions, a Genie appears from under the table or tree)
Genie: A camel caravan is walking in the sands, white dunes lie in the desert.
My name is Hasan-Abdurahman, I am the son of the honorable Hottab.
Baba Yaga: Who are you?
Kikimora: Where did you come from?
Jinn: I am Hasan-Abdurrahman-ibn Hottab - the Jinn from the vessel. And who are you, my good saviors?
Baba Yaga: I am Baba ibn Yaga.
Kikimora: And I am Kikimora-ibn-Lesnaya.
Leshy: And I, and I am Leshy-ibn-Bolotny.
Baba Yaga: So you say we are your rescuers?! This is good.
(Leshy, Kikimora and Baba Yaga whisper)
Goblin: Listen, they say that genies can do anything.
Genie: They say the truth.
Kikimora: And now, my friend, continue the holiday.
Genie: I listen and obey, lady! Fuck-tibidoh-tibidoh-fuck! Everybody dance! (game “Christmas trees - stumps”).
Music is playing, children are dancing. When I say “Christmas trees,” you stretch out to your full height and raise your arms up. And when I say “stumps,” you quickly squat down and hug your knees with your hands.
Genie: You dance well. Can you sing?
Baba Yaga: Oh, thank you, it was hilarious how you made us laugh.
The old grandmother was tired, and it was time to sleep.
I’ll lie down here for a while and head out onto the path.
Leshy: And I wanted to sleep for some reason.
Kikimora: Let's rest here. Let's sleep for an hour or two.
Clown 1: We guys, let's play a game. If you agree with us, clap and say “Yes.” If you don’t agree, stomp and say: “No.”
Clown 2: Is Santa Claus known to everyone?
Clown 1: Does he come exactly at seven?
Clown 2: Is Santa Claus a good old man?
Clown 1: Wears a fur coat and galoshes?
Clown 2: Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold?
Clown 1: Is he friends with the Snow Maiden?
Clown 2: Did you come to our Christmas tree?
Clown 1: Did you bring deuces in your bags?
Clown 2: Will Santa Claus come soon and bring gifts to everyone?
Clown 1: Don’t you think, my dears, that there is someone missing among us?
Clown 2: Oh, you're right. Have you guys guessed who is missing at the New Year's party?
All: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!
Clown 1: Dear Hasan-Abdurakhman-ibn-Hottabych, come up with something, we can’t live without Santa Claus.
Genie: I listen and obey! Fuck-tibidoh-tibidoh-fuck!

Clown 2: I see snow swirling in the distance. Someone is rushing here to join us.
Baba Yaga: Well, why did you go broke!
Kikimora: You don’t let me sleep!
Leshy: Where are your Father Frost and Snow Maiden?
Kikimora: That Jin is weak to show you a miracle. Everyone is already tired of waiting.
Genie: I listen and obey, lady! Fuck-tibidoh-tibidoh-fuck!
(Clown 2 climbs onto a chair, looks through binoculars in all directions)
Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out
Santa Claus: Hello guys, we finally found you
Snow Maiden: Hello guys! We are so glad to meet you.
(Baba Yaga and her gang run up and examine and feel Father Frost and the Snow Maiden)
Santa Claus: Who is this? Isn't that you Baba Yaga? And even with all their ill-mannered relatives. Get out of here! I'll freeze it now!!!
Clown 1: Wait, Santa Claus! Baba Yaga is not evil at all. She changed a lot and became friends with the guys. Yes, guys?
Snow Maiden: And they didn’t do anything bad to you?
Clown 1: No, no! Vice versa. Tell me guys!
Santa Claus: Well, I willingly believe you! And I’m very glad that Baba Yaga will now only be good deeds study.
Baba Yaga: I’m so glad that I flew here to you for the holiday. Have any of you guys ever flown? Come out - come on, whoever flew on an airplane in a dream, I’ll give you a competition, and whoever wins will be rewarded.
Guys, stand in a circle, here is my flying machine. Pass it around while listening to music. If the music stops, whoever has my broom in his hand flies out of the game and so on until the fastest one remains. Well, let's fly!
The game “Broom” is played to the songs of B. Yozhek.
Baba Yaga: Oh, what a nimble fellow you are, now I’ll reward you. For this, I’ll give you a ride on my machine for my prize and take you to your place.
Baba Yaga places the winner on a broom and is given a circle around the tree. He takes out a jar containing gummy worms from under the tree.
Baba Yaga: Dear man, take the worms, I collected them in the forest and marinated them, then dried them with fly agaric mushrooms, you will lick your fingers.
He gives the jar to the winner and delivers him to the place on a broom.
Santa Claus: Let's play my favorite game, friends:
Whoever I slap on the palm, I’ll freeze and take away.
Oh, you guys, don’t yawn and put your palms away.
Snow Maiden: Hurry up and let everyone sing in a round dance -
A wonderful Christmas tree is waiting for us. The more guests
The more friends you have, the more fun it will be.
(The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is performed)
Snow Maiden: Well, who prepared surprises for Grandfather Frost? Who learned New Year's poems for the holiday?
Those who wish can read poetry
Santa Claus: Well, now it’s time for me to leave.
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, you haven’t done something yet.
Santa Claus: Why didn't you? Did Santa Claus play with the children?
All: Played.
Santa Claus: Did you dance near the Christmas tree?
All: Danced.
Santa Claus: Did you sing songs and make children laugh?
All: Made me laugh.
Santa Claus: What else did I forget?
Snow Maiden (loudly in the ear): You forgot your gifts.
Santa Claus: Me cheerful grandfather Frost brought gifts for everyone, but where did he put them? No, I don’t remember, I forgot. Didn't you leave it in the forest? I'll bring them now!
Santa Claus: Oh, what kind of rope is this, but it’s so long and it doesn’t stretch at all. Come on, children, help me. (Children, as in the game “Turnip”, take hold of each other and all together pull out the sled on which there is a box with gifts.
Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts to children.)
Santa Claus: Okay, guys, you’re having fun, but it’s time for me to congratulate the other guys.
Snow Maiden: An interesting game warmed the hall with smiles,
Time has flown by quickly, it’s time for us to part!
All together: Goodbye guys! See you again!

New Year tree scenario

Presenter (Alain):

Hello, dear guests!
New Year is knocking on the door,
IN New Year we believe in fairy tales
Happy New Year with a beautiful fairy
Miracles come to the house.

We sincerely congratulate you,
And we wish everyone good health.
May everyone be happy
It will be this new year!

Dear friends, I invite you on an exciting journey through the New Year's forest. Here you will meet old acquaintances.
Now, I can already hear voices... (music) (two wolves come out and carry a chest)

1st wolf (Aitugan):
Oh the weather is cold
The wind is howling
All my bones hurt
My lower back hurts.

My stomach is empty
And there's an ache inside
Whatever God brings
hunt to die

2nd wolf (Ainaz):
You, my friend, have become not yourself
You know you're suffering from headaches
The holiday is coming - New Year
And you are full of worries.

Okay, so don't be mopey
And look here
Magic golden chest
I stole from Snegurka herself.

1st in . (Aytugan): - What is valuable in it?
2nd century (Ainaz): – This chest contains interesting tales, funny Games and dancing. This chest is also full of magic.
1st century (Aytugan) :Hooray! Let's turn into New Year's heroes. We'll come to the party and pick up all the gifts!
2nd (Ainaz) - And let's eat properly!

(The music of “Masha and the Bear” begins to sound)

1st wolf (Aitugan):
- Let's hide, someone is coming! (Masha runs into the hall in mittens and a hat).

Masha (Alexandra):
Merry winter has come -
There's a mess of snowflakes all around.
The sun froze to the ice,
I go to the skating rink in the morning.

And it stings my nose painfully
Angry Santa Claus!
Hello guys!

(Bear ENTERS, speaking out of breath)

Bear (Denis): Well, you’re smart, Masha. Can't keep up with you. I welcome you guys to our New Year's forest.
Masha (Alexandra): “And I want to play! I want to play!"
Bear (Denis): We have no time to play, we need to prepare for the New Year: make a treat - jam, and you ate all the berries!
Masha (Alexandra): a game The guys and I will now collect so much delicious food for you, cook as much as you want. Will you help me? (4 people are called, various objects are scattered on the floor, you need to collect those that can make jam. Who has more?)

Bear (Denis): Oh, and I’ll prepare a treat for Santa Claus! Come on, Mashenka, get the kids into a round dance, let’s start having fun, and then you’ll see that Santa Claus will come to visit us. (Children sing a song) (wolves dressed as Snowflake and Snow Maiden enter).

Song “Little Christmas Tree” (round dance)

1st wolf (Aitugan):
I am Snow Maiden, granddaughter of Grandfather
What a fidget
La la la la la la,
That's how restless I am.

2nd wolf (Ainaz):
I'm a funny snowflake
Let's walk along the paths together
We're going to embarrass ourselves now
Let's bewitch someone here!

Masha (Alexandra):
Are you the Snow Maiden? Grandfather's granddaughter?
You say you're restless?
Come on, sing and dance for us
Make everyone at the Christmas tree laugh.

1st wolf (Aitugan): Where can I be seen having fun here?
Masha (Alexandra): Are you the Snow Maiden or not? Where, granddaughter, is your grandfather?
1st wolf: Grandfather got a little sick and sent us to take his place.

Masha (Alexandra): Tell me, Snow Maiden, where you have been, Tell me, dear, how are you!
Wolf: I kept wandering through the forest, ehe-he. I went everywhere and everywhere!
Masha: Wolf:

Snowflake dance

Masha: Light the Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, show us the lights, Snow Maiden!
Wolf: What you. Dear Masha, I can’t! How can I burn this Christmas tree?
Masha: Come on, Snow Maiden, come out and dance!
Wolf: You know that Mash (3 r.) Wait!

(they dance with Masha in defeat) (They sit on the floor, wipe off the sweat, put the chest aside. Masha crawls up and pulls it off.)

Masha: Oh, what a beautiful thing!
1st wolf: Don't touch it, it's mine!
Masha: And you catch up. (while running) Guys, hold hands and don’t let the wolves follow me (starts running around in a round dance. Children hold hands and as in “Cat and mouse help Masha run away.) song from the cartoon

Wolves collapse from fatigue in the middle of the hall

SONG " Ү ste chyrshibyz urmanda "(round dance)

1st wolf: Legs ache,
2nd wolf: It hurts in my stomach!
Masha: ABOUT!!! Now we will be treated!

(Puts on a cap, a statoscope, and takes out a large syringe!)

I can heal!!!

(the wolves crawl away in fear, she follows them. They get up and run in the other direction. There the Bear catches them)

Bear: Oh yes Masha. Well done! On clean water will bring out whoever you want! (Takes the wolves by the ears)

Admit it, what are you up to?

1st wolf: We are, we are just...
2nd wolf: We accidentally...
1st wolf: We will improve!
2nd wolf: ...and we will help you
Masha: And what's that? (shows chest)
1st wolf: - Carefully! This magic chest, we ourselves have not yet figured out how it works...
Masha: - Oh, why is it so shiny? Well, let's see!
Gets two hot air balloon and a note: “We urgently need to discover two planets and populate them with as many inhabitants as possible. Otherwise, you will all disappear into a magic chest!”

2nd wolf: (desperately) I told you...
Bear: a game Guys, help Masha - we need four people. Your task is to quickly and accurately inflate the balloons and paint them with as many people as possible.
Wolves: and we will help you! One, two, three, hurry up!

(game, a fairy appears to the music

Fairy: I was summoned by the power of an open magic chest. THIS IS NOT A SIMPLE CHEST, AND IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO HANDLE IT, THEN IT'S BETTER NOT TO TOUCH IT, IT IS HAPPYLY fraught with danger.
Masha: no danger! we're just playing... and he takes out a black star from the chest: (mysterious music begins to sound) “BLIAZMAGE”

Masha: Wow! (menacing magical music sounds louder) Queen Grella bursts into the hall)
I am Queen Grella
I rule very strictly,
And twenty-eight dwarfs
They work for me
And if they don't listen,
And if they don't -
I'm a stick with a thorn
I'll make you listen!

(the wolves hide behind the Fairy) (Turns around and sees Masha.)

Ooo! Why are not you working? Go to work immediately!

Masha: (proudly)
What more! And turns away

(Grella pricks Masha with a thorn, throws a large scarf over her, Masha puts a mask on her face)

Masha: Oh-oh-oh!
Grella: (to children) Why are you standing there, obnoxious dwarfs, come on, get to work! Let's turn everyone into squirrels! We will arrange a New Year for you!
Bear: Mashenka! What happened to you? Dear Fairy, save her. We need to send the heartless monster back into the chest!
Fairy: Oh, and it's hard to deal with the mischievous Queen Grella... Queen Grella doesn't like fun. Boys and Girls, a merry dance will weaken the powers of the evil queen!

dance of little ducklings (ALL CLASSES)

And also good words can stop the evil witch! Guys, you know the kind, magical and funny words? (children name words, this makes the queen feel hot)

Grella: Oh, Oh, Oh, how hot I am! Enough, stop it, obnoxious dwarfs!...The queen disappears to the music!
Fairy (charms): - Let Mashenka get her former appearance! (covers it with a cloth, and the mask is removed along with the cloth.)
Masha: Eww! Who put such a bad tale in the chest there? Thank you, Fairy!
Bear: You will find adventures for yourself, Masha!
Fairy: Well, before we “break any wood”, let’s invite the most long-awaited guests of today’s holiday.
1st wolf: I know, it's the Snow Maiden!
2nd wolf: Will she forgive us?
Bear: And that depends on you.
Presenter: Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden, three or four:

(children call Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden: (runs into the hall) Hello, guys! The children answer.
I gathered it in my palm
Sparks of fiery blue stars
And today I’m giving them out to everyone,
And I sing magic songs
On this holiday with your friends!

Fairy: What magical song will you sing with the guys, Snow Maiden?
Snow Maiden: All the guys know this song. It is called:

SONG “What kind of tree is this” (round dance)

Fairy: Let's sing it all together!

Snow Maiden: Where is Grandfather Frost, isn’t he here yet?
1st wolf: I am not guilty!
2nd wolf: And I!
1st century: Snow Maiden, we really wanted to go to the children’s Christmas tree!
2nd wolf: Yeah, try some gifts. (1st pushes him in the side)
1st wolf: So they stole your magic chest.
Snow Maiden: You shouldn't have done it. That's why we got lost in the forest. Grandpa is probably already worried. Where is my magic mirror? (2nd Wolf takes the mirror from the Christmas tree)

My light, mirror, tell me,
Tell me the whole truth.
I'm not laughing today
My grandfather didn't come
Lost me on the way
How can I find him? (music)

VOICE OF SANTA CLAUS: Snow Maiden! Granddaughter! Aww!
Snow Maiden: Oh, my grandfather is already looking for me! Grandfather! Grandfather! I'm here! (Runs away).
Masha: Here you go! She ran away... I didn’t even look at her properly.
Fairy: (Consoles)
We're on New Year's Eve
Here we gathered at the Christmas tree,
So with a perky smile
Sing, play and have fun!

Let your faces bloom with a smile
The songs sound cheerful,
Who knows how to have fun
He knows how not to get bored!

Fairy: Let's sing, guys New Year's song, We will try, and in response to our voices, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will come out of the forest.

Song On English language 2nd grade

Masha: Let's say together: “Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, we are waiting for you!”

Music. Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

D.M.: Hello guys! (children answer!)
Father Frost:
There are many wonderful holidays,
Each one comes in its own turn
But the kindest holiday in the world is New Year!

Snow Maiden:
He gives us faith in a good chance,
To a new day and a new turn,
Helps you become better
Happy New Year to everyone in the world!

Father Frost: And on this dear New Year’s holiday, we are happy to congratulate you, friends!
Together: Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Fairy: Santa Claus! Look how fluffy and elegant our Christmas tree is! And the New Year's lights don't burn. Help the guys light the beautiful Christmas tree!
Father Frost: With great pleasure! May the cheerful laughter of children never cease, I light the Christmas tree for my dear friends!
Snow Maiden:
Let no one be bored
Let everyone rejoice!
Let the Christmas tree shine
In all its glory!

Father Frost:
Let's all say it together.
One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!

The children scream in unison.

Father Frost: Oh, yes, a Christmas tree! Oh, what a miracle! How slim and how beautiful! One, two, three, the Christmas tree is on fire.

Snow Maiden:
Let the merry round dance
The first one will celebrate the New Year!

Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” (round dance)

Father Frost:
I'm glad to laugh with you,
I'm glad to play with you
Come on, granddaughter, play my favorite game with the guys, and I’ll rest.

Snow Maiden:(GAME) Now I will divide you into several groups and give you a name divide the children into groups of 5 people: “flashlight”, “snowman”, “snowdrift”, “icicle”, (The children become groups, and the Snow Maiden inside the circle moves from one group to the other asks each of them different questions). Whatever questions I ask you, you can only answer the word that I told you. You can inflect the word and add prepositions to it if necessary. But you can’t laugh, whoever laughs is out of the game

What is your name?
What holiday are we celebrating today?
Where are you studying?
How do you decorate the Christmas tree?
Who are you like?
who cooks your food at school?
Where do you like to sleep?
What do you like to eat?

A game: The Snow Maiden plays a game“cross the river on the ice floes”

Two girls and four boys. The girls need to follow the leaves back and forth, and the girls rearrange the leaves (Music)

Father Frost: Dear guys, I know that you love vitamins at school, so Snegurochka and I brought you from fairy forest big bag of tangerines.

Snow Maiden: And since vitamins are very useful, you will eat them right now! (the wolves from behind the scenes pull out a large bag, untie it, and Masha comes out and eats the last tangerine)

Masha: Yum, yum, how delicious!!!
Bear: And I'm looking for you everywhere!
Fairy: Don’t be upset Grandfather Frost, the school is undergoing total C-vitaminization
1st wolf: They have something to replace tangerines at school with!

(2nd wolf brings out a lemon-honey-garlic mixture in a jar)

- Now we will feed you (trying to feed the children)

And the guys have prepared a consoling surprise for you(number from class)

Masha: “Misha, Misha, OH. And I started playing too much, my grandparents will worry"

I stayed with you
We need to get ready...
There's still a way to go through the forest,
I can't get there alone.

Misha, take me out
To the forest edge,
Along the way we will see
Traces of forest animals.

(they leave to the music)

Snow Maiden. A bright holiday, a bright holiday,
The sky is all covered in snowflakes.
Santa Claus brought gifts
New Year's Eve for you.

Father Frost.
New Year's gifts It's time to receive them.
Come on over, kids!

(Gives gifts to children)

Hey guys, well done!
All craftsmen, daredevils!
Look, granddaughter: a bag
My time is empty, and so is my time

Suits us. In a round dance
Let the people rise again.
We'll sing a song together
Let's go back!

Goodbye! Goodbye!
Don't be sad, honest people,
Wait exactly one year.

Snow Maiden: Grow up, don't get bored, and don't forget about us.
Final song

Olga Serova
New Year's scenario interactive presentation for children early age“How the animals decorated the Christmas tree”




The advantages of this construction New Year's holiday the fact that children do not need rehearsals and special training. Children are able to support all the proposed games both independently and when shown by adults. The holiday is based on a musical puppet show. Despite the simple plot (it is understandable even to the smallest children), the theme of kindness and responsiveness runs through the play (“This is dear to me, I need it myself, but YOU need it even more,” the characters receive approval from Yolochka, from the presenter for their kindness. This It is important to consolidate further, you can ask the children themselves: “What would you give to the Christmas tree?”, etc. Moral: everyone contributes to the common cause, which turns into a real holiday.

The performance has many different musical themes that reflect the character of a particular character.

The repertoire of musical interactive games may be different at the choice of the teacher or music director.

Decorations and attributes: a screen designed in the shape of a winter forest; Christmas tree (30-40 cm, toys-gifts for the Christmas tree (carrots, mushrooms, nuts, beads, cones, garland, rattles, nuts (Kinder surprise eggs, cones wrapped in foil, padding polyester snowballs, musical soundtracks, gifts.


Presenter (Snegurochka or Zimushka)

Puppet show:

Teddy Bear

Snow Maiden

Father Frost

Music is playing. Presenter (introductory remarks):

The theater opens

The fairy tale begins.

Introductory word about the fairy tale.

Bunny runs out:“Hello, dear guests, children and adults! I’m so glad, so glad, the New Year holiday is coming, it will be fun, there will be gifts...”

Leading:“Where are you going, oblique,

Are you walking barefoot in the snow?

Bunny:"I'm not afraid of frost,

I’m in a hurry for the holiday.”

Leading:“What holiday are you in a hurry for?”

Bunny:“For the New Year! For the New Year! Only now the fox is hunting me, watching me. We have to be very careful."

Leading:“The fox, you say, is hunting? I’ll go and see where this little fox is running” (the presenter goes behind the screen).

Fox:“Yes, yes, I’m hunting, I’m running...” (fast music plays)

The Fox and the Bunny run around until the Hare finally runs away from the Fox.

Bunny:“Ugh...I’m not afraid of frost,

I’m in a hurry for the holiday.”

The Owl appears.

Owl:“Uh, uh, uh.

What holiday are you in a hurry to attend?”

Bunny:“How - which one? For the New Year's holiday."

Owl:“Do you have a Christmas tree?”

Bunny:“Yes, I have a whole forest of Christmas trees. There are only fir trees in the forest.”

Owl (laughs):“He has Christmas trees, wow-wow-wow. You only need one, but what kind of one is it – a DECORATED TREE. People always decorate the Christmas tree, but you animals, what’s worse?”

Bunny:"One? Decorated? Yes, that's me in a moment. Now I’ll go and find a decorated Christmas tree. Bye, Owl! (runs away)".

Owl:“He’s always like this, this hare. He doesn’t listen enough and runs away. Where will he find Christmas tree decorations in the winter forest? Uh-uh-uh (flies away).”

The Bunny appears (sings):

"I'm not afraid of frost,

I'm in a hurry for the holiday.

I will decorate the Christmas tree

Light the lights."

Music is playing. Herringbone appears.

Christmas tree song:

“Soon there will be a holiday for the guys,

The lights on the Christmas trees are burning.

Only I’m completely alone, I don’t have any toys.

Instead there is snow on the branches, there are no bright lights.”

Bunny:“Oh, here comes the Christmas tree! Look, kids, what a beautiful Christmas tree!”

Herringbone:“Yes, I’m ugly, Bunny. Look, there’s not a single toy on my branches, not a single decoration - NOTHING (crying).”

Bunny(scratching his head, thinking): “Yes. I thought you were already dressed up. I didn’t listen to the end of wise Aunt Owl. How can I decorate you, Christmas tree? I have absolutely, absolutely nothing. If you want, I'll give you my carrot. True, I wanted to eat it myself, but that’s okay. After all, the New Year is the kindest holiday. And you will need carrots more. And I’ll pick some bark somewhere.”

With these words, the Bunny hangs a carrot toy on the Christmas tree: “Now you have one toy.”

The bunny rejoices at the decorated Christmas tree:

Bunny:“Well, Christmas tree, do you like it?”

Herringbone:"Very! Thanks honey!"

Bunny:“How beautiful you have become, Christmas tree! I even wanted to dance. And you, kids, (addressing the audience) clap for me!”

The bunny is dancing. Children clap their hands.

Bunny:"Oh thank you! Wow, I had so much fun! I’ll go and call my friend Hedgehog so that he can give you something too.”

The bunny leaves.

Appears Fox(music sounds): “Didn’t the Bunny run through here? I can smell him."

Leading(addressing the audience): “Let’s not say that we saw a bunny, let’s do this (the presenter covers his mouth with his finger).”

Music is playing. The Hedgehog appears.

The hedgehog sings a song:

"I'm not afraid of frost,

I'm in a hurry for the holiday.

I will decorate the Christmas tree

Light the lights."

Hedgehog:“Hello, Elochka! Hello, green beauty! Hello guys!

Bunny told me that you need to dress up. But I don't have any toys. There is only one mushroom, but I need it myself (he thinks).

But the New Year is the kindest holiday. And you will need the mushroom more.”

The hedgehog hangs a mushroom on the Christmas tree.

Hedgehog:“Now you have two toys: a carrot and a mushroom. How beautiful you have become!”

Herringbone:“Thank you, Hedgehog, you are very kind. By the way, Hedgehog, why are you walking in the forest? After all, in winter you usually sleep in your warm hole?”

Hedgehog:“Of course I’m sleeping, Yolochka! But how can you sleep on New Year's Day? So I decided to celebrate the New Year, have fun with my animal friends and go back to the hole again, until the warmest spring. It’s just that I’m frozen for some reason, it’s unusual for me, Hedgehog, to walk in the cold.”

Leading:“Hedgehog, I think I’ve come up with something to keep you warm and have some fun at the same time. (Addresses the children) Let's, kids, let's play Hedgehog and Christmas Tree on the rattles (hands out rattles to the children).

Interactive music game: "Rattles"

Hedgehog:“Well, thank you, thank you so much! Wow, how warm I felt. You have to knock on the hollow. I’ll go and call my friend Belochka, she probably also has something for you, Elochka” (leaves).

Music is playing. Squirrel appears.

Squirrel sings a song:

"I'm not afraid of frost,

I'm in a hurry for the holiday.

I will decorate the Christmas tree

Light the lights."


The hedgehog told me that you need to dress up, but I don’t have any toys. There is only one nut, but I need it myself (he thinks). But the New Year is the kindest holiday. And you will need the nut more.”

The squirrel hangs a nut on the Christmas tree.

Squirrel:“Now you have three toys: a carrot, a mushroom and a nut. How beautiful you have become!”

Herringbone:“Thank you, Belochka, you are very kind.”

Squirrel:“And for you, funny guys, I brought riddles in a bag. Open the bag and take out my surprise.”

Interactive game with a surprise: “Nuts”.

Squirrel:“Well done, kids, how wonderful you played with the nuts. I’ll go and call my friend Soroka, she probably also has something for you, Elochka” (Squirrel leaves).

Appears Fox(music sounds): “Didn’t the Bunny run through here? I can smell him. There’s no way I can catch him!” (Runs away).

Music is playing. Appears Magpie.

The magpie sings a song:

"I'm not afraid of frost,

I'm in a hurry for the holiday.

I will decorate the Christmas tree

Light the lights."

Magpie:“Hello, Elochka! Hello, green beauty! Hello guys!

The squirrel told me that you need to dress up, but I don’t have any toys. There are only beads (addressing the audience): I love all sorts of shiny, beautiful things. ...So I feel a little sorry for the beads. ... But the New Year is the kindest holiday. And you’ll look like a princess in these beads, oh!”

Magpie hangs beads on the Christmas tree: “Now you have four toys: a carrot, a mushroom, a nut and my beads.”

Herringbone:“You are my magpie, Belobok! How kind you are - you gave me the beads, now I’m so elegant, there are no words, thank you!”

Magpie: Such joy, such beauty, I want to have so much fun! Kids, let's have some fun.

Musical and dance game "Birds".

Magpie:“It seems that we have dressed you up, Christmas tree.”

Teddy bear:“Wait, wait, I haven’t had time to give anything to the Christmas tree yet. I have something like this for her..."

Surprise moment "Bumps".

The presenter “takes” from the Little Bear a basket containing “frozen” cones wrapped in foil.” Children are invited to find out what is wrapped there.

Teddy bear:“Oh, well done kids, you played well. And for you, Elochka, here is my cone (hangs a cone on the Christmas tree). Christmas tree, how beautiful you have become. How many toys do you have: one, two, three, four, five..."

Christmas tree:“Thank you Mishka! You know, I would really like Grandfather Frost to see me. Guys, do you want Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden to come to our holiday? (Yes) Mishka, do you know where he lives?

Teddy bear:"Certainly!

Animals know Santa Claus

We have fun playing with him

The house behind that pine tree

He is beautiful and big!

Now, Christmas tree, I’ll call him!” (Runs away).

The ringing of bells is heard. To the music, Father Frost with a bell and the Snow Maiden appear.

Father Frost:“Here he is, here he is, here I am.

Hello my friends!

Hello moms, dads,

Grandmothers and grandfathers!

There are so many people in the hall,

I see a glorious holiday here.

Mishenka told me the truth

That the guys are waiting for me!”

Father Frost:"Oh! (notices the Christmas tree)

Hello, Christmas tree beauty,

Eyes widen...

Who dressed you up like that?

Who gave the toys?

Christmas tree:"Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Hello, Snow Maiden!

Forest animals came to me,

Dressed them up with their toys.

Now I’m a beauty too!

I like all the toys!”

Father Frost:“Oh, yes, little animals, oh, well done!”

Lisa appears:“And I’m thinking, who is Elka talking to? I thought with the Hare. And she is chatting with Santa Claus. Where is the Hare?

Father Frost:“Little fox, why do you keep chasing the hare? If you chase, he will beware of you, and at the same time all his friends. And you will remain in New Year's Eve no holiday, no friends and no gifts.”

Fox:“And you’re telling the truth, Grandfather Frost. I don’t want to be alone on holiday. I won’t chase the hare anymore, I’ll be friends with everyone.”

Snow Maiden:“How beautiful our Christmas tree is,

How beautiful is her outfit.

But the lanterns on the tree

For some reason they don't light up.

Grandfather Frost, what should we do?”

Father Frost:“This matter is not a question:

I am the magical Santa Claus.

I knock loudly with my staff:

There will be everything I want!

Let’s say together: 1,2,3 – our Christmas tree is on fire!” - 2 times

The lights on the tree light up.

Christmas tree:“Thank you, Grandfather Frost! Now I also have lights!

Father Frost:“Please, Christmas tree!”

Father Frost:“Do you guys like the Christmas tree? (Yes)

Aren’t you afraid of frost?”


Father Frost:“What if my hands get cold?”

Children:"We'll clap."

Father Frost:“What if your feet get cold?”

Children:"We'll drown."

Father Frost:“And to make us warmer,

Let's go sing a song quickly,

Hold hands

Stand in a circle!”

Children and adults dance in a circle around a large Christmas tree.

Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Snow Maiden:“Guys, let's play with the Christmas tree!”

Communication game "Lights".

“Our Christmas tree is standing, lit with lights,

And the heels will stomp and the lights will go out (children stomp).

The lights have gone out, no beautiful Christmas tree no lights.

Let's light the lights!"

Children with adults: “Clap, clap, say, our Christmas tree is burning!” (clap)

The Christmas tree is lit with lights (children clap).

Father Frost:"Oh! Guys, I’m hot, I’m not used to living in the warmth.”

Snow Maiden:“Guys, take snowballs, let’s play with grandpa so that he can feel better.”


Game "Snowballs".

Snow Maiden:“Good Grandfather Frost, have you brought us gifts?

Father Frost:“I brought gifts for everyone

After all, I am a good Santa Claus!

Presentation of gifts, surprise games, mini-disco.

The animal heroes can take turns coming out from behind the screen, greeting the children, playing with them, and communicating.


  • Father Frost
  • Snow Maiden
  • Tsarevna-Nesmeyana
  • Hottabych
  • Parsley
  • Aliens
  • Snowflakes
  • Teddy Bear
  • Presenter

(The hall is decorated festively. Music is playing. Parents enter, children start a round dance around the Christmas tree. A signal sounds.)

Presenter: Hello, kids!

Girls and boys!

Let's sing about our Christmas tree!

(Everyone sings the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”)

Presenter: You came to our Christmas tree to have fun. Grandfather Frost loves joyful faces. He bypasses them. He does not come to the holiday to crybabies and lazy people. No matter how many times they call. Are there crybabies and lazy people among us?

The children answer.

Presenter: So you can call Santa Claus.

(Loud crying is heard, the Tsar and Princess Nesmeyana come out.)

Presenter: What happened?

King: I don’t know myself.

He's been crying since the morning.

Presenter: Nesmeyana, don’t shed any tears. And have pity on the kids. Santa Claus will not come to us if someone sheds tears.

(Nesmeyana cries even louder.)

King: She doesn’t hear anyone

And roars without a break. How can I help her stop?

Presenter: Should we dance?

(We dance “Lazy People.” He cries loudly without laughing.)

Tsar: Soon my daughter will feel bad.

Only a miracle will help here!

Presenter: We have a main wizard! The wisest and funniest! He will create any Miracle with his beard. Did you guys guess? This is our old man Hottabych!

(The children call Hottabych. The lights go out, extravaganza, music, Hottabych appears.")

Hottabych: Hello, my dear friends!

The most precious pearls of my heart. The wisest of the wise. The funniest of the funniest.

(Nesmeyana cries loudly)

Hottabych. Oh, treasure of my soul, why are you screaming like that? Why are you ruining this wonderful holiday for my friends?

(Nesmeyana cries even louder.)

Presenter: Help us, Hottabych. Make the non-laughing one laugh.

(Hottabych walks around the Christmas tree and says the words: These are the magic words: Turkish delight, sherbet, halva. Someone help us Nesmeyane to bring back the laughter.

(Light. Extravaganza. Music A bear comes out.)

Bear: Happy New Year, kids! Both girls and boys! I heard you are in trouble - Tears are flowing like water. Who ruined the children's holiday? Show me where the prankster is.

(Everyone turns to the sienna, and there Nesmeyana begins to dance even louder.)

Bear: It’s a shame for a girl to cry.

You are the Princess! Not a bear. It’s better to dance with us and laugh from your heart.

(Everyone dances “Lyavonikha.” And the king and the princess on stage also try to dance. But after the dance, there are tears again.)

Hottabych: There is no escape from the roar. My ears will burst soon.

(Hair tears, light, extravagant music, Parsley appears.

Parsley: I am Parsley, mischievous

The whole day is like a clockwork. I amuse everyone and make them laugh and dance tirelessly. Come on, open your eyes and welcome the artists!

(The dancers enter the music. Nesmeyana is crying.)

Parsley: Where is the unfortunate princess? Come on, get off stage. Dance with me quickly. This dance is mischievous.

(Everyone performs the “Ice Ceiling” dance. But Nesmeyana is still crying. Hottabych walked around the tree, covering his ears. The Tsar runs up to him.)

Tsar: There is no more urine.

My daughter is crying. Who will help me in misfortune? Who will save us from misfortune? I’ll save Nesmeyanu myself. I’ll return her smile myself.

(The king pulls out a hair from Hottabych’s head. He casts a spell. Light, extravaganza, music. Aliens have appeared. A voice sounds against the background of music.)

Who's crying? Who is shedding tears here?

(Nesmeyana on the sienna approaches the king and wrings out her handkerchief.)

We came to you with a task:

I dare not make you laugh,

Dry her tears.

Let the music play louder

We invite everyone to dance.

(Everyone performs “Tanya with Fashionable Moves.”)

How fun we live here

Presenter: But Nesmeyana doesn’t laugh!

Hottabych: I’ll try for the last time, What if it works now.

(Lights, extravaganza, music, snowflakes come out. The princess begins to spin with them, puts on a cape and has fun.)

Tsar: Well, Hottabych, udruzhid

The laughter returned to my daughter. My daughter has become even more beautiful! And out of such joy we will dance with snowballs, repeat everything after me.

(Everyone performs “Tanya with Snowballs.”)

Nesmeyana: Well, thank you guys.

That's it, the end of my whims.

I'll tell you a riddle

Not simple, but with a surprise.

Near the Christmas tree in every home

Children dance in a circle.

What is the name of this holiday?

Guess it!

Children: New Year!

Nesmeyana: What year are we celebrating? How many of you guys know? As soon as we name all the numbers, they will light up with fire!

(Children name the year. The lights go out, the scoreboard lights up, the music comes on. Everyone is happy. The song “It’s good that every year” is sung)

Parsley: Everything shines and sparkles, Only the Christmas tree is not on fire. You, Hottabych, help, light the Christmas tree quickly.

Hottabych: Lighting up is not my question

Here we need Santa Claus. Nesmeyana: We forgot about him.

Let's call together:

Santa Claus, we are waiting for you!

(Everyone repeats this phrase. Music. Come out - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes.)

Snow Maiden: Hello, guys!

Santa Claus: The south wind told us that Young, cheerful, friendly, cheerful people are calling us to the Christmas tree

Parsley: Grandfather Frost, our Christmas tree isn’t burning!

Santa Claus: It's not a problem!

After all, I am always with you! Well, Snow Maiden, help me, repeat the words with me. With multi-colored lights, semi-precious stones, light up and sparkle!

Snow Maiden: Become radiant and sparkling. Light up and sparkle with golden tinsel!

(Santa Claus brings his staff to the Christmas tree, a signal sounds, music sounds, the Christmas tree lights up)

Nesmeyana: The tree lit up with bright lights.

King: In festive attire,

In festive glory.

Parsley: And now, guys, sing with us, have fun and dance, everyone!

(Everyone sings the song “About the Christmas Tree.”)

Santa Claus: For everyone who works, who is cheerful, kind and brave, let his wishes come true, whatever he wants!

Presenter: Stand up, children, stand in a circle! Look - a friend is nearby. He has become kinder today.


More fun and bolder!

Parsley: As you say goodbye to the old year, join the round dance!

(Everyone sings the song “You came to visit us.”)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, look how beautiful and smart the guys are.

Santa Claus: In the New Year, it is customary to give gifts to everyone. And I have a gift for everyone - a big parade of costumes on our festive stage!

(Music sounds, children walk through the sienna, receive surprises from Santa Claus

Snow Maiden: We extended our kind palms to each other. And let's go, go in a circle in a New Year's round dance!

(The tanei song “Boom-boom-boom” is performed.)

Snow Maiden: The holiday was a great success! There were songs and fun.

Santa Claus: Happy New Year, my dear children! Happy New Year, dear parents! We had a great day. And we are sad to admit that the hour of farewell has come, It’s time for us to part.

Snow Maiden: We will part as friends, Let’s just say in advance: We will be very glad to see you New meeting in a year!

(We say goodbye to everyone. The final song plays.)

Suitable scenarios for the holiday: